Life of the Evangelist – One Heart (Acts 2:1)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Life of the Evangelist – One Heart (Acts 2:1)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Joyce Jo

“Only” means I don’t need anything else.  Only Christ.  Do we not need anything else? Only Christ means you don’t need anything else, and in this, all your needs will be filled.  That’s what it means to know Christ.  Knowing this means you know Christ; if you don’t know this, even though you know Him, it’s not really knowing Him.  If “only” doesn’t take place, what’s the problem? 

Satan, Sin, Hell

Satan deceives you, thinking you can be like God, living your own life.  We are separated from the life of God, that’s death. Even though you struggle a lot, you cannot overcome death. How do you know this? Only through Jesus Christ.  Everyone talks about Christ, but is it only Christ? Or is it just Christ?  Only Jesus Christ. You don’t need anything else.  Then God will fill this up, God will give you all the answers so you can save other people.   You share only Jesus Christ with them because all things are in only Christ.  All things follow, I don’t make anything myself.  It follows only when I realize I don’t need anything else.  This is how you must know Christ; enjoying this is prayer.

When you look towards Christ, nothing else can be a problem, because all of God’s plan and answers are within this. That’s why it’s only Christ.  If not, you fall into problems.  You believe in Christ, but you’re seized. You believe in Christ, but you live endlessly for your own desires.  Why is that?  It’s because “only Jesus Christ” hasn’t come into you yet. Of course you know Jesus Christ, but how do you know Him? How do you know Jesus Christ?  That’s the issue here.

Only God’s Kingdom – Word, Darkness

Through Christ, the answers of God come upon you, how?  Through His Word.  God rules through His Word, then what happens?  The forces of darkness will be broken.  It’s not just a “dark” color, but what is this darkness? What about it is dark?  If it is not the Word, it is darkness.  The Word is the light, but my words are something else.  The Word must come to me as light, and that’s what it means for the Kingdom of God to come upon me. 

Evangelism, Missions

If you don’t know this, you know nothing about the Bible and Jesus Christ has not become your “only.” These two things cannot be separated from one another.  When you seek God’s righteousness, you will be able to see the Kingdom of God.   Jesus is the Christ and my Lord, He reigns over me and that is His Kingdom.  Paul shared and proclaimed about Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God for 3 years.  Through what?  Only the Holy Spirit.

Only the Holy Spirit (Witness)

We need nothing else other than Christ, then the Kingdom of God comes upon me right away as the Word, through the power of the Holy Spirit, and then you are witnesses.  Then all things will follow after you.  If you don’t know Christ, even though you work diligently, all things are in vain because you don’t know everything is contained in this. You think you have to make something of yourself, obsession and addiction.  That’s why even though you’re a child of God, you still have mental problems.  As the church gets bigger, pastors may fall into lust and sexual immorality and have to leave the church. 

Why?  This also happens in smaller churches as people form more intimate relationships with others.  In the beginning, I don’t know how it took place, but people have a desire for success.  When they’re seized by that, they look for multiple systems to make it bigger. This is the basic content everyone must know to grow their life and business.

Things like liquor stores don’t need systems because the owners just have to open their doors, but if they wanted to advance and open up a big department store like Macy’s? 

These things we cannot even imagine will come out.  The US has limited the abilities of foreign nations to make nuclear weapons, but that’s how the US can continue to sell weapons to other nations. The tension with North Korea means the US can sell weapons to South Korea.  If you have this nuclear submarine, they can submerge underwater for a long period of time, but US does not allow this, so the Koreans say, “We’ll make a hydrogen-powered submarine, since we can’t make it with nuclear technology.”  They are not limited by regulation and will change it creatively.

When there’s wisdom that comes from God through Jesus Christ, it’s possible. You can’t imagine this with just an ordinary mind, All things are within Christ and come from Christ so He makes it possible.  How could David use a slingshot to fight against bears and lions? He had wisdom from God and it was incomparable. The studies you do at school are just basic knowledge.  Inputting knowledge in your brain will cause people to fight one another. When given the academic opportunity, you have the wisdom and knowledge of Jesus Christ because such people aren’t just studying, but they receive training. 

Then, when God gives everything to this person, God pours down His power and wisdom. We do need the worldly things, but that’s just an example.  It’s not comparing who is better or worse; all things are contained within Christ. We confess with this faith, and these people conquer the world.  When you conquer, you don’t overpower other people, but you save them from this darkness. 

See what will take place as time passes, because then you will receive answers. Remnant Day seems like nothing, but you receive grace and the meaning  behind it, then answers take place.  That can be right now.  No one knows.  That’s why we continue. 

