Save Our Fields Where the Word is Fulfilled through the Filling of the Holy Spirit God Promised Us (Luke 4:16-30)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Save Our Fields Where the Word is Fulfilled through the Filling of the Holy Spirit God Promised Us (Luke 4:16-30)

The scripture we read today was the beginning of Jesus’ ministry.  The reason Jesus Christ is telling us this Word is because this is the same thing we will see in our lives.  If Jesus and I are separate, then I believe in Jesus Christ incorrectly, and Jesus even said we would do greater things than He, and the reason is because Jesus Christ came in the flesh so he cannot transcend time and space. But the Holy Spirit is with us and He can do even greater works.

It says in today’s scripture, Luke 4:17, when Jesus Christ went to preach, the scroll of Isaiah was handed to him, and it referenced Isaiah 61:1-2. In Isaiah 61:2, it says, “The Spirit of the LORD is upon me.”  It says, “the words spoken to the prophet Isaiah many years ago are fulfilled today.”  So, Jesus Christ is speaking about Himself, but because He is also a physical human being, he cannot do anything without the Holy Spirit. The fact that the Holy Spirit has come upon us means that there is some work that the Holy Spirit is doing.  

What is the work the Holy Spirit does? He has come to us to preach the gospel to the poor.  But all the rich people of the era, the priests, and the people getting along with the Romans had no interest in the gospel.  If someone gets physically prosperous, then strangely enough, they become distant from the gospel.  So if anything, things not working out is a blessing because that is how I will continuously hold onto the gospel.  So I hope you will stop hoping for things to go well, but instead, hold onto and rely on the gospel.  

The people in Israel have low hearts, and because their hearts are low, they receive God’s gospel.  But if somebody has something to brag about themselves, they will never receive the gospel.  Even if they go to church, if they do well for themselves, they look down on the gospel and on worship.  So, the Holy Spirit came upon Him to preach the gospel to the poor. “He has anointed me with oil and sent me to proclaim freedom to the prisoners.” Being a prisoner means you cannot escape by your strength; it means you have no freedom. There are those who are seized by the devil.  There are those who are seized by sin and cannot escape.  The Holy Spirit has come upon us to do this work.  

You guys have the gospel, why does the Holy Spirit work? Why would the Holy Spirit work?  To make you a witness to the ends of the earth. The Holy Spirit does not work to give you success in your business.  The Bible never says anything like that.  But there are a lot of people who take this BIble and try to shove it into their own gospel, and that’s why their walk of faith doesn’t work out.  The Holy Spirit comes upon you to give the gospel to the poor because that is something I cannot do with my strength.

I can make money with my own strength, and that’s why even unbelievers succeed, but I can never proclaim the gospel with my own strength. That’s why the Holy Spirit must be upon us, and the Holy Spirit must send me.  But we’re always interested in something else; we’re not interested in proclaiming the gospel, and that’s normal, that’s why we are sinners. We are not sinners for another reason; it’s’ because we’re distant from God.  

If you think you’re okay because you’ve believed for a long time, you’re a sinner even as you wake up.  Every time you wake up in the morning, you are thinking of your own physical plans. It’s impossible for you to even ask what God’s plans are, that’s why God promised to give us the Holy Spirit, to relieve the oppressed or give freedom to prisoners, that’s something even presidents cannot do. 

The only thing the President can do is pardon those in prison.  However, he cannot do anything to those who are seized by Satan, sin, curses, and disasters.  The true freedom that has finished all problems can only be given to those who receive the gospel through the Holy Spirit, and if you try to relay this gospel, the Holy Spirit comes upon you.  Recovery of sight for the blind.  

