The One Who Received the Promise of the Holy Spirit by Faith (Gal. 3:10-14)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The One Who Received the Promise of the Holy Spirit by Faith (Gal. 3:10-14)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Let us bless one another, Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God.  I hope you believe this is the greatest blessing in the entire world.  The title of today’s message is “The One Who Received the Promise of the Holy Spirit by Faith.” Today is about faith and the Holy Spirit.  What is this faith talking about?  I hope you can hold onto that accurate message. 

This is the content of the Bible, but how do most people think about that Word?  Most people think, “if I live a good life and I’m a good person, then my life will work out well.  If I live a good, kind life, then that’s it, why do I need religion? As long as I don’t deceive anybody else and I just try my best, why do I need religion?” These words sound so great, and these words might fool people who live with or for other people.

1. One who relies on the works of the law

  1) Under a curse

Most people who live in this world actually think this way, but what about the people who go to church and believe in Jesus Christ? What do you think most of them think? They think, “I just have to obey the words I hear from church, and I just have to live a correct life; that is what’s right,” but do you think that’s really true?  That’s just the general thoughts of humans.  But if there are any of you who are thinking this way, you don’t actually know the Bible or God.

The Bible tells us why curses and disasters keep finding people. They live such a good life, but why are they still cursed? This is what the Bible is telling us. Why is my family cursed even though I got to church?  What is the standard of that curse? Is it something that can be solved by humans? If something can be solved by humans, that’s not a curse.  For example, mental illnesses cannot be cured by doctors, and the repetitive problems that go down our family line cannot be solved by humans.  “I’ve really worked hard to live a good life, I’ve never lied to anybody, but why is my life cursed?  I faced my limitations, and I thought that if I go to church, it would get better but I still face the same curses.”

If the accurate and correct Word that God is trying to tell us goes into us, then those curses will actually turn into blessings.  A blessing is something that is poured upon us by God.  We work hard and we try hard, but we need God’s blessings.  I believe that when God blesses us, things will work out naturally, but most people fall into a dilemma.  Most people think things will work out if they just live a correct life according to the laws they heard from the Bible and from church, but the Bible is telling us that it’s not enough to just try. It doesn’t matter what you do; you have to believe in the work that Jesus Christ did, then the words of the world and the words of the Bible are opposites.

Because we cannot do it, we must believe.  We can’t even believe on our own, so God gives us the grace to believe.  If you’re sitting here and you believe Jesus is the Christ, then God’s grace is upon you, because this is impossible for you to know, no matter how smart you are. You can only realize that when God’s grace is upon you.  When you believe that Jesus is the Christ, that is the blessing.

    (1) Record the law – Mount Ebal (Deut. 27:4-8)

In the Old Testament, God gave the Israelites the law.  Because people are alive, they need some kind of law.  These were things created within the societal structure.  However, the reason God gave the Israelites the law was so they would realize that their actions and standards can never please God.  

    (2) Altar, Burnt offerings, Fellowship offerings – Worship (Deut. 27:6-7)

If you look in Deut. 27, God tells them to take stones, coat them in plaster, and to write the commandments on them.  He said, “Put these commandments on Mount Ebal and there, build an altar, and do not use any iron tools, but have a natural altar of stones.”  However, later, He says, “There will be curses on Mount Ebal, so that’s why upon this altar, you must give the burnt offering and fellowship offering.”  That means, wherever the law is erected, we will be cursed. 

    (3) Curse – Mount Ebal (Deut. 27:13)

You will receive a curse because you cannot follow the law with your own strength.  “Is God somebody Who curses?”  That’s not it, He’s telling us that we can never satisfy God by obeying the law through our efforts and abilities. God gave us the law so we can realize the limitations of man, because we have to know the limitations of humans in order to seek God’s grace.  If we think we can live without God’s grace, those are the words of unbelievers, but the people of God have a different personality.  We cannot keep or obey the laws of the Lord with our strength, and that’s why our sin is continuously revealed.  That’s why we need to give the altar, the burnt offering, and the fellowship offering in order to receive grace and reconciliation.  

