62 Lifestyles of the Evangelist – Imprint, Root, and Nature

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

62 Lifestyles of the Evangelist – Imprint, Root, and Nature

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Life of the Evangelist – 62

We talk about our entire life here, but people think about ethics and morals. Our lifestyle must go into the direction of saving people’s lives. It is not about how we need to live our lives, but God’s will is to save lives.  If you are not able to live that life, you’ve failed. You must receive this answer and relay it to the future generations.  There is the first button to go through when you go into the evangelist’s lifestyle. Where do all problems begin from? You need to save people from this problem, so if you don’t know this problem, you can’t do that.


Your experiences are limited.  There are many things the future generation haven’t been able to experience yet, so quickly experience it through the Word. 


Whenever we see “sin,” there’s something that follows. We must always attach the one who has the authority over sin, that is, Satan.  Your eyes must be opened to always see that the one who sins is under the authority of the sinner.


Their background is not the background of heaven, but they are in the background of hell, the background of Satan. See this through God’s Word. It would be better if Satan were visible but he is not.  Hell is invisible. Some students believe heaven exists but not hell, but that’s not possible.  We need to know God through the Word of the Bible, but they say, “I don’t feel like God would do that. I can’t even imagine, how could God make hell?” They say, “God is a God of love and hell is a terrible place Satan created; no way God would do that,” so they don’t know about the fearful God, they only know about the God of love, they only know one side.  They don’t know the God of justice and of judgment, they only know one side of God.  They only know half of God, then you don’t really know God.

If you only know half a person, then you don’t really know them; you only know half of them, that’s incorrect, you must know them all.  We’re talking about America, but if you only know California, you don’t really know the US. If you’re talking about an elephant, and you only talk about the leg, that’s not an elephant. You need to touch the trunk, the ears, the tail, to really know the elephant. This is the beginning of all problems.  There is no other answer.

Only Christ

Only Christ is the solution to these problems.  If you don’t know the real problem, you’ll never come to the conclusion of only Christ. It’s just something nice and cool to say.

Only God’s Kingdom, Background

Only Holy Spirit

All our answers come from this, and that’s why it’s nobody and nothing. We have this background. If you have become a person of God’s Kingdom through Jesus Christ, now God’s Kingdom is your background and this does everything.  When only the Holy Spirit comes upon me, then the power and the Throne of Heaven is upon me.  Then you become a witness of world evangelization. 

You can have a great personality and etiquette, but even with 100 people like that, you can’t save one person. Even if America is filled with these people, we cannot save.  God enables us to remain even as we are lacking because of only Christ.  Only Christ is better than your attitude.  People still say, “But still,” but they don’t really know this [fundamental problem].  I’m honestly speaking about myself.  When I look at a person, the first thing I see are critical things.  It’s been broken down a lot, but every now and again, it crops back up and makes me suffer.

Do you think I was tormented by that as an unbeliever? What was Paul suffering with? He said he suffered because of the laws inside of him.  What is the Holy Spirit, what is the law?  The law says, “This person did this wrong, that person did this right,” but that’s suffering. I’m not suffering because of ignorance, but because we’re not able to reach the level of God’s perfection. The legalistic person cannot see how God is working; they only see the person’s shortcomings, so they do not believe in God.  Regarding this, they don’t believe in God so they only see the areas in which they are lacking. There is no God there because they only try to fill the perfection of the law. God doesn’t look at that because He knows we are already lacking, fall short of His glory, so we don’t have this expectation.  God desires to look at the way God is glorified, and God works upon them based on His grace.

How do you look at me?  “Pastor, you lack in this and that way,” and that’s all right.  But they don’t see the way God works on the pastor.  Even though they have the same eyes as everyone else, they don’t see it; that’s a curse, we are looking with the same eyes and the same people but we don’t see the work of God.  It’s impossible to have the eyes of God.  “Only when this person is perfect will they glorify God,” but they will never be perfect.  See the way God works through them, this is how they glorify God. 

We look at the way God worked in 2022, but most people who think like elites try to be perfect and only look at the parts that are lacking and try to fill it, but they don’t see God’s works.  That’s a legalistic person. When you raise a child like that, you’ll beat them half to death. When I did ministry with a Seoul National University student, both of the student’s parents were professors in rigorous fields.  Because the parent was a graduate of Seoul National University, they wanted their kid to be even greater. 

How does one discipline their child?  Because the parents knew what it would take, they disciplined their child to be perfect ever since they’re small but that person didn’t have the ability.  Just because both parents were successful doesn’t mean the child would be the same.  The first child lost his mind.  Ever since they’re young, both parents were elites, so they were pressured from youth and lost their minds.  The second child went to Seoul National University medical school to please their parents, but they aren’t mentally all there. The parent is an elder, but that’s just the knowledge the people have. 

