Nine Streams

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Nine Streams

Satan’s Stream

We first went over the 10 platforms, 10 mysteries, and the 5 assurances.  I hope you will listen to this carefully because if you’re not able to change the stream of the field, you’re not able to do evangelism.  We have to be the ones to go inside of God’s stream. We’ll look for the verses in the Bible.

Information, Knowledge

How can we change the stream of information and knowledge?


The knowledge of the world is not deep knowledge but everyone must study it.  So, even socially there are some elites, people who have gone above others.  They surpassed school knowledge and went into deep knowledge.  Look at Joseph.

Genesis 41:38

What is written here?  Can we find anyone like this, one in whom is the Spirit of God?  There was no one who could interpret Pharaoh’s dream. The scholars, those with much knowledge, were not able to interpret it, but Joseph, this one man, was able to interpret it.  In whatever field you’re in, if you’re able to receive this answer, you’ll be able to change that stream. Look at Joseph, through this one thing, he was able to change everything. How could he interpret a dream? That’s not possible through worldly knowledge. I’m not saying to not attend school; everyone must have basic knowledge. Some people say, “it’s the age of AI, so why should I study?” There’s basic knowledge. In order to move the AI robots, you must have this basic knowledge first.  AI is actually commanded by people, so I hope you will do your schoolwork diligently.

Without basic knowledge, you cannot go deeply into this.  Many people seem to have this assurance of worldly information and knowledge, but people cannot follow the God-given wisdom and knowledge.  Whoever has the Holy Spirit come upon them receives the wisdom and knowledge from God. You have to have this depth. You can have worldly knowledge but you must gain deep knowledge from God. That was Joseph.  Through this one situation, Joseph was able to change Egypt, and this blessing is upon you remnants.  Do not fall under Satan who keeps telling you about physical, worldly success. Take the initiative and go deeply into God.


In Genesis 41:39, “God has made you wise, since no one has been made as wise as you.” Who can follow the wisdom and discernment given to you? This is what you need to change the field. Many people do their schoolwork diligently, but no matter how hard they work, they cannot overcome Satan’s stream.  That’s the basic thing.  So you must have the depth and height to change the field.


Your knowledge must also be very wide.  Some people have deep knowledge, but it isn’t wide.  Others go on the internet to have wide knowledge, but they don’t have deep knowledge.  Some people have depth but don’t have width so they can’t understand others.  To overcome Egypt, you must have wide knowledge, otherwise you will be blocked.  That’s the same for the basic, worldly knowledge.

Once you graduate from basic studies, your actual studies will begin.  It is when you go to school that you must make this habit of studying to succeed.  It is when you go out to society that you apply the knowledge you’ve learned in the world so you can adapt to the world. The characteristic of those who are good at studying but fail in the world is because they cannot adapt, so society is made up of so many incidences, people, and circumstances, so they should be able to adapt to society, but they’re not able to do that. 

Some people are also good at evangelism, they’re able to adapt easily, are they the ones who adapt? The Spirit of God guides them, but the trait of a person who isn’t good at evangelism despite training is obviously God Who doesn’t allow evangelism to take place, but a person cannot evangelize.  Let me give you an example. Someone tries to follow exactly word for word.  The knowledge someone has is, 1+1=2, but they introduce minuses.

Pray to the Holy Spirit to do evangelism, but that doesn’t take place.  Someone can understand one situation but they cannot adapt to another situation.  At that time and at that situation, you’re supposed to receive God’s guidance and relay that answer, but without that width, they cannot evangelize.  But it is inside the filling of the Holy Spirit that the depth, width, and height are contained.  I did research about some people who are good at studying. I’m not good at studying that well, and my daughter calls me “dumb” because I can only relay sermons. But she says I’m dumb because I wasn’t in the top 3%. I’m not saying I just failed, but I’m not in the top 3%, I wasn’t in the top 100 people.

What is the characteristic of someone good at studying?  If they just hold onto and follow after this one thing, and just holding onto this one thing, they look at surrounding things.  Even when you’re learning English, you can’t just look at one English word, but you must also look at the words associated with one word, so that’s how you develop width of knowledge.  Someone doesn’t just have the trait of being able to accept the gospel.  You learn about that one thing after learning about all the things associated with that one thing. 

