Only Christ to Heal Diseases (Acts 4:12)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Only Christ to Heal Diseases (Acts 4:12)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Gospel Oh

Have forum together, and if the Word properly enters you, you will change. You yourself cannot make yourself change, so it is only when the Word of God enters into you that your life will change.  That’s why we take away your phones so you can concentrate on the Word.  Afterwards, we’re going to have a time of sharing to see how the other people understood it.  Afterwards, you also have a forum or prayer topic regarding the friends with whom you want to share the gospel, why is that? 


People are diseased and it cannot be solved even in hospitals.  You yourselves cannot solve your own disease. 

Scar – Satan

You cannot solve scars on your own.  Scars you received from your parents and school cannot be resolved on its own.  You’re captured and dragged away; it can’t be solved by success, and it doesn’t work out how you want.  This cannot be solved by mental strength.

Jesus Christ Word

Scar – Family

Maybe the dad drinks and hurts the mom, that can scar the child.  A mother is not able to take care of her children, and she wanders around, then the child will end up with unspeakable scars. 

Anger (Eph. 4:26-27) -> Shooting Incident

Active shooting incidents occur when people explode in rage.  Before this explosion, they try to control themselves but they couldn’t.  There’s a friend of Eunice Lee who was studying abroad and jumped in front of a moving car to commit suicide.  He was a fellow student who had graduated from the same high school.  Because that neighborhood is primarily white, the friend was someone she could talk to easily, as she was Korean, but the friend who committed suicide was a very bright person.  Eunice said she never knew he was suffering from all these problems, so the friend committed suicide by jumping in front of cars racing down the freeway. 

Eunice was shocked, because it was a close friend and she would tell him many close things.  The more pride you have, the fewer problems you share with other people.  It could be yourself or your close friend. If Satan holds onto you with this channel of the scar, you will just go along and be unable to do anything about it. 

Before committing suicide, the friend must have thought of many different ways, and this might have been a traumatic incident that Eunice will never forget.  That is why you must be properly healed with this message to share it with your friends. 

Human Rights

People support human rights, yet people still commit suicide, so it cannot be solved by people just fighting for their own rights.  If you’re not able to acknowledge and recognize God’s sovereignty, people have no choice but to commit suicide.  Heal the scars with the word.  Your future is determined by how you listen to the Word; without the Word, your life will not be changed, and the scars you’ve received from your parents will be relayed.  That’s why the person who can guide and lead this forum will properly.

The person who committed suicide probably tried drugs.  The way you listen to this message determines your future.  Studying well isn’t everything, because studying is just about receiving good grades. Your state determines your future.  Without worship and the Word, you cannot overcome Satan.  Only by the words of Jesus Christ can you overcome Satan.  You don’t know who Satan is. Should I tell you? 

Looking  at your parents, there are somethings you cannot understand. That is Satan. You can’t understand spiritual things.  The physical things you see, cause and effect, those are rational and logical but spiritual things cannot be understood. So, unbeknownst to you, you’re living in the same spiritual state.  But if you don’t know, you’ll just say, “I will choose my future partner based on someone who is opposite from my parents,” but you choose someone like your parents because you are dragged by your spiritual state. It’s not just dragging, but spiritually dragged.  That is why people who have similar states end up getting together, marrying, and end up worse than their parents. You’re not able to change that. 

If it were something physical or mental, you can just solve it with your own effort, but because it’s spiritual, you have no choice but to be influenced.  They marry and it ends up getting worse.  Some people think, “My life will change when I meet the right person, I need success to meet the right person,” but you cannot stop this.  Worship, and the Word, focus right now. That’s the way to change your life. Don’t do useless things.  Don’t just watch dramas and think about that.  The reason you keep watching your dramas is because it has nothing to do with real life, so you’re fixated. Be at the age where you can understand this.

Jesus Christ – Lord working

When God is in your life, nothing will be a problem.  Jesus healing the sick? He healed many people but He didn’t come to just heal the sick. If you look at Jesus like that, He is not the master.

