Prepare Your Thoughts and Heart With God’s Word (Romans 8:5-11)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Prepare Your Thoughts and Heart With God’s Word (Romans 8:5-11)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

The verses we just read in Romans 8 pertain to our thoughts.  The thoughts inside a person determine them.  When this scripture was written, the context was that they were debating between the law and faith and they are saying the thoughts of the flesh and thoughts of the spirit.  Thoughts of the flesh are, “I can fulfill God’s law through my own actions,” and the thoughts of the Spirit think, “The Holy Spirit of God within me will fulfill God’s law within me,” and the thoughts of the flesh are death.  If you keep thinking thoughts of the flesh, it is spiritual death.  However, the thoughts of the spirit are life and peace.  

The law is the Word of God as well, but if we are trying to accomplish the law with our own strength instead of relying on the Holy Spirit, that is the thought of the flesh. Even evangelism  is the word of God but if you say “I will do this” then that is death.  The Holy Spirit has come into me and is the One fulfilling God’s Word, and those words are life and peace to us. It’s possible for us to study with some sort of goal and to study diligently, then what happens? You may be able to study well, but your spirit is dead.  But if we study with the covenant, then these are the thoughts of the Spirit.  “I will study for world evangelization,” then this will come to me as life and peace. 

Kids just studying isn’t important; they need to have victory in life.  Even if their studies are falling a little behind, you need to teach them to have lifelong victory. If you say, “let’s just do our best,” That’s how they develop spiritual problems because they’ve never thought thoughts of the Spirit.  Because they keep thinking, “Let’s just study hard, let’s just do well, let’s just get into a good college,” even though they achieved their goal they are spiritually dead.  

Same thing with your work.  The work of the church must be strength to you, but if you lose spiritual strength, it becomes difficult, and because you get tested, you don’t want to do it. What have you lost hold of?  You are not able to change this physical work into spiritual work.  It’s because you’ve never learned and you don’t know how to change studies into spiritual work.

How difficult is your job?  If there are 10 people, then nine must go down and only one can survive, but don’t live like that. With the covenant, even if it doesn’t work out, hold to the covenant, and then what will happen?  God will work so that you can do this with life and peace.   If you have collapsed and you’re trying to gather the pieces together, it will note work; you have to figure out the reason why it failed. 

First, realize you were not aligned with God, thinking thoughts of the spirit, and starting from there, just being with the level that you can do. From there, God gives you answers one by one. If you’re full of hot air, you can never live your walk of faith. Same thing with evangelism if you are full of hot air or up in the clouds you’ll never be able to do never do evangelism.  For people who use evangelism as some kind of tool for themselves, it will never take place. Even if it’s one person, this isn’t work to me. It is a blessing.  

As I pray for this person, the prayer in itself is the beginning of blessings.  This is the thought of the Spirit, then not only will God heal me with life and peace; He will give me His Word.  You do not need 2-3 people; if God gives you one person, correctly analyze them and save them. How do you save them? You have to think the thoughts of saving, continuously think the thoughts of saving and that doesn’t come from my own brain; God gives it to me.  

The remnants have to learn this when they are young and studying.  If they don’t learn this, tehneve if they succeed or not, they will fall. Even if they do the work in the church, they will fall, and even if they do evangelism, it’s the same fate. It’s always just mediocre and God will never work like that, because the soul is important; you’re important.  Me as one person is important; when the Word of God comes into me, I come to life.  

You guys have to adjust your thinking because the Word of God has come into you and you are alive, so you must save others.  We do not receive healing because we listen to the word of God a lot; don’t misunderstand that.  If you receive healing because you receive a lot of training, that’s just your diligence and your actions. Even if you don’t do anything, there’s a way God heals you, because God has to save people, and He can’t do that if I’m crazy, God has to save me to save others,and I have to save other people, but I cannot do that because of my spiritual problems, then God has to heal me more quickly.  

But if you say you’ll save people once you have healing, your words may be correct, but those thoughts aren’t right.  You can tell that your center is centered on yourself, Genesis 3.  The proper way of thinking is thinking, “I’ve received salvation, no matter how many problems I have, it is rightful to spread this salvation to others.  For example, if someone is floating and browning down a  river, then you say, “I don’t have strength to throw you a rope yet, so wait a little bit.”  Right now, someone is drowning in the river and you say “My health isn’t the best right now so wait for a while” God gives you the strength to throw the rope because God’s number one ministry is saving lives.  That’s what your studies must be for.

