The Young Spiritual Summit (Acts 2:17-18)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Young Spiritual Summit (Acts 2:17-18)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Gospel Oh

May you receive a special blessing on Christmas.  According to the scripture reading today, when God’s Spirit is poured on people, they will prophesy.  It is written that you cannot see the future; however, when God’s Spirit is poured upon you, you can see the future and prophesy.  How will a person live their today when they know their future?  How will people who don’t know their future live?  There is a great difference. 

The Triune God created you, and the Triune God is guiding you.  The Triune God knows your future.  People who know this have a different posture. They know what is going to happen in the future, so their posture is different.  But people who don’t’ know this have an uncertain posture.  This is what is different.  In the Bible, the figures David, Daniel, and Joseph had different postures. They knew what the problems of the world were, and how they could overcome those problems. 

The person who knows the future is already in a spiritually high position. Because they’re in a high position, they can see.  Going on top of a mountain, you can also see LA County, Orange County, and Glendale. I used to go to the top of a mountain every day.  There’s a freeway, the I-5, that goes all the way to Orange County, and it starts from the top so we see everything.

In the World Cup, there are a few good soccer players. What are they good at, exactly? They can score goals, not because they work hard, but they see the entire thing.  There’s a person who can see the entire game happening, and there are those who are unable to see the entire thing, and the person who sees the entire game is able to see where the ball is going to go, and steps forward into that.

They know where the ball is going to go, where it will land, and they are already in position.  But people who don’t know this are uncertain about which way to go and they lose their chance.  The people who know where the ball will land have the posture and are prepared to get that goal.  Preparations for this do not happen within a day. 

There’s a Brazillian soccer player named Pele, and he scored a goal in the World Cup in his teens.  There was also another French player who scored a goal in his teens, so there were these two players, Pele and Mbappe.  There were a lot of immigrants from Africa and Muslim countries living in France. Though it’s one France, it’s different regions, and from a young age, this player was hungry, so he played soccer.  Pele’s father was a soccer player so he also played soccer from a young age. The Portugal player, Ronaldo, also played soccer from a young age. At a young age, his father was an alcoholic, so he played soccer. From a young age, you’re shaken or destroyed by your problems, or will you overcome those problems?  People who succeed will face problems or failures, but they do not crumble and they push through, so that is why they are successful.  Whether it’s soccer, whatever it is, it will come to you.

But for people who already know what they’re going to be, it doesn’t matter to them.  Joseph, David, Daniel all had the answer.  But by God’s Spirit, they knew what they would be in the future, so they had that posture.  David knew he would become King, so there was a big difference between him and his brothers.  Joseph’s brothers also had their walk of faith, but it was different, and it’s not about the personality.  But by being moved by the spirit of God, they knew what they were going to do in the future. Because they knew, they had this posture.

Napoleon Bonaparte, from a young age, knew he wanted to be a soldier, so he would eat MREs as a child. Because he knew he was going to be a soldier, he prepared from a young age.  He later died in exile, but he became a great general regardless.  What does this mean?  It starts at a young age. Because they knew and heard this, they adjusted their posture and prepared for it.  From a young age, you must receive God’s Spirit, and it says in the Bible, when God’s Spirit is poured upon people, they will prophesy.  Not just staying still, but rather, acknowledge that God has already called you, liberated you with a talent and specialization, and you must go forward with that. Prepare in advance with that posture.

Spiritual summit

When you become the summit, people and money may follow, but when you become the spiritual summit, everyone will follow, the skills will follow, and you’ll arise as the summit to change the culture.  What is the spiritual summit? It means you’re spiritually at the top, and because you’re at the peak, you can see.  What is the trait of the summit? You see it and everything follows after.  If you become the president, you’ll be able to see the workings of the world as all the information comes to you, and at the same time, there’s power that comes to you as you need to use this power.

When you’re raised as the spiritual summit, you’ll be able to see.  Seeing is easy.  Students are concerned about the future they cannot see.  Joseph was given a vision of world evangelization and was able to see this, but Joseph entered in not just as a slave, but as the spiritual summit.

