Life of the Evangelist – Eternity

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Life of the Evangelist – Eternity

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han


May the 62 lifestyles of the evangelist become our imprint, root, and nature.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.  Only Jesus Christ and only the gospel be in our lives.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

You need to have freedom in faith and missions.  Otherwise you try hard with legalism and are burdened.  There are only two options, you give up or bear it, but if you believe, it actually takes place.  These words must come into me as the covenant. Instead of this, anything else goes into me instead, but among those things, it should only be one thing. 

The most important thing in life is Christ, but why is it Christ? Because you’ve heard it in church? Such a person will not have evangelism take place, they can only evangelize when they have the reason of only Christ in them.  You try with your efforts, that won’t work. People say things are problems, but those are just the words of people.  When the almighty, omnipotent God says is a true problem?

Only Christ

A state without Christ is the true problem. If evangelism isn’t taking place in your life, it means the words of Only Christ are taking place in your life. You’ve heard “only Christ” a lot, but evangelism doesn’t take place. It starts and stops. Only when you have the reason and answer for only Christ, that’s when things take place.

Why only Christ?  There’s only one problem, the problem of not having God, being seized by Satan. There’s three fundamental problems but it’s really just one.  We talk about three fundamental problems but do you have God or not?  Do you have only God or not? 

Satan, Sin, Separation

God sees this spiritual state as a problem.  When God scolds His people in the Bible, whom does He scold?  It’s not even scolding.  “Where are you?” not, “Are you working hard?” “Do you know what state you’re in?” What did God say before the Israelites were taken captive? Immanuel. Do you know what state you’re in right now? You’re in the state of Satan, sin, and separation, and you’ll be dragged away. Quickly restore with Immanuel; He doesn’t say anything else, but we keep concentrating on other things so things don’t take place no matter how much training we receive or how much we evangelize.

If you don’t see the way to do business, you can’t make money. Everything has a way, there’s even a way for water to flow. The 10 mysteries, in Psalm 1, it talks about the trees growing next to streams of water and bear fruit. It says in John that if you remain within the vine, you will bear much fruit.  So, this state is the problem.  I myself am not aware, so I always lose hold of only Christ. We have this in our mind as a model, but only Christ works as life right now and in my problems.

Satan works now to make you lose hold of only Christ. This is the actual life and truth, but we just know this as words. The actual state of my spirit.  It doesn’t matter how hard I work. Receiving training means you train to escape from the problem. If you have a victorious state, it means your spiritual state is freed from this problem, and then you see there is only one problem and answer in the world, so evangelism takes place.  If you see something else, you’ll do something else. You relay Christ and add plus alpha to it?  God doesn’t attach disciples to them, because the true disciples only hear the words.

God doesn’t attach people who think evangelism is optional. Satan works so if you think Jesus Christ is optional, Satan deceives you, so that’s why it’s always within only Christ.  That’s how Satan deceives the world.  God will attach someone to one who can tell the solution.  Evangelism naturally takes place, maybe with the works of people but not the work of God. 

You only think “my thoughts” as your state is within this.  You personally think you have the answer of Christ but you lose hold of your life, and one day, things become hard.  You struggle so hard to get rid of the difficulty.  Now that you come to worship, you hear these words and come to your senses and receive grace, but you revert to your thoughts when you get home, centered on the physical things you see.

Receiving training here is a blessing, don’t do other things. “My thoughts and my methods”? You must follow the flow and you’re always centered on success thinking if you work hard, it will work out, but it must work out within only Christ, the answer of “uniqueness,” what only I can do, will take place. Not about whether I think something is good or bad, but the decisions within Christ. Led by God’s Word, it’s not about doing things to work out, but God is making things work out.

Abraham had an army of 318 soldiers.  He was an old grandpa but God attached them to him.  Why would 318 soldiers be a problem?  People study that.  God is interested in Jesus Christ, but you read about “318 men? How can I be that rich?” That person has never read the Bible correctly, they’ve never once read the Word God desires, so evangelism is the hardest for them.  Because they’re seized by Satan, they think they can give the gospel to someone better off.  “If you believe in Jesus Christ you will get along well, too,” but that’s not the gospel.

Your spiritual state will be revealed mentally, physically, and to your children.  The Jewish people went to church all the time, but people keep coming to church without the answer of Christ, “I’ve believed for so long,” so everyone is confused. “But I received so much training,” is it more than a pastor? Pastors specialize in this. Even if you study theology, have you studied more than a pastor? You keep receiving the answer of something else.  It’s a heavy burden. If you have only Christ, the thing that is most comfortable for you is evangelism.  I give the answer when people raise their problems, but without the answer of only Christ, you have to keep asking.

