How Will You Transform the Field (Acts 8:4-8)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

How Will You Transform the Field (Acts 8:4-8)

Todays title is How will you transform the field? So the field is talking about the field in the world. If you look at the field in the world we are trapped by the time space and also the physical things. And we cannot overcome these green elements. We cannot overcome time, we live bound by time. We cannot overcome space, we are limited to the space we are in. 


1.Time, Space, Physical Matter 

We make decisions according to the things we see and these are the things we live within, and in the field, we cannot overcome these three things, but what happens if we’re seized by these three things? Then we become captives of the world.


We think the time we use, the location we are at, and the things we use are very important, but it doesn’t matter because we’re still captives to it.  No matter how well I do these things, I’m entrapped by it.  So does it not matter if I don’t do these things well?  No, it will be a disadvantage to you, but you will still be a captive.

2. Overcome, Mystery- Spiritual 

We need to have the mystery to overcome this. What is our walk of faith? It is having the mystery to overcome this, it is a spiritual mystery.  


1. Question

In order to have this spiritual mystery, there is this question we must first ask.  

1) Gospel – Spiritual Problem

How do I know the gospel? Coming out of these three things, that is the gospel.  But if you explain this gospel incorrectly, you have no choice but to be captives still.  Knowing the gospel means you know the spiritual problems.  The things that arise in the world are not spiritual.  People are spiritual beings so they have spiritual problems and live with these problems inside of these three things. 


When we talk about the gospel, we talk about believing in Christ. This spiritual problem is the source and origin of all problems, and that’s why we call it the fundamental problem.  

Fundamental Problem (Satan, Sin, Separation) X

Satan existed way before this problem even officially began, he existed, and he uses the Word of God in order to deceive people.  Because we fall into that, we commit the sin of unbelief and we are separated from God.  Christ has finished all these three problems on the cross.

With – (Life, Holy Spirit) (Covenant)

As evidence He has finished this, He is with us, He is with me as life.  I’m no longer under the law of sin and death, but I’m under the law of life of the Holy Spirit.  All answers come from this.  Do I have these kinds of experiences as I live inside the gospel?  Have I ever enjoyed being with God through prayer?  Am I steadfastly believing this is God’s covenant?  This must take place in order for me to overcome the field.

2. Change the field 

What must I do to change the field?  When I go into the field, we are humans who are unable to overcome time, space, and physical things.  So, in order to overcome this, I must have the gospel and enjoy it realistically.  

1) Life Movement 

This life movement of Jesus Christ must take place in the fields naturally.  If I don’t change the field, then I have no choice but to be overcome by the field.  So, you must think about this carefully. If you’re not able to change the field, you’re not remaining still.  It is one of two things, you are doing the Ark movement like Noah, or you’re being captive by these three things, to the world.  That is why the only way to change the field is through the life movement.

I need to change the field in order to experience Jesus Christ’s life within me, and so you might go into the field in order to do work within these three things, but the first priority is to go into the gospel and do this life movement. If this life movement is not your priority, then you have no choice but to be captive to the world. You need to experience and taste how everything in the field will follow after this life movement and changing the field.

2) Immanuel Movement

How is God with us? It is through the movement of Immanuel. He promised the One Who has all authority in heaven and on earth will be given to you.  I’m experiencing this and that within the field, but how is God leading me within this?  

3) Healing Movement

A lot of people have diseases and we must do the healing movement.  They are diseased but they don’t know it.  That is why, in order to heal others, there is a healing we must do first, that is what we call spiritual healing. The spiritual healing must take place in order for the mental and physical to be healed.  We read it in the scripture today and also during EM on Sunday, but there are a lot of people who are suffering physically.  There are a lot of people who are suffering even though you cannot see it.  

(1) Spiritual healing, Fundamental Healing 

Before solving these problems, we must first change their fundamental states so that they receive spiritual strength. This is what we call the fundamental healing. We’re not trying to fix things, we’re changing things, we’re changing their fundamentals.  Once you change their fundamental state, that is when God will work upon them.  Our remnants will meet a lot of people in the field and how will you do the fundamental healing for them? And without fear, the first thing you must do is change their spiritual state.  

(2) Heart Healing, Mental Healing

This is what naturally follows. This may be healed right away, or it may take some time to be healed according to God’s time schedule. 

