Correct Prayer (Matthew 6:32-33)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Correct Prayer (Matthew 6:32-33)

Because you don’t understand, there’s no solution.  It’s because you don’t understand Jesus Christ well enough.  Paul said knowing Jesus Christ is the greatest thing.  This is something the schools of the world cannot teach you. If you understand, enjoy, and relay this to others, you become the main character.

Because the One Who has all authority in heaven and on earth is Jesus Christ, and He is revealed through me. Whenever Jesus Christ is revealed, all things shall bow.  Even Satan, and the authorities of the world must bow before Jesus Christ.  Satan prevents you from knowing this blessing.

Why do we need only Jesus Christ?  You need to understand this first in order to understand the message.  You need to understand this to understand I’m studying for Jesus Christ.  If you don’t understand and try to study, you’ll fall into despair or fall into arrogance. 

When I went to El Salvador, I talked about why you have to believe in Jesus Christ, what happens if you don’t believe in Jesus Christ, and what happens if you do.  It’s not that nothing happens, but problems you cannot solve will continue to occur, but if you believe in Jesus Christ, you receive blessings you can’t understand, so it’s a mystery, a secret, why?

Genesis 1:27

If we misunderstand this, we will misunderstand everything else.  People misunderstand, “It’s 50% God, and 50% me.”

Gen. 1:28

All the blessings have been stolen away.  America now says they don’t need God, or “I need God and other things, too.


You can be God yourself, and you have sin that causes curses and disasters.  The reason for shootings in America is Satan and sin. Now even if someone goes to church, their spiritual state is separated from God.  Going to church is not the answer. If we have free will, we can go back and forth to church, but as we go to church, we must know how to live with God.  But if you go to church without knowing how to live with God, it’s hard.  These three problems are America’s problems.  Everyone says, “It’s because of my personality or education,” but that’s a lie. Do you have strange friends? It’s because they come from these fundamental problems and those who see this are those who remain.

John 8:44

They are afraid of Satan so they don’t know, but the Bible tells us, if you do not have the Christ, you are a child of Satan. Satan controls this entire world with authority.

Exodus 20:3-4

Idol worship is living with or wanting or loving something other than God, so people go to church and worship idols.  Success is our idol, money is our idol, or instead of wanting to be like God, we want to be like someone else, that becomes our idol. That person is already within Satan’s control.  That is the way, the method Satan uses to control the world.  That’s what it means that, even inside the church, the Israelites worshiped idols. 

Everyone being on their phones is normal, that’s why you must receive the blessing of worship, because Satan prevents us from worshiping, because we’re so stuck on our phones.  That’s what Satan does. Success is nothing else.  Being successful in worship right now is true success.  America is full of idol worship. What is America’s idol? It is money.  Am I wrong? I’m right, even if they go to church, they ask God for more money, so Satan controls everyone but we don’t know that. Even pastors know that.

Matthew 11:28

We have no choice but to have mental problems, Matthew 11:28.  If success is your idol, you’re so oppressed you have to do something about it. If you worship some kind of religion, you do something for blessings so your mental state is so oppressed, then how can you be normal? That’s why we have mental problems.

First and foremost, we have problems with our emotions.  We have three fundamental problems so we can’t solve these problems with medication. Even if you take antidepressants, because of your fundamental problems, another problem comes up.  Some people go into transcendental meditation and receive temporary healing, but if you can’t escape from your fundamental problems, you’ll fall into another problem. If you’re constantly physically oppressed.

Acts 8:4-8

But they don’t understand this.  People say they understand but if you get a diseased person in front of you, it shows you don’t get this.  If you take someone with a mental problem and bring them to you, you really don’t know this. You may have memorized this order but you don’t really know it.  It’s different if you really understand and believe and your eyes are opened to see it.

