The Gospel Letter Settings and Why People Are Unhappy

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Gospel Letter Settings and Why People Are Unhappy

Speaker Rev. Ryu Kwang Su | Interpreter Missionary Esther Chang

Starting from this conference, we’re newly going to give lectures on the gospel letter.  I’m going to do three lectures first, and then I’m going to address the gospel letters and the reason is, when I did the gospel letters, I didn’t just go into the gospel letters, but I did the settings first, and then I went into the gospel letters.  I made 300 places that could do Bible study, and after having done that, I used the gospel letters.  Of course, being the gospel letters, you can use them anywhere, but this is where the difference comes from.

If you look at the Bible, they didn’t just evangelize.  They began with the settings to enjoy the spiritual blessings, and the first was Mark’s upper room.  Of course, they came down from the Mount of Olives, they made the preparations in Mark’s upper room, and then they went out.  As soon as Paul was sent out as a missionary, he didn’t do missions first, but in Acts 13:1-4, he did the spiritual preparation first and then went out to do missions.  Even when God sent Paul to Macedonia, and looking at Tyrannus Hall to Rome, we see the same spiritual setting.  

For evangelism, you can indiscriminately go out into the field, but if you don’t have these spiritual settings, you’re going to suffer loss.  Think about it, before going out to 300 places, we lack the people for that.  We only had a small number of church members and even fewer were workers, so in order to manage the church members, I myself as well went into 30 places.  I wanted to manage the church members and church community, so I selected 30 places in Yeongdo.

From there, there were people who understood so I let them do the rest.  There was one grandmother who said she couldn’t read Korean, but she would follow me around from Tuesday to Friday and memorize everything I said, so she gave her own message on Saturday night.  She’s a grandmother, and who participated?  There was a pastor from America who had a doctorate degree, so he could tell right off whether the grandma was well-educated or not, but the pastor was so moved, “Even someone like this could do it, why can’t I?” He went back to America and didn’t continue, but the grandma continued.  Where does the difference lie?

In world evangelization and the word movement, there are two types of people: those who think their own thoughts and move forward, just racing forward without digesting many things, and that becomes one of the root reasons for failure.  Even pastors are like that, that’s why the church members can’t keep up because they’re racing along by themselves.  Perhaps the church members may be able to follow along because of the leadership, but they lose hold of many things.

Conversely there are those who dig too deeply and lose hold of the essence.  Once in England, there were two world-renowned theologians, John Stott and Martin Lloyd Jones.  It’s not a bad thing, but from among them, Martin Lloyd Jones was very influential.  John Stott was in systematic theology, and Martin Lloyd Jones analyzed the Bible.  If you read Martin Lloyd Jones’ books positively, it’s very deep, but there’s a lot of negative things as well. He interprets countless pages worth from one verse, and he can even make an entire book based on one chapter or one verse. I wonder if that’s what God wants.  We need to consider that.  “I made countless books on just one chapter or one verse,” I don’t think that’s what God wants. I think they had some influence in the closing of churches in America.  

No reason to race forward with the gospel letter.  There’s one person who pioneered a church and called it, “The Gospel Letter Church,” and I’m sure he’s going to close his doors. Of course, it’s not a bad thing, simply put it was the most influential of lectures that I gave. It’s even in China and North Korea.  So, when we do the gospel letters, you must keep in mind three lectures.

Lecture 1 Apostles (Pastors)

What did the Apostles prepare?  What about the pastors?  What did they prepare? 

1. Fundamental

They began the most fundamental things. You must have this.  

1) Matthew 16:13-20

These basic things, if you look here, Peter gave the confession of faith, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” This is the first message for the Darakbang movement.  However, in verse 20, Jesus says, “Don’t go out and tell anyone yet,” and it’s important. If Jesus said it, we can’t take it lightly. What it means is that there are things we must prepare.  What took place afterwards?

2) Matthew 17:1-9

He took them to the Mount of Transfiguration and said, Elijah is not the answer.  Some Israelites thought that was the answer.  There’s still something left.

3) Matthew 28:16-20

On the cross, we see the amazing incident of Jesus’ death and resurrection. 

