Evangelist’s Lifestyle – 24 Hour

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Evangelist’s Lifestyle – 24 Hour

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Before we focus on actions, the words about evangelism must be in my heart.  We go into the field, and that is important, but what’s most important is the covenant that will be fulfilled must be in my heart, then I have to know the problems of mankind. God sent us the Christ but that is not the answer.

Satan, Sin, Separation

The problem of mankind began by Satan. Satan interferes with our lives so we do not know God’s Word and we’re separated from God.  Without knowing this, you won’t know why Christ is the answer.  It doesn’t matter how much I go to church; if I do not know this problem, then I cannot give the answer or heal anyone else.  At first you might memorize this and give it as an answer, but you can’t move anything because you don’t know the real problem.

If you really know what’s going on, no matter how the problem looks, you can give them the answer.  You must be able to find the answer first for yourself.  At first, you receive this theory but the Word of God is planted in my heart and revealed in my field, so that’s why it’s only Christ. 

If it’s physical problems, Christ isn’t the answer, maybe it’s powerful people.  Unbelievers see the physical problems, not the fundamental problem, so they rely on their own strength and struggle so hard to succeed. They think they can solve their own problems with their strength, it’s because they cannot see their fundamental problems.  Some people live their lives without knowing this and say “Christ.”  Until they recognize the problem, even though they accept Christ, they will wander.

John 19:30, it is finished, but we don’t understand what it means.  We can have continual skepticism arising due to the physical problems in our lives.  The roots of a cancer may be taken out, but if you don’t see it, you don’t think it’s a problem.  Why?  The fundamental things have ended.  The one who knows and believes this vs. the one who knows and does not believe it.  Whom does Satan work on?  You must know this to heal the problems in America.

It doesn’t matter how much you help people.  Heal the problems of America. Even if you have nurses, they can physically bandage people but they cannot heal the things of the spirit, but the people who know this mystery have skills and receive the answer of uniqueness.  They have “only,” then God gives the following answer of uniqueness. That was last week.

We need the answer of only Christ to have uniqueness and re-creation.  It doesn’t matter if you don’t have the answer of “only,” everyone is the same.  You need the answer of uniqueness so you can see, not just me, but the one who does the work of re-creation. That’s the lifestyle of the evangelist.  If you don’t have “only,” your skill cannot save the 237 nations, then you’re unnecessary and God will not give you this blessing.  But for people holding onto the answer of only Jesus Christ, God gives the answer of uniqueness, 24/7.

God’s Kingdom

God reigns over me; otherwise Satan attacks me.  The more we assert ourselves, the more we are lost. You must only assert the Word of God, otherwise the devil attacks you, and people misunderstand the walk of faith as saying the correct words.  You hold onto the words of truth and save people.  Satan doesn’t tremble before your correct words.  There are people who think their walk of faith is like John the Baptist, saying correct words.  Make it so that my thought sand heart are controlled by Truth.  I must receive that mission of relaying these words. 

God gives you the skill and people, God takes care of it, so I won’t try to gather the right people, but God takes care of it for His work. Then we’re not tied up by such concerns.  You must have these three “only’s” to live the life of the evangelist, or just work hard and face limitations.  Confirm with the imprint, root, and nature with the Word of God. 

Heavenly Mandate, Calling, Mission

Anna is our choir conductor who studied music composition.  God has His set time schedule.  What do I do now for world evangelization? Choir conductor.  Some people say, “This has nothing to do with my career,” then their time schedule will be delayed.  That’s my case, I didn’t know about my calling.  This is what I experienced, don’t do the same thing.  There’s a time schedule for what I must do right now.  What can I do to make the choir proper and spiritual? Then God will work.  This goes into the lifelong mission, fulfilled as we follow the time schedule. 

Rightful, Necessary, Absolute

Absolute is an absolute value. You must find the absolute plan that never changes.  When you face a problem, find God’s plan, and a problem is a blessing.  When you fall into that problem, it’s difficult.

One Heart

No need to have two hearts. I like it here and there?  Finish it with Christ, where you are.  That’s what it’s about.  Change everything with yourself.  We talk about mysteries, but change everything by yourself.  There is a spiritual truth, the answers come from the spiritual side.  Ten mysteries.  There is a wilderness, an empty field, nobody comes here, they believe in Jesus Christ but they don’t believe in only Christ, so they don’t receive the answer of uniqueness.  The Bible gives everyone who holds onto the covenant of the Bible as “uniqueness,” and it’s the same even now.

Unbelievers say to work hard, that’s basic. Most normal people work hard, only people who don’t have a basic level will say, “I didn’t work hard enough,” but normal people work hard.  I’m not talking about that, as if you’re below the basic level and working hard; everyone is working hard.