If you have only Christ, the devil and God know.  This must be aligned with God.  God looks at our center, not our physical appearance, because if we did, I wouldn’t be standing with a mic. I’m talking about global standards.  God just puts his grace into our center and uses us for His covenant. I know this.  My friends know I’m not someone who would be like this.  Even right now, when they meet me, they don’t understand how I could be like this, and it’s even harder for them to understand because I’ve become  pastor, because they know me well. They’re always in such shock, they don’t believe.

That’s what God’s grace is like.  Knowing only Christ is our crisis and opportunity, the beginning of evangelism. I hope you will forget about everything you’ve learned about evangelism until now. That’s what they said this year during the missions conference, and I was a little shocked so you may be as well.  “Begin anew from now. Realize that whatever you’ve had until now is wrong.” So it’s the same for you, consider everything is false, don’t argue with reasons, if it’s not right, it’s not right.

“Things have been working out for me,” that was your diligence, but God was taking it easy on you until now.  In the church, you pretend it’s only Christ, but everyone is in the state of Satan, sin, and separation, so pray for God’s Kingdom to be established.  We’re missionaries to conquer the world, missionaries to save the world.  Because we don’t have only Christ, we keep forgetting God’s Kingdom.  If we do have only Christ, then God’s Kingdom takes place naturally.  Even if people tell you not to pray for the field, you have no choice because you see it, but if you don’t see the true problem, you see something else and think your diligence is enough.

The life of Christ within me, the Kingdom of God established by the Holy Spirit in the field, so you pray only for the working of the Holy Spirit, then if it is by the power of the Holy Spirit that I cast out demons, the Kingdom of God has come upon you, and evangelism takes place.  The main figure of evangelism is the Triune God.  “Why isn’t it working?” you either don’t have the answer or it’s not the time schedule.  Find it within the Word.  For people whom it is working, even for people, they must have the circumstances for things to take place.  Just because someone is smart, they can do well in middle school, but you have to have the right conditions.

They say Michael Jordan is the king of basketball, but that’s not all; just listen to his words. He says, “There’s always a condition such that he could always make his shots and do well,” and his effort was placed here.  Even if you face a little bit of a family or mental problem, you can’t study. What happens if you get a disease? You cannot run your business, the fact that he’s constantly doing well means the conditions enable this to happen.  If you have this, evangelism takes place and the conditions of the Triune God take place. If someone thinks proclaiming Christ is optional, God doesn’t attach anyone to them.

Heavenly Mandate

It’s this, it’s today, our heavenly mandate.  Listen to the words of a Nobel Prize winner or Edison.  What does God’s Word say?  “It is not because you were born smart, I did this through you,” God says. But we don’t have God’s Word within us. Thomas Edison said, “It was God’s will for me to develop electricity,” but he failed 99 times.  Some people with more mental grit may try 50 times, so success doesn’t just take place. It must be the heavenly mandate from God. 

Later on, we’ll talk about one heart, whole heart, and continuation but it’s God’s Word that is the standard for whether something is working or not.  Edison failed 99 times, why? Because shining the light was God’s will.  That’s the characteristic of anyone who is victorious with a gold medal.  It’s the same thing for Steve Jobs and the founder of IBM, they said it was God’s will for them. 

General Lee was actually the most celebrated maritime officer of Korean history.  No one could compete with him.  In the Bible, Queen Esther was in a family line that waged war.  After coming back from war, the king called his wife and his wife refused to come, so all the king’s henchmen said to kill the queen, and Esther became the queen.  There was a famous officer, and later on, that mighty nation fell.  The greatest officer during the great nation of Persia could not compare to General Lee’s accomplishments. 

But a failed person will say, “That person is smart,” but listen to his words.  “Protecting this nation is God’s will. Even if we go up against greater numbers, it is God’s will to block them.”  All the supplies were being blocked by Japanese ships, so they had to break the blockade.  It wasn’t because he was smart, but it was God’s will.  As long as this isn’t hooked in your heart, it will not work for you.

Listen to the words of Olympic medal trainers. I don’t do judo myself, because if I do judo, I have to have brains.  You use their skills to knock them off their center of gravity and fall.  Use your skills to deceive your opponent and overcome. Imagine how much they train. In the one moment they are fooled, use skills to overcome them, and that takes a lot of natural body movements. Most people cannot endure that level of training, unless they have that mission. 

