The Good Works and Fruits of the One Who Lives By the Spirit (Gal. 6:1-10)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Good Works and Fruits of the One Who Lives By the Spirit (Gal. 6:1-10)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Let us bless one another, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.”  May the unprecedented and never repeated blessings of God be upon all of you today.  The main point of the Word of Galatians is that there is nothing else that will work other than only the gospel.  But the world tells you that we don’t need only the gospel; there’s something that I can accomplish on my own.  The problem of the church of Galatia is that people who heard that from the world came in and said, “We don’t need only the gospel; we need the gospel plus something else.”  Restoring and testifying the correct gospel is God’s desire.

Then today, how will I realize, restore, and testify of the correct gospel?  In today’s scripture, it says, “Those of you who are spiritual,” or “live by the spirit.”  Even inside of the Bible, God is setting His focus on this.  Living by the Spirit means that God is interested in those who are living with the Spirit of Christ, the Spirit of God.  God works upon these people so that they will be the ones to save the church and the world.  

1. The one who lives by the Spirit (Gal. 6:1)

Then how can I live and walk with the Holy Spirit?  In order to know that, we need to know, what is the law and what is the truth?

  1) Burden of the law

    (1) Burden of trying to fulfill the law (Gen. 3:5)

The law is God telling us to do this or not to do that, but it becomes the burden of the law when it is up to me to keep the law.  

    (2) Weary and burdened (Matt. 11:28)

That is why Matthew 11:28 says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened.”  Are there any of you who are living your walk of faith and think it is so difficult for you? It’s not because you lack diligence; it’s because you’re not going into God’s diligence.  If you want to go into the hard work of God, then you have to understand the gospel.  Jesus Christ says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and heavy burdened.”

    (3) Snare of the law of sin and death (Rom. 8:2)

That’s the only way for me to be freed from the snare of the law of sin and death. 

  2) Jesus Christ

The fact that you believe in Jesus Christ means that you believe that Jesus has done the work of the Christ. 

    (1) Solved authority of Satan, Sin, Hell – Faith

The work of the Christ is to set us free from the problems that are invisible but unsolvable by mankind, even now.  The curses of sin and hell.  The people who do not know this but just race towards success were those who built the Tower of Babel. The people who did not know this but just chased after what they liked were those who were caught up in Noah’s flood, and the people who were living a fervent, religious life were taken captives to Babylon and Assyria, and their families and nations were destroyed. It wasn’t because they lacked diligence, but they lost hold of Who Jesus Christ is.

    (2) Law of the Spirit of life (Rom. 8:2)

Romans 8:2 says that through Christ Jesus, we have been moved into the law of the Spirit of life.  This life means that now you are alive before God.  Death, on the other hand, is someone who is dead before God. That is not something we accomplish by hard work, but we go into the life through faith in Jesus Christ.  From that point on, we go into the law of being governed by the Triune God, especially the Holy Spirit living within me, and that’s how we receive strength and rest.

    (3) Will receive rest (Matt. 11:28)

If you are living your walk of faith but there is no rest for you, you need to think about whether you truly know and enjoy the true gospel. There’s a difference between knowing and enjoying. There’s a difference between having money and sending money. If you have the gospel, then you should use the gospel. You need to use that gospel so you can gain Sabbath and rest.  But if you hold onto your own life and try to control it, even though you’ve been set free from the law of sin and death, you will be stuck there again. Because death is a state where we are separated from God; it is a state where we have no choice but to sin.The ones who save the church and the world are ones who live with the Spirit.

  3) Jesus Christ

    (1) Gentle and humble in heart (Matt. 11:29)

Why is it that we can cast our heavy burdens sif we go to Jesus?  Matthew 11:29, Jesus Christ says, “He is gentle and humble in heart. “Gentleness” is a state where you are obedient to the Words of God.  The opposite of “gentle” in the Bible, it says, they were “a stiff-necked people.”  Stiff-necked people are the ones who do not listen to the words of the Lord.  For example, if there’s a horse or cow that needs to be attached to a carriage or plow, they should listen to the words of the master when they pull the reins, but instead, their necks are stiff.  However, if we keep training that animal, then they will become more obedient, and that’s what it means to be gentle.

When the Word of God is relayed and you react, “I don’t think so,” that’s a stiff-necked person.  They say, “I cannot agree with this,” that is a stiff-necked person. That means you can only agree with it when you understand it, it’s another word for saying you are your own god.  These kinds of people cannot save the church or the world.

