Church Disputes (Acts 15:1-)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Church Disputes (Acts 15:1-)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Gospel Oh


Pharisees – John 8:44, Bible, Law, Messiah

Physically – Externally

Physical – Blessings

Jesus Christ – Tax collectors, sinners


Jesus wanted to converse with sinners and tax collectors, but Pharisees didn’t want him to, but these Pharisees are captured by Satan.  They judge by their own laws and judge Jesus for going to eat with sinners.  The tax collectors and sinners just need the gospel, they have to do it like this, they make a situation where it’s only the gospel.  Then, what do you think?  You think this might be better, then you’ll be in big trouble, you’ll make them into Pharisees.

Original Sin

People think of circumstantial sins to be Original Sin. They do not know what Original Sin is. Do you know what Original Sin is? You were a sinner from birth, not a sin you committed, but from birth, we were holding onto sin, that is, rejecting God, but we cannot feel that as sin.  That is the sin that comes from Adam until now and into the future.  If Adam did not have sin, we would have originally been people who needed God from birth.

Satan’s Authority, Wrath

If my faith in God is shaken, how can I raise my child correctly? Even though you attend church, these people are particular, “Do you  know who I am?” They try not to converse with others, but look at this person, they don’t know where to go, they need Jesus.  They have to be inside of this.

Healing, With

Remnant, Evangelist

People are in the midst of healing and restoration, their mental state is in a diseased state.  This state is being healed by the Word.  At first, they think, “What does it mean to be in Jesus Christ?” but as time passes on, they receive healing, “Being inside of Jesus is a blessing, it’s everything, Jesus is everything.  It is enough with nobody and nothing. It has to be like this for you to receive healing.

If you’re here but you keep looking at other things, it’s hard. You have to not look at that; you have to look at this.  This is the blessing God has given to us inside of Christ.  But we don’t want to go through that, we want to do something else. But we are those with Christ. By God’s grace and faith in Christ, I have become righteous. We have become righteous by faith, not because of righteous acts, but faith.  God is righteous and by faith in Him, I have become righteous, but not because of righteous actions.

If you attend church a long time, you think you’re righteous because of your righteous acts.  You say you’ve done everything, that is, give worship, offering, praise, and you think of yourself as righteous, but you do not know who you are.  Original Sin is originally, by nature, hating God.  But God sent Jesus Christ, and by your faith you are made righteous.  It continues to arise in your heart, the heart to not believe in God. You keep liking the world and unbelievers. You envy success of the unbelievers.  Outer appearances are so good, you like people who are handsome like me.

The content. We have to have the good content.  It’s the inner things that are eventually revealed outwardly, like if you have a knife in your pocket, it will eventually be revealed externally.  The success of the world seems so good, but the church tells you that’s not right, so you think you keep listening to that fact, but you want to follow. You going into the flow of God’s Word is true success.

I hated America because they split Korea, and college students thought like this.  Even though I was talking to the senior pastor, “The common trait we have is hating America, because if Korea had nuclear weapons, we wouldn’t be in this situation. Because of nuclear weapons, we wouldn’t have to live in America. We hate America.”  We were Korean soldiers so we knew this very well. They had become stupid, they thought Roman success was everything. 

Everyone was falling under colonization. Do you know why the Karen nation was colonized under Burma?  They did not want to fall under Burma rule, so that’s why they were fighting for their own land.  The Karen nation has their own language, they don’t use the Burmese language.  The Karen people say, “We are not going to be ruled under Myanmar,” or Burma, so they sought refuge.  If you ask if they’d be willing to go to Myanmar right now, they say, “Even if I face death, I wouldn’t go back.”  The Karen nation said, “We will not be under Myanmar rule; we will instead be an independent country.”

Even if they don’t have the gospel, they reject that country’s rule.  But even the Israelites were rebelling under Roman colonization, but these people cannot be used by God.  Physical blessings are everything to them, they use the knowledge of the Bible and try to use that.  You will become like this if you attend church for a long time, and the goal of the walk of faith is success.  They don’t know the words of the Bible; they only know the words they want to hear. They mistake success with their faith, and they are slaves to worldly success. 

