How to Make Disciples of New Believers? (Romans 16:1-16)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

How to Make Disciples of New Believers? (Romans 16:1-16)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Gospel Oh

The title of today’s word is how to make disciples of new believers. We can meet new believers according to God’s absolute meetings. But the important thing is am I growing and reviving answers as a nurture new believers? Before I nurture new believers it’s important that I receive answers. Those who do this can meet new believers and raise more believers. But if you don’t have this contagious answer you cannot save. And so you need to continuously receive this answer. 

And in order to do this you must become classy in the gospel. What does it mean to be classy? It means whoever looks at you thinks you’re great. You might have the gospel but you might not be classy. Then you cannot raise people. If you look at Romans 16 the couple Pricilla and Aquila were people who knew they had to stake their lives on Christ. They didn’t do It for Paul but found this value of being able to stake their everything. So as time passes on for the gospel isn’t aligned with you it becomes difficult. 

And people aren’t raised because you nurture them with things that aren’t the gospel. So we have the gospel but fall into legalism we cannot raise people. They surely have the gospel but in their thoughts and how they decide is based on legalism and have no choice but to judge. So we shouldn’t judge. If you know sin then you have to help raise people. And so a characteristic of people who have the gospel but have listened to words of legalism for a long time, they have no choice but to judge other people. When you judge you think I’m right and you’re wrong m. There’s no one in this world who’s right. All people have sin so they can’t do anything right according to their own efforts. And so God’s grace needs to come upon you. We need to stand before the gospel and have this nature of this gospel. 

And another thing that blocks nurturing of new believers is mysticism. God is mystical and the works of the Holy Spirit are mystical but you cannot base off nurturing new believers with mysticism. And new believers have no choice but to fall over minimum things. Even though it’s something small they focus on that. There are certain people with personalities who nit pick others. And they make it difficult for everyone else but they themselves don’t know. It’s part of their lifestyles so they don’t know how much they are a burden to others. So new bekehrte if they fall into this it becomes hard even though they have the gospel. And problems arise. When a problem comes people point it out. If you already know it’s a problem you should be able to comfort other people and raise them up, if you don’t know it’s a problem you can’t just leave it alone. Because for new believers even though they don’t outwardly say that it’s a problem there are other people around them that say it’s a problem, because they don’t leave it alone. There are some people with this fate. They have stood before God in that way, and because this person already knows they are wrong and it’s a problem you have to go and comfort them and raise them. And you need to comfort them well so they don’t fall into this problem. 

And when we interact with new believers there’s something we must know. You need to know this in order to help new believers well. 

There’s humanity with other people. And so even though you don’t say anything, this emotion is what connects others. So you need to interact with them. Because this is an emotional part of a human. If there’s a child and an adult tries to take care of them but their emotions might not connect. Because they need to have this emotional connection. And that is why doctors interact with one another because they can connect. 

And everyone has a certain level. If you think about the gospel thing, level isn’t important but people live according to these levels. And you need to keep this in mind and attach to others who can help them. 

And you cannot ignore their jobs. As we keep this in mind we need to interact and connect with them. 

And their spiritual background. And if we interact with them without knowing this we cannot connect. So we need to be able to keep this in mind. This isn’t the truth but in order to give them the truth we need to keep this in mind. So the emotions of children who were born in America are different. So there’s a difference between Koreans who were born in America and born in Korea. Their faces might look similar, but there is this emotion Koreans specifically have. And there’s emotions that Americans have but these don’t connect. So keep this in mind. 

The emotions between first generation Korean parents and second generation children  won’t connect. Because no matter how much they are your child your emotions can’t connect because of different cultures and backgrounds. This doesn’t connect but the parent continues to align themselves with the child so the children don’t like this. And so what must we do with all this in mind? 

In other words, for these new believers we need to tell them why it must be only Christ. Matthew 16-16-20 is not just Christ but why Christ. 

Yesterday I gave a short message in the Karen region. I thought of what kind of message I will give and I gave the message of only Jesus Christ. So this person is an individual that pastor Han met 24 years ago in prison. And so when he was young his mother married five different men and when he was 14 he decided to run away from home. And as he went on he was part of a gang. And so I only heard from Pastor Han what kind of person he is. And I was there to give a message and what kind of message did I give? I talked about why we must believe in Christ, what happens if we don’t believe in Christ? Because it’s not just Christ. We met for a short moment but I told him directly. Anyone can talk about Jesus Christ. But what’s important is why. Why must we believe in Christ?  The more knowledgeable a person is, you need to give this message directly. So some kids who are very knowledgeable, when they are in a family who has a lot of problems they can run away, but for other kids they want to stay. So this is the word I relayed to him. 

It’s the same for everyone you meet, there are a lot of people who heard about Christ. So they know Christ of their own knowledge, but regardless of that you must share to them why it must be Christ and why we need to believe in Christ. People have no choice but to suffer because we are spiritually controlled by Satan and are passed down to the next generation. And people encounter the curses and disasters they have no reasons for. And they have no choice but to live a höllisch life on earth and suffer eternally as well. So this must be relayed directly. It must be relayed clearly whether or not they hear it. You need to relay to them why it must be Christ. Because of this the problems of mankind we cannot see arise. 

