The 70 Workers Rooted in Only Gospel, Always Gospel, and Forever Gospel (Luke 10:1-20)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The 70 Workers Rooted in Only Gospel, Always Gospel, and Forever Gospel (Luke 10:1-20)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

We will share the grace of God today with Luke 10.  This is also the main scripture that was given this week.  When we use the term, “70 workers,” it was a term that Jesus Himself made.  Jesus Christ first raised up the 12 apostles and He personally raised up the 70 church officers.  Nowadays, we no longer have apostles, but a similar position was given to the pastors.  We don’t have the term, 70 workers, anymore, but Jesus is still raising up the workers who’ll do the work.  

It says Jesus Christ raised up the 70 workers and sent them to each region and neighborhood in pairs.  These are the 70 workers Jesus Christ raised up, and He commissioned them and sent them out into each region and neighbrohood, and Jesus Christ is still doing this work through the churches today.  

Why did Jesus send them?  In Luke 10:2, Jesus says, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few, ask the Lord of the harvest to send the workers to the harvest fields.” It means He is telling us to pray for the disciples who can do this work with us, and I hope this will be your prayer topic.  I hope you will not pray for anything else, but pray with the Word the Lord gave you.  I hope you will not do any other work in the church, but raise up the workers who will save the region. 

However, when I relay the word of Jesus like this, there are two types of reactions I get from you. Some people receive these words with faith, “This is what God has called me to do.”  Or, there are legalistic people who receive it that way and they say either, “I have to do this?” or, “How can I do this?” I hope you will be the first type of person, “Oh, the Lord has called me as one of the 70 workers.”  

I do not try hard to become a 70 worker but I’ve been called as such. I hope you will believe that. It’s not a standard of what you do in the church, of this or that; the only standard is faith.  This is what God called me to do, that is why God has called me to each region to find the disciples.  The Bible says, “and without faith, it is impossible to please God,” then we have the works of faith.  For such people, their business will be word fulfillment. God always works according to His word, not according to your thoughts, but this world says your thoughts will be accomplished.  This is the message of the devil without God. 

Even if everything works out according to your thoughts, it will not be the same.  Even if you build the Tower of Babel according to your thoughts, later it will all crumble, and until they built it, they said it was working out. However, building the Tower of Babel was not God’s will, so it was bound to fall, because things will only work out according to God’s Word. May this grace be upon you during worship.  This is grace, it’s not about you doing something. What is the most you could do?  But if you receive God’s grace you believe. Because you believe God works.  Then the acts of faith follow. 

In Luke 10:3, “Go, I’m sending you out like lambs among wolves,”  meaning the devil is roaming in the field. This means that, region by region, Satan is guarding his stronghold.  In Luke 10:4, Jesus says, “Do not take a purse or bag or sandals; and do not greet anyone on the road.” He is saying,  and don’t worry about how you’ll work.  The reason I’m at my job or with my business is because God sent me as a missionary to find the disciples to save the region.  But if you’re always worried about how to survive, that’s not going to take place.  

So don’t worry about things like that. If your business fails, then you can just do something else, so don’t hold onto that so much that you lose hold of God’s mission.  “Oh, but what if I don’t get promoted in my job?” Don’t worry about things like that.  God is sending you to your job to find the hidden disciples and workers there.

In Luke 10:5, Jesus ays, “When you enter a house, first say, Peace to this house,’” and I hope that when you talk to people, you will give them peace and give them blessings first. Stop trying to be so critical og]f them and exert your strength to them, but give them peace,  “God blesses you, and if someone like me can be blessed by God, then you can receive  more blessings.  I used to live like this in the past,” you can tell them honestly. There’s no reason to be filled with hot air, packaging yourself. That’s not how it’s going to work.  

“In the past, I was afflicted with spiritual problems like this and that.” Tell them honestly, if you cover yourself up, they will never take it.  So, you can tell them, “If someone like me has received blessings, you will receive greater blessings,” that is how they will open their hearts.  However, if you pretend like you’re never to blame and you package yourself in a holy way, they’re going to feel burdened by you. 

