The Evangelist’s Early Morning Concentration

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Evangelist’s Early Morning Concentration

How can we change this time so that it becomes the most blessed time?  You just need to think of it as the most blessed time. There’s no method; it’s through faith because God is with you.  The people who are with God, wherever they go, it’s a blessing especially in the place where the Word is proclaimed.  Yesterday, on Saturdays, I usually meet with the Young Adults at 3:30pm, but if I did that, I wouldn’t be able to do WRC Day, but this person had work on Saturday, so I went to WRC Day.  

I also had this plan and this goal of going so that I can have this time of concentration on God.  But after all the lectures were done and it was the Confession of the Evangelist, my thoughts changed. I didn’t change it myself; my thoughts changed, and I confirmed that humans need to receive grace.  I can’t change according to my own willpower; God’s grace needs to come upon me so that those thoughts will slowly disappear or go away. 

God works whether or not the remnants are working at that time or not, but we don’t always have those kinds of times. If there are retreats where we concentrate for a couple days or nights, that’s the opportune time, but if I’m able to make that time for myself, then I’m the most blessed person.  Sunday is the most blessed time where we can concentrate, and all these things will slowly fade away; problems won’t be problems anymore. 

The problems of your family aren’t things you can understand or even overcome.  So, don’t just sit here, pray asking God, “What is the Word You want to give to me?” That is what we call the time of concentration.  Just sitting still, that’s not concentration, because even for school, you can attend lectures and listen, but that’s not concentration.

We’re sitting here today to receive the Word God has given, to do the work God has given, and that’s concentration.  We’re not sitting here out of habit or a religious act, we’re here at a new time, a new day, in order to receive the new words God has given to us. The more you sit here, the more you will receive strength. Don’t just sit here, but sit here while breathing.  If you’re just working diligently without doing this on Sundays, you will be at a greater loss. 

It’s important to be diligent, but that person will become burnt out.  Then, you will end up making another religious person.  If all these roles you have at the church are a tool to concentrate on God, that is the most blessed thing.  But if it becomes a work, you will be at a spiritual loss.  Then, should I not do anything? That’s not what I’m saying, use it as a tool to concentrate on God because that’s what you have to do in the world.  That is how you stand before the king of all people.

Life of the Evangelist

Only Christ

Besides this, there is no other answer.  What kind of answer? 


New Age

How does Satan deceive people? Through the New Age organizations.

Sin, Hell

This is the problem.  If you don’t solve these problems but try to solve other problems, it’s not going to work, it’s like trying to solve mental problems and physical diseases.

(John 19:30)


If you don’t know this, you walk a self-centered walk of faith, and that’s a religious life. What is a religious life? It is going to God, begging God for an answer to your problems.  All religions are the same, then that’s how I can go to it. I beg so that that problem can be solved.  In order to solve that problem, I give offering, I beg, and I also do all these acts.  That is what it means for the church to be a religious place because there are a lot of people who live their walk of faith in this state and cannot come out, then they can never come out of this spiritual state. 


But those physical answers are a misunderstanding.  One day it will all crumble down. That’s the history of the Israelites.  That’s what it means to serve idols.  If you serve idols without going to church, then that’s just that.  But these people serve idols and end up serving themselves.  I’ve died on the cross with Christ, the “me” who wanted to be my own God, the master of my own life, has died on the cross. That “me” is now living with the life of Christ.

If I don’t end it with this, I have no choice but to stumble back to “me.”  I will not be able to come out of this ideology Satan has placed in me. 

Physical, Success ) Eph. 2:2

I have no choice but to be focused on physical things and success. This is how Satan deceives and leads the world.  We try to come out of this by ourselves, but we fall back into it, so we must confirm. Why does this happen? It’s because of me. I’m self-centered and have no choice but to be stuck in these problems.  I make mistakes and point fingers at others.  In this state, you cannot receive blessings because all they talk about is resentment, complaining, and blaming others. Those people do not know they’re trapped in this, but they think they’re doing well. They say other people must die.