People are so spiritually blind that they cannot see the spiritual things. Even though they go to church, their eyes are closed to the spiritual things and they can only see the physical, so give the gospel correctly to those who are in the church.  They are so full of the law and religion because they went to church for a long time. This is their imprint, root, and nature, so it takes a long time. The longer people have gone to church, the longer it takes to fix that, and if they went to church for a long time with the gospel, it would be different, but they went to church for a long time with the wrong things, and because they’ve never seen the spiritual things, they only see the physical things. They want to quickly solve this but they never look at the spiritual things behind the scenes, and that’s why our walk of faith cannot be our walk of faith. 

We don’t even have to talk about the people in the field, they’re seized by Satan and live in spiritual darkness.  They’re in disasters but they don’t know why.  There are curses and disasters in their families and they wonder what they did wrong. You need to open their eyes with the gospel. you have to open their eyes for them to see differently. It doesn’t matter how much you read the Bible or how much you live your walk of faith, the way you see things is wrong . You only see what’s physical, you don’t see any of the spiritual value at all, and the Holy Spirit allows these people to see again when you relay the correct gospel to them. If you just tell them to come to church, that’s not a bad thing, but you’re not giving them the gospel.  Right there, in the field, at that time, by the power of the Holy Spirit, give them the answer of the gospel.  

Release the oppressed.  You have no idea how oppressed people are.  They’re oppressed by the devil, they’re oppressed by their thoughts, emotions, even physically.  To relay the gospel in this kind of field is impossible for us, so the Holy Spirit has come upon us.  A lot of believers say things like, “how can we relay the gospel?” That is a true question, they cannot relay the gospel, so that’s why it’s when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, that’s why the prayer topic of all prayer topics is for the Holy Spirit to be upon you.  Then, you will be the ones who save the field.

I even said this earlier, this is the reason why God gives you your salary and your job.  That is the true Christian. Stop listening to other testimonies and being moved and filled with wrong things, just do things according to the Bible. But you keep listening to things that are not from the Bible, and you fill yourself with that and draw your own image with that. Throw it away and follow the Bible instead.  According to today’s verse, the people around me will be revived through the gospel, imagine and draw this instead. That’ show the Holy Spirit will come upon you and do that work.

But you’re imagining something else. You never imagine people being released and liberated, you keep imagining something physically, and that’s why the Holy Spirit doesn’t work and evil spirits work instead.  You think this is the walk of faith and you wonder why things aren’t working out. It’s because things that aren’t the Word of God are inside of you and you’re trying to fulfill that. 

This must go into the new believers, especially.  From the very beginning, they need to receive the answer that evangelism is a blessing, but if you tell them that evangelism is difficult, their walk of faith will be hard.  I don’t want you to misunderstand, people accepting is not an easy thing, and I’m not saying that just reciting the Way of Salvation is an easy thing, you have to give them the conclusion that in every aspect of my life, giving them this answer is easy.  Why is it easy?  It is easy because the power of the Holy Spirit is upon them.  

It was possible for Jesus Christ when He had the Holy Spirit as well. It was hard even for him because He came as a 100% human, being like us, and the Early Church understood this.  But the physical people will never be able to see this.  They’ll think, “How could this ever take place? All the great and talented people, and all the materials we have in the Jerusalem temple, that’s what we need,” but God must do this through the working of the Holy Spirit.  God must do this work so He will work upon you with the Holy Spirit. If you need money, He’ll give you that, if you need wisdom or health or people, that is what He will give you.

Wherever the believers are, that is your mission field.  For people who don’t have a job, your family, that region, that is your mission field ,that must be aligned with God.  That’s where the Holy Spirit will begin to work and that’s the Upper Room movement. If the Holy Spirit does not work upon your Upper Room meeting, that is not an Upper Room meeting.  You’re gathering together and you’re just reading the Bible a lot just like the Jerusalem Temple, but if the Holy Spirit is not upon you, then God is not with you.  

In the Bible, it says they met in Mark’s Upper Room and they met house by house, meaning the holy spirit was within all of them.  It doesn’t matter how grand or great we build our church or your homes, or how great your job is, if the Holy Spirit does not work, we have no other choice.  Joseph was nothing great but in Genesis 41:38, Pharaoh said, “Can we find anyone like this man, one in whom is the spirit of God?” And God has to give him the power to do his work. 