A true church is made up of people who believe the true blessing is Jesus Christ. The blessed person in Psalm 1 is the one who meditates on God’s Word day and night, but you are in the seat of blessings, but you’re rejecting it.  You’re in the seat of blessings but you’re thinking of worldly blessings like success and making money so you’re on the path of destruction.

We do not just stay here, but we are healed and go to the summit, the summit to save the nations.  God will change us to the summit who will save Rome and America. That should become your dream.  If you do not have this dream, you will either be discouraged or have the wrong dream.  Then those are the thoughts that are enslaved to Satan and the world.

God will raise you to the physical position, that’s what it means for success to follow after you. If the summit doesn’t take place, you will act as a slave and you will be in the seat of lies.  You will continue to say these things.  The preacher acts as a slave, then what? Then living in the world, you will act as a slave, captured under Satan, the world, and money. Why are you being captured?  Why are you addicted to drugs? Why do you say you can’t do anything without drugs? Why can you not live without alcohol? You’re captured as you do not have the strength to overcome it. If you’re not able to control things, you’ll just steal, it’s a result of not knowing the blessings. 

A summit is something you cannot control.  It is not only God’s power being poured upon you, but everything follows after you.

Spiritual Summit

When the power of the throne comes upon you, everything follows.  You know magnets, they have a magnetic field, and things are aligned. If something is like steel, it will follow the magnet.  Then, how can you become the summit where God places His power on you? You need to know what the blessing is, that Jesus Christ is everything.  He has completed our problems of our past, present, and future on the cross, and the Triune God is with me.  That is the Summit.

With, Power

I don’t have strength, but the power is poured upon me.  This isn’t just with head knowledge of the Bible. As you have physical money, people follow after you? You can’t just speak words and expect people to follow. That’s when empty-headed girls who follow guys who say empty things, and they end up failing.  We call them, “brainless,” and there are also empty-headed believers, who follow like Pharisees, but they are all in failure.  They’re holding onto the little money they have, and if they’re spiritually ruined, they don’t know what slavery is, so they fall into that. 

But God’s power has to be established in you for everything to follow you, that’s what we call the filling of the Holy Spirit.  The power of the throne comes upon you, God promised to give you this.  This was promised to us, and we receive it by faith.


The business and academics to save the 237 nations. Spiritual summit, but you don’t want to do this, but you think your skills and talents are everything, but you’re acting as a slave and you enter into a good school, and I want you to get into a good school. If you have skills, it’s only rightful to enter into a good school, but entering into a school is not the spiritual summit.  You can change the skills and make them into the spiritual summit, if you don’t make your skills into the summit, it may be easy to make money, but you’ll fall into other things; in other words, you act as a slave. 

You enter into your workplace and you’re dragged around by the workplace culture and cannot overcome. But you go in with your pride, you’re in a state of spiritual death as you’re captured by evil spirits, but you hold onto it with your own pride.  Your actions do not define you.  I tell my daughter, “If you’re in a state controlled by Satan? Joseph and David made people follow after them at your age.”  My daughter told me, “I’m good at studying.” “What did I say about studying? You’re not able to understand me. Do you think Jesus came to this earth to die for your academics?” they think strangely.

Even with a 4.0 GPA you cannot save.  That’s just a number.  Spiritual summit, that’s how the 4.0 can change the world.  In order for you to reach the spiritual summit, I hope you won’t go to that school, but she still holds onto that. That’s why I keep taking her phone, I’m holding it for a year.  But now she’s not on her phone, so she’s getting less irritated. It’s very interesting, it oppresses the children.  Because she doesn’t have her phone, she has so much time, she sleeps and wakes up normally. 

The scientists who built smartphones don’t give smartphones to their children.  In San Jose, the people don’t give their children phones because they know what kind of influence these smartphones have on the children.  But they sell them to the entire world because they need to make money, but they never give it to their children. Is that fine?  It’s fine because we lived in an age that didn’t have phones, we used to live in an age where there were no videos, and I think Deacon Ted is still using a handheld phone.  I don’t know why but he keeps using it.

I’m not saying to not use your phone; the age uses the phone so don’t restrict your children from using the phone, but if you don’t have the power to overcome it, it’s better for you to stop using it.  The reason I bought her a phone in the first place was because we were shopping and my daughter kept saying, “I want an Apple phone,” and I don’t know if I was guided by God or Satan, but I didn’t want this to be a scar for her, so I bought her a phone. 

