The Discipleship Training God Wants (Mark 3:13-15)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Discipleship Training God Wants (Mark 3:13-15)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Esther Han

Today we will share the word about the discipleship training that the LORD wants. The word dispelled can be applied to anyone, for those who are running their business, they also have dissolved in their business , even athletes have their disciples. No matter what area you are in, if u specialize in that area you are bound to have disciples. But we need to know what the disciple the LORD wants in the Bible, and in order to be trained as a disciple, what portion should we be trained in? 

Introduction – Answers Every day

We need the discipleship training where Jesus Christ is the answer every day, the reason is because Jesus is answering us everyday. If someone is able to do this, they can raise other dispels in the word as well. 

Philippians 4:7

In Philippians 4:7 he guards our heart and mind. It’s not that someone else is protecting us, but the LORD who is inside of us that is protecting us, that’s why it’s an answer everyday. If we are asking something because we don’t know, it means we are losing hold of this answer. Yes it’s possible to ask someone about receiving answers because you want to confirm this answer everyday, however if you don’t know and your asking this answer yourself, then everyday you’ll have to ask. Meaning that the Lord is inside me answering all the time, however I’m somewhere else. And if I’m somewhere else then I keep trying to receive answers from others, then this isn’t proper discipleship training. 

Everyday the Lord is guarding our mind and heart, and so everyday we must receive answers from this. But there are problems that come upon us. Then through this problem how are we going to receive God’s answers? Meaning we need a fundamental understanding of this problem, and we can talk about this through the incident of Joseph. 

Joseph was sold into slavery because of his brothers. But it became a problem, you have to understand the fundamental thing about this problem in order for you to understand this problem. Because of his brothers, he met this situation of slavery. Then why was it the brothers had no choice but to be like that? And why would they do it to Joseph is all people? You have to ur erstand the fundamental this in order to understand it. 

1) Problem – Fundamental Understanding (Joseph) – Viewpoint, Resentment, Satan, Lifestyle

But rather than understanding the fundamental things we keep looking at problems through our perspectives and try to understand the brothers from our perspectives. To understand fundamentally, means we need to understand it through the viewpoint of God. But why is it that we cannot understand the problem, it’s because we try to understand the people or problem from our perspectives. But there’s an incident on both sides.  The brothers did not have God’s covenant or grace so they had no choice but to act upon themselves. And Joseph received a lot of love and favoritism from his father. And so he would tattle tell on his brothers. So within this you must understand the fundamental thing for you to receive an answer. If you do not understand the fundamental reason behind this person, then you have no choice but to be resentful. And if you’re resentful you cannot stay still, because absolutely Satan will use that channel and attack. Then this goes into our life and controls it.

(2) Answer (Future)

So discipleship training means God is giving us the answer every day but we must understand the fundamental  things. And you have to find God’s plan. Saying it again, God has absolutely set aside a perfect answer for you. You either see this in advance or after all of the problem has passed. 

2) Thoughts – Continuous Prayer

So then how must we think? We always think, when we look at something we think about it, and the state of our emotions will come out. This happens to everybody, even nonbelievers, that’s not an answer. That is just what you think and feel. I like it, I don’t like it, is it good or bad. But absolutely it says God is guarding our hearts and minds.  And so discipleship training has this continuous prayer. It’s not that this is discipleship  training, but if you are a disciple, then you are receiving the answers within your thoughts. Saying it simply, if you receive a thought then you pray to the Lord who is inside you. And if you pray, your thoughts and heart will change because God is guarding it. 

If you don’t hold onto continuous prayer, then because of your thoughts and heart, you will lose hold of God’s blessings and answers in the field. 

3) Rhythm – Scheduled Prayer

It’s important for you to go into the spiritual flow, to ride the rhythm. That’s why it’s so important for us to dedicate a time and to do scheduled prayer, because the Lord who has finished everything with the gospel is inside of us right now, but if there’s a problem, oftentimes our thoughts and hearts are not aligned with God.  It’s possible for us to go into the flow that is not of God because throughout the day, we see things, we hear things, and we feel things.