(3) Physical Healing

Last of all, they may receive physical healing. What is the best way to do this evangelism movement?  It is to look for these diseased people.  What is the characteristic of these diseased people? They have this desperation in order to solve the problems in our physical body and the desperation to heal their physical disease must change to healing their physical self.  Your physical problems you’re encountering right now have an origin from a different problem. You have to make it so that they know this.  

When you meet other remnants in the field, these remnants have problems with their parents.  Sometimes you can see this child is suffering because of the spiritual problems their parents have. When you see that, you must explain to the remnant how they can change their parents’ state. So that is why, whomever you meet, they all have an illness.  Because they have this disease, they need healing.  When you go out into the field, you will see all these problems whether you see it or not, and this is the healing movement we must do.

4) Evangelism and Missions Movement

Now we must do the real evangelism and missions movement. When the Word of God is imprinted in you, our physical illness will be healed.  If we’re not rooted within this, our priority will be the time, space, and physical matters, and we’ll be captives to it.  This gospel and the spiritual blessings within the gospel needs to be our priority instead. We don’t change the physical field with physical things; we change it with the spiritual things.

5) Darakbang – Fundamental – Time, Place

That is why in the field you must set a time and location in order to do this Word Movement within your field, and it is so that you can change this fundamental state.  Why is it important to assign and designate a time and location?  It must be at a designated time and space so that all people may know when it is and where it is, so they may come when they have a problem.  When I need to receive the word then it doesn’t matter whether the time and location changes or not, but if I’m trying to save the field, this must be set.  

This person is doing worship and the Word movement at this specific place and time.  When you pray for the evangelism recipient, then the work of the Pentecost will arise, and that’s when these people whom God has prepared will attach to you and will come to your upper room in order to receive God’s Word and to worship. Then no matter what problem they come to you with, you must change their fundamental state.  

Once you know and understand this, no matter what kind of problem these people come to you with, it’s all the same; you realize they have to change their fundamental state first.  This is something anybody can do.  If you’re not able to change this fundamental state first, the field will have no choice but to suffer under physical and mental suffering.  

Once you realize this person wants to be trained more as a disciple, you will call them to a Mission Home.  What does a “mission home” mean?  There is a mission home where you live and reside together, but ultimately, it is to raise disciples. We are raising them and nurturing them as disciples so that they can enjoy and know this gospel and partake in this movement.  A mission home taking place means that person has a lot of blessings because that means that many people are rising up as disciples.  It means I have something I need to give to other people, and that is the Mission Home.

3. Mystery

Number three, we must have the mystery of the evangelist.  

1) Isaiah 60:1-22 Light

It says, “Arise and shine.”  Shine the light, so if you say, “I don’t think I’m at the stage where I can shine the light yet,” it means you’re oppressed.  You’re either in the light or the darkness; there’s no in-between, but we always misunderstand, thinking there’s a middle ground. If I believe and have this faith welling up inside of me, that is when the light is shone. 

Scar — Me Platform

If you leave the scars of your family alone, it will not be solved. If you don’t change it so that this car becomes a platform in order for you to save other people with the same scar, this scar will make you suffer your entire life, because these scars were what I experienced when I was centered on myself.  Even if I receive a scar, I can change it and start trusting in God, but instead I hold onto that scar and suffer from it my entire life.  

You can see it like this, scars develop because of “me.”  You cannot heal your scars by trying to find the answer in the environment or in other people, because there are some things that are not scars.  That person is in a state where they don’t receive scars.  I must change this into a platform because I have already been liberated, I have been crucified on the cross, Galatians 2:20.  I’m a new creation who lives a new kind of life, that is why this blessing is upon me, and once I’m able to enjoy it, that is when scars are no longer scars.  

That is when I can save and shine the light upon other people who have scars.  You can never continue to talk about your opinions and your own thoughts because that won’t overcome the scar; you will only be overcome by Satan.  Being liberated means I have been liberated from myself through the gospel.  Now you need to change your thoughts, that God allowed these past experiences to happen so that I can use it as a platform to save others but if you don’t chnage your thoughts into this, you have no choice but to be slaves and captives of Satan. 

2) Acts 9:12-14 Covenant + Prayer 

Now I hold onto only the covenant.  I’m not just staying still. What happens if a person thinks a lot? Those thoughts are not even the words of God.  They’re trying to move their lives by themselves. Then ultimately they are seized by Satan and it leads to unhappiness.  People are not good, so that’s why they cannot do any good actions.  That is why, holding onto the cnvt, we pray, and that means we concentrate for 24 hours.  