Why would the Holy Spirit work upon the believers?  God works with the Holy Spirit through those who hold onto this covenant and evangelize, but if we don’t have the power of the Holy Spirit then we only live with our physical strength, and the older you get, the more you live with your physical strength.  The older you get, the more problems you face because you face your limitations.  The more time passes, the more you will see your family problems repeating in yourself because the power of the Holy Spirit isn’t with you, and you have no way out.  It’s so unfair if you go to church and face this just because you don’t know one thing, “I have received the gospel,” that means I have received everything, but you think you’ve received the gospel and you still need more? That’s the one difference it takes.  

If you’ve received the gospel, it means you have become a child of God. If your status is a child of God, then God works.  Now, all you have to do is be in the direction that God desires the most. “I must remain in the direction to save the people in my field.”  When we hold onto the covenant and pray for this to take place, God’s power comes upon us.  Because this Holy Spirit’s power came upon Daniel, He imparted wisdom to 4 different kings.  When this power came upon David, even while he was being chased to death, God continuously gave him strength and protection.  Same thing for Joseph. That’s the power of the Holy Spirit working.

People say, “If you get the power of the Holy Spirit, you’ll start speaking in tongues,” but that’s just a gift.  If you can’t do anything right in the world, but you start speaking tongues, God doesn’t work that way, moreso the devil might work that way. Look at people who are possessed by demons, they say things that people cannot understand.  Why does the Holy Spirit work? To save the people in the field. Because this is only possible when the Holy Spirit works. That’s the Upper Room meeting you must have.

But I think people keep misunderstanding this.  They feel like the pastor is forcing them to do something. I think they’ll have to take a lot more time. They’re not able to understand these words at all because they’re so bound by law and religion, because the law and religion says I have to do something. We are speaking from the gospel, but they understand the law, so they think they are being told to do something and they feel too apologetic to show their face if they don’t.  We keep talking about it, so they feel like they will only be relieved when they go to a different church. It means they’re not able to understand my words.

But there are some people who receive this word as a blessing, “God is going to do this work through me.” Only those people remain in the church, in Mark’s Upper Room.  People who do not understand have no choice but to return to the Jerusalem Temple, because those people are legalistic and they do something, so they align more with those messages.  They live their walk of faith and pray with the expectation that they’ll get some kind of benefit or success.

What happens after time passes?  All of the Temple of Jerusalem was destroyed and all of those people who lived a religious life were scattered.  What happened to Mark’s upper room?  God continued the evangelism and mission movement through the Antioch Church.  After I began my pastoral ministry, I talked to the churches and to the members, and I felt arrogant, but that’s what I saw in the Bible. 

I didn’t used to see this in the past, but now I continuously see this, and when I think from a human perspective, I think, “Should I really say these words?”  But I didn’t become a pastor to become a good human; I came here to do God’s will.  My eyes continuously opened and I saw more of the Bible, so I had no choice but to talk about it. 

If I don’t talk about it, then my lips are itching to speak. I’m able to see the concentration movement that God did on the Mount of Olives and how He worked on every house, and I realized this is the reason God made them concentrate for forty days. “Jesus is the Christ, He has finished all problems, I will be with you forever, I will be with you with the Holy Spirit,” and house by house, they were doing the evangelism movement. “I am with you until the very end of the earth.” I see the Bible so I have no choice but to talk about it.

But people who don’t understand this, think “why do you keep telling me to do something I just want to go back and forth from church, why do you keep telling me to do something at my house,” it means the Word of God hasn’t gone into them correctly.  They understand the Word of God, centered on themselves.  Why did God say these words? If you hold onto that and pray about it, your eyes will be opened.  But you think you’re so great you listen to one thing and make your judgments.  

