Hold Onto the Covenant and Raise Remnants to do World Evangelism (No Scripture)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Hold Onto the Covenant and Raise Remnants to do World Evangelism (No Scripture)

Hello.  I’m going to give my testimony about what happened in the Navajo Mission Camp last week.  The prayer topic I held onto before going to the camp was that the disciples would arise, and that the disciples would be able to hold onto the covenant of only Jesus Christ and evangelism, and that even after we left Navajo, that the system to continue worship and evangelism would take place.  

Before I left, Assistant Pastor Lim told me to meet with Joel every week to practice the Way of Salvation.  We were only able to meet about three times, but each time, we did the Way of Salvation.  And what I saw is that, whenever Joel did the way of salvation was that he either forgot or took out the part about the authority of defeating Satan as a child of God. As we shared forum together, we concentrated on this.  

Last week, while we were at the camp, I was able to see the working of the evil spirits, as well as the working of the Holy Spirit. The big thing I was able to see was how much Satan held onto the family line; however, I was also able to experience how Christ was able to work upon that same family.

You can’t really see well in this picture, however, this is the picture that all of the kids were gathered for, so look at this and pray for them.  The shortest girl you see leading body worship in the front is named Harper, she is six years old.  At first, she was doing spiritual counseling with the Pastor’s Wife. I ended up counseling with her, and what I was able to see was how well-spoken she was and how intelligent she was.  However, I saw that she was not able to say the name of Jesus Christ, ever.  So, whenever we talked about Jesus Christ, she would close her mouth and she wouldn’t be able to meet my gaze.

I asked her, “Is it difficult for you to say the name of Jesus Christ?”  Harper responded, “Yes.”  I asked her, “Do you know why it’s difficult to say the name of Jesus Christ?” She said to me, “It’s because I heard about Him for the first time today, so it’s hard.”  But I told her, “You met me for the first time today, and yet, you’re saying my name, Tiffany, very easily.”  I was telling her this was a spiritual problem, but even before I was able to give her the gospel, there were so many distractions in the morning.  

All I was able to convey to her was, “This is Satan and the only one who can defeat Satan is the name of Jesus Christ,” and right after I said that, she ran away.  I forget if it was the first or second day, but after we had breakfast Joyce approached me.  Joyce told me, “There’s a boy, his name is Landon, and Landon was in my forum group, but whenever we listen to the Word, he can’t concentrate. He would listen but inside, nothing was taking place. Even during forum, even though he listened to multiple messages, he would forget all of it and he wouldn’t be able to talk about it.”  

He’s a kid who has believed and experienced the working of demons.  Starting from his grandma, she experienced and believed in curses and demons, and she took him to specific places so he could experience it as well.  Then, it’s almost like the grandma is an evangelist for evil spirits.  However, Landon said one thing to Fanny, “You’re a child of God so you’ll be okay.”  Landon is actually Harper’s brother, so I was able to see how dark this family line was.  But even in the midst of this family darkness, I was able to see how the younger generation wanted to learn more about Jesus Christ and acknowledged Him.  I hope you’re able to pray a lot about Landon and Harper.

The second family I saw was actually a combination of two family lines.  They were older than Landon. One was 17, the other was 22.  If you look in this picture, there are the girls sitting behind Stephanie.  There’s two in the photo, but there are three whom I’m talking about.  Out of these girls, two of them are sisters and I think the third is a distant cousin or something.  The reason why this third girl was living with the other two girls was because she was in a situation who was in a very heart-breaking situation.

Her name is Azha and she’s 17 years old, she has one younger sister, and one younger brother.  The younger brother was so busy playing video games that he wouldn’t listen to the message and he would come a few hours a day.  Her younger sister is also about Harper’s age, 6 years old, and if you look at the picture, she is the slightly taller girl of the two short girls.  Their mother is actually severely addicted to drugs, such that even in the middle of winter, she left her kids in the middle of the road without coats.  The dad is a truck driver, so he doesn’t get to be home a lot, but because these three girls are at home, the mom of the two other sisters ended up taking them. 

In the midst of this hardship, what I saw was that the younger girl, 6 years old, her name was Dionne, and I saw she was really yearning for Jesus Christ. She accepted Jesus Christ twice, once with the Pastor’s Wife, and once with Stephanie. Even the 17 year old girl, Azha, she wanted Jesus Christ and was so thankful.  She said, “This was the first time, through this camp, that I was able to listen to this message in such an organized way.”  The remnants gave the Way of Salvation, but as she was listening, she said this message was so different, and she wanted to hear more.  

