True Healing from Spiritual Diseases (Matt. 8:17)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

True Healing from Spiritual Diseases (Matt. 8:17)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Gospel Oh

Those are the newsworthy events we hear every few months.  I went to Portland recently and met a white guy who used to be a pastor. I heard it through another pastor, that there were so many incidences that the police don’t even know about, including sexual assault and drug dealing. The news was confirmed and factual but they don’t know to this day how many people were killed.  Coming out on the news means it’s the tip of the iceberg.

Where does this all come from? The scars from within the family. The mom was married five times, but the child was always scarred. I’m not saying whether it’s good to be remarried up to five times, but I’m talking about the child.  So, I can see that a lot of our children in America have to become dependent on the husband’s income and success, so women focus on marrying such men. 

The child had at least five fathers, the child was oppressed and at the age of 14, he beat up his father and went home.  If you see boys are always oppressed by their fathers, it comes out a lot in movies, and the person became a gangster protecting their mother.  In the end, he beat up the mom’s boyfriend and left home.  He leaves at the age of 16, but where could he go and what could he do? That child has no choice but to act like a gangster.  Once they give a firm handshake, you can tell their strength. He had the eyes of a gangster, even after 20 years.

They would do so many things on the freeways but the police don’t do anything.  In Korea, they would seek out the person until the end because America has so many incidences but in Korea, nothing happens so they prosecute anyone who does something.  The place was a dark road, so no one could tell when this happened.  Who does this? Those who are demon-possessed.

You’ve seen so many movies where people shoot each other.  There’s always a reason.  It’s because of the scar from their family. Ephesians 4 says that if the sun goes down on their anger, the devil gets a foothold. If people are demon-possessed, they can’t just receive counseling, but it’s only solvable by the Word of Jesus Christ.  When you’re inside of “only,” then the answer of uniqueness comes upon you, not from your skill, but when you hold onto only Jesus Christ and the works of re-creation take place. 

Look at Joseph.  Inside of “only,” he received the answer of “uniqueness.”  The answer of seven years’ harvest and seven years’ famine was an answer received from God.  It only came to Joseph so there was no competition.  So there was the work of re-creation of not only saving Egypt but all the surrounding nations.  That’s why God intervenes with those who are demon-possessed; but if you can’t save them, you’ll be influenced by them. 

That’s why we have to go to the places where the light doesn’t shine.  The reason Christians stumble in the field is that they don’t shine the light, but they talk about vaguely receiving answers. Try saving these people, and like Joseph and Daniel, you’ll receive the answers of uniqueness.

Matthew 8:28-35.  Why did they not let people pass by?  It was an army of demons.  They shouted to Jesus, “Son of God, what do you want with us?  Have you come here to torture us before the appointed time?” They knew who Jesus was, that He was the son of God.  This is how the men responded based on what the evil spirit told them to do. “Are you here to torture us?” They’re tortured by the light of Christ.  Holding onto the light of Christ, the demon-possessed will know as you head out into the field. If you don’t know, then the demon-possessed will oppress you in the field.  Just as police have the authority to gun down gangsters, if they don’t do anything, the gangsters will oppress them.  The police have all the authority and guns to take down the gangsters and to prevent crime, but they don’t know this and are focused on something else.  The gangs know the police have guns but aren’t able to use their guns, so the gangsters do whatever. 

When you know who you are, the demons will also know.  But if you don’t know, the demon-possessed and evil spirits will come to attack you.  These works arise in the field and you must not be deceived by this. But you don’t know who you are so you’re deceived.  I am not great, but Jesus Christ within me broke down all the forces of darkness and sin, and can heal the demon-possessed. But we do not know this.  If you don’t know this, you’ll be oppressed by the world severely.

Don’t think, “Am I a child of God or not?” Just listen carefully. If the Word comes upon you, you’ll be able to see and reveal the Light.  By Jesus Christ’s authority, the demon-possessed people were set free as the demons went into the pigs. They begged to stay in the region.  Even though you go to church, if you don’t know the light of Jesus Christ, the evil spirits and the family background will oppress you. If you change schools, you’ll go into another zone of demons. You’re being influenced by the works of the demons. 

If you move, there’s another group of demons.  Region by region, know how the demons are working.  You must know Satan’s strategy that he uses to control each region.  It’s not about running to different regions. No matter where you go, Satan will continue to attack you so you must reveal the light of Jesus Christ to break down the darkness.  That’s why when the legion of demons entered into the herd of pigs, they went down a cliff.  That’s when I received a years’-long answer from God. 