  2) Under a blessing

    (1) Mount Gerizim (Deut. 27:12)

However, on the other side of Mount Ebal, there is another Mount, Mount Gerizim.  There are no stones of the law there, so there’s no curse there.  It says God’s blessing will be there.  These two mountains are divided by a path, one is cursed, one is blessed; what is the difference?  It is the sacrifice.  In the New Testament, that sacrifice is the cross, and in today’s words, it’s worship.  Why is worship a blessing? If I worship, will my business be better, or will I get into a better school?  That’s not what we’re talking about.  It means we’re changing curses into blessings.  

All of you and the people of the world may think we just have to work hard with our actions, but that’s not going to do it. Do you think someone becomes an alcoholic because they didn’t live a good enough life?  Do you think someone becomes a drug addict because they didn’t work hard enough? Do you think someone becomes depressed because they didn’t try their best? Do you think people get panic disorders because they are so lazy?  Or, do you think people keep getting evil, wicked thoughts because their actions are bad? It can only be resolved if our curses are turned into blessings by Jesus Christ.  

    (2) Obey and follow commands (Deut 28:1)

I’m not somebody who went to church while I was young, so honestly, I don’t know the language of the church very well. If anything, the way I understand the Bible may be more similar to the way that unbelievers understand it. For people who haven’t gone to church for a long time, the works of the law make their head hurt, but we must still know them because if we don’t, we’re going to get caught in them. Every religious organization, every society has a standard.  Most people make judgments and make it our nature to believe, “If I follow these standards and laws, then I’m a good person,” and the reason we criticize other people is because they go outside of that standard.  The reason we think someone is great is because they’re great according to our standards.  

    (3) Blessing (Deut. 28:3-14)

However, the standards that the Bible is telling us is that we need to be good in God’s eyes, and that is how we will be changed from curses into blessings. If you look at the Bible, it’s possible for people to think, “I didn’t live an evil life; why do you say that I’m sinful?” It means that from God’s perspective, you are not good. People may think you’re a great person, however, that’s not the case from God’s perspective, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.  What is that sin the Bible is telling us about? It means we’re separated from God.  It means we believe we can live our lives without God, and that’s sin.  When you face a problem, God is not there, and what is the evidence of that? You shake in the face of problems. That’s where you need to find God; that’s the nature of a sinner.

When you face a crisis, where is God there?  It’s only you and the crisis left, so that’s why you’re shaking and that’s why you say it’s so hard, and that’s why life is so hard, why? Because there is no God there. If you face a problem and you find God’s plan, then it’s not a problem.  It doesn’t matter how big your problem or crisis is, if you believe God is with you there and you find God’s plan, then it’s not a problem or crisis to you.  

“Oh but pastor, I’m suffering because of this disease,” if you believe in Jesus Christ, it’s not a problem for you. Why did God allow you to be sick? It’s because you haven’t been looking towards God, and God is giving you that time to look upon Him now.  If God doesn’t make you sick, you’d never look towards Him, so He’s allowing this to happen, that’s God’s plan.  Do you think a parent will give a child all the money they ask for? From our perspective, we just want all our problems to be resolved fast. We want our diseases to be healed and all of the problems in our lives to be solved quickly. Do you think God wants us to do that?  “Despite the fact that I’m a Christian and a child of God, I still have these problems,” then God has a plan for it. He wants you to look towards God through only Jesus Christ.  

God is allowing these physical things so you can receive the true blessings. There is nothing that is a problem for us.  God is allowing something that looks like a problem but is not a problem for our benefit.  When will He take it away? That’s up to God.  If you have a faith where you don’t need problems to look towards God, you don’t need these problems, but there are some people who always have this burden of their family problems.  We really want that to be solved, but it’s still not solved. That’s a blessing, that is how we will keep on looking towards God, and that is how a problem becomes a blessing. You need to know God properly through the Bible, that is why nothing is a problem.  But if you try to use your actions to try to solve a problem, you’re not realizing God’s will.

