The Authority of the Son of Man (Dan. 7:13-14)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Authority of the Son of Man (Dan. 7:13-14)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Who is the Son of Man? He has authority. Someone may not have physical power but they have authority.  But this power comes from authority.  The Son of Man has authority, He is the One Who has the tremendous background of being God, and with that authority, He has come to earth as a human.  No one can fight against the police, no matter their skills, because the nation has given authority to police officers.


He was given glory, then God’s glory is revealed.

Sovereign Power

This means He has the power to do anything.  The Son of God is Jesus Christ, and if you know these things well, these things will be established in your life, but because people don’t know Jesus Christ, they keep trying to raise their own strength or power.  Even people on this earth try to gain more power, and there’s a lot of different ways to get power. You can have physical power or strength or intellectual strength. If you have a lot of knowledge, that’s connected with money and success, so people keep trying to gain this power.

But we do not gain power; because Jesus Christ was given all the authority, we receive Jesus’ authority.  Jesus Christ sent His disciples out into the field with the authority to cast out demons. If you utilize Jesus’ authority, demons and evil spirits cannot budge against you.  That’s how the glory of God is revealed, that’s how the sovereign power of God’s authority is revealed.  Jesus Christ is someone like this, and then what does it say? 


Who is the object of your worship? It means you serve.  If a nation loses in a war, they have to get on their knees before their conquering nation, serving them.  All nations and languages will worship Jesus, what does this mean? It means they receive Him as their Lord. You have all the sovereignty of the Lord.  That is worship.  If you don’t have this, it is suffering.  But if you give worship well, these things of Jesus will be established in your life, and power follows after this.

What is worship?  I said this in the morning but many Americans do not know worship. It’s not Bible study.  What is worship?  Someone receives your worship and that person becomes my Lord and Savior. His dominion and power is upon me because I worship Him as my Lord, then His authority will be revealed. That’s what we call the Kingdom of God.  Is it better for God’s Kingdom to be established or to make something by your own strength? You cannot make the nation of America; you just have to go into the nation of America.  You cannot have the power of God’s Kingdom; you just have to go into Him because you are His power and His authority is upon you. That is worship.


How do we worship? We praise, God’s power comes upon us and the Kingdom of God is established.  Because of that, the devil begins to run away.  That’s praise.  So, not only the praise team is praising, but every person is praising that Jesus is the Lord.  If you’re on your phone, texting during praise, that is not worship.  You’re being your own lord, doing whatever you want.

What else do we do? We pray, for example, the elder comes out and gives the representative prayer, meaning he prays for all of us, and then after worship ends, we pray together again. Why do we pray? You don’t pray because you think you have the authority to solve your problems.  Within authority is praise and prayer.  What else? 


Through money, we can buy all of creation, we can buy airplanes and land, we can buy anything.  By giving this money as offering to God, it is a symbol that God is the Lord of everything.  Then, as evidence that God is saying, “You are correct,” He will give financial answers in your life.  These are the things we give to God.  We give our prayers to God, we give our praise to God, we give our offering to God, that is worship.  Then, how does God come upon us?  He comes upon us with His grace. What is grace?

Grace – Word of God

There’s a difference between Bible study and worship. When you worship God, you are saying all authority belongs to God and He is giving authority over your life.  It’s not just us, but all nations and all languages will worship Him, then what happens?  God’s Kingdom will begin to be established through God’s Word, then what happens with the Word?  What is the Word of God?  It is everlasting.


All goes according to God’s Word. With the Word God gives you during worship, He will fulfill it in the same way. 

Psalm 103:20-22

Worship. If you don’t know worship, you’re your own lord.  In reality, you rule your own life, then you cannot overcome the authority of Satan. 

Authority of Satan

Satan drags you around, why? Because you don’t have God’s Word. Because Adam and Eve were not certain of God’s Word, they were dragged around by Satan.  But if you hold onto the word of God, you won’t be dragged around.  When this takes place, you have victory in worship.


Praising is on God, but singing is on the emotions of people. That’s why Satan tries to change human praise into singing.  They try to calm down or control their emotions through singing or songs. They sing sad songs, or they sing very exciting praises to try to elevate people’s emotions, but they are not giving God praise, they receive their own praise.  That’s why if you really know praise and give the correct praise, Satan flees, but if you don’t, Satan comes upon you more.

Satan was the angel in charge of praise. You can see how K-pop artists rule the whole world through songs. They will use their rhythms and melodies and lyrics to really hold people, and that’s why even as we listen to songs, we cry.  That person thinks they’re receiving healing, they say they’re receiving healing because they listen to the lyrics and seem to understand how they feel so well, but that will continuously be difficult.  Only when our mouths, our hearts, and anything we confess confesses that Jesus Christ is Lord, that’s when Satan will be broken down. 

