Be Within the Center of the Triune God to Have True Freedom and Conquer (Isaiah 61:1-3)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Be Within the Center of the Triune God to Have True Freedom and Conquer (Isaiah 61:1-3)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

This passage we read in Isaiah 61 was spoken to the Israelites. They would receive freedom, and it’s talking about the Christ to come.  In Isaiah 61:1, it says, “The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me.”  The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord must be on us. It’s impossible with our diligence and hard work. What doesn’t work?  Those who are captives cannot receive freedom, we cannot heal those who are broken-hearted, and those who are captives and prisoners cannot be freed. There’s no method or hard work we can use.  Only the Holy Spirit must be upon us, there’s no other solution. 

It must be the working of the Holy Spirit by the name of only Christ.  We are living the life of true freedom and liberation.  There are times when we’re prisoners and captives without even realizing it, and the more we try to do something, the more we are bound.  What is true liberation? It is true enjoyment within the freedom.  If you misunderstand freedom as, “Doing whatever I want,” Then you will be bound in the lack of freedom, that is why the holy spirit must be upon us, meaning, we must go into the Holy Spirit.

This Holy Spirit is not an evil spirit, it is the spirit of Christ and that spirit is within us.  The Holy Spirit must be within our thoughts, our heart, our spirit, and our physical body.  Then, we can escape from the fundamental captivity in which we are locked in.  The law is the Word of God; however, we keep trying to stand before God with our righteousness and our efforts. It seems like we’re working very hard, but we will not be able to escape. It must be by the Spirit of God.  Once we know that, we will understand what prayer is.

You must not misunderstand what I mean when I say, “Don’t work hard.”  Yes, of course, we have to work hard, there’s no pastor who tells you otherwise, but we are finding our main point somewhere else.  If your heart is trapped in captivity, your diligence is not enough.  The spirit of only Christ must be upon us, that is how we can have fundamental freedom, that’s how we receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit. If we work hard in a state where our hearts are captive, we’re going to become more seized and we’ll be dragged more by Satan. We’ll be dragged around with the name of Jesus.

That’s why it must be the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of Christ must be with us and holding onto us, in faith.  Being held by the spirit means I am going into gim through faith, this is that time.  It is a time for me to completely entrust my life to the spirit of the Lord within me. Let go of whatever is seizing you, which is impossible without faith.  I keep holding onto my life under the cover of diligence, but I’m always seized. Even coming to worship is by faith, if you don’t believe then you wouldn’t be here because you’re seized by time.  Because we’re limited by time and space, we’re not able to be freed. It’s only possible if we entrust ourselves to the Lord, that’s the freedom given to us.

Through people like this, God gives the answer of raising the church and saving the world. If I am seized  then God cannot do anything through me because we’re seized by material possessions. We’re so bound by that, we’re struggling. If we do not have faith, we’re immediately bound by time.  We cannot escape from the scars of our past.  No matter how much we try to understand the other person or to give them the benefit of the doubt, Satan does not allow us to escape from the scars of our past.  Counseling or therapy may help a little bit, but we cannot escape from the areas where Satan is holding onto us, even with therapy.  Therefore, any counseling that doesn’t have Christ cannot properly guide anyone.  Because we don’t truly know the spiritually,  so we say, “by talking to you, my heart feels relieved,” but  we cannot actually be liberated. It’s important to have the counseling that actually has the answer.  

What’s important is a businessperson who knows the true answer of liberation and saving. Then, you will come to the answer of only Christ, only the Spirit of Christ.  This is not something we can do by praying legalistically.  People who work hard will work hard and then collapse because of their diligence.  We have to entrust it for the Holy Spirit of God to work.  

Scheduled prayer is the time for us to restore the spiritual rhythm where we entrust our life compelled to God and hold onto only Christ.  The first thing you do in the morning, you must first restore your spiritual strength.  What happens if you do not? You’re always dragged by the physical things, and that’s why your heart and spirit are so difficult.  As this continues, you will be spiritually oppressed.  One day, this will spill over and turn into a disease.  

