The CVDIP to Save the World (Mt. 21:1-11)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The CVDIP to Save the World (Mt. 21:1-11)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

We will share the grace of God today with Matthew 21.  When Jesus Christ came to earth, He came as a human.  God Himself came to this earth as a human to save humans.  God sent Jesus Christ in a low position to uneducated people.  Who in this world would look at this person and confess, “You are the Messiah, the Christ, You are God”?  There was not a single person who could look at Jesus Christ and say that.  Then, how would they come to believe in the fact that He is God, the Messiah?  Only the ones to whom God gives grace can believe in that fact.

The fact that you guys are able to believe in Jesus Christ even though you didn’t see Jesus or the cross 2000 years ago means that God’s grace is already upon you.  Without God’s grace being upon you, you can never believe in that.  Then, if the fact that God’s grace allowed me to believe in Jesus Christ, it means that God has a plan for me as well, and you must find that plan of God.  That’s what you call your “vision.”

That is the vision you get in your life as you believe in Jesus Christ.  Fulfilling that vision becomes your dream.  People tell you to dream, right?  If someone has a dream, it doesn’t matter how many disappointing environments they face, but they’re not disappointed because they have a dream.  The dream that people dream is a dream that comes from themselves.  They use every different method or strategy to fulfill their own dreams themselves, but the dream within you in Jesus Christ is given to you by God. 

Jesus Christ (John 19:30)

Vision – the Word of God

God – Dream

As I believe in Jesus Christ, God accepts me as righteous. You cannot be righteous by your actions; you become righteous by your faith in Christ.  If you misunderstand this, you think you become righteous by the way you act, but it’s only by faith in Christ.  The grace of God, which is Jesus Christ dying on the cross for all of  mankind’s sins, comes into me and I change from a sinner into a righteous person.  God gives His vision to that person.  The God Who gives me His grace, gives me His vision.  From that point on, I’m no longer my master, but Jesus is my Master. 

Grace – Master

You think your own master but Satan deceives you.  God gives the vision for what will come in the future to those whom Christ is the Master.  If you have an incorrect vision, you have an incorrect dream, or you live your whole life without having a dream.  Even having a wrong dream is wrong, but not having any dream is wrong as well, but the person who has this vision speaks differently.  Even if they go as a slave, they speak differently.  Do you know what destroys you?  Your lack of a dream is what destroys you.  For young people, you need the dream that God gives you.  You received a dream that you can do through the vision God gives you. 


God gives you a talent to fulfill the dream God gave you.

Professional, Summit

You have a profession and you are the main figures of the summit.  You must dream for the summit, just as Joseph dreamed of the summit of Egypt evangelism and became the summit.  Take whatever talent God has given to you and make it the greatest specialization, and take it to the summit to save the field.  The talent God gave Paul. 


After Paul met the gospel, everything he studied in his past became his specialization and profession.

Summit – Kings, Israel, Gentiles, Rome

Your specialization and talent follow.  How does God guide you in following this dream?

Image -> God’s Word, Prayer

Masterpiece (Practice)

You’ve received the gospel by God’s grace, but the devil tramples on you so something other than the gospel goes into you. The gospel that finished all problems on the cross, now, God says you have no sin, because if you have sin, you’ll absolutely be a slave to Satan, and what follows are curses and disasters. Unless these problems are resolved, their dreams drag them towards disasters, but the world doesn’t know this, and that’s why God gives His grace. 

Now, people receive curses and disasters, and it was the same in the age of Israel.  It was the same for the Persians and the age of Greece and the same thing will be true of the Age of America.  You must know history to know today and then you will know the future.

The main figure of history is Jesus Christ, and if you don’t know Jesus Christ, you don’t have the correct historical view; but if you do know Jesus Christ, everything you’ve studied will be used for Jesus Christ. 

World Evangelization

God fulfils this through the Word and prayer.  Dream about this. If you just live your life, going with the flow, that’s the masterpiece of the devil, and if you play like this without knowing this, you’re a stupid idiot.  If you just play and have fun without any of this, that’s the definition of an airhead, that’s a dummy girl and a dummy boy.  Why are you playing ? Don’t make friends with people like that. Give them the gospel but don’t make them your friend.  All of this is prepared for us, but they’re saying, “Let’s play!” Why would we play like that? We just become emptier and emptier, and meet an empty boy or girl, and then we become empty together.  Let’s play and hang out? Doing what?

Even if you play, you need to play with this. But because you don’t know this, you keep spending your time in another place.  God has given this to each of you because, the fact that you believe in Jesus Christ means His grace is already upon you. 

