The Person Who Overcomes the Tests Given by Satan (Mt. 4:1-11)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Person Who Overcomes the Tests Given by Satan (Mt. 4:1-11)

Let us bless one another, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.”  May the great blessing of God be fulfilled in all of you today.  The title of today’s message is, “The Person Who Overcomes the Tests Given by Satan.”  Satan can test you, and those are temptations, but the things that God gives us are what we call “tests.”  God tests us so that we can receive blessings, but Satan tests us so that we cannot receive the blessings given by God.  How can we discern this?  I hope that this is the time where we can confirm that through the Word.

1. Jesus Christ

  1) Baptism

    (1) Jesus who has no sin

Jesus Christ came to this earth in the form of man, and He went to the river to be baptized by John the Baptist.

    (2) Received baptism of water for repentance (Mt. 3:6,13)

This water baptism was a baptism of repentance. If Jesus Christ has no sin, there’s nothing for Him to repent for, so why was He baptized? 

    (3) To fulfill all righteousness (Mt. 3:15)

 In the Bible, it says He received this baptism of water for repentance for all people to fulfill all righteousness.  It doesn’t matter if it’s right or wrong; we have to live for the will of God, but we can fall into useless debates of whether it is right or wrong. But that’s not correct; “is it God’s will?” This is the way to receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the power of God.

  2) After baptism

    (1) Holy Spirit came upon, Filled with (Mt. 3:16, Lk. 4:1)

When Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River, the Holy Spirit came upon Him like a dove.  That is when God the Father says, “This is My Son, Whom I love,” this means that Jesus’ ministry is the ministry where the Triune God works all together. The Holy Spirit is with the Triune God and is working with me, fulfilling His work.  In Luke 4:1, it is talking about the same incident, but Luke describes Him as being “full of the Holy Spirit.”

    (2) Led by the Spirit (Mt. 4:1)

It says Jesus was led by the Spirit. When we receive the filling of the Holy Spirit, that is when we are led by the Holy Spirit. We don’t know what will happen tomorrow, but God knows all things and is guiding us.

    (3) Into the wilderness (Mt. 4:1)

Where did the Spirit lead Him?  It led Jesus into the wilderness. The wilderness is a place where people cannot reside because there’s no food or water or things to wear.  But it says He was led by the Spirit into the wilderness in order to be tempted by Satan.

  3) Went into the wilderness to be tempted 

In other words, God needs to go into the wilderness in order to be tempted by the devil.  It’s not that the devil came to him in order to tempt him, but he was led by the Spirit into the wilderness in order to be tempted by Satan. Why must Jesus be tempted by the devil?

    (1) Sin entered the world through Adam who was tempted by Satan (Rom. 5:12)

When Adam was tempted by Satan, that was when sin entered into the world and to all mankind.  Adam failed but Jesus, Who came through Adam, must overcome this in order to be considered as the Savior.  People who are born of mankind cannot overcome Satan’s temptations, but Jesus Who came in the form of man must overcome and go through this test.

    (2) All people sinned (Rom. 5:12)

    (3) One righteous act resulted in life for all people (Rom. 5:18)

In Romans 5:18, it says that the result of one act of righteousness was justification that brings life for all men.  Through one person, sin and death entered into all mankind, but through this one person, we can all come to life.  

2. The devil’s test 

Jesus was in a state where He was fasting for 40 days.  Where was He led?

    1) Wilderness – If you are the Son of God (Mt 4:3)

He was led into the wilderness. The Wilderness is somewhere where you cannot receive someone else’s help, and first, Satan tempts him by saying, “If You are the Son of God.”

    (1) Turn stones into bread (Mt. 4:3) 

“If You are the Son of God, the God Who came in the form of man, then turn these stones into bread.” Jesus was in a state where He was very hungry, but Satan tempts Him to turn these stones into bread.  Does Jesus not have this kind of power?  

    (2) Not live on bread alone, but God’s word (Mt. 4:4, Dt. 8:3) 

But Jesus replied saying, “Mankind does not live by bread alone, but by God’s Word.”  He is replying with the Word from Deut. 8:3.  After the Israelites’ Exodus from Egypt, they were led into the wilderness by God. God led them into the wilderness where they could not receive any kind of help. They could only live by what God gave, manna.  God tells the Israelites, “Mankind must not live by bread alone, but by the Word of God,” and Jesus uses these words.  

