Fulfill God’s Kingdom with the Power of the Throne (Mt. 3:1-12)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Fulfill God’s Kingdom with the Power of the Throne (Mt. 3:1-12)

Let us bless one another, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.”  May the great blessing of God be fulfilled in all of you today.  The title of today’s message is, “Fulfill God’s Kingdom With the Power of the Throne.”

1. Repent

  1) John

In the background of today’s message, John the Baptist was telling people to repent and to receive the baptism of water because the kingdom of heaven is near, and he says that the One who comes after me will baptize by the Spirit and fire.  

    (1) Zechariah’s (Family of priests) son (Lk. 1:5)

    (2) Elizabeth’s (Family of Aaron) daughter (Lk. 1:5)

What Word is this message giving us today? John the Baptist was born 6 weeks before Jesus Christ was, and his mother and father were both from the family line of priests and the High Priest. 

    (3) Filled with the Holy Spirit even before he was born (Lk. 1:15)

Even when he was in his mother’s womb, Luke 1:15 says he was filled with the Holy Spirit.  Can a little child receive the filling of the Lord’s Holy Spirit? Yes, absolutely.  Even when John the Baptist was in his mother’s womb, when he met Jesus Christ Who was also in the womb, John the Baptist was praising with joy.  The Holy Spirit is the One Who can work no matter how small or young someone is. No matter what position you’re in, God can work. 

  2) Prophecy – Prophet (Mt. 11:13)

    (1) Sent Prophet Elijah (Mal. 4:5)

During the time of the passage we read, Jesus Christ was about 30 years old and He appeared during the time of the prophecies of the Old Testament.  In Mal. 4:5, God promised to send a prophet like Elijah.  It is not that Elijah died and will come back, but God is saying He will send another prophet like Elijah. 

    (2) Clothes made of camel’s hair, Leather belt, Locusts, Wild honey (2 Ki. 1:8, Mt. 3:4)

2 Ki. 1:8 says that the prophet Elijah wore a garment of hair and a leather belt around his waist, and that’s exactly how John the Baptist was described.  Also, just like Prophet Elijah, John the Baptist appeared in a robe made of camel’s hair, he wore a leather belt, ate locust and wild honey, and prophesied in the wilderness.

    (3) A voice of one calling in the wilderness (Is. 40:3, Mt. 3:3)

In the Old Testament, Prophet Isaiah prophesied in Isaiah 40:3, a voice of one calling: “In the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord; make straight in the desert a highway for our God.” Without a doubt, God gives us His Word in advance, and God fulfills that Word in His time schedule.  Even the words of a powerful person have influence.  Even though God is invisible, He reveals Himself through His Word.  When the Word of God is established in you, without a doubt, that Word will be fulfilled.  

The words of people are not fulfilled. No matter how powerful somebody is, they don’t know what will happen tomorrow. However, God’s characteristic is that God will fulfill the Words given to us.  That is why the most important thing is worship, the time when God’s Word comes upon us. If you’re not able to receive God’s Word, you have failed in worship. Without a doubt, God is always giving us the Word that we need, the Word God will fulfill.  If I hold onto God’s Word, it will be fulfilled according to God’s time schedule.

On the Lord’s day, when the Word of God comes into me, then that Word will, without a doubt, be fulfilled. That’s why we don’t hold on tightly to the words of people; they’re just physical, so we just keep it as reference, because God will fulfill the Words He has given to us, exactly.

  3) Message

    (1) Repent (Mt. 3:2)

The greatest blessing you can receive is the Word of God being established in your spirit.  John the Baptist came and his message was to repent.  To repent means to turn away from the way you have been going. Yes, this does in part refer to morals and ethics, but it also goes far beyond that. Even the people who don’t believe in Jesus Christ or God’s Word will always regret their life.  So, repentance doesn’t mean to simply have remorse; it means to turn back to God’s Word, it means to turn back to the Word of God’s covenant.  That’s what we call repentance.

    (2) Rome – Colonized, Idolatry

Confessing, “I did this wrong, I did that wrong,” that’s included but that’s not everything.  It is the situation where the Israelites were colonized by Rome.  Even so, the priests and the Pharisees relied on their faith, saying they were doing a good job.  Because they’re receiving the benefits of the culture and the economy of Rome, they are physically well-off, and God is saying, “Return from that.” That is not our standard of our walk of faith or believing in Jesus. 

    (3) Restoration of the covenant 

You must restore the covenant God gave you. Returning back to God is what true repentance is.  What is the covenant God gave us?

