From Curse to Blessing by Faith (Gal. 3:23-29)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

From Curse to Blessing by Faith (Gal. 3:23-29)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Let us bless one another, Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God.  I hope that this will be a happy worship through Christ.  The title of today’s Word is, “From Curse to Blessing by Faith.” The Bible tells us that curses and blessings do not come by actions, however, religion teaches us that if we act correctly or behave correctly, we can get blessings and avoid curses.  If the accurate Word of God does not come into our lives, then our church has no choice but to live religious lives.

Why does this world suffer?  Unbelievers are far away from God’s Word, they don’t believe it at all, and that is why they suffer. Why do believers suffer?  It’s because they know the Word of God, but they don’t know it accurately.  It’s because they try to understand the Word of God by their experiences, that is the reason why the Jewish people failed.

Galatians is the Word God gives us so that we will not fail.  Before the Early Church, people said that you received salvation by the law, and that is not accurate.  I’m sure in order to try to get rid of their curses, they tried very hard and lived a very diligent walk of faith by their actions, and this is also a message for those people who live their walk of faith, but they meet their limitations, it feels so difficult, and they don’t receive answers.  

Why do unbelievers face curses for no reason?  With their actions and diligence, they’ve attained success, but one day, they’re cursed.  There was the Texas shooting last week; why do things like this keep happening?  Why do things like this happen in the land of America where we have strong politics, the law, and the police?  In our personal lives, why do we keep having repetitive failures?  Why are my thoughts and emotions seizing me with things I don’t want?  I hope through the Word of God today, you will receive liberation, an answer from that, and stand as a witness.

1. Held in custody under the law (Gal. 3:23)

In Galatians 3:23, it says the scripture had held us prisoners by the law.  Until we received this faith, we were trapped under the law. This faith isn’t talking about just any faith; they had faith in the Old Testament, too, but it’s talking about faith in the Jesus Christ Who is to come.  Once Jesus Christ came, that was faith, and before Jesus, we were locked under this law.

  1) Law of sin and death (Rom. 8:2)

Romans 8:2 says we were under the law of sin and death.  It means, no matter how much you try to keep the law, we cannot keep it, and that is why, as soon as we’re born, we’re trapped under the law of sin and death.  

    (1) Curse (Gal. 3:13)

No matter how kindly we want to live, our lives are met with curses and disasters.

    (2) Death (Rom. 6:23)

    (3) Authority of Satan (Heb. 2:14)

This death is under the authority of Satan in Heb. 2:14.  As soon as we’re born, we’re born here invisibly.  

  2) Law

    (1) Weakened by the flesh (Rom. 8:3)

What is the law? Romans 8:3 says that we’re powerless to the law because of our sinful nature.  That means, until the spirit of God comes into us and drags us forward, we cannot obey the law just with our physical body. No matter how much we try to be holy, we cannot.  

    (2) Mind governed by the flesh – Hostile to God (Rom. 8:7)

Romans 8:7 says that the more we try to be like this, the mind of the flesh is hostile to God, and ultimately cannot even submit to God’s law, why? Because humans are weak. 

    (3) Guide to Christ (Gal. 3:24)

If we look at Galatians 3:24, it says the law is our guardian to lead us to Christ.  In the age of Rome, there was the nobility and they had many servants under them. Among the servants, there was one servant put in charge of the children.  There was a servant who acted as a guardian or chaperone, “This is how you eat and behave at the table, this is how you walk and talk to people,” and they would take the children to school and back.  In a similar way, the law is only a guardian that will ultimately take us to Christ. 

In the military, in order to become an official, you have to go to a military school for 2-4 years and you have to serve under a superior.  After a few years, you can become a general. Until that point, you have to be trained underneath the superior officer.  The moment you become a lieutenant, then the people beneath you have to salute you.  This is what the “guardian” or “chaperone” means. 

It means the law is training us and holding onto us until the Christ can come. Then, when you become the lieutenant, you can act on your own. Once Christ comes into us, Christ guides us perfectly.  

  3) Faith

Then, this faith is talking about the faith in the work Christ did on the cross. 

    (1) Work of Christ – Cross (Death, Resurrection)

On the cross, Jesus received my curses on my behalf.  In three days, He overcame the authority of Satan and death and resurrected in life. 