Christ – Sin – Curse

He solved the problem of sin and curses; your personal and family problems cannot be solved by  success.  The world says you can solve these problems by success but that’s a lie.  This is the path that your family walked upon. Even though if your parents do not have the gospel, your parents walk on this path. 

Satan, Suffering

All of this guides us towards hell. That’s why these things are not solvable by Christ. Only Christ.  Can solve this.  It’s not something you can just realize. 


In America, there are many incidences of drug addiction and murder, not for the lack of these things, but Jesus Christ has come as Lord for you and your household.  Healing comes as a result of this taking place. Not knowing about this, if you hear someone who is good at healing, people are tempted to go. At a young age, you didn’t receive the proper things, you who are going to lead 2030 to 2080, you must properly receive and know this. 

In the second message, there was the prayer about financial suffering. This suffering comes from lack of money.  Older people ask God to take away suffering, but where does suffering come from? You think of yourself as the master of your finances.  You think finances come through other people so people are the master of finances.  So, you don’t really feel it in normal circumstances, but during COVID, you felt it the most. 

Suffering comes when Jesus Christ is not the Master. If Jesus Christ is the Master, then you can give offering at a young age because Jesus Christ is the Owner and Master of money. But from a young age if you don’t learn this, you will face financial suffering. Offering is a confession of faith, “Lord, You are the Master of my finances,” but you have a misconception, “I will make a lot of money.”  Another misconception is, “I will be okay if I meet someone with a lot of money,” meaning people are the owners and masters of their money. Such people will continuously face financial suffering.  God is not the Master and people think they are. If you don’t understand, you’ll repeat this over and over. Even though you come to a nation with a lot of money, you’ll face suffering. 

Hell is eternal suffering, why?  It is because of sin, the problem of sin of not believing in God.  Sin, even at this moment, if you don’t accept Jesus Christ as the Lord and Master of your life, that is sin.  Doing something wrong is also a sin, but the greater sin is having Jesus Christ as the Master of my life.  That’s when Satan continues to enter into me.  He just drags you around.

Drug, Alcohol, Trip, Game ) Addiction

These things come from a spiritual disease, and then you will eat more and your body will change. In Korea, a person would stress-eat and they became morbidly obese. The problem isn’t that they grew so big, but why did this happen to this extent? They exercised little and ate a lot. They overate, why?  It is because they are stressed and frustrated in suffering, so they relieve suffering by eating. They don’t come out of their room and they don’t move.  This was an incident that appeared a lot on the news. 


Satan drags people to the point of suicide.  You follow thinking suffering is everything, but if you work hard, something will work out, but it won’t.  You have to go under God’s reign.  That is the Word. It is how the Word enters into this person that the person’s state will change.  So, Acts 4:12, what we’ve read is salvation is spiritual healing.

Christ <Spiritual Healing, Physical Healing>

This is what Peter confessed as he was being thrown into prison.  Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name given to mankind by which we must be saved.” He wasn’t confessing that he healed a paralytic, but he confessed Jesus Christ.  Only the name of Jesus Christ can solve the three problems.  Your problems and your friends have spiritual problems. Only in the name of Jesus Christ can there be healing. But if you say these words, you may die. Who would say such words, staring at death?  But this gospel is more important than life.

Some people stake their lives on what they consider to have much value.  Whether in Myanmar, Thailand, or China, there are many demonstrations going on, and their demonstrating, but the reason is because they believe what they are standing up for is worth it. They live for that.  For us, there is no other value in anything other than Jesus Christ.  That’s why Peter confessed this before the judges, and he would die instead; still, Jesus is the Christ. We talk about that Christ, not the Christ spoken of in churches, or when we pray. 

Salvation is found in no other name in heaven or on earth, but Jesus Christ solved all problems.  We have to know this Jesus Christ and the answer will only come out in the name of Jesus Christ.  It’s not just about attending church regularly, that’s not “only.” That’s religion. The gospel is unique. There’s nothing else.  When you’re inside of that, your talent becomes the answer of specialization. Because this answer has been prepared for you, you think, “I can do this or that,” but that’s not right? Then you won’t be able to do either of them.

