The Privileges of the Saved (Romans 8:14-17)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Privileges of the Saved (Romans 8:14-17)

Today’s title of the sermon is privileges of the saved. If you have received salvation you have become a child of God, then automatically strength will follow.


Philippians 1:6- Master Plan

 In order for us to accurately understand and receive these blessings we have to look to Philippians 1:6. … (No audio) 

And these are the misconceptions that people who follow Christ have.  

Christ is the One Who has solved all problems of sin and curses. Christ has overcome Satan’s authority, Christ has overcome the authority of hell.  The one who has come to this earth to solve the invisible spiritual problems is Christ

1) Organize the Message  

You believe in Christ but your walk of faith is one of these? Then you won’t be able to understand or enjoy the privileges you’ve been given.  These are specific to people who attend church or follow a different religion.  Unbelievers just don’t believe in God.  If you listen carefully you can see that each person’s walk of faith is something like this, you listen carefully and see these correct words.

Some say you must have power when you believe in Christ. Some say you must help the unfortunate.  Some others say that we must receive blessings through our diligence, but this is all contained within jesus christ.  When you believe in Jesus Christ, instead of having right and correct words, you must have words that save.

Christ Himself is power, and when you believe in Christ, you’re bound to help those who are lacking.  When you believe in Christ, you won’t hae to attempt these actions.  Christ has come to solve the problems mankind couldn’t solve,and you must be able to make that confession.

1) Foundation of the Message

(1) Matthew 16:13-20 Confession 

John- Right words

Elijah- Authority, Power


Prophet- Religion 

Then there are the following blessings that we are like the rock, and on this rock I will build my church.  It is through people of Christ that the church is established and set up.  People with these walks of faith, as mentioned before, that is not a church.  Because they are not churches, when Satan works upon them, they have no choice but to fall.  If you look at the church members who have this walk of faith, Satan will work on them to make them fall.  But through these people you must be able to see their spiritual state and deliver the accurate Christ.

If you can’t see this, then it means you’re within this.  When you believe in Christ, then you will be the rock and you will be able to establish churches and the gates of Hades will not overcome you.





Blessing, Rock, Church 

Satan will run away, and when I enjoy this, Satan will know.  But with these walks of faith, no matter how much you call on the name of Jesus, Satan will not run away.  Then one day, you’ll be trapped, deceived by Satan, then you will fall.  When the entire church is like this, the entire church will fall.  The question, why are churches closing down? It’s because America is in one of these states. Even though you have a cross with you, if you’re speaking these words of these other types of faith, you’re bound to fall. Then, no matter how long you’ve been a believer in this state, no matter your diligence within these states, it’s all useless.  It must start with the accurate Jesus Christ.

Forces of Darkness, Keys to Heaven 

Jesus said, “I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven,” so the background of the throne of heaven is mine.  These people are not weak because they have the keys of heaven.  Those who accurately believe in Christ will be able to live by themselves because they have the power of the heavens.  People who really believe and hold onto Christ, no matter how much of a failure they may seem to be, will raise up churches, because God has promised He will do that.  

The regional churches rise up, and churches in other states will rise up and give worship.  But if it is not Christ, then it continues to fall.  So, hurriedly go into the correct Word and restore it.  The forces of darkness go down your family background, and also forces of darkness are within the field.  If it is not Christ, no matter how much you may flail about, it won’t work out.  But people who are holding onto Christ, the forces of darkness within the family background will be fixed.  The problems that keep repeating down the generations, one day, the powerlessness will disappear.  One day, the people who always had complaints towards the church, towards the world, and towards people, will change.  Once Jesus Christ enters in, everything will be restored.  It is not because of people, but it’s because it is not Jesus Christ.  

Once Adam and Eve separated from God, they started blaming people, “It’s because of her, it’s your fault, it’s people’s fault,” it’s because their walk of faith is within these four things, so Jesus Christ must become my imprint, root, and nature.  Then, the promises God has given will come to fruition.  