    (2) The work that is finished (Jn. 19:30)

That’s what it means, “everything is finished.”  All problems of mankind come from those problems, but the reason I have problems is because I’m looking at the problem in a different way than the Word of God. Jesus Christ says it’s finished on the cross, but I don’t understand that, so I keep seeing problems. If I’m eating in a restaurant and someone pays for my meal, I don’t have to pay for it again.  But even while we’re eating at the restaurant, we’re so anxious and worried, thinking,  “I don’t have enough to pay for this meal, what am I going to do?” Your entire life has been paid for. The problems of Satan, sin, and hell have been paid for all the life you will live on Earth and for eternity.

    (3) The righteous (Gal. 3:11)

Galatians 3:11 says whoever believes in this is righteous.  It means that suddenly we’re changed from sinners into righteous. Did we change because of our behaviors? No.  With your behaviors, you cannot keep God’s law.  In other words, you can never overcome the problems of Satan, sin, and hell. Therefore, believe in the work Christ did.

Curses disappear with our faith, but the law says we try to get rid of our curse with our actions.  That’s why all religions are trying to use their actions, actions of prayer or good actions, to try to block curses, but all problems of curses were already finished on the cross. It is all finished, and this Word has to really come into my thoughts in order for it to be revealed in my life.

It is already finished but the Jewish people said, “No, we have to accomplish something with our actions,” and that’s why they were cursed.  

2. Son of God (Gal 3:26)

  1) One who is clothed with Christ (Gal. 3:27)

Galatians 3:27 says we are ones who have been clothed in Christ.  The clothes in biblical times represented people’s status. There were clothes the kings wore. Nowadays the President and commoners can all wear suits, but back in that society, it was very centered on their status, so they identified themselves with their garments. So you have to understand, when it says, “You have been clothed in Christ,” it means your identity has changed.

    (1) Adam separated from God – Clothing out of fig leaves (Gen. 3:7)

In Genesis 3:7, it says that as soon as humans were separated from God, they were filled with embarrassment, humiliation, and shame. In order to hide their shame and humiliation, they covered themselves with fig leaves, but does that mean the shame will go away?  If the fig leaves wither up, then they have to cover themselves up with their own actions and diligence. There’s nothing for them to be afraid of or humiliated about, but they feel that inside. That’s what religion and the efforts of man are like. 

People cover themselves up with fig leaves, thinking if they make a lot of money or succeed, this humiliation will go away. At the moment, it seems to be getting better, but the things that come up inside of us will never end. That’s why America does not need the fig leaves or the efforts of man or the laws of man.  

    (2) Garments of skin (Gen. 3:21) 

God has to cover us with the animal hide skin in order for us to be freed from humiliation. Genesis 3:15, the offspring of the woman would crush the head of the serpent.  Until Jesus Christ died on the cross, we have to sacrifice animals to have our sins atoned for.  As evidence of that sacrifice, God killed the animal to cover up our humiliation with the garments.  

    (3) Clothing of Christ – Identity 

Now, our identity has changed to be clothed in Christ. If you think that your actions are making you embarrassed or weak or afraid, that doesn’t have to be that way, because Christ is covering you, and if you wear the clothes of Christ, the devil knows.  The devil can never pierce through the clothes of Christ, but we’re all deceived.  Satan will make you look at your actions and think, “Is this the best I can do?”  At that point, I hope you will proclaim to yourself, “it is not about my actions, but it is the clothes of Christ who died for me on the cross,” then your power is revealed through the clothing of your identity.

If you become the president, you have the power of the president. Everything is the same.  If you have the identity of Christ, then the authority of Christ is revealed.  God has given us great grace to believe in the goodness of Jesus Christ on the cross, so we are changed.  

  2) One who is baptized (With)

Those who are clothed in Christ have been united with Christ in baptism.  Until Christ comes to us, we cannot be united with Christ. They just keep having to sacrifice animals.

    (1) Died with Christ (Gal. 2:20)

But now, when Christ died on the cross, I died on the cross with Him. Not my physical body, but the ego that’s inside of me, that does not have God, that does not have faith, died on the cross. 

    (2) Live with Christ (Gal. 2:20)

When Christ resurrected, I resurrected with Him in life, and now I’m living a life that is united with Christ. Christ is 100% and I am 0%.  The moment it becomes 1% you, you’re afflicted.  The moment you think 50% is by your actions of the law, you will suffer that much.  

