Lifestyle of the Evangelist – Only

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Lifestyle of the Evangelist – Only

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Everyone has a personality. Your heart may be angelic or demonic, so this angel shouldn’t have done this, but he received an evil heart of wanting to be like God, and with that wicked heart, he kept going against God. That’s how he became Satan. 

Satan put the thought of wanting to be like God into humans, and said, “If you eat this, you can be like God.” This separated people from God.  You can’t just blindly save people, but you must know why people die and why their lives fail.  If we’re just saving people physically, anyone can do that. 

The Bible doesn’t talk about Christ, it talks about only Christ.  All problems come because of one problem, so the answer is also one.  You need to know the answer and the problem to save people. 

John 19:30, it’s finished, relay this to them that it may be finished. This must be relayed for people to change. 

Galatians 2:20.

Satan controls those who are separated from God. Satan controls their hearts and spirits, only when the light of Christ goes into them will this change into the Kingdom of God.  This is the mission we’ve been given.  The Bible is the flow of people who have entered into the flow of Christ.  During lunchtime, I was sharing forum with some Mongolians.  Their forum is different.  She brought a guest from another nation.  She realized her job is not her goal, but it’s to fulfill her mission. She enjoys the system of the church because at any time, according to her needs, she can receive training.

Mission.  If this is hooked into somebody, you don’t need anything else.  Only 70 regions and nations and disciples. This is why she works.  Our business is not the goal, it is simply an instrument to find God’s mission, but how can we do this? Only by the Holy Spirit and prayer.

All our hard work has limits, the efforts of man are limited.  God is currently working hard so His message must be within me.  If we’re filled with scars, we’ll suffer our whole lives.  But when this message fills me by God’s grace, this message takes place.  Without knowing this, we evangelize with the efforts, strategies, and methods of humans, but this isn’t the case.

We have the answer, all problems are finished because it is an answer and blessing. The Bible tells us a problem is not a problem.  What must we do? Christ must become the Master of my life, but if I’m the  master of my own life, a problem is a problem because I’m at the level of the earth; Christ is at the level of heaven, so we solve the problems of earth with the answer of heaven.  We pray for God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  We do not pray to resolve the problems of earth; prayer is when we establish the things of heaven on earth. 

There are people who live their walk of faith for a long time and do not know prayer, but if they learn this, it is a blessing.

This is the heavenly mandate, Christ must go in.  We study for Christ, we work for Christ.  What is the role we have for the Kingdom of God?  Calling.  There’s an accumulation of callings, and that’s my mission.  Everyone on earth must do their heavenly mandate.  My calling is what I do in church, establishing God’s Kingdom every moment. You’re a teacher, but your calling may change, but all of this races towards your lifelong mission.  The heavenly mandate is given to every church in the world.

All renowned people follow their heavenly calling.  Even Steve Jobs and Genghis Khan were following that. If you go to church as a Christian and you do not know the heavenly mandate, it will be hard to succeed.

Rightfully we must proclaim Christ.  Evangelism is nothing else. If you know the problems to life, you know the answer, but if you’ve lived a walk of faith for a long time and it’s hard. If proclaiming Christ is easy and rightful, then everything in your state wavers back and forth based on Christ.  Even when you look at the Bible, it’s rightful you should see the proclamation of Christ.  When you look at Genesis 3, see the rightful answer is Genesis 3:15.  Exodus 3:18 is the rightful answer to those enslaved in Egypt, because they see the problem accurately.

All the problems of Israel were ones of serving idols.  It is possible for Christians to worship idols.  It is possible for them to worship while something else is in their hearts, something that isn’t God, then they’ll be seized by something in their heart, they’ll be used by Satan.  We need to have Christ firmly within us so the darkness doesn’t budge. 

Save the field. Salvation is upon me, I go to school or work and meet my friends, then salvation shouldn’t be upon me, but upon everywhere I go, that’s my field.  If I don’t care about spreading salvation, the field will be hard.  Among my friends, my coworkers, God has hidden disciples, then what happens? You’ll always wonder, “How is God guiding us?” I wonder if my friends are disciples.  If it’s not now, maybe it’s later, next year. No need to force it, if it’s not today, it’s not. But you try to force it to happen so life is hard. 