Only Jesus Christ is everything, there is a specialization and uniqueness you have in this. Some people have many skills in the world, how can they be moved by that, since that’s “only”?   There are so many people in the world enjoying many things, they go around in the world, there are other people who are also traveling here and there, but it’s not “only.”  It’s just all in vain. 

Only Jesus Christ.  If it’s not this, then it cannot solve it. This Christ is the only, unique Christ. No other religion compares to this.  But if you do not believe in this like this, then Jesus Christ is not your only.  When we say “only Jesus Christ,” Satan is broken and your spiritual problems are solved, and that is when your scars are healed and evil spirits depart. That’s when your destiny is changed.

Many people go to church but are unchanged.  Jesus is Jesus, but it’s that kind of Jesus; the field will not change with just this. We’re not able to change the person next to me.  “I tried!” Not that. “I know Jesus,” but it’s not that Jesus.  Only Jesus Christ can solve these problems.  There are so many words in the church, but it’s only Jesus.  Students study with only Jesus Christ, and that’s why there’s no uniqueness. That’s why we’re speaking about this.  There is not a single person who lives for only Jesus Christ.  Not a single who lives for only Jesus Christ has this problem solved, but if this takes place, uniqueness takes place.  Joseph, David, Daniel all had the answer of uniqueness, nothing could compare to that. 

The studies you’re learning at school right now cannot even feed you. You won’t know anything, you can’t know because you’re arrogant, then.  Only within this can this be solved. If it’s not “only”?  This assurance you have must come out of “only,” and this blessing is inside of you.  You have to regard message and worship as your life. There are some people who are pressed but don’t concern yourself with them.  In spite of that, come to worship.  If there’s another method, you could seek that, but God places you here.  It is inside of worship that you have to receive this answer of “only.”

That’s when you receive “only,” then God reveals your talent and specialization for you to proclaim “only” in your field. The problems of your family may be a channel for you to receive “only” inside your family.  If you say that there are no problems in your family, but even if there’s no Jesus Christ, there are problems, so that can be more dangerous.  When you have family problems, it can be even greater. Look at Joseph and David, they were ignored and looked down on by their brothers.  In his teens, he was chased away. Look at Moses, separated from his mother at a young age. They had many family problems.  Daniel was sent away at a young age, he studied there and grew up and was taught etiquette, but if it’s not Jesus Christ, it would mean nothing. 

There are so many people who are sent overseas to study abroad but that’s not what the Bible is saying. We’re not saying Moses studied well but “only,” they knew it was only by the blood sacrifice that this would be “only,” and the entire nation was suffering so much.  If you don’t have this, you cannot go anywhere.  If “only” is not within you, you cannot go anywhere because something else is inside of you.  Then it’s hard to change. 

If instead of “only Jesus Christ,” you have something else, it may be harder for you to reach this.  But at this time of worship, God will pour upon you His grace and blessings.  The many experiences you have in your family are opportunities God has given you with the gospel in your family. If there are no problems in your family, can you hold onto Jesus Christ? If they have problems, they receive Jesus Christ but it isn’t for Jesus Christ. 

The Early Church was so persecuted, but if it were not only Jesus Christ, they would not be able to overcome.  That’s when the remnants have to receive this “only,” and imprint and root it into their hearts to save America and the 237 nations.  If you know Jesus Christ half-heartedly until now, that cannot work.  If anyone thinks there is another method other than Jesus Christ, there will be suffering.  The suffering of hell, the suffering that comes from Satan dragging us around, the suffering of curses and disasters that come as a result of sin.  Only Jesus Christ.  When this “only” comes into you, you can let go of yourself.  You will receive the blessing of uniqueness prepared for you.


Dear Father God, thank You.  We confess salvation is found in no other name than Jesus Christ.  May we relay the blessing of only to the remnants.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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