You have to be honest.  There’s no need to bemoan that, but be honest with who you are.  You can tell them, “Once I received the gospel, this is how I changed and received peace.  The reason I talk about myself is because you’re much better than I am, then God can work upon you and  bless you  even greater.” You have to raise the other person up, but if you always say,  “If you don’t receive the gospel, you’re going to die,” there are people who are like that. Most people won’t take that in, most people want to be revered.  Especially people in your job and business owners,  you have to treat your clients like this all the more.

In Luke 10:6, “If a man of peace is there, your peace will rest on him; if not, it will return to you,” so don’t hesitate about it, just give them the peace and the blessing because those who are prepared by God will receive it.  If someone is not destined to receive it by God, then that peace comes upon me, but why are you hesitating? It’s because you’re stuck in the law.  You’re getting stuck on the fact that you think that this person is going to receive the gospel based on your actions. That’s not true; people prepared by God are bound to receive it.  

Even evangelism by actions is fake.  You have to believe that there are disciples prepared to receive the gospel here. Because I believe in that, then I have the act of giving peace to them. Your act of doing this is a blessing, why? Because you’re blessing them.  Even if they do not receive it, they will still think of you in a good way, because beyond the work you are doing, you’re caring for them in a different way.  Most people will react like that, at least in my experience.  Even if they don’t receive the gospel, they say, “Thank you for taking an interest in me.”  It doesn’t seem like much, but when you are proclaiming this spiritual fact, the darkness is broken, and their image of Christians will change.  That’s you changing the field.  

If you’re just there to work hard, you’re the same as an unbeliever, that’s not how the field changes, but we’ve been changed to become game changers, those who change the field, otherwise the field will never change. Just because you work really hard and build the Tower of Babel, that won’t change the field. Everyone is stuck in their spiritual problems, so that’s why it must be you, and that’s why you give them peace.  

In Luke 10:7, “Stay there, eating and drinking whatever they give you, for the worker deserves his wage,” and that means all of the food you eat and clothes you wear will be taken care of for the  gospel.  It might seem like your business is feeding you, but actually proclaiming the gospel is feeding you.  If you eat through your business, then that doesn’t have a mission from God, then that’s going to be difficult, because efirst, it must be aligned with God’s Word. 

When you come to church, you may be aligned with the Word of God, but when you go to the field, the blessing of the throne of heaven must be there. You being in that region today has to be aligned with Jesus’ words, but it’s not, and that’s why you suffer instead of having peace.  Whether you’re good at your job or not, that just depends on your skill, however, you will suffer. Why? Because you keep on doing things that are not aligned with God’s mission. Your business needs to be aligned with God’s mission as well.  God has prepared the blessing for me to do that.  

If the students study very hard to learn, that’s a very good thing, but that cannot block their suffering. You have to be aligned with God. There’s nothing in this world that works out if it’s not aligned with God.  Heb. 1:3 says that all of creation moves according to God’s Word.  The reason God sent you into the field is to find the disciples there, and that must be aligned with you, but a lot of people think of this as a joke. They think of it lightly, as something pastors just say, but if there is a generation that thinks this way, they will face disaster.  They think lightly of this and think it’s not for them, but they hold onto a different word they want to receive.  Even if most people think that way, there’s someone who doesn’t, then God will do His work through that person. May you be main figures like that.  

Everybody doesn’t have to follow, just a few.  Joseph held onto this covenant and went into the region of Egypt, and those who were prepared by God there received the gospel.  Ultimately, only Joseph was aligned with God’s Word. His older brothers were not aligned.  When Joseph told them about the sun, the moon, and the 11 stars bowing down to him, they thought of it as a joke.  However, his father Jacob kept the matter in mind, so the state of those who receive blessings is different.  

When the Word of God goes into them, they receive it as their own.  Otherwise, if you’re determining what Word you are going to receive or what Word you like, why is that God’s Word?  God is telling you that He is going to take care of your physical needs for the evangelist  for evangelism. However, the devil keeps trapping your thoughts with things that are not the Word of God, things like eating, drinking, and success. I hope you will not listen to those words but hold onto the words the Lords is giving you today.

Luke 10:9, “Heal the sick who are there and tell them,” because there are people there that are sick so you have to give them the gospel and tell them, “The kingdom of God is near you,” it’s here already.  Allow them to be reigned over and controlled by God.  The words here are before the incident of the cross, so this means to give them the gospel and allow them to be controlled by Christ, in other words, they have to experience being with Christ, and that’s how they are healed.