Hebrews 9:27

Death is not the end, after you die, you go into eternal suffering. Tell your friends, but you’re just keeping your mouth closed, that’s you being oppressed by demons, and it doesn’t end with that. The spiritual DNA is relayed down to us.

Politics, Scientist, Religious Leader, Good thing

If you believe in Jesus Christ, you believe in Jesus’ work, just as Biden is the president.  Just because you know “Biden” doesn’t mean you know, so just because you know the name of Jesus doesn’t mean you know. You only know President Biden when you know the role and power the president has; I know what you do to know who you are, that you are remnants to save the world to know who you are. But you don’t know who you are, so you’re getting attacked.

What does the word, “Christ” mean?  Christ is the One Who used His position to save the world.

1 John 3:8

When you go to a demon-possessed field, you’ll realize why this person needs only Christ.  How to escape from the curses and disasters of your sin.

Mark 10:45

People cannot meet God by begging God. Even if you go to church since you’re a kid, you cannot meet God. How do you meet God? Only Christ.

John 14:6

People look to different religions to try to meet God, but you must give Christ as the answer. You must see the field, you need to be able to see the problems in the field as this. If you’re living in America but you can’t see that Satan, Sin, and Separation are the problems, you don’t know America.  There was a remnant who immigrated America long ago so they know America well. Maybe you know the history and the economics, and the side streets, but you don’t see spiritually. People go to church and cannot see spiritually. The Bible talks about Jesus Christ who solves our three fundamental problems. 

Even if we talk about sin, people talk about the sins we see, like the mistakes we made.  But hating someone in your heart itself is sin.  The state of not wanting to worship, of wanting to do whatever I want, is a state of sin. Is that not true?  I think it is true.  Christ. 

John 1:12

Whoever believes in and accepts Jesus Christ receives the right to become God’s child.  You have your status, but you don’t know your authority in the field.  You know you’re a child of God, you’ve heard it hundreds of times, but you shake in the field.  If I’m the son of the President, I may have no power, but the President’s power is revealed through me.

1 Cor. 3:16

You won’t fail, but if you don’t understand this, it’s useless to go to church. You fall in the face of problems. Your problems are irrelevant, but you get caught up because you haven’t understood what it means to be a child of God.  It’s not that the problems stop coming, but they’re irrelevant to you, and David enjoyed that well in the Old Testament.  “I have problems but it doesn’t matter,” because God is with us, guiding us. Do you believe it? You must believe to know what Christ is.  It doesn’t matter how much people go to church, if they don’t believe it, they’ll fall in front of problems with correct words, “This is a problem, those problems are my parents’ problems, this church has this problem,” but you don’t know.  You’re a child of God and that problem cannot influence your life. If there’s a problem you can pray about it. If you’re worried, trying to solve things on your own, that’s useless.  You’re unnecessarily worrying about.

John 14:26-27

You confirm this guidance when you come to church.

John 15:7

“If you remain me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish and it will be given to you.”  I hope you will enjoy these blessings. Because you’re not able to enjoy this, you look for people or look for power, or you try to learn something more through books.  The authors of the books didn’t understand their own spiritual problems but you’re trying to gain power through them?

Luke 10:19

I have the authority to break down the authority of Satan and all the power of the enemy, not me, but it’s the name of Jesus Christ. 

Hebrews 1:14

If you don’t know this, you’ll be oppressed in places with a lot of demon-possession.  When I lived in Korea, I took many of my kids to shaman houses, because once you go into that field, you’re able to see whether someone understands the Word of God or not, and the devil understands even more about the power and authority you have.  When you go, you’ll see the state. If you don’t understand these words, the devil understands and takes you, so you’ll know if you really know as you go into the field. You know if you understand a material when you take a test. 

The field of America is seized and controlled by Satan. That’s why people say, “It’s hard and difficult, things aren’t working out,” of course, but what should be taking place? The spiritual forces of demons should be broken down. Matthew 12:25 says to bind the strong man first, then you can rob the house. 

