Worship: Where God’s Words of Truth Overcome the World’s Lies (Deuteronomy 8:11-20)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Worship: Where God’s Words of Truth Overcome the World’s Lies (Deuteronomy 8:11-20)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

I hope that today will be the time where we receive the grace of God’s word as we look at Deuteronomy 8:11 to the last verse.  We were told to worship in spirit and in truth.  We don’t need any other conditions to worship.  We can only worship by relying on the Holy Spirit and the words of Jesus Christ.  

The way to have victory in worship is to let go of everything else except these two things, and the proper worship is such that, through worship, all of your life will be restored.  If someone learned worship incorrectly in a religious way and they think worship is optional, that will be the result of their life. 

1 Chronicles 29:11 says that God controls our life and our death, and that wealth and honor come from God.  Success and failure are in the hands of God.  Worship is a time where we worship with the filling of the Holy Spirit and the words of Jesus Christ which are the Truth.  In other words, proper worship restores everything. 

The devil makes us fail in worship. He gives us success, he gives us money, he gives us everything, but in Matthew 4, it shows it is all to take us away from the word of God so we worship Satan. If we fail in worship, then there’s no way to block disasters in our fields.  The Three Organizations are receiving the working of evil spirits, and they worship something else in order to conquer the world.  Every time we worship, it is a time for God to restore all blessings, that is how you can go all into worship.

If you think there’s something other than worship, that’s strange Everything of yours must be restored through worship.  No matter what your powerlessness is, you restore your strength through worship.  That is why the members of the Early Church gathered for worship.  They worshiped every day in their homes and in the temple courts, why? Because only that was the way for them to save themselves, family line, and the world.  We don’t come to worship to gain something; rightfully, we are standing before our Creator. 

The Israelites failed in the worship that held the covenant.  For 400 years, they could not worship, but they didn’t think that was their failure.  I’m sure they still thought they believed in God, they thought, “Even though I don’t worship, I still believe in God.”  But in reality, their hearts were more hooked on idolatry.  They were enslaved for 400 years because in actuality, they were more hooked in idols and the gods of Egypt in order to gain physical success and blessings for themselves.  

It doesn’t matter how much humans succeed, it cannot be our true success.  You may physically succeed, but if you do not succeed spiritually, everything will be destroyed.  But the devil tells us, “You don’t need spiritual success; you need physical success.”  That’s why the message Satan always uses to deceive us is, “If you do this, you will be like God.  If you accomplish this, you will be set.”  That’s the devil.  As you live on this earth, these kinds of thoughts will continue to go into your thoughts and heart.  The real issue is, you only have two options: will you conquer this world with the faith of God’s covenant, or will you be conquered?

After 400 years, the covenant was fulfilled. It took 430 years for their spiritual states to be restored to normality. Through Moses, the covenant of the blood was relayed and everyone who held onto that was liberated.  What do we do after we’re set free?  We must remain continuously in the covenant.  Now that we’ve been set free, we shouldn’t do something else.  

The content of Deuteronomy is telling the second generation to not fall into something else like the first generation did. We have been set free, but in reality, our thoughts and our hearts are still seized by Egypt.  How deeply has that been rooted? Even after we’ve been set free, no matter what we do we cannot really break free.  That’s why he has requested this content be relayed to the next generation.

Everything is reliant on how the word of God is settled into my heart. The real suffering is because of how far I’m separated from God’s Word.  It is not caused by anybody.  The cause is not even this country or this world. The all-powerful God is alive and working now, but is His covenant in my thoughts and heart?  If that covenant is within my thoughts and mind, they will control my spirit and my brain.  That is aligned with God at the throne of heaven.  

This is going to be relayed through my physical body into the field.  My thoughts, God, and the field cannot be separated, but we keep pointing the suffering in the field into another root cause.  The reason this is happening in your field is because something other than the covenant of God has come into your thoughts and mind, and I pray that through worship, everything of yours may be restored.

God can even give you the power to overcome diseases.  Everything else, I hope you will use it as reference. If you don’t have spiritual strength, then your physical body will be in problems too.  If anything, if your physical body was in pain, you would have nothing else to do but to look at God, but because you are healthy, you are running around doing other things. People who have a physical disease, may you take that as a sign to hold onto God’s covenant.  

You have to quickly hold to the message.  Whether you’re like this or like that, it’s all useless. God can do this, God can tell you where the good places are, but you listen to the words of people and lose hold of all the spiritual things, that’s why the first generation of Israelites failed in the wilderness.