If something doesn’t align with me, then I’m in the wrong, it is not the Word. The Word of God is absolute. If it’s not in the Bible, you can be skeptical about it, but if the Word of God in the Bible isn’t aligned with me, then I must change.  But the people in the field nowadays don’t want to hear what they don’t want to hear.  Even the kids ignore my kakao talk messages. They’ve read it on the notification bar, and if they don’t like it, they don’t check it, because it kills their energy like some kind of oppression or burden, but there’s no choice.  

There is a plan of God in every incident and every situation but because they don’t believe in that, they think, “If I don’t want something and something is a burden to me, I’ll just ignore it.”  There are still some unread kakao talk messages even after many months.  It’s a sign, it means they’re diseased inside, “If I read this, it will be harmful to me, so I won’t read it.” So I say this to such people, “What if it’s a blessing?”  What are you going to do if it’s actually God’s hidden blessing for you?”   That’s why it’s important for us to discover God’s blessing in every incident and situation.

“This is uncomfortable for me,” this is an individualistic ideology that is blocking the gospel in America today. Individualism is great because it protects individual rights and safety, but it actually prevent the word of God from going into that person, because, “I don’t want this, I don’t want to hear it,” but you need to have the greater grace of God to overcome that, and that’s why God’ spower must come upon you.  

There’s not much we can do, if God calls you this evening, is there anything you can do about that?  There’s a young person in Korea who passed away this week. I was in such shock that I had to confirm.  I confirmed with Pastor Lee and he confirmed it, they were only in their 40s.  Honestly I’m skeptical, I wonder why people who live their walk of faith with us continue to pass away every year, and why is it that they are people that I know? I’m very skeptical about this, but there’s nothing we can do because God calls them away.

Only God knows when and how He will call us.  So, you may even pass away this evening.  Passing away is not a bad thing at all; if God calls you, you don’t have any more suffering, and it’s not that you pass away because you’re doing something wrong, it simply means God has no more work to do through you.  In the time God is using us, we must do the work God desires through the working of the holy spirit.  

In Luke 4:19, it says, “to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”  It means that the Word that God proclaimed in Isaiah 61 is being fulfilled upon these people at that time and situation, even right now, you shouldn’t just sit here.  Why is it that the logos’s Word of God is being relayed at this time and location? You need to discover this meaning to properly receive God’s Word.  The words God gave in Isaiah 61:1 are being fulfilled in that location at that time.  

Luke 4:20, “Then he rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant and sat down. The eyes of everyone in the synagogue were fastened on him.”  So, He read from the scroll of Isaiah and gave it back to the attendant and sat down to proclaim the word of God and all of the eyes were fixed upon Him.  What does Jesus say in Luke 4:21? “he began by saying to them, ‘Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.’”  God gave His Word 7000 years ago for this time and this location for this purpose. Without a doubt, God’s will is fulfilled in that time schedule in that location. 

Then what kind of location is this?  If you do not find that meaning in today’s worship, the Word of God is irrelevant to me, isn’t that right?  If you’re not able to find the meaning in this location, this time schedule, then this Word has no meaning to you.  God is fulfilling His word continuously in this time and location and what is that meaning to you?  The people that know this receive this answer.  

The members of the Early Church received God’s Word and did the Word movement in their fields.  For that purpose, God is giving us His Word again in the Temple today.  You must know that meaning to receive answers.  Otherwise, we can just study the Bible in our house.  Everybody knows the passage of Isaiah 61:1, but only the people who received that word in the field where it’s being fulfilled in that time schedule received answers.  Therefore, do not just study the Bible, but be in the field where that Word is being fulfilled.  Be in the church where Mark’s Upper Room, where God’s work begins.  But some people only study the Bible and none of the content is being fulfilled.