And so when I was giving this message he was recording it. And so he runs a YouTube account of trucks and he asked if he can upload this gospel message there and I said of course. And he thanked me for giving the message before I left. And so he kept repeating to me “just like Biden his position is a US president and that’s why he has his power, and Jesus is the Christ and Christ is the position that also gives him power” and so he heard about Jesus Christ as he lived but God is the one who allowed him to believe. He believed by God’s grace but he didn’t know why he needed to believe. That must be organized for them to be able to relay it. If you can’t relay Christ it means you don’t know the reason for why you need to believe in Christ and you’re just living your life. When this is clearly relayed then they will also be able to relay it so he is using his YouTube platform in order to share it to other people. And that is why you need to relay this message correctly even just once. 

How can we know of this person who lived miles away from us where you have to travel on a plane and go inward to the countryside. When this touches the heart of those people it opens evangelism doors. How can we go into those fields and touch their hearts? Because they live there and we live here and we have completely different culture and lifestyles, even the nationality is different. That is why God has important doors he has opened. 

To these people we need to explain why it’s Christ and the seven blessings they can enjoy. God is eternally with you, no matter what happens he is with you. Before God fails you can never fail. And that God will surely guide you. And so you need to know this and help them enjoy it. 

When you pray in the name of Jesus Christ then the Holy Spirit will work. Regardless of whether or not it is an answer to you, if God answers it and works that is the answer. And so I explained this to him simply. 

We have the authority. Because the angels of God go before and fulfill God’s word in advance. Then the forces of darkness will surely flee. These are blessings Invisible to our eyes. The darkness must be broken down before God’s work takes place. Our background is not of their earth but heaven. It doesn’t matter how weak we are because our background is heaven. If you cannot believe and enjoy this, you have to enjoy the physical things of this earth and become a slave to it. 

And now I have the answer and blessings of doing world evangelism. When this becomes yours you can enjoy it. But some people consider this as a theory. Because they have this theory they can teach it to others. But they don’t know what it means. If you cannot enjoy this then you have no choice but to be caught by the physical things of this earth and chase after it. I’m the Bible it surely says the Tower of Babel fell and was destroyed, but they disregard that and chase after success. I don’t consider that as a bad thing, because they need to try to succeed because they  have such an anguish for it. But if you think that’s everything then that person will fail. They need to experience that for themselves, because that’s not everything. Solomon said himself that all of his knowledge, possession and his wives were all in vain. Then what is the truth? It is God. These things that you can only find only in God and Christ are mine.

When you lose hold of this and focus on the physical thi you have no choice but to be captives and colonized. We have this blessing but people continuously say they have a scar. Yes you have a scar but because you don’t know these blessings that is why it’s so pitiful. As you live your life you might encounter problems and bump your head against something, and you have these scars. But if you don’t enjoy these blessings, that scar is what leads you to disasters. But once you enjoy these blessings, then that is when you can enjoy those blessings even in your scars. How can we determine if a person will succeed or fail? It is by their words. We can give an example through their Bible. 

Joseph surely received his scars from his brothers. But what was Joseph’s successful confession? It is that God has turned their evil to good. What is the characteristic of a failure? They say because of your evil I have failed. But later on you realize it is not only the brothers problem. Joseph was a big mouth and God needed to lay his hands on that. Was it only his brothers? No, there were other problems behind it. 

Especially for our remnants, you need to realize there are a lot of people who leave because of this and that, but it is just their own reason don’t listen to them. They even a form an internet site  where they talk about their scars and share it with others. Those words are correct but three will fail. Because Satan will not leave them alone. Because you think of it as just a theory that is why you don’t forget about it. You will not be able to overcome the spiritual state that your parents have. And it doesn’t matter What kind of church you go to. Because you need to enjoy these blessings within Christ. No matter how much you try to avoid it, if you’re not able to enjoy this then Satan will chase you until the very end. And you need to realize how important this blessing is. That is when a problem isn’t a problem. Scars are opportunities to enjoy these blessings and you can change into an evangelist who can save other people with the same scars. And you can’t just consider this as nothing, this isn’t something you memorize. I said it last week, this is how you enjoy the kingdom of God. If you can’t enjoy the kingdom of God then the forces of darkness will deceive  you and grace a hold of you. 

Number three, the hidden problems of non-believers. John 8:44, Satan who is your father the devil. This isn’t the number one point you memorize. When you see your field you must see it in this way. Even when you see your friends you need to see them in this way. And the way to serve Satan is through idol worship. People give ancestral worship. Korean people give ancestral worship and that’s idol worship. It’s not only Korean people, if you hold onto something and continuously think about it, that’s an idol. And that’s a way to serve evil spirits. They hold onto success and the physical things and go out to evangelize, pray and go to church, but that’s actually a way to serve Satan. Then that is when people have no choice but to have mental problems. Mankind needs to enjoy being with God and find peace within that but instead they focus on the physical things and go crazy. And no matter how much you try to talk to them it won’t go through them. People get married but they don’t connect. 

