24 Hours to Save the Field (Romans 16:25)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

24 Hours to Save the Field (Romans 16:25)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Joyce Jo

God, we thank You. May this time of the lifestyles of the evangelist be our time of answers.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

We did the 62 life points but where did we stop?

24 (Romans 16:25)

When we talk about 24, it’s not just 24 hours.  The 3, 9, 3 must be our 24 hours. 

Jesus Christ = Finished

If you disagree, you don’t know Christ. Without knowing this, how can you know Christ? You know the term. 

Satan, Sin, Hell

Come to the answer within God’s Word. Without this answer, your walk of faith becomes hard for you for the rest of your life.  In the Bible, there is some content that talks about what will have been fulfilled in the future.  In other words, the Lord has already finished my past, present, and future.  Then a problem comes, and this is when people start to get confused.  The Lord has finished all problems on the cross but I still face problems? But that problem is there for you to confirm that all problems have been finished, do you understand?

For it to have already been finished in the future, then even though it’s not like that in the present, it’s finished like that all the way in the future.  Right now, we have our present, but there are things that will come, and you confirm that those things have already been finished by God.  You need to know how Hebrews was written.  Rev. Ryu described Hebrews as something that has already been finished, and you begin that with the problems you have right now, so you confirm that those things have already been finished within the problems you’re facing.

If you don’t come to an answer in this, your walk of faith is difficult. For example, if you face a problem, if you see it already knowing the conclusion, compared to if you see it just going into it thinking, “It is already finished,” those two lives are very different. 

Death – 2000 -à

This death finished all problems of mankind. Just one person needs to die.  That’s the second Adam.  You go forth knowing the end.  Another thing, He has finished all the problems of my life, then what about evangelism and missions? 

Evangelism and Missions

It is when another person receives the gospel, and this was finished from before creation.  Before we were created, God had already predestined those who are being saved, in other words, God has prepared world evangelization.  He has already finished world evangelization.  Our walk of faith is confirming this thing that has already been finished.  If you don’t understand the gospel, evangelism and missions is the hardest thing.  This hasn’t been finished for you, so you have to do evangelism and missions.  When a problem comes, you need to put in your effort and strength to solve it. That’s a religious life.

So many people live like this.  Jesus Christ is the gospel, but they don’t think this. You need to talk about the content in order to know the gospel. Believers and unbelievers know who Jesus Christ is, but because we live our walk of faith in this way, we can’t overcome our present problems.  If someone says something to me, I’m not able to overcome it, why? Because it hasn’t been finished.  It has been finished, but how? Discover that, and that’s your walk of faith. 

All of these things have already been finished, and just like a treasure hunt, you look for these treasures.  Children have jigsaw puzzles.  We didn’t draw up our own image, this is not within our authority; this is God’s authority.  With what God has given to us, we connect one by one, and that’s our walk of faith.  Until this entire masterpiece of world evangelization is complete, this is a masterpiece.  This is God’s prepared masterpiece; it is not something you made.  But because you try to make it yourself and you use your brain so much, you get mental problems. 

Christ solved my past, present, and future problems.  To say more specifically, these three spiritual problems, because they are spiritual, they continue.  This is a spiritual problem, so it is everlasting until Jesus’ second coming.  Jesus Christ finished this problem, so all problems have been finished.  Don’t be deceived; it has been finished, how? You see this.  It’s different, right? World evangelization.  The Lord has already completed it.  Discovering how He has completed it is evangelism and missions.  

In Acts 13, to do God’s Work, they raised 5 people to receive the guidance from God to do that work.  If you don’t understand evangelism camp in this way, it becomes hard.  You need to pray about what God has prepared already for you in your field.  Not something you have to make from your creativity or imagination.  That’s the prayer Paul prayed. “What is the evangelism You desire in the region of Ephesus?” He was persecuted but that was the method.  They prayed and gathered in the lecture halls of Tyrannus, and God called the disciples to this location. This is recorded in the Bible.

If proclaiming Jesus is not finished for you, then people get confused, “Why talk about only Jesus Christ?” The Lord has already completed evangelism and missions, but practically He wants to do it through me, and that’s why God said He would give you power.  This power is the “9” in 3, 9, 3.  This power must come upon me to do world evangelization and missions.  Enjoying God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, that is 3. 

I’m guided and pray in the way such that the Throne of Heaven is established on me, and that’s why you pray so that God works upon your field, home, and school, and work.  That’s when you receive the answers God has prepared.  Our past, present, and future have already been finished but people continue to dwell on the past, but the past has already been solved. We must save the church, field, and future generations, why? God said He would do it with His power.  When you pray this, you must be the happiest.  If you don’t find happiness in this, you have no choice but to find happiness in other things like drugs.  You don’t know but you make something for yourself to find happiness.  Find your happiness only in this.

