Do Everything Before God (Deuteronomy 12:1-14)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Do Everything Before God (Deuteronomy 12:1-14)

I hope we can receive grace through the words of Deuteronomy. Deuteronomy is the word given to the future generation in preparation to conquer the land of Canaan. When they were in the wilderness, there was no one around to help so they had to fight against themselves and the environment. Because they were in a situation where they could not obtain clothes and food, God provided for them from above and gave them clothes that would not wither. There were times when God worked like that but there were times like Deuteronomy today, the word God has given to the Israelites. In Deut 12:1, it says “These are the decrees and laws you must be careful to follow in the land of the lord your God of your ancestors has given you to possess as long as you live in the land.” This is talking about the land where the Gentiles lived, where there were seven tribes and thirty kings that lived within the region and had the culture of the Gentiles. This is the land of Canaan that God has promised to Abraham. And within this land of Canaan is where the coming Messiah is to be born. It was within the time schedule where Jesus Christ will be born and will be relayed to the 237 nations, and within that time schedule the Israelites are entering Canaan. Even the land we are living in right now, it’s the land of Canaan for us. In the land of Canaan there’s already people residing there and have their own culture and lifestyle. And so how can the believers of Christ live in that land? And it says to follow the decrees and law of the LORD. 

And in Deut 12:2, it says “the nations you are dispossessing worship their gods.” God is giving them a way to live in the land of Canaan. It says there are nations they need to drive out. And it says to destroy completely all the places on the high mountains and hills and under every spreading tree where these nations worship their gods. These days, there might be people who go to temples and break them down but this isn’t what we are talking about. We are talking about breaking down the forces of evil spirits and Satan and saving those nonbelievers. God’s plan of salvation is advancing in every age. Right now we are currently living in an age where Jesus Christ has already come and we are living afterward and Jesus Christ’s second coming is coming soon, and the end of the age is approaching. But this word is in regards of people and how they can prepare for Jesus Christ’s coming. But what must we do as people who are born after Jesus Christ’s coming. The first direction of our life is to break down the culture of Satan and change it to the culture of God. We aren’t driving out people but Satan, we aren’t fighting against people but Satan that’s controlling these people and that’s how you can receive salvation. This is the main direction of our lives. 

And in verse three it says “break down their altars, smash their sacred stones and burn their Asherah piles in the fire, cut down the idols of their gods and wipe out their names from those places.” Where do the idols and culture of the non-believers come from? People who are separated from God, since they are spiritual beings they want to serve something. Only humans have this desperation to seek after a god-like figure. But because people are separated from God and they can’t go to God they have no choice to form these idols. Because they don’t have the correct address but still have this desperation to seek after a god, that’s why they serve idols. People who are separated from God has no choice but to have this desperation and earnestness for a god like figure and they have no choice but to idol worship, and in the idol worship they have no choice but to serve themselves and evil spirits. 

In the New Testament it says greed is idolatry. Because they don’t receive this paper and blessings from God they try to attain something  in other ways. And that’s why they have no choice but to be greedy. Before they meet God they have no choice but to be lacking and face many limitations because they aren’t with God. That’s why they serve idols and Satan is in the background receiving this worship and praise as the ruler of the kingdom of the air. 

When these people are worshipping idols, they are in a messed up state. In some circumstances they are sacrificing their own children. Why are they doing that? They need to SaCrifice their children to attain something. What is the reason? They want to eat and survive, and the only way to do that is to worship the God who controls the Weather and things that are necessary to live and that’s why they go to an extent of sacrificing their own sons. In that age, they don’t regard children the same way we do, they don’t regard children as another being. That’s why they even burned their children as sacrifices. We can’t even do that these days so they regarded children those days as animals. 

There are some idolatrous nations where the priest is a woman and they do lustful acts to receive something from their gods. People are supposed to be with God and receive blessings from Him, but because they are separated, humans are the only beings to go out in desperation in’s earth of those things in order to solve their problems and block disasters. Deuteronomy 12:4 says “you must not worship the LORD your God in their way” these people are worshipping and serving their own god but it says don’t worship the LORD your God on that way, in other words, He’s saying the way you Serve the lord your God is Different. 

