Blessing of All Circumstances Becoming Immanuel (Mt. 2:13-23)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Blessing of All Circumstances Becoming Immanuel (Mt. 2:13-23)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Let us bless one another, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.”  I hope that today, through the worship, there may be a time where you enjoy the blessings of heaven.  We are not a creation that lives only with the things of the earth.  Without a doubt, there is a blessing and a power of heaven that is prepared for us. When we restore that, the true value of Christ is revealed to the world. 

1. Circumstance of hiding Jesus

  1) King Herod

    (1) To keep his status as king (Centered on Me, Physical Things, Success)

What is the content of Matthew 2 that we read today?  When Jesus Christ was born on earth, it was revealed that he would be the King of the Israelites and King of all Kings, and King Herod was very furious about that. The reason he was furious was because there was another king other than himself. The Messiah Who could save King Herod had come, but he was more concerned about maintaining his kingship, so he thought to kill Jesus.

    (2) Attempt to kill Jesus (Mt. 2:16)

King Herod actually represents the inner nature all humans have.  When I compare myself and the gospel, if the gospel is a loss or disadvantage to me, I want to let go of the gospel.  If the gospel hurts my pride then I don’t care if it’s the gospel, the church, or God Himself, I don’t need it.  That’s actually what happened with King Herod that day, and those things are happening even today.  If we just let go of the gospel, we revert back to the way Satan desires.

    (3) Satan’s work (Eph. 6:11,12)

Eph. 6:11-12 says that Satan uses the powers, the rulers, and the authorities of the world just so he can prevent the gospel from shining. Satan says, “I will give you the power to succeed; just block the gospel.” That was King Herod back in those times, but it’s also the case today. 

  2) An angel of the Lord (Mt. 2:13)

    (1) Told Joseph in advance (Mt. 2:13)

God already knew this was happening and He sent an angel of the Lord to Joseph to tell him.

    (2) To Egypt – Location (Mt. 2:13)

    (3) Stay there until I tell you – Time (Mt. 2:13)

    (4) Left for Egypt (Mt. 2:14)

God does not tell him directly, but He uses a messenger of the Lord to give the accurate message, “Go to Egypt and stay there until I tell you.” He tells him the location and the time. And the Lord gives the message through His angel accurately, saying, “After King Herod dies, come back to Israel.”  At this time, right now, God is sending His heavenly angels and hosts, giving His accurate Word. That is the time of worship.  God tells you all of the things that will happen in the future in advance, and for people who’ve gotten a taste of this, they love and enjoy worship. 

But people who have not experienced this yet, even if they come to worship, they are conflicted, “Why do I really have to go?”  Without a doubt, God will fulfill the Word God gives to us. May that blessing be upon you today. Last week was a week where the Lord of all Lords, Jesus Christ, was guiding me perfectly as my King.  I stand before you as a witness that those words are the facts, why? It is because God is fulfilling everything according to His Word, even now. 

Throughout the week, through the many things that happen in our lives, through our thoughts and emotions, God was guiding us perfectly as the King, and because of that, God’s Kingdom is established upon me, and God’s Kingdom is something you cannot experience in the world. The things that exist only in heaven begin to be established upon me.  I receive joy, peace, and rest.  This is not something that came to me because I went to church diligently, but simply by believing in the Word that God gives me, He gives me this evidence, and I believe only the Word God gives me today will be fulfilled throughout the rest of the week.

  3) Fulfillment of the Old Testament

Today, the Word of God is telling us that all the words of the Old Testament align perfectly with the incident of Jesus Christ’s birth.  

    (1) Boys two years old and under killed – Jer. 31:15 fulfilled

King Herod wanted to kill Jesus Christ, so he calculated from the Magi’s words that he should be about two years old, and gave the command to kill every child under two years. Because of that, imagine how much pain the parents felt.  However, the book of Matthew is telling us that this is fulfilling the Word in Jer. 31:15.  If I tell you these words, people who don’t like to think very deeply might get confused.  But I’ll tell you simply so we can pray about this simply.

In the Old Testament, the Word given at that time was regarding the incidents in that age, however, even back in those times, those words given for that age were a fulfillment of the words given even earlier.  Now, the book of Matthew is telling us that the words that were given to us in the Old Testament were yet again the fulfillment of the Word given during Jesus’ birth.  

