Personal Nurturing and Discipleship (Acts 2:41, 46-47)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Personal Nurturing and Discipleship (Acts 2:41, 46-47)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Joyce Jo

Those people who have this blessing and grace are able to experience this personal nurturing.   In order to do this, what kind of person must we be?


1. Indiviudal – King  (Throne) (Rule)

The person must have a king, and  the individual must know who the True King is for the throne to be established. The individual’s king means, you live according to the King’s rule and power.  The one who lives according to the things of heaven, not of earth; the one who has established the throne.  In order to raise someone up spiritually it means you raise them with the content of the throne.

2. Field – Establish the Throne

The person who is able to correctly see the field.  The person who can see the field with the eyes other people do not have.  The person who is able to see the world with the things of the heavens.  Depending on who reigns over you, the eyes to see the field changes.  These people are able to see the field no one is able to see and is able to relay the answer no one else is able to relay.  

(12 Problems)

The field is suffering under the 12 problems, according to what is written in the Bible, it is the person who is able to see the field. 

Me, Physical, Success

All the people in the field live centered on themselves, the physical things, and success. You must be able to see this. 

(New Age, Freemasons, Jews)

The field is seized and captured by the Three Organizations: The New Age, the Freemasons, and the Jews. The New Age organization emphasizes, “I am god.”  The people who are within the freemasons are the people who are actually seized by the gods they talk about, and they rule over the world with the physical things.  The Jewish people succeeded and they are able to move the world.

Idol Worship, Religion, Transcendental Meditation

People live with greed and have no choice but to be greedy as they are centered on themselves.  With religion and these days, the transcendental meditation movement, that’s how they try to heal themselves, but they aren’t able to change their fundamental state.  Even though they go to church, they serve idols and go as religion, and they try to do things for themselves.  Whether they’re at church or outside of church, they’re all the same. 

Satan, Spiritual, Mental, Physical, Future, Next Generation

They’re completely seized by Satan and cannot come out.  Even believers are seized by Satan and are unable to come out, so that’s why even if they go to the hospital, they aren’t able to heal their fundamental problems. The field is also seized by mental and physical problems, and people live seized by their fear of the future and of death.  The future generation is also living a life without this answer, and we need the person who is able to see this field. 

What must you do after seeing this field? You must be the one who enjoys the throne.

3. World – 237 Throne, Establish the Throne, Business, Academics, Work – Antenna

You must be able to establish the throne of the world, the 237 nations.  Their work is the antenna, and the beginning is establishing the throne upon myself.  The one who has authority in heaven and on earth is with me and works upon me with that power. Because you’ve received it for free, you can also enjoy it for free.  Even when you make mistakes, you can hold onto this and not stumble.  When you are feeling different kinds of emotions, instead of being captured by your emotions, you can hold onto this.  Don’t fall into your problems, hold onto this.  Don’t try to tackle other people’s problems, instead, hold onto this.  Don’t try to be uselessly involved in politics, instead hold onto this and then you will be able to see the field.

Because you can’t see the field, that’s why you have no choice but to fight with one another, “I’m right, you’re wrong,” and besides politics, even for all other problems, there are different perspectives. 


1. Three Basics

That’s why this person must have the three basics.  What basics must they have?

1) Personal Evangelism (1 Peter 2:9)

First, it’s the person who has personal evangelism who can relay this answer to whomever they meet. 1 Peter 2:9, you have been called as the royal priesthood, a holy nation, called to declare the praises of His marvelous light.  We are not doing this personal evangelism just because you don’t have a job or work to do, but instead, the one who is able to enjoy this throne is able to be the royal priesthood who can declare the praises and light to other people.

You’re able to do this personal evangelism because you’ve been liberated from the problems that others are still suffering under, that is, Satan, sin, and separation. If you haven’t come out of this problem, you cannot evangelize because you haven’t had the answer. People who emphasize and praise the physical things cannot do personal evangelism.  Why is that? It’s because they think very highly of themselves and look down on others. 

Evangelism is something God does.  God uses multiple methods in order to do evangelism.  But other people regard the people who do personal evangelism as someone who is crazy and out of their mind. But those people are the ones who are caught and seized by physical things and are unable to come out.  Only those who have the great blessings are able to do personal evangelism. 

