What did God Instruct the Evangelist (Acts 13:1-4)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

What did God Instruct the Evangelist (Acts 13:1-4)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Joyce Jo

The title of today’s message is, “What did God instruct the Evangelist?”  When we look at today’s Word, God told the Early Church, the Antioch Church, 3 things.  We need to be within these three things in order to receive God’s method and God’s answers.  


1. Conclusion (Gospel)= Answer- Walk of Faith 

For the first thing God instructed for us to do in our lives, we have the introduction and conclusion.  Working hard,  making money, and studying is all the introduction; having fun and going on vacations are all the introduction. Going on a diet, exercising, all of these are part of the introduction, but within the introduction, there is a main point.  But if you consider these introductory things as the main thing, then you’re not aligned with God.

You need to consider these things as the introduction in order to be aligned with God.  So, the people of the world invest all their time and lives into the introduction, thinking that this is everything.  

And so as a result we need to come to a conclusion but what do we conclude with? We need to conclude in this one thing.  If we don’t conclude in this, everything becomes complicated.  It’s okay to be complicated, but if you invest your time, your energy, and all your lives into something else, then it’s not aligned with God.  In other words, we need to lay our conclusion within the gospel.

If you don’t conclude in the gospel, it becomes very complicated, so the people in the world who haven’t made a conclusion in the gospel live a very complicated life.  They think it’s everything, but the conclusion God desires is something better. 

Answer – Walk of Faith

In other words, we have to find the answer within the gospel. If we don’t find the answer within the gospel, then we’ll have to find the answer ourselves. Then we are able to live our walk of faith.  What is the answer to all problems?  Christ is the answer. But if you live a walk of faith without this answer, then you’ll just be busy, you’re busy studying, making money, and doing all sorts of things. Why is that? It’s because you haven’t come to the answer of Christ. In other words, you’re just living a life in the introduction.  Don’t stake your life on the introduction; we need to stake our lives on the things that God desires. 

(1) Acts 1:1- Satan, Sun (Curses), Hell 

And that’s why in Acts 1:1, only Christ. What does it mean to be within only Christ? When you just say, “only Christ,” is that only Christ?  When you have only Christ, you must know the only problem and the only answer.  You have to know the problem for Christ to be your answer.  What’s your true problem?  Not the fake problems.  Our true problem is that we’re within the forces of Satan, and we live within sin and curses.  We live a life separated from God and we’re within the authority of hell. This is mankind’s true problem, and that is why only Christ is the answer.

If you don’t find your answer within this, then your life will be hard. Even now, people outside are living very diligently.  Everyone lives their lives diligently.  Everyone lives diligently for their own purpose and goal, and invests money into this, but all of this is useless.  Because they don’t have the answer they hold onto other things thinking that that is the real problem.

(2) Acts 1:3

The Kingdom of God will be established upon those who have the answer, Acts 1:3.  Christ is within me and He will surely work, and that is the Kingdom of God.

(3) Acts 1:8 Filling of the Holy Spirit 

God works through only the Holy Spirit, and this is the filling of the Holy Spirit. Everything is contained within the filling of the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit is the spirit of God, the Spirit of Christ.  Within this, there is money, our studies, and everything, but because we don’t know this, we invest our time in these useless things.  Why is that? It’s because we don’t know the true answer and the true problem, so we stake our lives on that, and when we face our limitations we say, “Oh, this isn’t it,” and we go back and forth.  

(Eyes) Christ

This must not just be our knowledge, but it must become our eyes. We may know this with knowledge but we have to have the eyes to see this.  Whatever problem we have, it cannot overcome Christ. For those who don’t have this answer, they rely on their own thoughts and experiences; they shake and waver back and forth, but Christ doesn’t shake, and that’s why we have to believe in Christ, not ourselves, otherwise we have no choice but to shake.  You need to believe in Christ, not other individuals, because other people will change.  That’s why if you don’t have the answer within Christ, then your life becomes hard.

It becomes difficult when you look at yourself and other people, then you try to do things on your own.  Some people say, “What do we do about the problems at church?” Is the church going to crumble? Have you seen Christ crumble? The individual may crumble but the church will not.  The person who shakes in front of problems will crumble but the church will not, and that’s why if you have the different eyes of the gospel, you’ll be able to see things differently.

People, Incident, Answer

That’s why when you meet other people, you have to have the correct eyes to see them, and it’s the same if you face circumstances, and it’s also the same when you receive answers.  If you don’t have the answer in Christ, then the people you meet, any circumstances and answers will become a problem.  So, these answers are coming but then you hold onto the wrong things and you live an incorrect life.  

