The Fruits of the Narrow Gate, Narrow Road (Mt. 7:13-23)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Fruits of the Narrow Gate, Narrow Road (Mt. 7:13-23)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Let us bless one another, “Happy Thanksgiving Day.”  At this time, it is not only us who are receiving the message, but this message is being broadcasted and interpreted in real-time to El Salvador in Spanish, and when we translate the messages, yes we do need a translator, but we also need someone to research the technology for it to take place well.  I believe that God will continue to give us the Word so that through this church, He may relay the Word He desires to the region He desires in South America at this time.  

Thanksgiving is a big holiday all across America.  It’s also a time when students who are studying abroad will return home, celebrate, and then return back.  Because it is a national holiday, it’s a time when people rest from their work and their studies.  But originally, for the Israelites, thanksgiving was the last of their feats where they gathered all their crops and stored them, it was also called the Ingathering.  The second feast was for the first harvest of their crops, and that was called the Pentecost. The first feast was the Passover, and that represented the Israelites escaping from Egypt; these are the three greatest feasts in Israel. And whenever the Old Testament speaks about these feasts, it also includes a spiritual meaning.  

Passover is talking about salvation, the Pentecost is talking about the filling and the working of the Holy Spirit, and the Ingathering is talking about the Kingdom of God.  It has the spiritual meaning of all the people of God being gathered into God’s Kingdom on the final day, and the physical celebration of that is Thanksgiving.  Thanksgiving is a day where we celebrate that through Jesus Christ, we have become people of the Kingdom of God who go to the Kingdom of God, and enjoy it on this earth.  It also has the physical meaning for giving thanks to God for all the blessings He has given us throughout the year.

As we look at the year you’ve lived, the standard of whether you’ve lived a good year or bad year is thanksgiving.  A good measurement of the health of one’s spiritual state is whether they have thanksgiving to God for salvation or not.  The one who gives thanks to Christ is healthy.  As we read through the scriptures, Matthew 7:13 talks about the narrow gate and the narrow road that leads to life. 

1. Door sought after by many (Mt. 7:13)

  1) The gate that leads to destruction (Mt. 7:13)

But the Bible also tells us that there is a gate that many people find, and that path is the path that leads to destruction. Then, how are most people living even today? 

    (1) Our own way (Is. 53:6, Gen. 3:5)

    (2) Gone astray (Is. 53:6, Gen. 6:5)

Isaiah 53 explains how most of the people are living along the broad way, even though the Messiah is to come soon. Is. 53:6 says, “All have gone their own way,” and even though the Messiah had come, instead of following Him down the narrow path, they were all going their own separate ways.  That is actually the corruption that began since the beginning from Gen. 3:5, where humans thought they could be like God, and know good and evil, and that kind of corruption has gone through Genesis, Isaiah, and even today, going down this wide road.  It says in Isaiah 53 that God laid upon them the iniquity of all. In Gen. 6:5, it says, “The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” Whatever plans or thoughts you have that are not aligned with God are evil, and many people are going down that path.  

    (3) Christ – Held in low esteem (Is. 53:3, Gen. 11:4)

Isaiah 53:3 says, even though the Messiah had come, we esteemed Him not.  It’s the same thing today, people are not prioritizing or seeing the value of the gospel; they prioritize success more, and they go down the wide path.  Even right now, just as they did during the time of the Tower of Babel, people are gathering and saying “Whatever you want to accomplish, that is the most precious,” and that is the wide road upon which they are traveling.  What these kinds of people do is as Exodus 20:4-5, they make idols for themselves. 

 2) Wide and broad gate (Mt. 7:13)

    (1) Idolatry, Religion, Transcendental Meditation

Because they face their own limitations, they have to put something other than God inside their heart to strengthen themselves, and that is their idol.  It could be righteousness or justice; it could be different for every person, but they have this big idea in their hearts, and they are living for that. As they do that, they also choose a religion.  Religion is whatever source people go to, to beg for a good source of blessings for their families.  This is the wide road most people are walking along.  

