God’s Work (Jn. 6:29)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

God’s Work (Jn. 6:29)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Gospel Oh

Even though you come to church and work, you fail.  That’s also the reason why you go out into the world and do multiple works, and you still stumble.  God’s work is for us to believe in the works Jesus has done.            

1. Faith

1) Jesus = Christ

2) God’s Work

3) John 19:30

You look at yourself.  We have been talking about the law and the gospel. If you understand and believe this well, you can enjoy the gospel.  The world is being controlled by Satan so we cannot do anything with our own strength, so we can feel all the shortcomings and limitations because of that, because we try to put our own strength and work. But we just need to believe in Jesus Christ. 

4) Life – With

This is what we call the gospel. What do we call the law?

2. Illegal

1) Law – Curse                   Satan (Heb. 2:14-15

2) Sin, Death (Rom. 8:2) Righteousness

There are two types of people in churches, those who are oppressed and those who boast about themselves.  They head towards illegal things. 

3) Me – Actions (Morals, Ethics) Conscience

People go to church and are trapped inside of this. They think they’re doing a great work or they think they’re not doing a great work, but they are their standard.  Believe in God’s work, be revived and believe God is with you. That is the gospel; we have to be inside of this.  But if you don’t learn about this, automatically you will fall into this within the church.  We have to live by God’s word,


Heretics are within God’s Word. The Jehovah’s Witnesses follow the Old Testament law, and several other churches are trapped within the law.  They say, “The Sabbath must be kept on Saturdays,” but it’s the same as this. Like Mormons, they’re inside of this.  Mormon women have long hair and long dresses, there are no bars; they just live according to the Word.  But I’m not saying that having bars is part of God’s Word.  They get severely punished if they are caught doing drugs.  The Muslims follow the principles of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.  They don’t believe in Christ or the work Jesus has done. If you don’t believe in Jesus Christ, the more you go to church, the more you’ll fall into this. 

I told you before, but those people who are inside of this are either oppressed or boast about themselves, because their standard is themselves.  I will hold the law, or I cannot hold the law, so they think they are righteous.  It’s difficult to do this in the field, because you have to live like a Christian, and if you’re not aligned with God, you’re oppressed.

Many people live like this.  You know yourself well.  As I said before, legalistic people make their own standard.  They must remain within their own law.  They speak of Jesus Christ but they don’t believe in Him.  Because they don’t believe Jesus Christ has finished all things and did all the work, they make up their own standards.  They must be able to see the future, but they cannot so they become oppressed.  Jesus Christ finished everything but they’re worried they don’t know their own talents.

Jesus has finished all things. When you believe in this, everything is bound to come. Do you understand?  Unbeknownst to me, I thought this was the gospel, but it didn’t bring me to life.  Because you speak to other people about this, the other person cannot come to life.  So, you talk about the gospel but you place the frame of the gospel.  The more you go on, the more entangled it becomes.

If you don’t understand, this is one heart, whole heart, continuation.  Someone will understand eventually. May you understand this well with God’s grace, because most people are within this.  They speak about Jesus Christ but end up being in this state. That’s why we have to pray.

3. Prayer

Enjoy this always, even when weak.

1) Weak

You think you can’t do it because you set yourself up with a standard where you can’t do it, so you’re disheartened because you’re stuck in legalism.  The Lord has finished everything. I am weak but the Lord Who has finished everything is with me.  Listen carefully.  If you don’t listen well, you’ll go into the field and die, thinking you can’t do it. If you ask if they know the gospel, they may say they do, but realistically, they’re trapped in legalism and their standards, so they’re discouraged even as they say they know the gospel, but they say they don’t believe in it. 

They don’t believe in the fact that Jesus Christ finished everything with all authority in heaven and on earth; they believe in themselves and say, “It’s hard, it’s difficult,” and these are correct words, and that’s why I’m saying to enjoy the gospel.  That’s why Jesus is saying, “I will be with you,” and we enjoy this gospel in prayer.

Is evangelism difficult? Of course it’s difficult, it’s impossible because you’re trying to do it.  So that’s why Jesus says, “I will be with you with all authority in heaven and on earth.” Evangelism starts by believing in this, and you pray for the person because you can’t do it yourself; then God will work.