Why do we break up the Winter Retreat Praise team into 3 groups?  What happened?  There was one praise group that sang mostly Hillsong songs, because with those songs, it really controls people’s emotions.  The characteristic of music is that it can control people’s inner emotions.  That is one aspect of praise.  However, what are the praises remnants give? That’s not our goal.  It’s not about controlling emotions, but it is through the message and the lyrics of the song that we become one. So we make it so that even before ethe children receive the message, they’re able to think about the message again through the lyrics of praise.  Yes of course, for beginner level remnants who don’t know the message, they need emotional songs and they cry when they sing and they open the doors of their heart, but if we keep doing that, they cannot hear God’s Word. If you let them stay within their emotional influence, they cannot hear God’s Word.   

This was the argument that arose, so I said simply, “Let’s raise multiple praise groups.  No reason to say who is wrong or right, let’s raise up three groups.”  If they’re wrong, just raise up other people as well.  That’s Rev. Ryu’s method. He’s never said anything negative; he raises something else so the other will die. If this is God’s will they will live; if not, they will die.  If you’re legalistic, you’ll say they are wrong, but no one will feel good about that.  Do you understand?

Why do you have to fight and make enemies?  I asked, “What churches can do it?” Some churches volunteered and I didn’t think about our church initially, but then I thought, so many kids could do it, so I said, “Yes, let’s make three groups, then.”  I realized, don’t you think it’s God’s plan to raise up praise teams from many churches? No reason to say one group is wrong because next year there will be more churches that volunteer so we raise up many praise groups. We thought something was a problem but it changes into opportunities for blessing. 

But legalistic people will continue to fight and make them surrender, “You’re wrong, you’re wrong.” No reason to say anything is wrong; God is judge.  Is there a problem? Don’t solve the problem. Otherwise you live your entire life solving problems. What is God’s plan?  If you acknowledge God’s authority, then God’s kingdom is established, do you understand?  I was talking with Aiko and she said she wants to study psychology.  Good, I asked her why she wants to study, but even if she didn’t know, I already know. 

I talked about Lois. I told Lois to study psychology, why?  Because the reason why God gave Lois the family background that He did was so that it would be good for Lois to study psychology.  She had many problems between her and her father, and she had a large age gap between her and her mother.  But she confessed, “I’m thankful for my mother and father.  If it hadn’t been for my mother and father, I wouldn’t have been able to see Gen. 3 in the world.” She’s not saying she’s thankful for being able to see Gen. 3 through her mom and dad, she is saying, “Thank you,” because she discovered the reason why God placed her in that family with those parents. 

I told her to study psychology and it resonated with her because that’s what she saw ever since she was young.  It would be best if she got her diploma and she was able to do spiritual psychology through the gospel. I told Aiko, “That’s very good.”  I didn’t even ask her because this is something God gave to her; it’s automatic inside of her, however, psychology does not cover the Spirit. You need to give them this authority. The problem is that Satan works without the authority of Jesus. 


You have a sense of pride, meaning you hold onto your authority. So if something doesn’t go the way you want, you get angry. If people don’t agree with your words, you get offended. That’s your dominion and it turns out, you’re running Satan’s errands, but if they agree with me, then they’re good; I don’t like those who disagree. That’s our lives.  However, if we acknowledge God’s sovereignty, God’s Kingdom will be established in every aspect of our lives.

“Why would that person say that to me?” Your pride is hurt then you have to keep hurting with your hurt pride. However, if you acknowledge God’s sovereignty, you think, “Why did God allow me to hear these words?” That means the other person has no choice but to say those words. Listening to those words is not the issue, are you suffering or not.  If you’re suffering because of enemies, you have your own dominion and authority, and you’re suffering as it is being hurt.  Let go of that.

You have to establish God’s authority and ask why God allowed this to happen. This isn’t something you can do by study.  Acknowledging God’s sovereignty cannot be accomplished by studying. You believe in Jesus Christ as this kind of being, do you understand? I’ve been talking about myself this whole time, by the way.  I’m somebody with such strong pride, it means I’m certain in my influence.  So, I seem like someone who may be very upright, but I’m someone who is very scarred. We have to let go of that.  We must acknowledge God’s sovereignty, then there’s no reason your self-esteem is hurt.

We keep making our own suffering because we make our own influence. “My family needs to be like this,” that’s just your thoughts.  Some people are born without parents, what would you do about that? Imagine how difficult their whole lives are.  You need to acknowledge God’s absolute sovereignty. “Why did God allow me to be born without seeing my parents?” Only when you acknowledge this, God’s Kingdom and authority are established and God gives you His Word.  All authority has been given to Jesus Christ, you have to acknowledge Jesus Christ. 