    (3) Make obsessed with only the physical things

We need all sorts of things, such as bread, food, water, and shelter, and also our academics, businesses, and also relationships.  But Satan makes it so that we fall into only that.  He makes us fall into the physical things and makes us obsessed with them.  We must tell the children to study because that is correct.  Is earning money bad?  No, it isn’t. Is playing wrong? No, you can go around and play, Satan doesn’t tempt you with things that are not true.  It’s correct, but he makes you fall into it.

That’s why the characteristic of people with spiritual problems is that they lean towards one thing, and we describe it as them being “extreme.”  They might appear to be very strong, but they actually have a spiritual problem.  We need food, but because mankind is also a spiritual being, we must live by the Word of God.  But Satan makes it so that we lose hold of the spiritual things and live obsessed with the physical things, and this is when the devil enters.  

When you lose hold of the Word of God, that is when your relationship with God is disconnected.  In Genesis 6, it says the sons of God became flesh, so they ended up marrying. Marrying is not a bad thing, but the thing is, they lost hold of God’s Word, and had no choice but to fall into sin, Satan, and hell.  “But Pastor, I’m so busy doing all of this work.” Did I tell you not to work? But I’m saying, don’t only do that, but God’s Word. What is the Word God is giving to you right now? 

Wherever you are, God is giving you His Word, and that is the characteristic of a child of God. Even while studying, hold onto the Word. Even while earning money, hold onto the Word.  Then, that is when you can overcome the devil.  Even in your family, you need to raise your children, but do it holding onto the Word. 

  2) Highest point of the temple – If you are a Son of God (Mt. 4:5-6)

In Satan’s second temptation, he takes Jesus to Jerusalem, where there are a lot of people, unlike the wilderness, and he takes Him to the highest point of the temple.  In this age, there were not a lot of buildings, so that’s why from the highest point of the temple, you could see all of Jerusalem. 

    (1) Throw yourself down (Mt. 4:6)

And in front of all these people, Satan tells Jesus, “If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down.”

    (2) Psalms 91:11-12 Using the word (Mt. 4:6) 

Satan uses the words from Psalm 91:11-12 that “The angels will not let you strike your foot against a stone.”  Satan manipulates the Word of God in order to deceive you.  When you’re at the highest point of the temple, Satan is saying, “Show your power. You believe in God, you’re a child of God, so show your power in front of all these people. If you’re a child of God, you should at least have this kind of power,” and this is how Satan deceives us.  He even uses the words saying, “The Red Sea will split; why can’t you even do that? God can do all these miracles, so why can’t you do it?” and he uses the Word of God in order to deceive you.

But do you know what Psalm 91 is talking about? It is not a Word that is applicable to this situation.  This Word is actually talking about how the enemies, even if they were to come and attack you, the angels will lift you up in their hands, and God will not allow you to strike your foot against the stone. This is the Word Satan manipulates and this is also what heresies say. They talk about the Word of God, but then they try to manipulate that Word into a situation where it has nothing to do with the context of that Word, and that’s why people have no choice but to be confused.

Are you not like that?  People are using the Word of God in order to attach it to a situation that has nothing to do with it.  So, Satan tempts people by attaching the Word of God from the Old Testament into whatever situation we want.  

    (3) Do not test God (Mt. 4:7, Dt. 6:16) 

Then, how does Jesus reply? “Do not put the LORD your God to the test.” He is saying, “Your God, the God of the devil.” But why is He saying to not test God?  In Deut. 6:13, it was a situation where the Israelites were in the wilderness, and they were very thirsty and had no water, and the Israelites began to be resentful towards God, and also towards Moses.  That is why from the rock at Massah, God allows water to flow, and at that time, the Word the LORD gives is, “Do not test the LORD your God.”

What does it mean for Jesus to say, “Do not test the LORD your God” by making Himself jump from the highest point of the temple?  As the Israelites are going through the wilderness, Satan tempts them by saying, “Oh, God isn’t even giving you water,” disconnecting their relationship with God.  Satan tempted them while they were in the wilderness, and he also tempted Jesus. He tempts you so that you no longer trust in God.  

“If I’m a child of God, then why can I not reveal any power before unbelievers?”  This is how Satan tempts us and disconnects us from God.  He does this using the Word of God from the Old Testament, “God did these works in the Old Testament; why can’t you?” 

  3) High mountain (Mt. 4:8) 

For the third temptation, Satan takes Jesus towards the highest point, and it’s the high mountain.  Since they were on a high mountain, they were able to see all of Jerusalem.

