Devotion that Changes the World

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Devotion that Changes the World

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Joyce Jo

62 Life Points

Romans 5:6 says with the Holy Spirit you are able to fulfill the law.  It is not something you do on your own, but you do it with the Holy Spirit. It’s the same with this, the life of the evangelist is something the Lord does, and how He leads us in our life.  The Holy Spirit leads us so that our life is used for evangelism.  Aligning myself to this means I am within the blessings.

Something I constantly say is, the problems we cannot see.

Satan – John 8:44

When did sin begin? Satan, and Satan continuously makes people reject God, to go against God.  If you don’t know this, you can’t interpret the things that come up in your life. We fell into Satan’s lies, and that’s sin. We should fight against Satan with faith, but we fall into unbelief.  The Bible continuously talks about this, so the Pharisees didn’t understand this.  They blamed their environment and situation. People seized by Satan have no choice. 

Sin, Hell

People suffer eternally in hell and live within the background of hell as they suffer here.  Schools and the world do not teach you this, to commit the sins you can see.

Sin, Success

This is how Satan deceives us with lies.  This invisible problem must be solved but instead we’re caught up by lies.


I learned that, even though the world is rough, just live well on your own. What does this mean? It means you can do it, and what does that mean? My parents said this, but they were deceived by the lies of Satan.  Because my parents were seized by Satan and Satan was their father, they had no choice but to teach this to me, “You can do it, you just need to be attentive and upright,” but you can’t solve your mental problems like this. You can’t stop disasters by being alert.  If war suddenly approaches, you can’t just be alert. The disaster must be blocked, but people teach the lies of Satan.

Physical, Success

All the books say, “Isn’t it worthwhile to leave your name behind, as you live for yourself and succeed?” the Bible records that this is why people are destroyed and fail. Some people still don’t understand this. The Bible talks of this but people listen to Satan attentively and believe that.  The Bible talks about the three fundamental problems.  Because of the enemy and unbelief, you are separated from God, and that’s the origin from all problems.

Only Christ

Even though your Original Sin has been solved, you still have the sin nature.  Satan’s authority has been destroyed, we are no longer under that authority, but we can still be deceived by Satan. Under Satan’s authority, we cannot do anything else, but through Christ, we are liberated from the authority of Satan into the authority of God.  That’s why Satan’s authority can no longer do anything to me because the problem of sin is solved and the Kingdom of Satan is destroyed.  Satan no longer has a channel to seize us.

But Satan continues to deceive us to sin, what is this sin? It is the sin to make us not believe in God, how? He deceives us in this manner, and we fall into this.  That’s why Only Christ is the solution to all problems because He has solved the fundamental problem. Hold onto the covenant and believe. Through Christ, we are with the Triune God, it has been finished.  We have been liberated from Satan and no longer have to follow after sin.  We must not be deceived by Satan. Satan deceives us by me-centeredness, physical-centeredness, and success-centeredness. 

Me – Word | Physical – Saving (Power) | Success – World evangelization

Seized by Satan, we worry about solving problems. People think if they think deeply about something, they can solve a problem but these are people who do not deeply believe in God.  No matter how deeply they think, they’re still on this level.  That’s why in front of your problems, stand before the Word.  That’s why we pray instead of just thinking.  If you just think you’re trying to solve the problem with your thoughts, you become god, so you have mental problems as you think on your own. Your stress elevates.

When you meditate on God’s Word, you come to life with strength, but otherwise, you just get stressed.  People think about what benefits themselves, so we must decide what benefits not just myself, but what saves all people.  If pastors don’t do this, it becomes difficult, they only know themselves and the people related to them, and they can only think of themselves to that extent so they cannot do anything else.

If you want to save all things, make sacrifices and devote, that’s how other people will come to life.  For us, we have the gospel, but instead, we focus on our advantages and benefits, and that’s why, even though certain people come to life, the others are dead.  There’s money that came in, we can donate it to charity.  Even for the Winter Retreat, they were facing a $10,000 deficit, and we can just donate it. But if you think it’s a loss, then it is a loss because it comes from you, but if you’re focused on Genesis 3 and 6, it’s a loss.  But through our offering, if the weaker churches come to life, that is what God desires.

When we offered to give a donation, another bigger church gave $500 more, and I don’t know if they were embarrassed, but we can do that.  The other churches become embarrassed because they have more people and can offer so much more, but they pay last minute. They could’ve done that in the beginning. Do you think God would just turn His head, “Just do it on your own”?  If God sees how we use our finances to save others, God will continue to bless us in that way.

It is not that we succeed, but we succeed together for world evangelization.  Even though we have received the gospel, we can still fall into these three things, so that’s how we must change that.  God is bound to continue to work if He deems us necessary to use. 

