God’s Heir (Galatians 4:1-7)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

God’s Heir (Galatians 4:1-7)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Let us bless one another, Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God.  May today’s worship be the unprecedented, never-repeated joy and blessing.  God has that ability. Just according to today’s praise, God knows everything.  God even knows our nature that cannot follow God’s Word.  God also knows your sufferings.  Today in this blessed worship, may you stand before the God Who knows all.  

The book of Galatians is telling us to enjoy the gospel completely.  However, Satan keeps on taking away our blessings because we’re not able to enjoy the perfect gospel with the actions of legalism.  The Jewish people have lived all their lives centered on the actions of the law, so even though they believe in Jesus Christ, they are not fully satisfied unless they are doing something.  That is why the title of today’s message is, “God’s Heir.”

1. Heir

  1) Underage

    (1) No different from a slave (Gal. 4:1)

    (2) Until the time set (14-25 years old)

If you are an heir, it means you will receive an inheritance. During the Roman Empire, in order for the father to give his estate to his child, he had to wait between the ages of 14 to 25 years old.  The Roman Empire waged a lot of wars and would take captives from other natures, very elite and bright individuals, who would then be taken as servants to train and educate the heir in all different matters of education.  Even though this child is young, they would receive all their father’s estate and inheritance.

    (3) Subject to guardians and trustees 

But before that point, they must learn. They have to learn how to move the entire estate.  In the same way, when we’re under the law of the Old Testament, it was like our guardian.  

  2) Underage

    (1) Under the elemental spiritual forces of the world (Gal. 4:3)

    (2) Under the law

    (3) In slavery (Gal. 4:3)

We were under these basic principles which were just the elementary level we needed to live in the world.  We need to read, we need to speak, we need to add and subtract, and there’s really nothing more we need to live.  However, if you want to make scientific developments like developing cell phones and artificial intelligence, you cannot do that with a basic education.  In the same way, the law of God is the necessary education we need, but it is  not sufficient.  We were in a state where we had no choice but to be prisoners under these laws, but the Word of God said, “When the time had come.”

  3) When the time comes

We think in our minds that we want to accomplish certain things in a certain time schedule, but God has His own time schedule in mind. There is a time for students to study, and a time for them to work in society. Once we have spring, then we have summer. If you have a time when you are born on this earth, one day there will be a time for you to leave the earth.  If there is a time the Sun rises, there is a time the Sun will set. If there’s a superpower nation, there will be a time when it becomes a weaker nation. 

    (1) Colonized by Roman – Age of disaster 

During this time when America is the superpower nation, there is a work that God wants us to do at this time, and that is our wisdom to know.  This is the time when Jesus came to earth. 

    (2) 400 years of darkness – Worship ×, Word ×

Before Jesus Christ came, there were 400 years of complete darkness when the Word of God was completely cut off from the people.  Because the Word of God was cut off from the Israelites, they faced disaster from Roman colonization.

    (3) John the Baptist – Testified the coming of the LORD (Jn. 1:15)

At that time, God called John the Baptist to testify of the Lord to come. “When the set time of God had come,” this is very important. No matter how hard you struggle and strive, if God’s time has not come, we must wait.  The way that we know when God’s time to move has come is God giving us His Word in advance.  The Word that Jesus Christ would come to earth was already testified thousands of years ago, in Genesis 3:15, but when exactly did He come? That was in God’s time for Him to send the Christ.  

God is working with His Word even now. When God created the world, He did not use His hands, but He created something from nothing with His Word.  The words of people cannot create something from nothing. Powerful people have powerful words, and God certainly gives us His Word in advance and then fulfills it in His time schedule. That is our walk of faith as well.  God is giving you the Word He will fulfill, and when that Word comes into my heart, without a doubt, it will be revealed in my life.  God is the One Who fulfills that.