Before this meeting, I was speaking with Missionary Lee in Tanzania.  He is doing the greatest ministry in Africa.  He went in the 90s and started learning their Swahili language, and I know him well because we went to the same church. I heard in the kakaotalk room, I heard he has a brain aneurysm, so he went to Korea, and his ministry has gone beyond our imagination.  I’m praying for him because a prayer topic was posted.  I believe God will work out of the ordinary in order to continue this ministry.

Our spiritual strength is extremely important.  Otherwise, if we just work with our diligence, we face our limitations.  He’s taller than I am and he has a very good physique, his wife is also very tall and he does ministry.  He is leading multiple general assemblies in Africa.  They are being used in a great way among multiple churches.  I’m praying for him to receive spiritual strength because those ministries are so important, and it must not stop.  Their son is also carrying on the ministry. 

Either way, humans have their limitations. God must hold onto us, God has a plan, so if God stops him, he stops.  That’s why we pray.  In Acts 12, when Peter was locked in prison, the other believers did not stay still looking for God’s plan, they prayed together. Even the people who did not pray, turned to pray, but the people who did not know prayer will not pray. Under God’s control, they do not pray, then nothing happens. That is the spiritual principle.  

There were 120 members in the Early Church who received education from Jesus, and this pastor proclaiming the gospel was imprisoned. Why do you think they prayed? Do you think they prayed for him to be released? We don’t know God’s will, so that’s why they prayed.  Nobody knows if this is the work of an evil spirit or the Holy Spirit.  The members of the church prayed for the strength of the pastor.  Why is that? Because the Early Church received the mission to proclaim the gospel, and it was being blocked.

Because they prayed, God did the work of God.  The angel of the Lord was sent and opened the doors of the prison, that’s the power of prayer.  God doesn’t work randomly.  God will work on those who pray. Without a doubt, God does God’s work by sending His angels, and without a doubt, when the Holy Spirit works, these things happen.  That’s how Peter came back to them, and the members of the church were shocked, even though they prayed, because Peter could not remain imprisoned.  He could have died in prison, and it depends on God’s will and time schedule, but either way, they prayed for the servant of the Lord.  

I pray for somebody, but in reality, this church is blessed.  Right now, we’re doing a relay fasting prayer for the missions camp in El Salvador and Karen. The people who know prayer will do this, of course.  While we pray for others, in reality, our spiritual blessings and reality are changed.  Because we see the works of God, our disbelief is broken, and that’s the power of prayer. It’s the same thing today, only the spirit of God must be upon us.  Even the opening of the prison gates must be the working of the Holy Spirit.  The One Who has authority in heaven and on earth must work. 

Those who are praying this week will understand spiritual blessings.  Why do you think God gave this to our church? Especially for people who continuously practice intercessory prayer, their own spiritual state changes. There’s no limit to God.  If there’s a spiritual problem in your family, your entire family will have spiritual blessings.  That’s what God is like, and what an incredible opportunity to pray is this!  God has opened the door to a place nobody else is going. That door wouldn’t open if God didn’t open it. Just because God opened it doesn’t mean you go, we are going because God gives us the heart to go. 

As God is moving this church and the spiritual blessings, who will participate in those blessings?  May this be an opportunity for you to experience this. We’re doing relay fasting prayer for the entire church to experience this, because otherwise, we wouldn’t.  Does that mean we only pray that day? No.  We are doing this simply so that every member of the church can pray together with one heart.  

A few years ago, I went to Mexico and there was something happening at that church. Because of that, I couldn’t understand, people are leaving the church for no reason.  For someone as innocent as I was, I was kind of shocked.  Before I knew the gospel, I emphasized justice and righteousness so I couldn’t understand things like that.  I should’ve been able to overcome that with the gospel, but I didn’t understand the gospel deeply enough, so it didn’t make sense to me, but now I see it was the work of God.

I was taking the plane from Mexico and I couldn’t understand, even though I should have had the answer.  While I was on the plane, God gave me a heart.  He asked me, “What is the center of your heart? Is your center based on whether you come or go? Where is it? Is your heart on the spirit of these people or is it on how many people are coming or going?” This is the heart God gave me on the plane.  

From that moment until the day I left Mexico, really, without joking, I prayed 24 hours. I prayed before I gave the message and after I gave the message on my own.  So I spent 1 week, communicating with the Lord, and I prayed for the church and I have to continuously give the message in Mexico so I was praying for that, because I saw the spiritual things, I had no choice but to pray.  