In the Old Testament, Jacob’s second wife Rachel was so sad because she didn’t have a child, but then she conceived two children, Joseph and Benjamin. Right after Benjamin was born, Rachel died, and imagine how much Rachel suffered because of that. She suffered so severely because she didn’t have children.  Right when she’s giving birth, she passes away, and that suffering was great too, but that suffering was the same as the people of Israel whose children under two years old were murdered.  

As reference, the way we believe the Bible and the way the people in the Old Testament looked at the Bible are different.  We are looking far back into history, 2000 years ago when Jesus Christ was born, so it makes sense to us logically.  But back in those days, they didn’t judge everything with that mentality.  2000 years ago, they understood that everything was fulfilled according to the words of the Old Testament. Even if you don’t understand all the intricacies, you just have to understand that everything that was spoken about in the Old Testament was used to prophesy and was fulfilled when Jesus Christ was born. 

    (2) Jesus escaped to Egypt – Hos. 11:1 fulfilled

Then, when Jesus Christ had to flee down to Egypt, that was the fulfillment of Hos. 11:1. Hosea’s wife, Gomer, was a prostitute.  She would always leave the house for multiple months at a time, living with another woman’s husband, and she eventually went completely into a prostitute home until Hosea had to go and buy her back.  That was used to represent the betrayal of the Israelite people towards God. Despite all their unfaithfulness and betrayal towards God, God says He will rescue His people out of Egypt, so this was the Word that was true of Hosea as well as the Israelites in Exodus, and now, in Jesus Christ being called from Egypt in Matthew.

For people who are getting a headache, just don’t listen. That’s why I try not to give a sermon that’s a lecture like this, because when I lecture like this, there are some people who get confused.  However for those people, just understand simply that the words of the Old Testament were fulfilled when Jesus Christ was born.

    (3) Settlement at Nazareth – Is. 11:1 fulfilled

After Jesus Christ was born, King Herod passed away and gave his rulership to his three sons. That’s an oligarchy, which isn’t a true kingship or monarchy; it is splitting the throne.  Now that King Herod had passed away, the angel tells Joseph to bring his family back to Israel, and he was about to go to Bethlehem where he used to live, but a son of King Herod still reigned there and he was scared, so he went to Nazareth instead.  Even that move down to Nazareth was to fulfill the words of Isaiah 11:1, that He would be a Nazarene, a shoot that will come up from the stump of Jesse.  Jesse was a shepherd and he was very powerless, he was powerless and there was nothing charismatic about him, but out of him would come the Messiah.

In Isaiah 53:2, it says Jesus Christ was like a tender shoot, He had no beauty or majesty that we would be attracted to Him.  Through multiple prophets in the Old Testament, the Bible was telling us in advance that the Messiah would be born in a place with no background, no power, and no intelligence.  That was like the place of Nazareth, people used to say, “What good could come out of Nazareth?” So even though Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem, he grew up in Nazareth, and that’s why people shouted, “Jesus of Nazareth,” and the root word of “Nazarene” in Hebrew is the same as that tender shoot that had no beauty, power, or wit.

2. Jesus Christ

  1) Fulfillment of the word

Then, if it’s true that the many incidences that happened in the Old Testament were simply to testify about Jesus Christ, then what do you think the many incidences that happen in our lives today are prophesying or talking about? That’s what we will share the Word of God with today. That is how you will properly interpret all the incidences in your life and receive the correct answer.  That’s why you must look at the Bible accurately in order to receive God’s Word.  If you do not look at the Bible accurately, then you are not receiving God’s Word, you are just receiving whatever word you desire.

    (1) Law of Moses, Prophets, Psalms – Written about Christ (Lk. 24:44)

Jesus Christ said Himself in Lk. 24:44, “Everything that is written in the Law of Moses, the Prophets, and the Psalms” was speaking about Jesus Christ. The “Law of Moses” is the Pentateuch, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, and the Prophets meaning the Major and Minor prophets, all the prophetic writings, and the Psalms.  Simply put, everything that was written in the Old Testament was written to talk about Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ said, “This person,” that’s how He trained His disciples and that’s how we should look at it as well, otherwise, you won’t be able to understand what’s going on in your present reality. It doesn’t matter how much you go to church or how much you read the Bible; you cannot see God’s Word.