When I went to El Salvador, there are many gangsters.  People are afraid of dying, so they don’t go.  God gave the answer to me, “Those who are with us are greater than those who are against us.”  God gives the answer through the Word in every situation, and when I went, just as according to God’s Word, everything was cleaned. This isn’t a theory; it’s real.

Phil. 3:20

Yesterday my daughter said I was poor because we have a $1000 debt.  “It’s not that I don’t have money, your dad has everything in heaven. I went to Korea, El Salvador, Navajo, all of that requires money, so I have so much money.  All of that was God’s work. Other people aren’t able to go on vacations, but I go on vacation in the name of missions.  People are barely just able to scrape by, coordinating vacation days, but we go to do God’s work and everything was prepared for us, even good, organic food.

There’s no greater blessing than being an evangelist.  I vaguely understood this when I first believed in Jesus Christ, “Being a doctor isn’t so valuable, why would you want to be stuck in a building with patients?” Someone was shocked when they heard that, as they were devoting their life to be a doctor.  “Yeah, we should be going around the world doing world evangelization, why would you stay with patients?” But it’s hard to be a doctor, how could they say this so simply?  That was something God gave to me, and now God is leading me with that Word. 

Even if you’re a doctor, do world evangelization. We shouldn’t be stuck in one location, looking at the world like a fortune-teller, but this is something God gave me to, so it’s rightful to go to different areas.  Your jobs should be run so it influences 70 disciples, 70 regions, and 70 tribes.  If you’re sitting here, don’t just look at those in front of you, but connect the work you’re doing to 70 nations.  Otherwise, you’ll be so bored, you’ll die. 

How many types of fish are there in the sea? How many continents are there?  There are five oceans and seven continents.  If there’s a fish that’s supposed to travel the oceans, they’ll be frustrated, stuck in a tank. God gave you a talent for world evangelization so you can influence and reach out to the 70 nations, 70 tribes, and 237 nations of the world, but if you’re stuck in one place, it’s hard for you as you’re not aligned with God, but if you’re aligned with God, the doors will open.

Matthew 28:18-20

God gives you the blessing of Matthew 28:18-20 for world evangelization.  Enjoy the status and authority every day this week through Jesus Christ.  Everywhere I go, God is with me and the darkness flees.  The devil knows if you believe it.  Then you become the spiritual commander and spiritual ambassador, you are the ambassador, delivering the message of God on our behalf. God gives everything to the ambassador, because this is the necessary work Christ must do. 

“I’m not great, I don’t have a good personality, my parents are powerless,” but that has nothing to do with you; you’re a child of God. So the characteristic of people for whom things don’t work out, they trust in themselves for a little bit, but if things go well, they cannot maintain it. It looks like they’re good on the outside, but inside, they suffer.  Everyone around them calls them an elite and they have to react.  Enjoy the status and authority through Christ.

Jesus – Prayer

Pray the prayer God taught you. If you don’t have answers to prayer, why not? But if you receive answers, why?  What is the incorrect prayer? 

1. Incorrect Prayer

Jews would stand on the street and pray with the scripture, but the reason they prayed was to show off to others.  They have to show off to others to gain recognition that they have faith as they follow the law, but that’s wrong. You’ve already received the answer of being acknowledged by people, then you cannot receive the answer from God.  So, do this as God recognizes it, but if you make a big show of loving other people, it’s because you want to be acknowledged by people, so you’ve already received your answer.  Don’t let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. Do it in secret, in private. Don’t express it to others.  

2. Prayer

Matthew 6:7, “Do not babble like pagans as they pray, they think they’ll be heard of their many words, but God already knows what you need before you ask Him.”  Matthew 6:8, “The father knows what you need, even before you ask.” What do you need? God already knows it.  But you think God doesn’t know. God is omnipotent and omniscient.  People pray, “Please remember this and that person,” of course He does, He already knows, but they pray like this because they think God doesn’t know.

