My Words that Come from God (Mt. 5:33-37)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

My Words that Come from God (Mt. 5:33-37)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Let us bless one another, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.”  I hope that today may be the greatest time of blessing in our lives.  The content of the Bible scripture we read today is, don’t make unnecessary oaths.  Jesus Christ is giving His Word, “This Word of the Old Testament that you used to know, but this is what it actually means.  Then, it means that, as we listen to and follow the Word of God, there are things within us that are incorrect.  Jesus Christ is reinterpreting those words and telling us, “This is what it actually means.”

The content of what He is saying is, “Instead of living a religious life based on the actions and efforts of man, instead, live your walk of faith centered on Christ in faith.

1. Do not swear an oath (Mt. 5:33)

  1) Do not swear an oath in vain (Mt. 5:33)

The content we read today is, “In the past, you learned not to break your oath.

    (1) Said to the people long ago (Lev. 19:12, Mt. 5:33)

In Lev. 19:12, the Word of God said this to the Israelites.  We can also say an oath is like a vow.

    (2) Must do everything he said (Num. 30:2)

In Num. 30:2, it says that if you made a vow before God, you must absolutely keep it.

    (3) Break his vow – Sin (Deut. 23:21-23)

It says, “If you do not keep your vow, it will absolutely be held as a sin against you.  These are the words God said regarding vows or oaths.

  2) Oath

When somebody makes an oath, they make three kinds of oaths.

    (1) Person to person

People make an oath when they have a conversation between people.  

    (2) People to God

People also make a vow to God, “If you do this for me, then I’ll do this for You.” In reality, that’s quite a rude thing to say, but people do this a lot.  

    (3) God to people

However, in the bible, it also talks about the vows God makes to people.

  3) Why people swear an oath

What is the reason people make oaths? I’m sure there were situations where you’re talking with a friend and you made an oath.  Not when we get married, and not when we stand before the court of law. But there are some times when we swear to someone when we’re talking to them.

    (1) People – When they have no assurance (Heb. 6:16)

In Heb., 6:16, it says that when someone makes a promise or swears, they make an oath on someone greater than themselves.  Why do they make an oath?  It’s to confirm the confrontation or conflict they are having.  When they have a conversation, they’re trying to prove or confirm their point by swearing on someone greater like their father or their ancestors.

Why do we do that? It’s because we lack assurance.  If you have assurance, there’s no reason to swear; you just have to tell them your opinion, but they keep saying, “If we keep arguing our opinion, the debate goes to the other side,” then in order to put that debate to an end, they’ll say, “If my words are wrong, I’ll change genders,” or, “If what I’m saying is wrong, I’ll end my life.”  

People talk as if they’re very sure in their words.  If your words were truly correct, you wouldn’t have a need to say that; you can just say, “This is my opinion,” and end it with that, but we keep on getting into debates, so I hope you will come out of that situation, then, because in that situation, no one can win. If you have expressed your opinion thoroughly, whether they understand it or not, I hope you will end it with that. If it goes beyond that threshold, you’re going to want to prove your point by making an unnecessary oath or promise.

People will say things like, “I swear on my kids,” or, “I swear on my name,” but it’s because they lack assurance.  All you have to say is your words; why do you have to go to that extent? 

    (2) Swears by heaven, earth, the Great King, self (Mt. 5:34-36)

In today’s scripture, it says, “Do not swear an oath by heaven or earth or on the city of Jerusalem, or even on your own head,” why is that? Because everything belongs to God; even your hair strands belong to God; even the king of the great city of Jerusalem belongs to God.  People swear on heaven but that is the Throne of God and the earth is God’s dominion. That’s what we do to God. 