    (2) Abraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing my day (Jn. 8:56)

In John 8:56, it says, “Abraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing my day; he saw it and was glad,” even though Abraham was born thousands of years before Jesus. The Israelites were known as the descendants of Abraham, but Jesus Christ said these words. How could Abraham have seen Jesus? He saw Jesus Christ with faith Who was the Savior, and was glad. Even in Genesis, through Abraham, God is fulfilling and recording all the ways Jesus Christ would come as the Savior and fulfill everything.

    (3) Goal for writing – Believe in Christ and receive life (Jn. 20:31)

In John 20:31, “But these are written,” that is, the book of John that was written explaining the Old Testament, “that you may believe Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing, you may have life in his name.” To apply this on a personal level, everything you’ve experienced in your life until now was so that you can believe that Jesus is the Christ and receive life in His name. All the scars and failures of my past were so that I could believe that Jesus is the Christ. God is allowing all these incidences in my past so that I may know that Jesus is the Christ today.  

However, if you don’t know this, then all the scars of your past will remain in you as your scars.  However, even in your past, the reason God allowed all of that to happen is so that you may know the Christ and have life. With that, the problems of your past are solved.  Even your current problems are solved because Jesus Christ is with you right now.  All incidences, problems, and crises that are happening right now are something that God is allowing to prove that God is with us.  

If you don’t see everything this way, then you really don’t believe in God because, think of it this way, Jesus Christ is leading you in this direction but you’re looking at something else. It doesn’t matter what else you’re looking at; there’s nothing there.  The King of all Kings and the Lord of all Lords and the One Who is controlling all of creation with His Word in Hebrews 1:3 is guiding us in this way.  Everything that will happen in the future as well–the problems, the crises, all successes and failures–is something God is allowing so that Christ may be revealed.

  2) Fulfillment of Immanuel 

    (1) Me – With (Gal. 2:20, 2 Cor. 5:17)

    (2) Us (Church) – With (Mt. 1:23)

The reason why Jesus Christ came to the world was to fulfill the word of “Immanuel,” to be with me, to be with us, the church, and in the Biblical times, they said, “With us,” implying the entire nation of Israel.  But we are no longer centered on the nation of Israel. After Jesus Christ resurrected, He created the early church, and now we are in the age of the church.  That means there is a work God is trying to do through the church, and for that, He gives us His Word, the working of the Holy Spirit, and He gives you answers in your studies and your business to fulfill this mission.  So, without a doubt, Immanuel, God is with us, His church, His Word will for sure be fulfilled, so you must absolutely enjoy this blessing.  The way to be used by God is to ask Him, “What is my role in the work You are doing in the church?” because God came to earth to be with us, and those words are being fulfilled exactly today.  

    (3) All work – With (Rom. 8:28)

Also, God is with all work. God fulfills His great purpose in all things.  God uses all of your past, all your failures and successes for the sake of fulfilling the mission, that is, world evangelization. Then, you must stand as witnesses of God’s Word, that Jesus is with me, with us, and with all things. You come back to church on Sunday with the evidence, “Wow, God is truly with me,” that’s how you may have victory throughout the week and come in worship.

However, if you’ve failed the week, you have not experienced that.  You think failure is not being able to do something well, but God says true failure is when God gives you His Word, but you’re not able to see how it’s being fulfilled.  When you live, week by week, victorious, that becomes the greatest kind of victory. Imagine how many things happened to you this week, imagine how many thoughts, emotions, and incidences happened to you. According to the Word God gave you last week, Jesus Christ is your King, and you receive the evidence that Jesus Christ is reigning over you.

Through realizing that Jesus Christ is reigning and moving over you, you receive the things of heaven including peace and joy. No one else can give you joy.  That joy is just temporary; it only goes to the level of satisfaction.  That can never be a joy that heals the inner problems that are hidden within you. It will not be a happiness that allows you to overcome any situation.  It doesn’t matter how much you accomplish, you may have temporary satisfaction, but it will disappear.  

  3) Time for the power of the throne to be established

    (1) Worship (Ac. 2:1-4)

However, when my Lord and Savior begins to reign over me, the blessings of heaven will be upon me, and you must enjoy this during this time of worship. Simply put, a student who is studying must finish everything during the class lecture time, they need to ask all their questions to the teacher, but instead, they just take it home and worry about it themselves; that’s why it takes them twice as long to learn.  In order for you to have victory in today’s worship, even before you come to church, pray to God and ask, “What is the Word You would like me to receive? Allow the work that glorifies God be fulfilled in me through Your Word,” Because God says He will receive glory. “Then give me the Word that will give You glory, God.” He is ruling over the entire world as the King of Kings. “Give me the Word with which You guide me forward.”