But now we’re facing the age of the spiritual summit, so if it doesn’t happen now, it’ll happen later. I’m not saying she shouldn’t use the phone but she should be the spiritual summit first, and the smartphone becomes a tool to help her.  Am I wrong?  Am I stuck? Am I blocking communication?  I’m talking about the spiritual summit.  What can I do once I know this?  You can then do the right thing.  Why do you keep speaking of this? it is because people don’t know about it, but once you know, you have to talk about it.

Skill, Culture

If you do something else, you live like a slave.  There’s always an excuse, whether it’s people or this or that, they haven’t reached the spiritual summit.  Why is it that we are asking for the filling of the Holy Spirit?  We do not have power, but He has all authority in heaven and on earth.  If we don’t know it’s that time, then we remain in this place, so you just need to know it.  The senior deaconess just said, “I just have to sit here and listen to the gospel,” she had been to other churches before.

But here, there’s nothing much, your inner state will change because the inner state, the things we cannot see, they are being changed. One day, Deacon Ted knew his inclination to chase after girls so even though he’s a lawyer, his son who is also a lawyer has that inclination as well. The more Deacon Ted receives this, he can relay this to his son, so don’t go back and forth, but just listen. Without knowing that this is a blessing, you’ll wander.

I’m a witness, you don’t have to look anywhere else, just look at me because I’m a witness before Satan and God.  I continue to preach about Christ, and one day, the preacher in Christ will change. One day, even though I’m not the summit, I become the summit. World evangelization is possible, in the past, I was worried about how my life will be, but that’s when you say things like, “I am the summit, I have been called as the summit but I didn’t know,” so you’ll say, “God has prepared America and world evangelization for me,” and you have this blessing.

Without understanding this, you’ll just go to church with disputes. The law says they are correct, so that’s why they fight. They don’t know they’re sinners but they claim themselves to be right.  There was a trial before Solomon, two mothers with one child.  King Solomon said, “Cut the baby in half and give half to both,” but the real mother said, “Don’t cut the baby in half.” Your nature changes in the gospel, you’ll see your need of Christ, so don’t just end there, but say, what is God’s plan for me? Then you have spiritual development.  Do not give up, don’t try to get strength, but say, “I need God’s strength.” Don’t be discouraged by unfortunate news but say that is why you need God’s strength.  It’s about how quickly you’re being changed that you will either be oppressed or you will enjoy it.

For instance, someone says they’re very cold, and they have to give worship but they’re so cold, and they keep enduring it?  They can’t go out because if they go out, it seems like they don’t have faith, or they can hold their phone and leave the main hall, but we just have to turn on the heater.  But I didn’t know until worship had ended. When worship ended, someone asked, “Why was it turned off?” I didn’t know. This has been prepared, but the person was just shivering. 

God is always with us, but we don’t know that, and we try to do different things. It is only when we are completely destroyed, we remember God is with us, and that’s why when we’re cold, we can turn on the heater.  When we’re hot, we turn on the air conditioner. God is with us, and in every situation, whether it’s failure or success, He continues to be with us.  How quickly you can process this, that determines your life.  It makes or breaks your life. This switch has to be fast to change your nature. 

The people who are stubborn refuse to listen, “I can just endure,” and they continue to shiver.  It is only after they are frozen half to death, “There was a heater? I didn’t know all this time.”  But that’s a tumultuous life where they could have juts believed in the first place.  God is saying, “I am with you and the authority in heaven and on earth is also with you,” isn’t that right?  Everyone knows God’s authority, and you have this authority with God, why is it just saying useless things? Doesn’t everyone know Jesus has all authority in heaven and on earth?  Is Jesus saying useless things to the disciple? 

“In order to fulfill the mission I have given you, I give you the authority in heaven and on earth, the authority to cast out demons, to change curses and disasters to blessings.” It’s not to the person, but Jesus reveals this to you.  Going to each disciple in all nations, God is with you.  But you don’t know this and you think you have a good walk of faith? You doubt yourself.  It’s conflicted even though Jesus says, “Go to all nations and make disciples,” do the academics and studies for this, but they only listen to this, they only hear about studies for success. 