4) Acts 1:1-8

Jesus calls them to the Mount of Olives and gives them an important message.  In detail, He explained how Israel, Rome, and the world would be destroyed, and then told them to go, “I will give you the filling of the Holy Spirit,” so no matter what hardship came, they were not shaken. Same thing for us, “Esther, if I give you $10 million dollars if you’re imprisoned for a year,” most people would gladly go.  It might not actually happen, but most people would probably say “Amen!” to that.

5) Acts 2:1-47

They gathered in Mark’s Upper Room with this, identifying what they needed to hold onto and what they needed to discard.  Pastors, you must have this for the evangelism movement to arise.

2. Church Officer’s Mission

What is the greatest key here?  

1) 70 Disciples

They didn’t just raise them, or give them the mission, regions were designated for each of them.

2) Acts 2:9-11

In doing that, these people appeared, globalization takes place automatically.

3) Acts 6:1-7

In the midst of this, they raised up church officers and if you look at verse 7, things were really turned upside down. The Word began to work throughout the region and no matter how much they tried to block it, they couldn’t block it. Even though they completely accused them of being heretics, they couldn’t block them, and it didn’t end here.

3. Word (Working)

1) Acts 6:7

We saw the working of the Word, not just doing the gospel and writing letters, but you are revived first.  When you see the working of the Word, not only are you revived but a great crowd of priests came to the Lord.

2) Acts 7:1-60

How great was this work?  Stephen volunteered to die for this one thing.  He gave the Word and the Pharisees gnashed their teeth, but his mission was to raise someone like Paul to spread the Word.

3) Acts 8:4-8

It spread this way, and look carefully, it’s the priests and the legal courts of all the Pharisees.  Samaria, the place where the Israelites could not go. This is how they so intricately plowed in, and someone never imagined, the Ethiopian eunuch.

4) Acts 8:26-40

This was set, then what?

5) Acts 9:10

Probably one of the 70 workers, Ananias.  According to Ananias’ time schedule, he called Paul.  It doesn’t end with just that.

6) Acts 9:36-43

Tabitha in Joppa

7) Acts 10:1-6

Simon the Tanner. This itself is grace, your church ministry itself is full of grace and is a blessing.  Even before you go and evangelize, “Where will I go?” That itself is grace and blessings.  

Lecture 2 Preparation of the Church Officers

What did the church officers prepare?  Going out to evangelize without preparing for God’s blessings and work isn’t a bad thing but we’re losing hold of many things.  Peter was set this way in Mark’s Upper Room so he was different; he wasn’t a fisherman anymore, he was completely changed. The main figure for moving this field was Peter.  Peter was uneducated and quick tempered, but how did he do this? He received the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the working of the Word.  

Beginning in Yeongdo after preparing 30 places and sending out the gospel letter, everything was overturned.  I didn’t even have time to think, it was surprising.  I didn’t even have time to sense persecution because the works kept taking place, and it’s the same today.

1. Field Preparation

The church officers must prepare the field at this time.  I went to an Appointment Ceremony at a church, and I saw they designated regions for the church members.  I thought they accurately held to the Word, it doesn’t matter if it works out or not.  How does God see this preparation?  I heard the Yewon church raised up 237 elders to raise up 237 nations, but it’s not about how we do that, but the church officers had this preparation.  Keep this in mind.

2. Mission Preparation

They had their mission prepared, they didn’t just see the field but they knew what they needed to do there.  That’s the answer we must receive.  

3. Church (Ministry) Preparation

Simply put, it’s a ministry but they had the preparation of the church. I’m sure there’s many other things but this is what we did in the early times.

1. Field Preparation

1) Acts 1:3

What does the field preparation mean?  In Acts 1:3, as He spoke about the kingdom of God for 40 days, they prepared over 40 days. What kind of prayer?  “Only, wait.”  

2) Acts 1:8

The prayer topic was the filling of the Holy Spirit. 

3) Acts 1:12

Holding onto this, they came down from the Mount of Olives and gathered in Mark’s upper room.  This is how everything was prepared according to the church officers. Many participated here but the one who opened the house was Mark’s mother. 

2. Mission Preparation

1) Acts 1:14-15

They prepared the mission

2) Acts 2:9-11

As I said before, these people gathered and the mission was given to them.  Then these works arose.