King Saul received the answer but he invested his time uselessly.  He received the answer of becoming king, but he spent his time uselessly because he didn’t come to this answer.  David became king but he thought, “How will I invest my life in God?  I will build a Temple for God,” and he received the answer for why God called him as a king.  But because people don’t have this, they see other people with their own perspective.  Then, when they face circumstances, they always pray asking God to solve their problems and it’s all focused on themselves.  

Because our eyes are caught within ourselves, we have no choice but to be caught within Satan, and that’s why we awlways say the otehr person is a problem.  All people have problems, people are not God but there is a work being done through that other person.  God didn’t send people to our church without any reason.  People think they don’t have any problems.  

Do pastors not have any problems? We did not come to church and gather together to pick at each other’s problems; we can believe in Christ. We gather together to witness and have faith within Christ, we didn’t gather to pick at other people’s problems, and that’s why having the correct eyes is important.  Even though the other person may have nothing, God called them.  So, it’s important to have the eyes to see why God has called the other person. The people who have the answer of Christ have these eyes.

If you don’t have these eyes, you’ll have no choice but to emphasize your own thoughts and experiences.  If they received just even a little bit of answers, they boast about themselves, so it’s kind of scary to give answers to such people.  When Joseph became Prime Minister, what would have happened if he thought, “oh, look at me, I can now go after my brothers!” But that’s not the case we are supposed to find the answer of why God gave us this answer instead of just focusing on the answer.  

The people who have concluded in the gospel have these eyes.  And so at first they just know the gospel and hear it, and as they hear the gospel, they can say, “Only Christ, only the gospel,” and they can say this for 10 years.  I’m not talking about that, but I’m talking about having the answer. When you have the answer, your words don’t change, but your eyes change. Even though it’s a problem, it’s not a problem, so instead of looking at the problem, look at what God is trying to do.  

We believe in God, but instead, we believe in the reality, the facts, “Why is that other person like that? Why am I facing this problem or circumstance when I believe in God?”  This is how you can raise up the new believers.  If you say all sorts of words without these eyes, other people will not be revived.  There’s no reason to complain about other people because there’s a reason why God has called them.  So, you don’t need to complain about churches because you need to see and understand why God raised the church.  So, there’s a huge difference between the eyes of the gospel and my eyes.  God will attach these kinds of people to you because that’s how people will be revived.

2. Goal (Result) – Direction (Evangelism)

There is God’s goal.  We can also call it a result.  What is God’s goal? You need to know this in order to establish your goal.  If you don’t know God’s goal, then you have no choice but to hold onto your goal.  This can ultimately be the direction of our lives, and this is what we call evangelism.  People who have the answer of the gospel will surely have the direction of evangelism. If you don’t have this answer, then you will not be within the direction of evangelism. 

But some people don’t have this answer, but they have the answer of evangelism.  Evangelism can only continue if you have the answer, because when you do it with your own strength, it switches back and forth depending on your emotions, and there’s a limitation. That means I’m not within God’s goal and God’s direction.  

(1) Resurrection (Matthew 28:19-20)

When Jesus Christ resurrected, He gave the word, “Go and make disciples of all nations,” Jesus Christ demonstrated the death and resurrection of Christ and gave them the direction of evangelism.  God is guiding all things and moving all things with His Word.  It is according to His Word.  No matter how much of a renowned thought you have, or words you may say, that is only renowned in the eyes of the people, it isn’t renowned in the eyes of God, because in the Bible, it says all our good works are like filthy rags.  So, in terms of people’s perspective, they may seem better than you, but it’s actually filthy rags before God.

Only the Word of God can work. You need to believe this.  To the amount of how much you believe in Satan’s deceptions and lies, God said He will be with us with all authority in heavens and earth. We need to go within the life of God, why do we try to choose our own life?  So, God wants us to go and make disciples of all nations, but instead we try to avoid the “all nations” and that’s when we face our limitations. 


If our studies and work are not aligned with the 237 nations, then it’s just used to feed yourself.  Did God just say this as a joke, “Try and go make disciples of all nations”?  It’s not like that; God said He would guide you in this way.  You need to give this direction to new believers.  Can new believers not know this because they’re not regular churchgoers? No, if God’s spirit moves within them, they can believe.  