    (2) God died on the cross (Phil. 2:5-8)

Why is Jesus the gentle one?  Because God Himself came down to earth and completely fulfilled the Word of God.  He followed the Word of God to the point of even dying on the cross, that is the Gentle One.  If we believe in Jesus Christ, then gentleness and humility of heart will follow.

    (3) Take Jesus’s yoke upon yourself – Holy Spirit is the master (Matt. 11:29)

Jesus then says, “Take My yoke upon you.”  “Why do we have to take Jesus’ yoke? I thought if we followed Jesus, we’re free. I thought, now that I have freedom, I can come to church and do whatever I want,” but actually, doing whatever you want is being bound. Now, you are bearing the yoke with Jesus, then you go simply where Jesus goes. So, Jesus is the One Who is bearing the burden, and I am simply with Jesus. That is the yoke we must bear.

    (4) Learn from me – With the Holy Spirit (Matt. 11:29)

Jesus says, “Learn from me,” we are learning how to walk with Jesus. That’s why we train in the Word.  If God is giving me the Word I don’t agree with, then how do I agree and follow after the Word? That’s what we learn.  So, what is the best thing for you to be worshiping at this moment? For the will of God to be done upon you.  It’s not about what I want or what word I agree with, but what Word God desires to be upon me. We can’t do this by our own strength, so that’s why we must pray.

The only things I know and agree with are the things I’ve experienced in my life already.  However, God is relaying His will to you know, already knowing your future and knowing the future of your children, so ask God, “Give me the Word You desire,” that is the process to change into being gentle.  Then, God’s grace comes upon you. I could never follow before, but because God’s grace comes upon me, I accept it into my heart.  This is what it means to take on the yoke of Jesus and to learn from Him.  For anybody who is living a walk of faith that is so exhausting and difficult, may you entrust your life entirely to Jesus and take on His yoke.

2. Guidance of Holy Spirit 

  1) Carry each other’s burden (Gal. 6:2) 

    (1) Sin – Restore with the Word (Gal. 6:1) 

Now, for those spiritual ones who are living with the Holy Spirit, if there is someone who sinned within the church, may you restore them gently. It doesn’t say to restore them with arrogance or legalism, but instead to restore them gently. What does it mean when someone is caught in a sin? If somebody commits a sin or breaks a law in the world, then they must be punished in the world.  But the sin God is talking about is leaving God’s Word.  We do not simply leave God’s Word because we want to, but it is a state where we are ensnared and dragged off by Satan.  That is why it says, “But watch yourselves that you may not be tempted by Satan.”  But instead, for those people who are sinning, hold onto them so they may stand correctly before the Word of God.  

If you correct them with ethics and morals saying, “You did this and that wrong,” that is useless.  You help them so they are able to walk with the Word of God.  If we just argue with ethics and morals, there’s no reason for Jesus to come to earth. 

    (2) Fulfill the law of Christ (Gal. 6:2) 

As we walk with Jesus Christ, ethics and morals naturally follow. Then, “fulfill the law of Christ this way,” because the law of Christ is the law of Spirit and life.  You must fulfill the law where every single person can come to life within Christ. Fulfill the law where all people are governed and guided by the Holy Spirit. That person will not change because you criticize them. In the moment, they may be judged and they’ll say, “Oh, I’m wrong,” but they cannot be fundamentally changed.  You need to help them from the side, so they may entrust their entire lives to Jesus Christ and the aspects in which they are bound. That is what it means to bear each other’s burdens. 

You need to understand the church well. The one who understands the church well will be used by God, but if you do not understand the church, you cannot be used by God.  We have no choice but to misunderstand the church as simply a community in the world. We have organizations in our companies and schools and our organization hobbies, but the church isn’t like that. The church is the body of Christ that is gathering for Christ. Christ, Who is the head of the church, created this body and is fulfilling everything together.  If one person falls or they sin, then it is not only that one person, the entire body is bound to hurt. “Oh, but I’ve never hurt.” That’s not true. That hurt will be revealed in your life. Think carefully about this.  

If you look down on the members of the church and turn your back on them, then that will surely be fulfilled in your life later on. Why? Because we are the body of God. If there is one part that hurts, there will be discomfort in others.  So, only the one who is walking with the Holy Spirit can raise up those who have fallen.  Even your house is a church, and that’s directly connected with your family.  It’s the same thing for your job or business. The ones who are walking with the spirit will save their job.  If that person goes into politics, they will save politics, why? Because that is the work that God does.  We are not in need of intelligent people; we are in need of those who are guided and worked upon by the Holy Spirit, and that is why we must carry each other’s burdens.