    (3) Own desire

Why would people vow or make oaths?  Why do you think people say things like, “God if You bless my business now, I will give this much offering during Temple Construction”? It’s because of their own desires.  “If You allow my kid to go to this college, I’ll go to church and devote this much.” We are not people who can make deals with God, but we try to make deals with God.  “God, I will give You my son as a pastor,” but not anybody can be a pastor.  We don’t just send them to seminary if they’re bad at studying.  In my situation, I was born into an unbeliever family and I was actually dragged into pastoral ministry without even knowing what it is.  That’s not something you can make a deal with God about.  God has already determined whom He will call as the members of the church and whom He will call as the pastor.

So, don’t make unnecessary promises. Even if this is screaming out in your heart as something that is right, God is not someone you can make a deal with, so if there are any of you who are praying like that, I hope you will change that. It’s because you don’t know God.  God is moving all of creation even now, but because you don’t acknowledge that, you keep saying ignorant words.  God has already determined the day you will die; He has already determined the method by which you will die.

Heb. 1:3 says that Christ is moving all creation with His Word even now.  If you know that thought properly, then you would no longer make oaths before God.  The Bible says, “Then you cannot make an oath before God; all you simply must say is ‘Yes’ or ‘No’,” because God is fulfilling His Word perfectly, there’s nothing for you to swear.

2. God’s/People’s Oath

  1) God’s oath

There are promises God specifically made to people in the Old Testament.  When God uses the word, “vow” or “oath” to a person, He makes sure to seal it with a guarantee.  Because people have so much unbelief, God says, “I vow this to you,” or, “I swear on oath.”

    (1) To Abraham (Gen. 22:16-17) 

In Gen. 22:16-17, as Abraham was about to sacrifice his son on Mount Moriah, “because you have not even withheld your son from me, I will surely bless you and make your descendants numerous and your descendants will take possession of the cites of their enemies.” This is talking about Jesus Christ.   

God uses the word, “swear” or “oath” to Abraham.  God says He swears upon Himself to guarantee the work God is doing.  God does this. If you don’t know the work God is doing, then you end up wasting your life on unnecessary things. God is working even right now, but if you don’t know this, then you have to waste your time, doing unnecessary work.  That’s why the common thing that most unbelievers or people without faith will say at the end of their life, “I didn’t realize life was so short, empty, and futile.” They realize that life passed by in the blink of an eye.  They realize they have done nothing.  Why? Because they wasted their time on futile things, and I hope you will not make the same confession.  

You must relay the Word that you will leave behind for the future generations. “I must take part in the work God is doing by faith and leave that as a commemoration of faith to the future generations.”

    (2) To Isaac (Gen. 26:2-4)

In Gen. 26:2-4, there was a famine in the land of Canaan and Isaac was about to move down into the land of Egypt, but God says, “Stay in this land for awhile and I will give you the blessings I confirmed on oath to your father Abraham.”  He is saying that, “the Messiah Who is to come will come through your bloodline, so remain in this land.”  It’s not about what we do or don’t do; God has determined this.  All you have to do is say, “Amen,” to this, and that’s it. But if we don’t know this, then we have to have our own confidence and say unnecessary words.  

    (3) To Jacob (Gen. 28:14-15)

If we don’t know this, then we’ll have to make some kind of deal or condition with God, “If You do this, I’ll do this for You.” That’s what Jacob did in Gen. 28:14-15.  Even when Jacob was in his mother’s womb, he was there with his twin brother, and he was holding onto his brother’s ankle in order to try to come out first.  But even inside the mother’s womb, God had already selected Jacob.  

There are some young adults who ask, “Why does God only save me and leave all these unbelievers alone?” Don’t ask unnecessary questions, just be glad that He saved you.  Who do you think you are? Do you think you’re the judge to complain about God not saving unbelievers? Just be grateful He has saved you. God had already divided between Jacob and his brother Esau in his mother’s womb.  God had chosen Jacob whose personality was very picky and very selfish.  It would have been fine if he remained as he was, but he stole his brother’s blessings using his cunning mind.  Because of that, his older brother Esau was trying to kill Jacob, and Jacob ran off to his Uncle Laban’s house, and this was the vow God made at this time.  