Everybody has their God-given dream.  If you have a dream then no matter how people try, they cannot trample your dream.  During World War II, the Jewish rabbis were trampled on by the Germans, and yes, it’s true they were murdered and placed into gas chambers, but they couldn’t squash out their dream. You cannot squash out the dream that comes from God. Without a doubt, that will be fulfilled.  That’s why, even people who have a dream are not afraid of guns, knives, or gas chambers.  Do you know why your friends say the world is hard and stressful and that people are disgusting?  Do you know why people say, “Why are my parents like this? They’re not nice to me,” they don’t have a dream. But for those who have a dream, none of that matters because the dream will be fulfilled. That’s the remnant.

It doesn’t matter how much people trample on them; the dream will be fulfilled, and that’s the dream that comes with the promise of Jesus Christ.  Do you have this?  God has given this to you and will reveal this to you.  Then, everyone around you is saying the wrong words.  Those are the words of suffering, from people living without a dream.  “My parents are so mean to me,” it’s because they don’t have a dream.  “My studies are like this,” you all have talents, why are you talking about your studies? 

Some people have the talent to study well, but others have a different talent.  On YouTube, it said how many professions will be taken away by A.I.  First, medical doctors, then accountants, then lawyers.  The most advanced case would be solved by a doctor in a few hours, but A.I. can do it in minutes.  To create a blueprint, A.I.’s can do it in minutes.  Judges and prosecutors did not make the list because perhaps A.I. cannot mete out justice.  Lawyers and prosecutors can be replaced, but maybe not judges. 

We will lose many jobs in the future, so what are you going to do, then?  You need to see the future. You have a dream and God fulfills it, so don’t compare yourself to the people you know.  Have you guys ever heard of Kodak film? It was a very good company. Do you know when it failed?  It started failing when the cameras were placed on your phone.  Now, instead of having these films you have to create and develop, you upload it digitally online, and that very successful company just failed one day.

Everything you guys are thinking of and preparing for, it may one day fail.  Think well about this.  Know the future and prepare today and be led by God because He has prepared a dream for you for world evangelization.  A.I. cannot become a pastor.  Counseling can also not be done by A.I.  I hope you will pray and be led about all these jobs.  Translation will go away.  Even right now, Missionary Lee is using google translate to put the Spanish translator through the mic.  So, they can understand, and the machine does it all.

CPAs will be gone so quickly because the machine can calculate so quickly.  Can nurses be replaced by A.I.?  Impossible, how could an A.I. diagnose someone’s sickness?  What about music?  A.I. can also make music, they can make creative things.  A lot of jobs will be lost to A.I.  What about teachers?  Maybe after school, because a teacher doesn’t just teach their subject, so it can’t be replaced by A.I.  If kids have spiritual problems, the teacher has to counsel with them.  A.I. can’t do that. 

Think about this.  If she committed a crime and I’m defending her, she gives her information to me, then you can put it into a program that analyzes all the evidence and gives you the best evidence to present.  That would be the best, right?  All the people in the law school will become jobless in time.  I studied statistics, so from my perspective, I don’t think they’re right, because computer programming means, whatever input you put in, the computer will give you the optimal answer, and that’s the solution. They will analyze all the precedent cases.  Give them the program and they will put the best case forward.

The same with politicians and congressmen, they cannot be replaced by A.I., but a lot of different jobs will be gone.  Waitresses will also be gone.  Now, there are delivery services taking over.  However, God already knows everything that will happen in the future and has given you a talent for world evangelization. Find that and receive that answer.  

If you guys live the same walk of faith as your parents, you will not survive.  If the adults just had jobs and barely did enough, they would be able to barely eat and survive, but if you live like that, then you cannot get a job. What happens if you don’t have a job, you get unemployed and have mental problems, so you can’t get married, and there will be so many problems in society in the future.

You need to look forward towards what is happening in the future and receive guidance today.  So, what is it you must prepare now? It is saving lives. 

Law – Standard


Jesus Christ

The law God gave us is different from the societal laws. These are laws every human needs beyond the world’s laws. When you look at God’s laws, it’s completely impossible for me, and I’ve broken that law, so I have to ask for forgiveness.


God gave you the law so you may go before the blood. Now, God gives us the grace so that Jesus Christ fulfills the law and grace within us.  The way of ruling and the Kingdom of God is through God’s law. We call that His Word.  You know you can’t do this so you pray to God.  Then, God will be with you and work within you to fulfill that Word within you.  This doesn’t have anything to do with your efforts or diligence, but it is fulfilled by God’s grace and power. 

“Do not be angry,” but what happens if I’m angry?  God gives you the grace so you won’t be angry.  “Do not swear.” We talked about this today, do not retaliate.  It means, do not seek revenge for evil.  Is that possible? You know God’s law so you say, “I can’t do this,” and that’s why you need God’s grace.  That’s why, by God’s grace, you’re able to forgive your enemies and those whom you want to retaliate against; you forgive them instead and then the Kingdom is established. 