3) Acts 2:17-28

They prophesied and had visions and dreams, meaning they saw the future.  In seeing the future, it’s not about what we must do, but we’ve seen it. When you see the future, there are more conflicts.  All conflicts become answers; they don’t remain as conflicts.  For those who have truly seen the future, it’s okay even if a crisis comes.  You come to this answer. One by one, we’ll find these things out as we go through the gospel letter, but these points are very important. How did they prepare?

3. Church (Ministry) Preparation

1) Acts 2:41

There was no church officer prepared with a ministry, their field, and the church, but when they did, Acts 2:41 took place and the church was completely revived.

2) Acts 2:42

If the church officers don’t come to the answer in these things, it’s wrong.  If the church officers don’t come to these four answers, they’re fakes, so it has to end with these four things, the word, the apostles’ teaching, fellowship. What does fellowship mean? They could interpret the people who gathered here. They broke bread, what is bread?  It’s the mystery of salvation. They devoted themselves constantly to prayer.  When this takes place, something automatically follows.

3) Acts 2:43-35

All the wealth could be gladly given to the Lord.  It says the Early Church lacked nothing financially, so this is a tremendous thing, so we have to have this kind of preparation.  More than saying it’s a difficult thing, we’ve received so much grace to rightfully prepare this.  Even though the church members didn’t understand at all, I had this, so I didn’t have to hear anything that came up.  Yes, I respected and listened to everybody, so I was a good person in their perspective, but I didn’t keep what they said in my head. 

I had the setting for how the Darakbang movement would continue, but I didn’t have to hold onto other words.  We have to go towards what God wants.  So, myself as well as the pastor and all of you, can we really run to 300 places? Could we do this again? No, we have to end this now, we’re preparing for that.  Our next generation, people with their own motives will try to attach themselves to them, can they carry out this movement?  There are people staking their lives over one small loss or profit, can they do world evangelization?  

If God works, of course anything is possible, but that’s why we prepare everything–materials, administration, and budget.  Even if we start now, it may take 10 years, and no guarantee these will still be here after 10 years.  Perhaps they may be in the missions field; I don’t know if they can stay in the church ministry.  10 years is not that long; it seems like we just met but it’s already been 30 years, isn’t that so? We have to have the eyes to see the time schedule.  

Within this urgent situation, these people saw the time schedule, so what conclusion did they come to? They didn’t fear death so they gave everything they had with a glad heart, rightfully so.  Ananias was able to give everything.  That’s why Paul went with Barnabas.  Think about it, Barnabas was the very first person chosen, and it was bound to be that way.  

Lecture 3 Preparation for the Remnant’s Mission Home 

In the very beginning, there was no mention of remnants because there was no need for it.  Think about it, they were trying to kill the Early Church so the family itself was the church and the meeting itself was for the remnants.  There was no need to mention the remnants in the beginning, but we see the remnants mentioned in the Synagogue movement.  Let me introduce five different time places.

1. Mark

Mark’s home, that was the mission home and that revived the remnants. 

2. Ananias

We see their homes.

3. Tabitha

Tabitha’s home, we see the names of their homes.  

4. Simon

One particular individual, the home of Simon the Tanner. We see that. 

5. Cornelius

And Cornelius’ home.  These are the people we see in the first half.  As we look through the gospel letters, we will seek this out one by one. As you set this, this itself is a blessing.  Evangelism is hard or not? No such thing, you already gain strength and are blessed.  It’s working or not, don’t even use those terms.

Before this pandemic, people would be glad over one small thing. It’s not a bad thing but what happens when things aren’t working? That’s my question, what will happen when things aren’t working out?  If you have this answer, it’s not a matter of whether things work or not.  Believers hold onto this blessing and whether it bears much fruit or not, it doesn’t matter.  It’s okay even if they don’t have any fruit.

What happened in Mark’s home?

1) Mark

1) Three feasts (Pentecost)

We saw the day of Pentecost had come, we don’t even have to address Passover and Ingathering. The Passover is over, and the Ingathering is the background of heaven, we can enjoy that, but now is the Pentecost.  Of the Three Feasts, they’re the same, but it says the Day of Pentecost had come, so there is no greater blessing than this.  What else does it say?