If you come to worship with this work before, then you will receive the Word of God amazingly, and for people who have received the Word of God like that, they live the rest of their week, holding onto that Word like that.  You will not hold onto the words you just memorized, you will not hold onto because they’re already in your brain, but the words that you pray to God asking to receive you will receive, and that work will, without a doubt, be fulfilled.  Just like all the words of the Old Testament were fulfilled when Jesus Christ was born, all the Words that the Living God is giving to me right now will be fulfilled through Immanuel.  

This God of Immanuel is with me with all authority on heaven and on earth, and He is with me with the power that enables me to make disciples of all nations. You received it for free, because it’s impossible to gain it with your efforts; God gives it to you for free by faith.  If you gain something by taking a test for it, that’s your skill or effort, but the things of heaven cannot be attained that way. “All I have to do is believe.”  The One Who is with me is with me in all power in heaven and earth, and the power to make disciples of all nations, then that power will be revealed in you.  

    (2) Scheduled prayer (Dan. 6:10, Gen. 12:7,8, Gen. 41:38)

Daniel, who believed in this, faced the temple of Jerusalem and prayed the covenantal prayer that gave him strength, three times a day. That power was revealed through Daniel as he overcame all problems, crises, and the politics of the age. For business people, how can you overcome everything that is going to happen in the future?  When the power of God is with you, God will show you. There was not a single person who could help Daniel, but it was still okay, and there were many people around Daniel who were trying to kill him.  We think like this, “My life is like this because of this person,” and that may be true, but that person cannot overcome the world. That person fails in the world, even after they succeed, they fail. We have the blessing of winning over and saving the world through the power of heaven.

Gen. 12:7.8, Abraham knew this and built an altar there to the Lord at the trees of Mamre. Joseph knew this and became a slave alone, and being a slave is a problem.  First and foremost, it is such a blow to one’s pride.  Even if someone looks down on us a little, we can hardly handle it.  But if we were to be a slave, we wouldn’t handle it at all.  Imagine, you receive the greatest presents form your father, but one day, you’re taken as a slave. How was it that he was able to overcome and save his entire field?  

Genesis 41:38 says, “There is no one else who is filled with the spirit of God like this man,” he received the power of God being with him. And this was revealed at Potiphar’s house as blessings. If we say that Joseph worked well, that’s only the basic level. Of course he worked his greatest effort,but by working your hardest, you will only make a living and eat.  The power of heaven must be upon you in order for you to make the economy that saves the world.  For the remnants, in order to save that world, God has already prepared your talents and specialization.

    (3) Continuous prayer – 24 hour watchman (Eph. 6:18)

So I hope you will stop wandering around the world with the methods and books of the world, but instead experience the power of Jesus Christ, because all of that is within God’s power, the future, and even your future job. What do we do when we go out into the world with this?  Apostle Paul who did world evangelization said in Eph. 6:18, “Pray in all occasions,” but how can we do that when we’re working and studying? You need to find that in order to conquer what you are doing. If you accept everything you hear, see, and feel, that becomes your life.  Imagine how many enemies are around me, the more you succeed, the more enemies you’ll have.  And the success is not the problem, it’s that we are not able to overcome that environment. 

How are you able to overcome that environment and save all those people?  Take everything that you hear, see, and feel, and turn it towards God.  If the main character becomes you, then everything you hear and see becomes your life. That’s the reason why friends are all similar with each other, or similar people will become friends, because the things they see, hear, and feel are aligned. However, those people who take all of that and change it into prayer were seeing their friends. That was Joseph. How is it that he was taken as a slave, but he changed Potiphar’s house? That blessing is yours, and you must find it.  I hope you will put this into practice.  

All the thoughts that are coming into your thoughts now, as evidence that we’re alive, we’re constantly getting thoughts.  As this repeats, the gospel will seize you; where do your thoughts come from?  If they come from God, it’s an answer, but it came from the world. Those are thoughts that can neither save nor overcome the world. You change all of that towards God.  You look at it through God’s perspective. If you look at it from your perspective, you get scarred, and it’s exhausting.  You have to go to work and the words that people are saying are so exhausting.  If you listen to all those words and come home, you can’t worship; you just have to lay down. That’s why this world is no joke.  However, God said that He gave us the answer to save and change the world. That’s the 24 hour prayer of being with God. Even right now, all the thoughts going into you right now. I hope you will change it into prayer.  