    (3) Be afraid of being tempted (Gal. 6:1, Mt. 7:1-2) 

Be aware so that you yourselves do not fall into temptation because temptations are given by Satan.  You did not accomplish anything by your efforts or strength, it was by the work of the Holy Spirit and God’s grace. Therefore, you can always be tempted by Satan.

  2) Test their own actions (Gal. 6:4) 

That’s why Galatians 6:4 says for each one to test their own actions. To test your own actions means to look at the plank in your own eye instead of the speck in your brother’s.

    (1) Thinks they are something (Gal. 6:3, Mt. 7:3) 

The Bible also says not to think you are something, because if you think you’re something, you’ll think you did  it with your own strength. That is not true, but it is only done by the strength of being with God.  At any moment, we may leave Christ by Satan’s temptation. Leaving Christ doesn’t just mean leaving the church, but in your everyday life, you may try to live without Christ with you. So, do not think you are something, and the moment you think you did accomplish something, be aware so you won’t fall.

There’s nothing we can boast about.  If you do boast of something, then only keep it to yourself; do not boast of it to others because if you ever boast of yourself to anybody else, God will, without a doubt, bring you shame to show you that this was not accomplished by your own righteousness, but by the grace of God, so why are you boasting of yourself? Have you ever seen Jesus boast of Himself?  Jesus never said, “I’m even going to die on the cross for you guys, and it’s such a big deal; I hope you would recognize that.”  The only thing Jesus did was follow the Word of the Father God in gentleness and humility of heart. He wasn’t doing it so He could boast of Himself.

    (2) Test their own actions (Gal. 6:4) 

    (3) Take pride in themselves alone (Gal. 6:4) 

Those that are with and walk with the Holy Spirit are those who bear others’ burdens and are careful of themselves. 

  3) Receive instruction (Gal. 6:6)

    (1) One who instructs the word (Gal. 6:6) 

Gal. 6:6 says that those who receive instruction from the Word are those that are guided by the Holy Spirit. However, those who reject instruction always think they’re perfect, so they cannot receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  Even the pastor must receive guidance from God.  Because, if I just look at the text of Galatians 6:1-10, that is unhelpful.  What is important is that I will completely relay the message God is trying to relay through the text to this church in this time schedule.  

    (2) Received the word and spiritual blessing 

There are two categories of people. Two people will do two things: they teach the Word and receive instruction, so as a pastor, I’m constantly trying to learn the Word because I’m continuously receiving God’s grace through the Word.  Last week, I began to think, “Am I doing all the missions we are doing in the field because I really lament over the souls in the field, or am I doing it just to do it?” For us, it’s easy for us to carry on with what we are doing and the works of God seem great, but that is when we must be the most careful. Am I doing this mechanically or habitually, or am I doing it with the heart of God?” That was really in my heart. 

So I began to pray late at night into the early morning, “God, do I not have your tears and a heart of lament for the field? Am I simply going to the field because you tell me to go, and that is the extent of my grace? May You pour Your heart into mine, God,” and as I was praying about this, what was the heart God gave me?  He reminded me of my friend who committed suicide before I believed in Jesus Christ. He said, “You became a coworker who believed in Jesus Christ after that incident, and remember the suffering you endured before you believed in Jesus? Always think of that, that’s the field.” 

There is a field where even now, young adults in their 20s are living just to survive, and they head towards suicide.  Even now, there are people who do not know spiritual things and are dragged around by Satan and demons. Go into that field, and that’s how the Holy Spirit began to knock in my heart.  As I try to do my ministry as a pastor, the things that are happening are not the issue; that’s the work that God is doing.  What’s important is, “What is the state I’m in?  How is God looking at the land of America?”  

Last week, there was a shooting in Japan, and it was a shooting of the former Prime Minister of Japan.  That person had no reason to be shot, it was a mental illness. What did this shooter’s mother going into religion have anything to do with shooting Prime Minister Abe?  But our mental illnesses cannot be controlled by ourselves.  Every week, there are shootings in America and they don’t happen for no reason; people are seized.