2) Time schedule 

What’s important here?  Starting with Pentecost, day by day, we see the time schedule. When we devote our sermon, we must give it in the time God wants, what is that?  What is offering? Being able to give what God wants.  The Early Church needed finances so these people gave over their wealth and that saved the world.  Know that this is what your offering is for. It may seem as if you’re just giving offering to the church, but it saves the world.

The people in Australia gathered together and raised funds to raise a church in my village. In our village, we had nowhere else to go, so we went to church.  Some went for fun and fell away but others received salvation.  I grew up there and now I go to Australia to do missions.  That’s what offering is like.

You think you’re giving offering just because the church tells you to do it, but that’s how influential this is. People don’t know what they’re talking about. One writer says, “There are too many offerings in church, 38 different types,” and I think he was a believer, but he was a fake believer.  The grace we receive isn’t categorized into 38 things, there’s over 10,000, but that person doesn’t know anything about evangelism, missions, or the works of God.

These were the things that took place, and more importantly, the doors people couldn’t open were opened by God, and this takes place in your church and homes. Do you think the remnants will see this or not?  

3) Door

True education is not done with words, but they see with their eyes.   True imprints do not take place from nagging, but what they see from the side.  True motivation is not what you see on a stage, but what you see from behind the scenes.  The path you walk, seeing you walk from behind, is what our future generation learns.  Think about it, that’s why we say to not do anything else; these people watch from the side. I’m sure the remnants all saw that, so that’s what happened. 

2. Ananias

Look at Ananias.  

1) Damascus

We see God raised an incident in Damascus, and God directly broke down Paul there. Why is that?  

2) Disciple

Because there was a disciple there, that’s important. God works where disciples are.  Because Ananias knew who Paul was, when God told him to make Paul accept Christ, it was shocking. It’s like the president wanting to come to the Lord and enrolling in the Yewon church, it was a shocking event.  What did God say at this time to Ananias?

3) Acts 9:15

He is my chosen vessel to stand before Jews, Gentiles, and their kings. No greater blessing than this.

3. Tabitha

This is the mission home.

1) Social Work

Anyone can do social work.

2) Female Disciple

The Bible tells us she was a female disciple

3) Joppa

We see she saved Joppa

4. Simon

Who was Simon?

1) Tanner

He was a seller of leather goods.  Even now, leather is quite expensive, but it was the greatest merchandise back then, used by kings.  He saved everything with this one thing. 

2) Peter

I’m sure he was just passing through his evangelism voyage, but Peter stayed here.  This is the blessing you will receive. 

3) Cornelius

Through a great vision, he opened the door to Cornelius

5. Cornelius

He was a Centurion from Italy.  One time, some low ranking person came, but even the highest rank from the local place was scared.  Of course, the low rank person greeted everyone, but even the highest rank here was shaking because he was sent from above.  When you’re the centurion of the Italian regiment, you are part of the special forces of Italy.  

1) Centurion

Rome’s strategy was to raise centurions from the region, and the other was to commission someone from the Senate.  He was that kind of person.  He was completely connected by God’s works.  

2) Baptized

The entire family was baptized.  We know what Peter did when he got there, but the important thing is the entire family was baptized.

3) Holy Spirit

It says the Holy Spirit came upon that home.  How do you think Cornelius did his ministry in the future? We don’t have to talk about that. The Early Church continued to form these kinds of systems.  You teach the gospel letters with this, so you must prepare this.  It’s not about work; it’s about the grace you receive, isn’t that so? This isn’t a simple blessing, but it’s all the things from above God has prepared for us.  That’s why all believers must have a sense of this, “That’s what it is.”  Only then will answers continue to take place, but “I used this humanistic method and these answers took place,” then what’s going to happen later on? 

What are people in the world like?

1. Why Are People Unhappy? (Romans 3:23)

This is the first question, why are people unhappy?  For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, Romans 3:23.  There is one important answer you must come to here.

Introduction – 

Why are they unhappy? They have left God.  That’s just the basics, but are the people who’ve met God happy? Why are you like this if you’ve already met God?  Think about it.  People who haven’t met God are rightfully not happy, they cannot have happiness.  It’s because you don’t know the hardships of people who have money; they have to manage that money, and if they can’t maintain it, they crumble and go to prison.  But the average person doesn’t know, “If I had money, I would be happy,” but there’s no way.