Why do we listen to the words of the world? God’s covenant is the method but we’re not rooted in that, so we look for methods in peoples’ words, and He is telling the second generation, “Don’t do that.” In other words, works will take place depending on how much the Word is rooted in the next generation.  We think things happen depending on how much we do, but it’s not that; it’s dependent on how much the covenant is rooted within us. And God doesn’t say anything else, he gives us the word again so that the Word of God is rooted in the second generation.

Let us look at Deut. 8:11, “Be careful that you do not forget the LORD your God, failing to observe his commands, his laws and his decrees that I am giving you this day.”  He says, “Do not forget,” this means, “Root it deeply.” It’s a matter of whether you keep this deeply or not, because God holds absolute sovereignty and God is carrying out His covenant.  God fulfills His covenant personally by mobilizing his angels and sending the working of the Holy Spirit.  God does this work through those who hold to the covenant.  

When God called the Israelites, He is saying He will fulfill His plan through the Israelites, so that is why you must not forget.  It’s possible we don’t forget with our brains, but our thoughts and our heart play differently.  In my thoughts, I want to worship but my heart is somewhere else. That must be aligned, that is the true blessing and once that is aligned, your spiritual state changes.  If your spiritual state changes, then you yourselves change. This is your heart being united with God.  

The reason God used David was because He was one who was after God’s own heart, and even now, God says he is looking for those who worship. He is looking for those who worship in spirit and in truth. Who will God raise as the king of the Israelites? Those who are reunited with God’s heart and the covenant.  God will give power to this person to do God’s work.

But people are deceived because you cannot make money from worship.  They keep trying to worship rationally with their heads, or they try to worship with their actions and behaviors, that’s not worship.  You must rely on the Spirit.  Rely on the words of Christ.  Then, without a doubt, God’s covenant is bound to be filling your thoughts and heart.  Do not forget. Your diligent work is not the issue; do not forget God’s Word.  

Deut. 8:12-13 say you will receive physical blessings that follow.  They talk about all the things you physically need.  If you do not forget the covenant and you follow the covenant, God will fulfill your physical needs, and that is God’s promise.  But we cannot do both, you have to do one.  You can either concentrate on the physical and be destroyed, or you can concentrate on the spiritual covenant and have victory.  

And once you receive all these great physical blessings, Deuteronomy 8:14, “then your heart will become proud and will forget the Lord your God who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.”  When people gain a lot of physical things, their hearts return back to themselves instead of being rooted in the covenant.  It’s easy for them to misunderstand because it’s not as if these material blessings fell from heavens; their work and diligence went into it, and ultimately, their heart leaves God’s covenant.  Physical success is not the issue here.  The true success that comes after physical success must come, that is talking about succeeding in your heart with the covenant of God. We call that our vessel as well.  

When King Saul was raised as the king, he was a great person. He had leadership and was very manly, and we cannot say he didn’t have faith, but God did not want Saul to be king because God himself is king. But the members of the Israelites saw the Gentiles were strong and powerful because of their king and leadership, so they asked God for a king the more there was arrogance in king Saul’s heart. Now that he is King he thought he had succeeded and could do whatever he wanted.  He should’ve had true success but he received fake success and he falls.  God pulled him down from the seat of success and King Saul died, ultimately he committed suicide.  

King Saul did not want to die by the hands of the gentiles so he asked his servants to kill him and they couldn’t so he killed himself, why? Because his heart was arrogant.  He was the king because God gave him that position but he thought he could do anything and that’s why his heart was corrupted. You must be a true successful person like David. Yes we do have to succeed but you must do what comes beyond that.  

This must be imprinted, rooted, and become the nature of the children while they are young.  Yes, God can do things once someone is older, because that is in God’s plan too but why not do it while they’re young if we can?  It doesn’t matter whether they come to church or not. If they’re young and you imprint into them the gospel of Christ and the covenant of world evangelism the works will take place in their lives regardless. The second generation grew up with the disbelief of the first generation. Because the first generation had disbelief, what do you think went into their family? People say they’re Chrisitans, but something else gets imprinted in their hearts because of their parents, and that is why God is imprinting His word through Moses and worship yet again. 

In the center of your heart, whether God is there or God is not there, it determines your life. Whether God is there or not, that’s what determines your life.  It’s one of two options, God is with me and world evangelization will or will not take place.  God gives His power to the former and fulfills his covenant.