While I was so concerned about the problems I saw, God gave me something in my heart, and because of that, I enjoyed the blessing, and in reality, because of this incident, the true disciples came into the church.  Even right now, these disciples are not shaking; they are devoting a lot to the church. It was so fascinating.  If somebody says something, people get offended, but they are never offended.  They devote so much more than the average churchgoer.  They’re evangelizing so much. I’m not talking about numbers, as I began to pray for this incident that I couldn’t understand, God sent people like this.

Today, it’s the same.  This mission to El Salvador must be carried out by God. If God doesn’t work, we’re going out with empty hands, and through this, God wants every one member of our church to enter into spiritual blessings.  Your business must go into this as well, and your studies must go into this as well, because, “Go and make disciples of all nations,” includes everybody, not just remnants and businesspeople.

I want to emphasize this a lot.  If I tell the remnants to devote to the church, they hear it legalistically, so I hope they will stake their lives on the church, and for people who did not learn it this way, I hope you will change your thinking. The church is the place that stakes its life for the church, so we must stake our lives for the church, we must study for the church.  This is a strange word some people have never heard, “we need to study to make money.”  The Bible never told us to do that; those things should naturally follow.

He says, “Pray for God’s Kingdom,” His Kingdom which is the church. Pray for the people in the Kingdom of God and the people in the world pour all of your financial power to the church. I want to teach you correctly; I do not want to teach you religious things. “Pay attention to what other people think”? I don’t like that. The remnants must correctly know and be used biblically before God.  

Make everything centered on worship. There’s no such thing as “too busy,” but you’re not busy enough yet.  Ever since you’re young, you organize your time around worship, then it will be organized. If there’s a very special occasion where you really are too busy, there’s nothing you can do.  If somebody is constantly centered on worship and evangelizing and missions of the gospel into the field and get to busy, there’s nothing anyone can do.  

This is how we go into the frame of the Triune God. If you occasionally receive grace but your fundamental frame is incorrect, then the grace you get will dissipate.  May you devote your talents to the church; that’s the reason God gave you those talents, and use it for missions and evangelism.  You must understand this now in order to become a church officer later.  You can only receive liberation when the Spirit of the LORD is upon you.  As you listen to the Word of God today, may the Holy Spirit work upon you, and that’s where you can be liberated in the areas in which you are bound.

We don’t know the church well. The church is a form of heaven, the church is a place where anybody can come.  God is with us in that.  Jesus is the head of this.  This is where God receives our worship and gives us His Word for this purpose.  Now, what must the church do? We save the world, we are missionaries who save the world, and that’s why in the early morning, we gather together to pray for the world, because that’s what we were told to do.

We go to our missions camps and we are praying together for that. It’s impossible without the working of the Holy Spirit, and in America, it’s impossible without only the working of the Holy Spirit.  We will always be captives to the physical things, Genesis 6, they’ll be captives to always making money, Genesis 11, they’ll be captives to the ideas of success, then later on, they’ll be seized so tightly.  That’s what the Israelites went through for 430 years in Egypt. They know this with their brains, but their actual actions are different. That’s why we worship before God with the word and prayer, centered on missions and evangelism.  That’s when you will escape from your own frame.  

With your frame, centered on you, Genesis 3, 6, and 11, you can never escape.  Only when you’re within the center of the Triune God will you have freedom and conquer, and that’s the church. You must not think lightly of church.  If you look down on the church, it means you’re more interested in the world.  The church is a gathering of the people of God, through the church, God changes the world, and the core of the church is not serving, but it is worship.  

It is training, because we are told to teach them to obey. Once you raise up the people of the world, you send them back out, then you pour all your talents into the church.  Everyone who does this, without exception, will not ask, “What is my talent?”  But we are left in the dark because we keep centering our talents in the world. God gave you your talent for the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God is the church, and missions and evangelism is finding the people of God in the world.  God will reveal your talents according to the time schedule of the church.