Don’t worry about tomorrow, just worry about today, whomever you’ll meet today. Tomorrow is tomorrow, but you bear a heavy burden, “What if this doesn’t work out?” If you’re not rooted in only Christ, you’ll have rightful problems. I’ve seen the evidence in my life and in the lives of pastors.  It’s possible. People go to church without only Christ, and people get swept up.  But as time passes, it will be revealed.  Inevitably, as they hold onto something other than Christ, Satan holds onto them.

I confirm this all the time, people do well without Christ, so I can’t say anything, and I’m sad because I have only Christ and things aren’t working out for me, but as time passes, things will be revealed. That’s not what I’m hoping for, but whatever they have in their heart that isn’t only Christ will be revealed.  Just wait and see who wins, no one can overcome Christ, so one day they will come back.

When they come back they won’t look very good, and that’s why we pray for them so they don’t get to that point. 

One Heart

You only have one problem. The beginning of problems is when Satan makes you think there is no God.  God is always there. Proverbs 3:5-6 says to not trust in your own understanding, but rely on God.  Don’t solve your problems on your own but rely on God.  Christ with one heart, always.  The church must be built upon the rock, but it collapses.

Don’t start and stop.  Don’t say, “Have continuation,” this only comes through having one heart and whole heart.  God has given me my field to save the 70 disciples in the 70 regions.  Then your business will follow, why? This is the reason God gave you your academics and job.  If you just have that one thought, “How can I raise disciples and save lives?” Everything follows, so all treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Christ.  For people like me, this is great because my brain is complicated.

One thing, it’s very simple.  But if someone thinks a little deeply and reaches a conclusion of “one heart,” then it’s great.  Just like Deacon Ted, if you come to the answer of only Christ, great works will take place.  Why is God giving him this time schedule right now?  His brain is so good, but God is saying, “Your brain is not enough.”  Just with the very short time, he’s been able to change.  People who are not smart cannot write concisely, but he’s very concise and to the point.  God says, “Until now, you’ve relied on your brain,” and he had no choice but to drink every day. 

Your health will be restored through one heart.  All the problems come from thoughts without Christ, so we ask the spirit of Christ to fill my soul. If my body is weaker, may the spirit of Christ control my body and the deep places of my heart and mind.  A German law professor will be here on June 10, so he asked me to give a basic message.  All we have to ask is, “May the Holy Spirit of Christ control me and deliver the Word.”  If you just think about saving people and proclaiming the gospel, everything is restored.

Isn’t that right? Everything is contained within Christ and restored, and you do that with your whole heart, completely staking your life on it.  Then God’s work continues to take place.  God makes you even healthier if He wants to, but if your life is irrelevant to God’s work, it’s better for you to be diseased. You have a healthy body to block God’s work? God makes you sick.

God gave a disease to Paul as well, since he was receiving so much grace, he might get arrogant.  We’re not at the level of Apostle Paul, though, we’re just regular people, so we must get better so we can go around with our bodies to proclaim the gospel.  Until now, Ted has had so many clients, but he must save them, and if necessary, God will open his office.

If it’s unnecessary, you can be like David Abrams and work as a paralegal. I asked, “Why are you doing this instead of being a lawyer?” He said, “Lawyers have too much to worry about.”  That’s why instead of being a lawyer, he’s a paralegal. Whether you do this or that, it doesn’t matter; do what you can, but for Deacon Ted, pray for the Spirit of Christ to completely control me, and I hope you will pray for your son, because if you pray for that, God will work.  Once the gospel goes in, they will have the lawyer family line that does world evangelization.


