Lifestyle of the Evangelist – Uniqueness

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Lifestyle of the Evangelist – Uniqueness

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Joyce Jo

You must of course understand, but it goes beyond that.  First seek His Kingdom and righteousness, first receive the reign of believing in only Christ and the Kingdom of God, then what must we do through only the Holy Spirit?  Establish the Kingdom of God with only Christ and the filling of the Holy Spirit.  Then these will be not just words, and our weaknesses won’t matter.  Even though you know all of this, if you just remain in your weakness, you’ll remain in that, so the spirit of Christ must realistically work upon me.  This power of the throne must realistically be established upon me.

Of course we can know about these terms, of Christ and God’s Kingdom, but this must be actualized in our lives because He is within me, and so, His filling of the Holy Spirit must come upon me every day.  Then you will receive power. 

Only Holy Spirit, Power, Witness

For such people, circumstances are not a problem, but if you don’t know this, such people will never pray. 

Heavenly Mandate, Calling, Mission

The command of God, the calling, and the mission. Proclaiming only Christ is not special; it’s rightful. We’re in America for this and it’s rightful. If we don’t hold onto this, I will be afflicted by spiritual problems. I need no other only except this “only,” and this “only” must be relayed to other people. 

Rightful Necessary Absolute

If I am centered on myself, then necessarily the kingdom of Satan is established; it must be only Christ’s Kingdom for God’s kingdom to be established.  But we focus on only money and success, then rightfully, the kingdom of darkness will be established, then our lives will have no choice but to crumble as evil spirits are working.  When the Holy Spirit is supposed to work.

If I hold onto something else, problems are necessary.  Holding onto the law is still holding onto myself.  You need to hold onto Christ but instead you wonder if you yourself can follow the law.  Then you judge people, “Why is this person great? Why is that person in that state?” Within me, am I centered on Christ, or is it me and money?  You must discover God’s absolute plan.  If there’s a problem and I am my master, then that is a problem and necessarily that problem must come. The absolute plan is to quickly revert back to only Christ. So all the questions we have are made from this.

“Pastor, it’s so hard at my workplace.”  Did someone say something to you? That’s rightful.  “Someone is negatively attacking me!” that’s rightful because you acted in that way.  Next week in Matthew 7, we will talk about judging.  Judge not lest ye be judged, so people continue to lie, “Not me,” but either you’re wrong or the Word is wrong.  Instead of looking at the plank in your eye, you see the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and you are judged yourself.  People with a similar spirit will gather together and form their own team.  This meeting is in preparation to receive greater criticism from someone else, because you’ll be judged and then you fight, “I wasn’t like that,” but is the Word of God lying? No, the word of God is truth, so reflect on yourself. 

In other words, we’re the kinds of people who would have to go to the Halloween party in Itaewon, or your children must go there, but you say, “My child would never go there because I educated them,” but if it’s not them, then your grandchildren will go. Don’t be so sure of yourself. If you don’t imprint only Christ, they have no choice but to be in those places. 

Can I ask you a question? 2000 years ago when you saw Jesus, would you be one to crucify Him or to follow Him?  Which position would you be in?  I’m sure we would say, “I would sit next to Christ with Him,” but that’s our misconception. It is because you do not know yourself.  All of us would be sitting in the seat of crucifying Christ.  But what do we think? “I wouldn’t do that,” then you have no received God’s grace. Where sin abounds, grace abounds all the more, but you think, “I’m not like that,” and the more you believe in Jesus Christ, the more you have this thought. 

Once you experience this, you will know that any of your words aren’t the answer.  Anything you say will be useless.  You may ask, “What must I do in this or that situation?” You have not experienced Christ yet. Every day, I die; I cannot live without Christ, then there’s no reason to say any other words to people.  What do you say to others? You must say those words.  “How do I say these words? What time do I say them?” It becomes hard for you. Don’t do that, but experience this yourself first. It’s not something that takes place.  

You don’t know who you are.  The other person wonders, but you don’t give them the answer.  Let’s say there’s a poser, a fake person, they can pose as a nurse or pastor even though they don’t have the credentials.  Those people cannot give the answer or fix another person; so you can’t be a poser of Christ.  Without experiencing this, how can you relay the answer to others that Christ is the only answer?  If you don’t acknowledge that the problem is these three things, how could you say Christ is the only answer?

Accept that these three problems are the fundamental problems of your life, otherwise you’ll not hold onto only Christ.  Do this until it takes place, but when it does, the evangelism movement will happen.  But why doesn’t this take place even though people have listened for 20 years? They haven’t acknowledged this problem.  If they don’t acknowledge and have this, then the 62 points will not be an answer.  Only me, my kingdom, my power.  The stronger you are, the more you will be able to withhold it a little longer, but rightfully the person will face depression.  It is rightful they face their limitations.  This is a result that comes later on.  If this takes place, then it’s rightful for the Kingdom of God to be established and for you to stand as a witness through the Holy Spirit.

For about 6 to 8 years, I repeated the same words, and there are newcomers, and now is the time schedule. Before, I was in the time schedule of Matthew 10 where we would go out in pairs and say, “We saw the works of the devil and now we’re in Matthew 16 and we were shocked by it.” But now in Matthew 17, Christ is not yet the Master, so when Jesus Christ is crucified, we run away, “I have to survive on my own.” My thoughts always come back and I have to flee.  Experiencing Christ means you’ve died on the cross and live with Christ’s strength, but you run away with your own thoughts, meaning you haven’t experienced the cross; you still live for your own thoughts, and you must experience through grace.  