When God’s time schedule comes, anyone can do it. Evangelism is quite simple.  If you’re not able to understand or know the gospel well, you will find prayer to be difficult. 

Satan traps you and drags you around with this thing called the law. People think of Satan to be with the people who are demon-possessed or heretics, but Satan is with you now, oppressing you with legalism.  The complete gospel has liberated you from that.

2) Problem, Situation, Crisis

Legalistic people say, “I should be able to overcome in Christ, but why is it not working?” By the law, they fall into legalism and their actions, but the gospel has completed all of this.  Jesus Christ is with me inside of this. When you see the work, that is God’s will.

Answer, Plan

You believe and God does His work. Evangelism, 237 nation evangelism is finished from before creation.  He prepared the ones to be saved even before creation; it’s all within God’s hands, it’s a matter of whether we believe or not.  If we don’t believe in this, we try to evangelize, then we’re divided over whether we can do evangelism or not. But God completed everything before creation; all things will come out according to God’s time schedule. It’s a matter of whether we believe it or not. Do I believe this in the field?  If I don’t believe in this, I’ll be disheartened and shaken up about whether I can evangelize or not.

God will do the work.  God has finished it and I hope you will be able to believe God will do the work.  God will allow the incidences arise according to the time schedule.  The people are bound to just listen. It’s simple as God does the work; it’s difficult when I try to do the work. It’s serious that you’re not able to understand this, and you can only understand through God’s grace.  That’s why you don’t have to be disheartened as you look at yourself. Because you’re lacking, you need the Lord, hallelujah?

Noorim is studying math, and I told her to be an accountant, and she said she thought about it.  The last few weeks, I saw her get sleepy and I mentioned it, and she used to be weak in the past but now she seems okay. At that time, you have to think, “Because I’m weak, I need the Lord,” and you hold onto that.  “If I can concentrate well and focus, I wouldn’t need the Lord, but because I can’t, I need the Lord.” That’s the difference between the gospel and legalism. Look at yourself first then everything will come to life by the gospel; nothing else can save.  Then, that is how this one person with the gospel goes out into the field and saves everyone.  The legalistic person will go out into the field and condemn. 

That is why, even Christians and influencers and celebrities may receive hate comments, but they can’t stand it, but what happens if they have the gospel? They know hate comments are normal; hold onto Christ firmly. Even though there’s a wave coming their way, they ride it, but if they’re stuck in legalism, Satan will hit them.  So, Satan will attack them. Because they receive hate comments, they commit suicide. That’s Satan’s method, so that is why there are many Christians who end up dying.  It’s not that they don’t believe in God, but they don’t believe the gospel.  It’s not that they don’t believe in Jesus, but they don’t believe in the fact that Jesus finished everything.  

People are dying in the age because they don’t have the gospel.  On 3rd and Harvard, a high schooler was going to school in the morning, and he got kidnapped and we don’t know where he is, even now.  He was walking in the morning, he’s pretty big, but he’s gone.  This is real.  On 8th and Normandy, there was a gun shooting incident, and one person was killed. It was an incident between gangs.  If you don’t have the gospel, and you hear about this, you’ll become more oppressed thinking, “What if I get kidnapped or shot?” What is the gospel? God is with you because of these things. Then how do you approach these incidences?  Jesus Christ’s incident of the cross is my incident.  But the incident you hear on the news are not strangers’ incidences, but they are mine.  God is allowing these incidences.

Pray that such things do not take place, so that is the reason why we must evangelize to the schools and the gospel, the gospel of Jesus Christ, the content that Jesus Christ has finished everything.  If we do not proclaim this, then people will fall into legalism.  God’s plan and God’s will is for you to believe in Jesus Christ Who has finished everything.  Then no matter what may arise for that person, it doesn’t matter, even as they face depression, because everything has been finished and the Lord is with them.  This person got cancer, but whether it’s healed or not, Jesus Christ finished everything and is with them.

Why? There’s God’s plan and you just have to believe in that.  At that time, this weakness doesn’t matter to you at all.  People who are stuck in legalism become suspicious and have doubt, thinking, “I God is with me, but how come I still have this illness?” But the gospel is perfect.  They think, “God is with me, but why do I still have this disease? Such a person cannot know the gospel.