Heavenly Mandate, Calling, Mission

You will have this, no reason to worry because it will happen. Joseph knew he would become governor; David knew he would become king, so the process doesn’t matter.  One time, I was driving and a huge truck wanted to turn around me, but the back of the truck scraped my bumper.  Under the bumper, there’s a dent.  It happened as I was going to Downtown LA to do an evangelism camp with Deacon Elliot.  White young adults were driving and smashed into a few cars and ran away, so I asked the truck driver, “What are you going to do about it?” “I’ll give you my number.” “No, I need to change out this car.” They completely fixed the bumper and restored it as new. 

The body shop owner knew me, “This is my pastor, let’s just do it for $500 cash.”  I didn’t think anything of it because I would get a new car anyway. If you know the future, nothing is a problem.  Isn’t that right?  If you’re made to date someone new, all your exes don’t matter.  I have to say it in a way that you’d understand.  You won’t think about the past anymore.  It’s an extreme example. If you know the future God has planned for you, but the events in your life will just be events.

Look at Apostle Paul. He faced an extreme storm so it was a life or death situation.  He already had a mission from God, so he went into the boat and prayed to God, and God sent His heavenly angels to Paul and made him realize his mission to testify before Caesar in Rome. CVDIP.   It seems you may fail but it will take place. You overcome with this, not anything else. Saul tried to kill David, but David knew he would become king. Because he knew the future, he knew the present was just his journey. 

If you don’t have this mission, your life will constantly go up and down based on your present situation. People have no choice but to be like this, “Because of that person’s deception, I may fail.”  If they face an unfair situation, “My life will fail; how will my life end up?” You may believe in Christ, but you’ll have these thoughts.  But the disciples of God will rise, no matter what other people say.  You just pass by, “You might think like that but it will take place according to the Bible.”  You pretend as if you’re listening but you move forward as you have this covenant.

People say things that are right or wrong but it has nothing to do with your mission.  The Word will be fulfilled, this is your strength and one day, you hold onto the mission. If people don’t have this, they’ll think, “my life isn’t working out because of that person. My life is going to fail because of COVID,” you may have these thoughts, but they’ll pass by.  Dogs bark at you, but it doesn’t matter. It passes by.  You have this confidence with faith in God, not faith in oneself, but you don’t have this.

You must have this to have one heart, whole heart, continuation. No need to follow that path; follow the path that works out.


If you come out of Christ, then you have greed.  You have no choice but to be greedy if you think not all things come from Christ. Whether it’s about people or success, problems will surely and rightfully follow after that.  In your field within yourself or other people, that’s rightful.

Necessary, Absolute

It was necessary for the absolute plan for spreading the gospel. If you don’t have this, you’ll ask the pastor about things, but at this time, may your eyes be opened.  Coming out of “only Christ” is the problem, holding onto something else, that’s the problem.  You must guide them and give the answer. If you chase others down, in a good way, it may be imprinted more in them, but that’s where the answer is, and you can understand. You must have this time schedule.

The Early Church went with Christ, and that’s why they were able to see and give the answer, that all problems came from this.  You know the mission for which you live, so even in persecution, it didn’t matter.

One Heart

Today we’ll talk about one heart. Look towards Christ with one heart. It’s not here or there.

Only Christ – Enough

I had my imprint, root, and nature for a desire to succeed, and this didn’t easily change.  Even though I believed in Christ, this didn’t hit me yet, so I was trying to do my pastoral ministry, so I was wandering.  That’s what Satan used to cause me to go up and down.  Up-down means, when there’s a slight possibility, I race forwards, but if there’s no possibility, I go down. It may be even more extreme for you because you’re in the field, especially for your children.  When your children pray, it goes up, but when they don’t, you go down. 

Senior Deaconess Song told me, “I’m okay because I know my two daughters will return.” She believes this so she lets her children leave.  Before that, she said, “I have difficulty and hardship when other kids partake in church because my kids don’t do the same,” but one day, she confessed she believed that one day, God will make them return back. This is her testimony.  Through her children, her faith is growing.  Her answers come through faith.  God is trying to bless both sides.  She also confessed herself, God is making her children go down this path so they experience the world and be more deeply imprinted in the gospel.

Before, she would tell her children, “My hope and wish is that you’d come to church,” but they didn’t, so God works according to His time schedule.  One heart.  All things are within Christ.  When you relay this, other people come to life.  It doesn’t take place just by talking to other people, “You know about Jesus Christ? You don’t? He is the prophet, priest, and king. Now you know who Jesus Christ is, right?” For believers, it may be like that, but we don’t need anything else.  Paul says, “It’s okay if I’m poor and not famous, why? Because everything is in Christ,” so he’s able to do “one heart.”