God gives you your professional answers and talents to do that.  But the devil will switch that so you have to study and work to just eat and survive.  Satan makes you use your talents for your own self-actualization, so the anger within you won’t be resolved.  Then if you can’t succeed so much, you kill someone. It’s the same as adultery, why can well-educated people not control themselves? You’re not supposed to be able to; only when God’s grace comes upon us will God’s power control us.

What is the Bible telling us about?  God is doing all of this so we, humans, created with the image of God, can give God’s influence. No matter who has received salvation, this is how God guides them forward.  E do not look at their actions, we do not discriminate against them, we just go together.  We discriminate people based on their actions, so we kill people. But we must differentiate people from their actions.

Let’s say she talks about me behind my back? Then I want to kill her.  Those words come out of her because there’s something incorrect inside of her, so I need to help the areas of her that are incorrect. How do I help her?  You help that person through the gospel, the word of God, and prayer. I cannot curse her as a person, because her incorrect imprints are the problem.  But this is the way we think, “You said that about me? I hate even looking at your face, I’ll get you back one day,” but those are the words of the devil.

This happens in the church, and Satan makes the church into his playground. That’s why Romans 16:20, Satan is made to kneel before your feet.  Resist the evil but forgive the person, that’s how you overcome Satan, and overcome evil with good.   With the goodness of the gospel, overcome the evil in this person, then you save that person, that is the way to overcome the devil. 

But when we talk about the devil, people think about shamans, fortune-tellers, and think they’re demon-possessed, but they themselves are demon-possessed. You have to know yourself well. Satan deceives you so you cannot differentiate between the sinner and the sin.  But the Word says to differentiate, and then we overcome Satan. Do you know why families are split apart?  They cannot do this. 

It’s the same when you go out into the world, and when you go out into your job, you hate this person, and the devil has already gone into you, because that person doesn’t have the Word.  “The incorrect scars and jealousy in that person makes them do these things,” so instead of hating them, you pray for them, you forgive them, and you’re able to save them.  If you can’t see this difference, your professional life will be hard, and everyone says the work isn’t hard, but the people make it hard. That’s the state where you’re seized by Satan.  People think they’re not possessed by demons, they think it’s just shamans. 

Among your friends, you have people you don’t like, right? You’re already seized by the devil. Pray and help the incorrect things in the person so the things inside of them will leave.  Save that person.  Then, there’s no reason to make enemies with your friends.  But people don’t learn this in the church at all, so it’s just legalism. They can’t fight externally so they fight internally. They learned not to fight on the outside so they fight on the inside and have this anger. If you know this very well, you will save many people.  Do you understand?  I hope you will pray about this.  Then, almost everything happening in the church will be resolved, all the American family problems will be resolved, and your relationships with your friends will be resolved. This is something that only one with the grace of Jesus Christ can do. This blessing of the gospel is given to you.

Success has no choice but to follow because God has no choice but to use you. Everywhere you go, you make peace.  Why talk badly about this or that person at your job?  Even if you want to evangelize, you cannot.  But if people talk badly about you behind your back, it’s okay. Change the stream.  You cannot change the stream with your nice actions. If someone talks badly about you a few times, you can’t handle that. If someone treats you unfairly, you can’t handle that.  That becomes your prayer topic to pray for people like your boss above you.  You need to see why they’re doing incorrect things, because the background in which they matured is wrong. 

If you pray for them, that becomes your prayer topic, and then at the right time, you evangelize to them.  Even as you work with them, you’ll get the sense whether you like them or not, but you’ll get that sense from the gospel.  Even if you graduate from an Ivy League, you won’t know this. But even if you don’t go to college, if you know this, you will save wherever you go.  Knowledge cannot save people. The gospel saves people.

But we’ve lowered the gospel to the ground so we end up fighting.  That’s why America has no hope unless the gospel goes in, and that’s why God called the remnants.  It’s not enough to just say, “I’m the Remnant,” you have to have this gospel, this is how God made you to live.  It’s not enough to just say, “I have to proclaim the gospel,” but you need to have the content. It’s not enough to just say, “Let’s make a business with a few of our friends,” you have to have the business content, that’s why you need to have a time of meditation.


You cannot change by your own willpower; it will come back.  You work so hard to change, but in time, that’s going to go back to your original state. We do not change like that. 


Then you overcome yourself and see people as important because God left the Throne of Heaven and came to earth to save people.  If someone doesn’t respect and value people, they’ve been incorrectly educated.  It’s futile and they’re ignorant.  They use the arrogance of what they think they know to kill other people.  That’s why Jesus Christ chose and looked for diseased people, the ones who were looked down on by the world, and saved them.  If someone is diseased, that’s evil spirits, so He cast them out.  It’s impossible by your strength, but when you’re filled with the Spirit of Christ and His power, He will do the work.


May you have that blessing


God, we thank You.  God, we pray You will work upon us with the CVDIP given.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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