Upper Room Movement (Acts 17:2)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Upper Room Movement (Acts 17:2)

I hope that this is the time when we receive the Word, that is, the fulfillment of the Word of the Mark’s Upper Room Movement.  Mark’s Upper Room movement is talking about when the Holy Spirit worked upon the people of Mark’s Upper Room, and God is doing this even now.  If we are not within the works of God, then we have no choice but to become slaves of the world.  When the Early Church proclaimed about only Christ, that is when they were persecuted by the people who don’t proclaim “only Christ.”  Because the people who proclaim “only Christ” is a minority, the majority of the people will be the ones who will persecute, and isolate those people.  The evidence of “only Jesus Christ” is Mark’s Upper Room and the Holy Spirit working upon the field.


In other words, we must not lose hold of the field. This isn’t the Holy Spirit that worked upon the Temple of Jerusalem, it is the working of the Holy Spirit upon the family and upon the field.  It is not only the working of the Holy Spirit that took place on the Sabbath day, but during every day where people were able to receive the Holy Spirit and see its works.  It is not only the churches that gather all together, but it is the scattered church in the field that goes out to give the Word.


Answer X Discouraged, Crisis, Conflict, Problem

In the field, it would be great if we had this immense power, but sometimes, we don’t have any answers, and sometimes we get discouraged, and sometimes we face crises, and there are conflicts between other people, and you can encounter problems, too.  

1. 7 Remnants

But during these times, what did the seven remnants of the Bible do?  

1) Slave – Posture

For example, Joseph went in as a slave, so if you’re a slave, you have to be like a slave.  A slave must not be like the master, so this kind of posture is very important. If you don’t have this, it will be difficult in the field.


This is the person who has the solution to life.  


These people have the thoughts of a leader, that they will lead the field. In order to do the mark’s upper room within your field, this introduction is very important.  

2) Shepherd – Sheep

David was a shepherd, in other words, he had the posture of a sheep.  Sheep just follow after their master,

Problem – Solution

He’s the one who had the solution to the problems of Israel.  


He was someone who had the mindset of a spiritual commander.  These are the conditions you must have in the field.  If you don’t have these conditions, you won’t be able to do the field evangelism movement.  The posture in our lives is very important.  All of us have a different position. Within that position, we must have the posture.  “But I’m a child of God!” Yes, you are a child of God, but in a physical sense, we all have different positions, but the one who has the answer to all problems.  The one who is able to give this answer to the field lost in problems.  The one who has this leadership mindset who wants to lead the field.  Then, you will be able to do the mark’s upper room movement within your field

2. Early Church

What did the Early Church do?

1) Two Strategies – Help, Healing – Raising Disciples

They had two strategies.  They had the strategy of helping many people and healing the diseased.  They also had the strategy of raising disciples.  

2) Two Disciples – Meeting, Word

They also have two types of disciples. A lot of people father together, but among them was the disciple who followed the word. The disciple of the word is the true disciple because the disciple who follows the word will follow after Christ’ Words.  Enjoying this gathering of people is very important but they will not be able to do the field movement.  

3. What

What did they do? This is very important.  In the field, in the early church, what kind of content did they share? 

1) Experience of Matthew 16:13-20

Matthew 16:19-20 says they experienced Christ. They haven’t seen Jesus Christ but how would they say Jesus Christ, how can I experience Christ? When Peter confesses Jesus is the Christ the son of the living God Jesus said the gates of hades would not overcome you. 

(1) Satan, Sin, Hell

Christ who has bound the authority of Satan, Christ who has solved the sin and curses and our nature of not following after God, and Christ who has overcome the authority of hell. How can we experience this? 

(2) Christ – Christ

Christ must become my Christ.  People who are able to do this in the field are able to relay the message.  Those who don’t have this cannot relay the message. You don’t give messages just because you went to seminary.  This is the movement for the lay leaders.  This is the movement that anyone can do in the field.  When Christ becomes my Christ.


