Jesus’ Evangelism Plan (Example) (John 13:15)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Jesus’ Evangelism Plan (Example) (John 13:15)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Gospel Oh

In the sea of Galilee, when the storm arose, He realistically showed the evidence of faith, and also when He performed the miracle of feeding the 5000, and He also taught the disciples that this wasn’t everything.  He also realistically taught and showed how precious one soul is.  Last of all, He realistically showed how to serve by washing the disciples’ feet.  If it’s not like this, you’ll just do Bible study with your own head knowledge.  Knowledge that you have with your head relies on the world. That cannot overcome the field. 

Wherever you are, you must see the world being fulfilled in the field. The one who is able to see God working and God’s Word being fulfilled in the field will not be shaken, but the ones who have only listened to and heard the word will be shaken because they have not confirmed it.  Jesus did these works.


1. People

People of God, we are God’s masterpiece

1) Evangelism

There are some who do evangelism diligently with effort, and others cannot continue this.  

2) Spiritual Problems

It is because they are caught in their own spiritual problems.  People with spiritual problems cannot continue, whatever it may be. For instance, you may have received salvation, and you can memorize it, and you can relay it, and even though it’s a state of not being able to confirm it, because you have the knowledge, you can relay it, and the responses are proper and right because they are according to the knowledge.  

But in order to do proper evangelism, you must realistically know what the problems of mankind are. It’s not about memorizing, “sin, Satan, and separation,” and relaying that, but you have to know what sin is.  

Sin – Disaster

We’re talking about sin, the Original Sin is the fundamental sin, and you have to know the disasters that come from sin in order to relay this.  Or else, you will relay the message, “Satan, sin, and separation,” and that’s it.  So you relay even though you don’t realistically know what this is, but you cannot come out of your own spiritual problems because you don’t know this.


The work of Satan who is working right now, everyone knows about this, but no one knows what this is. That’s why you are deceived. You are completely taken over and dragged around but you’re not able to see this. 

Hell – Suffering

The forces of hell, you must see and confirm the fact that you are in suffering under the forces of hell. That’s why it’s no one except Jesus Christ

Grace, Christ

Why do the 66 books speak about Christ?  It is because of this problem. If you don’t know this problem, you cannot come out of it. So you misunderstand, “I rationally know Christ but I cannot come out of it,” that is why you are evangelizing, but you end in failure. Evangelism failing means even your business will fail.  Because businesses cannot overcome these three problems, and you don’t know this so you try to find the cause in other things. 

You may think it’s a problem with your church so you change churches.  You think there are meetings happening there or you think you did something wrong, and you try to fix your actions.  You may think, “I’m lacking in prayer.”  You are diagnosing yourself in a legalistic or religious manner. Until you’re able to confirm this, you’ll continue to be in this and this will be relayed to your children. Even though they attend church, they continue to fall down; they listened from a young age, but they keep falling down.

If it seems that everything is solved by listening to this once, we wouldn’t have to care about spiritual things, but by God’s grace, one day your eyes will be opened to this.  That is why, even pastors, while they are preaching, one day their eyes are opened. Did they not know before that? They knew of it but they didn’t know it realistically. Speaking of Satan, they just felt bad, they thought to use bad words instead of good words, words like hope or happiness, why do they use words like, “Satan”? They are trapped.  They don’t acknowledge the Bible or Genesis 3.

What is the problem of America?  There are many churches, churches that speak well of others, but this is about salvation. You don’t acknowledge this as a problem so you try to solve other problems.  That is how Satan grabs hold of you and divides your family, just keep an eye out on what is happening in the future. You’re not able to confirm this. Because you have not been able to confirm this, you think it’s okay if you attend this or that church, but that’s not the point. If you’re not able to acknowledge this, then what power does Christ have?  You’re talking about sin, so you talk about other types of sins, and you’re talking about Original Sin, you don’t know it well but you know of it. 

Original Sin means you’re not able to do it.  I am not able to do it, but because you think you’re able to do it, you place the problem on something else. If you think, “I cannot do it,” you don’t have to direct the cause of the problem elsewhere.  That is why, because you don’t know this, you blame the church and pastor, you blame other churches. It’s good if you’re able to realize this but this just continues.

I am inside of Satan’s control, inside of Original Sin, so I cannot do anything.  You have to be able to confirm this for Christ to be the answer to everything.  But let’s say you just know of it, and you say, “I tried everything!” especially the remnants, they think they know everything, but they know Jesus as a theory and keep holding onto that.  Eventually they are not able to come out of it until they’re able to realize this, and they continue to do Satan’s errands.  