Some people go to church because they just choose that for their religion.  They don’t hear the fact that the Lord has already finished everything on the cross, but instead, they are trying to gain something through Christ.  There are people who live a religious life that just tries to gain whatever they want in life, but because they don’t want to gain it for free, they give their actions, such as actions of prayer, service or evangelism.  Now, people have even gone beyond religion, they are choosing transcendental meditation where they receive energy and whatever healing or restoration they need.

    (2) Suffering in life

These are people going down the wide road, and as a result, people face suffering. Our lives and our spirits must be revived through Jesus Christ, but instead, people are facing suffering in their lives and spirits.  That’s why there are so many churches and seminaries, but why are people unable to escape from their suffering? It’s because they are choosing a religion. Instead of choosing just the Christ, they are choosing something else through the name of Christ. They have escaped from the spiritual life, then they are bound to face suffering.

    (3) Suffering after death

Once they die, they go to eternal suffering as well, and even their future generations suffer.  So, it doesn’t matter how well we try to act on earth; the suffering of mankind does not go away.  This is the way that most people walk through the wide gate.  

I’m giving you a sermon but I’m also speaking to you as a witness.  Yes, it is possible just to give you the words from the Word of the Bible, but I am speaking to you as a witness of Christ because I was born an unbeliever.  I tried going down that road, I tried going down the road the world establishes.  The result of that path is suffering, you always have suffering in your emotions, don’t you? It’s because the direction of your emotions has gone outside the life of Christ.  The reason your mind is suffering is because the direction of your mind is going outside of the life of Jesus Christ.  If your business is outside of the life of Christ, your business will suffer. Because your children are outside the direction of the life of Jesus Christ, the parents will suffer because of their children. 

2. Door that only a few find (Mt. 7:14)

  1) Door that leads to life (Mt. 7:14)

    (1) Jesus Christ – Door (Jn. 10:9)

However, the Bible scripture says the narrow road leads to life and only a few find it.  In John 10:9, Jesus says, “I am the gate.”  There is no reason nor can we find the gate. If you are trying to find the gate, that is religion; that’s why we work so hard, but the Lord has come to us.  We were dead, but He came to give us His grace so we may believe in the Lord Who is the gate. 

    (2) Salvation – Sin, Satan, authority of hell (Jn. 10:9,19:30)

In John 10:9 it says, “He has saved us.”  There are many people who go to church but still cannot answer what is “saving,” that’s why they cannot explain salvation to unbelievers.  Ask yourself, what is “salvation”?  “I’m not sure.”  That’s why you’re unable to tell an unbeliever.  It’s because you’ve just heard the passages but you’ve never thought of salvation yourself.  Salvation means we’ve been rescued from being stuck in some state.  The way we have been rescued from that is through Jesus Christ. Then, where was I stuck before?  We were stuck in sin.

What is sin?  Sin is when we do not believe in Jesus Christ and we live as the standard of our own lives as if we are God.  As a result of that sin, even if I didn’t do anything wrong or bad, curses and disasters continue to follow.  Salvation is being rescued from that.  Sinners are also dragged around by the authority of Satan, death, and darkness; that is our fate and destiny, and salvation is being rescued from that.  Before we go to hell, we live in darkness on this earth, without the light of truth.  We have been rescued from that, and that is salvation.  We can never escape by our own efforts or our own goodness.  We are not even able to believe that God Himself came to earth to die on the cross and save us from these things; we are only able to believe in that Christ through God’s grace.

    (3) Gained life (Jn. 10:10) 

As a result of that salvation, Jn. 10:10 says we have received eternal life.  The result of salvation is life.  When we say “life,” it’s talking about everything.  Thousands of years before Jesus Christ was born, they built the pyramids and people have found seeds of grain in these pyramids.  They planted that seed now and it started to grow wheat, why is that?  It’s because inside the seed, there is life.  That Christ is life.  You yourselves are not the life. Religion says, “I’m going to gain my strength and I’m going to do something,” and if there are any of you who are living your walk of faith like that, you will continue to face limitations.  The true walk of faith is living by the life of Christ.  Inside of that life comes wisdom and everything else.