The pigs all went off the cliff and died, and I thought ,”What happened to the demons, then?” the pigs all died and drowned, but the spirits do not die or drown, so they continue to work in the region.  See how LA used to be in the past.  See, in long ages past, we study the history.  Study why certain things took place. The spiritual forces work and never change. 

Where do you think the Nephilim went after Genesis 6? Even though time passed, the forces of darkness.  It’s not about coming to America to marry successful.  Satan destroys such people.  Adam thought by taking a bite, he would be great and strong, but it is okay.  The forces of darkness continue to work today, and even now, the answer of Genesis 3:15 is the present answer.  America and Korea are the same, and if you do anything good and diligently there, you can include it as it works according to the Bible. 

Remnants, also know the accurate knowledge that comes from the Bible. Spiritual things are eternal so the works also become eternal.  Read the Bible.

Matthew 9:1-8

3. Disease – Stroke

Sinner – Faith


Where does the stroke come from? From sin, meaning that without sin, the stroke would not have happened.  A doctor cannot solve this stroke, no matter even if the doctor came from Harvard.  I say Harvard because it’s most prestigious, but even a Harvard doctor cannot heal this.  Because these people believed in Jesus Who is the Christ, “I have the authority to heal this disease.”  It is through faith in Jesus Christ that His disease is healed.  It’s not just a disease problem, but a spiritual problem of not believing in God.  If they believed, they would be healed at once, but they didn’t, so they just listened to the message and one day will be healed because of faith.  There is this power in the name of Jesus Christ.

We can use this authority so we’re spiritual doctors who heal those with spiritual diseases. People shake, falling into their lies that they cannot.  If the message is not accurately relayed, Satan continues to make them hear, “What if this person isn’t healed by hearing the name of Jesus Christ?” In that state, a newcomer can receive the gospel.  But those who have believed for a long time haven’t held to God’s Word.  It’s because of their imprint, it’s a pastor with experience and power.  But it’s not a pastor with power who can do this, but one who believes. 

Jesus gave you the authority so you can do this as well.  There are healings and miraculous signs, but the spiritual disease that came from the fundamental problem was healed.  But if people aren’t healed right away, people lose faith. Healing is God’s work.  If you know this, then even homeless are demon-possessed and cannot go home. In Portland, many homeless live there and they’re second only to San Francisco in LGBTQ.  In that region, five churches were established a long time ago.  I could see there were some people with “Aid” on their shirts, but I saw a freemason temple.  If a church isn’t able to accurately relay the spiritual message, the forces of darkness cannot be overcome, meaning they do not have the accurate gospel, so the sermon isn’t about the gospel, but about legalism or good works.  The building was built in the 1800s, so I thought it would be really nice to have a church looking like that.

Then what are we doing here? Are we accurately relaying the gospel?  I don’t criticize the churches but I see myself through that perspective. Are the churches becoming the same where we lose hold of the gospel? 

Matthew 9:21-28. 


Son of David



What is the common trait?  If you have faith while relaying the name of Jesus Christ, the works of faith will happen to you.  You pray to them at that time but later on, an evil spirit will come back to them.  You healed a disease but later on, the disease comes back. These things do not go away.  When the faith in the name of Jesus Christ goes into them, they are healed, so the fact that these people are sitting here, it’s a sign of their faith. The moment God’s Word is relayed, people are healed.

Matthew 9:32-33

The works are different although the demons are the same. They don’t know Jesus is the King of Kings to overcome demons.  We know Jesus is the King of Kings, the Son of God, carrying out God’s Word, but people misrepresent this.

Matthew 9:35-38

True Healing.  Then physical healing takes place according to God’s time schedule, even for the family. Why isn’t Deacon Ted healed fast? God is slowly healing Deacon Ted Yun to save his son and wife and extended family. Because the light of Jesus Christ is revealed through him, we’re thankful he’s able to come here.  It is when the accurate gospel is imprinted within him, he saves his family and region. 

John 9, there was a man who was blind from birth, so they asked, “Did this person sin, or is it their parents?” Jesus replied, “God made this happen to glorify God.”  We may wonder why someone was born blind in the first place, but from there, we see the family background. There’s no answer to our parents’ problems, but why do I have the gospel? It’s to shine the light.  Why was I born in this situation? To shine the light.  That’s the reason God let us hear the gospel.  That’s how you will be revived. Your work will be revived; your family will be revived.  Outside of that, there are no true words. That’s the Bible.  Don’t be afraid before others, but shine the light.  God is the greatest.


God, we thank You. Give them the accurate answer and solution to the diseases of the world. May they have faith to reveal this in the field.

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