Then, God is bound to give you the answer of talent and specialization to do this work.  Otherwise, you still have no idea what to do.  Or, let’s say you do know what you want to do and you’ve prepared so much for it, then when you go out into the field, there’s so much competition because you don’t have uniqueness, because you’ve lost hold of “only” you cannot receive the answer of uniqueness. If you’re doing the same thing as everyone else, that’s not “only,” everyone is doing the same thing, in fact, there are people who are working harder than me.  That’s not what the bible is talking about. The one who is holding onto God’s “only,” only that person will receive the answer to God’s uniqueness.  

If you do not hold onto “only,” you will not receive the answer of uniqueness, you’ll be similar to others, you may be a little bit better or worse, it’s all the same. There are many prime ministers wherever you go, but what did Joseph hold onto? He not just being prime minister, but he held onto “only” only Christ and only world evangelism, and because of that, he was not only a prime minister, but God gave him the answer of uniqueness by saving people through the famine.  God is the One Who creates the incidence.

Even your promotions are in God’s hands.  God will make this person sick so that they have to leave the company and God will promote you. These are in God’s hands.  1 Chronicles says the ones who raises and lowers is God.  Even King David, the One Who raised him up was God.  David held onto “only,” and because of that he had uniqueness that cannot be compared to any other king.  He raised a temple.  Because the temple was raised up, people came to life, re-creation. All the surrounding nations came to life. The way for other nations to not die is to not attack Israel, because if they attack Israel, they die.

We do missions as well.  These words must be communicated between you and me. If this doesn’t get through you, then you’re the same as any religion.  We are just saying, “I’m going to work hard to receive blessings, but people who already  succeeded don’t  need blessings; they think they already have it, that’s not what the church does. Are you thinking thoughts of the spirit or thoughts of the flesh? That is everything but we cannot control our own thoughts.  

When God’s grace comes upon us, then something comes into me without me even realizing it, and I go into God’s grace again with the Word He has given to me.  This covenant of world evangelization has come back into my thoughts, and if this word doesn’t come to this person, then they are far from world evangelization.  They are closer to something else because something else is in their heart.  

If this goes into someone while they’re  young, nothing can stop them. This went into Joseph while he was young, but for a long time, he couldn’t talk about it. After 80 years, God restores it again.  From that point on, Moses moved with what was imprinted inside of him, so what’s in our thoughts is everything.  

If you say, “I cannot do it, “then that person will continue to not be able to do it. If you think your life is hard, you will always be carrying depression around.  Or if you think that your life is sad, you’ll always be depressed, you’ll say your life is sad. What should I do about it? You need to give them the answer, the answer of Christ. If they come to church and don’t have this, help them to receive this answer. Because the answer doesn’t come into them, it will not work out, band just according to their family line, if their family doesn’t work out well, they’ll continue like that because they’ve received that thought for generations.  

There’s some people who are up in the clouds, and even if they say it doesn’t make sense, it will work. It may be a little better than saying it will work, but the devil likes people like that as well.  When the covenant of God is accurately in my thoughts and my heart, then it will control my brain and my spiritual state will be controlled.  But right now, your spiritual state is connected to the physical things which is the devil.  You are pretending to be humble and saying, “I’m so lacking,” and yes that’s true, but you shouldn’t just stop there. Christ who is complete and perfect is with you, you have to go to that extent, otherwise you will always be lacking.

Why is 237 not related to me? In reality I cannot do that. They’re not able to think the thoughts of the spirit. God said He would do it and would give you the power to do it, that has to come into your for your business to be related to world evangelization.  Isn’t that right? If your business doesn’t give influence to multiple nations, you’ll  barely survive.  If your children’s talents and specializations aren’t able to influence multiple nations, why won’t be able to make a living isn’t that right? They’re going to follow their family line, barely able to make a living with their salaries, but what God has given to us changes all of that.  Have your studies influenced 70 tribes and 70 nations, then what will happen?  God will give you the answer of specialization that is able to give a lot of influence.  