Just because someone is healed of their illness, that’s not healing; it will happen again.  They have to go under the control of Jesus Christ continuously to receive healing. That is the Kingdom of God. God is with me, these are not ordinary words.  God is with you. There’s nothing to think about here.  The Lord has finished everything perfectly and is guiding us.  Even if you’re just thinking about that, you’re so happy, then what you have to do isn’t something you can do. The most you can do is what you’ve learned within sin and death and Satan, and being without God is sin.  

But all our thoughts are constantly without God.  Whenever you face a problem, you try to solve it yourself without God. Whenever you face a circumstance, you try to do something about it, it means you don’t have God.  Everything we’ve learned is under the law of sin and death, so no matter how hard we try, it’s always under curses and disasters. Even though we’ve been set free, our thoughts and hearts go into the past. Without God, within Jesus we are under the law of spirit and life. 

Christ is my Master. When I face a problem, Christ is my Master. You have to wait until the Lord moves. That’s how you remain within the law of the SPirit of life, then you will come to life and see the guidance of the Holy Spirit, that’s how healing  takes place. It’s Not about healing the disease, then praying and casting out demons is not the issue. Right now, curing the cancer is not the issue. They have to receive the fundamental blessings, that’s how you can do the healing ministry.

You can heal your family, however, most people think without God thinking they want this disease to heal quickly,  “I want to do this fast,” all of those thoughts are devoid of God, you need to think about God’s guidance, and you have to go into God’s power. 

Luke 10:10-11, “But when you enter into a town and are not welcomed, go into its streets and say, ‘Even the dust of your town we wipe from our feet as a warning to you, the kingdom of God has come  near.”  if they do not receive the gospel, just tell this to them and leave. They must know the Kingdom of God is near. Let them know there is the blessing of the gospel. You must let them know the gospel that gives you peace, whether they accept it or not is  up to them.  But people are so afraid, “What if that person rejects me?” you don’t have to worry because this is not your business, this is God’s business.  All you have to do is just be in prayer and relay this to them. This must become your first priority.  This must be rooted into you so it does become your priority.  

How are you rooted currently? In just working hard and living, because that’s what was taught to you while you were young in school, and by your parents as well, and you barely went to church, but that’s what you learned in church as well. All you’ve learned is to live diligently, so if somebody says that proclaiming the gospel is your first priority, you have a headache, and when you hear that message, it’s’ so hard for us, but if someone tells you to live a diligent life, you like that, because you’re rooted there.

God’s very first priority given to you is to go into every region and find the disciples, this must be rooted in you since your youth. This must be planted while they’re young so later on, it will naturally come out as fruit.  For such people, because this is their first priority, their second and third priorities will come naturally. That’s how life should be with the word of God. Without the word of God, it cannot work out at all.  Therefore, your first priority is your calling as a field missionary by God.  If you’re rooted and have the narue of this, then without a doubt, you are bound to see the works and the fruits of God’s word. 

By working hard, the most you can do is make a living, but the bible tells us to not worry about that.  God says, “Do the work God has called you to do.”  What’s better? What would you do? You must do what God has called you for, you must be aligned with His Word, because GOd works according to His word. Do not only align yourself in the church but in the field as well, because that is how GOd’ kingdom and the throne of heaven is established in your field, but the church is nota able to do this.  

The church only cares about bringing a lot of people into the church and doesn’t care about the people  outside. How are we supposed to live outside the church? They say, “Work hard, live an upright life as a Christian,” is this Confucianism? With God, save the field with this mission. These Bible verses will not fit with these people.  People like this will say, “Jesus Christ existed at this time,” and they’ll pass by.  But that’s not it, but many people live their walk of faith like this.  That’s why life is so much suffering for them. 

I went to visit my mother and she always says life is suffering because that’s how she lived.  We were watching TV together and she would say things of the past and I had to change the channel because I couldn’t hear.  In the past, I Could communicate with her about things like this, but not anymore, because she keeps bringing up news in the past, water under the bridge, that wasn;t even good and i had a limitation, and so I said, “Let’s watch another channel,” I can’t communicate with her. She received the gospel late, so the most that she has is the grace of salvation.