But if you do not have the Word of God, then you just have to work very diligently. If we work diligently, the result is nothing. “Nothing” means we only have physical things that are bound to disappear.  But if the Word of God comes into us, then without a doubt, there will be a time for His Word to be fulfilled. Moses received God’s Word when he was young, and it was revealed in his life when he was 80. For students who receive God’s word when they are young, it will be revealed in their lives, without a doubt. That is the power of God’s Word.

Hebrews 4:12 says the Word of God can change and heal all our things.  This time of worship is the time for God’s Word to be upon you. The moment you receive God’s Word and agree that it is correct, it will be revealed in your life in God’s set time, that’s why we hold onto God’s Word and wait.  We’re not just staying still, we do what we have to do and we wait. We wait while we study, we wait while we work, because these are just things we have to do to maintain our physical life, but without a doubt, God’s Word is bound to be fulfilled.

That’s why Joseph was able to hold onto God’s Word and wait.  While he was a slave, he was waiting; while he was Prime Minister, he was waiting, because without a doubt, God’s time schedule to fulfill His Word came.  Our faith regarding God’s Word is our patience. People who do not have God’s Word have nothing. They just see the same physical things that everyone else does.

2. God’s Time

  1) Sent His son (Gal. 4:4)

At that set time, God will send His Son.  It doesn’t mean it has to be a son and not a daughter; it just has to be a child.

    (1) From the woman (Mt. 1:23,Gal. 4:4) 

God sent His Son born of a woman. The fact that he was born of a woman means he was born from the body of a virgin, not by human creation.  Because this child had to be born without sin, and if he was created by the union of a man and a woman, he would have Adam’s Original Sin, so the Holy Spirit directly impregnated a woman.  

    (2) Under the law (Gal. 4:5) 

However, the Son was also born under the law, and He is also the One Who kept all the law.  Why was He born under the law? To redeem those under the law. 

    (3) Redeem those under the law (Gal. 4:5) 

“Redeeming” means to give money to buy a servant or slave.  Jesus Christ died on the cross and paid the price for all our curses and sins.  He is the One Who has kept all the law and has no sin, He resurrected in three days, overcoming death, and is with us by grace.

  2) Faith 

Do I “have” faith? Never. God must give us grace to believe in the spiritual things. With your studies, you can just study with your brain, because there’s empirical evidence. The spiritual things really do exist, but they are invisible, and that’s why we have to have faith.  People ask each other, “Do you trust me?” because we don’t have certainty in whether we can really believe this person or not.  If we already see with our eyes, there’s no need for us to believe anything; we can just judge whether it is true or not.

    (1) Receive adoption to sonship (Gal. 4:5) 

We believe the fact that Jesus Christ died and resurrected by God’s grace. The fact that God pours out His grace upon us means we have no choice but to believe.  There are some churches or pastors that say, “God gives you 50% grace and you have to believe the next 50% to complete your salvation,” but to me, those words are not correct.  Theologically speaking, we are under Total Depravity, we are incapable of believing. 

When I received Jesus, I didn’t say I believed in him 50%.  I went to church and I was a first timer, so they had me greet everyone in church. I was 29 at the time, and I really didn’t like it; they were just sitting there, crying and pleading and praying.  I thought these people were so lost in their religion, their minds had completely rotted.  I said, “I just have to break these people up.”  I was 29 years old.  I was thinking, ‘Why are they praying and clinging to God instead of going out into the world and studying and working themselves?” I had a mission: “With this mentality, they’ll never be beneficial to the nation or society, so I have to change them.”  

I was a new believer so they told me to come to the front and greet everybody, so I thought, “Maybe not this week, but next week, I’m definitely going to tell them off.” I was only 3 years into the military at the time, but that was a time when my military mindset was very strong. I wanted to completely overturn them to make them into a militant society.  I thought, “The first time is too much, so the next time I come, I’ll definitely break these people apart.”  I was determined to break them apart the next week, but within that week’s time span, God broke me down.