The family is not able to become normal because Satan is working, and Satan doesn’t just break the family apart at once. He makes things seem stable and okay, in order for the gospel to be blocked, he doesn’t just do it once, but he makes it seem like a happy and stable family, but he destroys it.  He makes it so that the gospel will be blocked and tears the family completely apart. At that point, the gospel cannot enter in, the family has been so divided. Satan continues to use the same tactics in that family for generations.

The words of parents who know this are different, not just knowing it somewhat, but if they actually know it, their words are different.  But because they are not able to confirm this, they know Christ as a theory, so they leave their children alone, so their parents’ spiritual state is repeated and relayed to the children. However, if you know this, your words will differ.  But because you haven’t been able to confirm this, you only know this as a theory, and you only focus on the physical things, leaving them alone, thinking they will be okay.

3) Biblical Evangelism

If you don’t know this, you don’t know biblical evangelism, and you’ll be destroyed.

5 Basics, Darakbang, Regional Church ) Life

This is speaking about our life.  

– Me, Meetings, Family, Workplace, Region

You cannot take anything out of your life.  Everyone is living within these five basics. We are talking about the answers placed inside of this.  But because you’re not able to confirm the answer of Christ inside of this, you cannot relay the answer.  But it is only when you face a problem that almost pushes you towards death that you are able to relay it, because that’s when you realize it.  With Christ, you must see the things you cannot see.  Or else, you’re saying you’ll leave your family and friends alone until they collapse. See that, even though they haven’t collapsed yet, they are spiritually collapsed, but you think they’re okay, their outer appearance is okay so you let them go. But the moment they are physically broken down, it’s already too late.

Actually there is no such thing as “too late” but it will take longer to restore it.  So, before that point, you have to be able to see them and relay Jesus Christ in all aspects of their life.  Don’t just wait until they have completely been broken down; it will be too late.  

1) Christ 

Is Jesus Christ really the answer and solution to all your life? Satan knows. So you must speak this to all five areas of your life, but if Christ is not your answer, you cannot save lives in the five fields, so you’re not able to diagnose your children.  That is why you’re not able to diagnose your children because you don’t know the answer, and you can’t truly see them until they’re broken down.  

But their physical appearance is broken when their spiritual state is revealed.  Why is Jesus Christ the answer to all problems? Those who have this answer can relay the answer anywhere they go.  If you have an individual problem, you may think, “I lost hold of the covenant,” and you may be spiritually restored. If you are inside of problems, you have to realize either you don’t have Christ or you lost hold of Christ.  

Inside of your meetings, even though it seems like the person doesn’t have physical problems, while you have a conversation with them, you can see these problems.  But if you don’t see spiritual things, you cannot give the answer. It is only when they get cancer or their business fails, their families are broken apart, then you can give the answer?  But you have to be able to see the spiritual things happening before their progression before being able to restore them.  

Why is evangelism not taking place? The answer is not the answer and you’re not able to confirm the answer. If this hasn’t been prepared and you receive something, that’s dangerous.  If God truly loves and adores you, and values you, He will not give you anything because He knows how dangerous that is.

2) Spiritual State of the Unbeliever

You must diagnose this in your family.  My mother and father are church members but they are in the states of the unbeliever.  Confirm this, they are not unbelievers but they have the state of an unbeliever, that is, they do not believe in God. They have received salvation but they do not believe in God; instead, they believe in money. Instead of the covenant, they hold onto physical things. That’s an unbeliever. Confirm this.

Confirming this does not mean you memorize the six states, but the children memorize it because they have to know it.  It may seem like they’re doing well as they memorize it, but that’s the first step.  Confirm this.  Am I really captured by Satan? You don’t have confidence in that and you don’t see it but it applies to pastors as well because they have taken Satan away along with spiritual problems.  

I saw someone had written about the six states of the unbeliever, the physical, spiritual problems, the next generation, family, and world problems, but they had taken away Satan.  That person is absolutely unable to confirm this in the field. They heard about it theoretically.  Because they’ve never heard or confirmed Satan, they cannot write down, “Satan,” because they have a conscience about it, they are afraid of upsetting the other person.

Satan knows this that you do not spiritually acknowledge him, so do you think evangelism will take place?  So, there are problems, but you still attacking the sides instead of going at the core, which is the heart. What is the problem of America? You’re not able to see it.  You only see the high level or standing; you’re not able to see it.  You’re only able to see how people are nice but you cannot see they’re all captured by Satan.  Even going for shamans, they think to themselves, “They’re captured by Satan,” they acknowledge because their lifestyle is so different, “They’re captured by Satan,” but they don’t realistically acknowledge it. 