    (1) Showing all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor (Mt. 4:8) 

    (2) Worship the devil, will give everything (Mt. 4:9)

Satan tempts Jesus by showing Him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor.  “You can take control of all of this; just worship me, then I will fulfill everything for you.” This was the last test.  

    (3) Worship, serve God (Mt. 4:10, Dt. 6:13)

Jesus answers, “You must worship only the LORD, your God,” what does this mean?  The devil is showing all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor and says, “If you worship me, I will give you everything. If you just worship me, I will give you everything.”  That is how people become conned and swindled.  “If you just do this, then I will support you all the way,” this is the temptation of Satan. What does it mean?  Do the believers of Jesus go before Buddha, and worship and pray to him? No, they don’t; Satan is saying these words to believers. Unbelievers do transcendental meditation, they worship rocks, trees, and even the Sun, and they receive the real power to live.  

Why do unbelievers receive some kind of power when they pray to something? It’s because Satan gives them the power.  Satan isn’t saying these words to unbelievers, he’s saying them to believers.  Do we go outside and worship something else?  No, we don’t.  Satan puts something very great into our hearts, telling us, “I will fulfill that.”  That is what we call idolatry. Idol worship is serving the devil and also evil spirits.  “I will make your name great in whatever field or whatever specialty you want to go into.” 

Is this a bad thing? No, but this is a way to serve the devil. Why is it a way to serve the devil? Let’s look at Deut. 6:13.  God tells the Israelites, “You will take over and live in Canaan, a land you have never been to,” so where is this Word coming from?  They need to go in and farm, they need to farm and serve their crops at the Feast of Ingathering and the different feasts.  In the wilderness, they can just remain still, and everything was given to them, because they couldn’t do anything in the wilderness.

But God led us into Canaan.  God gave us the business, our job, and our studies, and He says, “Do it.” It’s not that you do it, but God is the One Who gives it to you. But Satan gives you the heart to make you think you can do it all by yourself.  Satan says, “You can succeed and do whatever you want,” and this is what the devil gives you.  

Deut. 6:13 says, “Fear the LORD your God and serve Him only,” because all success is given by God. Trying to do something without God, on your own, is serving the devil and worshiping him. Do you know what worship is?  Worship isn’t just sitting in place. It is serving God.  Do you know what service is?  It is just as a slave or servant serves their master. All of our businesses, academics, and children have been given by God, but if you think, “I did this by myself,” then those are the thoughts of Satan. What happens if you serve the devil? Then you’re led to destruction, and that’s why you pray, “Give me Your grace today, God.  Give me the Word You desire.”  I don’t hold onto the Word I want to hear, but I hold onto the Word that is commanded by God.  Then I will follow according to that Word. That is worship.

What happens if you fail in worship? Then you have no choice but to serve idols.  We think, “I can do whatever I want according to my plan and ambition. Even if it’s not given by God, I will just do it,” that means you’ve fallen into Satan’s temptation.  You don’t understand how many people come to church, but still worship idols. It’s not just today, but all the Israelites failed and were destroyed because of idolatry. That’s why we must worship only God. We must know the concept of worship well; we don’t just come here and sit down, but we serve God.

You must worship in Spirit and in Truth. Through the working of the Holy Spirit, you must worship.  That is what it means to succeed in worship and for the Word to come upon you. I’m not selecting the words I want to hear, but I’m receiving the Word the Master gives.  When I’m in a state where I can receive that, that’s when the Word comes upon me. That Word includes success and everything else.  That’s why we hold onto the Word and do our businesses and academics.  

    (4) Devil left until an opportune time (Lk. 4:13)

These are the three temptations that Satan will surely deceive the believers with, not the unbelievers.  People don’t test you, but it’s actually Satan who uses people to test you. That’s why, “Don’t hate the person, but hate the devil.” There are three things: he makes you obsessed with physical things. We need the physical things but we lose hold of the Word of God.  He makes it so that we focus only on the flesh and fail. He makes us disconnected from God because we’re not able to have these powers and signs.  Last of all, Satan tempts us with this ambition, making us think we can do it on our own, and when you have these kinds of thoughts, it means you’ve already fallen into Satan’s trap.

All three of these things make us separated from God.  We live divided from God, and this is how Satan works, making us separated from God.  When we’re with God, then nothing is a problem.  You don’t have to pray, “Can you solve this or that?” Just entrust it to God and see how it works, but Satan makes it so that you cannot do this.