But we cannot go in the direction of our own thoughts. You have to go in the direction of the thoughts and heart that God gives in order to receive guidance, and the way to maintain this rhythm is to designate a time and to maintain scheduled prayer.  For me, I generally use the early morning time. It’s been a very long time. God has guided me ever since I received training in Korea.  

If this happens to you, then through scheduled prayer, when you wake up, you’re going to have this spiritual sense.  But if you can’t do this, then even throughout the day, you’ll be dragged around by your thoughts and your heart. Then what happens if a problem occurs? You have no choice but to become resentful and worried.  

4) Worship – Message

Now, when we give worship, God is accurately giving us the message.  Throughout the week, you’re giving worship and you have to confirm the message accurately .But if you’re unable to do this, then throughout the week, you’re going to be dragged around by your thoughts and it’s not going to align with God, even when you come to worship, you’re only going to receive answers how you want to receive it. 

5) Will

But if you do this, you’ll be able to know what God’s will is, and you’ll be confident that this is God’s will.  So, every day, I’m a disciple who receives answers.  Why? Because every day, there are occurrences in our lives, and every day, eternally, God is with me, working upon me, and this is the most important thing.  Ask yourself, “Am I within this stream?”  Or, “Did I receive salvation? Am I living a life completely irrelevant to this?” God has actually called you as a disciple; however, you have to be able to confirm this every day. 


1. What Must We See? 

For us, what must we see? 

1) 6 States of the Unbeliever 

A disciple must be able to see the 6 states of the unbeliever.  In the field, the unbelievers are living in this state, but if you don’t see it, you’ll see it in a different way, you’ll see it according to what you feel or think.

(1) John 8:44 Devil

It says the unbelievers belong to the devil, you have to see this in order for you to see them accurately, but if you can’t see this, you’re going to see them in a different way, you’re going to see them according to how you think or feel, then you’re going to make the incorrect judgment, so you have no choice but ot receive the incorrect answers, so you have to confirm this every day.

(2) Exodus 20:3-5 Slave (Idol, Religion)

These people are slaves to the devils.  Why? Because they serve the devil, they have no choice but to be slaves to the devil, that’s why they follow idols or religion. Even when you do business, you have to know this, because how else would you do your business? If you do not see their spiritual state, how could you possibly do business? You’re just going to do your work physically for the physical things.  But you have to know what is moving the other person.

(3) Matthew 11:28 Mentally Seized

Their hearts and minds are completely seized. It’s not just that they’re slaves to the devil, but their minds and emotions are completely seized.

(4) Acts 8:4-8 Physical

It says they’re physically seized, you have to be able to see this.

(5) Luke 16:19-31 Hell

We see they are dragged off to hell.  If you don’t see this, you’re going to look at someone based on your thoughts, feelings, and experiences, and you’re going to judge them. So we keep telling the remnants to do this. If I tell the remnants to do it, then there’s nothing more to say to the church leaders. You have to take this and see the field with it.  That’s why I keep having you write the Word, proclaim the Word, and hear the Word. If that becomes your life and your nature, you’re going to be able to save people like this. At that point, you don’t have to write this down because you see it, then that means even if you don’t write it, you can proclaim the Word. 

(6) Matthew 27:25 Family, Family Line

It says it flows down to the future generations and family line. You have to always think about this and confirm it, and that’s what we actually call prayer.  This is spiritual, but if you don’t look at them spiritually, you’ll have no choice but to look at them physically based on their nature, their background,and their experiences.  You have to see this in order to give an answer.

2) Evangelism – Spiritual Battle

What is evangelism?  It is doing spiritual battle in the name of Jesus Christ, but if you can’t see this, you can’t call it a spiritual battle.  But because you see how the world is flowing according to this, you have no choice but to have victory in the name of Jesus Christ.  It’s a fight between whether the power of Jesus Christ will come upon them or not. This is the kind of disciple, remnant, and businessperson.  

3) Upper Room – Lighthouse

Then what is the Upper Room?  We call it the Upper Room, meeting in the field and in the regional churches, but why do we do this?  If you just evangelize and give the name of Jesus Christ, that’s not just evangelism, why? Because if a person immediately accepts Jesus Christ, that’s fine, but it’s not always like that.  If anything, these meetings act like a lighthouse, meaning, if you do not have a place where people with problems can come and you can guide them through, you cannot give them the answer.  