“Why do I have this problem?” What is the gospel? It doesn’t concern you.  You just have to believe in the fact that Christ has finished everything, but they continue to question, “Why is this disease still with  me, then?” There’s God’s plan for you.  Why does depression continue?  Drug addiction should be finished, but they are their own standard.  “God, can you not completely end this drug addiction at once?” They are their own god with their own standard. “I have already completed and finished your problem; do you believe in that?” that’s when you’re liberated from your addiction.

The common trait between addictions and scars is myself setting up my own standard.  Scars are when you set up your own standards and you think you’re getting hurt.  Before coming over to the gospel, Satan will oppress them through their scars. You have to find God’s plan.  There’s a plan that God wants to do through the scar that you have. You have to find that.  That’s how you’re able to come out of me.  Satan oppresses the “me” stuck within the frame of the law, so I cannot come out of it.

To escape from “me,” I step out of this.  Addictions, scars, diseases, it’s always about me. You cannot escape from yourself, and if you’re centered on “me,” Satan will oppress you, but “I am a being who has no choice but to face all this,” but God will be with you.  Some people say, “Is believing everything? There are so many things I have to do,” but you’re within this.  God has already prepared everything about who is to receive salvation from before creation and this is the work God continues to do; it’s a matter of whether you believe in it or not.

As I said about evangelism, it’s their own legal standard about whether they can evangelize or not.  But even if it works out well, it’s a problem as they think they should do something.  Job’s friends said he sinned against Job; such people cannot save Job. They say everything correctly per God’s Word, but those words do not save.  What should they have said to Job?  They should have told Job about the gospel.  Through this incident, there is something God will do. They have to tell Job about the gospel.  Without the gospel, they’ll focus on this and the law.

Let’s say you’re in Egypt and Joseph came in as a slave. What do you think Joseph would say?  People would say, “You came here as a slave because you probably did something against God; otherwise, there would be no way you would come here as a slave.  But Joseph had the gospel so he didn’t heed those words.  Because he had the gospel, he was revived and knew God had a plan to save.

What words do you say, the words of the gospel that save, or the works of the law? This is the channel through which Satan works in the churches.  Some people think Satan only works inside the demon-possessed, heretics, and evil temples, but when asked if Satan works in churches, people have this question, “How does Satan work in the churches?”

If someone was mentally ill in church, then we may simply state and discern that this person is dragged by Satan by a clear sign of mental illness.  This is clear evidence that you do not know the gospel very well, that you’re inside of this.  Satan is oppressing you with the law of sin and death, but you don’t know that.  This is how Satan works in the churches.

That is why, in Romans 16:20, it states to break down Satan’s authority in the churches as well.  You have to be able to discern this very well and go into the gospel, that’s how you’re able to save inside your fields.  But when you go into the workplace, because you don’t go to church, you’re entrapped in legalism.  If someone does something wrong, from the top and bottom, they criticize.  They kill people with their own righteousness, but proclaiming and evangelizing isn’t done forcefully. You must not misunderstand the gospel; you’re saved yourself so you can go save other people. But because you’re entrapped in legalism, you think evangelism is an effort, something to be done forcefully. But if you believe in the gospel, you’ll just speak words of saving.

It comes naturally. You don’t have to put up any form or effort to speak it; you’re stuck in legalism. The gospel is bound to be relayed and proclaimed effortlessly, especially in the family.  If you’re stuck inside of legalism, you’ll always fight one another, thinking of righteousness, but if one person speaks of the gospel, “Because you’re lacking, you need the gospel,” such words will save.  But the big problem is how you were taught about the gospel. You think the gospel is about reading the Gospel Letter word-for-word, “Why are people unhappy?”

But the gospel is naturally spread through our lives.  That is also the same in the workplace; it should flow naturally into their respective lives, but we say, “Let’s meet up and talk about this,” that’s just your effort. Even if you were to meet up, you have to save the person with the gospel.  Even when you’re by yourself, you just have to save yourself.  This just flows naturally but if you try to do it yourself with your effort, “Let’s do Team Ministry together, you have a problem, don’t you?” Let’s say you go home and tell your kids, “We’re going to have forum over the pulpit message,” your kids will not like it.