That’s why you can go around with different materials.  If you don’t have the time or ability to share with that person at that time, you can just hand them the material.  The bulletin is very nice and handy to use, it has all the information you need, including the QR code to the website and the way of salvation on the back.  You can hand the bulletin to people so they can read the bulletin and get plugged into the church.

If I’m unable to speak with them one-on-one, handing them the materials is very good. Even the design is very simple and nice to look at, so you can just hand them the bulleting saying, “Please read this,” and if the Holy Spirit works, God will move them, and if not, it doesn’t matter; I don’t need to overstep the lines because it’s in God’s hands.

Even on Sunday outside in the parking lot, there was a Caucasian man who was slumped down. I tried to call out to him but he kept sleeping. Since he’s able to sleep despite the hot, scorching sun, it means he’s not really normal.  Then, I took out a bulletin and placed it near him, and that’s it.  If you don’t relay the content to them, the person has no opportunity.  Because God has allowed me to meet with this person and I have this blessing, God wants me to relay this blessing to others.  My daughter also saw this and this is how I’m training other people and doing internship.  Unconsciously when we see those people, we just pass by them, why? It’s because I don’t know what kind of blessings I have.


That’s why every day, God’s best plan is fulfilled through me because I am a royal priesthood, and I am the one who will declare this wonderful light.  I am no longer a slave of the Kingdom of Satan, but I am a holy nation.  Because God’s plan is fulfilled in my life, that’s why I ask Him what it is.  For those who are unable to enjoy this, they have no choice but to raise their own plans.  What is that plan? That plan is Genesis 3, 6, and 11, being centered on me, physical things, and success, and being seized by Satan, I start my day.  These people live a life serving idols and religions, and these are the people who complain, “I don’t have any answers.”  God has called me as a new creation, so instead of my plan, I need to follow after God’s new plan every single day, and you go forth knowing this plan.


This plan is given to me through the Word, so how will I know God’s plan? It is through His Word.  When you ask Him what His plan is, God will surely work through the Word. 


I hold onto it as my prayer topic. 


I connect it to evangelism.  We always need to have this plan.  What is God’s plan for this Friday healing evangelism school for Antioch Mission Church?  For those who ask this while coming here, they will surely receive God’s Word.  This will come into my life as my prayer topic, and God will surely allow you to meet the people to whom you must relay this message.  It’s the same for every single day, you have to start with God’s plan.  When you attend early morning service, that is when God gives you the Word, and that’s the prayer topic you hold onto throughout the day, and that’s also God’s evangelism plan for you.

If you can do personal evangelism, it means you’re the most blessed person.  If you think personal evangelism is for people who are strange, then you’re strange.  You’re holding onto your earthly plans instead of the heavenly things, so they think, “It’s weird to do personal evangelism,” but no, you’re actually weird.  Unbelievers and people of the world think this is foolish, “Will that bring you happiness or give you anything?”

2) Mark’s Upper Room / Regional Church (Evangelism)

I hope that no one attacks us because of the words we’re using; be guided according to God’s time schedule.  If you do true evangelism, then you don’t need to attack this.  Why do we have Mark’s Upper Room and the regional church? It is for evangelism.  That’s very important.  If you meet without this, it is not a Mark’s Upper Room or a regional church. People are meeting together in this regional church in order to evangelize.  You meet together in Mark’s Upper Room with the mission and commission of saving other people. 


The people who gather together are the ones who have this heart of evangelism.  If you lose hold of the word, ‘evangelism,’ and you just meet together, that’s just a meeting of church members, but through the Mark’s Upper Room and the regional church, allow them to confirm and enjoy the blessing of evangelism. Satan deceives us so that we lose hold of the value of evangelism.  Even if we do everything else, if we lose hold of evangelism, Satan rejoices.  Even if you’re alone but you have the direction of evangelism, that’s a regional church.

Answer, Future

Then that location is the place to confirm God’s answers.  Throughout the week, was Jesus Christ truly the King of my life? “I entrusted everything to God throughout the week and He gave me the answer,” and this is the answer you confirm.  What else? What will happen in my future? God will always make it so that you can confirm that you will evangelize to the ends of the earth.  These are the blessings within this Mark’s Upper Room meeting and the regional church.