To say that we just go into the field and evangelize Jesus Christ and have them accept Jesus Christ at that moment, that’s 1 in 10,000 chance. If you think that’s evangelism, then of course evangelism is difficult.  It must be a location where a person with the problem can come and you can guide them through the problem.  So, you need a location where you can listen to these problems and give an answer sufficiently.

For example, when you go into the hospital and you’re walking around trying to evangelize, then it’s difficult, but if you’re just there shining the light, then people will come to you, then you’re going to listen to their problems  and give the answers, and that’s why the Upper Room movement is so important.

4) Gospel – Identity, Authority

They need this opportunity where they can sufficiently listen to the gospel.  Speaking about the gospel is not just talking about the status we have as children of God.  You have to also give them the answer of the authority that they have to overcome the six states.  That’s how you let them know about the authority they have to overcome the six states of the unbeliever.  That’s why, to everyone who comes, we let them know about the status and authority they have within this gospel.  If you just tell them about their status and not about their authority, they cannot overcome the six states. To overcome the six states means they can overcome the world.  You have to tell them about this in order for them to know the six states of the unbeliever.  

5) Disciple Training – Long-Standing Problem, Fundamental Solution

But you can’t just do this, you have to make them into disciples as well. That’s what this means to establish them in the church.  Individually you’re giving them discipleship training, discipleship training means that this person has a long-standing problem, but you’re training them to know about this, fundamentally.  That’s why in Matthew 28:18-20, it says, “Go and make disciples of all nations,” Because you have to go into all nations to give them gospel, through the Upper Room movement, and let them know the gospel and establish them within the church, so that you can teach and they can do the Lord’s work. 

There are large problems people have, but even after the large problems are solved, there are the other r problems that keep coming up and fundamentally, they have to figure this out.  So, for businesspeople to make 70 disciples means that we can do this work within this stream.  To do this, the individual has to receive the answers every day.  People say this or that happens, but we have no reason or excuse.  If we have an excuse, it means we’re resentful. We have no excuse, because the LORD is guiding our hearts and minds; we have no other reason, so the disciple does not need any words.  It’s not “because of this,” but it’s that the Lord is giving me an answer.  It’s because I’ve received the answer through them. Heaven is a palace that doesn’t do any work.  There but as time goes, you become more wordless.  But, from Joseph’s perspective, his  brothers actually tried to hurt him, then what do the people in the church say? “It’s because of this person”  but there are the things the brothers say, “You went to Dad and tattled on us!” it means that even though they’re children of GOd, they do not believe in God, so there’s no choice to resent each other.  Satan is dancing.   A disciple is able to see the fundamental thing within the problem and see God’s answers.

“The world is so difficult,” does that mean that God doesn’t exist? No within that difficulty God is guiding them with answers.  This is all a result of prayer.  Then, you’re going to be able to ride the rhythm and receive the message accurately as you’re following God’s will. Then we’ll be able to see in this way.Then , I can raise up disciple.  The businessperson will have the business that can  raise the 70  regions.  My business is going to have the influence of giving answers, and God is going to give us that answer, why? Because everything through God will receive answers, but we keep misunderstand the word because we are imprinted in the physical things the world imprinted into us, but we received God’s answers and guidance, but if our eyes are somewhere else, it’s not going to work out.

2. Method of Evangelism.  

1) Salvation – (John 1:12) Status/Authority 

First is that, through salvation, we are restoring our status and authority at the same time.  Absolutely, if the Gospel goes into someone, they will be able to restore their status and authority. But that’s not the end of it because within that person is a long standing problem, and we must heal them of this. They are not talking to you right now about this but spiritually they have a king standing problem within their family line and their individual and it’s very serious. And it’s the solving of the past problems. 

2) Healing – Spiritual Thoughts

(1) Past – Solved

(2) Present= Liberated 

And the present reality where we used to be stuck in Satan’s  grasp, we are liberated from that. 