Yes, we do have to work hard, but that’s not enough, that’s only at my level.  Even when you’re talking about unbelievers, anyone who influences multiple nations has spiritual power.  Sometimes they conquer with transcendental meditation and the power that comes from that.  When Michael Jackson was moving the entire world with his music, that didn’t come from his own strength, but he was receiving another spiritual power.  

There’s a lot of Asian hate going around lately, so BTS was called to the White House to give a speech. Just because they inspire people doesn’t mean the spiritual problems go away, but if the president knew why the spiritual mystery, he wouldn’t be like that. The president is in a position where he could influence many nations, but he isn’t.  We need a president to maintain the physical world.  But right now, there are so many shootings but there’s nothing the president is or isn’t doing. 

Let’s say this is just the world, the church and the individual inside of the church have no power to do anything about this, but that’s why God gave us the power of the background of heaven.  God gave us this power to use it, but we’re not using it, because other than studying, there’s no other way to use it. No need to use this for studies, but for people who hold onto the covenant, they receive this blessing. Because their studies are for world evangelization, the blessings of the background of heaven must be upon them.  

Ever since David was a young shepherd, God gave him skillful hands, why? Because he held to the covenant.  That’s why ever since he was young, God gave him the talent and specialization to become king. Whether he was tending the sheep to the people of Israel, it was the same.  In order for him to protect his sheep, he had to fight against bears and lions, and in order to protect Israel, he had to be good at fighting other nations, and God gave him that talent.  There’s a lot of people who are good at fighting and a lot of people who are good at shepherding, but you have to be aligned  with God. It is the talent or skill that has the covenant.  Then, God is bound to give you the answers to fulfill His covenant, that’s what we are training and editing in our remnants. 

The parents have to understand this to  participate in this education at home as well, it’s not enough to just understand the word; the Word must come into my thoughts for me to enjoy it, and that’s why the thoughts of the spirit are important.  No one isn’t telling you to not study or to run a business, but with what thoughts are you doing these things? Nobody is telling you to not serve the church, but with what thoughts are you doing it? People with diligence will stop doing it because it makes them stressed out, but if you say, “How will I save with this? Then you will receive answers. In reality, working for the church is a blessing upon me.  You only say that it’s hard because you only try to do it physically but God’s blessing must be upon you because God is doing His work.

I wish our remnants would be like that.  Instead of just doing it, if God gives you something difficult, then hold onto God’s covenant and go for it. Don’t just do it but hold onto the covenant of world evangelization and think towards it.  When David was fighting against lions and wolves, it was difficult and he couldn’t do it on his own, but when he held onto God’s covenant and prayed, he received power that goes beyond his own. The things he held onto while he was young became great things when he was older.

My personality is that I don’t like to force people to do  things they don’t like to do.  At first, if I ask them to do it and their depression becomes dark, I don’t talk to them about it again because if you give this job to a person with physical thoughts, it is their burden.  But for the remnants, I teach them when I ask them to do it because they cannot fail later, they shouldn’t be thinking thoughts of the flesh. 

Ever since you’re young, you should challenge yourself in prayer, and if the remnants are lazy, and they’re falling behind, let them do that. Because later on, they won’t be able to do anything great. Their thoughts trap them at their level.  It’s the same thing in the world, you have to do things that other people cannot do, that’s your specialization that brings you to the level of the world.  No one can do that on their own, receive the answers according to God’s time schedule.  

In our church, the people who are doing things will keep doing things,and that’s my style.  If someone doesn’t like doing something, I don’t want to force them to. I look at them first and if they do not react  positively, I just let them be. And  if they do like doing something, I let them keep on doing it. Because why would I give this to someone who doesn’t want to do it?  Yes, I’m giving the messages daily but they have thoughts of the flesh.  Then God will change them according to their time schedule to realize it.  

I cannot do anything for someone who doesn’t want to do it, God has to move their heart.  All you have to realize is that the work you are doing is precious.  Even when you’re serving food at the church, you have to realize you’re doing this for world evangelization as a host, then the service you do will be a blessing.  I haven’t been to church my entire life, but for people who have gone to church for a long time, they will be able to see things that are missing. 

For example, I wasn’t able to see what the choir does, I’m not even good at keeping up rhythm but they did it themselves. So if you see something lacking, then hold onto it in prayer and God will give you the answer to do it.  Don’t just do it yourself. If you see something else that needs to be filled, then do that and  relinquish the work to somebody  else and keep on doing that.  