If you argue whether this is difficult or not, you cannot do missions and evangelism.  If you say, “This person is making my life hard,” you cannot do America evangelization. The Spirit of God is with me. If God gives me strength in my thoughts and my mind, I can overcome . Once you leave worship, you must have a living worship continuously through prayer because He will be with you forever.  Where is the beginning of everything?  You must always begin with the One seated at the throne of heaven and is with me through the Holy Spirit.  If you try to do something it cannot go long because the work I can do is limited to a few physical things, but I can continue through the work God does inside of me. This is the blessing of prayer.

Once you hear the word, “prayer,” you must understand and relay this to unbelievers.  When I look at the remnants, they understand the words of the pulpit they’re not able to pray. I understand when I talk to them that they are not praying.  I am not much, but i Just feel this.  Prayer is moment-by-moment.  Moment by moment, God controls my thoughts and hearts because the Holy Spirit is with  me, then I go into it and then I will know.  When I face a situation, “This is what God said,” but if you’re not able to pray, it will be difficult.  

How will you learn prayer?  No matter what situation you are in, it isn’t a problem because God guides your thoughts and heart. This is the blessing God gave us.  Especially when we have some event at church, we gather together to pray.  Then, you will be raised up spiritually.  Just as when people are concentrating  their efforts, their strength will increase, and we have so many blessings through the missions camps.  

My prayer is going into an area where the accurate gospel has never gone in then the rewards will be with me just as much as it is in the field.  Because you’re participating with your prayers, the things you give to the prophet will receive a prophets reward.  The real problem is, we don’t know this as a blessing. Then we think about the blessing of the physical world, “how can we get that?” it means you haven’t changed.  It’s almost like you’re a young child who doesn’t know the truly expensive things and holds onto candy. What a great blessing is this.

If you pray for Temple Construction, you will receive answers without a doubt.  All these blessings are laid before us but our thoughts are in the world, and then we think, “What can I do?”  It’s not you, but if you pray, then even the land of nothing will be restored, because it all belongs to God.  For the people who have lost their money unfairly, if you’re praying, God can do anything, or God can work through your children.  But because you keep looking at yourself only, you’re limiting God.  

Either way, if you have a posture of praying for the church announcements, that in I myself is a blessing. You do this in the early morning as well as through the relay prayers, continuously. If you pray, God works.  If God works, then the demons are cast out and the kingdom is established as the Holy Spirit works.  We told you earlier what it means to work centered on your regional churches and your Darakbang meetings.  If you don’t open those up, it’s like working one against a million, it’s very difficult.

When people come, they’re not immediately changed, you must open up a forum where they can give you all their problems of their heart, that’s why your family must be a mission home, but we keep imagining an incorrect family, we have a different imagination.  People must receive the gospel, but this doesn’t take place immediately. They must have a location where they take out all the burdens of their heart. That family is a great blessing.  It’s a blessing but you don’t want that blessing because a different blessing is within you.

That’s why in your field Darakbang meetings and your regional churches, you must have a time and a set place for people to unload the burdens of their heart. You listen and according to God’s time schedule, you receive answers. If you don’t understand this, look at the fortune teller.  The fortune tellers always there, and what do they do? People tell them their problems. You need to have a location where they can tell you their problems, you cannot do it by just meeting them once, you cannot evangelize them biblically. That might be an aspect of prayer, but that’s not the Biblical evangelism.  

Without a doubt, in that field, there are disciples prepared, and that’s why we go into that field and open up this location.  As we go there, we continuously receive strength from God’s Word and pray, then the forces of darkness will be broken and God will bring His field to us. Then, more people will be invited through the people you meet throughout the week.  You cannot give them the answer immediately because you don’t know; you have to have them come here. 

Without a doubt, people who are spiritually thirsty want to tell their problems and they are bound to go, then you must have the leisure  to listen to them fully and give them the diagnosis, then your family becomes the field church.  THen, that is the blessing of God upon you.  First and foremost, the forces of darkness in your family and family line must be broken because God must continuously work through it.  Otherwise, you come to church occasionally and instead of having a jail home you have a corrupt home.  It is a place where you simply go to rest your physical body, then it’s a hotel, not a home.  

What a blessing is to your family!  Whether you have a Darakbang meeting, a mission home, or a regional church, it is to save lives, then as big as the size of your vessel, God will bring more because it is necessary.  If you have a big home, then what else would you do with it?  You’re going to spend all your money on filling it with unnecessary things. That’s the economy of darkness.  Save lives, invite your children’s friends and give them the gospel. This will all be revealed as you pray. Either way, your family must be a blessing before God.