3) Personal Nurturing

Personal nurturing is just personal nurturing, it’s different from the Mark’s Upper Room meeting. When you’re nurturing unbelievers or new believers, what must you nurture them with? 

1) Understand the Gospel

It is the gospel of grace, but they must understand the gospel. You don’t need unnecessary biblical knowledge; you just need the gospel.  What is the gospel? Having them understand this is true nurturing.  This week, I had an encounter with a new believer as I was nurturing them.  I can say this, but they don’t know, but until they’re able to understand, it’s not that they understand the term, “Gospel,” but they understand the content of the gospel and enjoy it in their lives.

(World – Satan, Sin, Hell)

Before, you used to live, seized by the world, by the powers and the ruler of the world, Satan.  You were separated from God, under sin, and you had no choice but to suffer under curses. Through Christ, you have been liberated from this world, and this is the person you are. You have come out of the authority of sin and Satan. This is the gospel but you’re living in this world, aren’t you?  Right? The current circumstance didn’t change. They have the same family and job, but the only thing that changes is that they go back and forth from church and they’re considered a Christian, but that’s how they misunderstand. This happens if they’re unable to understand the gospel, so that’s why you need to help these people understand the gospel. You have been liberated from the world but you still live in the world. 

Problem – With

You might encounter problems, but since you’re liberated from the world, you’ll see problems differently.  In the problem, you are with God, so since you have the blessing of the one who has this gospel as a child of God, that’s why you must discover God’s plan and answer within that problem.  Even though you might talk about the gospel to these new believers, they may know the term, “Gospel,” but they don’t know the content.

“You must be imprinted and rooted within the gospel,” but they must understand what the gospel is.  You have been liberated from sin, Satan, and hell, but new believers don’t understand this.  Because it’s something you can’t see, even though they have received grace to believe this, they cannot understand or perceive what it means. They have lived all their lives in this world, but now they’re liberated so you must explain this to them.

God is with you in all problems and will give you the answer even within that, so the new believer asked, “If I pray, will He answer?” I said, “Of course.  God isn’t going to answer you according to what you want, but He will answer according to what is most blessed and right for you.” Not just new believers, everyday churchgoers don’t understand what the gospel means. 

This COVID pandemic started and isn’t going away, it continues but these people aren’t able to enjoy and apply this gospel.  They pray, “May the COVID pandemic go away,” they don’t understand why God gave the pandemic. Because they don’t understand what the gospel means, they live a legalistic, religious life.  They lived their walk of faith with the same nature as when they were seized by Satan.  When you understand the gospel, that’s when it must be your root and nature within you. 

2) Gospel Nature

Having the nature of the gospel means as soon as a problem comes, your nature is to turn to the gospel  and to God.  You understand the gospel but you have a different nature, so you revert to the nature of legalism and the world.  Those who understand the gospel still revert to the nature of religion, living centered on themselves, and legalism, they cannot come out of the religious life.  That is why when you nurture another person, make them understand the gospel and help them have the nature of the gospel.

3) Gospel Direction, Judgment

When they face an incident, make it so that their direction is the direction of the gospel of saving lives.  If you continue to judge someone with legalism, Satan has no choice but to work. You must live according to this direction of the gospel and saving lives in order for God to work.  This is the standard of nurturing someone else. 

2. Establish the Disciples

1) Mark’s Upper Room Personal Message – Answer – Individual Message

There’s a personal message given during the Mark’s Upper Room meeting. You must have a message specifically for that person. When they come to you with their problem, you must have this message of answers.  I met someone who had been going around from small church to small church. This person has power so a lot of the pastors prayed upon this person, then when this person came to the church, they would give this person work to do, so they were tested every church they visited.  “I don’t want to go to church anymore because I get tested.” 

What kind of message must we give to this person in order for them to come out of this?  That is why you receive training.  The message you receive on Saturdays and the pulpit can develop your faith, but to nurture and save other people, you must go to these trainings.  Because you don’t go to these trainings, you’re unable to give the answer.