They try to do everything well but that’s the ultimate masterpiece.  One time, I went to a campus in Ansan for a retreat.  When I went to the retreat, the mother of those children cried about the state of their son and asked for prayer.  There was one pastor who continued to meet with their students, so they got a little better.  I heard that eventually the student went back to studying in school.  But there’s no sign of the father or mother after that because they were only interested in solving their problem, but they had no interest in knowing why the problem came.  That’s why in generic churches, they live such lives as elders.

The student only got better by listening to the message, but this was not in the parents’ interest. I didn’t hear from them after that. That’s most people.  They want to raise their children well, but this is the extent of their efforts. You must know this, it’s only by God’s grace.  I was an unbeliever.  Even though I received the gospel of Jesus Christ by God’s grace, I didn’t acknowledge I was seized by Satan.  In fact, Satan deceived me into thinking, ‘How could Satan dare do this to me,” even though I was a child of Satan. “How dare the evil spirits? How could they? They wouldn’t dare.” That’s how much Satan deceived me.

Even pastors don’t know this without grace.  Especially for you guys, if you don’t know this, living in America, it doesn’t matter how much you gather in the region if you don’t know this; that’s just Bible study, but if you do know this, your job becomes a regional church because you shine the light, but without knowing this, you have problems.  Why ask the method? You do that because you don’t see it. “What is the order in which we have to do this?” Why ask about the order? Just shine the light.

If you don’t see the problem, you just see that we have a tight workflow to follow.  They are diligent, so they  meet every day, but that’s not what it takes.  You’re completely oblivious to Satan but you think you know everything.  “Why do you talk about Satan? You need to talk about Jesus,” and that sounds about right, but if you don’t know Satan, how can we talk about the true gospel of Christ? We need to save the people who are possessed by demons in the name of Jesus Christ, but if you don’t know this, how can you possess the gospel? 

It doesn’t make sense so I keep saying it. I talk about Satan and dark things so you may know the answer of only Christ.  If people go to church, most people think they know what sin is, but, “I committed a sin without even knowing what it is,” they don’t believe in God and have unbelief, they don’t repent of that; they repent over the useless work. 

When you face a problem, it’s that you don’t believe in God. Instead, they fall into the problem, and that’s not it.  They don’t repent and fall deeper into problems. So if you heal an unbeliever or believer, do this first.  Do you know you’re a child of God?  Then, why did God allow this problem?  Then God will give you the answer, that is how I become a witness.  Even though this problem is a blessing and you’ve held onto the spiritual, fundamental things, you’re focused on solving the problem.  Unbelievers keep focusing on fixing the problem, disease, or paralysis, but Jesus Christ did not solve that problem.  Jesus said, “First receive forgiveness of your sins,” that is the fundamental problem. First, you must become a child of God, then after that, God heals it. 

I was sharing forum with Stephanie and Alex.  When you talk about the message you can see whether they received the message clearly or not, but afterwards, “Thank you, my nephew must absolutely know about this,” so even as you stay still, it’s relayed to the people close to you.  The healing of the spiritual things must take place first ,whether they’re an unbeliever or believer.  But we’re more focused on fixing the problem.  What does that mean? Religion, there are so many believers like this.

If you believe in Jesus Christ, you’re a child of God, but they lose hold of that.  “You’re a child of God right? Then why did God allow this problem?” Then the way we see a problem is different, that’s how you heal. Unbelievers must be changed into children of God and now this problem is now in God’s hands.  Stephanie’s husband had seizures and still suffers a bit. He told me this the first time today.  It was through that problem that we were able to meet Stephanie’s husband.  Today we talked about healing and the order of healing. There is a plan of God when God allows the problem to remain.  God is allowing this problem to remain so that your family members may know this problem.  It’s very important.

“I believe in the name of Jesus Christ but why do I still have problems?” You must surely give God’s plan.  Give spiritual strength, then there is a plan of God that God has allowed.  The people in your African American community don’t know about this problem so it will remain until you restore this mission. It’s different based on God’s plan.

He came last week and this week. Before, he would never come consecutive weeks, and now, when the Word of God goes into them one by one, it becomes the answer by which they will evangelize.  That is why the true ministry is allowing these people to forum after the message to ensure they received the message accurately, then we will relay the message. 

Help them to receive the accurate answer of God’s Word, then they will relay this to the people in their field or family line closest to them.  But if you don’t know this?  Two students came through Senior Deaconess Choi.  How did they hear the Word? We must forum with them. When the Word of God goes into them, they become doors of evangelism.  