Someone evangelized to her first, but she didn’t go to church.  Later on, when I said, “Go to church,” she started going to church with the person who evangelized to her, even though it was far, instead of her neighborhood church.  So, we are the ones who evangelized to her, but instead of going to the church less than a minute from her house, she goes to a church far away, to a ladies church  who kept on telling her to go to church. Imagine how much that lady prayed for my mom? Ultimately she was led to that church, and every now and again, she receives grace.

Luke 10:12, “I tell you, it will be more bearable on that day for Sodom than for that town.”  This means that there is suffering to come. There’s no way to escape from the curses, disasters and suffering from Satan without the gospel. Therefore, give them this peace, but if they do not receive the gospel,they have no choice but to suffer and go to hell. Just leave the people who don’t receive the gospel. For that person their time can be tomorrow.  They receive the gospel today, but their life goes beyond that so it can be  next year or three years from now.  

Try thinking and praying about, “How can I proclaim the gospel of Christ in this region?” But most of us think, “How can I run my business well?” The Bible doesn’t talk about that. There’s no Bible verse that tells you how to run your business well, and that means, “Don’t worry about that,” but the Bible does talk about businesspeople who  wondered how can I raise disciples and proclaim the gospel? If you do that, then everything else follows. 

Isn’t that right?  God has to give you the wisdom, the Word, and the power, and you can only do that if you receive His Word.  The remnants must listen, the reason you have to listen well is because you haven’t learned this. If you have already listened to this then you don’t have to listen to this well,  but because you haven’t listened to God’s Word, you can’t hear this, so you have to listen well.  

“In the future, when I get my job, God is sending me to proclaim the gospel and to send disciples.”  Then, don’t just leave that as a thought, but pray about who are the ones who will actual;ly receive this gospel  and stand up as a disciple, and really analyze that, because your work and everything is contained within the fulfillment of God’s Word. That’s the reason the Bible doesn’t have to tell us how to study or run our business.  

Unbelievers who don’t have God give us methods to do this or that, but we don’t have that because everything is bound to work out according to God’s word. We only have God’s Word.  But we study so hard and we go into the fields and are not aligned with God’s word, then that is suffering. Joyce is about to graduate, she studied so hard to become a nurse, but let’s say she’s not aligned with these words then she’s going to suffer.  because she’s studying there, not aligned with God’s Word.  

But if you’re in that field, holding onto this Word, God promised to be with you with all authority in heaven and on earth. If God is with you with all authority in heaven and on earth, if God is with you with all authority on heaven and on earth, no one could compete with him. It means, don’t worry about things like success.  Just be within the proclamation of the gospel. If God gives it to you, be thankful. If God doesn’t, be thankful.  Then it’s extremely important what your imprint, root, and nature are when you’re young.

Tomorrow, are you going to evangelism camps?  The reason you do that is so you can confirm the Word you received out in the field and match it.  You have to actually confirm for them what the unbelievers and religious people in the field are like.  Listening to the gospel is one way to root down, but you can also root down when you go into the fields and confirm God’s Word.  That’s why we have the missioning ceremony.  All of these are things to root them down into the Word of God while you’re young.  It doesn’t matter if you’re older, but if you have the opportunity when you are young but you don’t, then that’s a sin.

Luke 10:13 and onward, it talks about the great suffering and harm that come upon the people without the gospel.  He talks about how great the suffering will be over these verses.  In Luke 10:16, “Whoever listens to you listens to Me,” meaning they listen to Jesus. You shouldn’t just pass over this. If we relay the Word of God and they receive it, then they are not listening to my words, but the words of Jesus.  So, whoever rejects you, rejects Jesus.  

What do these words mean?  This means that Jesus is with me in my field and the words I say are Jesus’ words.  If my words are Jesus’ words, then who do you think is the game-changer in the field?  Then, the one whose words are the words of Jesus is a game-changer, just like how Joseph was a game-changer, not the prison warden or Potiphar, because held onto the word God gave to him  and moved according to that Word.

When we say the word, “evangelist,” what image do you have?  We received the Word about Christ’s ambassadors.  Christ has to go personally, but He sends us to do His work.  You need to have pride in this; otherwise you’ll have unnecessary pride in the world. There’s no other option.  The work I’m doing is the work Jesus Christ is doing; I’m doing it for Him. You need to have pride in that. 