Finish it with one heart. “What if I don’t have strength?” God has strength.  God will do it. The church is a blessing.  But because people don’t have this, they rely on others.  What is there to rely on? God does it.  If you send your kids out into the field and they cry back to you, that’s a headache.  “Mom, there’s so much discrimination,” look at Joseph, he went to Egypt, was he not discriminated against?  We don’t study sociology; it doesn’t matter.  God will change the house of Potiphar though you.  Through you, God will solve the problems of the white people.

Some people calculate and only like things that benefit them, and if you cannot do this, you will be at a loss.  When you’re studying, you thought there was no discrimination but you don’t know. Even among Koreans, there’s discrimination. If you go to Seoul National University, they will judge you based on your high school.  People are protesting to get into Seoul National University, but the people call them, “Adopted children,” so even within the university, if you’re not in the law or medical school, they don’t consider you.

Is there no discrimination?  Don’t lie, it’s not an issue with skin color.  People discriminate, “you and I are different and I’m higher than you.”  Look at Daniel. He went into Babylon and changed the whole place. If you don’t know this mystery, you will be a slave, even if you succeed.  I go to the evangelism field a lot and hear their words and look at the Bible. Humans are fascinating.  Even inside of the Seoul National University, if you went to a weak high school, you’ll get cut out.  It’s the same in America, they only like people who have blond hair and blue eyes.  There’s discrimination everywhere. 

How will you live here?  You need to have something that’s able to help their weakness.  Pharaoh said, “I will entrust everything to you, including my authority,” and that means, “I need your help.”  Because he has the mysteries of God, he was necessary everywhere he went.  I was handing out evangelism tracts, but that’s not biblical.  God does evangelism, and our life established in that blessing is the life of the evangelist.

If you work hard to do evangelism, that’s not right. There’s a time for that. Jesus Christ sent them out in pairs to evangelize, but it was more to confirm the field.  My life goes into the work of God taking place in the field where I am.  If this isn’t planted in the remnants, they will be slaves.  That’s the wickedness of humans.  They discriminate between you and me. 

If somebody is arrogant, they have an inferiority complex about someone over them, then do you think President Biden doesn’t have an inferiority complex?  Then why would he go to these companies and nations?  If he had the power, why would he try so hard to unify with other countries? He has a lot of concerns.  We think he has the greatest leadership in the world, but he has a lot of concerns.  You must recognize quickly that we cannot exist without this kind of blessing.

We have to conquer the world  with the gospel; the name of “America” won’t work; we must save China with the gospel.  Do you have to be a president to be a leader? Lead the field.  Be the leader among janitors.  If you just do well, make a masterpiece of the 237 nations with your cleaning.  If you’re good at playing, you can play well like BTS, they didn’t study, they play very well and they do transcendental meditation.  Even as they play, they influence the world globally and get money for it.

One heart, whole heart, continuation

No one wants us, nowhere to go. You’re infamous or famous?  You may seem to be unknown but that’s not true.  Paul was like that.  “I seem to have nothing but I have everything,” only the person who has this ability.  If Jesus was born in a palace instead of a manger, he would have had power.  But we don’t need that.  Jesus showed them the miracle of five loaves and two fish, everyone followed, but we don’t need that kind of revival where everyone will run away.  He talked about being the living bread, and left behind 12 disciples who influenced the entire world.  Things being in God’s will.  Enjoy this blessing.

Only, uniqueness, and re-creation

What is my “only” today?  If you hold to the covenant, you will receive the answer of uniqueness.  Without a doubt, it’s Christ, the Kingdom of God and only the Holy Spirit, then answers will follow.  Holding onto “only,” the answer follows.

24 Hours

I do this 24 hours, it comes rightfully.  Then I have God’s answer of 25 in God’s time schedule, God’s necessary time.

What is 24? It’s what you always think about. If you have scars, you’ll always think about scars.  People who are into psychology will touch their hearts or mind. It’s not unhelpful, they do change your minds, but you cannot change spiritual things with psychology.  We need a psychologist with this mystery.  I don’t know if Lois is listening, but there are thousands of psychologists, and it’s great if you’re a doctorate, but even our Assistant Pastor Yoon and a psychologist at Elim Silver Town have their licenses, but if you don’t have “only,” you have to compete without uniqueness.

No need to fight; if you have “only,” no one can follow.  Even with world evangelization, God gives you the answer, only Christ, only God’s Kingdom, only the Holy Spirit. This must be spiritually alive, and you will rightfully receive answers before your eyes.  That’s how it works.  People who exercise a lot think about it a lot, that’s their 24.   People who are weak 24 hours, their thoughts are weak so their answers are weak. If someone is scarred, they will get  more scars with 24.  It doesn’t matter how correctly people speak to you.

The evangelist’s life is easy, you don’t do anything but you come to believe it.  24.

Let us confirm 24 through the Bible today. 