How are you seeing this? That’s what I’m saying.  It’s not about what we do or don’t do, or the missions we do or don’t do. But, do you have the heart of God? If we are the body of Christ, then it is normal for us to have the heart of God.  How much can we possibly do on our own? God has to move us.  But that’s how someone’s heart becomes hardened as they live, and God desires to restore us? When do we get angry? We get angry when someone offends us, and when are we filled with wrath? It is when we are at a loss or disadvantage.  But the wrath of God, looking at the suffering in the world, is not my wrath.  

Until you change that system of being centered on yourself, you cannot confirm the true answers because we receive the Word of God, centered on ourselves, in everything. “I received grace, I didn’t receive grace this time.” Because you’re centered on yourself, you have your own standards, so you focus on whether or not you received grace. That is not true, we must be centered on God.  How is the Word God desires coming upon me? Then the issue is not whether you’re receiving grace or your emotions are touched.  Jesus Christ never worried about whether He agreed with the Word of the Father or not, He simply followed.  Even before He died on the cross, He said, “I can’t do this,” But even then, He said, “Not my will, but Your will be done,” that is gentleness and humility.  You think humility is simply bowing down to others, but that’s not true. Following the words of Jesus is true gentleness and humility.

I’ve received a calling as a pastor of God. It is not a matter of how great or big my pastoral ministry will be, but what kind of person I am. “Am I connected with the heart of God?” I believe that is most important.  “So, God is the one Who does all the work, but what kind of state am I in?” The only way I can think this way is because God gave me the grace to do so, so even the pastor receives instruction from the Word of God, and I move according to the instruction with which God has given me. 

    (3) Share all good things (Gal. 6:6) 

Ones who receive the instruction of God are blessed. However, those who receive the instruction must share all good things. So, how can you be with good things whether you’re giving instruction or receiving instruction? This is physical, material things as well.  So, the ones who are instructing in the Word of God are giving the spiritual blessing, and the ones who are receiving must give back in the physical and material things.  

If you look at the Bible, this is said very accurately. We receive grace from God, isn’t that right? We receive grace from God from the one who delivers God’s Word.  Once we receive the grace of God, we share the good things we have with them.  So, you should not serve guests in your home as the people of the world do.  You must always be used to serving the best things you have for the one who is giving you the Word of God, and you should not reject guests into your home, especially if there’s somebody who is delivering the Word of God, you must always be open to them. And do not just receive the Word of God, share all the good things you have with them. That is the principle by which God works. 

The Jewish people are very good at this. Let’s say there is a Jewish person who is traveling from America to Europe. That person will not stay in a hotel, but they will go into another Jewish person’s home to rest, and the host will give him all the food and read the Torah together, and they’ll share all teh business information of their region. That is how you actually win. The Jewish people do not just win for no reason. It’s Biblical. When you do that, then you even have business success. 

In Japan and Korea, they used to put spies to learn more business knowledge.  I went into a company when I was in my 20s, and one of my peers went to live in another country for a year. What was he doing there? It looked like he was going there to study, but they told him to do a recon of the entire region, and that’s what you call a business spy.  Yes, there are spies who actually go into companies and steal information, but there are also those who hide their identities, go into another region, and analyze them to know the market.  The Jewish people were already doing this thousands of years ago. If you just go to the house of the person living there, they give you all this information.  There’s no reason to invest one or two years of your time. That’s the strategy of Jewish people.  

That is our spiritual strategy as well. If there is nothing for you to give, then give them water.  What do you mean, “There’s nothing for me to give”? You’re eating food, so share that with them. That is how you share spiritual blessings.  These things are not recorded in the Bible for no reason, so you shouldn’t just discriminate and you shouldn’t keep it to yourself; you should share it with others, especially as you receive grace. As you share your material blessings, this will be returned to you. This is the mystery of the business. You shouldn’t just work.  The Bible never says that.  

You must regard people as precious. If you just use people as an instrument or tool, you will suffer because you’re sowing for the physical things, you will reap what is rotten.  But those who sow for the spirit will reap eternal life from the spirit. The moment you think of people as a tool, you are far from God.  Even inside the church, if we look at people as a tool to elevate your own position, that is very dangerous because you’re not aligned with God.  

For people who are working or studying, think of your business and studies as an instrument to help people, but once you think of people as an instrument for your success, there is no God there.  Always, every time you go into your business field, the people are #1.  God always desires to deliver His will for that person through me.  

Joseph was always like this, when he met Pharaoh, he delivered the dream interpretation from God. This is the work God will do in the field. I hope you will think of people as precious. The one who runs their business for people, the one who studies for people.  That is the line of God.  Then, how do I work?  Od gives you the answers to work.  That doesn’t come from your hard work, it is an answer God gives you from above in His time schedule. God will make it so that your work can continue.  