In the place where Jacob was sleeping on a stone pillow, wondering if his older brother Esau would kill him or not, God appeared to Jacob.  So, regardless of Jacob’s actions, God works according to His covenant.  God appears to Jacob and says, “No matter what, I will fulfill My covenant, I will be with you and bring you back safely to this land,” and all he has to say is, “Yes, I understand,” but he wasn’t able to do that. He’s similar to us. 

  2) People’s oath

    (1) Jacob’s vow (Gen. 28:20-22) (Gen. 34:5,35:1)

In Gen. 28:20-22, Jacob made a vow saying, “If the LORD will be with me and will watch over me on this journey I am taking and will give me food to eat and clothes to wear,” so he’s worried about what he will eat, “so that I return safely to my father’s house, then the LORD will be my God, and on this stone that I have set up as a pillar will be God’s house, and of all that you give me I will give you a tenth.” Then, he makes a vow that is really unnecessary. 

God had already made an oath.  “Surely, I will allow you to return safely to the land of Canaan. Why do you think Jacob doubles that vow back to God? It’s because he doesn’t believe, he doesn’t believe God.  Because of that, he stakes this condition.  God is not someone who needs anything from us; God doesn’t need our material possessions.  Even if I don’t say that He is God, He is still God.  God is the One Who determines the day we are born and the day we will die.  God is also the One Who has the power to stop the entire world with COVID for 2-3 years.  Just because I don’t say He is God does not mean He is not God.  Jacob doesn’t understand what God actually told him, so he stakes this vow on God because he doesn’t know who he is.  

Then In Gen. 34:5, there’s an incident that happens.  This was the time when God was fulfilling the Word He had given to Jacob. He had given him many descendants, many possessions, and even four wives, and was bringing him safely to the land of Canaan, but then his daughter Dinah was raped. Why od you think God did that?  

It says in Gen. 35:1, God said to Jacob, “Go up to Bethel and settle there,” Bethel is where Jacob had created a house and an altar for the LORD while he was sleeping on a stone pillow, and He says, “Build an altar to God there.”  “Didn’t you make a promise? Didn’t you promise that you would make this into the house of God and you would give Me a tenth? Why aren’t you keeping your promise?” That’s why God gave this incident of Dinah’s rape. These vows are not meaningless.

    (2) Jephthah’s vow (Jdg. 11:30-31) (Jdg. 11:37-38)

Jephthah made a vow in the age of the Judges.  In judges 11:30-31, while Jephthah was going out to war against the Ammonites, “If you give me victory over the Ammonites, then I will offer, as a burnt sacrifice, whoever comes out of my door first to meet me,” meaning he will cut them up and burn them up to offer as a burnt sacrifice.

There was no reason for him to do that, the war is in God’s hands, but because he doesn’t believe in that, he keeps creating these vows and conditions.  Then according to His words, God gives him victory in war, and the first person to come out of the door is his daughter.  Then, his daughter dies a virgin.  When he told his daughter about the vow he had made, she says, “Father, give me two more months to have fun with my friends and then I will go.”  

Now that I tell you this, are you afraid of the vows you have  made the past?  Have you ever said something like, “If you do this for me, then I’ll do this much for the church”?  Are there some people who are continuously tormented because they wanted to become a pastor and said, “God, if you make me a pastor, I’ll do this,” or some people say, “I will offer up my child as a pastor,” and they still haven’t done that yet, so they think they’re in trouble as they listen to this message?  

    (3) Hannah’s vow (1 Sam. 1:11) (1 Sam. 2:18-21) 

There are even some pastors who say, “There are things you’ve sworn in the past that you haven’t kept and that’s why your business is failing. You  made an oath about devoting your oldest son and you didn’t, and that’s why he’s a failure now.”  But God says, “Do not make unnecessary oaths or swears.”  