Romans 16:25

Jesus Christ was hidden from long ages past, and for eternity, and God exists eternally and is now revealed, and I go into that.  That’s 24.  Christ and God are doing this from now until eternity, and I go into that work, 24 hours. 

Genesis 39:3-5. “I must proclaim only Christ and relay the LORD God.”  Then the people next to him would know.  If you’re constantly working, people know you’re afflicted.  If you’re saying, “my church position is like this or that,” but whatever is in you will be revealed.  Unbelievers don’t care about that, they don’t even like God, but that person isn’t different because they dress in a certain way.  I have something they don’t have, but it’s my 24.  I may be better in every way, but I don’t have something and they have something?  That’s relayed everywhere I go.

I don’t say anything but they just know.  Unbelievers know but they pretend they don’t so they guard their own pride.  If anything, they lie saying they don’t know because of their pride.  If they criticize you more, it means they’re being influenced.  If you just accept them, later on, they will apologize.  But if you say they’re messed up, you influence them.  But if you have this, you influence them.  Change the stream with this, not with your intelligence.  The Bible asks, are you stronger or smarter than God?  If you don’t know evangelism, you don’t know the Bible. 

If you have this 24 hours, then in Genesis 39, it’s relayed spiritually and physically.  But if you don’t teach this kind of evangelism and you tell people, they will endure.

Isaiah 7:14

These were the words given prior to Babylon.  Daniel changed Babylon.  Daniel faced crises of death for not eating the king’s food or bowing down to idols, but the words of the prophet Isaiah were relayed.  For people who hold onto the word 24 hours, God works even in the field of idolatry.  If they don’t have this, they will be taken captive to Babylon.  How can we overcome the world? The world is seized by the authority of the devil and so many people have much more physical strength.  The more you try physically, you will relentlessly be seized by Satan’s grasp.

If you know this, you’ll realize the things going on in the world are not the end, it is a tool.  However, if you have the covenant of 24 hours, it will be revealed as you conquer the world.  Daniel and his 3 friends, you’ll know a person by their friends.  Daniel and his friends went into 24 and refused to bow down to idols.  “I won’t bow down because I already have something,” and they didn’t give in when they were threatened with death because they had 24 hours. That influenced Babylon, nothing  else. May you have the blessing of being imprinted so 24 takes place.

If you receive the grace of only thinking  of 237 world evangelization, everything takes place. 

Matthew 28:20

Who is God with?  24.  That authority of Christ is revealed through me.  No need to worry about whether something is working out or not.  The authority in heaven and on earth is revealed, actually.  At first, spiritual things come as a theory, but it’s imprinted and will be revealed, so it’s a blessing to listen while young.  During the Monday regional church, he was listening, he used to pull out his own hair and had bald spots, but God had a plan for this child.

He was listening to the Word, you don’t know their family background. Without a doubt, he was in darkness, but the light of God reached him deeply.  God didn’t just give him that family background, it was given to him by God, and the word of God went into him.  His grandfather was a pastor and his grandmother was a pastor’s wife, but they are not doing pastoral ministry now.  He is someone who has the background of prayer with him, but when he met us, it was shocking how this happened.

Most of these kids do not receive the word of God and become worse and worse, but the Word of God went into him and he came to life. The fact that he stood up here is a miracle, you don’t know. The grandma is a CPA and works on weekends, so she drops her kid off here and leaves.  But the work of God is taking place so kids like this can continue to arise, so imagine what will happen in 10 years. 

The teachers are being used in this calling. He was coming because Tim was giving him rides, you don’t understand what I’m saying, you don’t know the circumstances, but no one would talk to him, and he opened his heart because Tim was like an older brother or uncle to him.  Look at Chris and Carlos, it’s a miracle that they come, but you don’t know their state when they first came. This is everyone in the church, starting from myself.  God raised me as a pastor to show that even someone like me can be changed by God’s work.

If I was an elite with a doctorate degree, many elites would gather because doctors flock together, but we’re not.  I’m not saying you’re not elites, but you’re gospel elites.  You are the elite of elites who know spiritual blessings.  Saving the world is elite. If you cannot save the world, you’re not elite.  It doesn’t matter what kind of military school you graduate from, if you run from the enemy, you’re not elite. Saving the nation is the way to gain recognition from the military school, and saving America is elite. But fake elites gather with fake elites.  Real elites save America.

Mark 3:13-15

You guys are more used to making your own plans instead of God’s Word, but if this becomes our 24, it is fulfilled according to the Word.  Even right now, God is fulfilling His Word and God will not change it even 1%.  There’s no need to hold onto the problems and worries to try to resolve them. Before your word, hold onto the Word 24 hours and the answers will come.  You do not study and know it, but it’s bound to come as answers, and the field will change.


God we thank You. May the evangelist’s lifestyle be our answer. May we stand as the witness to save our church, the field, and the world. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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