3. Strength and reason that overcomes tests

Last of all, what is the strength and reason that Jesus had to overcome these tests? Jesus received the filling of the Holy Spirit.  Even though He is Jesus, He came in the form of man, so He cannot overcome it unless He has the filling of the Holy Spirit, and so that’s why, even for you, you must have the filling of the Holy Spirit.  Because people describe the filling of the Holy Spirit in various ways, people are very confused about it.  In one theology, they say that because you’ve already received the Holy Spirit, you don’t need the filling of the Holy Spirit.  Pentecostal churches say, “You must receive the filling of the Holy Spirit, and as evidence of that, you will speak in tongues, so that is how you will know.”  A rebuttal for this is in Ephesians 4:27, which says that even if you receive the Holy Spirit, you must be filled with the Holy Spirit, and he describes it as, “Do not be drunk on wine, but instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit.”  

For those who know about alcohol, when you drink alcohol, you’re filled with alcohol and become very drowsy, and you bring out all the money you don’t even have. Even though you don’t have any money, you’ll say, “Oh, I’ll buy everything,” why is that? It’s because you’re no longer “you,” but you’re being controlled by something else.  What is the filling of the Holy Spirit?  That means, you’re reigned over by the Holy Spirit and being led by the Holy Spirit. Without this power, you have no choice but to be tempted.

You need to rely on and entrust all your life to the authority and rule of God, and you can do this even now.  But you must trust Him in order to lay down your life before Him.  Why can’t you receive the filling of the Holy Spirit? It’s because you can’t put your trust in Him, and that’s why nothing can happen without faith.  Every day, filling of the Holy Spirit, always filling of the Holy Spirit, and God promises to give this all the time.  Because there’s an enemy trying to make us fail, we must have this.

  1) Process for the devil to enter

You must know the process in which the devil enters.  

    (1) Devil put in the thoughts (Jn. 13:2)

Among the 12 disciples, there was a disciple whom the devil prompted to betray Jesus.  In English, it says, “prompted,” that’s not how mankind is led by Satan.  Knowing this, Jesus constantly told them, “There is someone who will betray Me, there is someone who will betray Me,” but he didn’t change his thoughts. Later on, Jesus even says, “The one to whom I give this bread will betray me,” but he still didn’t change his thoughts.  

    (2) When you leave those thoughts in your heart

The devil puts these thoughts into your heart and mind, but if you leave those thoughts alone, that is when the devil enters and that is when you act.  You live diligently but you’re still controlled by the devil. That’s why in the end, Judas commits suicide.  After Judas Iscariot betrays Jesus, he regrets it.  When you believe in Jesus, can you still be possessed by the devil?  Of course.  

    (3) The devil enters (Jn. 13:27, Eph. 4:27)

“If I have Jesus, then how can I be possessed by the devil?” That’s why you must know the Bible.  In Eph. 4:27, this is the Word that Paul gives the church at Ephesus. First of all, Paul says, “Don’t give the devil a foothold,” don’t let the devil make a home in your heart.  How does this happen?  It says, “Do not let the sun go down while you are angry,” and it says, “Do not sin.” Of course, I may get angry and receive scars, but that’s not the problem.  If we don’t come to an answer with the Word of God, Satan will use that scar in order to make a foothold and build his home.  

Some people you may meet and think, “They’re very strange,” but they’re not doing it themselves. There’s someone else within them who is controlling them.  When we talk about evil spirits, you may misunderstand, but don’t misunderstand.  The corrupted angel is the devil.  Evil spirits are not like witches who go around on brooms with long hair and pointy hats. You can’t see them, and because you cannot see them, you become confused.  

When all of you were young, you probably received scars, especially from your family, and if you don’t resolve this with your family members, Satan will enter through that. Unbelievers are already under the authority and control of Satan, so we have no words for them, but these are the words for the believers.  If parents don’t resolve these scars for their children, then Satan enters.  The devil enters them and then they have no choice but to be bothered by it for the rest of their lives.  

Satan’s method is to have the parents scar their children, and then their children will do the same to their children, and this is continued.  From our perspective, we don’t want to do it, but we have no choice.  It’s because another being is within us, controlling us.  He moves us so that we have no choice but to think in this systematic way.  For example, if the father is abusive, then the child is a victim of that, and the child will probably be scarred.  If there is no one else who can help them resolve this inside, then they have no choice but to remain within those thoughts, and Satan enters.  

The devil enters and controls a person by setting these thoughts and feelings in a systematic way.  When they face a situation that is similar to a previous situation, their thoughts automatically revert to that.  Then the devil enters and makes this system, and that’s what it means to have this foothold. Even if you go to church, it doesn’t get resolved; even if you receive grace, it doesn’t work out as well. The light of Christ must come upon that portion, then the devil will know and leave.  

