The 3,9,3 Again

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The 3,9,3 Again

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Joyce Jo

God, we thank You.  May the 62 points of the life of the evangelist become our life.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

3, 9, 3

Last week, we went over 3, 9, 3, and we have to go over it again because we are doing one heart, whole heart, continuation. Why do we say everything is contained within this prayer?  It means that all the answers we receive are within this, and the unbelievers actually just perceive this as a recitation or chant to receive answers.  Being within the gospel means if you just do this prayer, you realize everything has been finished.  That’s why even though you listen to the Word, those who have the gospel will listen to the Word differently compared to those who have the law.

Jesus Christ = John 19:30

Death- Law – Sin – X

We don’t follow the conditions of the law.  I believe in Jesus Christ Who absolved the conditions of the law, whether I follow or not.

Satan (Heb. 2:14-15)

He finished Satan’s death with His death. This death can only hold onto the living, so when Jesus Christ came, He overcame the forces of death. 


It is finished. The law has been completed, but you cannot so Jesus Christ completed the law. When you believe in Jesus Christ, you are declared righteous before God.  I’m not sure if you really understand this.  The Jewish people understand this very well, people who have lived legalistically will understand.  He has finished it; I believe in this, what does this mean? 

God the Father, God the Holy Spirit ) With, Power

We’re able to be with God the Father and the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ.  Otherwise we cannot be with God.  God has completed everyone’s salvation, that is, world evangelization, and He is with us with this power.  This is the prayer we pray with faith.

9 means, within me. Then my field.  It doesn’t just come upon me, but all the fields connected to me, and the filling of the Holy Spirit comes upon me.  The field talks about the people and the work. The forces of darkness are broken and the Kingdom of God is established

3 Ages

Past, present, and future.  God works upon me, people come to life.  That is when I save the pastors, church leaders, and remnants to save the age. Within 3, 9, 3, it encompasses my church, field, and remnants and the future generations. Through the power of God being with me, He is within me and works on my field.  These are the terms that will probably be used in RCA. He can’t explain this every time.  In the training messages, he can’t explain what the gospel is again.  He already explained that a long time ago.  The church cannot play this role sometimes so we have to have individual nurturing.

When you believe, you can see how to save one person.  That is what it means to enjoy the prayer of 3, 9, 3, to enjoy all the blessings of being with the Triune God.   

Otherwise, without praying with 3, 9 3, it’s this.

Me – Sinner, Strength

If you don’t understand prayer, you still believe in yourself, and because you believe in something else, you don’t pray. You believe in something useless, in yourself, your own strength, your power to lead, but that has a limitation. Can you save the church? You cannot.  If you’re not within the gospel, there are only two options. Reveal your own righteousness or say you can’t do it. Can you save the 70 disciples and 70 regions? You cannot so you hear it as a burden. Why? Why do people say it’s complicated?  They are within themselves. 

As time passes, more people say they cannot do it, but they are not within the Triune God; they are within themselves, and that’s why there’s such a big difference.  Of course, there are instances, where people haven’t heard about this, but that is why, through the church and training, you’re able to learn about it.

How can we save the remnants? It is the power of God.  Among the three ages, I have to save at least one age, that is the answer within 3, 9, 3.  Whether you save the pastors, the field of the church leaders or future remnants, that is the answer you receive.  What is the beginning of all this? God is almighty.  The gospel is all-powerful, but without that, you look at yourself and say you can’t, but some people say they can. It says the Triune God is with us, and this power is within me and the field; this is how you can save the past, present, and future.  You can save the church, the field, and the remnants.  Who? Not you but the Triune God. You pray with this.

How great is this?  You think about it and you come to life. You think prayer is hard because you fall into yourself. You think if you don’t pray, you don’t receive answers. You think you receive answers to the extent that you pray. Then you’ve departed from the gospel.  Eventually you give up and say you can’t do it. You say these words, but you have negative thoughts in your heart, and Satan knows this.  That’s why the more you don’t understand the gospel fully, these words and messages will be a burden to you, talking about platform, the watchtower, or antenna.  These terms are used so you can understand the messages easily. 