It is talking about the answer that solves the problems of my family.  I have come for my family, there is this repetitive problem within my family, and these are the things Satan has planted within my family.  And these are passed down from generation to generation unseen to the eyes.  When Christ is applied to that, then that is finished.  Why is Christ my Christ, and yet, answers are not occurring? It is because Christ has to be applied to me realistically. 

Christ must be applied to the people who come to your Upper Room meeting.  Everything comes from this family background. It’s the same for illnesses and diseases, those are curses and disasters.  Christ has already solved all of that on the cross, and that must be applied realistically, and that’s why we must proclaim this CHrist to them. 

(3) Christ – Master (Me, Family (Children), Church, Business) 

In other words, Christ must become my Master and rule over me.  Christ being my Christ means Christ has finished everything and He is with me as my Master.  He is the master of me and my family, and that’s when your family problems will disappear. When Christ becomes the Master of your church, that’s when church problems go away.  The “family” is also talking about Christ being the Master of your children, and when Christ becomes the Master of your business and your studies, what will go away?  It doesn’t matter if you study well or not, because the curses, disasters, and sin have been solved.  You must do this first.  People who come to your Upper Room meetings come with these problems. As you talk about these problems, you must give them the answer of Christ, then anyone can do this. 

2) 1 Corinthians 2:12 – Prayer

It talks about receiving grace.  We need to make it so they can pray about the seven answers, so they can pray about the answers that are within Christ.  When people come to your Upper Room meeting, you need to teach them about Christ correctly and also teach them about prayer. You need to teach them the prayer so that they can enjoy the gospel.  They don’t need to pray about physical things.  God said He would give all of these to you.  You need to teach them to pray about the correct things, that’s when they will come to life.  

Upper Room meetings don’t take place when you teach them about the incorrect things or teach them to pray about the incorrect things, then it’s just a meeting.  They need to come to receive the answer, but they can’t receive the answers.  They need to learn the correct prayer in order to receive the correct answer and rise up as leaders but they aren’t taught this. They are praying the things they don’t need to pray about, because they don’t know and they aren’t receiving the answers that they should receive.

Holy Spirit With You, Guidance

When you talk about the gospel he is surely with you and will guide you.  

Filling of the Holy Spirit

When you teach them prayer, teach them the prayer for the filling of the Holy Spirit because God has given us the word to pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit.  You must teach them to pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit within the Upper Room meetings.  Teach them so that they can receive this answer of Christ and relay it to other people.  Pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit that God desires.  You need to do this according to the Bible, then the Biblical answers will come. 

( Heaven, Forces of darkness, Kingdom, Disciple

When you go to these Upper Room meetings, they will pray for the covenant and also the filling of the holy spirit, then God will mobilize the angels as the forces of darkness are broken down. These are the works of God and of the Kingdom of God, so that is when the Kingdom of God will be established, then disciples will be raised. You must help them so that they can enjoy this through prayer.  I hope the remnants will do this correctly, adults don’t need to do this because even if they do this it comes out another way, but remnants must do this properly.

The field.  It’s not talking about the church, but the field. You need to give the answer to the people in the field.  No matter what problems they come to you with, when you change their fundamental master to Jesus Christ, then all of those things will no longer become a problem.  This must be relayed as a message. Then, you must pray all together.  

What did they pray for together in Mark’s Upper Room in Acts 1:14? When they are filled with the Holy Spirit and go to the ends of the earth and raise disciples, this is what they prayed for.  Then, the angels you cannot see will be mobilized, and the forces of darkness are broken, then of course, the kingdom of God is established, and surely, disciples will rise up.  This is what we call the 3, 9, 3 prayer.  Through Christ, the Triune God is with me, and may the Holy Spirit work upon me with the 5 powers, then these three things will come upon the field, and disciples will arise in the field.  This is shared to the entire world, the 237 nations. We must do this according to the Bible.  