In the world, you’ve learned that without the spiritual summit, you must stand as the skill summit, so how difficult is this?  This must follow after, but you try to make this yourself so it’s very difficult.  Deacon Ted, how difficult was it for him to become a lawyer?  Because he was not the spiritual summit, he tried to achieve the skill summit on his own, it was difficult. Without being a spiritual summit, you try to rise to the skill summit? That’s when you falter.  It has to be done with the power of the spiritual summit, but you use your own power and are afflicted by many problems.

Ask David Abrams. We’ve two lawyers here.  There’s also Esther, and she’s younger so it’s different, but how difficult was it?  It’s not enough with just becoming a lawyer, you have to run a business.  Money doesn’t follow lawyers, but you have to be a great lawyer, advertising yourself.  You have to be able to change the culture, but you’ll just be thrown into the culture, but God did not call us like that. 

Jesus = Christ

My problems have already been finished on the cross. But you face a problem, you say everything is finished, but why is there a problem?  It has been finished but where has this problem come from?  It’s evidence that you’re apart from God, then what is God’s plan inside of that? It’s an opportunity for God to answer you.  Your problems of the family and problems with your parents, if you’re unable to understand, you can’t even hold a conversation with your parents as you don’t want to listen to them, or after high school graduation, you want to leave home? That’s stupid, it won’t be resolved as you don’t like them, but receive the answer.   Everything has been finished; don’t solve it by running away.  God gave you this problem so you receive the answer.  It’s not that everything has been finished; why do you have this problem? Without seeing this, you are resentful against church, against your workplace. Becoming the spiritual summit means you’re inside the fact that everything has been finished.

God’s Kingdom

No matter what you say before people, God and Satan know. 

Witness – Filling of the Holy Spirit

Jesus = Christ – Spiritual problem – Satan, Sin, Curses, Hell


Everyone is under this.  We are not Christ; we are beings who need Christ. There is never a problem inside of Christ, but it’s inside of us, so we cannot misunderstand—we are not Christ.  We are God’s people who believe in the works God has done.  I am not a being who is able to solve this.  When we hold onto the work Christ has done, freeing us from all of this, Satan knows this very well.  So, already knowing this answer and holding onto it, that’s the summit. This and that problem, within the Kingdom of God, is already God’s blessings. 

Pharisees just speak.  The workplace does not need such people.  Successful people don’t need that. We need people who  can solve this. People with the background of God’s Kingdom can solve this, because our background comes from the answers in God’s Kingdom, so we pray.  When we pray, God gives us an answer when it’s His time. 

I hope you’re able to understand this, it’s important content. The spiritual state, it’s not possible for yourself, the darkness.  It’s not possible for yourself.  Unbeknownst to you, it comes to you.  It’s only normal to feel tired after eating lunch, but there are some people who are tired even not having eaten lunch. Those are the forces of darkness and they continue to follow after you, so those results continue coming.  When you hold onto Christ, the forces of darkness run away.  Hold onto this. 

For people who have this and go to school, they can save that school. But many church attendees aren’t able to do this.  If the remnants know this, they won’t speak of the problems of church.  The people who receive answers will receive answers from a young age to save their church and fields.  You are saving the world with God’s power, not your own power, but God will give you His power.

If you need money, God gives you money; if you need people, God will give you people. If you need wisdom, God will give you wisdom or put you with a person who has wisdom.  The person who knows the mystery of the Triune God, God has called me for world evangelization.  The one who knows and relays this answer, I hope you will become the spiritual summit. 

Becoming a president is also important, but that doesn’t solve this problem.  What I’m talking about is, you may know in your head as I’ve talked about this, but you cannot see this when you look at people, because you see the physical body, but you must know this. Those with Christ within them can see this, that’s why wherever you go, you can enjoy the answer. That’s how, every place they go, it doesn’t matter if they’re a successful or a poor person.

But you’re sent a slave. If you understand, everything is finished, but being unable to understand this, unbeknownst to you, you can’t.  Those who understand can save their parents because they can see their parents’ problems.  And they know the answer.  As they shine that light, the problems disappear.  They are waiting for God to answer.  God will give you the answer.  Wherever they may go, whether it’s school or work, there’s always a problem. You must be able to shine that light and God will answer, because as a result of God’s reign and control over everything, He gives us the answer.