When you study, you must do this, then you are studying after already having overcome the world. If you’re studying so much but you’re going to end up losing to the world anyway, it doesn’t make sense. you run your business so diligently, but you’re bound to ultimately lose to the world, that’s a losing game.  We are playing a game that wins over the world, but if we are trying our best but we lose to the world, that’s failure. How was this word being fulfilled?  Everything you study and learn in the culture of the world is just one research on the world; that is not the entire world. You’ve only studied one small aspect of the world, and you’re trying to work with that small portion.  But how is this world fulfilled? John 12:31 says there is a prince of this world. That means there is a ruler who is moving the world, and right now, we’re studying and working underneath His rule.  If you are older and you’ve experienced more of life, but if you don’t know who the prince of the world is, then you really don’t know much. You live so diligently, but later you realize you’ve lived your whole life deceived by the prince of the world.

3. Fulfillment of God’s kingdom

  1) World

    (1) Ruler of the world (Jn. 12:31, 14:30, 16:11)

What is the work the prince of the world is doing?

    (2) Followed the ways of the world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air (Eph. 2:2)

Eph. 2:2 says he makes us follow the ways of the world. What are the ways of the world? “Humans are the master,” democracy.  What is Capitalism? It is that money is king.  All of those words are irrelevant to god.  People think that religion is better, but that has nothing to do with God still. The many words and culture and advertisements of the world are telling us that humans are the master.  The ways of the world tell you you’re the master of your own life, so live your plan as the greatest of your abilities, and that’s the way the ruler of the kingdom of the air is controlling all of us.  

    (3) Cravings of the flesh and heart – Child of wrath (Eph. 2:3)

It turns out, we follow the ways of the world and the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit now at work in those who are disobedient.  When Satan was corrupted, he fell with many of the angels of heaven. Even now all these demons are working following the words of Satan.  Even now, these demons are working in those who are disobedient.  All of the shootings we see are not incidences that come just because people are scarred. Do you have any idea how hard it is to kill someone, even on the battlefield in war?  But in order for you to shoot and kill people who have nothing to do with your life, that is impossible unless that person is possessed by evil spirits, and something that is more dangerous in America is that these shootings will continue to arise.  

Because America is free of drugs, they are allowing people to experience this other kind of happiness, and drug related problems will continue to accelerate.  However, these people are gratifying the cravings of their sinful nature; they are not doing what God desires, they do what they want, so that is how they live in the world. Tha’ts why Paul told the church of Colossians in Col. 1:5, that “Greed is idolatry.”  The reason why the Israelites failed is because everything is within God, but they didn’t believe in this but believed in their own greed, and took upon them the idols of the Gentile nations. 

Are you serving God or me, or are you serving something else as well because your greed is not satisfied? You say you don’t serve anything else, but you really are. In what situation?  When you don’t believe everything is found within Jesus Christ, you’re bound to serve an idol.  Because everything is within Jesus Christ, we worship only Him.  In my life, I need only Jesus Christ. 

Everything in my future I need only Jesus Christ. If you don’t believe in this, you’re bound to hold onto something else.  That’s what you call idolatry, that’s when you used to live, gratifying the cravings of your sinful nature, making us by nature, objects of wrath. That is the world.  You need to go into the world, knowing the world. You need to go to the land of America, knowing how America is. If you look at the politics of America, and you think they’re so great, you don’t really know America.  You need to know how the kingdom of Satan is working through the politics and finances to know really, and that is only spoken about in the Bible, so only the church can teach you. 

  2) Me

    (1) Royal priesthood, holy nation, one to declare the wonderful light (1 Pt. 2:9)

In this kind of world, who am I? You are a royal priesthood, and what is royalty? The King Who can overcome Satan. I am like the True King Who overcame the authority of Satan.  I have the priesthood that can overcome all the sins and curses and disasters.  You are the priesthood and the holy nation who are able to save all of those who are suffering from mental illness and addictions in the name of Jesus Christ. You’re living in another nation, even though you’re living in the same world, you’re reigned over by another party. You are the one who will declare this wonderful light. I have come as an ambassador of Christ.  This is our identity.  