A long time ago, when I came to America, an Assistant Pastor told me to come to his Upper Room meeting.  When I went there, they prayed a lot about financial problems.  I asked them, “Why do you pray about those things?” He said, “We must receive those kinds of answers for the people of the Upper Room meeting to receive strength,” and then 10 years later, he said something different.  Those are things that people in other religions do, too.  Any other church you go to, they do this in their daily meetings, but this biblical Upper Room meeting is sönnet they did in the temple of Jerusalem, they did it within their homes and their families, or they also did this within their businesses, and these were the Upper Room meetings of the lay people. 

They don’t only meet at church, but they also scatter within the field and meet there, too.  You must go out into the field and relay the Word, but there also must be a fixed location where people can come to receive the Word.  Without this location, if you just go Person-to-person to evangelize, the fruits will not bear.  The Bible says, when someone receives the gospel and accepts salvation, you must nurture them and raise them so they too can go out and raise disciples, and that’s why we need that specific location.

They can’t come to the church, so that’s why you must give them the answer within the field.  When you lose hold of the field, the Upper Room movement will have nothing to do with you.  When this has nothing to do with you, you won’t be able to see the answers God has prepared in the field.  God has prepared all answers within the field, but you come to church and look for something, but you’re not able to receive that or see it, because through the church, you go out into the field to save lives.  Depending on how much this is within you, your eyes to see the field will differ.  

There are some people who are able to do this, but if you have gone to just a regular church your entire life, you only know how to gather together.  They also have these regional meetings where they eat together and help encourage one another, but that isn’t the Upper Room movement.  We have this meeting in the field to relay the answer to those who don’t have this answer within the field.  Then, you will surely see the answers that are prepared in the field.  These are the people who have the answer.  

No matter what kind of problem they come to you with, you are able to give them the answer of only Christ, and we need this kind of messenger.  Or, you can be a leader who supplies the location for all people to come together and meet.  Or, you can be both of them and be the one who gives the message and allows them to come to your home.  It’s not someone who is just able to do this, but it’s the messenger who is able to relay this answer.  That’s why we continuously talk about training. We can’t do this just because we don’t know the theory, but once this is realistically applied to you, that is when you can relay the answer.  

Give them the answer of the gospel of only Jesus Christ, then you help them to be able to pray so that they can receive answers. You just need to pray the prayer that the Lord tells them to pray.  That’s why it’s when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. How do you receive the filling of the Holy Spirit? Do you receive it with your hands?  How do you receive it?


You receive it through faith. You can’t see the holy spirit, you can’t see the Triune God. You receive it through faith.  In other words, you’re not being filled with your thoughts, you’re being filled with the Spirit of God, and that means you are filled with the five powers.  You need this strength and the five powers to do world evangelization.

Spiritual, Wisdom, Physical, Financial, Manpower

That’s why the first power is the spiritual power. Within this spiritual power is the wisdom that God gives.  Without this wisdom, how can we go out into the field?  We can’t do anything, then we cannot do anything without physical power, no matter how much faith you have, if you don’t have this physical power, then you cannot go out into the field.  Next is Financial power.  You can do it once you have money, no matter how much passion you have, if money doesn’t follow you, then you can’t do it.  No matter how much you do it alone, you need manpower; people need to be attached to you. 

How can you do this by yourself for so long?  And that’s why this is what it means to assign the time and do it in the early morning, just do the prayer we taught you. Christ is the solution to all problems, Christ is the Master of my life.  Fill me with the Holy Spirit. Work upon me with Your spiritual power.  Pray so that the 70 disciples will rise up in the 70 regions, and this is why God gives you the spiritual power.  “Give me the authority in order to bind the forces of  darkness that are making my spiritual state confused and wandering.”  You can’t just sit blankly because you need to follow after and do this.  If you’re just sitting here blankly, you’ll pray for something else.  Don’t do that.