    (3) Follow the Spirit of Christ (Rom. 8:9)

Romans 8:9 says the Spirit of Christ comes into us so we follow His law.  Once Christ comes into us as the Spirit, we no longer belong to the flesh.  Now, the Spirit of Christ moves us from within.  The faith to believe that is the blessing, because if we do not believe that, we try to accomplish something with our actions. The moment churches turn to religion, they cannot overcome the curses and disasters. Christ has finished all curses and disasters on the cross, and we only overcome them in faith. 

    (4) Requirement of the law fulfilled (Rom. 8:4) 

Romans 8:4 says the law has not disappeared, but now the spirit of Christ lives within us to fulfill it.  All of our thoughts that are not from the Word of God will change by the spirit of Jesus Christ so that I am changed to ultimately follow God’s Word. We have to receive the education of the world, because if you don’t receive the education of the world, you’ll have a hard time living in the world, but that’s not what the church talks about.  The church is a place that talks about the blessing of heaven with the words of Jesus Christ. If a person doesn’t know about traffic laws, that’s their loss.  That’s why we have to receive training in education.  If you don’t know the language of the world, you cannot communicate, so you have to learn that as well, but that’s not what the Word of God is telling us about.. It’s not talking about such elementary education. Those are just physical things you need to live in the world, but we’re not able to follow the Word of God with which God moves.  Jesus Christ, Who has fulfilled and kept that law, must come into us, in order for us to follow in His way.

  3) Church (Immanuel)

    (1) Everyone is one in Christ (Gal. 3:28)

Galatians 3:28 says there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.  The Jewish people had built a strong wall between them and the Gentiles who did not know the law.  They said, “Not only do you believe in Jesus Christ, but you have to follow these laws,” and they built these walls so the Gentiles couldn’t come in.  That’s the characteristic of someone who is so entrenched in the law.  

They say things like, “I’ve been a believer for multiple generations,” but so what? Did you do that by your actions? You were able to believe by God’s grace.  But using things like this, people keep creating a hierarchy and division among people saying, “You and I are different,” and they keep having actions that hold down the grace and the goodness of Christ.  They keep looking down on people, “You’re just a new believer, but I know so much and I’ve been in this church for so long,” and the churches today are filled with so much of this, just as much as the Jews were back then.

When we go out into the world, there is a hierarchy of people based on their abilities, why? Because the world moves according to the standards of people’s abilities, but before God, this does not exist because the Word says, “Not a single person can fulfill God’s law. You and I are all 0’s, but through Jesus Christ, we’ve been changed.” That is why we’re all the same.  If we’re not able to understand that, we keep revealing ourselves.  I’ve done this portion or this part for a long time, and they exalt themselves.

That becomes the cause of things like the Texas shooting, because even if I do it, it doesn’t work.  Even though we go out into the world and serve the military, the only thing we come back with is trauma.  Someone came back as a veteran, saw people partying, who never had to fight for the country, and they couldn’t endure it.  Because the gospel doesn’t come into us, we start getting attacked by our own actions.  The churches must be revived with the gospel that God desires in order for your future generations to be saved.

    (2) Christ – Head of the church (Eph. 1:22)

There’s not a single thing in the church we can boast about.  Already, the fact that you’re boasting of yourself means you’re undermining the gospel; you’re exalting your own actions through the law, and that’s when Satan burrows in.  The people may not be aware they’re doing this, just as the Jewish people did not, that is why everyone is one in Christ.  It doesn’t matter how long or short of a time period you’ve believed in Jesus Christ, but we are all the same within the goodness of Jesus Christ.  

Then, the will of God is to adjust everything of ours to the weakest and most vulnerable person. If we’re not able to adjust to them, then we want them to adjust to us, and if that’s what the churches do, then the future generations will die, why? Because the perfect gospel is not being relayed to them.  If the actions and the perspective of humans keep coming in, then the gospel will disappear.  Everyone is the same within Jesus Christ. Everywhere Christianity went in, human divisions and inequality collapsed.  

Even in the Middle Ages, the land was ruled by the lords and they ruled their servants.  It’s the same thing with Korea. For 500 years, there was the nobility class, and everybody underneath that comprised 70% that were servants, and a very small percentage of the aristocracy or nobility treated the people below them however they wanted. This is how the nation survived for 500 years.  When Christianity came in, that society with its identity collapsed.  The laws of the modern day are raised on the basis of the Word of God.

The Gospel must go in, in order for discrimination to disappear. Otherwise, people will always keep trying to exalt themselves, saying, “You and I are different, I’m better than you.”  When the people who were slaves in Egypt went into the land of Canaan, they began to oppress other people.  I’m sure there are no kids like that here, but children that grew up getting made fun of for their race will make fun of other people for their bad English. This is the endless tactic of society.  