This is something given by the movement of the Holy Spirit and that is why you must surely say this.  Give them the gospel until their eyes are opened.  If they have the answer of Christ, then it is no longer a problem.  The cancer is not the problem; you need to make them know the real cancer before that cancer, and you need to give them that answer. 

Mark 16:15-20 All Nations


Jesus said to cast out demons and when you lay your hands on the ill, they will be healed. When you proclaim the word, the throne of heaven will work, and that’s why you need to go to all people.  If all 237 nations aren’t aligned with you, then you’re not aligned with God.  Even if you go to church, you’re just like the jews and Pharisees. They went to church and they believe, but they didn’t like this “all nations” so they failed.  When these remnants and disciples arise, God said He would be with them and work.

(2) Ascend (Acts 1:1-8)

And as Christ ascended to heaven, he said he will be with us until the very end of the age. He said he will give us the authority and the filling of the Holy Spirit. When we believe in Christ, we receive the Holy Spirit. Until we receive the power from heaven, we must receive this strength every day.  What happens when God’s strength comes upon you? Then you can overcome the world, you can save the world.  

Is money or something else a problem? It’s not a problem for God. Is your health a problem? No, because God said He would give you the power of the Holy Spirit. You need to tell this to new believers.  Explain to them about the filling of the Holy Spirit. If you don’t know, then you can’t explain it, and when you explain it, it’s so easy. Then you can confirm God is with you right away.

(3) Throne

For prayer school, if you’re just there as a formality or a ritual, you won’t receive anything, but if you’re there with a proper posture, you will receive the filling of the Holy Spirit.  Some people just live a religious life and other people stake their lives upon this.  Those who stake their lives within this will have the time of receiving the filling of the Holy Spirit even in their fields. But because they don’t know this, when they go into the field they say, “Oh, it’s so hard, it’s so difficult, I have this problem and limitation,” it’s because they haven’t experienced this power, so they only consider this as a theory.

But people who know this every single day will receive the filling of the holy spirit.  There’s no limitation to receiving the filling of the holy spirit, because it’s not your strength, but it’s the strength from heaven.  So, we’ve done this for many years, but one day, the remnants who know this will arise, and God will do his work of evangelism. 

When you evangelize, you may say you don’t have any strength. You say you’re busy and it’s because you don’t have any strength.  Because you don’t have any strength, you get caught in your circumstances and other people’s words. Of course, you can say all sorts of things, but it’s because you don’t have any strength.  

So God is on the Throne of heaven and is working even now. God is holding onto the church even now. God is holding onto His servants and His people.  He is holding onto the stars, he’s holding to all creations with His word, and God is moving all things with His Word, so you just need to confirm the Word.  

3. 24 (Prayer)

“Should I do this, or that?” That’s not important, do it in prayer with God. Then you’ll understand what 24 prayers are. 24 hours just means you’re invested in one thing. If you’re invested in one thing, then you’re some people think you have to keep talking or muttering to pray, but that’s not it. It means your heart is continuously in that place.  So, if a couple loves each other, they have a heart for one another.  But if you don’t have a heart for one another and say, “Can you pray for me?” The other person will say, “Why would I pray for you? I don’t even like you why would I think of you.” 

You need to have this answer within the gospel and evangelism for 24 hours to take place, but because you don’t have the Nader within the gospel, 24 hour prayer doesn’t take place. You’re worried 24 hours.  But if you’re 24 hours evangelism, then you’re constantly thinking about that.  Everything follows this.  The students who study will study while thinking of this, and people who run businesses will think of this as they run their business. It’s such a great blessing. 

(1) Strength

That’s why you’ll receive strength. When you enjoy the gospel and are within this direction, God said He would give you strength.  Why doesn’t 24 hour prayer take place? It’s because the gospel has been incorrect from the beginning? It’s because you have not concluded in the gospel.  The solution to all problems, Christ.  There’s no one who can overcome Him.  Can your weakness overcome Him? No. But we cannot receive the answer because we keep on looking at our weaknesses instead of looking at Christ.  We can’t receive the answer because we’re looking at the other person’s weaknesses instead of Christ.  

When you go to the field, you constantly think about yourself and that’s why you’re not able to overcome the field.  God said He would lead the church, but as we look at other people in the church, we say, “We don’t have power; we don’t have anyone with a lot of money,” and so you’re not actually able to see the answer of God, so you may think that about yourself, but that’s actually an incorrect thought. Although I may not be at that level, God says He has hidden finances for missions and evangelism.  We need to look at people from this perspective but instead, we are looking at the problems and worrying about it, then you can never save other people. They’re saying the correct words but they cannot save others.  This is such an important concept. 