Through Joel, I heard that Azha had the prayer topic that, through her, the other two sisters would be able to accept Jesus Christ as well.  But, within the two sisters’ family lines, there’s also a lot of darkness as well.  The older sister is named Tiara, and the other is Sarah. They do have an older brother; however, he’s handicapped.  He’s so severely handicapped that he can’t do anything, let alone move.  Their father is an alcoholic, but he’s a very violent alcoholic.  The mother does go to church; however, she’s very legalistic and religious.  The second daughter Sarah is actually a lesbian, so her mom keeps giving her words of curses saying, “you’re going to go to hell because you’re lesbian. Your friend’s uncle is transgender, so that’s why you’re lesbian.” 

When we first met Sarah, she didn’t believe in God and had no interest in believing in God.  She said, “My life is my responsibility, and if there’s a problem, I have to take care of it. Even if I tell other people, they will only eventually betray me, so I can only trust myself.”  As I was talking to her, I kept hearing about these incidents where she would try so hard, but nothing would work out for her.  She’s in a situation where she’s been wanting to work since she was 13 years old, but the circumstances would change or the rules would change, so even now, she cannot.  

After I heard all of this, I said, “This is evidence that you’re not the master of your life.  If our spirits are with God, we can conquer and rule over everything; however, by ourselves, we cannot do anything.  The only way for you to be with God is by believing in Jesus Christ.  No matter what your mom says, you’re not going to go to hell because you’re lesbian but through Jesus Christ, you can be with God always.” She realized none of her sins could be solved on her own, so she believed Jesus Christ would solve them.

For the older sibling, within the Navajo culture, the firstborn child has to take responsibility for everybody, over taking care of the younger siblings and working.  Tiara is actually the second child, however, since the older brother is handicapped, all of the responsibilities fell upon her.  So, she wasn’t able to go to school, so she applied to go to the army, but her mom ripped up the application and she couldn’t go.  

Both her and Sarah had plans of leaving the Navajo region and going to Phoenix. What I was able to see so strongly in this family line, starting from their grandma to them, was that they were a slave in every aspect, mentally, physically, and spiritually. So, I was able to see that exiting the circumstances was not the answer, but only Jesus Christ.  Tiara ended up accepting Jesus Christ while speaking with Stephanie, and what she told her sister is, “Now we have hope.”  So, even within this kind of family line, I was able to see God raising up the remnants through only the Gospel.  Please pray a lot for these three girls.

I was able to experience that God’s interest was truly within the next generation.  The third family that I was able to see was Joel’s family.  Joel’s kids were completely different from the other two families’ kids.  They were able to focus during worship, they were able to respond to questions, and even during forum when they asked questions, their questions were so Christ-centered.  

Cameron, if you look in the picture, is the boy in the black t-shirt. When Pastor Park was giving his message, his question was, “What’s the difference between ‘Christ’ and ‘only Christ’?” Even after we had left, that Sunday, I heard Cameron went up to the church and gave the Way of Salvation.  So, I was able to see that God’s interest was truly within the future generation and only if the gospel goes into them, they can go from darkness into light.  

What Joel is praying for is that Cameron may be able to come here for the winter and have concentration training.  While I was on this mission camp, I was able to see the importance of the family line and the working of Satan, but also the working of the Holy Spirit that brought them out of this.  

If I were to share my personal forum, what I realized was that the three fundamental problems also exist for the children of God.  The reason I say this was, as we were making our way to Navajo, I was able to see just how much Satan was attacking me.  So, even as I was sleeping, I felt a lot of darkness, and  I’m not one who dreams a lot, but I actually had a lot of nightmares.  Yes, there was physical tiredness that played into this as well, but because my spirit was attacked, I saw myself being short and attacking other people, and it caused division.  

The first two days, I was within prayer, so even if these kinds of circumstances arose, I was able to pray about it and have forum with the kids.  I was able to feel that the other kids were tested as well.  Yes, it’s spiritual, but I definitely played a part in it.  The reason I say this was because when we first got there, I told the kids for the first time, “You have to give a message.”  At first, I was going to give the message, but then I remembered  my prayer topic, that the disciples and remnants would arise.  

Because the flow of the church messages is that we’re trying to raise up English-speaking messengers, I told Gospel, Noorim, Joyce, and Sharon to give the messages.  All of their reactions were different, but within their reactions, I was able to see their spiritual state and I was very thankful.  Typically before, if I asked Noorim to do something like this, she would have either cried or fainted, but instead she was the one who approached me first.  

Noorim was actually the first one to volunteer to go.  During that day, I was asking “Have you prepared the message? Are you preparing the message?” But until the very end, she did not prepare the message. Because the spiritual environment was so severe and I was able to see their spiritual state, I got very frustrated and said, “Go do it!”  I felt that Noorim and Sharon felt bad about what I had said, so after many hours of prayer, I was able to have forum with them 

Noorm said, “I was very stressed because of what I heard.”  What I relayed to her was that the point is not to deliver the perfect message but in prayer, to deliver the Word the Holy Spirit gives you.  Sharon said, “The reason I got mad was because every time I go to church, I’m told to do something I don’t want to do. Just once, I want to not be nagged at.”  I told her, “I understand why you would feel that,” but I told her about the importance of the spiritual field.