  3) Before God

That means today, you need to stand before God.  How can our curses be turned into blessings before God?  Do we have to do something? That’s not enough. “Should I volunteer and serve?” that’s not what it takes. We need to be righteous before God, not from people’s perspectives, but God must call you righteous.

    (1) No one who relies on the law is justified (Gal. 3:11)

    (2) The law is not based on faith (Gal. 3:12)

    (3) The righteous – Live by faith (Gal. 3:11)

Gal. 3:11 says that we do not live by actions, but the righteous live by faith because our actions cannot do this. Your actions are like filthy rags, so it’s not through our actions. What do we have to believe?

2. One who is in Jesus Christ 

  1) Cross

    (1)Received curses for us (Gal. 3:13) 

We have to believe in the fact that Jesus Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, Gal. 3:13.

    (2) One who is hung on a pole – Under curses (Gal. 3:13, Dt. 21:23) 

Deut. 21:23 says that the one who is hung on a tree is cursed, so that’s why the Jewish people said Jesus Christ was cursed by God because He hung upon the tree of the cross.  All the Israelites pointed their fingers at Jesus Christ, saying He was committing a blasphemy by saying that He is God. That means even if you look at the same exact situation, if you don’t receive God’s grace, you’ll say words that are correct, but they only cause problems.  

    (3) Redeemed from the Curse of the Law (Gal. 3:13)

In today’s verse, it says Christ redeemed the curse of the law for us by becoming a curse for us.  We look at the same exact facts, but it depends on whether we’re looking with the eyes of blessings or the eyes of curses.  Some people say America is great, or some people say America is bad, there are some people who say they want to go back to Korea or they would like to do that instead, or they just want to live on their own without any people. It’s not going to work. All you have to do is be regarded as righteous before God, that’s how curses and disasters are stopped.

Let’s say you work as hard as you can and you succeed, but one day, you’re cursed.  Don’t you think that’s the state of America today? Physically speaking, they’re very advanced and strong, but mental illnesses are accelerating, drug addictions are continuing to spread, and the mass shootings are getting worse and worse.  “Oh, but that’s not the case with me,” we’re always focused on our actions, and that leads to judgment.  

Do you think those people shoot people with guns because they didn’t receive the right training with the law? That will only go away when we are regarded as righteous by God and His blessing.  That problem cannot be solved by the White House; that problem cannot be solved by NASA; that cannot be solved by Ivy League professors. No politician can solve this. It doesn’t matter how hard someone studies to become a medical doctor.  It can only be solved with the faith that Jesus Christ received all the curses for me.  That’s what it means that the righteous will live by faith in that Christ.  May that blessing and grace be upon you today and may you have certainty.

Then, what kind of life would you live?  Nothing would be a problem for you.  If something seems like a problem to you, it means you’re reverting back to your old nature, your experiences, the things that were imprinted and rooted in you before you had Christ.  The things within me that are rooted without the gospel–that’s the real problem, nothing else is a problem. What could be a problem to God?  It’s a problem to me, it’s not a problem to God.  As long as God is with me, nothing is a problem. If anything, that problem is an answer, why? Because God is with me.  That’s what this is saying, that is how a righteous person lives. I hope you will not just know this, but believe it, because it is these works of faith and these actions of faith.  

Jesus Christ received the curse of the law for us, and that’s how He saved us from that, He received our penalty on our behalf. There’s no need for me to take the price of that curse, twice or thrice again; Jesus Christ’s death on the cross, in one circumstance, has solved all of the curses of mankind–past, present, and future. Does that mean I never sin? Yeah, sometimes I leave God again, but even so, when I come back to worship, God gives me His grace again.  However, the people who think that, instead of worshiping and believing, they can please God with their actions and the law, are the ones who are cursed.  

