Wait and Enjoy in Faith (Matt. 28:16-20)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Wait and Enjoy in Faith (Matt. 28:16-20)

Speaker Tiffany Han

I’m going to tell you about how the Word has been flowing for me, and by hearing this, may you know the Word of God is living and powerful. The Word of God is not something we receive every week, but it is building because God is guiding us through our lives.  Speaking of spiritual inheritance, I received a spirit or nature of anger.  The Han family has a very short temper, and my mother’s side also, so I’m very anger. My primary reaction is anger or annoyance.  My sister is like that, but she tends towards sadness, “Why me?” But I always tend towards anger, “WTF?” 

So, even yesterday, I was frustrated at myself because I can’t focus on my studies and the church work. I would scroll on my phone for Instagram for 3 hours, I’d get some water, talk to my sister, get on my phone, play with the dogs, get on my phone.  By midnight, I was still on the first slide, so I realized I had to pray because this can only be done by God.  I can’t brute force this as my answer.

Today’s message was today’s answer for me.  I have a lot of things on my mind, my manager is mean and there’s burdens at work and church, my sister is getting married in two months, and I still feel like I’m falling behind even though I’m not doing as much as she is.  I’m in a cycle, I feel like a failure while I judge other people. So there’s two thoughts, I’m a failure, and everyone sucks more than I do. I couldn’t even pray.

But God would help me to do the physical things, but I was focused on the physical “me,” can I concentrate on my work or studies?  Then I judged people physically as well, “Why isn’t he doing this? Why isn’t she doing that?” I was so physical, but I realized the point, God wants me to focus on the spiritual things.  I’m going to tell you the things I received from the message.  From the first message, I received that I have to wait.


Right now, I’m so impatient, I want people to change right now, including myself, so I want to see change in me right now. I can’t focus? God should help me focus, but why isn’t He doing it? Why am I not perfect?  God is telling me first to wait, and also to enjoy.


Those who listened to the first message, this is what I received.  I can wait and enjoy because of the covenant, and that was Matthew 28:16-20.  We just worship.  We don’t need our faith or actions, but God’s promise will be fulfilled no matter what, so if you’re in the right place, you will receive the fulfillment of this covenant. 

I cut myself a lot of slack, but I am impatient with others.  We wait for ourselves and other people, not only do we wait, but we enjoy it because during this time, God is doing something. God is fulfilling the covenant even as we wait.  God is still giving us His Word, changing us.  Our hardships turn into blessings. When people criticize us, it’s easy to complain, “WTF?” but when someone criticizes us, “Get off my back, stop criticizing me,” but if you think about it, we have a mission, right? Our mission is to go to the ends of the earth, and if someone is suggesting that we change, maybe it will be better for us. Let go of our pride and hold to the covenant, then instead of getting hurt or being angry at people, we can enjoy the direction in which the Word is changing us.  We are not just waiting, but God fulfills His covenant even when it seems nothing is changing. 


The thing I received from the second message is that first, we have to believe. People in the Bible waited a very long time.  Joseph waited 17 years before he became governor, but through that, he went through so many awful things. Samuel waited a lifetime, Moses waited 80 years.  Abraham waited his whole life. It’s impossible to wait that long unless you really believe.  We’re all in a state controlled by Satan. When we think judgmental thoughts, resenting our parents, that comes from Satan. 

You think it comes from someone but it’s not.  I hate someone at work and I dreamed that I told that person off, but even in the dream, after what happened, nothing changed. That’s not the actual problem, it’s not the person you see, it’s not your mental state of depression, fear, or loneliness. It’s a spiritual problem, we’re children of Satan or deceived by Satan, but that’s the covenant, and it goes beyond that. Not only does Jesus Christ solve all problems, but God will do that through you. 

World evangelization, Matthew 28:18-20.  That’s part of the covenant. Jesus Christ is with you, the Jesus Christ who solved all these problems. He will use you to make disciples of all nations. Not that you save everyone, but there are specific people.  God gives you the people, God guides you, God is going to do it.

All we do is wait and enjoy. If you’re upset at someone, realize that you’re not believing in the covenant.  Many of us grew up in the church and heard the gospel so long, we use the Word of God and cover up our disbelief.  For example, my cousin Hannah, I get scared because she’s drifting away from the church. So when she talks about the horoscope, I get scared.  But what is that impatience? Me wanting her to come to church and pray right now, that’s my disbelief; I want things to go according to my time schedule.  Then, I’m freaking out about my sister and Tim’s children.  “You should be doing this or that.”

If you’re impatient about yourself or someone else, recognize that it’s from Satan and overcome in Christ.

Enjoy – Prayer

If you’re stuck in your thoughts, you’re always going to be right, everyone else will be wrong, and if you disagree with them, you’ll have to fight and cut them out of your life to avoid them. Yesterday when I was frustrated with myself, “I can’t do this, I can’t focus, I can’t concentrate, why do I even have to do this? I just want to run away from the church.”  I stop and pray, of course I live with my sister, and she and I fight.  When I’m upset, I get onto my bed and pray because there’s no other solution.  Through that, I enjoy all these blessings.

Through prayer, it gives me a time to stop, remember Satan makes me not believe in God’s promise. Remember Jesus Christ defeated Satan and Jesus Christ is going to use you to deliver the world from Satan, you’ll conclude that your problem is that you’re not able to enjoy this, but if you can’t find this believable, just keep waiting until you can believe.

The last thing I want to say is, how big of a blessing is this?  It’s easy for us to get tied up in the little things we go through every day. “This person is pissing me off, I want to do this when I get home today.”   Everything becomes a big deal. But our lives should be more steady, and God’s Word is always being fulfilled.  Right now, when I’m mad about my one day of work, or if I get mad about one thing someone said to me, meanwhile, God is saving people.

If you realize how dark Satan is and realize how much you’re being used to save those people, you’ll really start to enjoy this promise more. When you pray, it may seem nothing is happening, but that’s when the Holy Spirit is working so powerfully.  The more we remember that, the more we can be thankful.

Thanksgiving- God’s Word

Sometimes that’s all I can do, if you’re really upset, you can’t give thanks.  Remember God’s Word until you can be thankful.  Think about God’s Word until you become thankful. 


As you do this, you find yourself concentrating on God’s Word.  The actual key isn’t to solve your problems, but it is to turn it into a blessing.  You focus on this and realize you begin to change, you’re healed and that’s the bottom line.


You have to change, why? Because God’s spirit is inside of you, taking you in this direction. Meanwhile, if you’re fighting with another remnant, they have the same journey. If they are upset or have a problem, you can’t change them.  The Holy Spirit will change them and that’s why you can pray to change yourself and as they see you changing in the Holy Spirit, they will change. Don’t tell them the Word of God, receive the Word of God into yourself, receive healing, then they are going to follow you. That’s the fastest way to change anybody.


As you see this, you can see the future, which is healing and saving and making disciples of all nations.  Thank you, let us pray.


Heavenly Father God, thank you so much for guiding us step by step, reminding us that Jesus the Christ is the solution to every single problem. Please help us to remember this whenever Satan makes us forget God’s Word.  Help us to help others receive Jesus Christ as well.  Allow us to enjoy this 24 hours a day as we await the fulfillment of the covenant that will never be blocked by ourselves or anyone else.  May Your blessings be upon all the 237 nations of the world and the 5000 people groups. We thank You so much for  

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