The more you’re rooted in the gospel, your life will take place and it will work out.  If you’re not within the gospel but within the law, these things are burdensome and it becomes hard.  Are you pretending to understand, thinking it doesn’t apply, or are you remaining still?  That’s why people become afflicted, “We have another message,” and the older people say, “Let’s go over the message from the very beginning.” Those without the gospel say such things.

Law- Legalism

You must begin with enjoying the gospel in all circumstances and situations. That is the way to go into 3, 9, 3.  You can’t go into this without any other beginning. It’s the same with the platform and watchtower.  This takes place when you realize this gospel is complete and everything.  Even if you haven’t learned the law, we have a legalistic nature, so we must receive God’s grace again for the gospel.  Even though people don’t go to church, they’re within the law, do you know that? They have their own law.   They think they are correct as they live according to that, but if it doesn’t take place, they have mental problems. 


It’s filled with people trying to follow the law so well. How many times do they wash their hands per day? They have their own law.  The outside is dirty so they wash frequently and if they don’t, they become oppressed and caught in their own law.  Of course, we must have this kind of standard, but if we’re so caught up in this law, we’re not able to overcome that. 

I took some Chinese college students for camp in Korea.  We went to Shanghai and met a missionary there and spent the night.  We took a train from 7:40pm to 5:00am to get to Shanghai, and it was a holiday so the prices were expensive, but we got tickets. During the train ride, I said it was a waste of time if we don’t do anything, so if we’re on the train, let us gather to worship. I gathered the male students first, then when we were done, I told the female students to gather, and the female students enjoyed it more.  “This is the place of China where the gospel has never been shared, and we are breaking down the forces of darkness here.” 

But there was a leader who was an elder and professor.  Before he was a college professor, he was a profiler, someone who judges people.  I was wearing comfortable clothing but he said something passive aggressive, “It’s good for the Lord’s servant to wear a tie and suit.”  At that time, it was camp, so we didn’t bring a suit, but this professor had a legalistic standard, “Wear a suit and be dressed formally,” and I was giving a message to the students, so I thought this person was scary.  He’s left by now.

If possible, it’s great, but this person had this law and standard that they had to be like this all the time, and that’s why, because he’s caught up with the law, he’s having a difficult time.  I didn’t even say anything to him. But these people come to church and become afflicted by their own laws.  Anna studies music, but if others were professionally trained and listened to the choir, they would be upset if someone goes off key.  I don’t know anything about music.  As soon as the starting note is off key, they shut themselves off and don’t listen to the rest. That is the standard they have about music.

If someone sings praise and is off key just a little bit, they can’t hear the praise any longer, but for us, we don’t know anything about music, so we just listen to it.  We overcome with the gospel, “We praise God with this.” We have this and fall because of it, and the individuals themselves are having a hard time. “Can you really praise God with this garbage? Don’t we need to praise God with the most musically talented people and voices and instruments?” It seems correct but they detract from God’s glory. Because God doesn’t care about the key; God looks at the praise we give.  Not that we must ignore it, but if it is too strong, the individual will have problems by themselves.

We are going over 3, 9, 3 for the second week, but without the gospel, you cannot enjoy this or the Triune God. We need to enjoy this 24 hours, but you’re burdened, “How can I do this 24 hours?” The gospel is naturally enjoyed 24 hours, but you hold onto the law, “How can I enjoy this 24 hours? How will I pray all this time?” In the gospel, enjoy the Triune God at this time.  God is with you with the future already having been finished. Just enjoy that.  Then that is when all your weary burdens will go away. 

Even if a big problem arises, you will anticipate what God is doing.  But legalistic people are waiting for their problems to go away. They think they need to diligently pray fervently to receive some answer themselves.  They think they can receive some sort of answer on their own, and that is legalism.  This is a fact that has already been finished, but according to God’s time schedule, we look to see what He has prepared, and that’s the difference.

Your workplace is hard, you’re going through new experiences as a nurse. It’s normal for your first thought to be, “How am I going to do this?” You just have to enjoy the gospel.  Enjoy that the Lord has already finished everything, then you’re just going to see the answers God has prepared.  If you don’t enjoy the gospel, you will be oppressed by all the things you’ve stacked up.  I hope you will have that kind of blessing. 

During Thanksgiving, don’t do anything else; whatever schedule you have, enjoy 3, 9 3.


God, we thank You.  Help us to enjoy and testify of the life and gospel through the prayer of 3,9,3, in the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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