I’m talking about myself from now on.  Even when I was an unbeliever, I thought I was righteous, so when the president did something corrupt, I couldn’t stand it. It was impossible for me to stay still; I had to go and protest, because I thought I was just and righteous with my incorrect standards, and that’s actually in the DNA of my family line.  I got it from my father, he thinks everyone is wrong and needs to die, and he’s the only one who’s right, so there are just so many people who need to die. So I am the only one who should live and everyone else has to die.  This is how I used to think; I used to think I was righteous. 

And even after I believed in Jesus, I was still like this.  I didn’t realize it in myself, but that feeling came out of me through this righteous anger.  I got angry still, but it was for a righteous cause, a righteous anger. I knew that about myself. Because I looked at people by the standards of the law, I was righteously angry at them, and until that anger really came out of me, I was trying to endure it. I thought I was being right, but it turns out I was deeply rooted into the actions of the law, and that’s why I was so angry, and sometimes I would get angry at others. Why would I get angry at them? Because I looked at them and didn’t like them, if you don’t like someone, it means you have a standard, and that standard was so strong, it created problems.

But what happens if you truly know the gospel?  You will realize the fact that not a single person can be righteous by their actions, that is why everyone needs the grace of Christ.  So, what I should have been relaying is the righteousness of the gospel, but instead, itw as my righteous anger.  The reason that came out of me was because I was looking at everyone through the framework of the law and the standards of their actions. I didn’t realize that in myself because I thought I was right. 

That’s the characteristic of religious people like myself, and it wasn’t just me; it turns out, everybody has that, and that’s the reason why people fight, saying, “You’re right,” or, “I’m right.”  But once you really come to the realization that not a single person can be righteous before God without Jesus Christ, then we cannot judge anyone because all people cannot satisfy God.  It’s not possible with our actions, that is why everybody needs the cross of Christ. That’s how the anger slowly began to disappear. And all the criticism I laid down slowly disappeared, so I’m the only one who wasn’t aware, because I thought I was right; I didn’t know about myself, but I was still so angry.  That’s a life stuck in the actions of the law.

Some people may challenge me, saying “Pastor, should we not act right then?” that will naturally take place by God’s grace, because God is with me and by God’s grace, I will naturally change that way. Everyone has their own standard. According to my standards, if someone doesn’t meet this level, I’m not going to talk to them, or, “If they’re not at least this educated, I won’t even communicate with them.” The more you have these standards, the harder it will be for you, because everyone is a sinner before God, but you’re holding onto your standards because you think you’re not a sinner.  

Once that breaks down, it doesn’t matter to whom you talk, because every single meeting will turn into a blessing. There are people who come to church and say there’s not a single person who gets along with their standards or levels. I was like that in the past, it was myself, we think we are righteous or holy; we think that we are righteous or holy or great. Even among pastors, if they didn’t match up to a certain level, I wouldn’t talk to them. I first looked at them, and they didn’t match a certain level, so I didn’t talk to them. They were servants of the Lord who the Lord raised up; these are people who Jesus bought with His blood, but because of the perspective with which I met everyone, now it’s okay no matter who I talk to. 

Let’s say there’s someone I talk to who I really don’t like, I can talk to them as well. If anything, there’s more things I realized through people like that. If there are some of you who cannot come to church because the level does not suit you, I hope you’ll break from that frame because that is the frame of the law that Satan has trapped us in.  Are there any of you who say, “I’m at church but there’s no one I want to talk to?” You can just talk about the Word of God with them.  Paul said that is the greatest knowledge. If you’re able to talk to someone about the things of heaven, that is the greatest blessing. May we all have the blessing of being liberated from the framework of the law we are trapped in.

In the past, I used to have a style to create a goal for myself and really run tirelessly to accomplish it.  I’m someone who has a very strong motive and goal. For the people who are goal-oriented, they don’t listen to the words of others. They only listen to words that they want to hear and that are aligned with their goal, but it’s possible for you to be like that even after receiving salvation, then what happens? We’re not able to hear God’s Word. We are only focused on our goal and my plan, so even if you listen, you don’t actually hear it. 