(3) Future – Heaven 

And the future is that we are going to heaven. So we have to take this fundamentally and heal the deep problems within them. The past problem where you’re spiritually dead is now solved because you’re saved. But the fact that everything’s finished doesn’t enter you, then you’ll keep being seized by past problems. But, by knowing Christ, you’re going to be able to come out of this problem.


1) Things to change

You must change what exists within them. In Matthew 5:1-7:14, you have to change the incorrect differences.  

1) Matthew 5:1 – 7:14 X Blessing

So a person’s status and authority might have changed through salvation but they keep on focusing on the physical things as the blessings. Meaning  they’re seized by Satan, and doing idol worship. They think the success within this is a blessing so you have to change that for them.  Blessed is the one who is poor in heart. Your heart has to be hore in roder for you to constantly be seeking the Word.  

But if you have no desire to receive the Word and you have some physical possession, that isn’t a blessing. Then the one who is meek. Then that means you are listening to the word, that is a blessing. And in Matthew 6, he talks about prayer, and Jesus reached them the Lord’s Prayer. If you do not teach them prayer, people don’t know how to pray, so exactly as the Lord has taught them, you need to teach them to the new believers, because otherwise they will hold onto another blessing and do religious prayer. Because their idea of what a blessing is hasn’t changed, they have no choice but to pray that religious prayer. 

But you’re praying for the will of the father, meaning you’re not praying to receive what you want it to receive but to do God’s will. That God’s will be established on this earth, and you’re praying so that his kingdom will be established on this earth. And you’re praying not to fall into temptations because absolutely there will be temptations, and you’re praying for the daily bread, and you don’t really have to but you still do. So first you have to seek God’s kingdom and righteousness. You have to pray for God’s kingdom and salvation. Because within the gospel is His righteousness revealed. That is salvation, God’s kingdom, this is what Paul relayed. 

If you don’t teach the new believers this prayer, they will pray for the things they want, and they are not going to receive healing. And before you worship, resolve your problems with other people and then come. What happens if you don’t teach new believers to reconcile with other people, then that means their going to not receive the Holy Spirit and won’t be able to worship. As a non believer, even if you fight, that’s the bed of it because all you have to do is not see them ever again, but if you fight with someone and come to worship , you won’t be able to have success in worship. So we are different from when we used to be non believers.

But let’s say you’re holding onto this grudge and praying, I’m sorry but it’s not going to work. But because you don’t teach this to the new believers, they don’t do this. And so they do the devils work because they are holding onto this religious pride. Religious pride is even more dangerous than regular pride, because when you’re just prideful you can say “oh I can be at fault” but if you wrap it up with religion, then it becomes your ideology. 

Matthew 7 says, “Do not look at others’ weaknesses but look at your own weaknesses.” Then what are you going to do first?  If you don’t teach this to the new believers, they’ll come to church and see people talking poorly about each other, and that’s what they’ll get used to.  But if you teach this to the new believers, then even if they come to church and see others talking bad about others, they’re going to say, “This person is not complete,” and they’re not going to be influenced by that.

It’s the same with believers. People keep talking badly about each other behind their backs, but if at that time, someone says, “Is it true that I don’t have any problems?” Then that conversation will come to end, but instead, people pick out the weaknesses then it becomes Satan’s playground, before trying to take the speck out of your neighbors eyes, take the plank out of your eye.

2. Understand the Gospel – John the Baptist, Jeremiah, Elijah, Prophet

This is what Jesus talked about in Matthew, but now we have to understand the gospel.  If we do not make new believers understand the gospel accurately, they’re going to give the gospel according to what they got. People who are focused on justice will give the gospel like John the Baptist. If someone is more focused on philanthropy, they’re going to be like  Jeremiah and give and understand the gospel in that way.  If you don’t accurately convey the gospel, the person will understand the gospel from the perspective of what they’re holding onto.  

Or Elijah, mysticism.  Why? Because God is unseen to the eyes so they focus on mysticism. They imagine God to be hidden among the clouds, but you have to help them understand the gospel accurately.  Otherwise, the people who have already experienced mysticism through religion will try to understand the gospel accurately, otherwise the people who have already experienced mysticism will try to understand the gospel in that way.  But if you just let them be, even as they come to church and receive the gospel, they will continue to understand it incorrectly. 