If you don’t give them pride in this while they’re young, they’re going to have unnecessary pride in the world why? Because they haven’t seen what’s really important. “I’m such a valuable being,” then they’re healed. Do you think such a person would commit suicide? They know they’re valuable, then they wouldn’t look at them according to their actions, but the fact that Jesus lives inside of them  and the Word of God is fulfilled.  Then that person is a game-changer no matter where they go, and everything works according to them.

If we’re foreigners or immigrants in this superpower nation, how can we change them? If we’re not able to influence them, then we are influenced. If someone says they’re not being influenced, they’re currently being influenced; only a dead person is not influenced.  In the superpower nations, Satan is influencing everything you hear, see, and feel.  Ever since we’re young, we have the imprint, root, nature of the New Age movement that says, “You are god.”  They make it so that ever since these children are young, they experience  spiritual things through books, movies, and music.  Ever since the teachers are young, they say, “Success is everything,” forcing them to build the Tower of Babel.

I had an Upper Room Meeting with someone this week and they asked what the Three Organizations are.  So I told them about the New Age, Freemasons, and the Jewish people.  That’s just the outside packaging, but the real New Age began in Genesis 3, when Satan said, “You can be like God.”  Satan changes the inner core with a different packaging, age by age, and now it’s just the New Age movement and the ideology.  

The Freemasons are those who are trying to receive the possession of evil spirits, and that was actually Satan’s message from Genesis 6, the Nephilim.  The Jewish Organizations are some of the most successful and powerful people that are controlling the world but that was an influence that came from the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11, and that is the stream that has come into this age.  Then that means Satan is using these three streams as one stream to control the Age of America today.

Then, how can we escape? There’s no way to escape other than Genesis 3:15, we cannot escape except for only Christ. We cannot escape from the age of the Nephilim without the Ark in Genesis 6.  For the success-centered age of Genesis 11, of Tower of Babel, we cannot escape without leaving  Ur of Chaldeans with the gospel  like in Genesis 12.  In this superpower nation, who is the one who can escape from the culture and  change the culture? If we do not know this or that, we flow around these 3 streams without knowing. What is the result? Suffering.  In Genesis 3:12-20, it is suffering.  In Genesis 6, there is the Noah’s flood, and everyone suffers and dies. In Genesis 11, because of the tower of babel, all nations and families are scattered,  that’s suffering.  

Then, what must we do in this age? That is why the Lord called the 70 workers in the age of Rome and gave them a mission. “It is not you doing this but I am with you doing this,” you need to have firm faith in this. I’m not speaking. “Just as not one of Samuel’s words fell to the ground, I am not speaking, I’m simply relaying the words of the Lord” and you relay this with boldness. In Mark 16:20, they deliver the word of the Lord with certainty  and God accompanied this with signs. 

When you go out into the field, God gives you His word and you relay it with certainty. If God gives you His Word, then that’s evidence He is with you, so it’s not something you need to study; God has to give it to you.  I said this on Wednesday, but it’s been a few months since I met with the demon-possessed women in Downy.  And she went to a Catholic church ever since she was in school.  Sometimes she even writes like that.  She came to America and started to go to church. She’s so diligent, she even goes to Early Morning service.  And when we give her a prayer journal, she said she doesn’t need this because she has a lot of discipleship journals, and she has so many.

Who is that?  That is someone who is spiritually so thirsty, but we’re not able to see it.  Because she’s trying so hard, people thought she had faith.  But the thing she believed in was, “If she worked hard enough, if she worked diligently in her walk of faith,  it would be good.” But she kept saying things like, “I received citizenship illegally so God is punishing me,” and she thinks this will only be resolved if she goes back to Korea.  Her husband is so exasperated with this, because she’s been saying this for multiple years,  her kids have just given up and moved out.  The second child is starting to take an interest in family worship, but the first child has completely lost interest.  The first child just cut off contact, because from their perspective they cannot understand and just think their mom is crazy.  

Because there is a law, we determine whether we did something good or bad, and we ask for forgiveness from the pastor.  So, every morning she goes to church and is begging on her knees, and her husband asks, “To whom are you begging?” Satan has a hook through her nose and she cannot escape.  She goes to a church in Orange County. She wanted to ask the pastor for forgiveness and the assistant pastors blocked her. The thing she keeps saying is she is seeking forgiveness.  This means, according to other standards, she’s done something wrong. This is how freignienign legalism is. She goes to church so diligently, from Downey to Orange County, this so far, every Early Morning, but it’s still not resolved.