The reason why people succeed is so that people cannot look down on them, but if you become successful, you look down on people without success.  It doesn’t matter how much you try, you cannot break this cycle.  The gospel must come in, in order for us to truly believe in our hearts that you and I are the same.  Our worldly abilities may be different from the perspective of the world. However, in Jesus Christ, we are the same in salvation, we are the children of God. This is the life and the strength of the church.  

That is why, in the church, people’s words do not have more influence because of their position.  In the church, Christ is the head and we are the body, so only the words of Jesus Christ are the main.  This must go into the families so the spouses and children can become one in Christ.  In Korea, we received Confucian discipline, so it’s so legalistic and hierarchical.  Even when they come into the church, because they’re so deeply rooted in the hundreds of years of hierarchy and Confucian ideals, it’s the same in the church. Then instead of making a church, they just make an organization for Confucianism.

But the Korean people cannot recognize this by themselves, because they’ve been rooted in it for 500 years. The Jewish people received the laws for thousands of years, so when they received the gospel, they didn’t change all of a sudden, and that’s why they couldn’t understand the gospel. That’s why even though we come to church, we keep boasting of the actions of humans. If there’s something for you to boast about, you can’t use that to serve Christ.  If you have five talents, then you use all five of those talents to serve the Lord. You’re only able to do this because God gave you those talents, but instead, you exalt your own actions.  

Then if people don’t give you a position that recognizes them, then all of a sudden, you’re so defeated with your inferiority complex. The church must be one within Christ. Everyone is the same within the cross.  There’s not a single person who has an iota of something to brag about.  Our lives are changed only by the grace of Jesus Christ , not by our diligence.

Then why do we pray?  Because if Christ is within this person, then without a doubt, God will guide them. If we don’t believe that, we have to keep criticizing their actions and outer appearances.  

    (3) Body of Christ (Eph. 1:23) 

3. Abraham’s seed (Gal. 3:29) – Oneness

Gal. 3:29 says ,”If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed.”  Now, because of the cross of Jesus Christ, Christ has become my Lord.  Christ is not somebody I just discuss with, but Christ is the One I rely on and follow 100%, then you will receive the blessings of Abraham.  Abraham did not receive blessings because of his actions, but he was regarded as righteous by faith.  

  1) One who believes – Abraham’s blessing (Gal. 3:9)

    (1) Source of blessing (Gen. 12:2)

God said, “Abraham, you will be a source of blessings.” You do not receive blessings by your actions, but by faith, you are already a source of blessings.  These words of God must come into our thoughts, and that’s why the accurate Word of God must come into me.  

If you keep reverting back to religions that say, “I’ll be blessed because of my actions, you will not be aligned with God’s Word.  By faith in Jesus Christ, I have become a source of blessings.  I do not receive blessings because of something I do, but because of Jesus Christ, I’m a source of blessings.  Curses and disasters are irrelevant to me.”  When this Word of God really goes into your thoughts, then you will change.  

When this Word of God goes into your thoughts, heart, and into your brain and spirit, then you will be aligned with God, the Word will be fulfilled in your field, and your body will be restored. How important is worship? This Word of God must come into my thoughts and spirit.  So, during worship, the devil will attack your focus, so that you cannot understand God’s Word.  Satan attacks you with religious thoughts, “You’ll receive something good by simply sitting in worship,” but now through faith in Jesus Christ, you’ve become the beginning, the source of blessings.

Why does this not come into us? Because we say, “We haven’t done anything to be blessed, we keep going back to the actions of the law.”  You don’t have to earn the blessing; you’ve already received it, and that blessing will only be upon you if you believe, so it’s very easy, right? It’s hard for us to get into Harvard, but for this, we have to believe.  Even believing is not by our effort but God gives us the grace to have faith, and that’s why worship is a time for God’s grace to come upon us.  

    (2) Make into a great nation (Gen. 12:2)

Genesis 12:2 says God promises to make Abram into a great nation. Abraham didn’t have any children, but God promised to make him a great nation.  “Through you, many nations will come to life,” and once this Word of God really comes into you, it will be revealed in your field. The problem is, the Word of God hasn’t come into us; we only live with our diligence in the field. Even though you’ve been given these blessings, you lose hold of all of them.  All we have to do is believe; through me, many nations will come to life.”