You have to know this to save America.  If you succeed without this, then I’m telling you now, the Bible says that’s not success.  If you don’t know this, but things are going well for you, the Bible tells us that isn’t going well at all. What is the true blessing? Knowing and confessing the accurate Word of Jesus Christ, blessed are you, Simon, son of Jonah. The one who is blessed like this must have success in order for that success to be used to save people. But what happens if you succeed without having this blessing? The authority and ruler of the world will destroy this person, that’s why you must know who you are.  I am a royal priesthood, I am a member of a holy nation, a different nation. It doesn’t matter what anybody else is doing, I will follow the Lord’s Word. I am one who will declare the wonderful light, and the devil knows this.  

The devil knows that you know your identity.  From that point on, the devil will run away because you resolved in your heart to shine the light, then of course, the darkness has to flee. The darkness controlling people must flee; the darkness in your family must flee. If you’re in darkness but things are going well, it only seems like that but one day you will be deceived by darkness. Without first binding the strong man,  your work will not take place. It seems like things are working out, but later on, it’s all wrong.  

    (2) One with the authority of heaven and earth is with me (Mt. 28:18, 20)

The One Who has all authority of heaven and earth is with me forever, then to do what?

    (3) Make disciples of all nations – 237 antenna (Mt. 28:19)

To make disciples of all nations. That’s the reason God is with you.  Aligning your business and studies in the direction of making disciples of all nations is aligned with God.  If you haven’t done that now, just start now.  

  3) Church and business

    (1) Baptize in the name of the Triune God (Mt. 28:19)

    (2) Teach to obey everything (Mt. 28:20)

    (3) Healing (Mk. 16:15-18)

    (4) Lamb – Future generation (Jn. 21:15-18)

Everything in my life will be with the Lord in the direction of saving the 237 nations, healing the people, and raising the future generations. That’s what it says in Matthew 28, to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them, meaning to bring them into the church, and teaching them to obey everything Jesus told you, and then Jesus sent them back out  into the world.

We are the ones who are ambassadors of Jesus Christ. our citizenship is in heaven so our background is in heaven. If this sounds too vague to you, it’s okay because later on, you’ll see it.  But among you, there is someone who hears this as their words, and that person will succeed throughout the week.  There is a time schedule God gives for each individual.  I’m standing before you as a witness, I’m not simply trying to make a living giving you the knowledge of the theology I’ve learned. I’m giving you the Word as a witness that the Word of God is true. 


1. Fulfillment of Immanuel upon me

Through today’s scripture, God’s Word is telling us that everything written in the Old Testament was to prophecy about Jesus Christ and the reason Jesus Christ came to earth was to be with us, that Word was fulfilled. 

2. Fulfillment of Immanuel upon the church

Everything that is happening to us, that is the incident of Immanuel.  

3. Fulfillment of Immanuel upon the field

Everything that will happen now in the future is the situation of Immanuel that testifies of this gospel to the entire world.  There’s no doubt about it.  May you hold onto this covenant throughout the rest of this week and come back next week with the evidence God is with you.  There’s a Word God has given specifically to you today. If you still don’t know what that is, then you have to go home and listen to this again and again until you know. That’s why God gave us the day of Sunday to not work and to concentrate on His Word.  Let us pray right now, holding onto the Word of the covenant God has given to us so we can pray for the rest of the week that it may be fulfilled.


Let us pray together holding onto the Word we have received.

Offering Prayer and Newcomer Prayer

God, we thank You. We believe You are with us now and will be with us forever to make disciples of all nations, to heal all people, and to raise future generations. Allow us to live with the answers that come from the life of Christ through everything we do.  We have returned Your material blessings as offering.  We pray that You will answer the offering as tithe, missions and future generations offering, and temple construction offering, we have given as the economy of light to save the 237 nations, the 5000 tribes, and the temple construction. We believe the evidence that Jesus is the Christ and the King of all material things will be revealed through this worship and offering. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.  

God, we thank You and pray that You will bless and keep the newcomer Enki. May she be used preciously for Mongolian evangelization.  In Jesus Christ’s name we pray, amen.


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the people of God, the people of all nations, and the remnants who desire to enjoy and testify the blessing of Immanuel through everything and every crisis that happens in their life, be from now until forevermore always, amen.

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