When you cultivate this habit, when you go out into society, when you’re assigned a job, you can do many jobs and adapt accordingly.  A person can be very down because they seem to know a lot of things, and it seems like they have a lot of knowledge, but if you question them a little further, they don’t have any depth or height to their knowledge. 

If you study half-heartedly and go out into the world, your knowledge will be very narrow and short.  Even people who sell drugs are within this depth, width, and height because they don’t just sell it locally but they sell it widely.  They make a drug cartel and spread the drugs all over. Their knowledge of drugs is very deep and high.  If you look at the gangsters and bosses, not only are they good at fighting, but they have good traits. They know the world very well and they have the mindset to build an organization. It’s not something that just happens, they have to build the organization.   

One example is McDonalds.  You must have this mindset to save the 70 regions, 70 disciples. You may be working in the same field, but one is able to do this and the other cannot.  Where does this come from? The worldly knowledge is basic, but that’s how we change the stream of the world.  You know franchises?  Look at In-N-Out.  They know how to make delicious things repeatably, but others don’t know the secret. They’ve gone nationwide, they have the capacity to send it out nationwide. The headquarters have the technology to make that same taste nationwide, so that’s the 70 regions and the 70 disciples.

You must have the complete depth of the gospel to gain the filling of the Holy Spirit.  Then, there will be depth, width, and height to the work you do, and you will be able to exert influence.  Then rather than always going up to a person and evangelizing, you can’t do anything on your own, you can’t go up to a person because these points are not on you. God places such people into this stream, and you must contain this.  The seven remnants all had this content.  Whether they had a business, they always went towards God’s method.


You must know this very well. You must know the people above you. Ephesians 6:5-8.  Rather than American education being bad, it cannot do world evangelization.  People who are within that American church system are not able to change the stream of Satan.  Whether you’re inside of the work field or school, go into the stream to change the stream of the world because this is the stream God is leading to save lives.

It says, “Obey and win their favor,” and to obey them with respect and fear, just as you would obey Christ.  But people who are able to do this may have the skill but are unable to have a working relationship because they have such trouble with their superiors. They think if they had a respectable person, it would be fine, but the person above them is not respectable, so they cannot. It’s just conflict, that’s what it means to believe the work because it is difficult.  You can say that’s just a change of career or opportunity for that person, but ultimately they’re not able to change the work field.

This must take place for you but the American system does not allow for this to take place.  The mindset is that the person who is above must be the teacher, and we follow, but this doesn’t  take place so we cannot change the stream.  We respect the people, but don’t put on a pretense of respect.  Don’t only obey them to win their favor with their eyes on you, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart. 

Above – Eph 6:5-8

Then, the person above you will know, do you know where God’s blessings come from? They come from above. Through whom? Through people.  You might look upon a person unfavorably and might not think that person is much, but God has given this authority to this person.  So you must definitely come to church and serve Jesus Christ at the church, but also serve your superior at your workplace as if serving Christ.

When I was attending Biola University, I heard people got accepted to MBA programs, and I also saw that later on, the Biola University started an MBA program.  The people would all mention that Biola students were different.  As a student, you have to go to chapel three times a week, and you would receive Bible studies, but they would have a religious lifestyle even outside of school.  Once they enter into their work field, they were complimented for being good workers, and it’s not just that they’re good at their work, but they’re good with their intellectual abilities, and they even reject Ivy League schools. 

So, these families have been protestant Christians for many generations, and we wouldn’t be able to do that.  The first four years, they had religious Bible studies take place, and then they would go to a famous graduate school.  There’s a famous school in Korea, and they attempted to create a Christian school in Korea like they have one here. 

Eph. 6:7 says to serve wholeheartedly as if serving the Lord, so the superiors look and are surprised.   Not just diligently serving for a promotion, but wholeheartedly serving the Lord and not people.  But we’re not the ones who think but before we do that right there, correctly, we must do it before God. 

You may serve wholeheartedly but if the quality is subpar, it may not be noticed as they do it subconsciously, so their superiors are bashing them.  American education can make you first place, but it cannot change the world. This education is not to enter into the stream of God, but it’s to be successful in the world.

Below – Eph 6:9, 2 Tim. 1:3-5

Typically people do not have good relationships with people above/below.  But when they are apart from that?