But why is this not happening to me? It’s because you’re holding onto things that cannot work out. “Am I not doing this diligently?” you’re living a religious lifestyle. It’s not about knowing Jesus Christ, but everything is completed within Jesus Christ, and this must become imprinted in our hearts.  

2) Blessing (Spiritual) 

1 Corinthians 2:1-12

The second aspect of the message we must organize is the blessings God has given to us.  1 Corinthians 2:1-12 says that God has given us His grace so we may know this.  Then one we believe in Jesus Christ, there are blessings God has prepared for us and will give to us. I will explain.

3) Ephesians 2:1-7 

Evangelize? (Blessing)

Eph. 2:1-7 states why I must evangelize.  If I cannot organize the message, then I’m losing hold of this great privilege.  You must be able to discover the reason behind evangelism in the world.  There’s no other reason; it is only inside of the Word.  Why is evangelism a blessing? You must discover that from within the Word. 

Eph 2:1-3, the Bible states that unbelievers are objects of wrath, under Satan’s  control.  They are by nature, objects of wrath, and that is why we must evangelize.  God works through those who believe in Jesus Christ, and by His grace, unbelievers are able to believe.  God is doing this so He can reveal this blessing.

Evangelism doesn’t just work out because of some person’s emotions.  It’s not that you’re not doing it because someone else is not doing it, but it’s a natural order of organizing the Word. Through the Word, you must discover why evangelism is a blessing.  You don’t have to listen to what other people say, you just have to discover it within the Bible. Don’t pay heed to what people say, but rather, organize the Word within the message. 

4) Acts 1:1-14 

Jesus Christ, Gods kingdom

Holy Spirit 

How can we evangelize? This is in Acts 1:1-14.  How must we evangelize?  Just do what they did in Mark’s Upper Room. Who were these kinds of people? They were the ones who held onto Jesus Christ and they held onto God’s kingdom and God’s mission, and they held onto the fact that power is given only when they are given the Holy Spirit through prayer.  They pray together for world evangelization.  So, it’s different between an Upper Room that gathers to play and an Upper Room that gathers to evangelize. The Upper Room that gathers to console one another is not the Upper Room described in the Bible.  The Upper Room that gathers together and studies the Bible is just a Bible study group; it is not an evangelism group.  Just as it is written in Acts 1:1-14, it is this type of people who gathered in Mark’s Upper Room.

5) John 14:14

Prayer- Answer

John 14:14, when you pray, God will answer.  To those who pray according to God’s will, God will answer.  When you organize the message through the Word, you’re able to heal one another, and there are instances when you’re suddenly filled with grace; you must be able to experience this within the organization of the Word.

God- Word 

This is why it’s necessary to have training.  If you just want to receive grace, then worship is enough, however, if you want to organize the word, meaning not just knowledge and studying it, but for it to be imprinted in your heart, you must not take training lightly. From that start, the message will slowly be organized.  I’m not saying you must take really organized notes or to organize it well, but those people who organize the Word well are within these four states. But I’m not telling you to not organize it or to organize it, but the main point isn’t for me to tell you not to organize your notes, but rather, it must be organized within your heart and mind.  You must begin.

That’s why from a young age, we gather the remnants on saturday and train them.  For the person who just comes back and forth from church on Sunday, they don’t need training; they just need to receive grace from the message, but from a young age, we’re training the remnants to be world-class evangelists.  Even for our church lay-leaders, even though they’re aged like Moses, they will go forth and raise up disciples.  So, our lay-leaders must take responsibility for training and receive it.  That means the organization of the message is like this and you must experience it like this to understand it.  Just try not working but take notes during Sunday worship, then they will be able to experience this because of the training out of these states.  

When the remnants come up to give the way of salvation, look to see if they have already organized the message.  God is the Word.

Phil. 1:6 says God who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it on the day of Christ Jesus.  According to God’s time schedule, the word will become our imprint, root, nature, but we cannot just give any message.  In order to raise up the evangelists, the person who has this organization must relay this to the younger remnants. 

