Resurrection – Christ – Last Message (Ac. 1:1-8)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Resurrection – Christ – Last Message (Ac. 1:1-8)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Gospel Oh

Did Jesus just appear out of the blue?

Genesis 3:15 Covenant

“You shall strike His heel” signifies the death on the cross.

Death, Satan

Jesus Christ came on this earth, died, and resurrected.


Why didn’t the Jews? They saw the Bible incorrectly. 

Law, Sinner X

Why was the law given? 


No matter how well the law is made, there will always be sinners.  It’s not that, because the law is well-made, there are no sinners; there will actually be more sinners.  A lot of people believe that if there is a better law, there will be no sinners.

Is the law unnecessary? The law is necessary because we need that standard; otherwise we live however we want, but it is not possible with this standard in the law.  This standard of the law is given so we know we are sinners.

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ upheld the law and was without sin.  That’s what it means. When you believe in Jesus Christ, it is not that you are no longer sinning, but God sees you as sinless.  That’s why we’re called without sin as righteous.  But the Jewish people believed that, by their own actions of upholding the law, they are sinless.  They were upholding the law with their own actions, and so inwardly, they had anger, but they did not murder anyone and though themselves sinless without realizing inward anger is sin.  If one person loses hold of Jesus Christ, then that’s hell for them right away.  Even if you have a shred of hate towards someone, that’s sin and hell.  The reason why the law was given is so that everyone can realize they themselves are sinners and are under the curse of death.  That’s why we have to come out of this law of sin and death.  Not by our own actions, but when you believe in Jesus Christ Who died for us, we are set free from the law of sin and death by the Law of the Spirit of life.

Life, Holy Spirit

Adapt this message verbatim to your life and field, but inside the churches, how are you looking  at others?  In your life fields, how do you see your friends, family, and coworkers?  You look from the perspective of the law, the eyes of the law. You have your own standards and your own law.  “I prefer men over six feet tall.” That’s their own standard.  “This person must be skinny,” that’s their own standard.  But if this person is either short or gain weight, you keep them aside right away, “That’s not my preference or style.”  People also have preferences, it’s not just about being attractive, but it’s also about innate ability, and if that doesn’t match with you?  People have become their own gods with their own standards.  Even though there isn’t the law, they have their own laws inside of them.  It is into their own standards of whether it is good or evil, because they themselves are god.

You can see a clear distinction between what they like or dislike.  There was someone who was very frustrated and says what they like or dislike, that’s their standard, and let’s say this goes on a few times and they explode. Irrespective of that, they refuse to wear a mask and get angry? Everyone lives according to their own standards, and if someone fails the standard, they’re called “bad.” Each person lives with their own standard. They have a clear distinction of who is good or bad, who is close or far.  But Jesus doesn’t give that to us.

Jesus gave us the law so we could come out of the law, and through Jesus Christ, we can see people in the eyes of the gospel, of saving them through the gospel.  What is the law of the gospel?

Jesus Christ

It is only through Jesus Christ.  Under the law, you were oppressed, but under Christ, you have life.  A person being an unbeliever, they cannot keep the law at all, then you must give them Jesus Christ to revive their life and spirit.  This person may steal or do bad things, and it’s not just once but more than three times, then what happens?  We say, “Kill this guy so he won’t do it again,” but the person continues to do it. Because their inner spiritual state is satisfied only by stealing, if you leave this person alone, the person will think, “It’s okay to live like this,” and live like that, but that’s not right. The person has to know according to the law what is right or wrong.  If that person already knows what they’re doing is wrong, then you must give them Jesus Christ so that the Spirit can help this person.  We have to pray and support this person through the Word of Jesus Christ so God can work through the Spirit to really guide them.  But instead of supporting, the judge condemns with legalism and the law.  Legalistic people, “You did something bad so I’m saying these words. If you didn’t do anything bad, I wouldn’t have to say anything.”  People look only at the outer appearance and cannot look at the inner state.  These kinds of people see others and do not believe they need the gospel; they see the outer appearance.  But looking at weak people, see they need the gospel so you can save people.  People who are very centered on legalism would say the correct words. It’s to the point they killed Jesus while thinking they did the right thing.  Legalistic people think they do the right thing, that they are righteous.  “Because this person did something wrong, they must be severely punished,” then how did Jesus Christ save us?  We should have been killed 100 times over, but instead Jesus Christ died for us.