How can we do anything or make any decisions in this state? We have no choice but to flee if we meet someone like our mother or father, and we have no choice but to be controlled and led by the devil.  Is it just in your family? No, even in your school, you may be scarred by your teacher, by your fellow classmates, and by people in society.  That’s why if you don’t go to the answer within the Word about all the things you encounter throughout the day, then Satan will use that in order to control you.

When you’re scarred, you have no choice but to be very angry, and Satan will use that to enter you if it is not resolved with the Word of God.  This same thing is passed down from generation to generation, and this is what we call generational curses.  There are certain things that children are afflicted by because they’ve had a different upbringing.  Korea and America are very different, they have very different cultures and societies, so that is why Satan works in a different way.

Individualism is good, individualism stems from protecting the individual.  But if there are any words they are not content with, because of the definition of “individualism,” people think, “Why is this person bothering me?” Even though it’s a good thing, individualism can be dangerous if it encompasses all things. It’s not that the other person is trying to attack you, but you must listen to the Word of God through that other person. But if you focus on individualism, you have no choice but to be scarred.  

There are new scars your children receive from being educated in America.  In your own nation, it’s okay if you just go to other people’s houses and use all their stuff because there’s no such thing as individualism.  In Korea, individualism doesn’t matter, and you can just go into other people’s homes and ask, “What are you doing?” But because your children are being educated in America, it is good, but there are other ways that Satan enters them.  These are new channels that are different based on the region and the location.  

  2) Strength and reason that overcomes tests

Jesus received the filling of the Holy Spirit in order to overcome these tests, but what was the reason?

    (1) To finish everything (Jn. 19:30)

It was because He needed to bear the cross. The devil ultimately tested Jesus so He could not bear the cross, because if He is tempted and falls into the temptations of the devil, then as a person, He could not be the Savior.  He would have fallen into sin, then how could a sinner be a Savior?  So that’s why Satan was tempting Jesus so He could not bear the cross.  

    (2) To save all lives (Gal. 2:20)

The goal of Satan tempting you is so that you cannot save other people’s lives.  Satan doesn’t tempt you for no reason; he deceives you and makes you fall so that you cannot save other people.  Jesus finished everything on the cross, and that must happen in order for all mankind to be saved. What does it mean for it to be finished?  The curtain between the Holy place and the Holy of Holies was split, and that’s why anyone can go before God.  Then, 24 hours, whenever you face a problem, you can just entrust it to God. Why is that? It is because you have this position and status, and that’s what it means for everything to be changed, because Christ is my Lord, the Triune God is my Lord.  No matter what situation, circumstance, or problem you’re facing, if you give it to God, it is not a problem.  

    (3) Through the strength of the filling of the Holy Spirit (Ac. 1:8)

If you don’t receive this blessing when you come to church, then you will be like any other religious person, because Satan tempts you so that you can’t do this. Do you have a problem?  God is the Lord and Master of your life, and that is why the Master must do what He wants, and that’s why in order to do that, He bore the cross. But Satan tells you to bear it yourself, and that’s why you must receive the filling of the Holy Spirit.  

We didn’t die on the cross for our sins, but when Jesus died on the cross, He acknowledged it as us dying on the cross as well. He has already taken all of our sins and curses, we have already died to our sins. The wages of sin is death, but that has already been solved, and that is why we have overcome the authority of death.  Now, I live with life, with Christ.  You come to church to listen to this blessing and enjoy it.  The life of being with God, 24 hours.  Satan uses multiple temptations to break this union.  

When this is solved, this ends.  When Christ is with you, then whatever you encounter is okay. Even if you’re in a place where nobody can help you, Jesus has this power.  Even in the businesses that no one else will do, God will give you the wisdom and the strength. Even if you’re by yourself, it’s okay, why? Because Jesus is with you.  It’s okay if you walk through the valley of the shadow of death because the Lord is with you, and the devil tempts you in order to disconnect you from this. He needs to disconnect this so that you’re separated from God.  