The Lord spoke about this for 40 days, Jesus is the Christ, “I am the Christ, I am God, I am your Lord, I am the Lord of all creation.” When the Holy Spirit comes upon you, receive it, then you will be the witness to the ends of the earth. Just do what He tells you. He’s telling you to do this, but you don’t do this? That means it’s not the upper room meeting, that means they’re just gathering together and doing their own movement, that isn’t the Upper Room meeting.  

Then, you need this wisdom.  In order to receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit, you need to have this wisdom.  “God, fill me with the Holy Spirit, fill me with this wisdom,” to do what?  We pray for this power in order to find the 70 disciples, region, save the 237 nations and the 5000 unreached groups, and we are doing this to become the witnesses until the ends of the earth.  May all the forces of darkness that prevent me from being able to receive this wisdom, flee in the name of Jesus Christ.  Pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit.  

You need to have this physical power, to do what? To find disciples. God isn’t giving this to you in order to succeed; He’s giving this to you so you can find disciples.  May all the diseases and forces of darkness that prevent this be broken down in the name of Jesus Christ.  

Financial power, The curses of poverty may surely affect you, but may that be broken down in the name of jesus christ.  People may not be attached to you, or strange people are attached to you. That is also a curse.  May the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth bind that. You need to assign a time to enjoy this, that is what we call the platform.  That’s the word we use these days, “platform.”  

Within the prayer of the Triune God and the filling of the holy spirit, that is when the people must be attached to you. People must not come to you because of your power or your looks, because then that means you don’t have the answer.

3) Acts 1:12-14

It says they came together in this Upper Room meeting to pray, where? In the field. You must always think of this term, “Field.”  

(1) Field

If you don’t have this term, then you won’t be able to see these answers, even though you’ve received them in the field, because people are wandering in the field, people are suffering in the field, people are losing hope and living in the field, so that is why, open this Upper Room meeting in the field because, even if you’re just at home, all the people related to you or who come to that area are the people in your region.  

Students, your field is the schools because there are a lot of people wandering in the schools.  For people who have businesses, people who come to your business need to receive this answer, and that’s why you must have this Upper Room movement there.  That is when all these powers come to you as an answer, why is that? God is giving you the filling of the holy spirit in order to find disciples.  

No matter how much you blow a trumpet at church, God will not give you the filling of the holy spirit.  God pours the filling of the holy spirit upon the people who hold onto this covenant in the church and go out into the field.  That’s Sunday.  The Lord’s day is to receive this answer through prayer, and that is the way you can save the field within that week. This is transferred over into your field.

(2) Witness – Blessing

When you pray for this within your field, you will rise up as a witness. You’ll  have evidence and also blessings, then what happens?

(3) Continuation

God will allow you to continue this, this is continuously doing the evangelism movement. It’s important to go out and lead people to evangelize, but it’s also important for people to come together to listen to the Word and pray and to do this continuously. This is what Jesus talked about, the Kingdom of God for 40 days. That’s why in your Upper Room meetings, you do exactly what Jesus did as you hold to the covenant and pray.  

You need to begin anew.  The things you’ve done before are fake, so begin anew.  The things you do on your own with your own thoughts are fake, so do this properly.  All the messages you’ve done are fake, so you need to give the messages that are the answers to the problems in the field. If you just follow after the messages someone else gives, you’re just like a parrot, imitating the words. Once you have this answer, you’re able to tell other people that their answer is Christ, too.  

Prayer, the prayer that God taught. The prayer for the Kingdom of God, for the filling of the holy spirit, for the five powers so we can do world evangelization.  We enjoy this together in the field as we pray. When you do the prayer God desires, then answers will surely come, then that person will stand as a witness, then they will bring other people because they have tasted it.  Even if they can’t relay it, they will bring other people to come to the Upper Room meeting to receive the Word, then this will continue and it will spread out. 

Going out into the field to evangelize isn’t really what’s recorded in the Bible. You must have this meeting together in the field so people come to you.  

(1) Unbeliever

Some unbelievers will come to your meetings. What must you do for them? You must relay the correct answer to them so they may receive salvation.  