Don’t you think that was Noah?  He went all into the Ark, all into worship, all into missions and evangelism in the field.  He used all of his possessions for this.  Then, was he empty-handed? No, he became the greatest rich person. God doesn’t work upon us feebly; He works upon us abundantly, even in the eyes of others.  This is the work God does.

May the members of the church broaden your faith. If you only pray for yourself, it’s going to be hard. If you’re not able to pray, it means you have a lot of thoughts from the world, and the more thoughts you have, you’ll be led in the opposite direction of God, you’ll constantly be pulled in the direction of being more seized and held captive, because people separated from God have no choice.  

But for people receiving God’s guidance, things work out. When they face a problem, they see blessings.  Other people say it’s a crisis, but there’s no crisis to God.  Because God continuously works upon my thoughts and heart, this crisis turns into an opportunity. There’s no failure for us.  He is with us forever, 24 hours, always.  But we cannot pray.  That’s why you start with scheduled prayer.  You must absolutely have this time where you set so that you can get the spiriutal sense and the rhythm.  

RIght now, the kids are on vacation and these two are getting married. From the beginning, early morning prayer. Stop trying to learn the wrong things. “My life is so hard and work is so difficult”? Those are the words of a weak person, and it’s because you’ve learned incorrectly. God told you to do this first, then even if it looks wrong, it will turn correct because you must fight in the long run. We are not running a 5k sprint, we are running a marathon, so you must first have the strength to do so.

You cannot lie to the kids, I have to tell them the correct words.  From the very beginning, now that you’re in LA, don’t listen to anyone’s words; you must first come to Early Morning Prayer as a couple. That’s how the couple will be saved, concentrate in prayer to God, then you will have leisure. If God is urgent, He will give you answers urgently, but because you don’t have the walk of faith to do this, you’re always busy and you’re always lacking, there’s never leisure because you’re centered on something else. Do not do that.

It’s the same for college graduates, your thoughts must be renewed quickly. You’re no longer in college; you’re in society, and Satan will never escape from society.  Start from the early morning and fight the war.  I’ve done so many ministries with students, starting from when I was a young adult.  You must teach them this first.  You need to first set a foundation where you can go in the long run.  If you don’t think this way, you’ll waver back and forth based on things you see, then your faith will leave.

That’s why it’s important to have spiritual sense and rhythm.  But your nature is not to do this, so it’s not easy, but if you resolve to do it, God will give you this answer and that’s how you can have true success. If you want to just barely make a living, you don’t have to do this because you’re not that important.  However, if you’re the one to fight the spiritual battle of the age and you are someone God will use, you  must prepare your vessel first. 

You must have a very large vessel.  In order for God to entrust very important things to you, you must have the vessel, but as soon as God gives you something important, you say you have no time, then it’s going to be hard. As soon as God gives you important work, you listen to the words of people, then it will be hard, that’s why God creates his system in you to overcome this in advance.  The disciple who received this guidance.  

For the people who won’t do this don’t need to do this, you just do this according to your vessel.  I’m giving you all the messages I’ll give at the wedding.  If I tell you this at the wedding, then those who won’t understand will be confused, so I’ll tell you the difficult things now, because I have a conscience of a pastor, I cannot lie to these kids. You need to really pray in your heart.  If you’re trying to just fill yourself in the church, it’s not right.  

I told this to Joyce as soon as she became a freshman in college. But she’s still not doing it, I’m not sure if she is or not. It’s not easy, and it’s not too late.  You need to break that flow, you need to break the flow of America. You need to change the physical to the spiritual, otherwise you cannot overcome the field.  Everyone is flowing, centered on physical things, success, and smart people’s words, and all those words are centered on physical things and legalism, fighting over who is right or wrong. You cannot overcome, but if you’re constantly with God, no matter what circumstances you face, you’re receiving guidance from God.  

I will constantly tell you about this blessing, and it’s been awhile since I’ve said it, but may you continuously enjoy.  Any other words you hear may be correct but they cannot do world evangelization.  They might touch you as a human, however, they cannot berka down Satan or overcome the disasters of the world or raise up disciples for world evangelization.  That is why, as you continuously follow the word of God before God, you will have the vessel for world evangelization.  