Christ is everything, Christ is complete.  Sarah came today.  For her, God continuously placed her in my heart.  I knew she was wandering because of her spiritual problems so she caught my heart.  If I had just let her be, then that connection would completely disappear.  Rather than me disconnecting that connection, I followed her.  She moved to Colorado, and we did online ministry through zoom, but that was disconnected.  It would have been that, but we reconnected as she went to Orange County. As soon as I drop off my daughter in school, I do the Upper Room Ministry in Orange County.

We had no continuation but I felt so much pity for the children.  I told Tiffany to continue to reach out to Aiko.  Because the spiritual state is like that, it continued on and off for many years.  Now, God made the situation so she’s able to restore worship since she works in LA from 1-7pm.  Now I know the Word is going into Aiko.  As you look at these children, you realize if they’re receiving the Word or not. She studies very well. I talked with her, and she talked about herself.  Apparently she knew the message applied to their family; how could I even predict that?

One heart.  This entire family lived in Korea, Mongolia, and America, so they are a precious family, influenced by three nations.  If this is restored, then all these things will be a tool and that’s why I’m talking about Jesus Christ.  It is only possible through the grace of God, and that’s how we continue because God will work.  Don’t worry about me, but you don’t realize these things on your own; it’s the grace of God. One person must continue.  That’s when, in God’s time schedule, one by one, they will rise up.  

Acts 2:1

Why did they gather? Because of the covenant, they gathered in one place.  That is the most precious meeting on this earth because they are meeting because of Christ.  You’re sitting here today, but why?  If it is for Christ, this is the most precious time for you.  Why are you sitting at school?  That’s important.  That’s why with one heart, you hold onto Christ and gather together. The church gathers together, but what is the content? Are all people gathering together with their own reasons, or is it because of only Christ?  If there’s just two or three people gathering, holding to Christ, God will work.  But people gather to do business or borrow money or receive help.  No matter how much you meet together, it’s useless. But for Christ, you gather together.

God works on the family that gathers together for God. Why do you run your business? This is important. Working diligently is a low level.  That’s the words unbelievers talk about.  You’re talking about it in the earthly sense. You must stake your life on things above. Why gather in one place?  Some people gather to relieve their loneliness. Are you gathering for that? That’s trying to fulfill your own desires.  They won’t receive any real answers; they receive the answers of not being lonely.

Do you gather together because of Christ?  Then the Holy Spirit will work. That’s the church.  What kind of 2-3 people gather?  From a worldly perspective, many people may gather, but the Holy Spirit will not work upon them. In Jerusalem, there were thousands of people gathered together to participate in the Pentecost.  They said they didn’t need Christ, even though Christ had come, but in the Early Church, there were people who gathered saying they need only Christ. It’s not a problem whether the church has a building or not. Herod’s Temple was beautiful and magnificent but the Holy Spirit didn’t work there. Mark’s Upper Room was someone’s home, and the Holy Spirit worked upon that.  

One heart. The one heart that never changes.

Isaiah 26:3

We are steadfast in only Christ, that’s the only thing that satisfies us. That’s when God works. Children completely rely on their parents.

Matthew 17:8

Jesus is God; you need nothing else, not Moses or Elijah.  All my power, my future and skill are contained within Christ, so I need nothing else.  When this comes upon you, that’s the beginning, and this will come as an answer. God will give this to you through grace as an answer.  It doesn’t come because you study diligently; God gives you grace. When you seek after this, God will give it to you. When you are thirsty for it, God will fill you up. If you say, “I may or may not need it,” such people live that kind of life.  In the Bible, people say, “Jesus, son of David, I only need You.” 

The Samaritan woman had four or five husbands, and she talks to Jesus, and she didn’t know but she had a thirst for worship.  The Samaritan woman was in Samaria, so she couldn’t worship in the south, but Jesus said, “Wherever you are worshiping in spirit and in truth, that is true worship.” She said, “You are the Christ.”  What is worship? Getting a goat and a lamb? No, but you being here is worship.

What does this mean? This woman had a thirst for worship and she went before Jesus with this thirst.  Jesus is the Truth and the Holy Spirit worked, and worship in Spirit and in Truth. This Word of Truth went into this woman and she said, “This is the Christ.”  What must happen in worship? This Word that Jesus is the Christ must come upon you. What do you give? You give your time because you know that’s valuable, you give your offering because the Lord is Lord of your material things. Some people failed in worship, but the Word of God must come upon them, but they still failed in worship because you can only receive the Word when the Holy Spirit works.

In Spirit and in Truth.  You need to continuously hold onto this as your covenant in worship. All other things are not worship.  Jesus gives the Word to the Samaritan woman; the woman did not have to research it.  How do we know it is the Christ?  This time is for you to worship in Spirit and in Truth.  If the Holy Spirit doesn’t work upon you, you haven’t received the Word.  It’s just legalism, but this is the worship we’re talking about, not the outward ritual of worship. That’s how you fail.