Because I didn’t go to church until I received the gospel and went into the evangelism movement, i didn’t realize how the church functions. I’m only realizing this as I run my pastoral ministry but I didn’t know before.  Now that I look at the church within the evangelism movement, I realize what a great blessing the church is.  Every single thing is contained within the church. If I had grown up in the church, i would’ve  grown tired of it and wouldn’t have seen it in this way, but now that I see it in the context of the evangelism movement, it is precious in this way.  

We have our Teacher Mia and she says she receives grace by practicing with a song the entire week. She isn’t singing alone,but as she is singing, she is making the spiritual environment for the entire worship.  If it is God’s work, if it is God’s work, then God is bound to answer.  

Even the work you’re doing in the world is for world evangelization.  If you think, “How can I work to save lives?” then God will keep your thoughts.  If somebody is spiritually, mentally, or physically sick, and you think, “How can I fix this?” Then those are just thoughts of the flesh so you’ll get more anxious. If you already have a disease, there’s a reason why you got it, and it’s evidence that you can’t do it with your own strength. If you want to do it by yourself, you cannot get better. You have to quickly change to the thoughts of the spirit. “I need to receive spiritual strength and conclude in word evangelism.”  

Stop saying such useless words, people who have a weird walk of faith will spread strange things and they hear all of that, things like humanism and the words of people.  Whether they live or die, they have to stand before God because their lives are in God’s hands.  Whether they get better or not, they still need Jesus Christ and they still need to do world evangelization.  If you say, “Try this or try that,” is God dead? God must give them strength.  This simply means, think thoughts of the covenant, whether you get a disease or other problems, this is how the individual will come to life first because you yourselves will come to life if you’re aligned with God. 

The thoughts of the flesh are hostile to God.  There’s a verse in the Bible that says we are enemies of the cross. We have Jesus Christ but our thoughts are enemies of christ.  These are thoughts without the covenant.  They are thoughts where I try to accomplish something.  We need to think instead that God is fulfilling it within me. God is the One Who will do Temple Construction. “Do you have evidence of that?” That’s why you have no assurance. Because you cannot do it, you valgely think that God cannot do it, and that’s why it doesn’t work out. 

Why does God have to do Temple Construction? Then first God will give you words in your thoughts, and when the Word of God goes into you, you’ll realize, “Oh, God will do this.”  There’s a lot of different buildings; God needs one that will save the 237 nations.  There are so many spiritual problems that there are shootings every day, we need a facility that is able to do healing; why do we need a building that isn’t able to do healing?  

We must have a space that is able to raise the remnants to the spiritual summit; otherwise, God doesn’t prepare it, and even if we do get a building, it’s a  curse. You will receive faith that God has prepared this in order to fulfill His covenant.  God will give the answer and work through those who have faith in the covenant.  That’s why we give offering, because we believe, and you don’t give offering because you don’t blue. Yes, it’s possible you may believe and still not give offering, but the acts of faith are bound to follow fatih. 

You gather the money you have and do not have because you believe.  If someone has an action, their faith must be in it.  If they don’t do anything, it’s because they don’t believe.  If I have a meeting with someone, I’m going there because they think there’s some advantage or something to gain from the relationship; otherwise I’ll avoid them. In all our nations, there is some kind of faith, whether it’s spiritual or physical.  It is truly everything that the Word of God comes into us and we have thought of the Spirit.

Because we’re able to believe, our prayers come out naturally.  Because we believe  in world evangelization, we think about it.  Because we really think about it, God gives us the answers and aligns our time schedule to make it happen.  If you don’t believe it and you’re just thinking about it, that’s not it.  Right now, God is raising up Saturdays as the RUTC as the church for the remnants.  Is that your work? That is God’s work, and God will give power to those who participate.

Even in the world, there are servants, then the Master has to feed them and clothe them ,and then tell them what to do. Do you think God will only take care of you physically, he will also give you spiritual strength, but there are some people who always try to run away, and it’s because either thoughts haven’t gone in. It’s not because they lack the ability; it’s because the Word of God and life haven’t come into their thoughts. 