When you say, “I’m a Christian,” I hope you will not only be a Christian in the church, but also outside of the church because all material possessions, all of the earth, are God’s, so if you’re looking onto a land, then it’s not yours. God has entrusted this material possession to you momentarily, but if God wants to move it, He can.  

Do you know what the mystery of industry is for the unbelievers in the world?  It is to share, because God is the God of all.  If kids do not learn this inside of the church, they will be left behind in the world. Even as we live our walks of faith, they are always left behind. We can’t understand that, it’s because they’re not aligned with God.  

3. Working of the Holy Spirit

Finally, we must live following the work of the Holy Spirit.

  1) Eujergesiva (Greek)

In Galatians 6:9-10, it says to “do what is Good.”  What is “doing good”?  “That person is so nice,” that’s not what that means. If you’re nice, it means you don’t say anything when someone says something bad to you. Or if someone does something bad to you, you don’t lose your temper. That’s what people say is nice but what is nice and good before God? It is always being centered on God.

I wrote the word in Greek, but what is the meaning of this Word?  Phil 1:6 says, “He Who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it in the name of Christ Jesus.”  Helping other people is not good work in God’s eyes, that’s just work.  

    (1) Salvation and work of the Holy Spirit (Phil. 1:6)

    (2) Work of the Gospel being proclaimed (Ac. 10:38)

The good work in God’s eyes is giving them salvation through the words of the gospel. The gospel is proclaimed by me, however, salvation is done by God and His grace. Acts 10:38 describes what that good work is.  God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and he went around doing good, healing all those who were under the power of the devil. “The good work” means God was delivering the gospel. That is the person who does the good work before God.  

    (3) The work done by God’s grace (Ac. 4:9)

Acts 4:9 says, “If we are being called to account today for an act of kindness shown to a cripple and are asked how he was healed,” this is giving them the gospel, that’s how he was healed. Through someone, the good work came into me, and until the day of Christ Jesus, by the grace of the Holy Spirit of God within me, He will bring it to completion.  

Doing good work inside the church means that if you see someone getting lost in legalism and getting separated from the gospel, help them come back into the gospel.  In that moment, it doesn’t matter how legalistic you are, arguing with ethics and morals, it will not work. That person has lost hold of the freedom of the gospel so they’re bound to be seized by legalism, and because they are going into the temptation of Satan, they are seized.  You help them with the gospel.  You help them with prayer.  If they are physically suffering a lot, you physically help them as well.  

  2) Those who sow for the Holy Spirit (Gal. 6:8)

Those who sow for the flesh will reap from the flesh destruction, but those who reap to please the spirit will receive from the spirit eternal life. 

    (1) Reap eternal life (Gal. 6:8)

Eternal life doesn’t mean you go to heaven after you die, it means you are eternally living with God, that is the fruit that will continuously arise. That is the fruit of salvation.  When you sow for the spirit, it is the work of the gospel. If the business you’re doing out in the world is for the business of saving lives, that is the gospel.  If I’m washing dishes in the church, that is me serving for those who are receiving the gospel, then that is the work of the gospel, and without a doubt, according to what you sow, the fruits will result.  

If you go to someone’s funeral, you can see how they lived their entire lives, because it goes to a point where yes, of course, God knows, but now it’s visible to others.  At the very end of someone’s life who lived for the gospel, lived with the Holy Spirit, people will know. They start saying things like, “This is very sad, I wish they could be with us for longer,” but for the people who live for themselves and live for their own flesh, this is the result. All the people will leave them, even their children will leave them and their friends will leave them because you will reap what you sow.

Americans say, “If you raise your kids, they will fly away,” but that’s not true. It’s not true just because it’s America, but you plant the physical things so that’s the fruit you reap. What happens if you sow the gospel? They will not leave you because you go to church together.  They’re not going to go this way and that. Esther got married last week but she sees her mother every week; she’s not leaving. They see each other every week, it doesn’t matter if she moves out or not. They see each other every week. That doesn’t happen all of a sudden. Because the gospel went into their kids, they stand before God. Otherwise, if possible, they try to distance themselves from their parents, why? Because you’ve planted something else.