Luke 4:22, “All spoke well of him and were amazed at the gracious words that came from his lips. ‘Isn’t this Joseph’s son?’ they asked.” Joseph, referring to Mary’s husband, how could someone like this say words like this?  Luke 4:23, “Jesus said to them, ‘Surely you will quote this prover to me, “Physicians, heal yourself! Do here in your hometown what we have heard that you did in Capernaum.” ‘” Capernaum is a little further from Nazareth and it is where God did most of His ministry.

Luke 4:24, “I tell you the truth,” Jesus said, “No prophet is accepted in his hometown.” What does this mean? He is saying, “You guys do not understand these words. Are you really referring to me as Joseph’s son?”  He’s simply saying, “I’m the Messiah, but you simply know me as Joseph’s son? That’s why you don’t recognize me,” and because they don’t understand his word so he’s giving them an example through two words in the Old Testament that they’d understand.  

Luke 4:25, He’s talking about a passage that all of these Israelites know, there were many widows in Elijah’s time, and the sky was shut for three and a half years and there was severe famine throughout the land.  Luke 4:26, even though there was a severe famine for multiple years in the land, and God has given them that famine, none of them went to the prophet Elijah, instead, they went to a widow in Zarephath in the region of Sidon, which was actually a Gentile region, not in Israel. There was a famine, so there was no food to eat.  Instead, the widow in Zarephath was about to starve to death with her son, and Elijah was there, but all she had was some bread and olive oil.  Elijah said, “Give me the flour and the oil,” and isn’t that just complete theft? Then he says, “After I eat this, then you can eat.” It means that God is working.  So, they never ran out of food and God continued to work on them.

Why do you think He said this?  The fact that Elijah did not go to the cities of Israel means that Jesus Christ had come as the Messiah, but none of them were listening to his words, but this gospel will go to the Gentiles.  Then another example He gave was that there were many lepers in the time of Elisha, yet not one of them was cleansed, but only Naaman, the Syrian was healed, and Syria was another Gentile nation.  Naaman feared the Lord. That means there are other people who will receive this gospel.  It seems like the Israelites would receive it, but actually, God will send and they will receive it.  

So the people in the Synagogue wereso stupid, they didn’t understand God’ sword, and Luke 4:28 says they were furious because they were physical, they need to understand but they cannot.  Luke 4:29-30, they got so angry that “They got up, drove him out of the town, and took him to the brow of the hill on which the town was built, in order to throw him off the cliff and kill him,” but Jesus walked right through the crowd.

Why do you think God gave the words of this scripture this night to Antioch Mission Church? He has promised you the Holy Spirit so receive the filling of the holy spirit.  Then you will be able to save your field.  If they cannot understand it, then they will turn away.  It’s not enough to just know this from Bible study, but why is God giving us this word at this time and location?  Because this is the church that proclaims the gospel that will be with us through the Holy Spirit and he will do this work through you.  

But for people who don’t understand these words, they will get angry, they will leave the kakao talk rooms, they will do all sorts of things, and even though they won’t say it out loud, there’s wrath that is bubbling.  They say, “Is only your church doing this? There are thousands of churches around.” They are revolting inside. There’s Nothing for them to be angry about, we’re just talking about receiving the filling of the Holy Spirit and save, but there are people who just get so offended by this. We don’t know who that is, but it just says that in the Bible right now.  Even though they’re not able to express this outwardly, there are so much anger that’s bubbling up inside of them but there’s nothing they can do. Those people may act out, “I don’t want to hear this,” and this isn’t something we need to know because it’s napping inside of God’s absolute sovereignty.

How do you receive the Word? “This is the Word He is giving me today,” that is how you must receive it for it to be fulfilled in your life, but if you think of this as one realization, that’s not what it takes. You must take this as His promise, as His covenant to me. Because it is His promise, God will do the work, and if you think this is just receiving grace, that’s not it.  This is the Word God is giving me today. 