Some people make a vow and are blessed for it.  She got married and didn’t have a child, so the husband was waiting and got a second wife. The second wife had a son, so the first wife found it unbearable.  She prayed to God over and over and did not receive an answer, but that’s when Hannah makes a vow to God. 

She vows to God in 1 Sam. 1:11. Later on, she does have a son an devotes him to the Temple.  In 1 Sam. 2:18-21, it says Hannah and her husband would go to the Temple to see her son, and the priest would bless them saying, “Because you have devoted your child, God will bless you with children,” and she had five more children.  Even then, God had already prepared to raise up the High Priest Samuel to save the age, and He had given that heart to Hannah.  Even if Hannah had not made that vow, if she really had the heart of God for that age, He would have blessed her.

  3) God’s oath – Guarantee (Heb. 6:17) 

    (1) To the heirs of what was promised (Heb. 6:17)

In Heb. 6:17, God makes His oath to the heirs of what was promised.  What was the content of the oath He had promised?  What is the oath God promised ever since Abraham and continued all throughout time?

    (2) Have hope – Anchor of the soul (Heb. 6:19)

    (3) Enter the curtain (Heb. 6:19)

Heb. 6:19 says we have this hope, that hope being the covenant, the oath God had made all throughout time, as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain.  The curtain is the division between humans and man, and God says this enables us to go into the Ark of the Covenant.  As long as the anchor is firm and secure, it doesn’t matter what the boat faces; it will always remain anchored.  If the covenant God promised you is in the deepest and most central part of your heart, it doesn’t matter what problems or circumstances you face; it will not matter to you. 

What is the anchor of our soul, in the deepest area?  If it is money and success, it cannot overcome the storms you face.  If you think the anchor of your soul is your upright thoughts, it cannot be the proper anchor.  If you say, “I’m somebody who does what I say I’ll do,” that is baseless.  If you say, “If I make a promise, then I’m someone who keeps it,” that is ignorant.  Yes, it’s a good thing to keep credibility in your promises; however, we are not people who can keep the promises we make.

We’ve experienced the COVID pandemic for 2, 3 years all around the world. Do you think your business was under your control?  Were you able to keep your promise to your children that you would fly to see them, even as the airplanes were not running?  Were you able to promise to see to a certain age, even though everyone is passing away due to COVID?  We don’t need that kind of assurance.

3. God’s covenant

  1) Jesus became a priest (Heb. 7:20-21)

    (1) Guarantor of covenant (Heb.7:22)

What do we need to put as the anchor of our soul, very deep into our spirit, so that we can weather whatever storms or problems we face?  That’s Heb. 7:20-21. It says Jesus Christ became our Priest by oath. The Bible says people were made priests without an oath, but Jesus Christ is the Priest made by oath from God, and in order to keep that oath, God continuously made oaths since Abraham.  It says, He is the priest forever, meaning He is still praying intercessory prayers for us, and God sent Jesus Christ as the Guarantor of a better covenant.

    (2) Oath which came after the law – Jesus (Heb. 7:28)

In Heb. 7:28, “but the oath, which came after the law, appointed the Son, Jesus Christ, Who has been made perfect forever.  On the cross, Jesus Christ freed us and solved all our problems of curses, the authority of Satan, and hell, and now He is seated at the Throne of Heaven and is with us as the Holy Spirit as the anchor of our soul.  The only thing left for us to do is to say, 

    (3) My words – Yes, No (Mt. 5:37)

“Yes” or “No” to the work that Jesus Christ has done; we are not in a place where we can make an oath. To the oath that God has made ever since the beginning of Jesus Christ Who solved all problems and is seated now at the Throne of Heaven and is with us now through the Holy Spirit.  

  2) Jesus Christ

    (1) Cross – It is finished (Jn. 19:30)

    (2) United with Christ (Gal. 2:20)

All we have to do is say, “Amen” to that.  He is living with us, even now, united with life.  The fact that we are united with Him means that, no matter where we are, no matter what we are going through, God is with us. 