If you’re constantly resentful, that will appear 24 hours in your life. If you constantly think, “I want to do drugs,” 24 hours, then that kind of life will arise.  What kind of life did the Early Church have? They constantly held onto the covenant and prayed with it.  “How can I evangelize and do world evangelization?” A person who constantly has this in their thoughts will see all circumstances with those eyes. People who are within scars 24 hours will see everything from the perspective of their scars.  That is why, what is this mystery? It is the mystery of enjoying this covenant through prayer.

3) Acts 9-45 (?) Disciples 

That is when you will be able to see the hidden disciples. In your field, there is surely a disciple who will receive the covenant.  If I’m constantly in resentment, a resentful disciple will be attached to me.  If I’m constantly afraid and worried, those people will be attached to me.  If I’m holding onto the covenant within this, God will work and attach His hidden disciples.  So, you can tell your spiritual state depending on who you meet.  You do not meet other people out of the boundary of your spiritual state.  Cats always meet and mingle with other cats, they don’t mingle with deers. Rats always mingle amongst themselves, they don’t mingle with dogs.  Depending on what kind of spiritual state I have, those are the people I will end up meeting.  There are surely disciples, but are they the disciples who react to this covenant?

4) Romans 16 Models of Blessings 

Romans 16, the models of this blessing.  The church members, the coworkers like Priscilla and Aquila are the models of blessing we must have.  Among the Romans 16 figures, I need to hold onto who will be my role model.

5) Acts 2:9-11, 11:19 Church

We must have this mystery of the church.  This church is talking about the body of Christ.  Through the church, God is fulfilling world evangelization.  In Acts 11, Stephen was persecuted, but through this, Antioch Church was raised. God guides it so that the church that does evangelism and missions will arise.

6) Acts 11:28-30 Economy

In Acts 11:28-30, God makes it so that this church is able to have the economy of light.  That’s why it’s important for our remnants to have this correct definition of finances.  You need to continuously have this in order to receive answers.  In your school, you only learn about the finances in order to eat and to survive, you learn about what kind of job you must have in order to eat and live more comfortably, but we have never heard of the economy of light for world evangelization.  

But the Antioch Church received the economy of light that nobody else had, not even the Jerusalem Church. There is a separate finances God has prepared in order to do world evangelization. If you don’t know the correct definition of finances, you have no choice but to be a slave to finances.  

When you know why God has given you these finances, you know when God wants you to use those finances.  If you don’t know why God has given you these finances and when to use them, then all these finances will be used for the darkness.  God will make it so that those people’s finances will be smaller and smaller so they don’t use it for the darkness.

You must do this from a young age.  I teach these finances to whomever I meet, whether they’re old or young, and especially if they seem to want to be a disciple. Once you know this, that is when you can see the person’s true self. We never use our money rashly. I don’t give other people money rashly.  Once I see something valuable, something I really want, that is when I use my money. You can see a person’s true self by their finances.

Finance is God’s, so God has entrusted those finances to me, then how will I use them for God?

7) Oneness

You need to know this oneness very well, why? Because God has aligned our church to have oneness. The Triune God, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, they are Oneness, but Satan divides. He divides us from God, he divides people against each other, even for this division, there is a theory behind it.  

No matter how right those words may sound, that is not the Word of God.  God’s Word says that no matter how much they are your enemy and you might despise them, God wants you to have Oneness so you go together to do world evangelization.  There are times when two churches come together as oneness in order to do evangelism and missions.  It’s not just two churches combining together, we’re talking about tpara churches, not just the local church.  

For example, remnants say that people who have this concept of oneness will go to it.  Tomorrow, there’s the WRC broadcast and we come together in oneness.  No matter how much you try to do things by yourself with a fiery spirit, it won’t take place because you need to have oneness. Once you gather together it has more strength, so when churches combine together it does greater work.  But for people like me who are very strong-willed in themselves, they have a harder time with this Oneness. They emphasize they are right and cannot have oneness.  Can anyone tell them they’re wrong? No, we’re trying to go together in oneness to do world evangelization, no one is wrong.  

8) Word, 24 Prayer

This Word must be our 24 hour and be connected to prayer, and this is what Rev. Ryu talked about it in the WRC Lecture 1 as well as the leader’s retreat.  We’re not here to just do work, but this Word must go into our fields for 24 hours.  Once that happens, I can save myself and the field and be the antenna for the world.  

How will I change the field?  I hope you see this well and receive answers.

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