(2) People

And that’s why all the people in the Bible enjoyed 24. You need to be invested within it. There are some people who are so hooked on bitcoin, that they invest all of their fortunes and inheritance so wherever they go, it’s bitcoin. Because they’re so invested in stocks, they only talk about stocks. Even when you talk to them, they talk about stocks and even when they sit down they think about stocks, because they’re hooked on it.  What is prayer you must be invested in?  If you try to pray for something you’re not hooked on, it becomes like labor.  I’m supposed to be hooked on prayer, but instead, I’m hooked on something else, so prayer is the hardest thing to do.  

I’m hooked on having fun, going traveling, and eating and drinking, so of course prayer is hard.  When such people aren’t able to have fun, eat, or travel, and they face a problem, then they pray.  In the long run, we may consider that to be prayer, but it is a prayer without the gospel.

(3) Study

This is how we must study.  Do I study well or not? Even if you study well, are you happy? Are you happy because you succeeded? We have evidence that we aren’t happy. Then how must we study? Must we study diligently? Do our very best? We just need to do it. Study while praying. What does this mean? Do we pray, “Oh God, help me study well.”  Receive strength and study with the direction of gospel and evangelism.  Why can’t I concentrate on my studies? It’s because we don’t have any strength. Why do we just throw away our studies? It’s because we don’t have any strength. That’s why we need to teach the students to pray while studying so that they can receive the strength. 

There’s so many people in the world who study so well.  God didn’t call people who study well or those who don’t study well. God called those who are 24 hours invested within the gospel and evangelism, and this is why it’s so important.  We study while praying for world evangelization.  That’s why students ask, “How do I pray while studying?” Because they don’t understand 24 hours, they constantly ask, “How do I pray while studying?” Other people think, “How can I pray while running my business? I need to run my business.” So when they have to do something even a little greater, then they’re drained of all their energy.  

When you receive the strength from God, God will allow you to do things to that extent. But what happens if you just diligently study with all of your strength and effort? It becomes a life without any strength from God, then one day, depression comes and you have no strength to overcome it.  Do people who study well avoid depression? No, that’s not true. Even though you study well, you’re overcome by people’s words. You need to have strength. Just study to the extent you can, just do your best, but what’s important is how you do it.  You need to know what it means to pray while studying.  So, your studies, entertainment, skills, and business must be within this. 


1. Movement of the Life of Jesus- Gospel 

For our main, we need to do the Jesus Life Movement.  What does it mean to do the Jesus Life Movement? It means we connect everything to the gospel, because God is moving all things towards saving lives and the gospel, so it means our lives must be within this. But when we’re not within this, then we have to interpret everything from our own perspectives.  

We see and judge other people according to our standards.  Let’s say there’s another person who makes lots of mistakes.  We think we want those people’s mistakes to be gone, but that’s just your effort, trying to change them with the law and legalism.  But the Bible is saying that’s not how you do it.  People cannot be saved with the law, and that’s why you need to see others with the gospel.

What does it mean to see others with the gospel? You need to see how God is using the other person to do world evangelization.  That person may make mistakes but what is God trying to do?  If my eyes don’t change, I have no choice but to live according to my own standards. People who’ve gone to church for a long time will not be able to understand this, why is this? Because they’ve listened to the words of legalism for so long, so that’s why they have no choice but to judge and to see the incorrect things first.  

They don’t see God within that.  They don’t see what God is trying to do, but instead they see all the problems inside of that. They can’t see the gospel at all, why? Because they haven’t opened their eyes of the gospel. They know the gospel with their heads, but their eyes haven’t been opened.  So, their goal and direction isn’t aligned with the gospel, with evangelism.

There are two remnants in the back, and they’re troublemakers, but that is rightful.  There’s something God is trying to do through them, but when you look at them in that way then it becomes different, that’s what I’m trying to say.  If we don’t have these eyes, then we have no choice but to say, “I don’t like this person because of this, I don’t like that person because of that,” so you might be able to ignore them in the church, but you can’t ignore them in the family. Because you just try to change them, so later on, your life will end up where you’re just trying to change other people.  

What kind of eyes do such people have? They have the eyes of legalism, the law.  They try to change the person’s behaviors. They don’t have the eyes to see what God is trying to do, but instead they try to change the other person, so that’s how our eyes change. So that’s why we need to connect everything to the gospel.