Because the Word of God hasn’t come into their thoughts, they go in a direction they think is important.  Even for those people, when the grace of God’s Word comes into them, they are bound to change from people who run away to people who participate. They are escape artists, and those who participate ars other kind of people. Either way, all these people need God’s gospel and grace. 

The reason I say this is because I’m speaking about myself as someone who runs away.  It’s not like I actually ran away, but in my heart, I’m thinking, “Why are they doing that?” because I didn’t receive the Word of God in me. Even when I looks at the choir, I ask, “why are they doing that?” but when you live your walk of faith in the church, you’ll do this automatically, but because I  only care about the evangelism movement, I don’t really feel the importance of the choir, so if someone told me to do it, I wouldn’t.

When I serve in the  church, I wonder, “Why would I do that?” it’s because the importance of that hasn’t come into me yet.  So, even for the people who are always trying to run away, when the Word of God comes into them, they try to do it themselves.  Even being a pastor, I don’t do it when I don’t want to or do it when I want to; God give some grace.  Even when Ig ive sermons, it can be very stressful but I do it because God gives me that grace.  Because inside of my thoughts, I wonder, “What could I possibly say to them now?” But God always gives me the Word. God is bound to give you the Word and grace because of the time schedule of world evangelization.

It’s the same for you.  It’s possible to say, “This is so hard” when you go out into the world, it’s so hard, then what are you going to think? It’s impossible to give up because when you give up, you have to go back into the world, and you have to think  properly there. God has placed you here as a missionary to save the 237 nations, “So God, give me your grace to do your work here,” and God is bound to give  you the physical answers as well.  

Just like God gives the answer through the messages, you also give the message to your business, why Because world evangelization must take place.  God is the one who fulfills world evangelization because the fact that Jesus is the Christ must be shown to all people.  According to my thoughts, I think it’s even hard for me to receive this, then imagine how hard it is for others to receive it, but that’s not right. I should never have received it but God have it to me because that’s His promise.  

Romans 8:7 says the mind governed by the flesh is not only hostile to God, but it cannot submit to God’s law.  Romans 8:8, those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God.  If you’re not able to please God, then that’s a tremendous problem.  Because God is inside of me, and if He is pleased, then I am pleased, but if God is always worried and concerned, that is not a good thing.  Yes,  God is never worried or concerned, but hates how He expresses it to us. 

Romans 8:9, “You, however, are not controlled by the sinful nature, but by the Spirit.”  This means that as soon as you believe in Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit is inside of you, and our thoughts must be aligned with that.  Without a doubt, the Holy Spirit is inside of me, but whenever I face a problem, it’s not there.  That’s why you revert back to the thoughts of the physical, a state of spiritual death, a state where you’re connected with the devil.  But even if you think the thoughts of the spirit that God is with you, guiding you through this as well, you will spiritually come to life.  

We can realize that the way you think, whether you think spiritually or not, is everything.  Our thoughts are connected with our heart, it is possible that your thoughts and heart are different. The reason we have our summit time of concentration is to align our thoughts and heart.  Even as we worship, the Word of God comes into our hearts, but the hearts are somewhere else, so we cannot have oneness. Our thoughts and heart must be one, and that’s when our spiritual state changes.  That’s when God’s work will be revealed through my physical body into the field.  But it’s sture, we still come to worship habitually and listen, but our hearts are somewhere else.  Our hearts are not in a state that can receive God’s Word; it is somewhere else.  

These are all thoughts we all know in our brains but our hearts are so empty, and that’s what our spiritual state is like.  Then that’s what will happen to our physical body as well.  Then, even the week you haven’t lived yet, it will be the same.  That’s what I mean for you to come, prepare your spiritual state before you worship.  

A state where your thoughts and heart are aligned, that’s when the Word of God will fall into fertile ground. If possible it’s very important to have praises and various ways for the members of the church to become one in their spiritual state.  It’s not just a tradition or formality we don’t do for no reason. On Sunday, not many people sing praises, and even if they do follow with their mouths, it’s just in form.  But if their hearts aren’t poured into it, then it means their thoughts and their heart are playing separately.   That is why praise is so important because it’s how we gather our thoughts and hearts together. 

Not only do we give our praise, but we also pray.  Sometimes when I get a feeling, I lead praise or pray myself.  There are some times when they sing praise but they do it with their mouths and not their heart, so I get frustrated, “Let’s praise,” because the spiritual things are being relayed. Whether the people listen to the Word of God or not is also relayed.  