But why do believers lack happiness?  What do you think this is?  Of course, the answer is Romans 3:23, but what’s the important thing that follows this?

[ Genesis 3 ]

They’re stuck in Genesis 3.  They’re stuck so they cannot have happiness. You may say it’s because of Satan but that’s an excuse, you need to escape from this, and if we’re not careful, we’re stuck in Genesis 3.  The ones who are completely associated with Genesis 3 are unbelievers, and that’s what it means to be separated from God. Explain in detail what it means to be separated from God, you have left God and are enslaved to Satan. Believers are in this state as well.

There’s something I realized while praying, this thought crossed my mind.  I may not do much in my pastoral ministry, but I thought we have to do something special with Immanuel Seoul, so I decided to give one message for the session members, but I immediately repented, that is Genesis 3.  Even the evangelist is stuck in Genesis 3, it’s easy to be this way.  We need to go together, no reason to do something special, that’s Genesis 3 for me.  “For ourselves,” we easily fall into this, so there’s no other reason.

Being stuck in Genesis 3 as we do our work, we do gain a sense of achievement, but that is the root reason for unhappiness.  So, we are separated from God; we cannot be happy.  We can’t just live on our own, but we’re stuck in this.  To say others cannot understand means they cannot be connected to this happiness.  It comes moment by moment, and moment by moment, I repent.  I, too, get stuck in Genesis 3.  We, us, in that way.  

Now, we’ve received permits for the entryway of the church, but we didn’t have that for 20 years.  Now, we can build things, like the road.  After 20 years, we finally got the permit so by law, no one can stop us, and based on that, we can build the church building.  But prior to that, I always thought this way, people in Busan got together to persecute me and made my life difficult, “I will make something to really show them.”  

With that, I made the hearts of my church members become very excited.  We saw the elders put the works together for church construction, and it was $100,000, but I repented of that. I just have to humbly proclaim the Word in Busan; other goals are wrong.  Believers are stuck here.

Association, Influence

Our hearts keep going back; we try to escape and get sucked back in.  Explain the spiritual problems in a spiritual way to solve it. They’re all stuck in this.  Believers are influenced by this, and unbelievers are associated with it.  So, Genesis 6, we’ll talk about that in the second lecture. It rightfully comes.  Where does power come from realistically? That’s the second lecture, but we have to do this first.  

1. People Are Separated from God (Genesis 3, 6, 11)

This is our first main point, what does this mean? They’re separated in this way, Genesis 3, 6, and 11.  Being fooled by Satan, being filled by Satan, and influenced to build the Tower of Babel. That’s what happens. I can’t explain it all, but you see all the answers come here.  Disobedience, they went against God, that’s rightful, but without telling this to them, they don’t know what disobedience is.  So, Romans 3:10 says they fell into a state of sin, everyone.  It’s tremendous to be separated from God.  Not understanding this, they say, “I’m separated from God? Then how do I meet Him?” They interpret this way, “There’s so many strange Christians,” that’s why they fall into suffering.  This cannot be happiness.


Ultimately they are lost in suffering, and because they don’t know this answer, we must let them know. They search for solutions in religion and enter more deeply into Genesis 3, 6, and 11. You must tell them this. You can go to church and still be in this, so think about it, you’re suffering so you instinctively look for the way and go back into that. 


We’ll look at the central theme of the Nephilim next month. No need to go into detail, but accurately see and accurately let them know.  

2. Start (Lost Eden) (Lost Themselves)

When did this unhappiness begin?  It was lost in the blessing of Eden as they were separated from God.  Simply put, they lost themselves.  This began from Adam and Eve. The root cause is Genesis 3:1-14, and they had no choice but to suffer in Genesis 3:16-20.

3. When? (Eternal)

How long? There’s no time, it is eternal.  It continues even now and it gets worse, why? Because it’s eternal.  This is what you must let them know in their first meeting. 

4. Reason (Nephilim and Me)

Why doesn’t this go away?  I keep joining with the Nephilim so the unhappiness doesn’t go away.  Think about it, early in the morning you do meritorious deeds and bathe clean, it’s the Nephilim, it’s all entering into the Nephilim.  It’s really strange, if you look at musicals and music and songs, the themes of all the popular songs are like this. Satan helps them because these themes really become popular.