When you’re divided from God, that is when you focus on only the physical things–what you eat, wear, and sleep in–and that is when you’re separated from God’s mission for evangelism, missions, and world evangelization, and that is why the Lord promised the filling of the Holy Spirit.  Why is that? It is because we cannot save other people with our own power. We cannot overcome Satan with our own strength.  Even if you’re very courageous and have no fear, that is all useless before Satan, and that is how I was before. Satan actually loves these kinds of people. Satan needs to tempt all these people, but this person already thinks they can do it on their own without God, so that’s why Satan loves them so much.  If there’s a list of people whom Satan tempts, they’re at the top of the list; these people are the VIPs because even if Satan doesn’t work upon them, they will do it on their own, and that’s why they’re VIPs on Satan’s list because they think they can do it on their own.  Satan will just remain still, “Just try it.”  When there are people who are conflicted, Satan has to work upon them, so that’s why they’re at the bottom of the list.

  3) Field of the world

    (1 Strength of the Holy Spirit (Ac. 2:1-4)
We must receive the filling of the Holy Spirit, we must lay down our lives before Him and have God rule over our lives.  Then, you will receive the evidence through the filling of the Holy Spirit throughout your businesses, academics, and life. Because through your businesses, you must save other people. Satan makes it so that you’re obsessed with other things and you cannot save other people, and that means you’ve already fallen into that position.

    (2) Word, prayer, worship (Ac. 2:1-47)

    (3) Business, academics that saves lives (Ac. 18:3-4)

Through your business, God has given you the power and the blessings to save other people.  That’s why all the people you meet in your businesses have their own problems.  But those people don’t know about the fundamental and original problem.  All the problems they are worrying about can be solved, but they will come again because they have not solved the fundamental problem. They don’t even know about the fundamental problem. That fundamental problem is separation from God, being under the control of sin; they cannot come out of this, and that’s why they have no choice but to face mental and physical problems, and they use all kinds of ways to try to solve that.  That’s why it’s only through Christ that we can come out of this fundamental problem.

You must save other people through your businesses, then God has no choice but to work upon your businesses because you are doing that work.  But a lot of believers are in a state where they receive salvation and a lot of grace, but they don’t know why they are continuously in that state.  That’s why they can’t tell unbelievers about this problem.  We cannot save unbelievers just by coming to church, receiving grace and salvation.  The reason I’m like this is because I’ve been liberated from the fundamental problem.  It’s not because I did anything good, but I have been liberated by faith in Jesus Christ from sin, Satan, and separation, and that is why God has given me this grace.

For those who know and understand this, they are able to share this with other people and unbelievers.  Why are pastors and church members unable to evangelize?  It’s because they received the blessings and grace, but they don’t know why.  They don’t know the fundamental reason why the unbelievers are failing, and that’s why they can’t give them the answers. All the unbelievers around you and their businesses tell you all of these problems but you’re not able to say anything. We just say, “Come to church. When you believe in God, you will receive blessings,” but you don’t know the reason why they face such problems.

That’s why it’s important to be within the correct Word of God, and that’s why Jesus trained His disciples for 40 days and gave the answer to all the problems in the field.  They didn’t study the Bible from Genesis, but they gave the answer to the problems in the field.

We can enjoy these blessings as well, and that’s why you must always have the Word of God.  “What is prayer?” Prayer means you have this connection and communication with God.  If you’re not able to communicate with another person, it means that your relationship with them has become disconnected. If you can’t pray, it means you’ve been disconnected with your relationship with God. That’s why prayer, worship, and serving God.  All things come from this.  People are not to be glorified or praised; all glory and praise must be given to God.  The devil enters into your hearts and thoughts and says, “You can become famous and be the spotlight of everything, but no, all the praise belongs to God.” Why is that? It is because all things are given by God, and all glory is given to God, but if we don’t see that, we have no reason to praise Him.


1. Anyone can be tested

Let us come to the conclusion. Anyone can be tested and it can come from the people closest to us. 

2. Power of the filling of the Holy Spirit

We don’t doubt them, and that’s why, don’t fight against other people, but fight against the devil.  

3. Victory through word, prayer, evangelism

I hope you’re victorious through the Word, prayer, and evangelism. 

Message Prayer

Let us pray holding onto the Word God has given us. 

Offering Prayer and Newcomer Prayer

God, we thank You. We give our offering to you at this time. May this be the offering that is used for temple construction, evangelism and missions, and future generations, and may You work upon us with the economy of light.  We believe that You will bless this offering as Yours as we give it back to you. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

God, we thank You   May You bless this newcomer to be filled with the Holy Spirit and do the work of saving lives.  In Jesus Christ’s name we pray, amen.


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the people of God, the people of all nations, and the remnants who want to overcome Satan’s temptations and be the ones to save the world,, be from now until forevermore always, amen.

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