I didn’t want to believe, God just forced me to break down.  If anybody says God does 50% of the ministry and 50% is my faith, that is a lie. Even now, my personality is very skeptical, I only believe when God gives me the grace.  Because God gives me a lot of grace, my faith goes up.  Now, when I look at you, I have the faith that God’s plan for world evangelization is hidden inside every one of you.  If I didn’t believe that, I would sound crazy, but because God gives me grace to have faith, I have no other choice.  

So, even when I look at myself, I realize I’m only able to believe because God gives me the grace to believe; otherwise, I would be one who breaks down churches, and now I brainwash people the other way so they can believe in the Kingdom of God, but it’s not really my work; God is doing the work.  

Now, by God’s grace, He has given us faith so that in Gal. 4:5, we might receive the adoption of sonship.  “Adoption” means we are not fully His son, but He has given us His rights completely. During Korean history, the king would only pass the monarchy down their bloodline, but one king had no son to give his kingship to, so he found a very distant relative on an island and brought him over.  Because at least, they were able to find someone in a far extended bloodline relationship to give the kingship to, and that was King Chung, and he gave him that sonship. 

    (2) Sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts (Gal. 4:6)

For us, we are Gentiles and have no right to be within God’s line. However, God gave us the grace to be able to believe and now we are sons of God.  Whether you’re adopted or not, if you’re a child, you should live like a child, because He is the One Who made me His child. The child is not afraid of what their parents think, but a servant is. Do you know what the characteristic of a servant is? They’re very afraid of their master. They want to try to earn something by doing something.  

If a servant wakes up late in the morning, they have to starve for breakfast because they didn’t do something.  They were only able to earn things based on their actions and behaviors, and there are a lot of Christians who live like that.  They say things like, “What have I done for the church?” Even if you did do something for the church, it wouldn’t be much, but you are still justified as a son.  “There really isn’t much I’ve done,” but that’s what really destroys you. You are children of God, you are legally made into children of God and no one can break that law.  

The reason I keep telling you that is because you keep trying to comfort yourself with your actions and accomplishments.  When I look at my daughter, I can see that if we wake up late, she’ll come and wake me up to make sure we’re on time, and I’m the one who has to wake up early; my daughter is sleeping in the back seat of the car.  If anything, she’s yelling at me from the back seat, “Why are you braking so hard so that I wake up from my nap?” She’s actually enjoying being a child, but what happens if she’s my child but she acts like a slave, thinking that she has to act properly in order to receive the benefits of being my child?  That would be a headache.

Not only has He adopted us as sons, but He has given us the Holy Spirit of His Son. If we are just adopted as sons legally, there’s no evidence of that, but as evidence, God sent us the spirit of His Son into our hearts, and that is the evidence. Even right now, the spirit of Christ is within me. 

    (3) Call out, “Abba, Father” (Gal. 4:6)

Now, we have the right to call out, “Abba, Father.” I’m sure this doesn’t move you very much, but for the Jewish people, this is enough to make them faint. God doesn’t have a name for them, God says, “I Am,” and that’s why the Jewish people created the name, Yahweh, and in the New Testament, they called him Adonai, and even in the scripture, they couldn’t just write His name, they had to bathe multiple times because they could not just say His name, and that is why always avoid saying the name of Yahweh, and call Him Lord.  However, Jesus Christ came to earth, and by giving us faith, we are now His sons, so that we can call out, “Abba.” We have now become His children, not His servants, and that is our walk of faith.

  3) Law

The thing that blocks us from living the walk of faith is the law, not only the Jewish law, but every single religion has a set of laws.  Every religion is telling you, “If you obey these sets of laws we believe in, then whatever God you believe in will reward you.”  If you’re not able to enjoy the true gospel, then even as you go to church, you will be living a religious life. Do you know how you’re living a religious life? “I had a dream yesterday and it was a very bad dream.” Then without a doubt, people would think “Oh something bad is going to happen today,” because they don’t know they are God’s child.  