Then, Jesus Christ is not the complete, greatest knowledge. Satan knows this and attacks you, that is the problem.  It is not a problem about not being able to read the Bible entirely, and it is in fact better to have more etiquette and societal manners, but if you look at the other person, it’s not that you diagnose them. 

You have been liberated from the forces of Satan but you are captured by Satan. When you’re seized by Satan, you don’t want to hold God’s Word in your heart, so even though you don’t want suffering to come into your life, suffering will enter into you. That is the result of the problems of your life. Does it matter if you are successful or fail if you’re suffering?  Even if your business succeeds, you’re still suffering.  Let’s say you throw away money and physical possessions, will you not suffer? You will still suffer.  But because you don’t know spiritual things, you focus on physical things, but you’re seized by Satan.  

Try throwing away everything and live in the mountains. You will still suffer, especially spiritually.  There are people in Korea who say, “I’m a natural man,” and they live in the mountains, but that’s all a lie.  They probably won’t be tempted by other people, but if they’re alone, they have to have a personal Upper Room meeting, but without the answer, they continue to suffer.  People follow after others, thinking, “Outside of Christ, there are others that cause my suffering,” but Satan knows this.

Starting with 2023, “I am a person who has Christ as the answer,” but no matter how long you’ve lived in America or how successful you are, you don’t have the answer.  It’s a fact that the more expectations you have, the more severe your spiritual problems will be. There’s no answer in having great expectations for your children, so if you’re not able to accurately confirm and diagnose these spiritual problems, these things will just be repeated.  

3) Blessings of the Believer 

You have to confirm this.  If you’re not able to confirm this, the physical blessings should follow after you but you follow after physical things. God has prepared for you the spiritual blessings that physical things cannot touch; but our standard is on physical things, which is rubbish.  I’m talking about the most basic things. It’s important that you confirm this, and do this inside of prayer as well.  The more you endure, the more this goes on, the harder it will be for you.  It’s very simple. “I am a person who cannot do anything because Original Sin is not something I can overcome; it can only be solved by Jesus Christ.” 

Even now, if it is not Jesus Christ, it is not something you can overcome. Satan is not overcome by yourself. It’s always Jesus Christ, every day, Jesus Christ. Have this answer.  Every day, every moment, these are amazing words, but it’s not about that.  But always, every day, we are inside of Original Sin, seized by Satan. That’s why it’s always, every day, Jesus Christ, then that is when the true start begins.  Inside of Jesus Christ, that is when blessings come upon you and you’re able to share God’s Word. Until then, the Word of God is just a theory.

You have a head so you’re able to understand language. You know it but you cannot understand it, so you’re going crazy. You think you lack knowledge or understanding so you listen, but you don’t have the spiritual discernment so you end up falling into that.  Jesus provided this example of His evangelism plan, but before that, it’s important to confirm this.  It’s important to receive strength through the sermon, but today, it’s not about receiving strength, but it is confirming the state you are in.

Don’t listen to it just because you want to listen to it.  If you don’t listen to it, this will continue to repeat until you know it.  It’s very simple.  You have to confirm spiritual things, confirm the family background, confirm this within the field.  If you’re not able to confirm this, then Christ means nothing.  Did the Jewish people not await the Messiah? Everyone knows they need Christ, but they don’t realistically and truly know why they need Christ.  Because they don’t know the fundamental problems, they keep giving the wrong answers. 

That’s why in the introduction, I introduced these things you must absolutely confirm.  If Christ is not the answer, then you have to come before God. In order to have this answer, you must first see the problem.  If you see the problems of life, not as this but as something else, Christ is not the answer.  Then it’s only Christ Who is the answer to financial problems or illnesses or diseases, then Christ is the same as evil spirits.  

As we start the new year, this is the healing school, and I hope you will be healed by this.  The reason why I give anecdotes is to give a testimony as a witness of my spiritual state, and I tell stories about my life or my family. It’s not to be funny but everyone is a spiritual being.  Every day, always Christ.  You have to enjoy the blessings inside of Christ to be raised to the summit.

4) Prayer

How do we know prayer?  You think of prayer as something you want or need, and because you know prayer as such, prayer does not take place.  If you see people who are praying diligently, it seems they want and need a lot of stuff so they keep praying, and people who pray zealously, it is because they zealously need something.  However, if they don’t need anything, they stop praying so they are spiritually down.  