I told her, “A pastor cannot forgive your sins. You’re thinking about confessing to a priest, but that’s not what christianity is. Jesus already forgave your sins on the cross, why are you doing this, and she stared at me for a second,  and that’s when the message went into her.  It’s never once gone into her, she’s just so hooked on the fact that she’s received her citizenship illegally, but in reality, when you listen to her story, she’s had spiritual problems even while she was in Korea.  

Because of her background in Catholicism and legalism, Satan has just seized her.  So every time we finish Bible study with her she actually gets down to the floor and puts her head down  and asks for forgiveness from me and my wife.  She’s just writing this fable inside of her own brain, “Because we’ve received citizenship illegally, there are earthquakes and diseases” The demon doesn’;t just hold onto us, there’s a point he uses,  “You have to live an upright life,” that’s right, but that’s why we get caught in it. Even if we live an upright life, it’s not going to work for us, because if  we are seized by Satan and have a problem with sin, living an upright life is not it.  

You know what Original Sin is, why Christ came.  It’s not that she didn’t go to church; she went tso diligently, but there are many people like that, so you have to give the gospel correctly. If you think they know because they’ve been to church or they went to church,that’s nonsense, and from my perspective, I think most people go to church with legalism  centered on actions, and when their own diligence is lacking, they get discouraged. And they look at other people’s actions and when they do something wrong, they’re not able to endure it because of the legalism inside of them. 

But they themselves aren’t aware of it because they think they are correct,  so they point their finger somewhere else, saying their actions are wrong.  Even though they believe in Jesus, they don’t have the gospel; it means the fundamental principle of the gospel hasn’t gone into them, and that’s how they make themselves suffer.  That person thinks they are suffering because of somebody else, they have fundamental legalism inside of them that makes them suffer. No one can be righteous before God because all are sinners, and that’s why God gave us the gospel and that person needs the gospel, too.  We don’t need the gospel but when we receive Jesus Christ, but we need the gospel every day. That’s why it’s only gospel, always gospel, and forever gospel, and that’s how our life must be rooted, that’s how the darkness flees, and that’s how the church must become, and there are disciples prepared in your field to receive this gospel.

Luke 10:17 says, “The 72 returned with joy and said, ‘Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name.’ He replied, ‘I saw satan falling like lightning from heaven,” I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpion and overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.’’ In the field, there are evil spirits and organizations that are blocking the gospel,  and that’s why He gave us the authority. People who have no mission in the field have no reason or  way to utilize their authority, that’s why even with Christians, the darkness is not broken in the field.  

Luke 10:20, Jesus says, “However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.”  Remnants, confirm this in your field,confirm how great of a blessing it is to receive salvation, and confirm how wicked the field is.  The remnants may not have a lot of acceptance movements in their lives, however, they can confirm God’s Word.  This is God’s word.  

May this blessing be upon you and me, rooted as God’s word. 


Let us pray for God to work so that He will fulfill the word. He called us as the 70 workers, and our first priority is to find the 70 disciples in the field. Let us pray together.  

The second prayer topic will be for the evangelism schools for tomorrow, starting from the children to the youth to the young adults, and the evangelism camp the middle schoolers will do twice a month.  When they do the evangelism camps, the teachers have to go with them in a group.  You go in with them and deliver the gospel and allow that kid to see the person’s spiritual state.  When you come back, you must forum about it, because even if they see it, the kids may not really see it, so you have to really explain it to them.

The Word we heard is actually in the field.  So, when you guys create your groups, put one teacher with a few students and go to the regions nearby as you pray for them.  Everything must receive guidance, starting from the Word of God and prayer, and after you come back, forum about it.  This is how we set the schedule and allow the kids to confirm the word of God in the field.  The goal is to testify of the gospel, for the purpose of educating kids, you want them to confirm the word of God in the field, but from the perspective of a teacher, you want to find disciples and proclaim the gospel.  Because if the pastor goes in with the idea of confirming the word, then that’s’ the level of work that will take place.  But the teachers need to fully go in with the heart of finding the disciples and proclaiming life,  and the kids will naturally confirm the word of God  and the teachers will be able to find disciples and proclaim life. The law school is a region as well, and I hope you will look around in the vicinity and receive God’s guidance.  First and foremost, the spiritual blessing will be upon you. 