Everything else is a lie. The words of the world are lies, but we’re seized by that lie and we’re dragged around. They’re correct but they are lies, physically speaking the form seems correct but ultimately it is not true.  America is so developed because they say words that are physically correct.  Our military has power because we say things that are militarily correct. But there are no words that are spiritually correct. The reason why this nation is like this is because there are no words that are spiritually correct. 

We say words but they’re always turned into things that are centered on the physical things or myself.  It’s not that these words are completely wrong, they say words that sound like Christianity but it is actually covering something else, they are mixing it.  They mix the things of God and the things of myself. That’s what the new age has done, entering into the churches to mix me and God.  The material-centeredness that has entered into the church, to make that the focus of our walk of faith. And they’ve changed the goal of our walk of faith into success, and everywhere that has dug into the church, they are spiritually desolate.  

Or they say words that are correct, making them act physically right, but spiritually dead. They have no choice but to exalt the righteousness of humans because they are emphasizing actions of the law. They are saying “I’m righteous by my actions.” Then people who cannot act righteously must be judged and criticized, but the word of God says everyone is a sinner, and it says that all people fall short of God’s glory.  

When people gather together they debate who’s better and who’s worse, but there is no one who is righteous before God. That’s why Jesus Christ finished everything on the cross. He received all the curses that we should have received on our behalf.  We are only righteous by believing in Christ then you and I are no different. Whether one is stronger one is weaker, that’s possible. But I am used to the extent that God gives me power, but instead, we become arrogant in the heart, always exalting our accomplishment and strength. Then, what do you think  happens? When time passes we enter suffering again. 

Deuteronomy 8:15, “He led you through the vast and dreadful desert, that thirsty and waterless land, with his venomous snakes and scorpions. He brought you water out of the rock,” essentially meaning he has guided us. Even in circumstances where humans would not be able to survive, God has guided us with safety and provision. 

Deut. 8:16, he fed us with manna, our fathers had never known. God has to take care of us because we are His children.  All of that was to humble and test us so that God can bless us, meaning that until we’re blessed we must be humbled and  lowered.  Physical blessings are blessings as well, but until we receive that, God is testing us. In Egypt, you thought you could do something, but the result of that was suffering. In the wilderness it is not you, only God and through the wilderness, God is testing whether that has been properly set in our hearts or not. 

Deut. 8:17, you may say to yourself, “My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me,” that is the problem. If someone has skill or power, they think someone accomplished that, but humans have no choice but to do that, if we aren’t rooted in God’s covenant, then we are bound to return to that.  So, success is not the issue right now. Because that success can turn into curses. We must have the success that comes after success.  This confession must come from your heart that God has given this to me so I may fulfill God’s covenant.  

And Deut. 8:18 says “Remember the Lord your God again.” Why? Because we always forget, and we keep on remembering and talking about our own abilities. What God is saying here is that God is doing Eve thing and you just remember that. There’s nothing we can do. In the wilderness, there were venomous snakes, and if God hadn’t guided you, you would’ve died there.  Even there, God has taken care of you and has guided you well.  Has even blessed you with material possession so do not think in your heart that you have done something well.  

Deuteronomy 8:18, “Remember that it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth, this is the homework we must solve. Inside of the church people who have success may think in their heart 50% that “I worked hard for this,” and the other 50% of their heart might think “God blessed me,” Then, does that means God is only watching us 50% and the rest of the 50% we have the do we’ll on our own? But it is true that this person spent all nighters and tried really hard, but they think they did that themselves.  They worked so hard they pulled all nighters and they think they did that. 

If God gives you a mental problem, you can’t even try hard, if God gives you a problem in the family you cannot pay attention to your business. God is the one who gave you the ability to produce wealth. So our remnants must not listen to any other words. God gives you the ability to produce wealth. In other words, God gives you your talent.  God gave this person a talent that only they could do, it gives them the answer of specialization.  

So, if God gives you a talent, you shouldn’t boast saying you’re special and different then others, as soon as you are born God have you that talent. And if your talent is better in this area than other people then you’ll have that specialization. And because you have that specialization you might make more money than other people, but people will think that I was born smart.  Who gave you that talent?  

People think if you have talent, it will automatically be your specialization but God has to give you that answer.  It’s not enough to have that specialization God has to guide you to the people in His time schedule. Everything including the timing is led by God but you take that glory away from Him. Then that is your end. Because until your thoughts change that is your end. The devil takes glory away from God through thinking like this, it’s the same thing inside the church. The bigger a church becomes, it no longer is about Gods grace and power but they say, “Oh, we are special.”  They say something is special about my church, and as time passes they will be divided.  Because God takes all that power away. 