Once you acknowledge the sovereignty of the Triune God, happiness is contained within that.  World evangelization has already been completed, but for God to use me to do this work, for the Holy Spirit to come upon me, and that field, that can be your workplace or the people you meet.  God has attached them to do for you to do world evangelization.  If you need to do something, it’s hard for you, but enjoy through prayer and it becomes the happiest time. 

Set aside time in your field.  Don’t fall into the words of people but do this. Don’t fall into the circumstances but pray.  For us, we have no choice but to fall into circumstances, but we must be led by the Holy Spirit.  That’s why we pray 24 hours.  If you don’t have 24 hours, you’re influenced by something else, 24 hours.  You might complain, “That person said this to me,” but you don’t have 24 hours.  You just need to be guided by the Lord for 24 hours, but without this, “this person said that about me.”  Within that circumstance and those words, God is within that, and you need to receive God’s guidance.

If you live with your thoughts and that person’s thoughts, then you’re living like an unbeliever. When you pray, it means you’re being guided.  You pray to receive God’s correct guidance, and that’s 24 hours, because the Holy Spirit guides, how? He guides you towards world evangelization, so that’s why you pray.  It’s not that you pray all the time, but do it in a comfortable, peaceful way.  You continue to pray so this connection with God is not disconnected, and your spirit continuously looks towards God.  Once you have this antenna, then whatever circumstance, you receive it from God.  Then, your priority must be this. 

If you go around trying to solve problems around you, that’s in vain. After you receive and hold onto the covenant, you talk with those around you, but in your religious life, you just pray about your meetings. Instead, you live a religious life, praying when you face a problem instead of praying in your daily life.  You need to always be within this prayer of acknowledging God’s absolute sovereignty and relaying this to those around you.

Without doing this, in the face of problems, you try to pray to God and solve the problem.  Then it becomes hard to live. That’s why for people like Daniel and Joseph, they’re in the midst of suffering, but they said it wasn’t hardship. Physically it’s hard to be a slave.  Daniel was persecuted and facing a hard time by the people around him, but they were okay. Why? God was with them, what does that mean? He’s not with you for nothing; you acknowledge God’s sovereignty upon the situation you’re facing, and once you acknowledge that, you’re able to receive His power in all things. Then even though he entered as a slave, God’s Kingdom was established.

What happens when God’s Kingdom is established?  Satan’s kingdom is broken down.  So you don’t have to say whether something is hard or difficult.  If you don’t understand correctly, you think you have to strengthen your mentality to overcome problems, but that’s religion.  Once you acknowledge God’s authority with your life, that’s when God’s power comes upon you. Especially the remnants, when you go out into the field, acknowledge this. Because you acknowledge God’s sovereignty, you can respect your superiors and love those below you. Because you acknowledge God’s authority, you don’t compete with those around you; instead, you go together.  This is what you must possess in order to become a leader.

If you don’t have this but you become a leader, then people below you will have a hard time.  If such people become president, they bother their subordinates, and if you become a father without this, the family will have a hard time.  You need to know this correctly for your family to communicate with God.  If you become a layleader and have the position in the church without this, other people will have a hard time.  Unbelievers use this term of yielding to others to be considerate, and that is the greatest terminology these unbelievers use.  These are the people who are acknowledged because such people can communicate with others.  If you only know yourself then you cannot communicate with others and do whatever you want, but in the church, they use the law to determine what is right in their own eyes, but you cannot become a leader like this.  The more you’re put in this position, the person will have a hard time.

Do this correctly. Be humble.  If you’re humble, you don’t step on others, but if you’re prideful, you step on others. That is just the law and principle everyone follows.  So Joseph was humble and did things in the lowliest position, he had no competition and no one stepped on him. He had this position. If he had a stiff neck, he would be persecuted from all sides.  Learn this in the church.

It would be great to learn from the family, but the family lacks in various ways. That’s why we have the church. My daughter stands up against me many times so sometimes I have to whip her down, but she doesn’t even know as she goes against me. For her to know, I make her suffer, and the method is simple: when my expression changes, she becomes stiff.  She already has experienced my anger a few times, so she just crumbles down. Just as a cobra paralyzes someone, she’s frozen. To avoid this, she must act accordingly.

In my family, it’s our nature to go against the subordinates.  If we lived in the Joseon dynasty, our heads would have been cut off, but these people would say, “We died for our righteousness,” and we think we are correct.  Regardless, be humble.  For us, we have this arrogance from birth, even though we have nothing, we’re arrogant.  We repent a lot.  No one told us this, but God makes us realize, telling us to be humble. It’s like this.