The leader’s retreat talked about sending the watchmen during the times of crisis within the church.  There are problems in the church and if we see the problems inside the church with the eyes of legalism, we will leave the church.  They look at the person with a lot of extensive training and have stayed at the church for a long time, so they’re afflicted, and the afflicter is also afflicted. 

As a watchtower, look at this person with the eyes of the gospel to see their need of the gospel and pray for them.  Do not become a watchtower just by saying you can become one.  If you just pass by these messages, it means nothing to you.  There are great and powerful words and titles that appeal to you, but without the gospel to save yourself, it means nothing.  That’s what happens when you don’t know the content of that message. 

If you really want to know what the content of the message is, you have to start again from what the law and what the gospel truly is.  If this person also received the gospel, they would fall back under Satan, sin, curses, and disasters.  We call that the spiritual state. 

Satan, sin, and Separation- Spiritual state. 

If we could come out of this state, we could prevent ourselves from falling back in, but by God’s grace, we are saved.  But we revert because we are deceived.  Satan deceives us with sin, you think yourself as god. But you and the other person are locked in this spiritual state and causing many problems.  It’s not a matter of condemnation or judgment, because you don’t see their inner spiritual state.  You can’t see the state of the person who continuously steals things, so you continuously judge them.

Why does someone continue to steal? That person desires the possessions of other people because they have no possessions of their own, and that’s the spiritual state in which they are under Satan and sin.  They have met God but are unsatisfied with God.  They are captured by Satan thinking they can only be satisfied by taking others’ belongings.  There’s a taste of thievery once they see how easily they can possess others’ belongings.

So, this person’s spiritual state becomes deeper and deeper and one day, they’re caught stealing something.  Do you know what a legalistic person would say?  “How could you do this when your parents have come to church for such a long time?”  In other words, “How could you not hold onto God’s Word?” such people cannot save others.  Realize the person has no choice but to commit these actions, then what happens? Tell this person the state they are in.  If you don’t let them know the state they’re in, they continue to do what they’re doing. Deliver this word to them. Tell them to listen to the Word and pray.  If they cannot listen to the Word nor pray, support them with the Word and prayer.

I talked of thievery, but there’s many things like inferiority complexes and competitive natures.  These are inward things. That is why you have to lay down this platform, that Jesus is the life and relying on the Spirit. That’s what it means for Jesus Christ to have competed everything on the cross.  Jesus Christ finished everything on the cross and is now with us in Spirit. And don’t just leave the Spirit alone, but rely on the Spirit, make the platform and let Him guide you.  Whenever you fall, just come up and rely on Jesus Christ Who is with you in Spirit. Because I cannot do it, just rely every day on the filling of the Holy Spirit. 

People who say they don’t rely on the Spirit will live however they want, and they are bound to continuously fall.  They must receive continuously the strength of the power of the throne.  If you really know who you are, you have no choice but to rely on the Spirit.


Gandhi is a famous person.  India glorifies Gandhi.  That’s how famous this person is, but this was not a person who believed in Jesus Christ.  This person really liked the Bible and said it was one of the best books in the world.  He read Matthew 5-7 and declared, “I will carry out what the Bible says,” so he tried his best to keep those words of the Bible.  But he did not believe in Jesus Christ. 

Some people are like that, they don’t believe in Jesus Christ but they like Jesus’s words so they try to live according to those words, but their actions seem to be very righteous and pious. People can respect them, especially pastors.  Though they don’t believe in Jesus Christ, their actions seem very pious, but aren’t they like the Jews, incapable of escaping their curses?