Why did God lead you to this church? Discover God’s authority. Why did God allow you to worship here? It’s not the church I want; why did God allow me to come to church here?  I think Deacon Ted wants a church of beautiful women.  He keeps following the demon of pretty girls.  Only when you acknowledge God’s sovereignty will your mental and spiritual problems be gone.  Don’t follow around pretty faces.  He’s sincere as there are many pretty people here.  

It’s God’s plan here. It’s the same for schools.  If you didn’t get into your dream school, some kids can’t go to school at all.  However, if you acknowledge God’s sovereignty, you’ll discover something greater than education.  Lately, Grace has been coming to worship in the afternoon.  She went into study psychology but she stopped.  Most people will say, “You started studying this! You have to see it through to the end!” but she’s very brave.  “I could do it but I don’t want to.”  It may seem like a quick judgment, “It’s not for me,” but what is she good at? There’s something she’s good at. 

In middle school and high school, she was so good at selling chocolates.  She has something others don’t; you just have to go in that direction. No need to make it complicated.  Don’t go into something that God hasn’t given you. She discovered it quickly and left, isn’t that right? Do what she does well. There’s something only she has.  She can go into business in that direction.  Not everybody is able to do that, not everybody is able to have human relationships like she does.  Some people are very good at it, so that’s just one example. You need to acknowledge God’s sovereignty because from this comes God’s talent. God has given you your talent but you can only acknowledge what it is when you have God’s sovereignty.  

On YouTube, I saw students who are really good at studying.  Some kids study and take tests well, However, there are three magnates of business like Steve Jobs, and they weren’t like that.  Without a doubt, all these kids while young had experience with making small business sales. Or, when they were young kids, they had an experience where they created something new and developed a masterpiece, and they’re able to do that again in the future. You can’t learn this in schools. He was an unbeliever, that’s what he said. He talked about how his students were taught in this way to make something great in the future.

However, the students who are just following the normal curriculum of the class aren’t able to handle irregular circumstances because they don’t teach that.  However, the kids are able to follow the curriculum but they also handle something on the side, then they can handle that in the future circumstances.  One example, if a student can figure out how to assemble a model airplane on their own, they can do something schools cannot teach. They can combine what they learn from school, then they have a tremendous ability.  However, for people who only study the curriculum of the class, they only see what is standardized and cannot see beyond.

Japanese education is like this, but standardized education is like Karate.  A person would study in the mountains and break rocks, and then he fought against different martial artists in Japan and won against all of them.  If anything, if someone is trained in the standard method, you know what their next move will be, but this person was irregular.  I’m not saying we don’t need standardized education, but something extra makes these kids special.

When I heard this, I thought about Carlos who makes money off YouTube, it’s something he did on his own without being taught.  He makes money in ways that aren’t taught in schools.  I heard this.  There are students who have a very developed brain in this direction.  I asked him what he wants to do in the future, and he said, “I want to make money,” and I thought that would be good.  “But first, acknowledge God’s sovereignty. God has a talent He has given you. What would you do to glorify God?” He said, “World evangelization,” he’s heard it before so he answers like this, but every individual has something like this.

If you don’t acknowledge God’s sovereignty in that, you’ll say, “Why do you do that? Why don’t you ever study?” But for this student, studying is their side job and this is their main occupation. In the future, kids like this will be able to do more.  Isn’t that right?  Because we get any information we want from Google, it’s not enough anymore.  The students who are able to do good things well, they can glorify God through talent and specialization so we can have victory in worship by acknowledging Jesus’ authority.  When you acknowledge Jesus’ authority, then His presence, power, and authority will be upon you.  Not my power, but God’s sovereign power will be upon me, that’s Genesis 1:27-28.

Satan says, “No, that’s not right, you have your own authority and you can do it with your own strength; there’s no God.”  But that’s how you get trapped in Satan’s territory.  During this time of worship, it is a time for you to praise God with your whole heart, then the Word of God comes upon you and that’s victory. How do you pray?  There is a God-given Word that I need.  When you have the heart to receive that word, God will allow you to hear it. However, if you don’t care if you hear it or not, you’ll receive the word that doesn’t matter.  This is a spiritual science.  If you really ask God to really give you the Word you need to hold onto for the rest of the week, God will give it to you.  That Word will transform into prayer as the Word is applied to every area of your life through prayer. Just remembering the Word is prayer.  Prayer is not about asking to get something without the Word of God. The Word of God must go in.