If a student follows a professor 200%, there is a background.  God desires for you to shine this light of Jesus Christ to the world and His work is being done through people, and His work and power is being done through people. 

Word – Fulfillment

Some people just listen to the words on Sunday, but the Word touches the hearts of others on Sunday. 

Prayer – Answer

Hold onto God’s Word, and it will definitely be fulfilled. 

Psalm 103:20-22, Red Sea

People who come to church and live with their own thoughts are fools. Their thoughts will not be fulfilled; God’s Word will be fulfilled, word by word.  But like a fool, you don’t listen to God’s Word, but you listen to people, and no matter how many times you say this, it’s useless. Hold onto God’s Word that will be fulfilled, and when this Word enters into you, you’ll be able to pray. What is prayer? Prayer is holding onto God’s Word.  Meditation prayer is holding onto God’s Word and praying.  If you hold onto God’s Word every day and pray, you receive answers.  It will come and will continue to come.

People say, “I will support you,” but that’s irrelevant.  Stand before God’s Word.  The forces of darkness are attacking you right now so you cannot give worship, and you’re able to do everything else but worship.  Then, from Monday, you’ll be shaken from your own thoughts.  You just have ot hold onto the Word that will be fulfilled, and pray regarding the answers to come. 

Thoughts, Experiences, Wisdom

Do not be shaken by people’s words, but meditate on God’s Word.

Evangelism – Witness

Worship is so important.  If you stake your life on worship, you’ll receive the answer of saving lives and academics will follow. It seems like you’re the one studying, but the one who opened up that path is God.  There are a lot of people from Korea who are professors, and they became professors but it seems like the path before them is not opening up. God is the One Who opens up that path, so I hope you are inside of this.

Let’s be within this. You may appear to be powerless and have problems in the family, and even in church, there are problems with people, but will you be in a position to change the problems into opportunities, or will you fall into problems? It all depends on your field.  People who are used by God from a young age are able to see this from a young age, so do not focus on that. Some adults seem like children, they say this or that is a problem, but you have to point out the answer with that problem. Who doesn’t know that’s a problem?  From a young age, you have to see the problem but also be in a position where you can see the answer to that problem. That person can solve the problems of America. 

David, from a young age, saw the problems and solved the problems as king later on. The fields you have, the church fields, the family fields, the school fields, when you become the summit, you’ll be able to see how to solve that, in the position of being able to save. From a young age, such people will save wherever they go because they can see this. You have been called like this, and God will continue to give answers like this. 

So don’t just listen to the words of living your walk of faith diligently.  Diligence, even when I work hard, I don’t fall behind on diligence, I’m saying, I’m not behind on diligence or effort, but at night, when there are no cars, I will walk around, trying to evangelize.  But once I received God’s grace, I realized that taking away my efforts and diligence that are problems. But God takes this away from me by grace. I’m not saying to not try or put in your effort.  You have the nature of trying too hard.

Even in my resting period, I’m reading a book because I try hard.  I’m probably the best at studying, I worked hard at school, but no more because that was my nature of effort, I would try something, and it’s good, but I wasn’t able to see the things God will do in the future.  But I’m not playing around now.  I do everything I have to do.  Even if you do not understand the spiritual summit right now, you should be able to prophesy.  Have one heart, whole heart, continuation because you just have to listen; one day, you’ll find yourself to have changed. If you keep hearing, “One day, you’ll become a world evangelist,” you’ll hesitate, but one day, you will become a world evangelist. Be in that position, “One day, I will be a world evangelist,” but don’t try your best and hardest.

Be in the location where you say, “I will be a world evangelist to save the world.”  That’s why your posture at church and worship and academics are different.   “I’m going to be the king,” so he wasn’t afraid before Goliath.  Because he will be king, his posture was different.  Joseph knew he was going to do world evangelization in Egypt, so his posture as he went in as a slave was different. You are the ones to save the church and do world evangelization, so your posture is different.  You have to have the posture where you will save the church.  Many people are dying, facing problems, but you must be in the position where you can see the answer to the problems.  Not strength or skill, but what God used.

Be at that location where you can see the answer to save the world, then God will give you answers accordingly.  I hope you will enjoy this blessing. 

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