Temple Construction, you want to come out of the curses of poverty, right? “But Pastor, I’m not poor,” are you just going to live in that manner the rest of your life? Think about it, are you going to receive the blessing of being able to do Temple Construction of our church and to help other churches do Temple Construction, or are you going to keep the small amount of money you have and lose it to your future generation? This is the frame of poverty, it is not yours.  Money is used by and moved by God.  It is not yours.  “Because I’m a young adult, I don’t have anything to give,” but you will continue to live like that, where you make money to only live and survive.  Money was given to do Temple Construction in Africa, but God did not deem it necessary, so we stopped it. We can even build churches in Karen and Mongolia, and God would not stop that.  But instead, we only think of me, my things, and even though God has prepared all these things, He cannot give it to you.

Your thoughts haven’t changed, but instead, you live a religious life, “If I give this offering for Temple Construction, God will bless me.”  Open up your heart, go all in, you just go all in, you throw in everything you have, then God will work and He is working.  He is watching to see if you will sacrifice Isaac or not. Before then, God will give you blessings little by little so that you don’t get angry, but later on, Abraham sacrifices Isaac, meaning he sacrificed everything in his life.

Is God telling us to do all this because He has no money? He says, “Now I know who you are.”  From then on, God will continue to work.  The Early Church seemed to be poor but they actually had the Throne of Heaven where they were able to do world evangelization.  How could we do world evangelization? How shall we teach our future generations about finances? Ultimately the Lord gives it to us.

God determines the stream of money. Just because it’s yours doesn’t mean it’s yours; God wants you to use it for something else. God will make you use your money at the hospital and the auto repair shop.  God will move your expenses elsewhere.  But if you’re within the stream God desires, God will take money from others and give it to you, why? It is the Lord’s heart.  The Lord moves all finances and economics. 

Biden said he would forgive $10-$20k in student loans, and that is what God allows.  Those who are qualified are probably excited, but some people are entering college and wonder, “Why can’t I qualify?” God will work.  There are other people, not just me, who witness that sometimes, they receive extra money without working for it.  We don’t even know why we receive that special money, it’s just there, God is moving that, the One Who sends manna from heaven. 

Pharisees had everything and were unable to overcome Rome; instead they bowed before Rome. The Early Church had nothing and was able to overturn Rome. Within the one thing, they realized God is the One Who works and does His work in Rome, and they concluded in that. That is when money will bow down to you and you’ll use that money for world evangelization.

That’s why we give offering in faith.  Or else, why give offering?  This is how we have the essence of Jesus Christ.  I studied abroad and there’s a Korean pastor who said, “Give tithe, 1/10th of what you make.” I learned it correctly from the very beginning, so the pastors see all the offerings, the pastors sees I’m a student studying abroad, but I still give tithe?  And the pastor had nothing to say because I was a new believer, yet I was giving tithe and doing evangelism.  The missionaries didn’t give tithe and students studying abroad shouldn’t tithe, but it’s the same even now. I experienced this from the beginning.

Money is not mine, money is given by God, so I was set free from that. If there’s a project God desires, God will give the finances.  That’s how I’ve lived until now.  My daughter says, “I have no money,” but I have everything in God.  She asked, “How much is in your account?” Because my wife talked about having a negative balance, she says I’m in debt and scoffs at me, but that’s her level and her faith at this time.

It’s not my debt; it’s debt God has to pay back, because I didn’t use that money uselessly, but if I did, then it’s God’s responsibility. I’m not saying to recklessly go into debt, but it doesn’t matter.  All of you are business people and you must be that way.  God gives you finances, do not tremble before your business, worrying about money.  If Tiffany goes into a company, the company must change their salary for Tiffany.  Joseph went into the palace and they had to listen to Joseph, but this was a power given to Joseph and that’s what Joseph enjoyed. That’s why he only boasted in the Lord.

That’s why all of you young adults must resolve through prayer, and that is when you will stand as a witness. There will be strange things that arise, when we came into this church, we started doing Temple Construction offering.  We bought this facility for $30,000, and they said they were selling it for $5,000, so that money strangely came in.  Because we originally didn’t have that money to begin with, but strangely, there was a miracle where that money just randomly came in and we were able to buy it.  So, for Yewon Church, they had a million dollar offering to build their church, so for each person, they needed to offer $1000, and that’s how they had a million dollars with 1000 people.

God does this, it’s not done by a church.  It’s not something you do because you have money, or you calculate it, but this is something God does, how?  God fills up that need, God will do it Himself and He just desires your faith. Do you really believe this?  Really offer up Isaac. “Now I know who you are,” and from that point on, God will pour His blessings upon you immensely.