    (3) Make your name great (Gen. 12:2)

In Genesis 12:2, God says, “I will make your name great.” That’s success, right? God is the One Who gives successes and failures.  The One Who allows you to live or die is God.  The One Who gives life and takes it away is God.  God is the One who can give or take away success in one day, and only God can make your name great in Christ.

Joseph didn’t pray to succeed; Joseph believed in the covenant and that’s why God made his name great. What are you going to do when your name is exalted? You use this to proclaim the gospel of Christ to all nations.  What is the world like today?  In Genesis 6, the sons of God married with the daughters of men so they could become heroes of old and men of renown and receive power to succeed. The result was disaster.  

Once they get to Genesis 11, they say, “Let us raise our name,” but God says He will make your name great. May you believe that. You can’t try to believe that; it has to come to you. I am a source of blessings who can never fail.  The basis of this is by Christ, because all blessings are hidden within Christ. There’s nothing that can overcome the Christ; by simply believing in that, I’m a source of blessings who will save many nations.  

Even if I don’t struggle to succeed, one day, God raises me up. This is how the gospel will be relayed. David did not try to become king, God raised him up. What about the world? Everyone does whatever they can to get into that seat. If you look at the church, the religious people are doing everything they can to get into that position, but it’s already contained within God’s covenant.

    (4) Those who bless – Bless, Those who curse – Curse (Gen. 12:3)

God says, “I will bless those who bless you, and those who curse you, I will curse,” it means no one can block you, so don’t be afraid of any person. If they’re cursing you, God will curse them. Joseph went as a slave, but it didn’t matter at all because Potiphar blessed Joseph, so God blessed all of Potiphar’s fields.  Abraham believed in this covenant by God’s grace. If someone curses you, God says He will curse them, Saul cursed David, but for David who believed in God’s promise, he didn’t care because the one who cursed him was cursed.

The members of the Early Church held onto God’s covenant, and the Jewish Church persecuted them, and the Jewish Church was cursed. May you believe in this. May you receive God’s grace to believe, and this is how our thoughts, our heart, our brain, and our spirit must change.  Because this is aligned with God, your health will be restored.  If you keep worrying, then your health will be destroyed. If you’re constantly stressed, your stress is destroyed.  But according to God’s Word, your body is restored and the Word of God is fulfilled all throughout your fields. Those were people like Joseph and David. It’s not just staying in my thoughts, this is revealed in the fields of the world through me.  

    (5) All nations receive blessings (Gen. 12:3)

All nations on earth will be blessed through you, that has to come into you to escape the slavery in America.  What does “slave” mean? A slave to success, a slave to money, a slave to being a citizen to America. We have no choice but to be enslaved, why? Because I’m weak, but if the Word of God comes into us, then America will be blessed because of me, but most people don’t believe that. They think, “I will be blessed if I do some actions that earn blessings.” 

Joseph, one person, believed in God’s covenant, and all of Egypt was blessed.  Because of Joseph, this gospel went into Egypt.  God gave them the 7 year famine so all the other nations had to come and hear that gospel as well. During the age of Moses, through the Exodus, all of Egypt as well as Canaan heard this gospel. If you reject it, it is your disaster; if you accept it, it is your blessing. From the moment this comes into your thoughts and heart in reality, it will be revealed in your life. 

Do not live with your hard work, but instead, believe in the God Who is already working hard.  I want to give you guys this in case some of you misunderstand me.  Does this mean I’m telling you not to live diligently? That’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying that with your hard work, you cannot be blessed.  As you believe in God’s Word coming into you, then you have the diligence to even stake your life when you must. The people who know that are happy.  Those are the people of the covenant.  

When people like this continue to arise in the church, then my family and region will be continuously blessed.  These words of the covenant must really seize my spirit within me. These are the thoughts of the spirit.  

  2) Filling of the Holy Spirit

    (1) Thoughts of the Spirit – Life and peace (Rom. 8:6)

Romans 8:6 says, “The mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace;” But if you think your thoughts without the Word of God, those thoughts are death.  

    (2) Authority (Ac. 1:8)

In Acts 1:8, when these Words of God control my thoughts, I will receive power. The filling of the Holy Spirit, the filling of God’s Word, will be revealed in power. But if people keep trying to gain power through the actions of the law, they will suffer a lot, because they do not have the power to overcome Satan and disasters.  That’s why through your actions of the law, you cannot block curses and disasters. The words of Christ are my power.  That’s revealed in my field.