Even though the people around you are giving God’s message, you don’t really hear it, because there’s some motive that you have, an ulterior motive, and that must disappear by God’s grace.  From that point on, even the words you’ve heard before will sound new to you, and we can only enjoy this blessing when God’s grace is upon us. If we heard a message already, we think that we know it, but that’s never the case.  God is speaking to you right now, God is telling you something with your life right now, but I’m listening to it with my knowledge, in a direction that is not aligned with God. God is telling me these words, looking at my center. This blessing is possible through worship.

  2) Within Jesus Christ 

    (1)Abraham’s Blessing (Gal. 3:14) 

    (2) To the Gentiles (Gal. 3:14) 

    (3) To Me (Gal. 3:14) 

Then it says, that the blessing given through Abraham is relayed to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus, therefore we do not receive through our actions, but even the uncircumcised Gentiles can receive salvation through the gospel of Christ. We do not have salvation through human actions.

  3) Within Jesus Christ 

    (1) Law of Sin and Death (Rom 8:2) 

Romans 8:2 says, “Because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death.”  That means it’s impossible to be moved from the law of sin and death to the law of Spirit of life through our actions. From the moment we were conceived in our mother’s womb, we were born under the law of sin and death.  This law means even the presidents are beneath this law.  All human beings are living under the law of sin and death, even if we work so hard, we’re cursed because of the law of sin and death.  Even if we succeed, we are seized by the one who has authority over death, which is Satan. 

    (2) Law of Life and Spirit (Rom 8:2) 

There is not a single thing that will let us escape from sin and Satan, however, through Christ Jesus, we have been moved into the law of the spirit of life, it means you are not in the law of the spirit of life because your actions are really good. It means only through Christ, I am now under the law of the Spirit of life. “The law” means I am under its control and authority. Now, even if you face a problem, you’ll come to life.  Now, even if you face a crisis, you’re under the law of the Spirit, meaning the Spirit will guide you and give you power.  This is how I’ve been legally changed through Jesus Christ.

    (3) Freedom (Rom 8:2) 

If we live in America, then we’re held to the laws of America. If we don’t follow the laws of America, we are either put into prison or kicked out. But now whoever believes in Jesus Christ is under the law of Spirit and life.  This means no matter where you are, you’ll come to life. It doesn’t matter how lacking I am in power, the Holy Spirit is within me, and guiding me.  It is not possible by the efforts or abilities of man, but through the cross of Jesus Christ.  

Today, I really received a lot of grace from Gal. 3:14.  Through Christ Jesus, the fact that the blessing of Abraham has even come to Gentiles like myself so that by faith, I may receive the promise of the Spirit. Why does He say this? It is because this is all we need, that God’s spirit being with us is all we need.  If we’re not satisfied with the holy spirit being with us, we have to find something else, that’s why drug addictions take place, and that’s why we become obsessed with things, and that’s why our minds are divided, because the Holy Spirit of God is with me, and that should be enough.

God being with us is the blessing, and when you feel that blessing, that’s joy.  Happiness is not something to be found, it is with God. If God is with me, then I don’t need anything of myself.  Isn’t that right? If a small child is with their parents, the child doesn’t need their own power, the parent provides everything. I hope you will believe and enjoy this. you’re only a fool  if you don’t enjoy it. Because you don’t believe, you keep trying to do things with your own effort, even though right now He is with us. If you entrust your entire life to Him, He will take care of it. May you enjoy that through faith.  

3. Holy Spirit – One who received

  1)Promise (Gal. 3:14)

Now I’ll give you some examples from people in the Old Testament who were filled with the Holy Spirit: Joseph, David, and Elisha. There were ways these three people were used. The characteristics were not that they worked so hard; that’s not the Bible. The Bible doesn’t emphasize how good of a life they lived, and the Bible doesn’t say it’s because they all succeeded. That’s all at the elementary level. That’s incompatible with the blessings of heaven.