She’s interpreting, she’s being used for the gospel movement.  There’s nothing else I can say, but she falls asleep during message, she might fall asleep, but God is still using her nonetheless.  Falling asleep may be her weakness but God is still using her to do his work.  So, if you don’t have this conclusion in the gospel and have the eyes to see the gospel, you’ll see other people in a skewed way.

2. Power of Prayer Movement 

And so number two, the Power of Prayer Movement. People who don’t know the power of prayer will be busy because they have to do everything with their own strength.  But people who pray have a mystery that other people don’t have.  That’s the difference.  We can’t see God, but why do we pray?  We can’t see God, then why do we pray?  If we don’t know prayer, then we have no choice but to live to our own standard.  When I have the standard of God, I’m able to go to all places and all nations to do missions.  

But for people who don’t know, can we just tell them to pray?  Yeah, because when you pray and ask for the filling of the Holy Spirit, God will give it to you.  When you pray for the 237 nations you cannot go to, God said he will work, but the problem is that we don’t believe. We only believe in the things we see.  That’s not believing in it; you just see the reality. People who have this faith believe in the unseen reality so they’re able to pray for all nations.  

God says He will work through those who pray in the name of Jesus Christ.  So, even though you pray, the unseen works will arise.  But people who don’t believe in this will try to make it so that the visible things are changed, and that’s what Satan does.  Satan makes it so that we live according to our own standard, our own level, and that’s the work of Satan, but Satan is afraid of people who pray.

I’ve never been to the Karen region, but I can still do missions without going there. I haven’t been to Africa, but I’m still doing ministry in Africa.  I’ve never been to El Salvador, but I’m doing ministry there, why is that? Because I believe that God will work when I pray in the name of Jesus Christ.  Do you believe in that?  Then, your children are not a problem; can they overcome the works of God?  Because even if Satan may control unbelievers, they cannot overcome God’s power.

So that’s why praying is not a simple matter.  There are so many things encompassing prayer.  People misunderstand prayer in a religious way but prayer is 24 hours.  It’s not a prayer of asking for the things you want.  God said that if you need it, He would give it to you, so there’s no reason to pray for it, but people learn prayer in a religious way, so if they don’t need anything, they don’t pray.  But people who have concluded within the gospel and evangelism are able to do 24.

You can do this for your business, while at home, and for such people, wherever they go, the Holy Spirit works and the forces of darkness are borken down.  Because the forces of darkness are borken down, people come to life.  People who do regional church, if you don’t know this, it beocme hard, but if you know this, it become the greatest blessing, why is that? Because God is doing that work.

People who know this won’t need to be told to do it, they will just do it, but because you don’t have the answer in the gospel, you have no choice but to hold onto other things.


Then you’ll surely become a witness. Go to all nations and you will be witnesses until the ends of the earth. God will give you the evidence.  God will give you the evidence that Jeuss Christ has resurrected and is working even now.  So, cancer can be healed or not, but he will give you the evidence that it doesn’t matter whether the cancer is healed or not.  So, why does the cancer have to be healed? That’s in God’s hands.  It’s the state where I’m okay regardless of whether it’s healed or not, that means the power has already come upon me, that means I have overcome myself.  

If you don’t enjoy this evidence, even if you come to church, you’re not able to enjoy this, so that’s why you talk about and relay other things. Then, that walk of faith has no value. The walk of faith must be fun. When you’re dating and you meet the other person, your heart flutters and even when you buy a new car, you get very excited.  Think about traveling to another country you’ve never been to before, your heart will pound. 

The walk of faith must be the same way. How will your heart react? “Oh, I just go to the same workplace every day,” how will my heart react? How could I be excited for that? That’s why your job and your walk of faith is not fun.  The people who have the answer within the gospel and evangelism, they anticipate how God will work because God will work unseen to the eyes.  

In Matthew 12:28, Jesus says, “When you drive out Satan in the name of Jesus Christ, then the kingdom of God will be established and these are the works that will arise.” We need to be excited for these things.  What else would you be excited for? There’s nothing else.  Does it matter if you do your work well or not?  God desires for that field to be changed, so it doesn’t mater if you work well or not, because even if you work well, if you’re not able to overcome Satan, then you’re just a slave. That’s why this power is important.