Then they’re going to get dragged around by things that don’t emphasize the correct gospel. Or like the prophet, religion. Meaning their going to be centered on people and what they can do, then they are going to understand the gospel in this religious way.  

3. Walk of Faith  

What is the walk of faith?

Matthew 17:19 Master

Christ has become my master, irs only Christ, finish with Christ, that is enough,  why? Because He is the True Priest.  

1) Priest

Why? Because He solved everyone’s curses and disasters.

2) King

He overcame  all of Satan’s authority. 

3) Prophet

And as the True Prophet, He is the way to meet God. Even if you have this, it is enough.  But if you add something to this, they’re going to think, “You need Elijah, you need Moses,” you’ll think the walk of faith will need something more. The Christ Who overcomes all people’s fundamental problems is enough. Through your religion if you’re trying to earn something else, it becomes a problem.  It’s very hard for people who have continuously received the law to understand the gospel.  Because it’s become their nature, even though they understand the gospel, it’s difficult and they always have to do something. 

4. Understanding Evangelism (Matthew 28:18-20)

You have to have an understanding of evangelism.  Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus said with all power of heaven and earth I am with you.  It means it isn’t me, because I think I’m doing it, I have to do this and that. The one who has all power in authority in heaven and on earth, is with me and only with that power I can do this, and he says, “I will be with you eternally,” that’s what it means to understand the Christ.  There’s disciples in the field, so God is telling you to go.  Those disciples exist because I cannot do it myself but He is with me, with all power on heaven and earth, and they have to understand the disciples.  

What must you do to understand the gospel? You have to finish everything within Christ. Meaning if you understand the problem, then you understand that the fundamental problems are finished, but there are instances that look like problems, then you find the answer of finding God’s will.  

5) Understand Disciple (Acts 1:1)

But if you do not understand the gospel, you cannot be a disciple. No matter what situation comes your way, it is already finished because Christ has already finished.  Meaning, this problem that only looks like a problem, you have to find God’s will and answer in that, that’s a disciple. 

(Acts 1:3)

Before I do anything, God’s kingdom must come upon me.  We try to do something even before God’s Kingdom comes upon us. Even though the Word has not come upon us, we keep trying to go according to our thoughts, but that’s not what a disciple  does.  Absolutely, if a word is proclaimed, it means God is going to fulfill it. And so for the ones who are going to do world evangelism, they will follow the steam of the word in the church, because outside of the church, it’s hard for you to hear about the gospel.  You’ll follow after the general assembly. Why? Because God raised the general assembly and there’s a message God is giving to them. And that is the direction for the entirety, but within the church this is an answer we must receive. 

A disciple does not skip out on worship.  People think worship is just about the location of going here or there, but it’s about people losing hold of God’s Word. 

But for people who can’t do this, before they receive the Word, they always try to do something.  Because they’re centered on the world they are centered on their own diligence, that’s why they are completely irrelevant to the word, then obviously they will face limitations, and they won’t be aligned with God’s Word, that’s why, Acts 1:3. 

(Acts 1:8)

What is Acts 1:8? It is the power of God that unceasingly do world evangelism. This is what a disciple does. This is what the Early Church understood: Christ, God’s Kingdom, and only the Holy Spirit. You know this more than a theory, but you’ve ended it in Jesus Christ.  Because it is finished, it isn’t a problem, but because you don’t understand this gospel, you keep trying to forget these problems, it’s because you can’t overcome your problems. You keep being resentful towards people. 

That means you might be a disciple in the future, but you’re not yet a disciple, why? Because you didn’t understand the gospel. Then, it’s God’s kingdom.  Wait until the Holy Spirit comes upon you. The Holy Spirit must work for you to receive God’s Word. Isn’t that true? Only when the day of Pentecost came and the Holy Spirit, it worked. You have to receive the Holy Spirit so that you can overcome the world.  

A disciple has to receive answers every day, I hope you will enjoy and proclaim this authority. 

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