If you’re a child of God, God will make you into His child through the law, but you keep losing hold of that with your dreams and you always argue with yourself.  “I think something good will happen today,” You’re completely losing hold of being a child.  God is with us always, guiding us and blessing us. “I don’t think today is the day for my business, I have to go to a fortune teller to tell me if I should move to the east or the west.” “Oh, I was walking along the road and stepped on some poo, so I think the rest of my day will be very bad.”  Or, “I saw something bad and I think the entire day will be ruined.”  Instead of enjoying being a child of God, you’re making your life determined by external factors as if you’re some kind of slave.

“I met this person today so I think something good will happen.”  Instead of enjoying the blessing of being a child, you’re looking at the external form and blessing yourself.  Do you know how much of a blessing it is to be a child? All of those things are irrelevant, whether you step on poo or have a bad dream, it doesn’t matter.  Even if you have very strange and bad emotions, those do not determine your life because you’re led by the law, being a child of God, because God is bound to work according to His Work, according to His Time.

“Because we got COVID, I thought this would be bad,” but COVID is not the standard; being a child of God is. Then if that person believes that, that Word will be fulfilled in the rest of their life.  We keep trying to judge our own lives based on the words of people and physical experiences, but at any time, we can call upon Abba Father.  The dates, the actions, please escape from all of that.  

    (1) Rely on works (Rom. 9:32)

    (2) Stumbled over the stumbling stone (Rom. 9:32) 

In says in Romans 9:32 that those who pursued it by the law, they pursued it not by faith, but by the works. The law is the Word of God, and they thought, “If I keep the law, good things will happen, and if I do not keep the law, bad things will happen,” so they are relying on the actions of the law. Instead of relying on their faith, they relied on the actions of the law, so they stumbled over the stumbling stone.

Why is your walk of faith difficult? Because it’s not based on the faith of God’s accurate Word but instead, it’s based on your actions, you are running into the stumbling stone.  You start to think to yourself, “I am righteous because of my actions and work, but on the other hand, if I’m not able to keep the work, then I am ashamed, embarrassed, and depressed, that is how we live as if slaves.  

    (3) Put to shame (Rom 9:33)

It is all finished by Christ, there is no need for me to rely on my actions anymore.  God has already fulfilled it.  As you believe in this, you are regarded as righteous.  Those who rely on their actions in Rom. 9:33 that they will not be put to shame.  So don’t swear or make promises, because you can’t keep them. Don’t say things like, “If I say something, I’ll do it,” because you’re not capable.  When people get married, they say, “I will love you for the rest of my life,” but don’t lie. The completion of the law is to love God and love people, and there is no person who can fulfill God’s law except Jesus Christ himself, and you’re promising to love this person?  After you get married, you’re going to wonder, “Why did you stop loving me, even though you promised?”  

For about six months, you may love each other during the honeymoon phase, but after that, you’re like roommates living together.  And there are some people who say, “Pastor Park, that’s not my family, I’ve never not loved my spouse, don’t lie to me.” That love is conditional, you only love your husband if he makes a lot of money, and if he doesn’t, you get very upset.  When your husband was young, he was so handsome, but now that he’s older, he’s losing his muscles and gaining more fat, and he’s ugly to look at, that’s not love.  If you say, “I’m going to do something,” don’t even try.  You have no ability to do that, that power must come from God, but there’s something to be certain of: be certain of the Word of God.

Because God keeps His Word, be certain of the Word. Do not be bold in anything else other than the Word of God. If you say, “I’m going to accomplish something,” the more you try to do it, the more ashamed you will be. The characteristic of my family line is, “If I start something, I will finish it.” But we’re not capable of that. Yes, you do it, but it doesn’t work out well, so we’re just lying. Only God can do it, so I believe you will believe in the God that is within this person. Do not believe in their actions, but I hope you will believe in Jesus Christ Who is within them, and that’s better because God has never betrayed.  If you look at a person with their actions and words, you’ll be at a loss later. 