Fish live in water; that is its life.  There is nothing else the fish must do, if it remains in life,  it will grow.  For human beings, money is not our life; justice and fairness are not our life; Christ is life. I used to think righteousness or justice was life in the past, and I was actually killed because of that.  I thought justice was life, so I only held onto justice, but it only destroyed me.  Christ has fulfilled that justice, and if I remain within the Christ, I will change into that as well. 

Col 2:3 says all treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Christ.  No matter what circumstances the person who has life may face, they will survive. Life does not die. It doesn’t matter what problems or circumstances you face, God will guide you with the path of life.  So if you have ever gone to church and instead of hearing the gospel, you only heard religion, then you will always face your limitations.  People who have a success-oriented mind, they will think they can do it with their own mental strength, but that’s why they crumble.

I am not it, that’s why we hold onto the Christ Who is Life.  That is why, even though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, the Lord who is the life is guiding my path.  That is why, I hope you will go into the narrow gate, the gate of Life. 

  2) Narrow door, way

    (1) Christ – Way (Jn. 14:6)

Jn. 14:6 says the path of life is narrow; there’s only one way.  Jesus answered, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” If you are trying to keep the words of the law diligently by yourself, that is not the way.  The true path of life is realizing, “Because of the law, I am a sinner, and because I am a sinner, I must hold onto Christ.”

    (2) Guidance of Holy Spirit (Gal. 5:18) 

Gal. 5:18 says, if you are led by the Holy Spirit, you are not under the law. If you don’t understand what the guidance of the Holy Spirit is, you’ll always be oppressed. There is a law, so it will reveal sin. The characteristic of a legalistic person is that they will set their own frame, and if you do not enter into this frame, they cannot endure it.  So that’s why they cannot stand looking at other people.  Especially for kids who are growing up under these kinds of parents, they grow up very mentally and spiritually oppressed.  But if you ask them, “Why did you raise these kids this way?” They will answer, “Should I just raise my kids recklessly?” That is why you should raise your kids so they receive the guidance of the life of Christ.  

If a person who is legalistic comes to church, even if there is nothing wrong, they will get angry. Do you know why? It’s because they have their own frame that they want.  Because they have their own image of what they want, if everything doesn’t follow what they think, they get angry by themselves. And if people have a hairstyle they don’t like, they get uncomfortable by that.  That is someone who has created their own frame of what is best and what is the greatest. That is a legalistic person. Such people get angry when they look at the world because nothing is as it should.  Even their lives themselves do not work out the way they want it to, so they get angry by themselves. We have no choice but to be like that, and that is why we need the gospel. Because we have no choice but to be like that, we need the gospel.  

If we could do something by ourselves, Jesus would not have had to take up the cross.  If we could change something with our own power, why would God tell us to receive the power of the Holy Spirit?  We receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit through God’s Word. We follow the Word God has given to us for the week.  If we do not follow God’s Word, we are bound to be stuck in our own frame of thought.

    (3) Finish the race – Testify the Gospel (Ac. 20:24) 

Acts 20:24, Paul confesses that there is a race for which he is running, and that is the gospel of God’s grace. There is only one road.  There’s only one road, that is the road to testify of the gospel; otherwise you will only testify of your own power and abilities. That is the wide road, the road of destruction.  Col. 4:2 says, the only thing you should pray for is to open the doors of evangelism, that is the narrow road.  What is that gate and what is that road? It is only the life of Jesus Christ being testified and evangelized.  Those people will bear fruits.