3. Disciple Movement

If you want to raise new believers as disciples you need to know this.  If you hold onto new believers without the conclusion within the gospel and evangelism, then other things will be imprinted in them, then you’ll have to let go, you’ll have to let them be within the flow of how the church is moving. If you try to shape and mold these new believers without the answer, it will become difficult for the new bekriegtes. Then, just take off your hands and attach them to the pastor.  Just help them focus on the pulpit.  Just help them enter into the church system.  

Don’t say useless words because that becomes hard for new believers.  You’re just trying to say things without your eyes opening, so the incorrect things are relayed.  In those times, don’t say anything, just pray for them and help them concentrate on the Word.  Help them come to the Wednesday and Friday service so they can grow.

(1) Prayer – Happy

Within the disciple movement, you must be happy within prayer. Pray must become a source of happiness, why? Because God is working, that’s why you’re happy.  But if you don’t know this and this just becomes labor and you have to do it even though you don’t really want to. Enjoy prayer right now, even just at this time.  Even if you just attend worship well, then prayer will be restored.  Especially for those who come to Early Morning prayer, pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit.  When you receive this power, your day changes.  So, when you attend Early Morning prayer, attend with the mindset, “I will be praying for the filling of the holy spirit.”

(2) Strength – Answer

Then you will receive strength, and that strength is the answer.  The LORD is my Fortress, so even though the enemies come, it’s not a problem. If you don’t have this strength, then if the enemies approach, then it becomes a problem. The economy is hard because of COVID, if you receive strength, then is it still hard?  When you receive strength, then you can see things differently.  God is doing all things for the works of missions and evangelism.  

That’s how God is opening up mission fields. If COVID didn’t happen, then we would have to go to these missions fields ourselves, but now we can just do it on Zoom.  For instance, we’re supposed to go to Africa to do missions, and before, we had to because we didn’t think about using Zoom, so God gave COVID to the entire world so we will be able to use it. So, even though we don’t go there ourselves, we’re still able to meet them online.  

The Young Adult Evangelism School is being conducted throughout the entire country. This wouldn’t happen if COVID didn’t happen, and it’s the same for all the businesses. If you’re not online, it’s not going to work.  That’s why you can just buy things online and they just get delivered to you.  This was advanced because of COVID, so we don’t have to go somewhere ourselves and it’s more expensive, it’s cheaper online, so even when you’re shopping, it takes a lot of time, but that’s why you’re just able to buy it online. That’s why when you see everything with the eyes of missions and evangelism, then God will work because that is what God is doing.

3) Time Schedule

There’s a time schedule.  All people have a different time schedule because even when you’re doing missions and evangelism, you might not have money, so you must know God’s plan and reason for why you don’t have money.  Because there’s a method for God to use a person when they don’t have money. When you don’t have it and you complain that you don’t have it, you won’t be able to see God’s plan.

In my 30s, I had no money for 9-10 years, because if I did, I would do other things.  God made it so that I had no money so I could solely concentrate on training and evangelism.  He made it so that I could not even meet my worldly friends because I was so embarrassed. If I had money, I would just meet them, but God made it so that I didn’t have money and I couldn’t meet my friends. So there is a way God is working according to the time schedule.  

So if I don’t have it right now, it would be weird because I’m trying to do world evangelization.  If I’m trying to do missions and I don’t have money, isn’t that kind of hard? Then that would be the time schedule where God has no choice but to give me money.  For example, if my health is poor, what should I do? I need to receive spiritual strength.  No matter how much you pray for God to heal you, if you don’t know God’s time schedule, then you’ll be continuously within that state.  If you’re healthy and now your health is poor, it’s a time schedule for you to focus on God. 

If you don’t relay this to new believers and disciples, even though they might know about evangelism, they’re not able to interpret it because when new believers come to the church, Satan will not leave them alone. Satan stops them.  Depending on who the person is who is relaying the gospel, new believers will either rise up or be killed.  

Are you looking toward people’s words? It’s a sign of God telling you not to look toward people’s  words. Because for a long time, these new believers focus on epple, and they have this nature.  Satan knows this and he works.  Depending on who says certain words to this new believer, they will either rise up or die, because this isn’t something that can be done just by saying good words.  God is trying to reveal these things to you.

There are many in the church, so interact with all of them. At first it may be hard, but you need to interact with all of them so they come within this free environment of being able to forum with the pulpit message.  You need to do this so that new believers will rise up.  I pray that you may enjoy this first and become a witness.


God, we thank You.  You have instructed us with these three flows and these three things.  May You work with your grace so we’re able to relay this in our fields.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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