3. Those who will receive God’s inheritance

  1) Son (Gal. 4:7, Eph. 1:12)

The sons of God will receive God’s inheritance.  What was the inheritance from the Old Testament? In the Old Testament, they didn’t call them the children of God; they called the people of God. The children of God can call God “Father,” but the people of God cannot. But they have a blessing where God told Abraham, “Through your family line, I will give you the Messiah, and everybody will be saved through the Messiah,” and he said, “I have given you the inheritance of the land of Canaan.” Even in the Old Testament, they had these blessings.  But now in the New Testament, when we call God “Abba, Father” by faith, we have a perfect blessing. I hope you will look forward to that blessing.  What are you excited about? It’s money isn’t it? That’s why you are not aligned. There’s a much greater blessing than money but you don’t see it. 

    (1) God is with me (1 Jn. 5:12)

1 John 5:12 says God is with me. Is it better to have money or to be with God? Of course, it’s better to be with God because God takes care of everything on His own.  If my daughter had to wake up and take herself to school, it would be so hard for her, but if she just stays next to her father, by the power of her father, everything is fulfilled.  There’s nothing for her to try so hard to do. “God is with me, and I am not necessary.” That is our inheritance.  God’s power has become my power.  God’s Word will be fulfilled as my Word in the future.  What greater blessing is that than this?

Instead of saying, “Dad, give me this or give me that,” You can just say, “Dad, just be with me,” and it’s all finished. There are some people who when I say “Father,” they don’t like it because their father is powerless. What if we talk about the president instead?  Instead of saying, “President, do this or that,” if the president is always with you, your needs will be met. This blessing is a blessing God has promised us.  Because God’s Kingdom is upon us, Satan’s Kingdom of curses and darkness is broken, and enjoying the blessing of being with God is more important than receiving money.  

    (2) God is with us (Mt. 1:23)

The second thing you will receive is that God is with us, but that’s a little hard to do. Because we’re able to say, “Me, me, me” well, but it’s hard to get along with others. Even now, unbelievers say, “Even though they’re different from me, it doesn’t mean they’re wrong.”  Even BTS went to the White House and gave a speech about Asian hate, saying, “Just because we’re different doesn’t make us wrong,” even unbelievers are thinking like this.  But for us, when children of God gather together, God is there with us.  So, there’s a difference between the blessing when God is with me alone versus when God is with us as a group, and that’s why we devote ourselves to gathering.  The reason why Jesus came to earth was to be with us, Immanuel.

If we’re not able to gather together, then we’re spiritually diseased. The Devil blocks us so we cannot enjoy the blessing of being together. The strategy of the children of God is to gather together. If we’re too persecuted, we gather with our families. God is with each and every individual person, but when we gather together, His blessings are different. Because we’re together, God proclaims His Word.  “Oh, why is the Word of God a blessing,” because our life is fulfilled according to God’s Word. Inside of this, everything follows including money and people.  

If you cannot believe this, let’s say President Biden says, “I’m going to intercede with the Asian economy,” and as soon as he says those words, everything follows. And if he gives the command, “We’re going to leave the Arabic area, and invade Asia instead,” all the works will follow. That’s the strength of the Word of someone who has power, but our God works with His Word.  When God gives us His Word, that Word is fulfilled and God will fulfill all our needs to fulfill His Word. One day, we start to believe this.  Because we’re able to believe this, we’re able to let go of the unimportant things.  If you just hold onto the one important thing, everything else follows.  

Just think of this one thing: When God created the Universe, He just gave His Word, and everything was created. It seems like there’s nothing before you in life, but as soon as God gives His Word, it will take form.  That’s why the members of the Early church held onto God’s Work because they believed it would be fulfilled exactly so. 

The blessing of Immanuel. That is why they gathered in Mark’s Upper Room, that’s why the working of the Holy Spirit took place, the Word of God came upon them. When you realize this is the greatest blessing of all blessings, then your eyes will be opened to see how important your gatherings are. That is why we keep gathering the remnants, why? Because the blessing of God being with them is there. 