  3) Fruit (Mt. 7:20, Gal. 5:22-23)

    (1) Grape vine- Branch (Jn.15:5)

John 15:5 says, Jesus Christ is the vine and we are the branches, and as long as the branch remains attached to the vine, it will bear fruit. If the branch is separated from the vine, it can no longer bear fruit.  This doesn’t mean, if you leave the church, It is talking about being attached to the Lord, to this branch of Life, 24 hours a day.  The law is what separates us from the life of Christ.  You think you can do something, “I can keep God’s Word,” that’s why you don’t need Christ.  That’s why you keep on separating from the vine of life because you are either so riddled with your own guilt trip, your oppression, and your own inadequacy, or if you can do something, you boast in your own righteousness.  

Every time you are weak, you need the life Who is Christ.  If you see somebody else doing something wrong or being weak, they need Jesus Christ Who is life.  These are the words that will change your hell into heaven.  If you don’t understand these words, it doesn’t matter if you go to church for decades because you’re not understanding what the word, “life,” means. I’m someone who always needs Christ.  That is someone who always needs Christ.  If we are able to be righteous and keep the Word of God by our own strength then Christ did not have to come.

    (2) I remain in Christ (Jn.15:5)

How can the branch remain attached to the vine? I must remain in Christ, what does that mean? It means Christ is my Master.  It means that everything in your life, your time, your money, the things you do, they are not yours; they belong to the Christ.  You must confess that He is the Lord of every aspect of your life, but you only confess He is Lord when you can’t do something.  “The money I have is mine, it is not the Lord’s,” that is why He is not the Lord.  “My child is my child, they are not the Lord’s child,” and that’s why Christ is not the Lord.  I only see God as my Lord when  things aren’t working out.  

On Thanksgiving Day, people are happy and celebrating, but the Lord is nowhere to be found. What does it mean for Christ to be the Lord? It means He becomes my Lord, He is the Lord of everything about me.  Who is the Lord of this situation? It is the Christ.  Who is the Lord of this meeting with people? It is not me; it is the Christ.  If you have a disease that cannot healed, I hope you will make the correct confession, “Jesus is the Christ.”  If you face a mistake, I hope that Christ will be your Lord.  That is the confession that He wants.

You shouldn’t misunderstand, “Lord.”  In this worship, Christ must be the Lord.  That is how curses, disasters, and darkness will break down. Who is the Lord of temple construction?  It must be the Christ. There is nothing that is mine; everything belongs to the Lord.  When you begin to think this way, Christ will be the Lord and the Lord will begin to work in that way.

    (3) Word of Christ – Remain in me (Jn.15:7)

The Word of Christ must remain in me.  The Word God has given to you throughout the whole week must remain in you in order for the branch to remain attached to the vine.  You are not attached to the vine of life just by coming to church, but the Word you receive in the church must remain in your heart for the rest of the week. It’s a simple thing, there’s nothing for you to do.

3. One who does the will (Mt. 7:21)

  1) WIll of the Father

It also says, “Only those who do the will of my father will go into the narrow gate and have the fruits of life.” 

    (1) Believe Jesus Christ (Jn. 6:40)

John 6:40 say that the will of the Father is that everyone believes in the Christ, the Son, so faith is the work.

    (2) Believe – God’s work (Jn. 6:29)

John 6:29 says that the work of God is to believe in the One He has sent.  But you guys get so afflicted because you are working without believing in this. Because you’re trying to do your business without believing in this, you are always suffering. Because you keep on studying without believing in this, you are suffering.  You must believe in the Christ.  Then, I’m sure there are going to be elementary questions, like “If I just believe, do I not have to do anything?” If you truly believe, there are things that follow. You do things for the Lord.  

If we truly believe in the one who we love, even though we really shouldn’t, but just as an example, then there are actions of love that follow, like we give them 100 roses, there are these actions.  Christ becomes my Lord.  Believing in that is the will of the Father, and that is His work.  Right now, receiving God’s Word and believing in that Word is the work of God.  Your work for the rest of the week is to believe the perfect and complete Lord is leading you and guiding you perfectly.  Do you understand?