“I planted the gospel!” but in the center, you planted something else. You may have talked about the gospel, but something else was the center.  Then, without a doubt, that is the fruit you will reap.  As the pastor, I give the message, but doing it however I want is not important. I must deliver what God desires, and only that will bear fruit.  This age of America is not eternal. Without a doubt, there is an end of the age. Just as there was an end of the age for the Roman Empire, the age of Egypt also reached its end.  There is an end of the age.  Matthew 24 tells us the end will come when the gospel is testified to all nations. 

    (2) Continuous – Reap at the proper time (Gal. 6:9)

What must we live for then? We are the ones who must have and testify and live for this gospel that has been given to us by God for true freedom, liberation and peace.  For the ones who are constantly living with God, walking with Him and communicating with Him, they will bear fruit.  It doesn’t matter what anybody says, you must plant the gospel and continue this.  Let us not become weary in doing good because if we always say “Gospel, gospel,” people will be oppressed by their surroundings. They’ll start saying things like, “You talk about the gospel but your business is a mess and your children are a mess.” Do not ever give up.  You will reap the fruit in time. 

There was a grandpa who received the gospel and was so happy that he was preaching the gospel every day.  “The people who started with this gospel with me number less than five.”  However, this grandpa’s neighbor went to Japan on a trip and met someone and when he said, “I’m from Australia,” he said, “Oh, do you know this grandpa? I received the gospel from him and now I go to church,” so the neighbor reported this back to the grandpa.  As they did some more research into this, there were so many more people who received the gospel and salvation from this grandpa.  For us, it just feels like the person is not accepting it and just passing us by, and the reason is because you think you have to see it with your own eyes in order for it to be working. But whenever the seed of the gospel is planted, God is bound to bring out His fruits.  May you never be discouraged and constantly do this Work.  

    (3) As we have the opportunity, let us do good to all people (Gal. 6:10)

As we have the opportunity, let us do good to all people.  In 2 Timothy 4, Paul says to Timothy, “Whether you have the time or not, do this good work.”  The furist are bound to follow, without a doubt.  Through me, many families are bound to be saved, and not just families, but generations in that family line. In order to continuously do that work, I must receive strength.

  3) Filling of the Holy Spirit – Prayer

    (1) Me

    (2) To all people

The Holy Spirit is within me.  Seated at the throne of heaven, there is the Father God and Jesus Christ, and that God sent His Holy Spirit into us and is working as the Triune God, so you must enjoy the strength and power of the Triune God.  There’s a difference between the Holy Spirit being within me and the Holy Spirit working within me. Pray for the Holy Spirit to move and control my thoughts, heart, and spirit. We cannot live or endure with our own mental strength. We do not endure with our own strength. We do it with the strength God gives us.  Then, I hope you will pray for the Holy Spirit to work in every field I go to. That’s the person who is spiritual or lives with the spirit.  

    (3) My work

Then, my work becomes an answer between those two prayers because all work comes from God. That’s the answer of 25 hours; we’re limited to 24 hours, and that 25th hour is the answer of God. If you’re making work with your own diligence, it will only go to the extent of maintaining my physical life, whether you are a believer or unbeliever.  But for the people who do this for the Holy Spirit and for the gospel, they will receive their answers from heaven.  

All of our students need to know this answer and study.  All of our businesspeople must know this answer and do their business. If you do not know this, it means you are not one with God, and because of that, you have no freedom, and instead, you’re bearing heavy burdens.


1. Jesus Christ is the master

In conclusion, in order to be a spiritual person, Jesus Christ must be with me as my master, so I can entrust everything to Him.

2. Guidance of the Holy Spirit – Word

We must receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit. God will without a doubt guide us with His Word, and this work isn’t done by my strength, but it’s done by the Holy Spirit. 

3. Working of the Holy Spirit – Work of evangelism, missions

Missions and evangelism taking place means the gospel is being planted and the fruits will be raised. It doesn’t matter what field you are in. May you live as a spiritual person this week and bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit this week.  


Let us pray holding onto the Word God has given us today. 

Offering Prayer and Newcomer Prayer

Father God, we thank You. We pray that You will bless this new family so they may be the covenantal family to bear the fruits of the covenant.  May you bless all of the material possessions we have given as offering with the economy of light.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.  

God, we thank You. We pray that You will bless these two newcomers so that the Word You gave them today will be fulfilled exactly, and we desire for Your grace to be upon them so You may save the church and the world through these people.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.  


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the people of God, the people of all nations, and the remnants, who desire to live for the good work of the gospel, be from now until forevermore always, amen.

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