Why are people tested?  It says in the Bible, 1 John, it says people are tested because of their own greed.  If you say this to a new believer, would they be able to understand? That’s why you must specifically teach this to them, to see all things with the eyes of the gospel. This new believer is a businessperson so that’s why they have their own perspective, while this person is working with the people of the church, the pastor may be dull and the church may not work in the ways of the world, but that’s why this person may be tested. That’s why it says in the Bible to pray so you may not be tempted. This person has no choice but to continuously resent the church and that’s how Satan works.  

When you meet these people, say, “Since you’re someone in a state where you have no choice but to be tempted when you listen to the word, then just listen to the Word. So that they’re able to understand the correct gospel.  Eventually since this person is unable to understand the gospel, they see everything from their perspective and say they’re tested.  This person may be tested by their pastor, but how would a pastor test their church members? Why would a parent test their children when they have so much anger and resentment towards their children? This is something the person had, and to say this in the opposite way, this person had so many things to be thankful for, but they were unable to be thankful.  It’s the same as when we explained this physically, a child only focuses on the one thing the parents did wrong, even though the parent did 99 great things, so this person is in a spiritually insecure state.

Are you tested? I hope not, and I hope you pray to not be tested.  That means you have fallen into your greed.  You say you’re tested because it doesn’t go along. You say yourself that you’re tested because the pastor isn’t exactly what you expect him to be. Pastors are also sinners, Pastor Kim would see the small sheet of Jesus, and that person is being too greedy. They’re just pastors.  The only thing who has no sin is Jesus.  Through the pastor’s sermon, you discover who Jesus is.  You didn’t come to church to observe the pastor and the speech patterns, if you wanted to do that, you could go out into the world.

Sometimes people may recommend things to make you better, and parents reprimand their child because they know their children can do better, but the child says they’re being persecution.  “The pastor is expressing love for me, telling me this because he has high expectations for me.”  If you don’t perceive it this way, you might not take this lightly.  It’s the same for when a child decides they want to leave home because of the one thing the parents did wrong. 

That person is someone who needs prayer, protection, and spiritual healing.  This isn’t anybody’s problem, this is the fundamentally a problem that Satan makes.  You go with your friends and family but you have scars, and you must be given the correct answer and message.


You must also explain the direction to them.  You need to relay the direction, or else, they will not know where to go, and … you give them the direction of 238, then they won’t live a life without direction.  Through the upper room meeting, they need to receive an answer to their problems.  You need to give the answer through Christ. 


You must always have the direction in which God has planned for you. But many people may not want to understand this, it’s because they’re holding onto something else so they’re unable to hear this. If you ask them what they want to be, they speak eloquently and say many things, but asking what God’s direction is? That’s a big no-no.   You cannot fulfill that by holding onto it, so you must let it go and have God’s direction. I have a new direction God is giving me. God is alive.  But people say, “I don’t want that, I want what I want, and that’s actually coming from your scars.  Because of my scars, I try to cover it up with other things and mix in my plans. But God doesn’t desire that, God grants me you must always have this direction through the Word.  Every week, God gives His message through the pulpit message.


When this becomes clear, hold onto it, and make your life pure.   God gives this word through the pulpit message and Sunday message, and God gives the message for each day through prayer and the Bible.  If you meet people in the top row and give them everything, but you don’t to. You believe half in God and half in others, you’re 50% dead.  God has a reason why He is giving it to you. God gives you the Word through worship.  God gives you the message every single day, through the prayer journal, and through the Holy Spirit. 

Training, Every Day

Through trainings, God gives you the direction.  Such people are not easily deceived by Satan.  Then if I really hold onto the Word of God, I can fix and overcome my weaknesses. Even if it is something God has really given to me, I can really overcome the problems I encounter.  If you have cancer, completely surrender your entire life; doctors can’t help you. When the Word of God comes upon you, you become different.  That is why when a person does discipleship, great blessings are being relayed. 

3) Goal, Vision

Also teach them God’s goal and vision.  Through the church, relay the vision for each individual in the church.  This needs to come to them as a vision so much that it becomes their song and lifestyle.  It is given by God, so they’re able to do this. I have no choice but to be anxious about what’s mine, but don’t worry about it and hold onto the sure things God has given to you. That could be yours.  The multiethnics, disciples, and 237 nations.  You cannot save anyone with theology.  I believe God will fulfill it.