    (3) Receive eternal life (Jn. 6:40)

Then what happens is Jn. 6:40, you receive eternal life.  The life is already upon you, and you remain constantly within that life, and because of that, we are continuously growing.  Even if you look at some fruit trees, they can grow through the bitterness of winter and the cold, and still bear fruit. We face many difficulties in life, but it will not matter because if you are with the life, then it actually becomes an opportunity to grow.  

Are any of you in depression? It does not matter.  If you are with the life, then whether you have depression or not, you will not care, just like my daughter says, “No matter what happens, I don’t care.” I’m only within that life.  Who is the Lord of this depression? It is the Christ.  I hope you will let go; only then will you come out.  Yes, I’m sure you will get medical help, but if the Lord is not ultimately Christ for you, you’re going to fall into another problem as well.

Is there something unfair happening to you? I hope you will confess that Christ is the Lord.  The One Who has allowed this to happen is Christ.  The One Who releases you from this is also the Christ.  If you try to do something about it yourself, you’ll only get stressed, the levels of toxins in your body will increase, and this will result in cancer. 

  3) False prophets – Thief (Mt. 7:15, Jn. 10:10)

    (1) Legalism (Mt. 7:15)

It says in today’s scripture that there are those who do not do the will of God and are evildoers instead, and in verse 15, they are the false prophets.  They come to you in sheep’s clothing, meaning on the outside, they look like pastors and evangelists, but they are trying to steal. How do they steal?  As legalism.  The characteristic of legalism or heresies is that they use the laws of the Old Testament and completely trap someone so they can’t escape. 

Try looking at everything through these eyes. Do you know why people work so diligently for heresies? It’s because they’ve been trapped in the legalistic frame, so they have no choice but to do that. Such people work so hard thinking that this is the narrow gate and the narrow road, but the Bible actually sets us free from that.  We are not someone who is oppressed and dragged around by the law, but by the law, we know we are sinners, and therefore we hold onto the gospel, and we are liberated from that.  

    (2) Mysticism (Dt. 13:1-2, Mt. 24:24)

They also show up through mysticism. Dt. 13:1-2 says there will be false prophets who show miraculous signs. If someone comes and heals a disease, everyone is going to flock to them.  Those are the works and the signs they are showing, dressed up as a sheep in order to steal something. Look around in LA on Friday nights, there are many groups that put on a very large show, they push people over and poke them in the eyes and they are doing all these signs to gather more people.  One day, there was someone who prophesied inside the church; they may not go to a fortune-teller, but they’ll go to this person. False prophets.

    (3) Prosperity faith (Rom. 16:18)

Rom. 16:18 says they will use the name of Jesus Christ to only fill their own appetites.  What do they hook them with? “If you do this, then you’ll receive physical blessings.”  That’s their characteristic.  Instead of testifying the life of Jesus Christ, they say, “If you do this, you’ll receive these physical blessings,” that is the condition they stake on.  Because the way we’re educated is very logical with a cause-effect relationship, we’re bound to get stuck in that relationship. We’re very used to that way.  That is why people preach, “If you do this, God will give you this kind of physical blessing,” they use this propensity-based faith, but their goal is something else.  Already, the person who is saying those words has a different motive behind those material things, and that’s why only people with those motives will flock to them. That’s not a church; that’s someone who is dressed up as a sheep and is telling lies. 

We must talk about the life of Jesus Christ, we must finish it with that life. The Lord is telling us this through the Old Testament and the New Testament.

  2) One who does what is unlawful (Mt. 7:22)

    (1) Prophesy in Your name (Mt. 7:22)

    (2) Drive out demons in Your name (Mt. 7:22)

There are also people who drive out demons in the name of the Lord, and in verses 22-23, they even use the authority of Jesus Christ.  These are for the Jewish people who used the law of the Lord to perform miracles and even followed all of the law, but they do not know Jesus.  Do you know demon-possessed people will drive out demons from other people?  When I was in Korea, I did visitations and research of the field of demon-possessed shamans a lot.  There was a region in Korea called ShillimDong and there were a lot.  