    (3) Witness (Ac. 1:8)

Then you will be a witness until the ends of the earth.  If you don’t know this gospel, then your walk of faith is very difficult.  But if you do know the gospel, it is such grace; we are truly 0%, it is only by the grace of Christ, so that’s the only thing you can brag about.  When I was in Korea, one of my younger siblings became a four-star general.  When I heard that, I wanted to brag to my wife.  That wasn’t even me, one of my younger friends became a four-star general and I wanted to brag about it. For a moment, I thought, “What am I doing then?”, and I was quickly restored.  As I was bragging about somebody else, I felt a little empty inside. They had a ceremony and I couldn’t go, so he sent me a picture from that.  

If the gospel truly comes into someone, they will want to brag about that. But if we don’t have the gospel and we’re asked to evangelize, then it’ll drive someone crazy.  That’s not what evangelism training is all about.  We need to first be liberated with this gospel.  Then what happens?  It’s bound to be revealed.  Yes, that’s the goal of our lives towards which we are racing, but it takes place.  

What happens if you’re meeting with someone but you’re worried about it a lot? Then the state of your worry will completely overtake that whole environment, but if you truly believe in the gospel and enjoy it within yourself, everyone around you will know it. If you don’t have that and you keep trying to do something, then that becomes the law.  Of course, until that gospel is fulfilled within us, we need training; however, the true sign is when the spirit of Christ fills me and I’m overflowing with joy and peace.  

The first people to recognize this are your family, that is why, through you, your family is blessed. Your husband, wife, or children will recognize it immediately.  If a person’s parent’s heart is in such despair, the children will pick up on it immediately. Joseph didn’t do something special, David did not do something; God did it because David’s heart was in the covenant.  When this covenant goes into your heart, God will use your business to save all nations.  

  3) My field

    (1) Business, work – Light of 237 nations

Otherwise, you keep trying to accomplish something with your hard work, and if that’s not enough, you feel anxious, but if you believe in this covenant, it won’t matter.  “God will work to save all 237 nations and the tribes of this world through me and my business.  Through this job, God will do the work of finding the disciples God has prepared.  

    (2) Business, work – Save 70 disciples, 70 regions

At the very least, God will guide me so that this business is influential to 70 regions.”  But if you don’t have this and you only think about working hard, that person is irrelevant to God because “trying your best” are words of unbelievers, with the efforts of man,w e cannot do that.  We have to go beyond our diligence to God’s hard work.  When that covenant comes into my thoughts and heart, then through time, this will be revealed in my field.  

    (3) 24 prayer – Communicate with God

That’s why, 24 hour prayer is holding onto this covenant of God’s Word in my thoughts, always.  If you’re worried, then you’re worried 24 hours.  If you get cancer, then you have cancer, 24 hours. Even if you stay still, you are suffering. If we’re always enjoying the goodness of Jesus Christ that has come into us through the cross, then we’ll always be that 24.  This will go through my thoughts, my heart, my spirit, and even my body will be restored and it will flow into my fields.  


In conclusion, may you believe in Christ. If you don’t believe, I hope you will pray to have faith.  

1. Believe Christ – With

2. Blessing of church – Immanuel

Ask for the grace to believe Jesus Christ has finished all problems on the cross, and give me the blessing of having oneness with the church.  

3. All work (Fulfills will and good) – Oneness

May all the work I’m doing be used to shine the light of the 237 nations to save the world.  May this blessing be with you always.  


Let us pray holding onto the Word we received.

Offering Prayer and Newcomer Prayer

Father God, we thank You.  We thank You for making us into children of God by the goodness of Jesus Christ by faith and by Your grace. We thank You for giving us Abraham’s blessings as our inheritance.  We desire to be within the words of this covenant, 24 hours.  We have given Your material blessings as offering. We pray that everywhere it is used, lives will be saved and the gospel will be relayed.  We believe You will work upon all the offering for the Temple Construction, the future generations, missions, and tithes, according to the covenant You gave to Abraham.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.  

Father God, we thank You. May the blessings of Abraham be established within the family, the field, and the person of Senior Deaconess Choi.  We pray that You will work upon her life so that she may be a witness to save those who are living religious lives around her with the gospel. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the people of God, the multiethnic people, the remnants, and those who desire to spread this blessing of the gospel within Jesus Christ, be upon all their businesses, their work, and everything they do, be upon us from now until forevermore always, amen.

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