We focus on one soul.  That is the reason the assistant pastor went to pick up Eunice 45-50 minutes away, no one else could do it.  Senior Deaconess Park can’t drive, but would you do it? Yes. Would Senior Deaconess Choi do it? If someone in the morning could.  I’m not saying you wouldn’t do it next week,, but don’t you think we resolve to do that?  That’s the Word that takes place.  We do that because we know how precious one soul is. It’s not to make the church bigger, but all these people are doors to evangelism.  Your eyes must be opened to see how precious one soul is, just like the demon-possessed person who doesn’t know spiritual problems. 

Last week, we did 24, 25, eternity and now we do imprint, root, and nature.  I spoke to someone from 25 hours ago, we were college students at the time. They live far away so they go to another church, but I asked, “Why did you leave for awhile?” He said, “20 years ago, they were imprinted with Jesus Christ as the solution to all problems.”  She is a daughter of Gangnam Home church.  The church members are wealthy and elegant, and I met their system there was criticism from the mother to tell her daughter to not go to the Darakbang church. In her heart, there was always a thirst, and when she got married, she shared the message to the husband, and he held onto it as his answer.

The message was imprinted into her once in college, she couldn’t even speak of it, but even right now, they are like that.  However, her husband’s parents are part of the same church, but they want to know more about it. If you truly experience Christ is enough and finished everything, nothing else can make you feel this way, so you always long for it.  This student was always so far away, they’d never attended a proper church, and occasionally, she would. That’s what happens when you’re hooked on Christ once.  That one part is so important, what does it say?  “Every day, I do quiet time, even today and even now.”  That’s the kind of walk of faith she was imprinted with from her family, so You need it.

Every day, every week. Then once you’re uprooted depend on the works, it’s no doubt, it’s science.  If you lay your roots down in dols.

All Things

In the past, he boasted of many things, but those things weren’t necessarily bad, if you say, “You don’t need an ivy league school,” that’s weird. You can only say you don’t need it legally by saying, “I held onto this and there was not only Christ.  In order to hold onto Christ, Ivy leagues do not solve Satan, sin, and hell.  Those with scars will say, “Forget about Jesus Christ, I’m lacking something.” Whether it’s success or failure, everything is used by Christ so everyone is used.  Successful people save successful people, but if you know Christ, everything is used; that is why Christ is the greatest knowledge and now he has no plans of his own but races towards how to spend our budget but we follow how Christ answers us.

We follow God’s plan and challenge towards that which we should do. Pastor Kim said, “What Elder Lee said make a lot of sense,” but he was thinking, $5 million dollars. I thought he hadn’t been praying about this, but it’s the same that iw as thinking, so my faith was strong.  But I shouldn’t open  my mouth in tha tsiutaiton, you have to og into he God works accoidng to faith. Do you think it’s possible? God does it> Either way its’ the samething, and the nxt to it, we just go in that direction.  We are simply goingfor that for which Christ held ont ous.

Even today, the choir was so great and I received a lot of grace.  General believers might say, “Why so militant?” But if there’s no Christ, if I’m not evangelizing, there’s no reason to survive through Christ. With that kind of world evangelization, the entire region will be influenced by that.  Even if htye’re not doing anything and simply shinig thelight of a and when people like that gather rogether and pray, as time passes, things change with the evidence. As we’re doing that, God continues to bless.

Don’t compare yourself fto others, because God has a plan for each individual and family.  Teach people to pray then even when you’re not there, you naturally save them. Nobody was there to help Daniel; he saved everybody.  Fake success is where  you cannot save yourself, Without only Jesus Christ, you do not have the Kingdom of God, then you’re without.  Then it will be the stream of te family line, but for you, it is the evangelist lifestyle. Your personality might be a little lacking, but the person who speaks like that, how good do you think their personality is? You can’t compare them to the highest monk in Korea.  What happens if a Christian meets a Buddhist, there’s nothing to But for you guys, the evangelist’s life is the greatest and most blessed life.

If you don’t know the 3 fundamental problems then you don’t know the answer of only Christ.  May you have the greatest knowledgeand relay the greatest knowledge.  Only the professor who know this answer can give it; you are a unique individual in your region.  You can understand I am the greatest commander in the region who has the greatest knowledge. You are the platform that gives the answer.  The watchtower that relays this light through prayer.  The antenna that can relay this Word to anyone who comes in.

If you’ve received salvation, you must receive healing through the Word, but if you’re always holding onto them, she’ll ask.

May you have this blessing.

Father God we thank you. May the lifestyle of the 62 points be our answer, and I pray you will raise remnants to enjoy this blessing. in the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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