(2) Assurance

Some people don’t have assurance even though they come to church,  then what must happen? You must give them the assurance in the Bible.  You know the Five Assurances?  Assurance of Salvation, Answers to Prayer, Guidance, Forgiveness of Sins, and Victory?  

(3) Discouraged

And there are some people that are so discouraged in the church that they come to these meetings, why are they discouraged?  It’s because they haven’t seen the actual working of angels and evil spirits, so you can testify to that.  “I have experienced the filling of the Holy Spirit, I have experienced evil spirits working in the field,” you must explain this realistically.

(4) Idol Worshipers – Answer

And there are some people who worship idols, because they worshiped idols for so long they surely have spiritual problems so that’s why you must give them the answer to those spiritual problems.  When you open an Upper Room meeting, these are the people who will come.

(5) Evil Spirit – Spirit

There are some people who are possessed by evil spirits who come to your meetings.  Spiritual healing.  This is common among children.  It’s important to explain this very well to those children.  If they are scared then the message has been relayed incorrectly. God will work and it’s the working of evil spirits, but depending on who is relaying the message, that child will either live or die.  

Christ Who is victory needs to become the answer for that child.  The evil spirits are working upon that child and making them listen to things and hallucinate, but Christ must become an answer to them. If the messenger relays this message incorrectly, they’ll talk more about the darkness.  They talk about the darkness more, in a grander and bigger way, then what about Christ?  Once they are aware of the problem, you must relay the answer of Christ so they can overcome the problem with Christ.  

Some people emphasize the problem more.  They only talk about the answer slightly. That’s not giving the answer. That’s just pointing out their problem and digging into their problem.  If they are aware of the problem, you must give them the answer so that the problem is no longer a problem. There are people who give messages on Saturday and that’s important because a lot of children see evil spirits, but they can’t tell their parents but they reveal that to you, and it’s important to relay this answer. 

“You have victory, it has been finished,” you need to relay the message so that they hold onto noly Christ. “If you don’t do this, then bad things will happen to you,” that’s just threatening them. They will not come to life. It’s the same for adults.  We would like it for them to have complete spiritual healing, but that’s within God’s plan.  

All of those things are within God’s time schedule.  But through that person, God’s plan within that is even greater.  Through that one person with the spiritual problem, their family ends up receiving the answers and that’s God’s greater plan.  That’s why in the Bible, when they did. Pockesaw a blind man, they asked Jesus, “Who’s fault is that?  Whose sin caused him to be blind?”  Jesus says, “It is all for the glory of God, God has allowed this.”  

When a person comes to your Upper Room meeting and has this grand spiritual problem that isn’t being healed as quickly as you want it, you can’t see that as a problem because God wants this gospel to be relayed to that person’s entire family.  If there’s a person within your business who has a spiritual problem but you just want to focus on this person and have them heal completely, that’s just your plan; that’s not God’s plan.  

There’s a lame person who laid there for 30 years, and God allowed Peter and John to raise him up, but it wasn’t God’s plan for this one person to just be healed.  God’s image is to relay this gospel to the entire region, and so, that’s why you must always be guided according to God’s plan.  

Illness – Spiritual (Deep Breathing)

There are people with physical illnesses because they don’t have physical strength.  If a doctor can fix it, that’s great, but there are some things that doctors can’t fix. THey cannot overcome their disease and that’s why they’re overcome by it, and that’s why you must help them to receive spiritual strength.  Once they have spiritual strength, they can overcome their physical  problems.  

If possible, teach them deep breathing so that they can have brain power.  This is scientifically proven. Help them so they can receive spiritual power through the gospel.  


The people you’ll meet the most are legalistic people. They go to church for a long time, then they’re surely within this. These people will come to your upper room meeting, what must you do for them?  I was having forum with a senior deaconess and I told her, “You cannot come out of this legalism because this legalism has become your nature.” In other words, what is the law?  This law ultimately leads you towards disasters.  Why is that? When a problem comes, look at leaglistic people. They always try to find out who caused the problem. This law is the Word of God, but instead, people use the law in order to look at other people’s actions.  That’s why legalistic people evaluate and judge others with this law.  In the Bible, Paul adjusted to the other person and made it seem that he was also of the law, he matched the other person.  