Understand that there are many believers who are getting offended, like the Bible passage today. They say, “There are so many messages to talk about, why do you only say this?”  I don’t know what other sermons are talking about, because from the Old Testament to Revelation, it’s all talking about Jesus Christ finishing our problems, what else is there to say?  It is finished, why? Because God is with you.  Even David confessed, “The LORD is my Shepherd, I shall not be in want.” These are all words about Jesus Christ.  “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil,” what else are we talking about, the entire Bible is talking about this, what other sermon is there to give? 

For people who hold to the covenant of Jesus Christ, they have the blessing of testifying Jesus Christ. That’s why he promised to give you the filling of the holy spirit.  The Holy Spirit is upon those who hold onto that covenant and pray, then they receive a power that no one else receives.  We lack power, we are people who don’t know tomorrow and cannot control anyone else’s mind, but God gives me wisdom first, why? Because we must proclaim the gospel.  

If you are blank-minded, you cannot relay the gospel, so that’s why God gives you wisdom.  If you’re always so powerless and weak, you cannot proclaim the gospel so God gives you physical strength.  So, if your body is in sickness or pain, stop doing unnecessary things or praying for unnecessary things, instead pray, “God, this gospel is everything and I will proclaim it till the end of my life.”  For people who are running their businesses, stop praying unnecessary prayers. If you received the gospel then that is finished, and you go to heaven. “God I want to take this business and testify of Christ with it. Give me that strength, God,” then everything is finished.  

The reason the Bible gets more complicated with time is because you’re holding onto incorrect things and you look at it through your perspective. If you look at it from the perspective of the gospel, it’s simple. Even right now, God is doing His work through the church.  First keep God’s kingdom and righteousness. He promised to give you everything you need, but every time you hear that, you don’t listen to that part.  This is why we need God’s grace, and when we think about evangelism, we keep thinking of other things, we keep receiving other things, “If I evangelize I’m going to get something else,” why? Because that’s how you’ve lived your whole life. That’s us, that’s why we need God’s grace.  

It’s not that, “If we evangelize then we get something else,” but we have no choice but to evangelize.  If God is with  me, what else is there for me to do? God is fulfilling His vision beyond anything I can imagine, that is the reason God is with you through the Holy Spirit, and restoring that is how you restore the Early Church.  You spread out over the entire region and do this work.  Then, all the regions are poor, they are powerless but God is with them through power, and because of this person, God will block disaster.  

Disasters do not come because we do something wrong, it doesn’t come because we do something wrong; it is because of Original Sin.  Disasters do not come to America because they lack a book of morals. Disasters are not coming because the kids are so rude or polite, it’s not because they are lacking noble teachings of Buddha.  It’s because of Original Sin, there’s no choice, and we must testify of this gospel to block disasters.  

The problem is, who will fulfill God’s plan in the field? That’s what we call Mark’s upper room.  They gathered in Mark’s upper room which is their home, so house by house.  In Acts 18, in the field where you are working, that is what’s restored.  Then, nothing else is an issue; that will restore everything.  This is the path you and I must walk in the future, may you have this blessing.  


Let us pray holding onto the Word God has given us.  As I listen to the Word of God, how much is this working for me?  Then I have to change myself to be aligned with God’s Word.  If you’ve been praying incorrectly until now, you have to change to pray correctly.  If you’re in your field and going in a direction completely misaligned from God’s word then you have to pray to be aligned with the Upper Room meeting for your region, school, your job.

Our second prayer topic is tomorrow, there is the LA College Retreat.  I believe that it is a meeting where the students of the synagogue will gather together, and God will give the word he desires and God will open up the missions and evangelism to save America and the whole world.  Also, in the church, there are the evangelism schools, the evangelism institute, and the businesspersons meeting.  Sept. 17, there is the young adult retreat. Let us pray together.