Before receiving grace, you cannot come out of this. That was the history of the Israelites.  Even though Christ came onto this earth, they didn’t realize and thought they were doing a good job. They’re getting land, sacrificing it, and they think they’re doing a good job.  But the Romans invaded the Israelites and colonized them, while they think they’re doing a good job.  They think, “I have money and success so it’s not a problem to me,” “My child doesn’t have the covenant but they’ll be okay if they’re successful and physically ok.” They’re manipulated by Satan to fall into religious living, so they need to constantly check themselves of whether they’re going in the right state. 

Why do people change? They are continuously in this state.  We must always be careful of this. Is it my assertion or is it God?  Is it my thoughts or God’s will?  Is it for my benefit or for God’s plan?  We have no choice but to follow after the things that benefit us.  But individuals do not know this themselves because they have no choice but to follow the path of success without the gospel.  We need to be careful of this, that we do not follow after success and are not centered on that. This is the trap and snare Satan has made.  Satan lies and is the father of liars, and we follow after him on this path.  Shamans being possessed by evil spirits is not only the working of Satan; if you follow after the ways of the world, that is also following after the evil spirits and Satan.  If you just think the works of Satan are shamans and fortune-tellers, you’re in big trouble.

Satan deceives us with lies, that’s Genesis 3, 6, and 11.  In Acts 13, 16, and 19, those are the people possessed by evil spirits and had no choice but to act like that in the field.  Satan is using the ways of the world and also the culture, such as books, movies, and music, in order to imprint this New Age ideology.  If Satan used religion, not a lot of people would get into it, but elites are heading towards transcendental meditation and they receive power, so they fall into it all the more.

The New Age movement, the transcendental meditation movement say you have to receive energy from the universe and you can be your god, and it sounds like the gospel, so it turns people upside down. The church just says what to do.  But meet someone who does transcendental meditation, don’t talk to beginners, but talk to people at a higher level, ask them what they talk about.  I met someone, one time we went to the beach with some church officers to go fishing.  We didn’t know the place very well, but there was a Caucasian person who set up a designated tent, but he allowed us to use some of his space.  I shared the gospel with him and he says he’s a Christian who believes in God.

I thought, “Is he really?  Where is God, then?” I was preparing to share the gospel. “God is everywhere in the universe, and God consists of peace, love, and hope, and I’m at the beach to pray to receive this.” He isn’t just doing this, but he’s following after and praying with the thing she heard from the New Age movement and transcendental meditation.  They say that’s God because God is love, and God is also hope and happiness.  This energy of the universe is within me.

I asked, “Then do you believe in Jesus Christ? That is the way to meet God.”  “No, I’m already with God,” and people say they believe in God, but a lot of this ideology is arising.  Buddhism is a religion that originally started with the meditation movement, and that’s what Buddha did.  They’re very advanced.  If we were to take out the gospel, then among all the religions, Buddhism is number one because for thousands of years, they’ve practiced asceticism, researching how they could come out of suffering.  Ultimately they came to the answer, “If you don’t reject yourself, you cannot do this.”  “Until I’m one with the universe, I cannot be happy or at peace.” This Buddhist ideology has come to America and is rising among the elites.

Why did the Evangelist start using the term, “Throne”?  The Evangelist started using this term, “The Throne” it talks about the universe.  The blessing of the Throne of Heaven has come to earth. They say, “I need the blessings of the universe upon me, “but we need the blessings of the Throne of Heaven.  The world talks this way.”

Secondly, he talked about establishing the throne in the field, then where is my field? Before, he’d never talk about this, this is something he obtained after watching the Buddhist monks pray.  We’re not copying the exact same thing, but Buddhist monks think trees have spirits. The evangelist told us this and thought, “If we are with God and God allows everything to happen, won’t we have the same answer?  The people who do this meditation movement give thanksgiving 100 times. Do we have nothing to be thankful about? We must be thankful for everything, and that is the third prayer.  The world flows in this direction but if we don’t teach it, we fall into it. 

When the evangelist was eating with secretaries, he saw those remnants will save the world.  If we see this meaning behind people, we’re able to see them in this way.  God is fulfilling the Word of saving the 237 nations at all times, but we don’t see the world with this kind of meaning, but we must in order to establish the throne upon the field, and that is what we call, Prayer.  You need to sit here with a meaning.  God is moving with a meaning and I am within that , but if I’m just sitting here, then I’m not within that meeting. When I sit here and pray about the meaning for why I’m here, it’s different.  This is the seat that will save the 237 nations, and this is where I receive the Word.