Disasters, Fear, Nature

Legalistic people see everything according to the law, and because the law reveals sin, it leads to disasters.  Ultimately, it leads to fear, because the one who has to carry out this law is me,  I have to take responsibility. Because I can’t do it, I’m oppressed and this is my nature.  If a person went to church for a long time, a large number of people have this nature of legalism, and they can’t come out of it no matter what.  That’s why we must apply this gospel so their nature changes.


When they come to your Upper Room meeting, make it so that their nature changes.  When they come to your upper room meetings, make it so their nature changes. Because everything they do will be judging everything, “Oh, the pastor is like this, everything’s like that,” but you must change it to the gospel so they may come to life.  It’s also hard for them.  In Romans 7, Paul also speaks of this, you can’t come to life, you end up just huffing and puffing.  

You need to find God’s plan and answer within the Bible, but instead, these people oppress themselves, and that’s how they live within their families. They only talk about, “Did you do this right or wrong?” They always talk about the law.  The gospel must become the answer to this law, but if they don’t have this, they have no choice but to blame and determine who is right or wrong.  

People who have this legalistic nature, at first when they listen to the message, it seems different, but later on, it will seem the same to them because they’re focused on the actions, so they only like the messages that talk about this legalism.  They need to listen to this in order to feel refreshed.  It’s so easy and wonderful to hear, “You need to live according to the Word,” of course you must live according to the Biblical Word, that’s why those people don’t need the gospel.  That’s why they have no leisure, no time to breathe.

When an incident occurs, it becomes like a war.  The first thing they come out with is you, not God, but you.  You must help them to be aware of their problem and then hold onto the answer of Christ and come out of it. But instead, you say, “How could you do that as a Senior Deaconess’ daughter?”  Then she can’t say anything because she has done something wrong, and the next time, she has to be very careful and cautious because she doesn’t want to make another mistake.  Then, whenever she comes to church, she has no choice but to be cautious all the time so that she doesn’t make another mistake.  But will other people mind that outside the field? No, they will go on living as they were. That’s why you won’t be able to save people like that.  

A lot of the churches around this area are like this, maybe all of them are like this.  There are a lot of Catholics and many Hispanics are Catholic.  It seems like Catholicism is talking about the Bible, of Christ and the gospel, but instead, they’re actually blocking it.  Instead of being confused about Christ, all their actions and rituals don’t allow them to focus on Christ.  

First of all, Catholics emphasize Mary and raise large statues of Mary. When I went to South America, even in the airport, there was a large statue of Mary that was super white with lots of twinkling lights.  Because they made this large statue of Mary, it shows in part that they are skewed away from Christ.  They at least need to have the answer of Christ being the one who solved all curses and disasters, but instead, they focus on Jesus Christ, this baby that had no strength or power.  Because Jesus Christ is a baby, the statue of Mary is always greater,  it’s talking about Mary giving birth to the child.  

How is that the gospel? They don’t even talk about Christ overcoming Satan, they only talk about Mary and the baby Jesus with a halo around their heads.  That’s why they proclaim that Mary has no Original Sin.  When I went to Navajo, on the train, I met a couple from New York, and they were Catholic and they talked about that.  Catholicism is a religion where it seems like the gospel, but they’re slightly askew from that, but there are seem people who can receive the gospel within Catholicism.  Instead of following the Catholic church, there is a minority that follows the Word of God.

Regardless, if you lose hold of this term, “Field,” then you’ve lost hold of everything. You must always have this and always think about, “How will I do my Upper Room meeting in the field?”  Acts 28:31 is talking about this movement.  


God, we thank You.  In the field, may this Word, Prayer, and Discipleship and Evangelism Movement take place.  May we start anew with the Biblical Upper Room meeting. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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