Heavenly mandate, as long as this isn’t hooked in you, I’m sorry but it will not work. If the heavenly mandate is not hooked in you, that’s fate. You’re just like everyone in the world. Steven Jobs said the same thing. Whether they serve demons or not, the order of success is the same.  At first, he was nameless, but people who have success early will die early as well. Most people who have the will of the heavens will succeed. Unless it comes into you as the will of the heavens, this cannot continue.


This message must go out into all the nations of the world.  I told Joel this during the mission, “You must have the reason and answer of only Christ in every message; otherwise people will leave. If you give a message where Christ is optional, it’s better to not give that message. God works through the evangelist who believes Christ is mandatory.

Listen to the words of the evangelist, “This is God’s will.”  That’s fulfilled by God’s will regardless of my abilities. That goes into him as the heavenly mandate. As we do the heavenly mandate, what is my calling at that time? 


It is the individuals gathered together, or you discover your mission through the church, so you cannot continue without the church. That’s a state where you have no choice but to lack continuation.


If you’re struggling to analyze the entire Bible about Christ, then that’s useless.  If you go to certain churches, the words of the pastor are introductory, then they meet in small groups to know the Bible.  These people are not influenced by the pastor, they don’t need the church, they do their own thing and it’s the same no matter where they go.  The pastor still thinks it’s great for them to come, they give offering even though they do their own separate thing. But they start from Genesis 1 and analyze everything, researching by themselves.  There was one time a Korean theologian tried to solve the entire  Bible looking at the way of salvation. 

Sin, Satan, Separation

They don’t see the real problem.  These three problems are in the Bible’s background. You must know the meaning between the lines to get the true meaning, but if you don’t see these true problems, what do the words of Genesis 3:15 say?  They don’t see the problem.


You testify of Christ and God’s Kingdom is necessarily established, then you must see God’s plan. You’ve lived your life holding onto something other than only Christ. “Why does this problem come upon my kid even though we go to church?” The problem isn’t whether you go to church or not, but it’s about Christ in you.  “Only Christ” was not planted, so something else was planted and other fruit are borne.

It doesn’t matter how much you poke at this, it’s not because you’ve gone to church or not, or read the Bible or not, so that’s why things don’t continue.  Look for God’s absolute plan. It’s not you, what’s God’s plan?  So that Christ becomes your Christ, so it becomes your Only Christ.  Of course, we’re lacking, so it’s never regarding our actions, but what is planted inside of you or not.

Once we have the answer of Only Christ, no reason to shake.  If you look at someone who doesn’t have the answer of “only Christ,” I feel bad for them. They look down on us because there’s so much to do but we only talk about only Christ.  The Pharisees looked down on the Early Church, “They’re so pitiful,” but the Early Church staked their lives with their whole heart.

Some people put their whole heart into playing or drugs, and the works will take place according to that.  Some people stake their lives on drinking alcohol. Someone staked their life on fighting over every single word.  Their “only” was somewhere else, so the husband and wife died in a car crash.  They said, “That’s so unfortunate,” and even the parent said, “That’s my kid,” but that guy was not right. That guy actually attacked me as well. 

Whole Heart


One heart, whole heart, and continuation, maybe that’s the style of their village.  There’s a flow in their village, just as in my family, if someone says something unnecessary, they go one heart, whole heart, and continuation even though those words have been said 30 years ago. They keep having one heart, whole heart, and continuation so what will happen to their lives? Have freedom in Jesus Christ but instead you continuously suffer.  Of course, you have to have one heart in only Christ. If you argue about what’s right or wrong, one day, when you discover the true problem and answer, you realize it’s only one. As you listen to only Christ, it will take place, but people who don’t understand will ask, “Why do you keep talking about Christ? I have problems in my business and financial problems. You should tell me about how to have good relationships with people, but why do we talk about only Christ?”  If you face marital problems, you think the pastor should talk about how to love and serve one another, but why do we talk about only Christ? 

When we talk about the pandemic, it should be about how to be saved.  Some people say they are uneducated our they cannot go beyond this.  They say to live diligently, “My kids won’t succeed if they come to this church because you say that working diligently is bad,” but their life problems haven’t gone into them. They’re annoyed with only Christ.  But God is saying this. God never said your marital problems are gone. Did God say that Adam and Eve fighting were a problem? No.  God said, “Where are you?” That is, “Are you in this covenant or not?” But you keep fighting for other things.


Only Christ, only world evangelization, it is not optional.  “How can I run my business well?” that’s the working of the world, but by the working of the Holy Spirit, the Kingdom of God must be established. That’s only.