The Sunday Message is not a message that is a gathering for the temple of Jerusalem religious people but it is a meeting of Mark’s Upper Room, people who hold onto the covenant, which is the promise God gives you for the week and they see it fulfilled throughout the week.  What is the Word of the covenant God will give me today?  In the span of my entire life, what is the Word God is giving me today to fulfill this week?  The remnants need to listen well. The Word of God is not something you just hear and pass by; you hold onto it as the promise and covenant.  Let us pray for the Sunday message. 

Our fourth prayer topic, let us pray for the remnants who are out of state.  Yes, we need to pray for people who go to church every week, but moreso, for the remnants who are far away, because when we pray, God works, that’s why we pray.  You should pray, knowing that meaning.  Allow God’s works to take place, transcending time and space, upon the remnants, to save them and the Holy Spirit will work upon them in exactly the same way. Allow them to have victory in worship as well. It doesn’t matter if they worship in another church; allow them to have victory in worship. Let us pray together.

I believe those who have held onto the temple construction as their covenant will receive covenantal blessings.  If God blesses you financially your whole life, then the Temple Construction is the greatest blessing.  There’s no other reason why God should bless you greatly financially.  The Temple Construction is the greatest way for God to work and bless in your life, for most people they experience it maybe once or twice in their life.  It’s because God knows our weakness and it can only take place if God works upon us and gives us strength.  

Why should we do Temple Construction? It is a necessary location to do the gospel movement. Who cares if we build a temple that is large like Herod’s Temple? It has no covenant and is bound to be destroyed; we’re talking about the location where the covenant is fulfilled, and that’s why God fulfills that Word moving the heavens and the earth. I hope you will hold to this covenant.  “If we participate in Temple Construction then God will bless us”?  That is a religious person. “Oh, we need a location to fulfill the covenant of world evangelization.” If anything, we need a location that will conquer the whole region, and because I’m weak, I must receive the answer from God.

Whatever we can do, we give it to God. That’s what it is. And the Bible never tells us we have something to give, we just wait asking God what He’s going to do.  The entire congregation of the church puts their hearts together as one, and let’s see how God works. That’s what the Bible says. Let us pray together.  

Let us pray for our missions fields.  There are two or three people who have enrolled in RU, and I don’t know, I just pray to receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  I’m waiting for them to rise up as the evangelists as the entire region is praying for rhythm. I’n not saying that other places are wrong, there’s nothing wrong in their theology, what I’m saying is, “why aren’t they able to give the theology that allows for only evangelism to take place?” They teach theology in many different ways, and they teach Christ in one way, and then they pass by it.  But for us, from the beginning until the very end, it is a theology that is centered on the Christ. From beginning until the end, it is a theology centered on evangelism.  So theology isn’t wrong, the problem is whose teaching it, that’s what’s important.  That’s why I tell them to go to RU.  

But if you don’t know this, you’re going to ask, “Why does it have to be RU? Why not a place with a better degree system?”  and they will never be able to evangelize.  One of Fanny’s friends’ father is an assistant pastor at his church and he said pastors aren’t able to have personal evangelism and he was so moved when he heard about my personal evangelism.  The reason he cannot do it is because he received a theology that prevents evangelism. The Word of God has never been rooted into him. He has a lot of theology organized in his brain but not enough to give the answer to the field.

The theology is not organized in him so that he can do mission and evangelism in every aspect of his life and business.  That’s why all of his sermons only create congregation members who cannot evangelize, so if you go to any place like that, you cannot do missions and evangelism.  I’m sure you guys cannot feel this very deeply because you’re not pastors, but that’s why we must pray for RU.  It is absolutely a process you must go through to be an assistant pastor or evangelist.  Let us pray for the missions fields and the multiethnic disciples who will receive training at RU. 

The Youth Evangelism Institute will begin in-person at our church.  This will begin in-person from the Opening Ceremony on Sept. 10, and it will begin on Sept. 17 from 10:30-12:30pm, please pray for it. 


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the heads of all the people of God who desire to have and testify of the gospel of the Lord, be with us from now until forevermore always, amen.

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