Deuteronomy 12:5 says “for you are to seek the place your LORD you God will choose from among all your tribes to put his name there for his throne.” In this time, there wasn’t a temple but a tabernacle that moved around. But even then, there was a Holy Place and the Most Holy Place where you can meet God. If you want to meet God you must first solve your sins. That’s why in the verses it talks about the burnt offerings and sacrifices. And there were days where the high priest goes before God to solve all of the sins of the entire Israelites. In the Old Testament , the way God Was with people is through worship. Without this, they either served God or idol worshipped. During this time, it was a competition between gods: whose God is stronger? 

Deuteronomy 12:6 says, “there bring your burnt offerings and sacrifices, your tithes and special gifts what you have vowed to give and your free will offerings and the firstborn of your herds and flocks.” The burnt offering is the first place where you can arrive at the temple and the tabernacle and that’s where they burn everything up, it’s talking  about salvation. And these sacrifices are in order to receive forgiveness of our sins, because we cannot meet God without sin. Sacrifices were to get rid of sins to meet God. 

And it says your tithes. Why must we give tithes? “I work so diligently and I’ve worked for that money without sleeping so why would I give tithe?”  “I just give it because the Bible tells me to. I just have to do it because the church tells me to do so. I don’t think I have a reason to give tithes so I don’t do it,” but when you go before God, there are certain things we must bring. Why must we bring these things? Not only tithe, but also the special gifts, free will offering and the firstborn of your herds and flocks, these are all money. Why must we give all these things? If you don’t have the proper definition of this, then you won’t go before God with the proper heart of physical things. In other Words, all things are given by God. But you don’t acknowledge this. That means that you believe and acknowledge that God exists, but you dont believe that He’s working in your everyday lives. That’s what we call sin, that’s why when you go before God you must bring all of these things. 

Who’s the one to Bring the Israelites to Canaan? It’s God. The things you work for seem like things you work for on your own, but the Bible says God provides that. Deut 12:7 says, “there in the presence of the LORD your God, you and your families shall eat and shall rejoice in everything you have out your hand to, because the LORD your God has blessed you.” Where is this place? It’s the place of worship, the Tabernacle. it says that at this place, you should eat and be a place to rejoie in the presence of the LORD. After worship there are times where they share food amongst each other. The liveries don’t farm, that’s why they are given. Some of the crops the other people grow, but the Israelites ate the food they brought. It says “you and your families shall eat and shall rejoice in everything you have put your hand to, because the LORD your God will bless you.” 

In the English version it’s a little more accurate. “Rejoice in everything you have put your hand to.” Why? Because the LORD your God has blessed you. Acknowledging this is your offering. It you don’t acknowledge, there’s no reason to give offering. In other words it becomes a form of unbelief, that is sin because that’s unbelief, and it’ll ultimately carve away the person’s finances. And that’s why God is telling you to do this because all things came from God. Even though you are working diligently, those are things God allowed you to work on that way. That’s why it says in the Bible to rejoice in worship. There is no other place you can rejoice in.  And this was the method of how they lived in the Wilderness. 

If I don’t find joy in worship, then I have no choice but to go outside and look for incorrect ways to receive this joy.  Incorrect means the things of the world cannot give you true joy in your spirits. It only satisfies that makes your emotions content for a moment, but cannot Tive true joy and happiness in the spirit. There are people who cry and weep Immensely due to a song, and it’s because the song is hitting them in a certain way. But they can’t be healed, but there are some  people who say they have been healed with their depression because of that. And it might be so because they have come out of their depression. But that person’s spirit of joy does not come from there. When you have the assurance that God is with you and God gives you true joy and the direction of evangelism and missions, that’s when a person can actually be joyful. And when you give offering with a full heart, that’s when you’ll be joyful first. Not doing that means you are financially anxious.  Because God is with you, you are joyful. You have confidence in your finances because you believe that God gives you all things and he will work on all things, and even for these people it’s okay if they’re poor because they are still joyful because they know all things come from the LORD. 

Paul confessed that he is content even in poverty And wealth, because he knew all things were not worthwhile and that he knew everything is within God. And that’s  why if you don’t want to be financially poor, acknowledge everything  comes from God and is for God. In the word, God is giving the mystery to be victorious in the land of Canaan, but if you don’t  see it, it’ll be hard. 

Everything you’ve put your hand to, if you put your hand in such a great way, then why would you give it to God? It is correct that you put your hand to work diligently, but it’s actually through the blessing of God that you’re able to do that and when you acknowledge that, then you’ll be able to give those offerings to God.  Or else this person will become a slave to their finances whether they have money or not. Because they think the lord of their money is themselves, even if they have money they think what if it disappears, and they become worried and think what if I fail all of a sudden. That’s what it means to be a slave to your money. Great immense things within this. It says through worship you and your family shall eat and rejoice. 