That’s Daniel, Daniel was like that.  The more important you are, the more difficulties you face, and everyone commits suicide at that time, but they say, “I will not bow down.”  You’ll say, everyone in the world is rotten and wrong, but they always happen, but Daniel never said that.  Exactly as he had done before, as this piles up, you’ll receive answers.  The problem is the answer.  That blessing is going through four different kings.  That means all 4 kings thought, “I cannot be king without Daniel,” and that is the wisdom given from heaven.

In order for you to have this true victory of victories in the long run, you must have this spiritual rhythm set. Your age is irrelevant because God works in your 80s as well. If He doesn’t work on me, He can work on my kids, so just hold onto the Word and stand.  


Let us pray together with the Word God gave us, God, work upon me with the Holy Spirit, work upon my thoughts, my heart, my subconscious, and my body, and may the Holy Spirit of God work upon the missions field of our church. May those who are scarred be liberated; may those who are bound be freed, may those who are captives be freed,  may we work with only the Holy Spirit. Let us pray together. 

Let us pray for the elementary, youth, and middle school kids for tomorrow. Starting from July 11, we will have the Youth Retreat.  Especially in the para movement, it goes beyond the church, so there is another working of the holy spirit for those gatherings. If you want to have a larger vessel, we must continuously learn to go beyond. The church is important but we must go beyond the church as well.  The region is important but we must go beyond the region to the ends of the earth.  That doesn’t happen out of nowhere; as you participate in these movements your frame is broken, otherwise, your vessel will be so small, the only thing you think about is, “me, me, me, my church, my church,” but God told us to evangelize to the world.  Let us pray for the remnants.  

Throughout the week and especially on Friday, may you change your concentration to be filled with only the Holy Spirit. God told us to prophesy to the dry bones and to breathe into them the breath of life.  If you just hold onto the word but there’s no breath of life, you lack strength. May this be that time.  When the breath of life goes into you, then an army will formup and missions will take place.  Let us pray again, let us pray for only the Triune God to be upon me, only the Triune God is necessary in my life, and may the Triune God be upon the life I have in the future. And only the work of the Triune God is necessary in the missions field of America.  That’s what we call “only,” and may those who have their answer in “only” receive their answers.

If you say Christ plus something else, it will be hard, may this be the time to change that.  Let us pray for ourselves at this time and especially our fields, for the strong man to be bound.  That is how your business, your family, and your studies will take place.  If the forces of darkness are strongly binding your business, region, and studies, how can you work? Let us pray for your business and family line.

At this time, let us pray for the remnants who are out of state.  The fact that you’re worshiping here in the church is a blessing, but these kids are out of state with no choice, so we must enjoy the blessing of prayer. If you pray for the remnants, you receive the answer and reward of the remnants. Even if you give them a cup of water, you receive a reward, so your prayers will receive a reward. I’m not saying that’s your motive, but God forgets nothing. Let us look at the list of remnants and pray together.  

Let us also pray for the wedding.  Without the gospel, the spiritual curses of both family lines are combined into one, but with the gospel, it all turns into blessings. Marriage is not done by love alone; you must not misunderstand, you must not look at others and keep writing novels. God must guard your family with the covenant.  If you keep holding onto incorrect things you’ve learned, Satan will destroy you with that. Yes of course there is love as well, but that is not enough, you must be able to take into consideration everything of the covenant, and that’s why God gives us His Word on the wedding day.  Getting married in 5 minutes in Las Vegas is more convenient, but it’s important to receive God’s word.

Wedding is also worship, you’re standing before God. The culture of the world is centered on convenience. Let us pray to God to give us the Word of blessing on that day.  Let us pray for both family lines to gather together as one as a new family for world evangelization and true blessings.  May they receive the correct answers as the church officers of the future and the remnants for world evangelism. Let us pray for God’s blessings.  


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the heads of all the people of God who desire to possess, relay, and enjoy the blessing to save the world through only Christ, only God’s Kingdom, and only the Holy Spirit, be upon all their businesses, studies, and ministries, be with us from now until forevermore always, amen. 

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