All Things

Prayer is connecting everything, it’s not that it will take place or not, but everything is revealed through prayer.  24 hours means everything in our lives, every aspect is being connected with God.  At this time, we’re listening to this sermon, we’re not just listening but we’re connecting with God through prayer.  On Sundays, people who stay in church from morning until evening is about 10% of the church, and every week, there are people like that. The fact they are sitting there is a blessing because they could be sitting elsewhere, but they are in that space.  

If prayer doesn’t take place, they say, “Why am I sitting here? I want to move around, my body aches,” but you are practicing on Sundays, and that’s how you go out into the world and you’re able to connect everything to prayer.  Connecting everything to prayer means you present every situation before God.  God is alive so He is bound to give answers.  So, the people who don’t know what prayer is, or misunderstand prayer, you must be able to pray like this.

Especially when we do scheduled prayer alone, you are connecting yourself with God inside of His Word.  You’re also searching for God’s plan, and it’s not revealed by you wandering around, but it’s deep prayer.  The greater the individual is, the more they need this time.  It is a big work, they have to receive more answers from God.  The smaller things are not really required, and you can just make your judgment off the top of your head as these are small things, but people who are going to do great works, it is not possible with their own standards, but there has to be this connection with God inside of God’s plan.  

I’ve said all the most important things, I will just continue.  Some people keep coming in after the introduction, but the important things are in the introduction, and people who listen to the later things won’t really know.  But regardless, if God’s grace is poured upon you, it will happen. 

1. Jesus Christ

1) Matthew 4:4, 7, 10 Word

Jesus Christ provided these examples, it shows Satan’s temptations and Jesus went against that with God’s Word.

Matthew 12:3-5 Sabbath

In Matthew 12, Jesus spoke about the importance of Sabbath and it also referred to David who ate the bread of the priests on the Sabbath and He revealed the meaning of the Sabbath. In other words, you realistically apply the word of God in the field.

2) Matthew 14:23 Prayer

God realistically showed how to pray. When Jesus walked upon the water, the disciples were afraid and in fear, but Jesus showed how to pray.  If you have never showed how to pray, how will the children pray? The children know to look at the parents when a problem arises in the family.  I’m saying that children know when the problem arises in the church, whether these people are the ones to say many words to focus on and to try to solve the problem, or if they will pray.  

People who think about the problem will say, instead of praying, “Isn’t this the solution, or that?” God will not look favorably upon that. I’m not saying to not look to that, but fundamentally pray to God.  God has allowed this problematic situation to occur because He has prepared blessings for you, so focus your attention on God and pray.

3) Matthew 8:23-27 One Soul

Jesus showed the importance of one soul.  Jesus showed how even in the church, the remnants who are going through the most hardship and suffering, one example is the remnants focused on their phones with their heads down in the back, the importance and meaning of salvation, the offspring of the woman, must be revealed.  But people focus on the better remnants and those who have power in the world, but that’s not it. It’s not that, if you think that if you side with a person with a great name, you’ll also be great. That’s not right.

Jesus’ interest lies in the one lamb.  Your state is where your interest in the church lies.  Some people’s interest lies in receiving service, however, Jesus says, “I have come to serve,” so they are not aligned with God.  Some others, I’m talking about inside the church, they are focused on the Word and healing and relaying the Word.  God’s interest is here.  David was like this while shepherding his sheep, so not even one sheep was lost. Normal people would think, “Losing one sheep is normal,” but that’s not right; you’re doing this before God.  God said He found favor in David, a man after God’s own heart.  

How many people are attending church? But all their interests are different. Their interests are Genesis 3, me, success, money, but that’s a religious lifestyle.  God desires for us to invest in the weakest, the place of most suffering and hardship, inside the church. There is no doubt, isn’t that God’s heart?  

4) Luke 18:15 Poverty

What is poverty when you believe in Christ?  You can face poverty at times, but what does it mean to believe in Christ? Are you believing  in Christ to not face suffering?  If you have the Truth, then you’re bound to have a fight against Satan.  Poverty is included inside of that.  But if you are happy or sad within poverty, that is not a person with a lot of faith.  But if you have Christ inside of poverty, it’s like this.  If you say, “Having the Word of Truth and Christ, poverty is bound to come,” you have to teach this to the children.  However, the parents are saying, “Avoid that, change the church, why are you facing poverty in church? Move churches.” That’s not believing in Christ, that’s something else, and the falsehood is attacking you.  You may misunderstand, “In the past, I didn’t face this, but the more I go along, the more I face this,” and that’s normal. When you’re confused, it’s right for you to go to the standard of the Bible.