What is the “only” God wants to relay at this time? Uniqueness.  If you’re a lawyer doing the same things as everyone else, that’s not “only.” Do everything else but “only Christ.”  What is the “only” that Christ desires for me today? If you just do that, the answer of uniqueness follows. Re-Creation is when my life saves others.  You’re a lawyer but you’re different, why? Because you’re holding onto only Jesus Christ and what He desires, so you’re unique and no one can compete with you, then not only is your life re-created, but you save others

Acts 3:1-8

Many people in the church saw the exact same beggar, but they didn’t see their “only,” but what was this beggar’s “only”? It is Christ.  That is all they did but God gave the answer of uniqueness, so he stood up.  The diseased person walked.  Everybody sees that field, everybody works hard, but it’s different. The one who sees the “only” in that field is different. It is a field that needs only Christ, so the uniqueness is bound to take place.  The “uniqueness” is where I can do what nobody else can.

Acts 8:4-8

Philip was a member of Mark’s Upper Room, he was one of the 70 disciples, he was trained by Jesus Christ and went up to the Mount of Olives with the 120 people, and experienced the filling of the Holy Spirit in Mark’s Upper Room. He received that mission from God and went to Samaria where nobody else goes.  That’s camp.  When people are prepared, God sends you to where you must go.

Philip was a church member and one of the 70 disciples, and it’s not as if he just went into Samaria blindly, just as we did not go to Samaria blindly.  God had already appointed Philip to go there by an angel, and there were people who needed to hear this.  Acts 13, God set aside someone to do the work God called them for, and it’s the same for Philip today, he was appointed and called to do the work God called him for. 

Nobody went to the region of Samaria, the Israelites avoided that place because it was cursed.  The people mixed blood with Assyrians, so normal people could not go to Samaria, but the Holy Spirit moved in Philip, so with Philip’s thinking, he could not do evangelism. But when the Holy Spirit touched Philip’s thinking, he kept saying, “Go to Samaria.”  What does he do there? He relays only the gospel. What does God desire? To proclaim only the gospel.

It says they heard Philip’s preaching and proclaimed things with one heart.  They all had impure spirits attached to them because it had been a long time since Samaria had the gospel.  Many people were paralyzed or lame because of demon-possession and they were healed. This is something only Philip could do. There’s something only you can do when you receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  This is evangelism. 

If you look at this and think, “How can I be like Philip?” That’s not right.  If you keep praying about what God desires for the Karen missions trip, God will tell you. If the remnants don’t know how to hear God’s Word but follow human methods, that’s not right. Even before we go, we must finish the work in advance. If you say, “I will go and see what I can do,” it’s a battlefield you cannot win. You must have already own before going.  You are going in with people already prepared to conquer the region.  That’s why God opens the doors in the field based on how you’re prepared.

We’ve been meeting with them for a year and two young adults will come to LA for training. Once they come here, depending on how they’re prepared, they will change. They must change into those who receive the answer of only Christ. Change them so they don’t listen to human words, but they listen to the Holy Spirit.  That’s how they will not only save the refugees but also Myanmar itself.  The remnants really have to take charge of this to save the 70 tribes and 70 nations.  God has called you before this tremendous mission, that’s the work in progress. The message given to us is in progress even now. 

For the church officers, God has prepared everything even now.  Who are the disciples hidden in the field?  When you just think of this one thing, everything else comes to life, why? Because these are God’s thoughts. Healing takes place as the Word comes into them. When you raise a disciple, plant this into them. When the message was imprinted in Erdene, she went around looking for disciples.  If you wonder, “What can we do for them? Who can do something for me?” That’s not it.  We meet with the El Salvador disciple every day because she requested it, and that’s a thought given by God.  If it were me, I would be exhausted to do it, but she comes every day. I asked her to lead praise, so she shows us her praise practices.  That’s not anything we created, but God has hidden the disciples and they are arising.  These disciples are hidden in every place, so you must find that. No matter what you use, finding disciples is God’s will. If you find these disciples, they go all into the gospel.

In the past, Europe was revived because of the gospel; America was saved because of the gospel. There’s no reason to worry about the economy, when the gospel goes in, everything is revived.  Your personality is also not a problem. God will raise you up.  If you’re at the bottom, it’s hard because you have to please people above you, but God has to raise you up beyond any competition to glorify God. Who are the disciples hidden in my field? Who are the disciples in my office?  That’s what God desires and moves everything centered on this. 