You go to the end with God’s covenant, so nothing else can come in, only the glory of the Triune God must be revealed. We don’t need smart individuals, we need the person who knows God’s covenant. What’s the point of having a smart person who will collapse?  We need a disciple whom God gives intelligence too and who fulfills God’s covenant. As more time passes I understand 120% that these words are correct. 

Originally I didn’t believe these words. Because I was imprinted with the idea that humans have the ability to do something. And God made me go through the wilderness until that is taken out of me. That’s why the wilderness is actually a blessing. God is allowing us to go through the wilderness to take out all the unnecessary things inside me. And God will make us do the wilderness movement until we are corrected so that we can fulfill God’s covenant to the end, God’s covenant of world evangelization. 

Deuteronomy 8:19, If you ever forget the LORD your God and follow other gods and worship and bow down to them,” these other gods are referring to Genesis 3,6,11 that  makes us fall into me-centeredness, physical centeredness, and success centeredness. “Do not forget the Lord your God,” means do not forget God’s covenant. You need to confirm God’s covenant every single day. 

When you wake up in the morning, change your thoughts, heart, and spiritual state to God’s covenant. That’s how you will be connected to the throne of heaven. We have to be connected with God, no matter how much I’m a child of God, I cannot exist disconnected with God, because then you are bound to be spiritually connected to Satan, then rightfully what will come first is  problems of my body?  Our stress, our burdens, our worries and anxieties and fears. Without a doubt that will be shown in my field, so don’t do that. 

Deut. 8:20, “like the nations the LORD destroyed before you, you will be destroyed for not obeying the Lord your God.” Why are we destroyed? For not obeying the LORD your God.

In conclusion, why do people get destroyed? A person who is living irrelevant to God’s Word is bound to be destroyed.  But in reality, the children of God cannot be destroyed but they are bound to endure great sufferings until we receive faith in God’s covenant.  And the first suffering God will give us is from the things we desire the most. If your child is your idol, He will touch your child, if money is your idol, God will disturb your money.  

God has to break down your idol for you to restore God’s covenant, “But that doesn’t happen to me yet.”  As time passes, the things within you are bound to be revealed, and that’s why we worship today.  Because we have no choice but to be like that, but we’re restoring God’s covenant again.  That’s why this is correct, everything is restored through worship.  Today, through faith in God’s covenant we are changed to curses to blessings, that faith is the covenant of God; only Jesus Christ, only world evangelization, only working of the Holy Spirit.  When everything is restored through worship, it is bound to be revealed in your field. May today be a blessed day like that.


Let us pray holding onto the Word God has given to us.  Christ Who has finished all problems on the cross, God has given us the covenant of finding the 70 disciples, 70 regions, 70 tribes, and 70 nations, may this be filling my thoughts, heart, and spirit.  May God work upon me with only the filling of the Holy Spirit to fulfill this work.  Let us pray.  

Second prayer topic, let us pray for the remnants.  During the summer we will be doing camps in three regions to three tribes. That is missions as well, but raising the remnants is the mission of missions, because the next generation must also do missions, so that’s why when we pray for the remnants, God moves. Let us pray together at this time for the remnants and the three missions camps.  

Let us pray for Temple Construction because we need a place to do this worship, and of course God prepares this, and God does this work through the One Who holds to the covenant.  We’re not just praying for any church construction, but the church construction that can carry God’s covenant to the world, to 237 nations.  God does not work upon those who have disbelief; God works upon those who believe. Let us pray at this time for Temple Construction, the church that will save the 237 nations and the field and raise the future generations as the summit. I believe God is preparing this.  Let us pray.  

Finally let us pray together for the region.  2 Corinthians 4 says that Satan blinds the hearts of people so they cannot see the glory of the light of the gospel of Christ and cannot come to worship.  I’d like it if our prayers can participate in breaking down the darkness in the region. In the name of Jesus Christ, may the forces of darkness that are hindering people from realizing the gospel and from doing the gospel movement in the region be broken down, and everything, including your studies, your job, your family, is contained within that. 


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the people of God, the multiethnic people, the remnants, and all the work that they do, when they desire to hold onto the word of God and go into only Jesus Christ, only world evangelization, only by the power of prayer and the Holy Spirit, be with us from now until forevermore always, amen. 

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