    (3) With all things (Rom. 8:28)

Romans 8:28 says God works in all things to fulfill His good purpose, to fulfill God’s will. We just hold onto God’s Will; may everything happen according to God’s will. God will use all things to fulfill God’s purpose. If you regret anything, it’s because you do not know. What is there to regret if God is fulfilling God’s good purpose?  That’s like North Korea where you criticize yourself, you criticize yourself with the actions of the law.  Maybe Joseph might have regretted talking about his brothers to his father, but he didn’t regret that because he was taken into Egypt, and he was going there as a slave. Is going as a slave like going to his death? No, because he was going there to fulfill God’s will.  

Once he succeeded as a governor, was that the end? No, he fulfilled God’s will to the end. God works upon all things for the good of those who love him for His good purpose. I hope you will stop looking at yourself and your own actions, but instead, look at God’s Word and God’s will.  If you make a mistake, simply hold onto God’s Will again.  But the characteristic of a legalistic person is they will set perfection as their goal and run towards it until the end. Then, all their thinking is thinking they’re lacking and these words sound correct but they’re wrong. They’re working so hard in their daily life but if they don’t accomplish it, then they are in despair.  Because their abilities have a limitation, even if they become president, they commit suicide. It’s because they were a president who really exalted their own righteousness.  

For those who know, there was a president who was always speaking of his righteousness but one day he was caught in a scandal, so he ended his own life.  There was another government official who committed suicide, do you know why?  Because until that point, they were living according to their justice, saying they were fighting for the working class, but one day, they were bribed, and it was revealed and they committed suicide because their reputation was scarred.  

There was another military official who committed suicide, why? Because he was taken into handcuffs as a criminal, and he couldn’t endure that. Until this point, he was living by the actions of his righteousness and he was too embarrassed to be a sinner, so he committed suicide. In the future, there will be more cases. That is the characteristic of legalistic people and perfectionists.  For us, we believe in the perfect God in our faith.  I’m just giving God’s Word. We are not influenced by our environment, we’re not influenced by things like that. We’re victorious in all things. 

If you listen well to this, you’ll realize there are a lot of things inside of you that are unnecessarily making you suffer.  If you only talk about your own cleanliness or your upright life and one day something happens that is not in your control to your child, then you end your life. The reason why leaders commit suicide is because their own righteousness has been marred, so that’s why they have to run away, but we’re children of God.  

God knew that we could not do it on our own so the perfect God is with us, He is perfect. We’re always insecure and unable.  If we make a mistake, we just rise up again and hold onto the perfect Christ.  But even after we make multiple mistakes, we give up and commit suicide. It’s because they’ve created their own standard they’re unable to meet, so they commit suicide.  People kill themselves because they’re not able to live up to their standard, or because they’re too embarrassed; this is the state of people who live under the law. 

  2) Son

    (1) Gave all things (Rom. 8:32)

For us, not only are we children of God, we have received God’s Kingdom as an inheritance and we are the ones to establish His Kingdom. And before we establish God’s Kingdom, Romans 8:32 says we have been given all things in Christ.  Don’t you think He has given us everything including His Son?  “Why is it that God promised to give me all things but I’m still lacking?”  Do you think God is wrong, the Word of God is wrong, or you are wrong? If you interpret correctly, you’ll realize what’s right. You’re not lacking, but what you have is actually perfect, because if God gave you any more, you’d do unnecessary things, so God gave you the perfect amount.  Once I have a larger vessel, God  will fulfill that need, so I hope you will grow your vessel. If you grow your vessel, then even if you stay still, God will fill it. 

    (2) Receive if we ask anything according to His will (1 Jn. 5:14-15)

1 John 5:14-15 says if we approach God’s will, He will answer us. “Oh, but when I pray, God doesn’t answer me.” May you pray, not for your will, but for God’s will, that is the will of God’s Word, then you will continue to receive answers to prayers. It’s rightful because you’re children of God.