Let us pray for the evangelism school tomorrow, the evangelism camp, the business message, and the Sunday message.  

Let us pray together for the missions trips in the summer, for El Salvador, Navajo, and Karen.  When we look at the fields holding onto the covenant of finding the 70 tribes and the 70 nations, then we realize the key of the evangelism camp is to find the disciples who can have continuation in the field.  For the Navajo, the disciple is Joel, so we have to give him the mission of relaying the Way of Salvation to the children once we get there. We have to give the mission to Joel, that the kids there, the remnants in Navajo, may be able to give the way of salvation themselves.  The teachers underneath him, like the young adults and the college students have to do this to have continuation.  

Because he is a pastor now and we gave the message every time we went, he might think this is strange, but we have to plant the mission in the vision and relay the gospel to their regions.  They have internet there, so is the Youth Evangelism School broadcasted?  Because they have internet now, we can give them the Zoom link for the Youth Evangelism School, and doing all of this connection is an evangelism camp.  I don’t know what they’ll do on Sundays, they can join our EM, but making the connections is camp.  

For El Salvador, one person has been receiving nurturing every day.  We give them the Spanish translated message every day, and we want to buy a projector for them so they can play the messages.  So, the key of the camp in El Salvador is raising up that disciples and other disciples around her, so they can continue to worship and receive God’s word.

For the Karen field, I haven’t been there before, but they meet on Zoom with the teachers every week.  Among the Karen people, there are disciples God has hidden, so finding them is an evangelism camp.  If they’re able to come to LA and receive continuous training, then inviting them here and allowing them to happen, and once they get here, placing them into a mission home  is the work God is doing.  If you don’t know this, then you’re not going to understand why God is moving the housing market the way that he is, but if you do know, you’ll know why God is interceding.  The reason i”m explaining in such detail is because we’re doing the missions camps and you have to participate in the same way, and when you guys do missions camps in your field, you have to keep this into your consideration as well, so let us pray for that as well as the missions trips.  

Rightfully, the remnants are the ones who should take care of the 70 tribes because their culture and language are aligned.  If you look at the third message, it says, “Save the remnants so they may save the 70 tribes,” so when we go to Karen this year, I hope the remnants will really take charge, and I hope you will take charge of Navajo as well. This is how I will go to other places. If I keep doing everything by myself, that’s not aligned with the Bible.  You are born here and your language is aligned so you can do this work.  

As much as the internal workers are raised up, God will open the doors to the 5000 people groups. That’s the work of Acts 3.  God raises up the teams to do the work that He has prepared. That’s how God opens the doors.  These are very important words, but not many people understand. This is the most important part of camp, that’s why we train inside of the church.  Coming to receive grace isn’t the most important part, we have to receive training so we can find the 70 people God has prepared, so even worship is training.  Then when God’s time schedule comes, then He will open the doors of the field.  God will open the doors to the 5000 tribes depending on how the remnants are raised inside the church. May this be your start.

Let us pray for the remnants who are out of state right now.  It’s on the projector, these remnants must live in order for their regions to live.  I believe that at this time, the power of the Lord, transcending time and space, will work upon their fields.  Only your intercessory prayers can change their fields, they’re already in the fields and we have to change the 50 states, but God has already sent them here, and they have to receive strength and God’s grace to stay in the field.

Lois passed her PhD defense, and it takes about 30 years from a kid to go from elementary school to get their doctorate degree.  We have to pray for her so that, with this platform, she can go into child psychology, proclaim the gospel of Christ to save these children,  and that is what God desires. Let us pray for the remnants out of state.  

Let us pray for the remnants out of this country. Let us pray for the four countries in Africa, and for Mongolia, Emma’s family, and especially let’s pray for El Salvador.


God, we thank You.  Thank You for calling us as the 70 workers.  We believe in God, You will be with us. Allow us to find the disciples You have prepared and hidden in the field.  May the word of God be deeply rooted into us so this mission will be our first  first priority. 

Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the heads of the people of God, the remnants, and the multiethnic people who believe they are the 70 workers called to find the 70 disciples  in their fields, be upon all their academics and the fields of their jobs, be with us from now until forevermore always, amen.

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