While we were on our way back on the train, Sharon came to me and said she was so moved that I had apologized to her first.  So, yes I was stressed and I was frustrated, but because of this incident, I was able to experience only Jesus Christ through the filling of the Holy Spirit and prayer.  I was able to see the difference between families who are within darkness and within the light, and even within the family lines who are in darkness, how much they were enslaved!  

Even for the people who are within the light, I was able to see that, no matter how much they messed up, if we were within prayer, we’re able to be led and to receive answers.  On top of that, also what I saw was that in the family of darkness, seeing the remnants rise up really excited me.  I was able to experience that, no matter what kind of darkness they were in, within this gospel they were able to have hope and have life.  

So, please pray that these kids will continue to be connected to worship of this church and receive training.  So, I was talking to Joel today on the phone and he said he wanted to connect with our EM service and our Thursday Young Adult Regional Church and another worship.  Please pray that these kids, through the training will be able to root down in only Christ, only God’s Kingdom, and only evangelism so that they can break down the forces of darkness in their family line and in their culture and their nation.

Also, for Cameron and Shelby, Shelby is the one who has the white t-shirt and hat on, we’re praying so they can come here and receive concentrated training during the winter.  Thank you.  

My throat was pretty sore today so I wasn’t able to give a message, so I asked Tiffany to give a testimony.  Pastor Joel’s son, Cameron, and one other Remnant, was supposed to come in July, but we’re not actually ready to receive them yet, so we’re praying to send them at a later time.  We’ll just go however God prepares things, and I think July might be too soon, so we’re planning for the winter time.

We’re listening to so many messages, but they are not able to listen to the messages.  Even the fact that they want to come occasionally, that’s God’s grace.  Please be in prayer for them, and may you receive the answer of a Mission Home.  Missions and evangelism is nothing else; this is missions.  May you enjoy the blessing of Obadiah where you raise up these disciples with concentration training and then send them back out.  God will be so delighted about that, that He will work accordingly on His own.  

Esther and Tim are getting married, so I think if I ask them, it would be too much of a burden on them, so I haven’t asked them yet.  For me, it wouldn’t matter if we were Newlyweds, but I feel like it matters to them, because they did say they did say they wanted to do Mission Home.  So I said, “No, that’s not right,” and instead, we decided to bring them in the winter.  Our personal privacy is important but even beyond that, saving lives is more important and I hope you’re able to enjoy this answer. 

The church there is actually quite slow because of COVID and a lot of the older generations have stopped going. As soon as the kids graduate from high school, they leave.  So, I could see from at least the minister’s point of view, they were discouraged while not being discouraged.  What do you think God’s plan is?  I said, “It’s God’s will for you to raise them up as disciples and then send them out to scatter, it is not God’s will to just gather them into your church.  You must raise up these remnants, and in order to raise them up, you must give them the message that saves.”  

As she said, we want them to connect to the English Ministry on Sunday’s but it’s better to come in person, but if they’re not able to come in person, they can come to the Young Adult Regional Church as well as the Saturday Evangelism Schools as well.  The future generation is truly the hope as they arise on this Indian Reservation, the adults are already rooted in too many other things. They honestly waste all their time, floundering back and forth.  Even though they flounder back and forth, but it’s okay if they set the direction of raising up the remnants.  

It’s the same thing here as well.  Yes, some of us may be older in age, and some of us may not be here after 20 or 30 years, so the only thing that remains are the people you raise up, and the Temple you’ve constructed; that’s all that remains.  Only that is continued.  I would love it if you would really pray and concentrate and receive answers on where you should focus on the remainder of your life, and what evangelism movement to focus on.  

So, even though the adults may be this way, because we have the gospel, it is being relayed to the next generations.  As you guys are just staying at home, things are getting relayed to your kids, and God knows and is working, so that’s why the church is so important.  How much are the correct things being imprinted into the kids in the church? If the churches aren’t able to do this, it’s going to be difficult.  So, God is raising up a lot of activities and programs on Saturday, and what’s important is how many people can arise to give the actual content.

On purpose, I told the kids, the remnants, to give the messages.  So, I only gave the final message after three days, and in the mornings and afternoons, I told the remnants to do it.  Just as the Word says, this is how we go to many nations and the 5000 tribes. If I keep holding onto them, we cannot go.  The remnants also have to be entrusted with one tribe or one region, so they can continue to pray for it in order for us to go to the 5000 tribes.