Beside – Acts 11:28-30

Support your friends and those beside you.  It’s important between your friends and colleagues, do it all together in unity.  Even the churches must go alongside the weaker ones.  We had the college retreat yesterday, we must go together. If this doesn’t take place, this person is alone because they think, “Only I should do well,” but that person doing well leads to us competing with other people.  Go together with people to go to church.  It shouldn’t only be those who lead worship who call people to go to worship, but bring everyone all together to worship.  These people will go into the fields and not drag these people, but rather, lead these people and invite them to go together.

There are so many people like this in society, they come to church to receive help, and that’s correct, and in order to help people, they save people, but that cannot change the stream.  You have to receive the answer such that your mindset and thoughts change.  It may not necessarily be leadership o the world.  If you do not have this kind of knowledge or wisdom from the start, its’ hard because you don’t have the knowledge and your interpersonal relationships fail.  Nowadays, the extent of knowledge is unified due to the internet, knowledge spreads throughout the world.  Although everyone may just spread still, but how can you receive this from God?

That’s what I mean when I say, studying is good and all, If you don’t think so, you don’t now America.  You’re uptight, America continues to isolate themselves and kick out Japan and Europe.  America tries to increase its rank but China wants to lower America’s rank. But in Korea, they are ranked about 10th, but they don’t receive help.  Just see the elite in that culture.  Everything is revealed in the culture of politics in America.  If you want to know America, know the college students.  You may live here but you don’t know American politics.  Some awakened parents may teach a little about this, but God is relaying this to you because you are to do world evangelization.  God moves with His Spirit to prepare you for this and will send you out into the world, this is how He is working through you.

People, incident, Environment- Past, Present, Future. Rom. 16:25, 26, 27

Without knowing the past, present, and future, they cannot give the accurate answer.  Interpreter Gospel Oh is translating now but you must be able to see her past and know her future to see Gospel Oh. Right now, evangelism is taking place, is it because you’re doing it well?  From long ages past, it was hidden and is now being revealed by God. That’s Romans 16:26, until eternity, 16:27.  See the past, present, and future, otherwise, people judge things based on the present. “Why is this person so great?” or, “Why is this person like that?” They can’t see the past, present, and future. 

Let’s look at the churches.  Some churches have been here for 100 years, since Koreans immigrated.  Antioch Mission Church was established 13 years ago.  Do not compare churches that have been established 100 years ago vs. 5 years ago vs. 1 year ago.  That person from the start does not have the eyes to see the past, present, and future. When you go into the work field, see the stream and that’s what politicians do as well. See them all simultaneously, that is how you are able to understand and hear.  I’m not saying there’s anything wrong, but you’ll be able to see any person if you know their past, present, and future to predict. 

Younger people who know this a slight amount can have a fresh start to predict the past, present, and future of the business.  You must always hold to this.  When you look at Los Angeles, look at the past, present, and future at the same time.  If you do not know the history, then?  How did I go to the Karen nation?  Naysay is sitting here right now, but how is it that they are here right now?  We don’t know that, so we go to Karen to study the history of Karen. We studied this.  Then what will happen in the future? What is God’s plan? 

But knowing the past, present, and future, relay God’s Word to them and they will agree, “Oh, this is what happened.”  They may ask, “What will happen to my child in the future?” Consider your past, immigration, then you’ll be able to see your future as well.  That’s why I keep saying, “Restore only the absolute covenant, otherwise you’ll continue to be a slave.”  I’m able to see God’s guidance within this person’s past, present, and future, so this person will do world evangelization. 

Someone told me I seem like a fortuneteller, because I can make predictions, but I’m so much more than a fortuneteller. Don’t just focus on the present.  People are so arrogant, thinking they know everything, but the future is still there.  If you make this mistake out in society once or twice, they’ll just let you go, but Joseph was able to move forward, holding onto the future.  Everything is contained within the Triune God, but we must first have this basic knowledge.

I pray, some people don’t listen, but I pray for them and they eventually come back. It’s okay to just leave those people alone because they’ll go into the world and face their studies, concluding, “I can’t do this.”

9 streams, do you understand? If you are not able to know the 9 streams and overcome, you cannot know the world.


Father God we thank you.  Bless the remnants. Let them change the stream of the world. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray, amen.

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