4) Prayer – Content, Happy

You must also teach them what prayer is.  You must have the content of prayer, but if it comes from someone else, that’s wrong.  It becomes the most happiest time.  Why does prayer not take place? I’m trying to pray for my minds, and that’s why prayer isn’t able to take place.  But if you enjoy what God has already fulfilled through prayer, that is the happiest time. What is the happiest time?  You just hear what you’ve been hearing that is why no atter where you go. It will work out, but you’re seeded by more failures and if you don’t hold onto that.

Romans 16

Take a look at Romans 16.  Everything we see, we hear, and we draw are things influenced by the Word. Joyce is going to become a nurse, but if she didn’t have the Word, she would act based on what she knows and how to respond. You cannot draw the things that won’t take place.  Luke is also a doctor who heals, so you must hold onto this vision, holding onto what God has given. That is why, through the remnants, you must have worship. She’s good but cannot solve spiritual problems.  I’m the doctor who will save. That’s what it means to have the happiness of prayer.

Gospel, Word, Vision

You can make your role model from the people of Romans 16 or other politicians or economists in the Bible.  These are the people who held onto God’s covenant and was used by God through their work. This is why it is not just God’s covenant that comes with the Word and gives it to you every day. Jesus Christ Who is King of all Kings, Jesus Christ Who is my King.  Jesus Christ Who is the King of the field.  Jesus Christ who is the King of the world. You hold onto your vision and this is the time you receive strength.  You don’t need to hold to your things. If you hold onto your things and pray, that becomes work.  The happiest time is a time of prayer.

5) Church – Blessing

The church is a blessing but I noticed a lot of church members curse the church. I thought, “Those people are crazy,” it’s because they haven’t tasted hell. Will they only understand after being demon-possessed for 27 years?  The church is such a great blessing, so different from the rest of the world, but if you curse the church, notice those are the people who die first. They cry out the loudest but their cries are the ones who are broken down first.  Remnants learn from this and follow this, so they fail.  They have their own site that they uploaded, and they fail together. 

American education is pretty great to a certain extent, but like the WRC Lectures 1, 2, and 3, it is limited.  Because it is logical and rational, you need it to live in the world.  But think of it as one part of life, but people think of it as everything, so you’re not able to enjoy the things of heaven.  The church is such a great blessing, that’s where the remnants grow up and people pray for you, but if you curse it, then you’ll be cursed.

6) Pastors

Sixth of all, the pastors, many considers pastors to be enemies. You should live as an unbeliever. You won’t have anybody to pray for you.  Try being a believer in an unbeliever family, not even your mom can pray with and for you.  The pastors are at a basic level, praying with whomever they meet, “Oh, but that pastor is my enemy, I don’t like them,” or, “I like them,” isn’t that a life of failure?  I’m a pastor saying these words, so it may be strange, but if someone else said it, it might be easier to understand, but the pastors proclaim the gospel so you don’t have to hate them. 

“The pastor said something that scarred me, so I don’t like them,” they say the pastor pierced them with harsh words and they want the pastor to speak gently instead. That means God is two different people.  You need to align yourself with God, not with people.  Those are things that everybody has.

7) Job

My job must be connected to God’s power and God’s strength.  No matter how diligently you run around, if it’s not aligned with God’s will and God’s plan, that is the Tower of Babel.

8) Field – Continuous

When you go out into the field, many things will arise and that’s why you need to be in continuous prayer. Don’t rely on your thoughts, rely on God through prayer. The things you see and hear, change everything to prayer because God will surely give you the answer.  If you’re trying to do all these things with your thoughts, your IQ doesn’t even go over 150, so you have no choice but to try to cut out people, do things for your own benefit and greed, and do things out of your calculations.  That’s why you need to have this blessing of meeting, and this is the content of discipleship.


God, we thank You.  I pray that the true Mark’s Upper Room and the true discipleship movement will take place. Give us the grace to have this personal nurturing as well as discipleship with other people.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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