Deut 12:8 says, “You are not to do as we do here today, everyone as he sees fit,” so the way you lived in the wilderness, you can’t do that in Canaan. So what must we do? We must do things according to what the word says. These are rules God gave in order for you to overcome WORLD. Deut 12:9, “since you have not yet reached the rating place and the inheritance the LORD your God is giving you.”  They have not reached the land of Canaan yet. When they Go In, that’s when God will give them the harvest and the crops, and the flocks order to survive. 

Deut 12:10, “But you will cross the Jordan,” after they cross the land of Jordan, they reach Canaan. “Settle in the land the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance, and he will give you rest from all you enemies around you so that you will live in safety.” it says he will give you rest from all your enemies around you. That means there is an enemy. And we must overcome the enemy.  If you lose, then you’re a slave. In other words, a slave to the devil. The devil doesn’t appear to us physically. He makes it so we become a slave to ourselves, physical things, success, all religions. And you cannot come out of that. It days he will give you rest so toy love in safety. Rest and peace come after you overcome your enemies, Not by staying still. But it says God will do this through us. And how is that? The Method is to worship God in this and this way. Or else, Satan will make is slaves to the physical things, the idols. Satan Will attack us in various ways but God tells us to worship God in this way, then God will help you overcome. And that’s why just coming to worship and just remaining sat is not worship. 

Of course you must sit. Will you be standing during worship? I’m not talking about the physical body where it’s residing, but you must worship in spirit and in truth. What does it mean to worship in spirit and in truth?  It is talking about the invisible things. Our spirit must be aligned and focused on God. It must be focused on the word of God. Then you’ll receive the strength to overcome the world.

 If you stare blankly during worship and leave,you won’t be able to overcome the world. Why? Because you must receive strength from the word of God but instead your spirit is in a blank minded state. You need to hold onto the word of God as your covenant, but instead you go out into the world without the word. Then what happens,  you cannot overcome the world. If you’re not able to overcome you’ll have no choice but To follow the temptation of Satan. 

As a slave, you won’t have any rest or peace. Then this mental suffering will accumulate to a physical suffering. The money that you saved up will be used. The exercises you did frequently and regarded precious, there will be a time where you won’t be able to because you are ill. 

In South Korea, there’s a famous wrestling athlete. But he was such a great wrestler but now he is holed up in his room. He went to the Olympics four times but he still is in a state where he hasn’t married yet. It’s okay if he doesn’t want to get married. But he wants to get married but is unable to. His mom and he live in the same place she just lives downstairs and so she prepares the food and gives it up to him. If he even went to the Olympics he should have some grit. He’s not an ordinary person, he went to the Olympics, he won a gold medal and he even won all of the other competitions, so they called it a grand slam. If you’re special outside of God, you have no choice but to be afflicted with spiritual problems. 

Can a gold Medal or welfare form the government or your own name protect you? It cannot. God must give us the strength to overcome, and that’s how to receive peace and rest. And the way for your family to live is by coming to life through worship. 

Deut 12:11, “Then to the place the LORD your God will choose as a dwelling for his name, there you are to bring everything I command you, your burnt offerings and sacrifices, your tithes and special gifts, all the choice possessions you have vowed to the LORD.” you give it up to God. Why is God telling you to bring so many things? He is the creator God. But through that, God is seeing if you believe in Him. How else can We know if a person believes in God regarding physical things? Depending on their offering you can see how much they believe in God. When a person comes To the tabernacle to give their burnt offering and sacrifices, that is how you can tell they believe that only through the blood is how they can receive forgiveness for their sins. And this is how they can receive the blessings and strength to overcome the land of Canaan. 

Deut 12:12, “Rejoice before the LORD your God, you, your sons, and daughters, your menservants and maidservants, and the Levites from your towns.” Your entire family, your sons and daughters and servants, will come before the LORD in worship. In this age, servants are not considered humans. Even if you’re a servant, you must come before God to worship. How can we rejoice before the LORD? When people acknowledge they are humans and there’s a creator God who rules over them, that’s when they can actually Rejoice. Why is your joy taken away? You Regard yourself as God. In your problem, you are God so you have to solve it yourself. Your future you must live on your own, and that’s why it becomes hard. Your past problems have already been solved, but you think they haven’t been solved, that’s why it’s hard for you. And even for relationships, with other people, God is LORD, and in control of that relationship. But you think you are the god, that’s why it’s hard. There’s nothing to be joyful about. 