2. Blessing of Israel 

  1) Abraham and his descendants 

    (1) Land I will show you – Covenantal blessing (Gen. 12:1)

God already gave us the covenant in the Old Testament in Genesis.  God called Abraham from Ur of Chaldeans and gave him the grace of the covenant, “Go to the land I will show you.” For us, the saved people of God, there is a land to which we must go separately.  We are not going to a land we dreamt about or we planned, or a great land the world talks about. We go in the direction of life where Jesus Christ will be born and the Kingdom of God will be established.

    (2) Source of Blessing – Fundamental blessing (Gen. 12:2) 

Then God promises, “I will make you into a source of blessings.”  God is telling the Israelites to turn back from going towards Rome after losing hold of this fundamental blessing.  The Israelites had lost hold of this. The same thing happens today, we go to church, but we lose hold of the blessings.  If Christ is within me, then I’m a source of blessing, and blessings flow from me, but instead, I’m searching for other blessings, so I’m lost in the world.  

    (3) Great nation from you – Commemorative blessing (Gen. 12:2) 

God promises, “I will make a great nation from you,” that is the commemorative blessing.  Abraham only had his one wife; how could they make a great nation? That is the blessing we have as well.

    (4) All peoples on earth – Blessing of the age (Gen. 12:3) 

Through you, all peoples on earth will be blessed.  Because they lost hold of this blessing, they were seized by Rome.  The Rome of this age is America.  It is the greatest of all nations, with the greatest physical power. When Christians lose hold of these blessings, they will be seized by Rome.  They are seized by money and success.  They hear what other people are doing well, and they’re seized by that.  

What happens if they are bound by these things?  They lose hold of the blessing of being a source of blessings.  Through me, many people must be saved, but because I am dying, everybody is dying.  We are the people who must go towards the land where Jesus Christ must be born and spread to the rest of the world, but instead, we’re trapped and enslaved by the world. 

He says, “Through you, all peoples on earth will be blessed.”  Your business and your studies should be blessed to the point where it blesses the entire world.  If it’s just enough for you to make a living, then you’re already seized.  God called you as a source of blessings, but you’re just barely surviving? That’s not aligned with God.  I am someone who will save all nations, but I’m just trying to succeed? That is not aligned with God.  We go beyond success, we receive the blessing of our business, our studies, and our talents, to the point where we can save the whole world.

In order for this to take place, this Word must become yours. When this Word gets planted in your heart, God will fulfill His Word.  Whatever is happening in your present reality is a result of what was planted in your heart before.  It’s just like when you take a picture, whatever you take a picture of will be imprinted on the film, and that’s the photo that will be printed. What is imprinted in your spirit? Because your life will be a direct reflection of that.  “I have to come to America and survive,” then that person will just barely survive.  If you want to survive, then how much do you have to struggle and try?  Then all your struggling and efforts will continue. But instead, if the Word of God is imprinted in our hearts, then according to God’s time schedule, the Word will be fulfilled.

    (5) Irresistible blessing (Gen. 12:3) 

God says, “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you, I will curse.” There will be no one who can block us. So there’s no reason to fight with anyone. If you’re fighting with anyone, it already means you’re at a low level.  If you’re arguing, “Who is right, who is wrong?” then your level is already too low.  We have no time to squabble like that.  God is saying, “You’re a source of blessings,” and God will bless those who bless you, and curse those who curse you. As long as it’s true that I am the one who will relay this blessing to the rest of the world, God will give the blessings. This is the irresistible blessing that nobody can block.

God gives us these blessings but instead we lose hold of these blessings and instead, chase after the blessings the world talks about, that’s how we become colonized. Today, when you believe in Jesus Christ, Gal. 3 says you are now children of Abraham. That’s God’s promise to you, and one day, when you believe in this, that will be revealed. God’s working is a work of faith.  It is not blind faith, but when we have faith in what God promised, then God will work upon that faith.  

  2) One who comes after me (Mt. 3:11) 

John the Baptist was just the introduction, “Prepare the way of the Lord,” and he says, “the One who comes after me is the true one.” John the Baptist’s entire life was the introductory life that prepared the way for Jesus.  Our goal of our whole life is to relay the blessing of Jesus Christ Who has come.  Jesus Christ came to earth, but what did He do for me?