 Jesus Christ, Curse

You attend church for a long time but you keep failing? You cannot overcome your spiritual problem and mental problems, so you end it like this.  Jesus Christ has finished everything and came into your life as your Master. Rely on Him. If this is not your conclusion of your life, you will fail.  Many people try to not fail by turning to alcohol or drug addiction but they fall even more.  Can it be blocked by the power of money? It cannot. You must rely on the Spirit of Jesus Christ.  Every day you must receive that power.

There’s one thing I do every morning. Of course I have this prayer for the entire congregation, but before that, there’s something I must do. I cannot do it by myself, so that’s why I have no choice but to rely on the filling of the Holy Spirit so that he power of Christ comes onto me. That’s what I do every single day. I’ve done this for decades now, then what happens? My state does not matter. 

As I said before, if a 3-year old is holding onto their parents’ hands, they won’t be going off by themselves.  The Jewish are people who look at the 3-year-old child and say, “Go, why aren’t you going?” The Lord extends his hand and drags the child along.  That’s why it’s not by my own strength, but I’m guided by God’s strength.

Do this until this is possible. When you go to your field, you study and work, and if it were possible with your own strength, you could do it without praying, but you will crumble at spiritual problems.  That’s why you’re unable to pray.  Don’t pray so your work will succeed, but pray for people to be revived.  Do you know why you don’t pray?  You are trapped in thinking you can do it by your own strength. The work you do is completely out of life with what God has determined for you.  That’s why you must pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit to come upon you. Isn’t God’s plan evangelism and missions?

At this time, many people are here but some are sleeping. If you’re just here, it’s like attending a class.  At this time, rely on the Spirit inside of each of us and hear the Spirit’s voice. That’s what it means to rely on the Spirit. You must not rely on the sermon the pastor is giving, you have to rely on the Spirit.  You must not understand the sermon from your mind. Otherwise your spirit won’t be revived.  But it is through the sermon the pastor gives that you’re able to be guided by the Spirit.

Worship in Spirit and in Truth. Otherwise people don’t give worship. You rely on the Spirit to receive the Spirit of Truth God is giving to you.  Then, what’s the posture you receive right now? You’re not just tired, that’s not worship.  That’s just listening with your mind; that’s not worship.  You must rely on the Spirit and concentrate to hear the voice of God.  Then, God’s Word will definitely touch your heart and your spirit will be revived. That is worship. 

Tomorrow morning, it will be the same the moment you open your eyes.  Jesus Christ, all problems are finished, the Triune God is with me.  With this power, completely fill me with Your Spirit.  Is this okay with just words? That’s fine, but instead, you must have faith because God does not work if there is no faith. God promised, “Ask and you will receive,” and you receive by faith.  Also pray for the pouring of the Holy Spirit upon the fields you go.  That’s what it means to rely on the Spirit, to live a life with the platform of the Spirit.

The majority of you understand but you live life without prayer, so that’s a misunderstanding. You’re just relying on yourself.  You know Christ but it’s painful.  You know Christ but you’ve lived however you want. That’s why you have to pray.  You have to pray to rely on the Spirit and He is with me with the power to do world evangelization.   

God is with me to move the world with my talent and specialization. God is already with you with the power of your talent, so just look forward, don’t try to find your talent. Why worry about your major? Be with God Who has prepared everything for you. Why worry about the work field?  When they ask for God Who has everything to come with them to go.  Life is difficult because your walk of faith is difficult.  If there are strange people at work, you can’t overcome them and you will not.  How can you understand strange people? You’re afflicted because of strange people.

Filling of the Holy Spirit to come upon you to overcome them. If you just point at strange people, you’re easily angered as people are angry at themselves.  Do not be deceived.  Working of the Holy Spirit be upon you.  The life where the platform is Jesus Christ is a life of prayer.