In order to do this, the prayers of the church officers are very important.  If you don’t know prayer, it’s the same as saying you don’t know the works of the Holy Spirit.  If you do not know prayer, you cannot overcome the Three Organizations.  Among the church officers, depending on how many people arise who can enjoy the power of transcending time and space, with the power of the throne, it will change everything in the church.  Because this is a spiritual battle, it is only possible through our prayers.  

Lately, we’ve been talking about 3 9 3 and all of that is the Word regarding prayer. If that doesn’t become actualized in your life, you’re bound to return to your Genesis 3, 6, and 11.  Just like today’s prayer journal, if we do not remain within the boundary of the prayer of 3, 9, 3, then everything we have learned is centered on me, physical things, and success, and I’m going to go in that direction without me even realizing it, flowing towards legalism.  I hope you will pray for the remnants and the multiethnic people a lot and allow these fires to arise.

Acts 1:14, i twas the final part where they gathered together to pray, holding to the covenant, and exactly according to the covenant they held onto while they prayed, in Acts 2, the doors of evangelism opened.  It’s the same thing with the regional churches in your field, depending on who are holding onto the covenant and doing missions and evangelism, the spiritual environment of the whole region will change.  There’s two options, either you’re spiritually conquering, or you’re being conquered by the spiritual atmosphere of your family line and the region; it’s not something you can do by playing and staying still. 

If you’re not actively conquering the field, then you’re already in a state where you’re being conquered.  A large misconception of the church officers is, “even if I’m jot spiritually conquering the region, it’s okay as long as I stand firm in the gospel,” I’m sorry to tell you that you’re already in the flow of Genesis 3, 6, and 11. This gospel must actually be within me, changing my spiritual flow through prayer, and through your prayers, it must be relayed out to your field. Just because you have the gospel and are standing still, that’s not right. That’s how you’re deceived.  

So, with whatever time we have left in our lives, and it may not be like much, but even if it’s a moment God gives us, may we go into the direction of the biblical covenant, prayer, and evangelism.  All of your conflicts, crises and your problems, they aren’t problems at all, and if you think they are you’ll lose hold of the covenants. A church officer with no reasons or excuses, a remnant without a reason, why? Because Christ is your answer.  

The more you attach your own reasons, the more you get away from the gospel.  Church officers, pastors, and remnants, who have no reason just like the members of the Early Church. What reason could we have, the only reason is only Christ. If the Early Church gave excuses, “It’s because of this person and because of that person,” they would never proclaim the gospel, if something is a problem because of this person, you should go into Christ.  I pray we will become a blessed church like that.

This month’s remnant day will be in-person at ICSC. We were supposed to meet in person in May but it was extended into June, because the kids had to start vacation to start changing  their nature.  If we change something all of a sudden, people will naturally gravitate into what they’re more comfortable with. My opinion is like this, if everyone were like me, then the church would not work. We wouldn’t be able to meet, so when God allows the remnants to gather, there is a reason.  Without a doubt, God pours His Word, prayer topics are revealed, evangelism is revealed, and in that day and time, remnants like David will arise.

Between July 2 – July 11, there will be the children’s summer retreat.  In the third or fourth week of August, there will be the college retreat on one Saturday.  The World Remnant Conference is also taking place in Korea, and just because everyone wants to go, doesn’t mean they do; they must be called.  Whenever there’s something spiritually large going on, God works with the great working of the Holy Spirit like wind, so please keep praying for that.  

Let’s pray for the two mission camps we have left, especially for the first one coming up, El Salvador.  I’m sure none of you want to go, even though you’ve heard the gospel, I’m sure you do not want to go, because if you go there, people die.  Pastor Kim told me, “Pastor, we don’t go to places like that.”  We went to the World Missions Conference, and even other pastors were saying, “why are you going there,” and in my mind I thought of course someone like me needs to go. So you must pray a lot because it’s a place no one else goes. There are not a lot of people who are willing to give their lives for the missions of the gospel.  I hope you guys will help out from behind in prayer.  Come out in the early mornings and really light the fire of prayer.  

If your kids were going, you wouldn’t stay still; you’d make a fuss about it.  That’s how severe the situation is. I decided to go without realizing it, but it turns out it’s a place no one goes.  I’m not very afraid because I’ve lived a military life, so I’m used to being surrounded by guns and bullets, but I believe God will use us how he will. I always used to stake my life as I went around.  Even that is something God allowed.

Let us pray together one more time, for El Salvador and the Karen people camp.  May the forces of darkness in this region be broken down, for what? So the evangelism movement can take place. If the forces of darkness are broken down, then the evangelism movement must arise.  Let us pray.  


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the heads of the people of God who desire to be led by only Jesus Christ, only world evangelization, only by the filling of the Holy Spirit in prayer, be with us from now until forevermore always, amen.

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