Even with praise, there must be the content.  Even with offering, it’s not just about giving money; there is the content of the Word that is in that offering. “You have all sovereignty, you have all authority over the material and physical things in my life,” so we tithe.  What that means is 10% of everything I own is God’s.  That person acknowledges God’s sovereignty, so God has no choice but to work upon them.

Do you pay taxes to the government?  The government automatically takes it from you.  You have to, because using your taxes, all the public facilities are maintained. What about the church? Should you just come in and worship?  If you are just here to give worship, then someone like me would have to get a second job.  If you just come to worship without giving offering, then I wouldn’t be able to stay; I would have to get a job and make money, then I can’t worship. That’s one example.

If you guys don’t give your offering, we can’t pay rent for this building, then you can’t worship anywhere.  The Lord doesn’t need your money. It is what is needed as the Lord moves everything. Remnants, you need to know well.  If you want to move the financial answers of God a lot, then you need to manage your money.  If you just say, “I will spend what I want to spend, and I’ll give whatever I have left to the Lord,” then the Lord of your money is not God.  I’m not saying to not eat, but acknowledge the Lord’s Sovereignty over your money and save it.  

Fanny’s allowance is $4. She has $4 she can spend throughout the week, and if I give her $10, she gives $6 for offering, and she’s always resentful.  Her friends have more money but she has less.  It’s a large misconception on her part.  Her friends use all their money for themselves, but if she thinks the $6 are not hers because she used them not for herself, then that’s not right.  The $6 are used for great things.  Later on, she’ll realize, I might not actually be getting money physically but God gives me in abundance.

For example, in your business, something happens you couldn’t have imagined. That’s not something you could have done with your effort. We think it was coincidence, but that was all done by God.  Why? This person acknowledged that the Lord of their material possessions is God. That’s worship, do you understand worship? 

So, it’s rightful that if you fail in worship, you fail your whole life.  You don’t acknowledge God’s sovereignty but you acknowledge your own sovereignty, you’ll be seized by Satan.  The Lord of their material possessions is not God; it is themselves. I’m not saying whether someone has a lot or a little money.  Even if you have a little money, there are businesses and things you’re doing, those are physical things and you think it’s you, so you use all of those things for yourself, not for the Lord, then what will happen to that person? That person will get what they deserve.

Why am I saying this?  You need to correctly know what giving worship means.  All authority and sovereignty is His, then God’s Word comes upon me. God is alive and He is the Word. People cannot receive healing because they don’t have the word; when they go into their job, they’re afflicted by people because they don’t have the Word. What happens if you have the Word? You have to worship to have the word, then this Word will save you. No matter what circumstance you face, you hold onto the Word and God works through the word.

Is this comparable to money? This is worship. Your very first priority is worship.  Even when you go into your job, your first priority is to acknowledge God’s sovereignty, then everywhere you go, God’s Kingdom is established there, but the devil will change things into the opposite. You need to acknowledge God’s sovereignty in your school for God’s Kingdom to be established there, and then God’s Kingdom will be broken down.  It’s easy, right?  Why is it hard? You need faith.  How do you maintain your faith? You receive faith and maintain faith by listening to God’s Word, so I hope you will listen to God’s Word often. Listen to God’s Word in the morning because you receive faith as you listen, and you acknowledge God’s sovereignty, then God’s Kingdom is established, that’s power revealed in you. That’s God’s system.

Worship is not useless or boring, but it saves me.  Forum on everything you’ve written down.  When you do that, don’t’ explain a lot, but share with each other, “What is the one word that really hit my heart and stuck in my heart?” Everyone will have something different, and in that, you feel God’s presence.  You realize, “Oh, God gave this message but He spoke to that person that way, but He speaks to me in this way,” and you’ll feel God’s presence. When you are leaving, hold tightly to the Word. 

Holy meditation is praying about the word, thinking about it, and applying it in your life.  When you keep chewing over how the word is applied to your business, studies, or home, the Holy Spirit will enlighten you.  Because the Holy Spirit is enlightening you, you’ll discover this more and more, and as you talk to your friends, you may lose hold of this Word again, so you talk to the person holding onto this Word.

The Word is your first priority. You lose hold of it as you study, so you study with this Word.  Then, this Word will continuously work within this life, and you come back next week, and because it’s not enough to do it once a week, we do evangelism schools.  This is how you guys become adults. Completely acknowledge God’s sovereignty and be trained in God’s Word.  You acknowledge God’s Lordship in your money, then you have no choice but to save the field. This is worship, do you understand? May you have this blessing.


God we thank You.  Bless the remnants.  Through them, may the works of saving the 237 nations and the church take place.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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