I don’t need my thoughts or experience. I need only Christ because from then on, I receive the mission of the Kingdom of God.  On the Mount of Olives, Jesus spoke about the kingdom of God and gave them this mission, there are many people who say, “Evangelism doesn’t take place for me.” God doesn’t make you evangelize.  Matthew 16, Jesus says, “Don’t tell anyone that He is the Christ,” in other words, don’t evangelize.  Even in Matthew 17, Christ says to not tell anyone what happened, because it’s normal for such people at their time schedule for evangelism to not take place.

Experiencing the cross is the beginning and the start.  You received the Word of the Kingdom of God for 40 days but you say useless things, “When will You restore the Kingdom of God to Israel?” Once the Holy Spirit comes upon them realistically they will all change and the evangelism movement will take place.  According to God’s time schedule, He will open your eyes.  We did these 20 Lectures in RU, so even if they’re a pastor, if they don’t have the answer. 

“Do we have to evangelize? Do we need to have an answer?  But I don’t need to evangelize, I just devote and … then they will face a limitation.  They’re building their own nation so “You have to do church this or that way,” and they pray to ask God for something. That’s why evangelism movement can’t take place in the Bible.  Then, where are you? Within God’s stream, you have to accurately know where you are, and God gave this message to the disciples.

They know Christ but that’s the time schedule of Matthew 16.  “I know Only,” then you’re in the time schedule of Jesus says, Don’t tell others about the Messiah,” and stops them from evangelist.  Later they ask, “Who will be the greatest?”

No one can accomplish the law, you just do it according to the grace Christ gives you.  If this doesn’t flow out of the church, all the elites have been able to endure and succeed with their strength, but facing an audit, they do it in front of … God gives you the time schedule of answers and God reveals it. If there’s if the remnant is because they think studied that way for so long and you can’t have; it’s not something for you.  People without “only” will invest their whole heart in play.  After working for so long, they invest their whole heart into traveling. 

One heart, whole heart, continuation

It cannot continue on its own.  If Joseph did not receive God’s grace, he would flee from Egypt and wouldn’t continue.  He had the covenant.


Everything must come from only, everything must come from Christ. When you have “only,” you have uniqueness. Uniqueness is the answer that comes. 


There are answers that come upon me as God reigns upon me on this earth.  That’s uniqueness, the thing only I can do. All of us have this uniqueness.  But because “only” doesn’t take place, you can’t save.  Within only Christ, there is a unique answer only God has prepared, especially for you.  This Kingdom of God being established on me is what I mean.

When you have only, you’ll see the greatest answer of the mission of uniqueness. Acts 3, all people saw this lame man, and those who give money would give him some and go.  People thinking they’re superior will look down on them and move forward, and people all live for their “only.”  For those who have “only” and the Triune God will see the field differently.  Peter says, “Look at us, silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. For 38 years, no one’s sure; it’s the same for your businesses.  You need to open your eyes to money so you can see.

Acts 8:4-8

All people believe but have their eyes closed. God prepared all people to receive the gospel in your field but your eyes are focused on something else, opened to different things.  There are people around you, the field no one goes to.  You must do your business like this, then you’ll be what? You must be within these answers. 

At our church, we had an afterschool program, and we were ultimately connected to El Salvador.   This went on for several years. I realized in Koreatown, the parents are working, so the kids wander the streets. This is something anyone can see. You can see but if you don’t have “only,” you’ll have this, so we had to start the after school program on Fridays.  At that time, I didn’t know schools had their own afterschool programs, but God used my ignorance.  If I realized all these programs, I wouldn’t have attempted.

The Senior Deaconess have the fruit and established an after school. But after we did this, the student got to get better.  Then one of El Salvador’s missionaries connect with the Remnant.  I told my wife to meet with me.  This person couldn’t speak English much at all, but she didn’t. But this camp team is very important. The individual meetings are done by my wife, so we need a tea.  Then we now have live Spanish interpretation.  Why? God has prepared all things for the evangelism movement, but I’m unable to see it. It’s the same for the two Karin remnants as well, with what kind of eyes are you looking at? Even they have come to see we need different roles, so the teachers met up with them and that’s it If you don’t have eyes to see. 

My goal in the past was to raise disciples.  He would talk about other churches but I can only train you.  I would wait to see if they remained or not.  He would continue to approach me because the Navajo nation churches must receive the gospel, so I told him, “Get rid of your thoughts.”   We just started to give offering this year, until now, there hasn’t been anything.  As time passed, people oscillated and we were tested, “They’re not even changing, there aren’t works taking place, should we cut them off?” 

God gave me grace so we trained with New Life, New Living, and then I decided to focus on Joel who has a passion to raise up the youth.  I couldn’t continue with the father so I focused on Joel who wants to be a teacher or professor at a college.  See with uniqueness. It doesn’t come from myself, but it comes from God. That’s why we were also connected to the Mongolians and only the people who have this.  Even the Karin ministry, if we don’t have the eyes, we won’t see the importance and we’ll cut it off on our own. This answer of “uniqueness” is something only we can see.  It’s something specific for our church because it’s something we uniquely do.

See the Nigerian disciple. Is this person a real disciple? If so, let them live for that.  God will allow you to realize this that there are prepared disciples in the field.  If you go into your field with this in your heart, God will allow that to happen; this is uniqueness.  According to the time schedule, answers come, so you just need to continue. 

God we thank You. Help us to see the answer of uniqueness, may the answer of uniqueness be our answer.

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