    (1) It is finished (Jn. 19:30) 

He finished everything on the cross.  Jesus Himself said that, “It is finished,” but if you just listen to those words, you don’t know what they mean.  Everyone will interpret it differently.  Students will think, “Does that mean my homework is finished, or my student loans are finished?” You need to understand what came before in order to understand these words.  Adam and Eve rebelled against God, they were supposed to live with God, by God, and for God, but one day, the idea that, “I want to live like God,” came into their hearts. That is what is called “sin.”  It’s not just stealing something that is a sin, but the moment we have the thought in our hearts that “I don’t need God, I can live on my own,” that is the moment that brings curses and disasters.  Around the whole world, Satan comes in and makes us completely seized by the curses of sin.  

You are born in your family line, and you cannot escape that family line.  The problem of your parents that are invisible to your eyes that they can never escape from will come into you.  It’s almost like an animal caught in a snare, and they’re struggling to get out, but they cannot, but it’s invisible so we don’t know what it is.  We cannot solve this with money or success, it is a spiritual problem, it means there is a problem in my spirit.  We cannot get rid of this with surgery, injections, or money. This is a problem that God Himself must first resolve, and that is what He has finished.

The Lord has received all of the curses and disasters on our behalf, He has destroyed all the sin, He has overcome all of the authority of death and Satan, and now, as soon as you believe in Jesus, God is with you, and now Satan trembles in fear.  Now, the problems of your family line will flee far away.  The problem of mankind is not what is revealed and visible, but it actually started a long time before that. That is the problem that is invisible, it is a spiritual problem that we have left God.  

    (2) Holy Spirit – With (1 Cor. 3:16) 

Believing in Jesus Christ means all my problems have been finished on the cross.  Now, He is within me as the Holy Spirit.  

    (3) Christ – Master (Gal. 2:20) 

How is He with me? He is with me as my Master. I died on the cross with Christ and now Christ lives within me. The “me” of my past is no longer me, it is a new “me” that is with Christ as my Master. I still face problems that are invisible, however, these are problems that my Master will take care of on His own, and that’s why nothing is a problem to Christ; everything turns into a blessing. That’s what it means to believe in Jesus.  

However, if someone goes to church and has never heard the gospel, then going to church is the hardest thing, because we have to pray for problems to not come, and whenever problems come, we have to pray to solve it.  Unbelievers can just solve their problems on their own, but for people who go to church, they ask God to solve it, but the characteristic of unbelievers and churchgoers is, “me.”  It’s because the gospel hasn’t gone into them yet.  

“I’m dead on the cross with Christ, why am I still the Master?” The LORD is inside of me as light and as my Master, so whatever problem I’m facing, my Master must solve, then you will receive that evidence.  That’s why it is not about John the Baptist, but you must meet Jesus Christ Who comes after him for all problems of life to be all finished. May Jesus Christ be the Master of your family. I hope you will stop trying to manage your kids on your own, but Who is the Master of your relationship, it is Christ, that is how you will make the masterpiece that is at the level of God.  

But if you keep trying to control everything and move everything, then it will only be at your level, even your business, the Master must be only Christ.  Then, your business will no longer be your suffering and your worries, but you’re excited to see how God will work on it. Enjoying that gospel is our walk-of-faith. It doesn’t matter how great of an incident we face; my Master is the Christ. If something big happens, my Master, Christ, will work in a big way. If a small incident comes, then Christ will work in a small way. It is irrelevant to me completely.

Believing and enjoying this is what it means to be a Christian, then first, your stress levels decrease.  First, your mental oppression will decrease. All your fears and worries will decrease. Christ must become your Christ, Christ is the Master Who moves all of creation.  Who is the Master of the Church? It is not the pastor; it is the Christ.  Who is the Master of the Church? It is not the people who say the correct words, but it is those who move according to God’s Word, the Christ. And if you really believe in this, God will begin to work according to His promise, I am a witness to that.   

I’m talking about myself right now. It doesn’t matter how big of an incident I face, that’s not for me to know, because my master must take care of it on His own. That doesn’t mean it’s irrelevant to me, but because it’s in my life, Christ must be the Master of my life.  In your life, people around you will say, “This is a problem, that is a problem,” but you must tell them what the real problem is.  Even as we go to church, we find out all the problems, but they’re only going to church, they don’t believe that Christ is their Master and their King. Then you must give them the answer with Christ as your Master.  