This entire building is $1.5 million dollars, it’s more expensive than Yewon, because the land is very expensive.  But it doesn’t matter because if God desires it and we need it, God will work.  That is the blessing I’m talking about.  It’s not something you do diligently; of course, we must be diligent, but you cannot become the summit like that. You’ll just be a diligent slave to the world.  You’ll just be an honest slave.  But that’s the level and standard of unbelievers.  For us, our standard is only Christ, God’s power.

God’s Kingdom

If I have this, it doesn’t matter if I am nobody and have nothing, because from this, God will send people and work, because He changes people into the people of God’s Kingdom and we believe in the Triune God. Before that, all things come through me, but that’s the Kingdom of Satan.  The power of God means all things come from the Triune God.

Only Holy Spirit

You’re no longer at the level of “me,” my things, and success. You’ve changed all these things so all authority in heaven and on earth is with me, and you need to utilize this.  God allows you to utilize this, when you’re aligned with the 237 nations, your businesses will follow. When you go out to heal the diseased and those possessed by evil spirits, God’s power and strength comes upon you.  God will give you His infinite power and that is how He will work, and that’s what you enjoy through faith.

Scheduled Prayer (Holy Meditation)

If you do everything else and live diligently without this, it will be difficult. You have a mental problem without realizing it, so you can’t discern things correctly.  Even though that individual has problems, they blame others, because they have a mental problem.  If the Word correctly goes into them, they will realize they are seized by Satan and sin, why is this? They are seized by Satan who lies and spews out lies.

What does the Bible say?  Did the Bible say Egypt, Philistia, and Rome were the problem? No, the Bible says the Israelites were the problem.  The Philistines didn’t invade Israel; Israel committed sin, worshiping idols, so God allowed this. Quickly resolve this, but for others who say, “My life failed because of you,” there’s no answer for them. The Bible doesn’t say that.  Those are the lies with which Satan deceives you, and you cannot be deceived again.  You walk the path that rejects God, so the One Who hardened Pharaoh’s heart is God.  Without knowing this, you get angry at Pharaoh, “How could He be such an angry person, enslaved in such a way?” They are seized by Satan.

Receive the Word of God and receive justice in that, not the useless stuff. If you’re stuck in a problem, that problem becomes the opportunity and answer.  My daughter went to the Winter Retreat and she met two weird roommates, and one of them does drugs, and the other steals, and they talk about other things and what they do with other guys, but my daughter just listened blank-mindedly.  She has been raised to do world evangelization to all nations, she just sits there and listens. 

One of them recently accepted Jesus Christ and came to church; another had been going to church and is now on probation and cannot do drugs, but for Fanny, it sounds like a drama so she listens until midnight, but the other roommates cannot sleep so they go to another room.  The other kid couldn’t handle it anymore, so she tells her older sister, and then there was a strange rumor going around that all three of them were vaping.

“These kids went to 7-eleven five times in the night,” and I found out their team leader allowed them to go out super secretly.  “This is a super secret, don’t tell anyone else.” I said, “If you already went out once, why did you go again?” “The Team leader was sleeping.”  There was one girl who couldn’t eat any food at the retreat so she went out to get food, and now there were rumors that they did drugs and vaped, so they were all surprised and taken aback, so the three girls blamed the one girl, “Why did you tell other people?” That girl didn’t know what to do, she couldn’t tell the team leader, but a passerby heard this and then rumors spread about.

One girl had a hard time so she told her other sister, but they blamed this girl so she was upset, too.  My daughter said, “Because I’m a PK, people think I vape and did drugs, then I’d be in big trouble, but this rumor escalated and it was more like a threat, and I’ll die if you say this.” I couldn’t leave this alone so I said, “We need to train the Team Leaders well and set aside time, we need to kick out those who won’t listen.  Only those who sign up can come.”  If something like this happens again, they need to have someone we confide in and report to. 

Because there’s no way to discern within the situation, the girl accepted Christ but did strange things as a kid, so the other kids have no choice but to be confused.  I asked, “How did you lead the Team Leader’s Retreat?” We talked about the posture of the team leader.  “Starting next year, we need rules and conditions.” This is actually how you live a social life, because these kids don’t know what to do, they don’t know how to solve these problems. 

During the Christmas performance, someone told my daughter that they took a picture of her and would upload it to social media. My daughter said, “Don’t do that,” and she told the teacher, but the adults think this is just a joke, but Fanny is a 13-year-old female and she’s in a very sensitive age, so she couldn’t handle it anymore, so she just cried.  When she came home, I interviewed her because it’s social life. They don’t know what to do so they end up falling into despair.