There was a female fortune teller who was telling a fortune by demon possession, and when she first opened her parlor, I went in with some students.  At that point, she had nothing, it was almost like she was starting up a church, but she had nothing; she only had two scraps of paper and some bowls of water.  At that point, the Holy Spirit worked, so even without her realizing it, she explained why she received the demon-possession.  There’s always a process by which someone receives demon-possession, so if you want to learn more about that, I’ll tell you personally because it’s going to take too much time by telling you now.  

About seven or eight years later, I was doing ministry with the same students, and I went back to that fortune-teller’s house.  By that point, her home was filled with all sorts of different talismans, different food and meat, and it was like that place had had a revival.  I asked if she remembered us from a few years ago, and she said she did.  Back when I first met her 7 years ago, she had a very sincere heart because she had nothing and was poor, but now that she’s a bit more prosperous, she was more arrogant, and she just said, “Oh, you’re here.”  Next to her, there was a male shaman who was playing a drum and bringing in the food, and he was also a fortune teller, and they were living together. They had to be together for business purposes, but there was something the male said to me, the first thing he said to me was, “I may look like this right now, but I was someone who used to drive out 90% of diseases that people couldn’t be healed before they came to me.”  

I asked, “How did you heal those people?” “All the diseases that are unable to be healed in the hospitals are demonic diseases.”  “How did you solve them, then?” He said, “It’s simple, because all the diseases are caused by demons who are possessing that person, but I am possessed by an even stronger demon, so if I cast them out, they have to leave.” He was almost boasting to me about that, about being a strong demon.  It was like he was saying, “Even though I look like this now, I was a really strong demon in the past,” so demons can cast out other demons, and you can cast out demons as well. 

    (3) Perform many miracles in Your name (Mt. 7:22)

But Jesus says, “I do not know you.  Even though you may have shown signs and authority, I do not know you,” but these people used the name of the Lord, but the Lord said, “I do not know you.”  False prophets don’t think they’re false prophets; they speak, thinking they’re speaking the truth, but the Lord says, “I don’t know you.” I thought I received salvation and was a child of God, but later on I realized that was not the case.  Pastor Kim was eating with me one time, and he said there were three mysteries he always thought were ironic. There was someone who always came to early morning service, but once they got dementia, they asked, “Who is Jesus Christ?” Even if you get dementia, you still have a spirit, you make that confession with the Holy Spirit’s inspiration.  

Pastor Kim’s mother had dementia as well, but when he became anointed as a pastor, she was going around the streets of Korea saying, “My son is a pastor,” so even though she had dementia, her spirit was still alive. Even if someone is in a comatose state, you can evangelize to them, because the spirit inside of them listens to God’s Word.  That’s why if you say, “Move your finger if you hear my words,” they’ll move their finger because the work of the Holy Spirit of God will overcome all the limitations of man.  It has nothing to do with man’s conditions, and we work so hard in the name of the Lord, but later on, it turns out it’s not right.  Be careful of that.

  3) Will of the age

What is God’s will in this age?

    (1) Triune God – With

The will of God is to believe the Triune God is with me for all eternity.  All you have to do is not believe in yourself, you are not believing in God, and as evidence that you are not believing in God, you are not enjoying His life. If you face some kind of weakness or something doesn’t work out, you end up judging yourself. At that time, enjoy God. Because we are weak, the Lord who is powerful is with me. I cannot see the future, and that is why God Who is powerful is with me. I made a mistake again, and that is why the Lord Who is powerful is with me.  I cannot do missions to the 237 nations, and that is why the Lord Who has power to do that is with me. This world is not easy, and that’s why the Lord promised to be with you. All we have to do is enjoy and believe in this.  