God is with me right now and relays the Word to me so that I can go with the evangelists.  It’s the same in your family members, if they do something hateful or  make a mistake, you start to resent them, but if this is a time for 237, you will be thankful because from then on, you will see how God is moving them.  In the honeymoon phase, you can’t see as your eyes are blinded.  Once the honeymoon phase ends, you’ll have to prepare.  But if you see them with the meaning of 237, “We have met very well.” That’s how it changes. 

Don’t live life with a blank mind, but God fulfills everything to save the nations. It’s the same with the church. Without these eyes, you will see the differently. If you see them in a different way, you won’t be able to endure it, then one day, you’ll just burst.  Once you open your mouth, you’ll regret it, and say, “I’m sorry,” but this will continue to occur.   Families and people don’t understand you. No one can embrace you except God.  Mankind has this grudge. 

Those with calloused hands are jealous of soft hands, I don’t put anything on my face so it looks rough but I wear gloves when doing dishes.  I’ve never tried to protect my face, if I put on lotion, it might be better, but I never touch chemicals with my hands so my hands are soft.

Some people criticize me, “You’re picky with your food,” but I hope you understand.  I can’t eat in preparation for messages.  I eat soft foods like fruit before a message.  But otherwise I eat whatever.  Why do I have to explain this so often? I’m saying, if you focus on the wrong things, if you don’t have thanksgiving, you’ll be obsessed by incorrect things.  But if you see the covenant of 237 nations and 5000 tribes, you’re thankful as you go on that journey together.  I’m just talking about the things I encounter so it’s easy for you to understand.

Only Kingdom of God

Satan’s Kingdom

Why did Jesus Christ come as the King of all nations?  Because the world is ruled by the kingdom of Satan so the Kingdom of God must be established upon it.  Without this, I have no choice but to be controlled and ruled over by Satan.  With this package of “me,” physical things, and success, he is controlling me. For people having a hard time in the field, they’re possessed by evil spirits.  But when you have only Christ, the Kingdom of God is established as the kingdom of Satan is broken down.

Only the Holy Spirit

Within the 10 mysteries, we confirm the Triune God and the Holy Spirit must work.  When you receive the authority of the Spirit, the forces of darkness are driven out and the Kingdom of God is established, and that’s when it will take place.  You must enjoy the Throne of Heaven through scheduled prayer.  We need to have faith and enjoy through prayer the Kingdom of God being established upon me and my field through prayer. Once you have scheduled prayer, everything you see, hear, and experience in the field may be connected to prayer.

Early morning. Besides jobs that require working until the early morning, use that early morning time. If you can’t change your pattern at night, this will never change.  The things you enjoy at night, whether it’s dramas, YouTube, or games, if you don’t sleep, then you can’t use your early morning time.  If you’re trying to do this early morning time after you enjoyed all night, your spiritual state is broken. So your state before sleeping is important. Enjoy this blessing.

If you’re busy early in the morning, listen to the Word at night.  For those who have to work early in the morning, do this at night so it continues during the day.  There may be a lot of people who study early in the morning, but nobody has the habit of doing this prayer early in the morning.  That’s why it’s important to establish the system of being with the Triune God.  The system is talking about something you do all the time, no matter where you are.  You need to prepare this before you go out into the field.

I told Joyce to do this while she was in college, I don’t think it took place for her. It’s not easy to do this as our lives aren’t used to this, so at one time, I went hiking with her to show this to her, but I was the only one taking her, so it was weird and we stopped, but we hiked together and listened to the Word and we shared forum, but she mentioned how she got lost in her things.  I was going to try to continue it on the second day, but her mom thought it was weird, but if someone else joined, we could continue, but nobody did. If she was a boy, I would have done this more.  I don’t know how others perceive this so I was more cautious. 