On Saturday’s at 11m, I have prayer summit time for the remnants, and it’s not just simply giving them a word based on my emotions, but it’s a time where I give the Word that leads the remnants towards world evangelization.  For those who have this message organized, tGod will assign people to them.

(2) With 

God is with me

① Me- 

You must discover that.  You must discover how GOd is with you in the midst of problems, trials, tribulations, and conflicts.  If you don’t discover that God is with you in everything, then you just have this principle of being with, but that’s not the point.

② Us—->

God is with us and we gather as remnants because God is with us. When God is with us, He gives us His Word as evidence.  We are gathered here today and as evidence of that, He gives us His Word.  People who do not know this try to boast of themselves, boast of physical things, but that’s not being with God.  When we do the Upper Room, as evidence of God being with us, God gives us His Word.  For people who have organized the message at that time, they can nurture, give the message, and train.  

Saturdays when we gather the remnants, God is with us and gives us His Word and we change the remnants.  But we cannot just give them any message; we have to give the message that God desires.  It is through the messenger that God relays the Word He has given to us when He is with us.  We must always discover the evidence that God is with us, and when we give forum, we can see how God is working within each of us, and when we give forum, we’re able to see the Word God has for each of us.

In the Early Church, they had this example of God being with them individually but also with them as a group where they’re able to share and eat and have forum.  We’ll be able to share God being with you in the field during forum.

(3) System 

God also gave us a system in order for us to continue this.  System isn’t just something we build up, but it’s something God has prepared.  We must discover the thing God has prepared for us.  There’s a system such as the field regional church God prepared. Because God prepared this, we are able to discover it . It’s not something we can just say, “you and I start this system,” it’s not something we do with our knowledge or theory, it’s not something we’ve learned to do.  God has, according to His time schedule, called all these people together and started this system.  But there’s a system, and I’m unable to see it? But there absolutely is a system. There’s a training system even at church, but it’s not something we build up, but God has prepared it. 

I am able to build the system with logic, but it doesn’t work that way.  But God has prepared it accurately so we just have to follow along according to the time schedule.  The children’s evangelism school just follows God’s time schedule.  I saw that, for there or four weeks, there was not a single child, but at that time, they could just gather together, pray, and go to the field to evangelize, and it’s not about whether we work hard to do it or we don’t work as hard to do it; it is according to God.  

There’s a Hispanic family that has been introduced to our church and I did regional church on Wednesday and asked “How’d you come to this church?” And they said, “God sent us.” This family lived in Pomona but they moved to Los Angeles during COVID.  When we had the gathering during Christmas, they were able to come in and see this gathering.  There were so many people who visited at that time, but because this is God’s time schedule, and there was the spiritual system of the evangelism school set up, the family came here and had four kids.  It’s not that we try to set up a system, but it is according to God’s time schedule, and there’s a time and place for everything, and when we set this system up, God sent us the children.  

It’s not about going here and receiving training, but according to God’s time schedule, we are discovering and going along with His plan, and God will give us the guidance of the Holy Spirit to let us realize that. 

1) Evangelism 

This is a system for evangelism.  Whether it’s youth evangelism school, regional church, or the Sunday pulpit, it’s all systems of evangelism.  Even volunteering to serve food, you must do it with the heart of evangelism, and that becomes a system.  When I go into the business field, I’m going into evangelism and that’s being aligned with God.  

(2) Success (Physical) 

When you’re inside of evangelism, then success will follow. Individual success is fake and bound to fail, But “for evangelism” means you’re within the stream of evangelism and that makes success follow after, so you must go into the business field for evangelism and success will follow.

You must have this content.  You must have this content of this system because if you have inaccurate content, you’ll raise inaccurate systems. It’s not just simple evangelism but it’s evangelism regarding Jesus Christ.  You must have the business that holds onto these blessings for evangelism.  