Why do we pray as we worship? So the Holy Spirit works in us.  Why don’t you pray? You try to receive everything through your head so this comes to you as knowledge, but you don’t have power.  That’s what happens without the spirit. Your head falls off without support. You have many heavy burdens because of the law and you’re oppressed.  That’s why Jesus said, “All you who are weary and burdened, come to me.”  Legalistic people have eyes to see sins and words to judge. Because of legalism, they have these word. There are more words to say but these words kill.  So many people are like this, especially Jewish people.  Many Christians do not rely on the gospel but they’ve gone to church for so long,

While preparing for training for the Korean War, there was a breaktime during strenuous training. Some believers sang a church song and usually people are put on stage, they would sing pop songs, but one Christian had a difficult time, he sang a praise with tears.  This person was very good at speaking, but seeing him in that state, I belittled him because he was singing as a Christian.  It was very hard training where one person died a day, so you needed a strong mentality. The person did not have a very strong mentality.  But relying on the Spirit, you receive influence and I saw that person and thought to the point of not wanting to go to church because of that person.  Everyone had this difficult time but they sang a praise song with such sadness, he brought down the mood.  It was that time of the age, 23 or 24 years old, doing their military service, and it was difficult.

You have to understand the words I say to understand the RCA messages.  I’m saying the core message of the RCA messages.  That’s how you are not going to be tested by people in the church, but you will pray for them.  I’m telling you about the path you are going to overcome instead of your unbelief, “I am not going to make it in the field.”

Rely on Christ, the Triune God.  People don’t understand what “rely” means but, at this time, right now, don’t just sit there without any emotion, but rather, rely on the Spirit at this moment.  Then, that has to be the life where that is the platform. We should also have this platform when we study, not our own strength, because then you can’t save.  Do not be envious of the world; it will fall.

They did not rely on Christ. In 1997  or 1998, I did evangelism at Seoul National University, and many suffered from depression.  We could do counseling at some time, and in the stats, there’s annually one or two people who community. They keep struggling to make first place These are so universally students but thy are inwardly crazy.  This one person had a completely packed schedule, and I also asked Seoul University Medical School student, but they also failed. They don’t just stand still.

Do you know what happens eventually? They go crazy. If something doesn’t fit with the schedule, it is ok.  Many students have failed bar exams, “This is my last time,” and they pass.  At that time, that student failed so many times, “Go study theological seminary.”  That’s what I Thought to myself, I heard this news indirectly.

If you don’t love yourself or God, you lead yourself towards destruction but keep close attachment to people. If you know God ,you must stay in contact with God’s spirit.  Loving people means, through spirits, that’s how you need to center yourself.  You can see that is the path you’re heading towards, along with the history of Israel. Loving God and people will never change; this will be fulfilled until the end, and the Spirit within each of aligns itself to God, then you can see everything and the answers. 

The gospel is much deeply imprinted in you. Do you know why God created you? Is there anyone who can answer this?  “Why did God make me born in an impoverished family?”  You have a tiny vessel.  “How much do you make a month?” she gets influenced when she goes to her friend’s house and compares and complains.  Money is worthless, do not become a slave.

I was created to glorify God.  What does this mean? Think about it, God created gospel to receive His glory, not for anything else. God created you to receive His glory.  God created you within sin, Satan, and disasters, but God liberated you so you can reveal God’s glory.  God’s first and primary purpose is to reveal God’s glory.  It is through God, do you understand? You were not created for yourself; you were created so that you may know who God and Jesus is, and you would be able to glorify them.  God isn’t interested in “you,” but it is only when you receive God’s grace and glorify Him that He takes interest.

Why? You think of yourself as someone great, but God is someone Who is Great, but you consider yourself great, but you’re meeting without God.  It is through this person that God really glorifies through evangelism and missions. Daniel and his three friends were dragged to Babylon.  That’s the life you’re living now.  Why are you here? To reveal God’s glory.  That’s how God receives glory through us. That’s the very first goal in life.  Then, what is your life?  “Who am I?” That’s Satan-given.  Satan enters into your heart, “You are God, but to whom are you trying to give glory?”  But God says, “It is rightful for you to glorify God in your life.”  If you think of God’s glory and become disappointed, that’s Satan’s deception. “Isn’t it for me and my own glory? Why does it have to glorify God? 

Relying on God is for myself, so I make an ark for myself. It looks like you’re trying to save everyone.  Make the ark and not drown.


God, we thank You. Let the last message given after the resurrection be fulfilled in our lives. May we do world evangelization.  In the name of Jesus Christ I pray, amen.

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