But if you go into legalism, you’ll say, “I am a Christian, I have to do this,” and that’s why you’re destroyed.  I hope you will enjoy the fact that the Triune God is with you with the power for all eternity.  Imagine how many problems there are that are greater than me.  That’s why the Lord is with you.  It is God’s will that you live with that faith, with that power of life. If you’re always so oppressed and discouraged by your failures, you’re not able to challenge, that is why the Lord is with you.  You cannot do this, and that is why the Triune God is with you with all of the power forever. 

    (2) Blessing, power of the throne – Me, field, church

I hope you will pray for the blessings and the power of the throne of heaven and the Lord Who is there to be upon me.  If God created us to live on our own, we wouldn’t have to do this, but God created us to live with Him, with His power.  Inside of me and inside the fields I’m associated with, otherwise I wouldn’t have to do this, but we must pray for the power to work upon us there. And that is why we pray for this in the church. It is a gathering of lacking people.  If you have confidence in yourself, that is a mental illness.  We do not know this, but we are moving by the will of the Lord.  That’s why every single person needs Christ, then we will always enjoy the light.

For the students who are studying, you need the power of Christ in your academic fields.  Why would you not need any? If you think you can do this with your own power and your own will, you do not need Christ, and there are people who go to church like that, it isn’t a matter of whether or not you do this, but in order to follow God’s will, you absolutely need God’s power. 

    (3) Temple – 237 nations, healing, summit

The Temple Construction that can change the culture of this region and save the 237 nations. I cannot do that.  When they built the Temple of Jerusalem, David confessed, “The Lord built this temple, moving all of heaven and earth.”  The prayer topic that is able to enjoy the working of God like this, “God, work upon my business to do this work.”  Enjoy that because this is the way to heal the world and go to the summit of the world.  What is the core of today’s message? It is the life of the gospel. This is the very narrow path and narrow road; there is only one way.  We think we know the gospel as we hear the gospel, but in reality, we are moving with our own thoughts, our righteousness, our will, and our legalism; we don’t have freedom in the gospel.  If you want to enjoy the freedom of the gospel, it must never be you; it must be the life of Christ. The more you assert yourself, the more you go in the direction of legalism. 

In today’s message, if  you think you can do something, that is a misconception.  “Lord, give me the Word You have given me and work upon me with your Holy Spirit to fulfill it,” that is the way to enjoy this gospel, that is the narrow path, the road of life.  


1. Only Christ

Only Christ, there is nothing other than that. It is not me, I have no value; I have nothing of my own.  Only Christ saves me.  Only Christ can save that other person.  “Christ” is not just a word, because it is talking about the color of the gospel, the life inside of Christ. 

2. Only God’s kingdom

It is not about my life, my kingdom, the kingdom I created for myself; it is only for the Kingdom of God.  

3. Only Holy Spirit

It is not by my strength, but it is only by the Holy Spirit, so it is only one thing. 

4. Save church, field

The narrow path, the narrow road, the path of eternal life, only that will bear fruits. Everything else, you work so hard and are left with nothing because whatever you do by yourself will not remain, they are the things of the earth. You must do the things of heaven.May you and I be the ones to save the world, your fields, and the church.

Message Prayer

Let us pray together, holding onto the Word we have received. 

Offering Prayer and Newcomer Prayer

God, we thank You. Allow our lives to bear the fruits as we gather to the narrow gate, the narrow road, through the only one role of Jesus Christ, the only one goal, God’s Kingdom, and the only one method, the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We have returned Your material blessings as offering.  We pray that everywhere it is spent, that the Lord will receive all the glory and we will truly receive Christ as Lord.  We pray that You will reveal through every aspect of our lives throughout the week that Jesus is the Christ and the Lord.  We pray that You will pour the blessings upon the believers, the 237 nations and the future generations.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

Father God, we thank You.  We pray that just according to the Word You have given, may they be the family to enjoy the Christ the most, and we believe You will give them the greatest blessing to testify of this life to the Latinos.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the people of God, the multiethnic people, and the remnants who desire to be witnesses of the Kingdom of Christ in their fields, be with them from now until forevermore always, amen.

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