So, for unbelievers, you must give them the answers so they believe in Jesus Christ and become children of God. What happens if they have mental problems and depression? It doesn’t matter. Make it so that Christ becomes their Master, make it so that Christ works within me fully, because even this must be solved by the Lord.  There’s no problem I can solve on my own.  A person cannot even solve the problem of addiction on their own. Alcohol and substance addiction, they didn’t come from out of nowhere. Continuous problems, there is a pattern to it now, and it didn’t come from out of nowhere. Even before that, the invisible problem began.  That problem will only begin to disappear when the invisible Christ comes into my life as my Lord.  People who say America is so great cannot solve the real problem.  However, the people who say, “Yes, America is good, but Christ is even better,” those are the ones who can solve the real problem. 

  3) Those greater than John the Baptist (Mt. 11:11) 

Matthew 11:11, in today’s scripture, says, “Among those born of women, there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist,” because he is the one preparing for the Lord. However, he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.  Why is that? Because he doesn’t know the incident of the cross, yet he is still telling people to repent, so there is no one born of women who is greater than John.  

    (1) Royal priesthood (1 Pt. 2:9) 

For us, we are a royal priesthood.  “Royal” means now I am in the position of a king who can overcome the power and authority of the prince of the earth. Joseph became someone who could give the answer to the king of the world, Pharaoh. Why were there continuous disasters on earth? Things should become more comfortable if you’re the president, but they become more complicated. You have to win in certain debates, and you have to have a good relationship with other presidents of the world.  We think that if we succeed, we won’t have any worries and we’ll be comfortable, but instead, we have even greater problems.  So, as long as Christ is not the Master of this world, we will continuously have problems. 

    (2) Holy Nation (1 Pt. 2:9) 

We are a Holy Nation, it means we are people from another nation.  We are not the people of the world or of Satan who will be dragged into suffering or hell, but we are people from a holy nation.  Even among people who go to church, there are some people who look at them and think, “Do they really go to church?”  Unbelievers say that a lot.  That means they’re looking at this person based on the standards of their actions.  They are simply going to church, but they might not be children of God.  These people may be going to church but they still may be seeking the physical things of the earth that unbelievers seek.  For people for whom Christ becomes their Master, they will change, and that’s normal.  

    (3) One who declares the praises of him (1 Pt. 2:9)

Because Christ is my Master, the Masterpiece of my life changes. And I’m a witness of that, and everyone in my family line and the people around me will tell you that I’ve changed.  Even before I became a pastor, when I was a young adult, my friends made fun of me and called me Pastor Park.  What they were really trying to say is, “You haven’t always been like this, you’ve changed.” In the beginning, they were making fun of me, but no longer wdo we make fun of me, they see me differently now. Don’t misunderstand. I’m not trying to make my personality more respectable, it doesn’t matter how admirable your personality is, that’s something a monk can do, that’s possible without believing in Jesus. That’s not what I’m talking about.  

Because Christ is my Master, the Kingdom of God is established in me, and I as a person change. And the people around me all know how I was before, and now after. What has changed? They don’t know what has changed, but something’s changed.  If it was some kind of condition that made me change, they’d be able to pinpoint it, but they say, “I don’t know what it is, but something’s changed.” The only thing that is revealed is I’m now a Christian, but when Christ becomes your Master, you’re bound to be made into a new Creation.  For people who are struggling and suffering mentally, you don’t have to worry.  There are people who are struggling mentally who are unable to talk to other people about it.  Or, people who are sick or diseased, you’re seized by your sickness. It’s only because you’re holding onto yourself. When you know that the Master and Lord of your life is Jesus Christ, you will overcome that disease. People do not pass away because of the disease, but they are destroyed because of the internal effects of the disease, like fear. 

We are now the ones who will declare the praises of His wonderful light.  We are now an identity who can relay the greatest blessings of Him to the world. It doesn’t matter how many words of the world you say, that will not save people, but it’s the wonderful light of God, the one who will declare the wonderful light of Christ. I am a witness of that in my own life.  My wife used to say this or that, but either way, I’m a witness of my own life.  It doesn’t matter what she says because I’m a witness of how many great changes God has made in my life as my Master. And maybe she’s saying those words because she had too high expectations for her husband, but having those standards is not aligned with God’s Word. We need to hold onto the standards that God is doing. 