The authority is with you but it is not being revealed, and because you do not have the power, you are captured.  The authority to change Rome is with the Lord, and the Lord says He will be with you.  Joseph and David did not conquer by their own power, but the spirit of God was upon them; you just have to believe in that.  When you set your sights and direction on 237 and saving the world, God will pour strength upon you, then how should you study?  It’s not a question of whether this or that is right, that’s a question that unbelievers ask.  Just follow and pray, and according to God’s promise, if you’re lacking, God is with you with all authority in heaven and on earth, so hold onto the covenant and study. 

According to God’s Word, if you study, you open up the Bible and read a verse and then study? That’s what you do as a Pharisee. It doesn’t come with your own diligence and effort, but you go to school and pray? Pray, “I’m going to school to do world evangelization,” so that is why God Who has all authority in heaven and on earth is with me.  That is the prayer and academics, the worship of God, and it’s the same with business.  If you just put in your effort, that’s the level of unbelievers.  Am I believing in Jesus just for that?  The Lord is with me and the business and workplace to carry out the work of world evangelization, then, do you have to pray a lot or a little? You don’t have to pray a lot.  But holding onto the thought, “I have come here to raise up the saved person whom You have prepared to save,” then go holding onto that thought. If the situation arises, and you’re afraid of the business that will be ruined, God raises up the disciple.  What power do you have? God has that power, that’s the way to save America. 

God has given us this Master Plan.  People who have this and come to church, people who speak about their own plans, these are words that lead to death and they are stubborn, they don’t listen to God’s Word but they follow God’s Word. They used God’s law and if another person comes about saying their words are correct, that’s how disputes happen. That’s when you have to wait for God to decide.  I’m not speaking because I cannot speak about the situation, but rather, we have to wait for God to judge and decide this. 

It doesn’t even matter about our personalities and resolving the fight then and there, but we rely on God because God will know.  Then we just have to pray and wait for it to be resolved by God, then it will be revealed who was in the wrong.  So, the senior deaconess I was talking about earlier, “Being in this church itself is a blessing,” I told her as a way to support what she says, “Anyone who seems to oppose the pastor’s word seems to be ruined as they leave the church.”  But these were the people who were trying to block God’s Word, but it wasn’t them, but the evil spirits inside of them, but God prevented that from happening and these people weren’t destroyed.   

It seems to be words or legalism that tries to block the gospel movement, and I ignore it, but one day, they were all destroyed.  I always used to be curious as to why, because it wasn’t just because of me, but rather, God values the gospel movement, so people who try to reject the gospel, they and their children are destroyed. It’s not me.  But Christ and the gospel movement God values so much will be relayed, and on the other hand, you just sit there and listen, but that voice will be relayed to your children.

I’m not a skilled person in the world or a pastor of a great church, so I used to question why there were so many incidences like this.  I’m very lacking, I don’t have a lot of knowledge, but I was able to recognize this was what God was doing.  It’s not people but the work God is doing, and God doesn’t want people to oppose it.  If I say everything, I know whether you will stake your lives on the gospel movement. It’s not something I know, but God carries out the gospel movement and will break people who oppose it.

This is a common incident that arose. If it’s just one or two people, it could have just happened, but it continues to this day. I’m not threatening you, God and Satan know if this is a threat, and the Lord knows whether I say this out of the gospel or not. If I’m just using God for my authority, God won’t leave me alone.  But I’m saying that God values this gospel movement so preciously.

You may misunderstand what I said earlier, but this gospel movement is precious.  It’s because this person attended another church said they were blessed to be here, and I said, “This is the work of the gospel movement.  This is my analysis on a recurring situation.  So, that’s how I was able to experience what Pastor Ryu was saying, about how people who opposed him just fell into destruction.  The other pastors also shared similar experiences.  The pastors showed how God favors the gospel movement.

Just remaining still is a blessing. If you don’t know this, you’ll just spot your own things, and one day, you’ll just disappear.  It says in the Bible, Ananias and Sapphira were butting heads with God and one day they disappeared.  I hope you’re within this blessing.


God, we thank You.  Let us save America through the gospel and evangelism movement.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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