In worship, acknowledge God. God is God, and I am the creation. When you acknowledge this position, that’s when you can be joyful. That’s when God gives you grace and many things. That’s worship. When you aren’t able to give worship, it means this joy and happiness is taken away from you and even though you acknowledge the presence of God you don’t enjoy or believe God is with you in your everyday life.  To that extenrt, you will be a slave and within suffering. 

Verse 12, “And the Levites were in town who had no inheritance of their own.” and the Levites didn’t just encompass the priests and the high priests but it included people who worked at the temple. And these people were to be given an inheritance or a land of their own and that’s why the twelve tribes divided up the other lands and they were to return it to the Levites. 

It means that there must be people who devote themselves to the church, in order for others to come to worship and recorve grace. In malachi, this was all broken down. In malachi, they came and gave worship but they brought animals that are sick or diseased and they can’t even eat those they just come in a form of worship. And because the priests are also corrupted, they couldn’t give the correct words. That’s why God didn’t give them the word. God is supposed to give them blessings but that’s been disconnected. And that continued for 400 years. It’s similar to the time they were slaves to Egypt. 

And later on physically, the Israelites became colonized by Rome. The lineage of David, the king’s lineage, crumbled down and there were no longer any kings. There were priests in that age, but they were corrupted so they couldn’t give correct worship. In the year right before Jesus was born, these people were selling things within the temple, which was only rightful for them because worship had been discontinued. Even for us, we have a form of worship. And God has selected us as the temple of God. God gives us the word and with the prayer and direction he’s provided, we go out into the world. We have been sent out and commissioned into the world to change the culture of Satan into the culture of God. That’s why God gives us the strength and grace in worship. 

God doesn’t give it to us without any direction or goal. There is a reason why God has called us. But there are a lot of people who don’t have this goal. These people like to come to worship to receive grace but they are without the goal. That’s why they can’t receive grace and live as slaves in the world. That’s why the Word of God, prayer, and evangelism are all connected together; they are not divided. If these are all taken out, that person has no choice but to crumble. “You must destroy all of the idols in the land of Canaan. Save the lives of other people but crush the authority of Satan. Destroy sin and curses.” This is why God commissioned us to our regions. And just like in the pulpit message, Satan deceives us with these three things, for us to lose our direction. 

I’ve seen a lot of church members who say, “We need to live diligently.” But I’ve never said that we shouldn’t. They’re saying the same things as nonbelievers. Although some of the people are awake, a lot of them are not. Because they live diligently, they have no choice but to crumble. What does that mean? If you live without the Word of God, you have no choice but to crumble. That’s how Satan snares you. What’s Satan’s goal? It is to destroy the world. That’s why regardless of whether you’re diligent, if you lose a hold of the Word, you’ll be destroyed. If you try to reveal your name and being to other people, that’s when you’re disconnected from God. In front of other people, you brag and talk about your existence and your values, and what you think is right. That is how Satan tempts and tests you. 

Last of all, he gives into your heart the thought that you can do anything you want. That is basically serving the devil. That is idol worship. Do we go to the temple and do idol worship? I’m not talking about that. All things come from God but we disregard that and think “I can do it.” That’s how Satan reveals it to us, and plants that thought into our heart. Then we can’t give worship. What is worship? It’s not just sitting here. All things come from God, and that’s why praise and glory must go to Him. But instead of that, you think “I can do it and I will reveal my glory.” That is the works of Satan. If these things aren’t given by God, then we won’t need to glorify God. Right? Because we have our own thing, and we need to reveal that instead. But when we serve and worship God, it means that He has given all things, and that’s why He is glorified. That’s why Jesus says to worship your LORD, your God. Because all things of the world come from God, and glorifying him is the best thing to do. 

Having the thoughts of Satan thinking, “Oh, I can glorify my own thoughts, myself and do whatever I want,” that’s already being separated from God and under the rule of Satan. Through this word, I hope your family, your workplace, and your colleagues may be able to rejoice in the LORD as well. That’s the way to save the 70 regions and disciples, there is no other way. You look at the worldly books and think “this is the way to overcome the world,” but that’s Not it. You think that there are other ways to raise your finances, but since it’s given by God, give it back to Him. Even your personal relationships, do it before God. I hope you’ll receive this blessing. Let’s pray together with the covenant of the Word. 

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