And now we have received the baptism of water and repentance, but then, we will receive the baptism of the Spirit. What is the baptism of the Spirit?  After Jesus Christ resurrected, the Holy Spirit came upon us and that was the baptism of the Holy Spirit, but there’s a difference between the baptism of the Spirit and the filling of the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ resurrected and gave us the Holy Spirit, that is the baptism of the Spirit, but there’s a difference between that and the filling of the Holy Spirit. If you don’t drink alcohol and you start drinking alcohol, it’s like a baptism of alcohol, then you drink water, two glasses, and you’re drinking, you have been christened. You’ve been baptized with alcohol, but one day, you’ll be filled in a state where you are filled with alcohol. At that point, it is no longer you, you have no fear, there’s no one you’re scared of, there’s another strength that is within you, and in a similar way, there’s a difference between the Holy Spirit being in you and filling you.  

3. Power of the throne

  1) Filling of the Holy Spirit (Mt. 3:11, Ac. 1:8)

    (1) Within me

When we walk into the ocean, there’s a difference between the water being at my ankles versus being completely submerged in the water.  When the water only comes to my ankles, I can do whatever I want with my strength. At that point, it’s my own power, but if you become submerged in the ocean, the power of the ocean becomes your power. And if the water takes you in one direction, you will move in that direction. You pray for the filling of the holy spirit to be upon you first.  How do you receive the filling of the Holy Spirit then? The Spirit is already within you, so you ask for it by faith. Jesus promised to give it to you, so you ask for it by faith.  

You pray for the Holy Spirit of the Lord or completely control my thoughts, my heart, my spirit, my emotions, my everything. You entrust everything to Him.  When you go into the current of the ocean, you cannot exert your strength, you have to go where the current takes you.  You pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit and the working of the Holy Spirit to work upon your field as well, then what will happen. Demons and Satan will flee. 

Why do we need the working of the Holy Spirit?  Why must the kingdom of God be established? It’s because this world is being controlled by the kingdom of Satan and we must have the Holy Spirit to break it down. We’re not looking for the work of the Holy Spirit because we don’t have the motivation to study or because we don’t have the skill to run our business. Because you understand it like that, you think you don’t need Christ. Steve Jobs didn’t need Christ, if you understand it like that.  It’s because there is a work of Satan and demons that is controlling the whole world.  

If that doesn’t come into your heart, you must understand that the repetitive and invisible problems relentlessly attacking your family is that problem.  The works of Satan are working, and this is revealed through scars and trauma.  Whenever we get a scar, the way we think changes, and Satan is holding onto those thoughts with a strong hold, and He is controlling the pastors and what I’m thinking. When you have  a scar, you are set in your own ways, and Satan holds onto you so you have to keep on that repetitive pattern.  Whenever you face an incident, without you even realizing it, your thoughts revert to that state, you return right back to your state when you received that scar. Satan and the demons are the ones controlling that.  

Eph. 4:27. Satan puts a foothold into you.  That’s why God’s Kingdom must be established within you first. You must first bind the strong man because that who is moving you, it’s the same thing in your business and skills. As long as Satan is ruined, you will lose whatever you have. You work so hard, but you lose everything you’ve had in the end. That’s why you must first bind the strong man. The devil does have power, he will give you success and elevate your name, but you shouldn’t look at that because there’s an end-goal. Satan is trying to destroy us, that is why you must first bind the strong man.  

    (2) My field

    (3) My business and skill

In order to do that, if it is by the power of the Holy Spirit that I cast out demons or evil spirits, the Kingdom of God has come upon you. Because the Israelites lost hold of that blessing, they were colonized by Rome. If you’re seized by something like that, you lose your freedom.  Freedom is not about doing whatever I want, because if you keep doing whatever you want, you will face a result that you cannot control. God is doing whatever He wants, and when you align your heart with that, that is true freedom.  

  2) Kingdom of God (Mt. 3:2)

    (1) Working of the Holy Spirit (Ac. 2:1-4, Mt. 12:28-29)

The Kingdom of God is established by the Holy Spirit. In Acts 1, God promises the Kingdom of God, and they wait until they get that promise.  When the work of the Holy Spirit takes place, there was a work like fire and wind. That was not my strength. When the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will receive power.  That power is the power to continue to have victory even though you’ve succeeded in business.  It is the authority and power to overcome the world. That is the power we must receive.  That’s why we pray for the working of the Holy Spirit.  

    (2) Blessing of meeting (Ac. 2:9-11)

Then, what takes place next? It is the blessings of meeting like Acts 2:9-11.  Whomever you meet is everything. The most important meeting is the meeting of God. What is precious is the way we met at this church. Our whole lives are determined by who we meet. If you have an incorrect meeting, it becomes a curse. It seems like we could control who we meet, but it’s actually uncontrollable.  It was not a choice when your parents decided to come to America. When the working of God takes place, He opens the doors for the blessing of meeting  

For people who are running their business, God opens the doors, for students who are studying, He opens those doors. Everything is opened together with the doors of missions and evangelism, then the word of God will really come and hit you.  If the Word of God doesn’t resonate with me, it doesn’t matter how much you listen, it will feel lukewarm, but when the Holy Spirit works upon me, then the Word of God will really resonate with me.  