    (1)Joseph who was filled with the Spirit of God (Gen. 41:38)

In Genesis 41:38, Pharaoh asked, “Can we find anyone who is so filled with the spirit of God?” It means he was within the working of the Holy Spirit. If you take that out, what more do we need to fill with our own efforts? As hard as you work, you can only do physical things, but you must be filled with the Holy Spirit of God. That’s how Joseph became the governor or prime minister to save the Israelite people. Yes, he was unfairly put into slavery and prison, but it wasn’t unfair; it was all a blessing. I hope this will not be Joseph’s story, but your story because the Holy Spirit is the same for us; the Spirit of Christ, the Spirit of God, that’s the Holy Spirit.

    (2) David who was filled with the Spirit of God (1 Sam. 16:13)

King David was the greatest King in Israelite history. There was not a single war he lost, why?  1 Samuel 16:13 says the spirit of the Lord came upon David in power.  These were not words that were just written as a poetic song, but it means that God was with him through the Spirit. It means God was fighting his battles. That’s what this word means, but you want to do something with your actions, that’s why you’re still stuck in curses, then even after you’ve escaped, you’re still deceived. It’s only possible through theHoly Spirit.

    (3) Elisha who requested the double portion of the Spirit (2 Ki. 2:9)

Let’s look at Elisha.  Every other nation could not run after Elisha, because those religious people were not aligned with God’s goal.  But only Elisha asked, “Give me a double portion of your Holy Spirit.” Elisha asked because he knew this was the only way to raise the 7000 disciples who hadn’t bowed their knees to Baal. In Acts, it ‘s the work of the working of the Holy Spirit. Even right now, the Holy Spirit is working in the churches.  Even right now, exactly according to the Bible, God is still doing the work of finding the 70 disciples, the 70 tribes, and 70 nations.  

Whom will the Holy Spirit work upon?  Once you believe in Jesus Christ, the Holy SPirit is with you, but there’s a difference between having food and eating food.  There’s a difference between seeing the money and having the money.  There’s a difference between the Holy Spirit and the work of the Holy Spirit. The working of the Holy Spirit must be upon me for my life to change.  Who cares how much you look at the money you have, you have to use that money. You shouldn’t just have the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit should be working. But who does the Holy Spirit work upon?

The Holy Spirit did not work upon King Saul; if anything, the evil spirits came upon King Saul; however, the Holy Spirit was upon David.  Some people are constantly worked upon by evil spirits and others are worked upon by  the Holy Spirit. That is the problem and you cannot change this with your actions. Yes, we have to go to church diligently, but that’s not what it takes. Does that mean you shouldn’t go to church? Then it will be even worse for you.

  2) Kingdom of God (Ac. 1:3)

Who does the Holy Spirit work on? The answer is in Matthew 28, “by the power of the Holy Spirit, if I cast out demons, then the Kingdom of God has come upon you.” That means in order to drive out demons, the Holy Spirit must work, then what is the Kingdom of God? The Kingdom of God means the kingdom of Satan is broken down and the kingdom of Jesus Christ is established. It is the work of missions and evangelism where the works of Satan are broken down and the works of God are taking place in unbelievers, that is only possible to change by the working of the Holy Spirit.  Just like in Galatians 3:14 today, that work of the Holy Spirit is continuously taking place today, spreading through the Gentiles. Yes, I need to live under the working of the Holy Spirit. Then, this blessing was given to you as a Gentile and will be relayed through you to other Gentiles.  This blessing shouldn’t stop with me; it needs to be relayed through me, but a lot of people just want to keep it to themselves.  

The Holy Spirit needs to come into me, and that blessing should be relayed to the 237 nations of the world, but you always want to keep it to yourself, and that’s how King Saul became corrupted. That’s how the people of Israel only wanted to keep the Spirit of God to themselves, and regarded everyone else as crazy, but the Holy Spirit must work. 