I told her to do this outside her dorms because it’s a good place to walk around and listen to the Word but she didn’t.  If she was Samuel who received God’s Word, she would have done it, but four years have already passed.  Time passes so quickly. I’ve done college ministry for so many years and I always emphasize this with them, and there were some people who were able to imitate it, but they can’t do it in the morning so we meet at lunchtime. “What were you doing?” “Studying.”  “What do you do in the day?” “We just play on campus because there are blocks of time where we rest between our classes.”  “Oh, they’re not going to make it. Instead of studying throughout the night, use your daytime blocks to go to the library to study.” “But we have to meet up with friends and talk!” So they can’t study during the day; they study at night and can’t wake up.

Why do I tell this to the college students?  I was emphasizing and sharing this with them because without this system, they cannot survive.  If we were to live only for 1-2 months more, we wouldn’t need this, but to live 10-20 years more, we have to equip ourselves with this system. Pastors without this will spiritually die. They need to receive power from God first, but waking up early is so hard.  If your life becomes like that, then pastoral ministry will become like death.  It’s the same for your work life. 

People who are able to enjoy this go out in advance. If you continuously do this, it will take place one day.  Because our nature is accustomed to playing in this world, we may understand it, but it’s hard to actually do it.  But if you don’t receive this Word and it’s not imprinted within you, you have no choice but to follow the systems of the world.  I was with Pastor Kim establishing this system, so we lived like this together.  I was with him on the missions camp together, and in the early morning, we could go together.  We enjoy the early morning time to receive spiritual strength. After that, he always went to exercise, holding onto the Word he received on Sunday, and I saw this every day.  Others are not able to live this kind of life with him, so they leave.

I ended up doing this with him and got addicted to it, so I’ve tasted it.  If kids taste alcohol or drugs, they become accustomed and addicted to it.  Even for me, I don’t have the habit of waking up early in the morning, I stay up late and wake up late. If I’m able to maintain my spiritual state with that time, it’d be okay, but this is what I saw every single day.

When I went to camp, it was the same thing.  At the hotel, we wake up and go around looking for a nearby church.  I prayed there, listened to the Word, then I go out and exercise. This was my spiritual system.  But because you don’t see this, you don’t know about the spiritual system, so I’m telling you this, so I continuously tell about the early morning. Besides this, there’s no way for you to overcome. It’s the same even if you go work abroad, whether it’s a nearby church, you equip yourself with this system. I’m thankful for this. Even in America, I was able to continue the spiritual system.

Nowadays, sometimes I miss worship or Early Morning service if I sleep later, but it’s not hard; it’s something I enjoy. I still do this even now because I’ve tasted it.  Without this, if I try to live according to my own grit and strength, I have to live with my own mental power and I’ll burn out in my head.  But if this becomes my 24 hours, I’ll be able to go out into the field to enjoy it. It’s not something I saw firsthand but I’ve observed it from the evangelist.

That’s why I’m telling you, it’s important to equip yourself with a spiritual system.  How great is this? People don’t know the gospel at all but once you concentrate on the gospel, your spiritual state is revived.  There’s the field you must go into to save the 237.  Within that spiritual state, you’re able to save the field.  If your spiritual state is down, you try to make answers yourself so you stumble and fall.

Answers come from “only,” you can’t make answers for yourself, but people don’t understand this because they think, “People live diligently and they don’t crumble,” but how long have you lived?  They have no choice but to fall.  Because you’re young, that’s why you’re able to enjoy with your grit and strength, but it doesn’t last long.  Without spiritual strength, you’re encountering these things, then one day, they have no choice but to crumble mentally, so these mental and physical diseases come, like anxiety.  It has already begun, it just reveals itself a little later. 

If I continuously talk about this, it seems the gospel is weakened so I only talk about this once in awhile.  It’s okay because the spiritual lifestyle is still the same.  That’s why you must be able to see this in the field, enjoy it, and prayer, to receive the answer of the 10 mysteries, the 9 streams, the 5 assurances, the 20 strategies, and 21 life points.

If I’m within this, I can relay this answer without asking someone else. The answer is already here, there’s nothing for you to do. I hope this answer comes upon you. 


Father God, we thank you. May the lifestyle of the evangelist become our lives. May we be the ones to save the 237 and 5000 tribes.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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