    (3) Word fulfillment (Ac. 2:16-36)

It’s not about understanding with my brain, but when the Holy Spirit of God works with the power of wind and fire, the Word of God will come into me, and that is the Word that will absolutely be fulfilled, coming into me. That is why the Israelites failed. Why do people fail as they go to church? This is why they fail.  When you treat worship as a religious ritual, that is failure.  But the greatest blessing is when the Holy Spirit puts the Word of God into your heart. That’s not something we do, but only by the work of God can the Word of God come into us.

If we give the message well, it’s easy to understand, but it doesn’t really hit my heart.  It is only possible by the working of the Holy Spirit that the Word of God that will be fulfilled, really hits my heart. That’s why it says success in worship is success in life because no matter who they are, if the Word is not fulfilled in their lives, they will be seized by the world.  

    (4) Work of saving lives (Ac. 2:41)

Ultimately, by the working of the Holy Spirit, the work of saving lives will take place. May your business be used to save lives. There’s no greater blessing than that. If your business is used to change someone who was going to hell into going to heaven, there’s no greater blessing.

    (5) Change the culture of the field (Ac. 2:46-47)

In Acts 2:46-47, it says, the words that Jesus is the Christ was relayed to their entire household.  In the past, they used to just rest and sleep at home, but now the culture’s changed.  Now, the culture of your business and your family changes to be a culture of the working of the Holy Spirit that testifies of Jesus Christ.  

  3) Prayer

    (1) Worship (Ac. 1:14)

All of these blessings began first with worship.  Worship that you think so little of. If you’re invited to the White House, you’d dress differently and your attitude and posture would be different too. Everything would be different, but the White House is not what’s important. God is someone Who was born in a manger, so that people with the eyes of the world will never recognize.  If Jesus was born into a palace, then all the calculative and smart people would flock to Him.  But God promised us that He would work through worship.  I hope you will continuously have God’s blessing of receiving the Word and the blessings of meeting.  

    (2) Scheduled prayer

    (3) 24 hour prayer

As soon as you wake up in the morning, pray for God’s plan to be fulfilled in you, and for God’s greatest glory to be revealed in your life.  That is the greatest thing. Pray for the Holy Spirit of God to fill you, there is nothing else for you to do. Pray for God to work fully in you, there is nothing else you need to pray for. That is the greatest prayer.  It only takes so much time because you pray for so many things. But this only takes three minutes.  May the Holy Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ be filling me and controlling me today, and may His will be fulfilled in my life today.  It needs to be simple, you shouldn’t be so complicated with all your different plans and ideas; just let God’s will be fulfilled.  

Then, instead of being more simple-minded, yes, things will be simple but greater things will come from that. When you listen to Olympic gold medalists, they are very simple. Only people who don’t know anything will complicate their training, but it’s very simple. Even for people who play Go or Chinese Checkers, it’s very simple. Only the people who don’t know how to play will try to get their pieces in front of them, and lose.  Pray for the Holy Spirit to fill me and to work in my fields, and everything is inside of this.  

Once you go out into the field, take everything you hear, see, and feel, and change it into prayer to God.  It’s essentially asking God to take care of it.  Why should I listen to someone else’s words and get stressed about it, program it inside myself, and react to that? Make God take care of it.  Whenever God’s Kingdom is established through Jesus Christ, the correct things will be revealed and the incorrect things will be washed away. May you enjoy this blessing throughout the whole week, and we can meet again next week.


1. Restore the covenant

2. Power of the throne

3. Blessing that saves 237

Is there a Word God has given me today? You must not lose hold of that. If you don’t know what Word God is giving you today, listen to it again at home. You listen to it until it does go into you, then it will be fulfilled throughout the week.

Message Prayer

Let us pray. 

Offering Prayer and Newcomer Prayer

God, we thank You. We pray that You will fulfill Your Word exactly as You have given it. We have returned Your material blessings as offering.  We pray that You will bless the offering that has been given so it may be used to … and save the church.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.  


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the people of God, the people of all nations, and the remnants who desire to fulfill God’s will and Kingdom, be from now until forevermore always, amen.

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