Then God will surely give you physical things as well.  That’s how evangelism is spread throughout.  It must become a business that affects the 70 regions, and evangelism for the 70 regions means God will give you the business to influence those 70 regions, and these are things that God will give.  Only when you’re holding onto the good content will it give good influence. And God will give you that answer.  You must receive the answer of this great masterpiece.  If you have a content that stands above rival content, then it will obviously give influence because it is for evangelism.  

It is within this system that people are able to acknowledge and realize that this is it.  

(4) Future- Remnant 

We have to hold onto this while we think about the future, that is, our remnants.  You must know the world.  So, it’s not just simply coming to church on Sunday’s and receiving grace but God promises in Phil. 1:5 that God will continue to work in you ntil completion.  The past we’ve lived are things that cannot be erased, and this background cannot be erased; it follows you.  You must change this into a new platform.  In Jesus Christ you are made a new creation so it’s no longer just your past but your new platform. And as we become a new creation the things of the past do not get released so our past is our new platform.  

2. Past- Platform (New)

(1) Problem- Answer 

Problems become the platform for receiving answers, so within the problem, we must find the God-given answer.  

(2) Spiritual problem- Plan, Message 

Having spiritual problems is an opportunity for me to discover God’s plan and message. We don’t have to just be within the spiritual problem, God can solve the spiritual problems but the fact that thespro means that God wants us to split.  You can see that this person’s family has a spiritual problem and the person becomes an opportunity and part of God’s plan to deliver the word to save the entire family.  If you don’t know this, you’ll continue to suffer because of the spiritual problem.  Some people, it looks like they don’t have anything, but God has a plan for that. 

Every Tuesday I go to Downey, and the wife has this spiritual problem.  She believes in God but the husband doesn’t, and God has allowed the wife to continue to have this spiritual problems so she continues to hear the Word of God and that’s relayed to not only her husband but her family and the people surrounding her, and her family.  God sends people with spiritual problems to us in the church. Sometimes it’s difficult to talk to them, but it’s God’s plan, and because of that one person, the entire church will receive spiritual blessings.  In reality, people don’t really understand what it means to be spiritual, and they suffer much because of that.  Even moreso, the future generations. They have only heard of spiritual problems, they don’t necessarily know what it means.  So, a normal church has people with or without spiritual problems, people who have succeeded, who have failed, who have strength, and who does not because all these people are part of God’s plan.

3. Time schedule 

There’s a time schedule where God promised to begin something in you and to carry it out to completion on the day of Christ Jesus.  If you don’t have strength, you’ll continue to not have strength; if you cannot do something, you will continue to not, because they have no strength. If you’re poor, you onue to be poor because you don’t have anything you can do about it.

(1) Plan of Evangelism 

Set up the plan for evangelism, what happens when you set up this pln?  God will grant strength to the people who don’t have strength because that is God’s unchanging plan.  But people who do not hold onto evangelism will continue to live poorly, with or without strength.

If you have a disease, but the doctor isn’t able to cure it, the doctor has no problem.  Have this plan of evangelism.  Because this is God’s absolute plan, God will give you strength.  So, it’s of no use to try to look carefully at the promise.  People may think you’re great, but God doesn’t give you strength, it’s only when God gives you the strength that people are changed, but God doesn’t give us strength, so do not be deceived.  It is just spending money and your time.  Just focus on evangelism and say, “I will put my all in evangelism,” this is God’s eternal and absolute plan.  I have to go inside of that plan.  Because we’re in the past outside of this plan, we had a harsh environment.  The answer is to quickly go into this plan, then, God will give power to the powerless.  If you look at Elijah, God granted him strength. Then, what is the plan of evangelism? There’s something I can do right now for evangelism 

(2) Time schedule right now 

It’s very simple but your heart is so far from this that it’s perceived as powerlessness. As you get older, you’re bound to lose strength, that’s just a natural state, but set up a plan for evangelism that you can do right now.  