An answer only I can receive. Everyone is different.  Everyone’s calling and maturation is different, God uses them as footstools.  People have the same studies and work the same way, but those within the answer of “only” have the answer of “uniqueness.” You must have uniqueness to have value.  If everyone is the same and there’s no differentiation, you have no value.  If I go into the three “only’s,” I go into the way God created me to be.


Re-creation saves people’s lives, when?


24 hours, even when you work, it’s only Christ.  In other words, through your work, only praying to God. It’s not just any prayer, but pray holding to the covenant.  Then all the works take place through your work.  In Genesis 39, Joseph worked under this so it’s different.  Of course, everyone works hard, if our hard work is enough, why would Jesus have to come?  There must be something else. 

“Don’t rely on your diligence,” then some people think, “Then I don’t have to work at all?”  Do I not work and exercise?  God gave me strength to think about it. The work you do within 24.  Because of that, you’re not influenced of your environment and you keep going.  In the beginning, what I couldn’t not continue was exercise, and I couldn’t just forth but one day, God’s Word and grace came into me. I won’t tell you who, but Pastor Joo said to challenge.  When was that? Even before that? I started exercising a little bit but had the strength to continue in the message, and even now, continuation takes place. That’s not me gritting my teeth and bearing it, but because I went into the filling of the Holy Spirit, God guided my nature to be like this.

24 hours.  If you think about drugs 24 hours, you’re bound to do it.   24 hours to go into prayer with the work you’re doing.



You take this to eternity. Saving souls is eternal and spiritual.

Romans 16:27

Christ is being revealed through evangelism now, and is with us from now until eternity. He is already eternal, and our souls being saved through Jesus Christ are eternal.  This reward will persist, the reward of Jesus Christ for saving a soul.  Yes, we may have inheritance and fame and rewards here, but spiritually it’s eternal.

1 Thessalonians 2:19-20

The salvation of souls is eternal.

Daniel 12:3

Those who are wise, even if you’re wise, you will shine like the brightness of stars.  But those who lead many to righteousness, that is, salvation, will shine like stars forever and ever. It means that, moreso than wisdom, saving people’s lives will be forever.

Matthew 10:40-42

Your devotion for the gospel will never lose its reward. What you’ve done for yourself has already received its reward.  Because you did it to receive recognition and people acknowledged you, you’ve already received your reward.  So even if I just give a cup of cold water to a small child, that’s free, but that devotion will have its reward for the gospel. The Bible says those who are persecuted because of the gospel will receive reward in heaven.  God will give the economy to handle that gospel.

Isaiah 40:8

The word of God endures forever. Whatever is fulfilled through God’s Word is eternal as well.  We live every day and every week for what is eternal; why would we live for what is temporary? Only holding onto and testifying of God’s Word is eternal; everything else fades, so if you’re not holding onto the Word of God, you’re living for the temporary things that will disappear ,so you lack wisdom.

Philippians 3:20

Our citizenship is ultimately from heaven and we live for that kingdom.

Romans 16:25-27

We should read through all of this, but I’ll just explain it.  What were the people of Romans 16 like? These were the people who lived for the words of this eternal gospel. Phoebe was a female servant who did the works of the Lord.  Everything you do to help the message of the pulpit to go out and be relayed. But if you only talk about yourself, that won’t be relayed.  This is talking about the hosts of the evangelist. To support the gospel, God provides hosts and coworkers who work together. They risked their lives for Paul.  This is not sacrifice for a person, but for the gospel. 

Why would we have to serve anyone else? But for the sake of the gospel to be relayed, to risk their lives, someone actually went into prison while Paul was imprisoned, and did so for the evangelist.  In today’s age, the prisons will feed prisoners three times a day, but in the Old Testament, Paul had to buy food with money.  When Paul was in the Roman prison, he paid for his room and meals.  So, this is someone who went in with the evangelist to share their life with him.  People who took meals and clothing to him every day and went into prison with him to suffer alongside him. It wasn’t because of Paul but because of Paul’s covenant.  It’s not about the person; we don’t have to talk about that. We talk about people but that’s unnecessary.  What age are you?  You’re not children, so why talk about people?  “The evangelist this or that,” he is simply being used for his God-given covenant, and that person arises. 

So just like today’s word, may you live for what is eternal, your studies should be for the eternal things.  Even your playing should be for the eternal work of saving lives, the it will be free for eternity. May you be evangelists like this.


God, we thank You. Allow us to have imprint, root, and nature in the evangelist’s life. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


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