The doors in the field will open this way.  Many people have abilities but we don’t need that; you can’t do world evangelization with abilities.  We need the person who has “only,” the person who “only” has this.  As they do “only” this, they confess God did everything.  If you do anything else, it’s not going to be “only,” but you’ll half boast of yourself and half of God.  With that kind of person, you cannot save.  Strangely enough, there are such people in the field.

Acts 8:26-35

Today we see the angel tells Philip to do the work of God.  Just as in Acts 27, when Paul was in a storm, God delivered a message through the angel.  The angel of the Lord is a messenger, and this angel spoke to Philip.  So, God relays His Word through the angels of heaven.  The angels of the Lord are ministering spirits, and the heavenly hosts are the groups of angels who fight against evil spirits.  Philip received the answer of only Jesus Christ and the mission, and God sends the message.

“Go down to Gaza,” We don’t go unless we are sent.  When they go, what happens? He meets an Ethiopian eunuch in a chariot, and he has scrolls and God blocks them from understanding.  God works so amazingly because he wasn’t reading about Proverbs about how to live their life, but about Isaiah, about the Christ.  God guided him into a time schedule where he realized a problem that humans couldn’t solve, so God prepared everything. 

The Ethiopian eunuch was going to Jerusalem to worship during the Three Feasts with a Bible and everything. Even if he had a Bible, if he was reading Proverbs, it wouldn’t do anything. People like Proverbs because it is about what people can do, but it was amazing, he was reading Isaiah 53 about Christ. Just go there and give the answer.  Some people say it’s easy, do you know why people say evangelism is hard?  The angel of the Lord doesn’t go to them, first, they have strategize by themselves and they don’t go to God, so they go somewhere else. They evangelize diligently but it’s hard.  

Listen to Philip, it’s so easy. God prepared everything, just go there and deliver the Word.  If you look in Acts 16, there are times our thoughts are blocked by God’s Word.  Paul wanted to go to Troas, but God blocked it as the people in Macedonia called to him.  The angel of the Lord kept hinting this.  When they changed their direction to Macedonia, God prepared Lydia as a disciple.  What did they do there?  It says in Acts 19 that the content they relayed was Acts 1:1, 3, 8, so if you don’t have this answer, you can’t speak anything and the angel of the Lord won’t come to you as you’re full of nonsense.

We spoke of Acts 13, 16, and 19.  He said this 20 years ago and I couldn’t understand.  He made a video, so I listened and it was hard to understand but now I understand easily.  I tried hard to evangelize, but now I realize.  Some people work hard, but what makes it work?  It’s the same with evangelism.  Some things naturally work, not with diligence, you must have what God will do.  God will move people for evangelism, God moves your family for evangelism.  Why? Because the one who has seen God’s work can evangelize.

Acts 16:16-18

It says the girl was relaying the Way of Salvation.  When the students come up and deliver it, it’s good. If the way of salvation is confusing, then the entire Bible is confusing. If the teachers are confused, then the students are confused. No need to supplement, just do it as it is in the bulletin.  Nothing to add or subtract, the more you attach to it, the more you are at a loss.  Do it exactly as it is so the kids can do it for their kids.  Everything else you do is useless.  The most core central focus of this must be relayed, that’s how the kids will relay this.  If you raise your kids so they cannot relay the gospel to their kids, then God will beat you up.

Paul finally gave the gospel to the demon-possessed kid, she was following them around and shouting, then not everybody receives this.  God will move so that he will attach the demon-possessed slave.  Evangelism is easy because God does it.  “These are the servants of the Lord, telling you the way to be saved,” so even the demons know. God works upon those whom He has prepared.  This kept going for many days, so who could not proclaim the gospel? It’s just like Samaria, this is the evangelism God does.

If you misunderstand evangelism, you misunderstand the Bible. If you misunderstand the Bible, you’ll misunderstand your field.  If you think your field is difficult or not working out, think about it.  Everything in the Bible happened so easily because God prepared everything, just give the answer of “only,” not unnecessary words.  As he relayed these words and cast out the demon, her owners sued her because she brought in so much money.  But even this was God’s plan because they evangelized to the jailer, “for you and your household,” this is the work of God.  It is not about squeezing your brain, “Should we do this or that?” The entire region of Philippi was changed, they met the disciple Lydia and did Bible study worship, centered on this house.  Paul raised up Silas who would do the continuation there. 