“First of all, if someone tells you these kinds of things, tell them to stop. If they don’t listen, tell the leaders who are in charge.” Fanny said, “They didn’t help.”  “Then tell the parents because in this world, there is a law, if you don’t teach them to use the law to help them, they will not know what to do and will fall into despair.  Even at the Winter Retreat, there were five girls who didn’t know what to do in that situation and we need to teach them that.

I said, “Put this into the program next year.”  I told my daughter, “It’s not a problem that you just listen to them, but in that situation, there were people who had a problem with the other girls, but you just remained still so you caused a bigger problem.  You didn’t stand on the side of good and overturn evil, but you aligned yourself to evil and couldn’t do anything about it, so you’re part of the biggest problem.  If you remain on the good side and talked about those things instead, the people who do bad won’t be able to say a word. That’s part of the nine blessings of how you can overturn society in the field.”

Because she is a remnant, even though she technically didn’t do anything wrong, she did do something wrong.  The remnants have the responsibility of overturning the environment, but they didn’t so they remained still. “You cannot go to the high school you want to go to; you go to the one near our home, where our mom can do Upper Room ministry.”  She thinks it’s unfair.

I didn’t say what she did was wrong, but I’m telling her, because she’s a remnant, she must discern the environment and overturn it.  She said she wants to go to a school to do volleyball, but she can’t now.  In that volleyball team, there’s only one  African American player, and the rest are white, so I said, “You can’t overcome that environment.”  It’s a great opportunity for the kids to learn about sports and teamwork, but, “You aren’t able to do that, so you can’t go.” I took away her phone so even now, she can’t say anything back. Later on, I saw her looking over at someone’s phone, and I said, “If you keep doing that, I’ll take away your phone for another year.”

Why I do this is because the habits set in high school are the habits set for the rest of your life.  Those who play a lot in middle school and high school will play for the rest of their life.  Whatever they did at that age will continue until they’re older. I’m not saying the phone is a problem, but what are you putting into these children at that age?  That is what was promised.  Joseph went in alone but instead was able to overturn everything as promised. Even for Daniel, when they were educating him, they sent him in to overturn that environment.

Apply this realistically in your current situation.  Whatever you heard before, apply this to that situation.  “If you don’t agree with me 100%, then don’t follow after me. Even if you have 1% doubt, you don’t have to follow,” but she said she would follow so I took away her phone and said she can’t go to the school she wants.  If she’s able to control herself, I’ll give her back her phone and let her go to the school she wants.  Otherwise, she’ll be stuck in legalistic despair and repeat the things she’s learned, but I said, “If you’re able to control yourself, you’re able to go.”

Why explain this for so long? The gospel talks about realistic things.  In other words, it’s the same as God saying, “Why are you falling into the culture of America? You have the power as the summit to overcome that culture, but why are you falling into it?” I gave an example of my daughter, but this also applies to you and me.  Why are you just falling into the culture of the world, falling this way and that? In the Bible, through one person, they were able to overturn everything, but why are you falling into that side?

What is biblical? I’m trying to explain, if you say this is extreme and you label me that way, I will still follow this as an extremist because the Early Church was full of extremists.  “It was only Christ, and I will only do that.” They said, “Only,” so they’re considered extremists.  Whatever is happening with these children is actually applying to us. Many people come to church and don’t know what to do. If a child steals money, do we leave them alone or do something?  If they stole, give it back.  If you don’t give it back, you must at least pay for it.  If not, I’ll pay for it. Why must the other child be at a loss every time you come to church?  It’s not right for the person who steals to constantly be in front of the gospel.  Teach them correctly.  Then the victim of the thief is the one who will be afflicted, “I constantly come to church and things are stolen but the adults don’t do anything about it,” so you have to return it back. 

“Don’t do that again.”  I didn’t say it directly but the parents knew, but the parents don’t know about this and remain still? Then the victim dies.  Even the adults don’t know what to do in this situation.  Then, what happens? We leave it alone in the pretense of the gospel but the victim will die.  It’s the same.  Of course, am I saying something bad about them? No, they might steal it because they are envious of it, but if it is revealed, then you have to give it back. If you do not pay it back, I pay it back, then what happens is the person ended up paying it back.  I was about to pay $1000, so the other person can live. Esther said, “I can’t think about that at all,” but not everyone can be a leader.

When you’re a leader, you take responsibility for everything. You have authority and responsibility so even though it has nothing to do with you, you take responsibility.  Without this, teachers have no choice but to follow.  This seems like not  much of an education but it’s actually great because this becomes an opportunity for the problems to be changed into a blessing.  Even all those things that happening are not problems but a blessing. 


Father God, we thank you. May the life of the evangelist, the 21 life points become our answer. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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