I’m not the model; I stand as a witness so you’re not like this.  If you’re humble, you have no enemies.  If you’re arrogant, you form a lot of enemies.  It’s not that I have enemies, I just have arrogance no one knows about.  Sometimes it does reveal itself now and then.  In the church, if you face this kind of circumstance, you acknowledge God’s sovereignty and how He is making you humble.

We talked about 24 hours and we’ve come all the way here.  Today, during this week, when you say, “Lord,” you need to acknowledge His sovereignty.  It’s not “Lord, solve this problem for me,” but “Lord, I entrust this problem to you.” That’s what I’m saying. If you’re arrogant, your Lord is someone else and your own kingdom is established and your circumstance will go away.  What happens? The content must be Jesus Christ.  You cannot say this to your superiors, because someone is superior to your superior. Acknowledge that authority.  If you acknowledge God’s sovereignty, you can respect those above and below, and you have this peace.

In the workplace, the hardest thing is to respect your superiors. They don’t get along.  If you follow after them, it won’t be hard, but because you’re dissimilar and you have your own standard, you can’t just follow, but we believe in God. We believe and acknowledge God’s authority Who placed the superior above you, so later on, you can evangelize to them.  If you continue to go against them, their heart is already closed so you can’t evangelize later.  This is how you must live in the field, acknowledging God’s sovereignty.  You must continue to practice and train through this and the word, then wherever you go, you’ll be acknowledged. All people work in a similar way.  But for that particular person, they want to embrace them, because they acknowledge and respect them, but you’ll only acknowledge and respect them as you acknowledge God. 

Our goal is not to say the correct or right thing, or change into doing the correct thing, because that’s establishing my kingdom and justice; that’s not God’s Kingdom, and that’s why it’s hard. It’s hard to raise up children as you raise them in your own way, then who has a hard time? It’s just you.  Acknowledge God’s authority on how He will guide and lead them. That’s when all these things will be restored. Don’t ever try to change another person. For us, we have this law and legalism so we try to change others, but the other person’s response is that they don’t want to change. These people fight thinking they themselves are correct. Leave them alone and help them in that aspect.  God has attached you to this person to help them in the family.

No matter how much you try to change, you cannot change.  Thinking you can change is already showing you hold onto your own authority. Entrust that to God. Even as you hear the harshest things from others, give it to God. Don’t ever try to change others.  Instead, help them in their weakness, that is the church and the family.   The family isn’t a mini-version of the church.  Even in the church, no one can be perfect, so we help each other in our weaknesses.  That’s why in our weaknesses, we are united and do God’s work together.

If you don’t know the church, you won’t know your family or your workplace.  Then you can never be a leader who is able to lead others. This principle applies to the present as well, because the Lord is sovereign.  The Lord gives you talents and the leader utilizes this.  The dictator is one who does whatever they want, then that nation will crumble.  You need to experience the church correctly because the family and society are the same.

That is where you practice all of this. Then even if you go out into the world, it will be easier for them.  In the church, you don’t end it with memorizing all these words, but you need to realistically apply and experience the church community in your life.  That’s why people who believe that they don’t need to go to church and they just need to read the Bible on their own, they don’t have this mentality.  There’s the GED to get your high school diploma without classes, and they may have the knowledge but they don’t have the social relationship with others.  When you go to school, there are people who say bad things about you and fight with you. This is a sense of community where you have this education, and you form friendships, and some people end up getting married, but for people who just took a test and received a diploma, they don’t have this.  It’s just that the nation acknowledges the diploma.  Instead, they are fortified in their own independence.

What kind of place is the church? People think, “We can just listen to the broadcast and that’s worship.” Technically that’s not wrong because during the pandemic, we had no choice but to resort to that, but there is a meaning to physically gathering.  People who can’t come to church are those who have a hard time with other people. They say listening to the Word is easy but interacting with others is hard, but it’s harder in the world because that’s where people do whatever they want.  Receive answers properly within the Kingdom of God. 

If you face a test, realize this is God’s opportunity to receive answers and blessings because this is how you receive answers in the field. One by one, through other people, God gives this to you.  Even in marriage, you marry others, you don’t marry angels. You can’t overcome this.  People who only know themselves cannot overcome this. How could they?  They have not considered other things, they only think their own perspectives are correct; how could they acknowledge others?  Some others curse at the pastor, and some people get angry and become tested.  As time goes on, just like Noorim, they end up forming a shield where they just pass by it and overcome these words.  The people around you can be like this.  Or, a couple can be like this for the rest of their lives.  That’s why people say life is hard because interacting with others is hard. 

People say their workplace is hard because of people.  Saying, living in America is hard, it’s because of other people.  You can only see the answers once you acknowledge God’s absolute sovereignty.  I hope you’re able to enjoy this blessing 24 hours.


God, we thank You.  During the week, may we also be within the answer and blessing of 24 hrs.  in the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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