Acts 1:14

Don’t just pray together, but pray with one heart.  Don’t force people to come. You gather many people, but even if just two people come together with this covenant, the Holy Spirit will work.  When the crowd came to Jesus, He did not give the Word, but food and drink because that’s what they wanted, but He gave separate messages for the disciples.  Even in your ministries, you need just one person. When you hold to the real covenant, God will send someone.  You just need two people. Start with the covenant and the Holy Spirit will work.  When the Holy Spirit works, the Holy Spirit will open the doors. 

Acts 2:42

How did they continue?  This way.  The Apostle’s Teaching is the Word proclaimed in the church, and the fellowship and the breaking of bread and prayer, the Holy Spirit worked.  When the church leaders come together, hold to the word and pray, that’s the Upper Room ministry.  It’s the same for the next generation.  It’s the same if you do regional church or upper room meetings through zoom.  When God’s Word is proclaimed, then with that Word, you pray together.  You pray for the people around you with whom you want to share the gospel. That’s why you must continuously have the Word, Prayer, and Evangelism in your meetings.  Because the kids don’t forum about their evangelism, the messenger must help them to do that by telling all the kids to pray for the people to whom they want to evangelize to.  The working of the Holy Spirit are these three things working together.  The leader must guide them in this direction if they don’t know.  Let us hold onto the Word and pray? That’s missing a step so the Holy Spirit may not work.  Let’s pray for the evangelism field for the evangelism recipients.

Phil 3:8

He considers it garbage. He held onto it before, it was his walk of faith, and he didn’t have the answer of Christ, but he came to this answer all at once. Some incidences are like this, it’s up to God, but before that, they did talk about God and held onto the Messiah, but held onto other things. It’s the same even now.  You haven’t held onto Christ. You say you’re not satisfied with Christ.  You continuously relay the evidence that Christ is not your Shepherd.  Who likes this the most? Satan. That’s what Satan wants.  These answers continued, the answers of the devil working.

When I consider that garbage that I may gain Christ, because all things are within Christ. In Phil. 3:9, “to be found in Him.  You put in so much effort to find things, but now you put in the effort to find the things in Christ. 

Phil 3:12

He hasn’t attained everything because he still has the rest of his life, and there are more things to come, but he lets go of the things of the past.  He races on forward to hold onto the things God has prepared for the future.

Phil 3:14

There is a prize. There is a goal.  You don’t live your walk of faith haphazardly, there is a goal. You don’t make this yourself; it is given to you.  I told you before, there’s a mission revealed at an early age, and you race on towards this goal.  I race on towards the crown and prize in heaven.  The things of this earth are garbage. Why is it garbage? Those are just tools you use to go towards the goal, but you race towards the goal. 

Church members right now, are they chasing after garbage or a God-given goal?  You must start correctly.  “I lived my walk of faith ever since I was young,” but you must do it correctly.  “I was part of a family of pastors,” begin things correctly.  “I have done all sorts of ministries with young adults of all age groups,” but have you started with Christ correctly? Such results come. You must give this answer, but once you know this, you can give this answer. 

It doesn’t take place so you ask, “What must I do?” There’s nothing else that can be saved other than “only Christ,” so you sit here today. It has come and it will come.  That’s when you don’t need to be hasty, so you just need to say with confidence, “It’s according to God’s Word, not you.” Pastors may come out with legalism, and if you become caught by that, you’ll be oppressed.  You can say to the pastor and come out of legalism, “Say what you want but I will go forward with the grace of God.” You do not go against the pastor; you go against Satan. Don’t be oppressed by me.  You can tell me, “It doesn’t  matter what you say, Pastor. I will go to my God-prepared field.” That’s how you battle with Satan.  You can help me understand by using slang and profanity.  It’s okay because you can say curse words because Satan is even dirtier; he’s an evil spirit. You say this to the devil trying to deceive you. You stand up with faith.

You can say inwardly, “You’re trying to play around with me? It’s okay because God will do His work.  This is the answer God gave to me so I don’t have to be hasty.”  Ultimately Christ will give me the answer so you just have to enjoy at your own pace.  Or else, if my legalism comes out, you will die.  I will say it, I have given you the words so you can overcome. Don’t listen to the words of the pastor; listen to the voice of God, because even pastors are no different from humans.  The complete gospel.

James 1:6-8

Only faith, don’t look at what’s happening around you. It doesn’t matter what other people say.  Faith will overcome.  The reality won’t overcome. One heart.  I hope you have this blessing.


God, we thank You.  Through the life of the evangelist, may we receive Your answers. Bless us so we are the ones to save the field. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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