Us, Together

We are the World, this is Michael Jackson’s last song, they continue to make great things like this.

5. How (Fate)

What happens if it continues in this way? It becomes your fate.  These are the six states of the unbeliever, it records seven here, but there are six states, and the most important thing here? “Your father the devil”


Beginning here until the next generation.  Hell, you cannot escape, that’s why we call it fate.  So, by believing in Christ, we escape our fate.  You’re familiar with the six states, but you must pinpoint that.  Without you even realizing, when you face a problem, you didn’t know before, but you try an exorcism? You seek your father. No one tells you to do that, but when you’re frustrated, you go to demon-possessed psychics. You seek your father without realizing it. 

Strangely, you don’t even want to go to church.  The church makes you angry. No reason for this, but people get so angry.  You keep talking about Christ, they don’t like that because Satan trembles in fear.  The church doesn’t let you talk about the gospel of Christ, so they whine and complain; they hate that, there’s no other reason. This exists.

Can you imagine how angry they must get because you’re criticizing their father? They may not know this but this is their father, according to Jesus.  If you don’t understand this, you can’t have happiness at all. You must let them know this. They struggle so much in the world but it’s all in vain.

6. World (Vain) – Quicksand

It’s the same as someone who’s lost in quicksand. If you fall into the water, you can swim out.  But you can’t swim in quicksand; rather, it’s better to stay still because the more you struggle in quicksand, the  deeper you fall in.  That’s the difference between quicksand and water. Do forum with the scripture passage.  The things of this world are carnal, for pleasure, and it only causes unhappiness so they do seances and stuff like that.

7. Struggling (Momentarily)

That’s why they struggle so much to do seances.  You must tell them.  They are under the misconception that momentarily, answers come. Think about it, they do some kind of seance and it seems fine in that moment, in one sense, it’s a deeper struggle as they appear to be chained by their hands and feet.  They’ve gone this far to this state, this is how far you went before coming back to the Lord.  


You have to understand shamans have gone this far with their lives.  This is one of Paul’s first ministry, so it becomes a key to help shamans who’ve come to the Lord.  This person has a tremendous background, but while these people were there, they were momentarily like leaders, making money off of that. They came out because they realized that’s not it, but countless people head towards that. They go to fortune tellers and do seances.  

8.  Eternal (Way) Unique

God gave us the way to be eternally free, He gave it to us by grace because we can’t gain it anywhere else.  This is a unique way.  You can’t find this anywhere else. Don’t criticize other religions and go against the law; even Buddhist monks need this.  Don’t criticize Buddhism, but it’s the religion that leads you to #4.  What completely explains 3, 6, 11, and makes people head towards that, is Buddhism. The Three Organizations make this very high class. I think Buddhism is one of the greatest religions because it sends you towards Genesis 3, 6, and 11 the best. It really is like that.  Momentarily you have this, so because of that, what takes momentarily is that you have misconceptions and you’re then chained later on. 

Help them understand this. Why is salvation by grace? You can’t do it. Why is it through faith?  You can’t do it by your efforts, so it’s through faith. Grace means you can’t measure it or pay for it, not that it’s not without value, but you cannot.  Ephesians 2:8-10, it is not just by faith, but by grace.  The method is through faith.  

(Eph. 2:8-10)

That faith too, is the grace of God, isn’t that so?  You tell someone so much and they still can’t believe, but telling them to believe is also God’s grace. They have to understand to that extent to understand salvation.  They have to understand the 8 points to understand, “This is salvation. Ultimately I was bound in Genesis 3,” that’s what happens.  Even after receiving salvation, they’re still in Genesis 3.  So from that point on, true happiness and these answers I wrote before begin to come.  

This is the first meeting of the Gospel Letter. Don’t rush through it, but take it one step at a time. With just the gospel letters, you can fully give the answer.  When I say I’m going to give this lecture anew, it means I will explain the background.  I will do it in this order but I will try to explain the things I did.  Dependent churches are the future churches, so have this setting first.


Anyone can do it, even the pastor’s wife, and if you do it, the works will take place.  Let us pray.


God, may You grant us new grace at this time. Grant us new power in this new year.  May believers enjoying this true gospel arise.  May You give great grace so great works will take place.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


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