It doesn’t matter where you are, “I will be with you forever. Even if you’re not able to keep the things you’ve vowed or promised, because I died on the cross for all your sins, you will be okay.” Jesus Christ died on the cross for us because we can’t do it. Of course you can’t keep everything you’ve sworn until now because you’re not God.  

Just be cool about it, “God, I’m weak and I need Christ to be my Lord.” That’s why Christ came.  He took all the curses upon Himself on my behalf, so even right now, we need Christ.  If you keep living your life based on your standards and actions, you’ll be the anchor of your own life and Christ will become far.

    (3) Kingdom of Christ (Col. 1:13)

Col. 1:13 says He has established the Kingdom of God within us where He rules over us as our Lord.  In this world, there are two kingdoms. There are only two options, that Jesus Christ comes in and reigns over someone as their Lord, or is it evil spirits? How are evil spirits ruling over people?  

In Gen. 3, he tells humans, “You will be like God.”  Satan rules over people, making them think they can be like God, that they’re the center of the universe, so they live their lives for themselves, even though God is already for you.  If you are truly a child of God, God is already guiding you, protecting you, and fighting for you. You shouldn’t speak as if God is just playing around. 

Even if you’re in the midst of severe mental problems, God is with you. That person will one day change, because our weakness cannot overcome the power of God.  We have no choice but to always be weak, however, the Triune God is with me and is seated at the Throne of Heaven and is even now, fulfilling the promise of Christ He has given. 

  3) Christ’s spirit – Holy Spirit

    (1) Eternally with (Mt. 28:18-20)

Jesus Christ resurrected and gave us the Holy Spirit and told us to receive  it, and to establish God’s Kingdom. That was the promise God gave us. There was a promise God gave to us after He came to earth, “go and make disciples of all nations.” We have two options, to say, “Amen,” to this, or to reject it.  No reason to say or add any more words, are we agreeing or disagreeing with the Word God gave us?

But the methods of the world tell you to not state your own opinion. If you state your own opinion first, you’ll be stoned to death. You should wait until the very end and make your decision at the end, that’s the way for you to survive, that’s how parents discipline their children, but that is an education without God.  God has absolutely made His covenant and you will be able to tell anyone whether this is right or wrong.

But there’s a very gray middle ground where people are, and you cannot trust them because they switch sides depending on what is beneficial to them. It is the same even with human relationships.  We must be able to live our lives saying whether something is right or wrong based on the standard of God’s covenant. Because God will work upon us according to the promise He has given to us, hold to the covenant.  

Whether you say this with your words or have this in your heart, you must be able to show this to other people. Otherwise, you’ll make all these different promises and confuse people.

In Matt. 28:18-20, Jesus Christ tells us to make disciples of all nations, and the One Who has all authority in heaven and on earth is surely with you until the very end of the age.  This is a promise He is fulfilling even now.  You are not at the level where you should be worried about your own life, that’s someone who doesn’t know God, so they make incorrect vows.

“God, if you do this,” what do you mean? He is already with you. “God, please be with me,” but He’s already with you!  But because you don’t see Him, you don’t believe Him, so you keep asking, “Be with me, be with me,” But He has already given you the covenant that He will.  But the standard of God being with them is contingent on what they want.

For this person, the standard of God being with them is a successful business, so it feels God is not with them, but He is with them even there.  They think if they’re in suffering, God is not with them. God is already with you in your disease.  “God, please be with me,” so don’t say unnecessary words.  “God, what is your will in this disease?  God, what is your plan in this failure?” Why? Because God is with you.  

“God, if you get rid of my disease, I’ll do this work for you, I’ll do missions for you,” there’s other people who can do that work other than you; there are already people God has already selected, so stop struggling; just look for God’s good plan, why? Because He says, “I will be with you forever,” the One Who has all authority in heaven and on earth.  Then, the only thing for us to do is to say whether this is right or wrong based on the promise God has given us. 