    (1)Make disciples of all nations (Mt. 28:19)

Go and make disciples of all nations. I believe this 100% because it’s not me doing it but Jesus Christ has already planned everything, and now I’m just discovering God’s plan 1-by-1 through signs.  I’m not preparing the disciples; God has prepared the disciples, and it’s only possible by the working of the Holy Spirit.  “I’m a businessperson,” yes, you should do that, however, your business must be worked upon by the Holy Spirit in order to find disciples. But some people run a business without the Holy Spirit at all, they run it with their own correct actions and hard work, and if their business works out, they think they’re good. 

However, 1 Chronicles says everything belongs to God; wealth and poverty are in God’s hands.  Last week, we were listening to Pastor Kim’s message, and he said that God is the One Who gives and takes away, there are people who still don’t believe that and they are skeptical. There is not a single percentage of the Word of God that ever changes. God has entrusted this to me temporarily; we don’t know when He is going to take it away. God has given us the heavenly things, we don’t know when He will take it away.  God has entrusted our health to us entirely, and we need to use that health for the Lord, but one day, he’ll take it away. Everything is from God, within Jesus Christ. Even the people attached to us are within God’s hands. 

    (2) Proclaim the Gospel to all people – Healing (Mk. 16:15-18)

Therefore, proclaim the gospel to all nations. I believe this 100%. In the past, I believed everything except this.  I believed I only needed salvation. I was so happy with salvation because I was a nonbeliever and then I believed. And at first, I was so happy, I evangelized a lot, and later, I stopped evangelizing, because that happiness disappeared slowly. It’s time for God to heal me.  Now I believe this 200%; if it’s something I can do, there’s no reason for me to believe, I can just do it with my own actions. But I have to believe because God is the one doing this; I am believing in the work that Christ is doing, and the works take place by faith. 

 “Go and heal those who are sick and demon-possessed.” Do you think Jesus Christ said nonsense works after He resurrected? Do you think Jesus Christ said these words and later on said, “No, I take it back,” No, a lot of people are demon-possessed. We can’t see it with our eyes. Even if they go to the hospital, they can’t be cured. Medication doesn’t help them. They are seized by thought they cannot control. One day they act according to those thoughts, but it doesn’t matter what kind of person you are, give these people the gospel and then heal them, heal those who are sick.

    (3) Posterity – Lambs (Jn. 21:15-18, Lk. 23:28)

In John 21, Jesus says, “Feed my lambs.”  In Luke 23:28, Jesus Christ was about to die, and all these women were weeping. Jesus says, “Do not weep for me, but weep for your children.” He is saying, “The reason I’m dying is to save all of mankind, so weep for your children.” Have you studied history? Age by age, there is always a superpower nation, and all the people in the world gather to that superpower nation. That was Egypt, Assyria, Babylonia, and Rome. And there was a saying in the UK that said, “The sun never sets in the British empire.” And that’s America too, so if you study history, the characteristic is that these superpower nations are strong and they’ve gathered a lot of people there, but this is not what you should see. 

Why did God make these superpower nations and gather all these people here? There are believers and unbelievers there. God spread the gospel through Rome. God brought all the people of the world to America and gave the mission to the churches to spread the gospel to the world, that’s why He made the Word of God go into these children while they were young, why? Because the Word that goes into them when they’re young won’t come out.  

When we receive the word of God later on, there’s so much inside of us that isn’t of Christ, so it’s confusing, but we put this into the children while they are young. What do you think will happen when they are older? It will come out according to what’s inside.  Do you know what your future is like? Whatever Word of God has come into your heart is your future. You keep trying to change your future with your actions, but that is never the case.  