The spiritual things are always relayed, so yes, we’re all listening to the Word, but we have to prepare before worship or before you come for your heart and thoughts to be united.  Then when the Word of God Comes into you, it will be very different. Even as you read the scripture, you will receive grace.

When you go out into the world, you’re forced to think about the world, think about your work, think about the physical things without the covenant, then your spiritual state is bound to be dead.  That’s why we come to the Wednesday and Friday worship. People who are a bit more diligent even come to the early morning services because we need this very day. This is the principle.  

For the remnants and the church officers, there’s nothing we can do because we are weak.  Because the Word of God to make disciples of all nations will never change, and the moment I say, “I will do this,” God begins to work. God doesn’t  work because I say I want to do it; that’s God’s unchanging promise. Even if I don’t want to do it, God is already doing it, but if I say I want to participate, God will work upon me.  When this covenant is deeply rooted in my thoughts and heart and aligned, then it will change my physical body and will flow into the field and change it as well.  May you have this blessing.


Let us pray together at this time.  We have our evangelism schools tomorrow, and the people who participate in the evangelism school must receive the blessings first, because if you do it physically, it will be to your loss, but if you get to pray for this and ask what God wants to deliver, it is not work; it is your blessing.  

Next, we are going on three missions trips.  The people who are praying for this are bound to receive God’s grace.  But I hope you will stop looking around for methods for how you will do this. Just hold onto God’s covenant and see how he guides us. Don’t look at what other people are doing and look for a method. What’s  the point in looking for what others do? You need to do what God gives you, and that’s how you can do this wherever no matter where you go. This is not some kind of activity or some kind of work, it is your blessing, so may you change your thoughts. Let us pray for the three missions camps as well as the remnants who will come to church tomorrow.  

Our second prayer topic is for the trainings we have inside the church, for example, the new believer training we have after the second service, the way to hold onto this word is by challenging to help the church officers go into the training, and if someone says, “I cannot do this,” then they will never be able to do it, because that’s their thought, then you will never be able to do evangelism in the world because you cannot do it, it’s bound to work because God  is doing it, but you just need to challenge yourself to receive God’s answers. 

At 1:30pm, we have the nurturing meeting.  I hope you will stop just listening  but instead, hold onto how the covenant will be fulfilled and God will give you that answer.  Yes, when the new believers come, they themselves are being nurtured, but when the people who already believe come in, they should be holding onto the covenant of raising and nurturing the 237 nations of the world then regardless of the instructor, you will receive God’s grace and you have to participate in order for God to give the message to the instructor.  But if you just want to keep it as a reference, then that’s the kind of message God will give to the instructor.

If possible, it’s great that people you talk to in the field can participate as well. If you do not have a field it means there’s no reason for you to live on this earth. If you have no interest in your neighbors, then you have no need to be on this earth. Without a doubt, all of you have a field, you have to come into the training, holding to the covenant of how can I relay the gospel to these people and nurture them up in order for God to give you the accurate answers in His time schedule.  At 2:30pm, we have the Lifestyle of the Evangelist training, it’s the same. Let us pray for the trainings in the church and for the Sunday message.  

The greatness of the gospel and the grace of the gospel is that even if you hold onto the covenant five minutes ago, it will work; stop looking at your own actions; that’s the devil deceiving you. Even if you make a mistake or did something bad, if you hold onto the covenant again, God is bound to work. Your actions are already finished, so may you hold onto God’s  covenant, “God, give me the strength to find the 70 disciples in the 70 regions,” because I cannot do it, I have to ask for God’s strength, and that’s why Jesus promised to be with us with all authority in heaven and on earth.

May tonight be that night. This night is the time for all your weaknesses to be restored.  May tonight be the night where all your thoughts are restored with the word of God and revealed in your field. Let us pray at this time for the region so that the forces of darkness and Satan may be broken down so the evangelism movement may take place.  The devil only blocks evangelism.  This darkness must be broken down. That’s why we pray for the word movement and life movement to take place in every area, so even that unbelief may be broken down in prayer. Let us pray together.  


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the heads of all the people of God who desire to hold onto the covenant with the thoughts of the Spirit for world evangelization and to save the 237 nations, be with us from now until forevermore always, amen.

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