    (2) Filling of the Holy Spirit – Concentration (Power) (Ac. 1:8,14)

Only when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will receive power and become a witness of Christ to the ends of the earth. This promise is being fulfilled even today.  God never said, “Only if you come to your senses will you do this.”  He never said, “Only if you learn how to influence people and master relationships will you do this.”  He never said, “Only when you learn how to inspire other people through your conversations will you do this.”  He says, “Only when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will receive power.”

What is that power?  It is talking about all the power you need to save people.  If you need money, then God will work upon you with financial power.  If you need wisdom, God will give you intellectual power. If you need the intelligence of other people, then God will bring you those people, and if you need health, God will work to restore your health. You will be a witness of Christ until the ends of the earth, and we have to make a decision between these two things, saying “Amen,” or “No.”

    (3) Working of the Holy Spirit – Answer of evangelism, missions, temple construction (Ac. 2-28)

If you don’t know this, you have to say a lot of words, but that is someone who speaks out of their ignorance of God. Why is this world in failure? They’re in ignorance where they don’t know God.  Because God is working with His Holy Spirit just as He promised, He is opening the doors of missions and evangelism. Only at that point will you discover the reason you’re born. God will use all the mistakes and failures of your past as a footstool to save people in the future.

“Why am I short?” So you can save short people. “Why am I ugly?” So I can save other ugly people. “Why am I skinny?” So I can save skinny people.  It’s a joke in Korean.  It means God is using everyone for something. “Why are my family problems not being resolved?” It’s so that you realize what the problems of the world right now are.  Until you realize that, God will leave them there.

God changes every one of these into blessings.  “God, please make COVID go away,” is He going to do that just because you ask Him to do that?  Seeking God’s will is our prayer.  “What is the will God is doing through COVID?” That is the true prayer.  “God, please make my business successful,” that’s not a prayer topic.  “God, may Your will be fulfilled through my business.”

There are some people who are diseased.  Getting better isn’t the issue; everyone dies eventually. “God, what is the plan with which You have allowed this to happen?” That’s what’s important.

1. God’s covenant

The One Whom God has promised on oath to us is Jesus Christ.  You put that covenant as the anchor in your soul, meaning, no matter what storm or problem you face, it will not budge.  The One Who has resolved all problems, the One Who has authority in all heaven and earth, the One Who controls everyone’s life, death, successes, and failures, is with me.  Make it so that everyone will have this covenant in them so you can save people through your business, your academics, and your ministries.  

2. Place in thoughts, heart, spirit

3. Prayer – Answers come

That is why answers will follow.  It’s very simple, that’s why the Lord says, “Do not make unnecessary oaths, in fact, do not  swear at all,” because you are not at the level where you can.  God is doing the work and He is doing the work through you; all you have to do is say, “Amen, yes, this is right.” So when you come to church, there’s nothing for you to say.  If God give you the Word, say, “Yes, that’s right,” then you go.  No reason to fight about the baseball game score.  There’s no reason for you to debate over democracy or other types of government; the Lord already raised up the president. All you have to do is look at the one whom God raised up and seek His will.

I hope all these unnecessary debates will go away.  When you go home, I hope you will stop debating whose family line is greater or lesser; both of you guys have bad family lines, and Jesus Christ is the greatest family line.  May you have victory throughout the week with Jesus Christ.  

Message Prayer

Let us pray together holding onto the Word we have received.

Offering Prayer

God, we thank You. Allow our lives to be able to say, “Amen,” and agree with and go forward with the covenant You have given us.  We desire for You to work in our lives so that we may confirm that You are working in our lives according to Your covenant.  Allow the only words to come out of our mouths to say, “Jesus is the Christ, the solution to all problems.”

We have returned our material blessings as offering.  We pray that wherever this is used, the name of Jesus Christ will be revealed.  May this be the material that returns the offering to You. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the people of God, the multiethnic people, and the remnants who desire to hold onto and only speak the words of the covenant of the Lord, be from now until forevermore always, amen.

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