But naturally in your life, if you see your kids lack the gospel, just relay the gospel.  The regional church is to save the people in the region. Whatever meetings you have, give the words of the gospel that save.  These five things talk about our entire lives.  This is something is bound to happen naturally.  But if you’re stuck inside of this, you’re oppressed by how to do something.  Let’s say you receive a bit of grace and get fired up and passionate, “Let’s do this,” but you lose steam as you’re stuck inside of this.

I saw my daughter taking a break from studying and I told her to do deep breathing during her break, but my daughter said she wouldn’t.  Why do I say these words?  Am I praying based on the standard of whether she does her studies or not? It’s not that.  It is because I’m stuck inside of this that I tell her, “You should do this.”  I’m saying, God has prepared this plan for you of saving lives through your studies, so I say you should go into the works of saving lives.

You’re tired? I’m tired too.  It’s because the air is very warm and stale; there should be fresh air flowing.  That’s why we need Christ.  Lord give me the filling of the Holy Spirit.  Adapt to the gospel in your life, you must know this in your life and that’s why I need the gospel. Last night, I prepared for the pulpit message and felt something, it was the legalism within me, unbeknownst to me.  So, I listened to a sermon from Pastor Ryu who talked about a church set up on an island, but he mentioned it was possible to evangelize with one thing. He says, if you’re stuck within legalism, it’s not possible.  But because you’re weak, God is with you, and that’s why it works out.

That’s why unbelief that trapped Yeongdo all went away.  Because you believe in the work God is going to do, you’ll be able to see the fulfillment of God’s Word.  So, there were multiple celebrities coming in; we think it’s impossible but they have the gospel and God is with them, so it’s possible.  It works out because I’m weak, but God is with me.  So, America, 237 evangelism, it’s obviously not working out for me but that’s why God promised to be with us and it’s possible. These are the words that come back and forth from heaven and hell.  These are not my words but when you speak these words within my field, these are the words to save. That’s what we call evangelism.

Evangelism is not just about being very observant about the things around you and having a time.  I heard they’re doing a camp on Saturdays, but up until now, you haven’t had these camps.  We are inside of this, so we do need this training.  This will continue to take place naturally in your life.  Do this and discover yourself more and more, and one day, you’ll start to believe and will be revived.  If not, you’ll look at yourself and be disheartened or discouraged, you’ll be filled with strength in vain.  That’s Satan’s method. Do you understand?

Prayer is enjoying that Jesus Christ realistically finished everything in my life. Everything is finished with just that.  Inside of me, with power and strength, because I myself am lacking. That’s why God’s power must be on the field, when? Now.  You have to pray about the future that is to come right now.  Then you’ll be able to see the works God is about to do. That is your field, can you understand?

If you’re trapped in legalism, you’ll be focused on going to the message or not, or receiving blessings or not, but that’s how Satan uses you. You just have to believe.  During Thanksgiving, it will be busy with RCA.  But you just have to believe in and enjoy the fact that God has the time schedule planned out for you and will have the gospel fulfilled accordingly. But if you take yourself outside of that and think, “I’ll just participate whenever I can,” you’ll just go watch the message.

Enjoy this through prayer and evangelism that saves other people.

4. Evangelism

God drags me in this direction. Pray for Temple Construction, pray with the gospel. God has already finished everything but do I believe in it? If you believe, the works of God will be revealed and you’ll have works of faith. But if you’re stuck inside the law, you’ll be oppressed, and you’ll be shaken.  Within the flow of the gospel being proclaimed, you have to know this true gospel. It’s okay if you don’t, but you just have to believe in that. God will give you His grace according to His time schedule.  Just believing in that is faith. 

One last examine, with my daughter.  When she’s with me, she seems to believe in me, but we were playing and she hit her head on the floor.  I asked her why, and she said, “I thought you were going to catch me.” She completely believed in me, but because I’m not God, I can also make mistakes.  I’m lacking, but because I believe in God, it doesn’t matter. We’re weak, we’re lacking, but God is complete and is everything and is with me right now as I believe in Him.  So, even though I dropped Fanny to the ground, God would have caught her. That’s what we call God’s work.  When you adapt to each one of these blessings and enjoy it, that’s when God will work.

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