(3) Time schedule for the future 

Whether you do the action or not, if you’re within the plan, God will work. But also, the time schedule of the future of the plan of evangelism. This must be aligned with God, then God will make you realize the Word and we don’t realize this Word because of our own diligence and effort, but God made us digitize the Word.  God will work upon that.  So, we try to do this exercise of evangelism but we don’t have the strength to do it.  That is why we need the privileges of the saved, the authority God gives us.  Because we don’t know about the movement of evangelism, it is not able to be fulfilled.  God has given us this privilege and the background to do evangelism, because it is not possible with physical strength, so God has given us the strength  and the power of the background of heaven.  But people who don’t know this blessing or have no background have no choice but to be pessimistic.  They have no choice but to be pessimistic because they carry things out with their own strength. And the eyes live the same life as a nonbeliever.

God has prepared these tremendous blessings and background to carry out evangelism, but people don’t know it or recognize how to use it, so they have no choice but to ask “is this possible?” Because they can’t do it with their own strength. That’s the life that is so separate from evangelism.  

There are people who use their words maliciously, and God said, in 1 Corinthians 4:20 the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk. It doesn’t matter how many people get good grades, it doesn’t matter because God has more power.  It’s not that I’m not able to evangelize through beautiful words, but I can’t believe it,  it’s in Acts 19, it shows how some people who are saying the name of Jesus Christ but the demons don’t run away. In other words, these are people who have showmanship, and demons will not run away. These people make  a show out of doing evangelism so nothing happens.  They put on this act because they prioritize themselves, their glory, and their fame.  People who are focused on physical things if you hear them talk, they mostly speak about physical things and cannot do world evangelization.  

When I went to Korea, I went with my friend, and all that came out of their mouths were talking about living  and this came up naturally and it’s something everyone talks about, and even when I was there, they continued to talk about the struggles of living. These people cannot do the works of evangelism. But when they receive God’s power, they are bound to receive strength. However, your focus is to do the physical, physical, physical.  They aren’t able to do evangelism. And also the people who are in humanism. And the humanistic people, even though they try to do evangelism they are focused on something else. 

There’s the background of the seven blessings God has prepared for us.  It says God has given to us the authority to be called as his children.   We have to live according to our own standards, but we have the privilege of being called His child.  John 14:26 says the holy spirit is guiding us and within us. How do we do evangelism? It’s through God’s guidance. 

How to do evangelism, God will always give me the answer through prayer, and everywhere I go, the forces of darkness are broken down and that’s how the evangelism takes place. How do we do evangelism? It’s because those who hold onto God mobilize the armies ahead of them so the work of evangelism takes place. And Hebrews calls us as servants so that we can serve people we need to evangelize to.  You can evangelize because we are the ones who have the power. I’m able to do this work of evangelism.  

These are all the blessings contained within the blessing of the throne of heaven that God grants to us. But why do I know these all as a theory and it doesn’t apply in my life? Or is it because my life is separate from evangelism. You just say “I can’t do it.” But God has prepared all the blessings so you can do it.  God says, “I am with you,” so you have no choice but to do evangelism.  But because we try to do for physical success without God, and you aren’t focused on evangelism. So for the people who choose success and physical things, they just know the seven blessings as knowledge. And when you’re able to accurately relay this to a newcomer, the new person will be able to believe God has given that to me as a blessing.  You just knew these seven blessings as knowledge and it isn’t relevant to you. 

For people who go to the missions camp, it will become an absolute answer.  They were not touched by this, they think, “Can we even do but evangelism isn’t about a spiritual reality or revealing your own glory. How can you show evangelism?  How can you show off your evangelism? You can’t show it off at school. Say you have a lot of money, just gather people who 

God’s hidden 237 disciples will receive this relayed Word as an answer.  So, you and I must first realize and recognize this answer. And if you have a plan of evangelism for your region, this message will become an answer, and for the people who do not want to evangelize, this message will not be an answer but just a theory. If you just hold onto the plan of saving the 70 regions and nations then God will give the word to you. He will move this knowledge into your heart. Then this message will be organized in your heart. 

I hope you may have this blessing.

Father God, we thank You.  Through this healing ministry, will You raise up the disciples and the people to evangelize. In Jesus Christ’s name we pray, amen. 

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