What did Jesus do? What did Paul do? They were in poverty, there was no crown; there was no high position. Look at Paul.  There was no honor in appearing before Caesar. Caesar could say, “This is great, you relayed the gospel to me,” but he didn’t and Paul was beheaded.  But this is revealed to you in thanksgiving. If you keep drawing a picture of a religious lifestyle, you’ll be in trouble. Don’t just draw unnecessary pictures, you’ll end up in trouble.  

I am grateful that I get to relay this gospel, I will only enjoy this gospel after relaying this gospel, and falsehood will definitely attack you.  You have to say, “I will relay this gospel to the future generations and then I will go to heaven. I’m thankful if there are physical blessings but I’m fine without.” That’s how God can entrust this task to that person. However, people with small vessels are petty with things, “It’s about time for me to receive physical blessings,” so they think that because of their actions, they deserve blessings. 

We cannot raise the next generation like that, Satan will attack them. Unbelievers overcome with their own efforts, but that’s irrelevant.  The walk of faith where you face poverty inside this gospel, and you’re thankful for that. You must be able to relay this.  If you don’t have this, you’re not able to relay it.  Then the children will continue to live in this state where it is not properly formed.  

If something comes up and I tell the interpreter, is it right for me to scold the interpreter? “Translate properly!” when they’re doing more than other people in the church, so I don’t give compliments. Isn’t that what it means to be a disciple? Isn’t that rightful that they are doing it for Jesus’ glory and to glorify God, then what compliments do they need? It would be so great if the disciples are raised like this.

It’s good to be supported by words of encouragement, but who will encourage them in the world? Both sides of unbelievers will oppress them, how can I raise them up like that when I have been living like an unbeliever all my life?  That is why looking at my child, I see the states of the unbeliever, and I say, “It is not right for you to be like this in the world.”  As an unbeliever, God has given me this experience of an unbeliever.  So, that’s why I can tell the children that that is not right. 

However, if they have the walk of faith and studies and work all together, God wants to change that. That’s the standard.  We have to have discipleship training inside of that. There’s no need for training if we tell the next generation, “Go out into the world, be keen about everything, and come to church to receive grace.”  

There is God’s plan in calling me as a pastor despite me having this long life as an unbeliever. Because of that, I have a colder attitude compared to other pastors, but my goal is to change the world. You have to keep a lookout if you’re not able to change it.  We have to be able to adjust to everyone’s standards, but if I taught the children how to continue doing that in the world, that’s not right. 

There may have been incidences where my words may have shaken some remnants, and they no longer come to church, but I’m sorry to say this, they will not be able to overcome the world. Pastors who raise up believers who cannot overcome the world should let go of their duty.  The pack will attack one person all their lives.  Or that person will receive mental problems because they’re unable to stand still as they do not know the spiritual truth. If they have the Truth, they are able to fight and win.  They are praying in the name of Christ, and the forces of darkness are broken down, then everything is solved. 

Many people gather but they don’t want that, but if it’s like that, I wouldn’t be here.  You have to adjust it so that many people can gather.  But if you’re able to overcome the world, why are we doing this?  Knowing this, you have to know the church that God desires and the work God desires. That is God’s plan.

If you look at it, it was during the pandemic that the children were raised, ask the other churches if the pastors stood at this place during the pandemic. Many pastors rested during the pandemic, but why did I continue to come here without rest? It is something God gave to me, regardless of the illness.  You should see me and view me like this, but you cannot look at me with different eyes.  The children have to come here to translate, and they kept getting scolded, “Translate the numbers correctly,” but are these words correct? 

We have to encourage them.  “God didn’t create me like this.” I just pray for them, and I truly pray for them.  Prayer is faster than words of encouragement. I make it so that they receive God’s grace by praying in front of them.  Someone contacted me and I thought, “This might relate to one of the members of the church.”  They listened to other people’s words and thought about their own scars, and there may be a misunderstanding because they think it’s about their scars, but think at that time.  You have to know your pastor is praying for you.  

Don’t be triggered by the words said up here because they attack your scars, but think, apart from your parents, the pastor is the one who prays for you most after your parents.  It’s simple, it’s the truth, but you’re not able to think like this.  You keep looking through the lens of your own scars, the experiences, your standards, and eventually that person will collapse under their own scars.  They’re not able to listen to the sermon the pastor preaches.  Will they be restored if they go to another church? Their state is the same.

If they’re healed and restored at another church, that’s something to be grateful about.  It wasn’t my church member, but a person I knew, so I told them, “You have to remember the Senior Pastor prays for you. The pastor may pray for you more than your parents, then everything will be resolved. It’s my problem.”  I hope this blessing will come upon you.


God, thank you for the evangelism plan.  Following that, let us be raised up as evangelism disciples, in the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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