I heard this word, 20 years ago, and wondered why he kept saying this. Isn’t this the pastor’s job?  It took a long time for the imprint, root, and nature to change, but now, I received the word as a young adult, when I was 29, and I received 10 years of training in Korea, but even then, the message didn’t come into me.  I only remember the funny messages, I only studied New Life, New Living.  When I went to the conferences, it was Tuesday, and my work was to go to the conferences.  My schedule was full of going to messages at the Tuesday conference. 

On Wednesday, I would go to Wednesday worship and the field.  Thursday and Friday, I went to the field to evangelize. On Saturday, core message.  Immediately after, I’d go to another message but I didn’t learn anything. I didn’t have any money because I didn’t do anything that made money.  Physically I was embarrassed, I could tell people judged me, but I worshiped from morning to night on Wednesday, and this would continue to repeat.

Keep the fakes out, only the ones who don’t think they’ve wasted their money can stake their lives.  The school was a mess at the time, but it was for evangelism, so it was a blessing.  On Saturdays, there was no class, so we had classes from Thursday to Friday. My heart would change.  I can still look up my notes, and when I came back home, I would read my underlying.  We would teach about fundamental healing, and They talk about healing, why do they think people are swept up Those who are afflicted, they enjoy healing but they cannot escape

If you tell this person to do mission and evangelism, they cannot because there’s something else within them. Of course, they are but if we hear the word?

Acts 17:1

When Paul and his companions had passed through apollo and they couldn’t gather in the church because of the Diaspora.  The Jewish people persecute Christians.

Acts 18:4

The Jews met Paul in Corinth as they were the ones who experienced Mark’s Upper Room. People who had already received training met with Paul.  So, Paul met with these already trained people, so they went into the Synagogue to worship, but they teach with the Word of God to find the disciples there.

Acts 19:8

He now went into the region of Ephesus and taught for three months in the Synagogues. It’s the same thing, God guided him to the Synagogue of Ephesus.  The Jewish education was built upon the Torah, Shema, and Talmud.  Are there no disciples there? There are. To whom will God attach His heart.  Look at this, acts 13, 16, and 19, 18, all these great works took place. From people’s perspectives, we think we’ve done enough.  

There’s no retirement, you go all-in. Even if you’re about to get dementia, you have to get rid of it because you have to keep doing this work. If somebody is about to get Dementia and God gives the work that God will give you the strength in that disease to do the work.

Acts 27:24

The storm is like death but he overcomes death and all danger as he stands trial before Caesar. Your God-given mission overcomes all things.  God can keep the storm going or can stop it.  If the pandemic is beneficial for God’s mission, it will continue; otherwise he will stop it. But the mission of prayer is, “Please make the pandemic end,” but from God’s perspective, He opens up zoom so everyone can get connected.

The COVID pandemic was dangerous for us, but we could now go online through the zoom platform.  Everyone acknowledges this, but El Salvador needs the gospel as well, so God pulled the time schedule in quickly so the entire world can be aligned during the pandemic.  If the pandemic didn’t happen, it would take a long time for the We can be sitting here, communicating with Africa. We barely pray with them once.  Why did God do this? He is asking world evangelization take place quickly and urgently.  Then do not pray for the pandemic to end, but pray for God’s work to accelerate during the pandemic. You must stand before Caesar.

You cannot do world evangelization with your hard work or Harvard exams.  It’s possible only when the Word comes into me, that’s a time of concentration, and that’s what it means for the Biblical evangelism movement of Mark’s Upper Room to be relayed to block disasters. The Church Building to do this work was produced.  Believe your fears will be resolve din time, then your fears disappear so there’s nothing to say other than we say it’s God’s grace.  May you live the life of an evangelist.


God, we thank You.  We pray that you will root us into 1, 3, 8, so we can do the life of an evangelist.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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