God already knows everything, so why do you repeat the same things over and over?  This is how you pray, “Our Father in heaven,” meaning our Father takes responsibility for everything.  Sometimes people cannot say, “Father,” as they have scars from their dad. One female couldn’t call God as “father” as she would remember all the scars from your dad. 

What this means is, who is the target of my prayer? My Father in heaven.  “Hallowed be Your name.”  What does “Hallowed” mean?  He’s different from any other religion, He’s set apart, so don’t misunderstand. 

Matthew 6:10, “Your kingdom come.”  The kingdom of God is the Throne of Heaven but pray for the Kingdom of God to be established on earth.  What does it mean for God’s Kingdom to be established?  Satan rules this earth, and if God’s Kingdom is established, then God is controlling. You must not control your own life; God must control your life and that’s perfect, that’s what we should pray for.  But you never pray for that.  “Give me this and that,” God already knows, so He’ll hit you, “Hey, stupid, I told you I’ll take care of everything. Why don’t you believe that, and instead, pray for unnecessary things? If you pray for the Kingdom of God to be established on earth. 

But instead if you think you’re good and perfect and assert yourself, Satan will attack you. Genesis 3, us trying to be like God.  Pray for God to control me and that person.  But instead of that, you attempt to exert your own opinions.  No one will be persuaded by you. Even when people are married, they don’t like this, and it doesn’t’ matter how close my friends are, pray for God’s will to be done.

You must know prayer correctly. People think if they pray however, that’s prayer, but there’s a prayer God made for us.  May the will of God be relayed through today’s message, and when you listen to the message, you must receive God’s will. That must be relayed and that is what must be fulfilled, but instead, you receive whatever you want.  If things don’t work out the way you want, you only receive God’s grace, and it touches your emotions. That’s not the right grace. What’s important is the grace of God is relayed to me. That’s how it will be fulfilled in your field, but your walk of faith isn’t working because it’s wrong.   

Daily Bread

We don’t worry about today, we worry about tomorrow. God says, “You don’t have the capability to worry about tomorrow, but take care of what you must do today.”  Many remnants are worried about a future that hasn’t even come yet.  People worry in advance, but enjoy right now, today, before God.  Just as God guided me today, God will guide me in the future as well.  If He doesn’t, that’s not God; you don’t believe in God, that’s a demon. Humans and demons cannot guide your future, but God does.  Your biggest problem is not believing in God. 

In El Salvador, they had a baptism and the daughter misses her mother, her parents divorced while she was 3.  She used to live with her mother, but now she lives with her mother’s brother, her uncle, because her mother got schizophrenia.  The uncle takes care of her, and it’s hard but it’s his sister.  But when the daughter wants to see the mom, the uncle says, “Don’t go unless you can take responsibility for your mom.” The daughter misses her mom so much, “What happens if she dies before I see her again?”  She cried as she shared this with me.

“Do you believe in God?”  She said, “Yes.” “Your mother’s life is in God’s hands, and God gives and takes away. Do you believe in this God? You worry because you don’t believe. Then what’s the problem? You’re afraid and anxious because you don’t acknowledge or trust God.  Satan keeps lying, “I’m worried right now.”  You make God’s sovereignty smaller and smaller. Just because you think it’s outside of your power, you’re anxious. 

“Do you know what your real problem is? That’s the fundamental problem, spiritual problem.   Even right now, Satan works on your thoughts, so you’re irrelevant to God, and the six states of the unbeliever follow.  The fact that Christ finished everything means He is forever with you.”  Because I gave her the proper message, she came back to normal.  I said, “The words I tell you are not from a lack of experience. She was kicked out of her house, and she was so sad.  Her mother has schizophrenia and no one can take care of her.  On top of that, the uncle kept telling her to move out, so imagine how sad and afraid this child must be?