Acts 8:4-8, it leads to physical problems you can see. 

Hebrews 9:27 it’s an eternal problem, it’s not just a problem on this earth but a problem even when you die. 

Matthew 27:25 It also becomes a problem of the next generation. When you see this in your field you need to enjoy and remember that God has already given you the authority to overcome it. Non-believers won’t be able to come out if it. That’s what we call fate. 

Number four, and so in the Bible evangelism and success is the same. And if you don’t teach them evangelism then they think success is everything. Why do remnants hold onto different kind of success and live a pitiful life is because they don’t know equate success to evangelism. And that’s why success and evangelism are different and it doesn’t work out. Because if God opens a door for evangelism for you then it can be aligned with your business. When God provided Abraham a business he can rub, God had also entrusted evangelism and success within that. And so when you talk about biblical evangelism it isn’t some ordinary word. If you don’t know this then you go back and forth. Why is that? Why does God give you success? It’s for evangelism. There might be some people here that took this differently. They take it strangely because they never heard of this  before. Something else is within them and that’s what reacts first. And this is what we need to explain to the new believers correctly. 

Why did the word movement take place from house to house in the bible? I said it last week, to enjoy God’s kingdom. You mustn’t misunderstand. I’m not telling you to force a door open within your family, within my family they have to join this  blessing, that is the upper room. If you can’t do that, it means you cannot enjoy this in your field. What happens if you can’t enjoy this? You have no choice but to be influenced by these  six stats. Even if you’re by yourself, you just assign a time and enjoy this. And when God attaches people to you, then you come together, enjoy this blessing together and receive the word. If you don’t understand this from the gospel view then you might misunderstand and think, “why do they keep on telling me to open up the upper room, my house is already dirty and I don’t know what to do,” God isn’t someone like that. Within your family field because these six states are flowing down through your family, so that’s why God wants us to enjoy these seven blessings instead. And that’s why we need to assign a location because we are always somewhere, and we need to assign a time. 

This is a time of concentration. Who is it for? It’s for myself and my family. But if you think “oh if I don’t do this the church will say this,” you are having incorrect thoughts already, you’re already not aligned with God. “Oh God is telling me to enjoy this in my field,” then the forces of darkness will be broken down in the field and my family. Enjoying the kingdom of God within your family is the upper room. 

Number five, what is prayer? Prayer is enjoying these four points. If you don’t teach them prayer then they have no choice but to pray for other things, and they won’t be able to enjoy these blessing and walk their walk of faith. This is the content the first level camp training teaches you. And since they do this in a focus matter for three nights and four days, people change. Don’t only do this when you go to the training but do it at home too. Open up a way so new believers can enjoy this too. You can raise new believers with things you learn from the regional churches. You just think you just need to bring them to church but there are a lot of people who have been overturned after going to church. They all go to church, but 90 percent of the people fell while they are in the wilderness. So it doesn’t matter if they come to church, you need to teach them all of this blessings for the conquest of Canaan to happen. The people of the regional churches who always complain and grumble on the wilderness for forty years cannot save people. So who will be the person who relays this to new believers. People think you need to do this from the beginning and that’s what you follow. 

It’s the same for the remnants, if they are imprinted with these things then they have no choice but to live this kind of life, but if their imprinted will something else, those things will be hard to uproot. If you don’t teach the children this form early age then they focus on the physical things and success and they think with this they need to evangelize but that’s not right. You need to help them know what true success is. Because we are talking about success where you succeed and never fail. And that’s what you need to relay to the new believers from the very beginning. When you enjoy this blessing then God will attach people to you. 

I need to relay what I enjoy right? You might have relayed the way of salvation but we need to help them enjoy this realistically in their lives. Because at first this will come in as a theory. But then later on as you continue to enjoy this, this becomes yours. Because the field is flowing in this way, we need to tell them they have the authority to overcome, so then they actually enjoy that power and is able to overcome. 

With the children we went out to camp for three days and four nights because we did camp and the children’s  eyes were opened. If you tell them this is their everyday lives they don’t really listen but because we are concentrated and it actually arose in their field, they can enjoy this. 

I need to enjoy this blessing first through prayer. If you just know this as a theory, it’s a source of information you just memorized.  Enjoy this blessing and that is when you can raise the multiethnic people, the disciples, and all people in the world.  There’s  nothing other than this,Christ, kingdom of God. When this is yours, you become thirsty and chase after someone else. There’s nothing else but that’s why people fall into different factions, thinking they need to deeply go into these theories but there’s nothing other than Christ l. There’s a lot of people like this. They think, “I need to know something more humanistic,  something more humanistic, something I haven’t heard before.” There are many people like this, because they want to learn new things and get their PHD. But that’s how they die. The church members and remnants need to enjoy this through prayer every day 


Father God, thank You. Help us to enjoy this blessing so we can raise the new believers, and enjoy this. In Jesus Christ’s name we pray, amen. 

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