Depending on what things of God are imprinted in my heart right now will determine my future, and today is that time, the future is not here yet, but you can see the future by looking at today. Is the Word of God that will be fulfilled in the future going into me today?  Or is it not the Word of God and I’m seized by my own thoughts? That’s that person’s future, and even if you don’t live the rest of your life, it’s that obvious. May every person without exception receive the blessing of God’s Word in your heart today, because not a single percentage of God’s Word will change.  If the word changes, that’s not God. God works according to His Word. That’s why we believe. You cannot trust people. It’s not because they’re bad people, but it’s because they’re unable to keep their word, and that’s why we need forgiveness and love.

Families are about to get married or about to get married. I hope you will not rely on them with the standards of the law. No matter what, your thoughts will not work out.  That is why we need the grace of Jesus Christ, God’s love and forgiveness and His Word.  There was a remnant who spoke yesterday and said they received the words of the law when they were young from their parents. If you give them the words of the law, it’s going to be a big problem.  It must be the gospel and the words of blessing while they’re young.

  3) Only Holy Spirit

    (1)Drive out demons – Kingdom of God (Mt. 12:28)

That is why we should always pray for the filling of the holy spirit, for the Holy Spirit to work upon me. I pray for that every day because the Holy Spirit is with me, but my thoughts are not aligned with God’s Word.  So, I pray every day for the Holy Spirit to completely control my thoughts, my subconscious, my unconscious, my physical body, my spirit. Try it, then one day you’ll realize your thoughts have changed. 

I hope you will also pray for the working of the Holy Spirit to work upon the field you are a part of, because with a doubt, the Bible tells us that if we cast out demons by the Holy Spirit, the Kingdom of God has come upon you, and first, you must bind the strong man in your field. That means, by the working of the holy spirit, you must bind the works of Satan that is conquering the world. That’s what it means for you to first seek God’s Kingdom and His righteousness. You must have the correct priorities. If you have the correct priorities, then everything else will follow, but if you have the incorrect priorities, everything in your life will be hard.  

    (2) Working of the Holy Spirit (Ac. 1:8, 2:1-4, 13:1-3, 16:6-10, 19:1-7)

This working of the Holy Spirit is throughout the Book of Acts, and I believe that these same works will take place today through our church. 

    (3) Only prayer (Ac. 1:14)

What is the method?  Acts 1:14, only prayer. Why do we pray?  Do we pray because we don’t have enough to eat? That’s not what we pray for, you don’t have to pray for that. Only for the filling of the holy spirit to be “My witnesses until the ends of the earth.” I hope you will remain within this stream.  In the morning, in the evening, I hope you will go into that stream, so that the water in this temple will flow into all the nations, just like how the dry bones in Ezekiel came to life by the works of the Holy Spirit, so that the lives of people can be revived in America and the whole world.  May you enjoy this blessing and find disciples throughout the week.


1 Triune God – Faith

2. Work of Only Holy Spirit – Within me, Outside

3. 70 disciples who find disciples


Let us hold into the Word God has given us today and pray,  Let us pray together.

Offering Prayer and Newcomer Prayer

Father God, we thank You. We thank you for making us righteous by the work of the cross. Allow us to remain within the gospel that remains only within the Triune God. We have returned our material blessings as offering.  We pray that You will bless these offerings so that they may be used to save the souls dying in the world and to establish God’s Kingdom. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.  

Father God, we thank You. Allow her to be the child of God that receives the blessings to bring others into the gospel.  May she relay the gospel only within the work of the Holy Spirit to receive healing and raise many disciples. We believe the Word will be fulfilled exactly.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the people of God who desire for the working of the Holy Spirit through faith in Jesus Christ be upon us from now until forevermore always, amen.

One Response

  1. Jean Belly Ntagashobotse says:

    Word: I don’t need to follow my thoughts coz i will face limitations that is why u need to have faith that Christ is onlt the solution to all my problems for me to enjoy Gods kingdom being upon me by finding his olan to save the field as enjoying the working of the holy spirit upon me and the field

    prayer: Dear God may my life be used for the sake of finding the 70 disciples for world evangelisation to take place in all the field.

    Mission. To restore prayer

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