 I told her, “You are a child of God, only trust in God, don’t trust in people because no one in this world can help you.  You must understand well. Don’t hate or distrust people, but there’s only One Being Who can help you, then no matter where you are, God is with you.  How does God work? God will give you help through people.  God doesn’t just drop things from the sky; He gives you the blessing of meeting people and helps you.

I shared the God Who was with me, so ministry is easy for me. It’s hard if they don’t have experiences like this, so that’s why  Jesus Christ told us to be witnesses.  If you face a big problem and face a great answer, you can give an answer to others.  I went into a field that was tough, but I cut off that.  Because I was in a similar situation and God worked upon me, she told me about it. 

Why did it occur to her but not others? It’s unfair, right? God is very fair. God had the power to not give her mother schizophrenia or to block divorce, but why are you placed into that situation while young?  Something must take place.  “Never rely or lean on a person. Don’t rely on those helping you; only God can help you, then wait and see how God will work. 

Later on, “God works through people,” Do you know?  If your future were guaranteed, wouldn’t you be afraid? The fundamental problem.  Everyone needs only Christ Who solves these three “I did something,” but you didn’t, God did something.

If you don’t forgive others, you’re  making enemies. If you fight with people without amends, that will block your spiritual state.  God said, “make amends with your brother than come worship me.

Lead us not into temptation.  Without a doubt, God says there’s temptations, but pray so you won’t fall into them. 

For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory.  Only to God be all glory, God works through all people, but God deserves the glory.

From Matt 6:16, it talks about fasting prayer, but importantly, Matthew 6:19, “Do not store for yourself treasures on earth.” My daughter says her allowance is too little.  She gives $6/week for offering, so she needs more.  “You have to give me $20 for me to give 60% as offering.”  I said, “I entrusted this to your mother, so talk to her.”  She gets points when she prays, so if she prays every day, that’s $10 a week.  But she says, “I can’t buy food with friends with those points, I can only use those points when I buy clothes.” I said, “Okay. Why do your mother and I do this for you? It’s because I’m giving you the habit of using your finances for God while you’re young. Your father isn’t bound by money; I give over 50% of my money as offering because I want to. But if you want to use your finances as much as you want for God, you have to get into that habit while young.

It is the job of the parents to plant that into their parents while young.  The reason why people are poor as adults is because they use their money however they want.  Ever since they’re young, they buy and eat whatever they want, and that leads to poverty when they’re older.  “I’m doing this as your father, and you have no choice, but if you need more, get permission from your mother.”  From her perspective, she doesn’t understand how she’ll buy snacks with her friends.  “You may think like that now, but you’ll understand in the future.  God doesn’t give finances to everyone; God pours finances on those who can use their finances for the Kingdom of God.” 

There was one time when her grandmother in Korea gave $300 to my daughter, and I told her to give tithe, and she said, “How can I tithe such a large amount of money?” Then, she has to think about tithing her salary. If parents don’t teach this to their kids while they’re young, they’ll spend whatever they have, but you have to give them a sense of finances.  “Your father is rich.”  “You have -$1000 in your account.”  “That’s something God has to take care of. God works with the Throne of Heaven and that’s how I’ll live in the future.”

“You are a lucky kid because if you were my daughter a few decades ago, I wouldn’t have been like this.” I have to teach her the correct things regardless of whether she likes it or not.  She learns finances from God. “Use the money first for helping the church and the people inside the church.  If this doesn’t become your habit now, it will become a headache later. Even if you have money, you’ll be a slave to money.

Therefore, first, seek God’s Kingdom and His righteousness, then all these things will be given to you as well, those are all the things you worry about.  I have no financial worries, it’s very simple for me, because if I have money, I can just die, and going on missions is easy, because then I can die on missions, because I’ve experienced the mystery of the cross and have boldness.  This is how I am.  


May our true prayer begin to save the world, may You give us the business, talent, and specialization to save the world.  We believe You will work with the economy of light and the vessel for saving lives.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


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