    (3) Victorious in all things (Rom. 8:37)

You will have victory in all things. There’s nothing that can take away your status as a child of God. But if people fail a few times, they’re so traumatized that they collapse.  Maybe about 1% of people have this mindset where they can overcome that, but what does it mean that God gives us victory in all things? This is a tremendous strength for us, and without a doubt, we will have victory.  The new Korean president actually failed a test 9 times and passed on the 10th time.  There was an interview with his college peers, who said, “Even if he failed that test many times, he would never show it on his face, and he would come out drinking with us like nothing was wrong.”  

It turns out, there was a test they had to take on a Tuesday, but the week before, it was one of their friend’s wedding, and they were drinking, and taking a train on their way back, and on the back the book they were reading was the answer to one of the questions on the test, and it was a question that hadn’t come out on a test for 30 years.  They were simply reading the back of this book, and the question that hadn’t appeared suddenly showed up, and they happened to be on a train with a lot of traffic, so they were the only ones to get the question right while everyone failed.  

Even among unbelievers, if they have a posture that eventually it will take place, they have a different posture, but for us, it’s not, “Oh, it will take place,” we already have the victory.  Are you facing a test right now? You’re bound to stand up anyways. Are you collapsed right now? You are bound to arise, because the children of God can never be taken from God’s Hands and His will be fulfilled.

  3) Son

    (1) Those who establish God’s kingdom (Ac. 1:3)

Now, we are called to establish God’s Kingdom in those who are trapped in Satan’s Kingdom. How can we do that? That is why God gives power to His children.

    (2) Only Holy Spirit – Authority – Witness (Ac. 1:8)

The great power of the Holy Spirit. It is impossible for us to save people, so that’s why God gives His children the power of the Holy Spirit.  

    (3) Business, work, studies – All nations (Mt. 28:19, Mk. 16:15)

Then our businesses and studies are used as tools to save people, and God begins to work upon our job because He told us to go and make disciples of all nations. That means God will change my business into one that influences all nations.  It is not a matter of whether you’re doing good or bad right now, it is a matter of “Is my work connected with God’s Word?” Without a doubt, your business is used as an instrument to fulfill God’s Word, then He will work upon your business.  “Is the work I’m doing able to exert influence upon all nations?” Just think about that constantly. You have to influence people for the gospel to go in.  In order for the gospel to go in, God will do this.  Then God will give you answers within the gap between your life and the Word of God.  

Look at people like Thomas Edison, how could he give light to the entire world? That was God’s doing.  The reason Samsung is leading the forefront of the market is, yes, they have a greed for money, but they’re thinking, “How can we develop the entire world this way?” The person who created the desktop computer was thinking, “We need to get a computer for every family household,” and that was fulfilled.  

For young students and those who are working, I hope you will hold onto your studies, praying, “How will this give influence to the entire world?”  For those who are in music, it’s so easy to influence the entire world through music, so I hope you will dream of that covenant and pray, “How can I influence the entire world through music?” Then God will take you there.  


1. Became His child through faith in Christ

2. Enjoy God’s inheritance through faith

3. Share the blessing of God’s inheritance to all nations….

We have the blessing of being a child of God like this, but our eyes are blinded so we cannot see it.  May you receive these blessings in your life by faith in the covenant, and may you stand as witnesses as this evidence is revealed in your life.


Let us pray holding onto the Word God has given us together.

Offering Prayer and Newcomer Prayer

Father God, we thank You.  Thank You for making us children of God by Your grace.  Allow our lives to testify and enjoy the blessings of being a child of God.  Allow us to no longer prioritize our own standards and actions that stop us from enjoying the rights of being a child of God, but instead prioritize the light of Jesus Christ upon all those who are not able to see this and establish the Kingdom of God.  We have returned Your material blessings as offering. We pray that everywhere it is used, the proper gospel will be relayed and the blessings of being a child of God will overflow. We pray that You will work upon all the hands working on the offering with the economy of light to save the 237 nations and all tribes.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.  

Father God, we thank You. 

In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the people of God, the multiethnic people, and the remnants, upon all their academics and business, to do the work of enjoying and testifying of God’s inheritance and establishing God’s Kingdom, from now until forevermore always, amen.

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