The Power of the Resurrection in My Life (Luke 24:44-49)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Power of the Resurrection in My Life (Luke 24:44-49)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Let us bless one another, happy Easter!  The title of today’s message is, “The Power of the Resurrection in My Life.”  I think that Easter and Christmas are the two greatest Christian holidays in America; that’s how great the meaning of this is.  These are the day when Jesus Christ was born and the day when Jesus Christ resurrected. Why is this entire world moving centered on Jesus Christ?  The ones who know this reason and gather together are the ones who gather for worship.

And it’s possible that now that Christianity has such a long history in America, we’ve changed Easter into some doctrine.  It’s possible that some of the children think that Easter is just about boiling eggs, coloring them green and red, and eating and sharing with one another, but how did the disciples in the Bible understand and follow Jesus?  What were the disciples’ attitude and reaction towards Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection? What is the present-day Christian attitude and reaction regarding Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection?  Through today’s worship, may we have the blessing of enjoying the true life and the power of the resurrection.

1. Death and resurrection on the cross

  1) Before death on the cross

    (1) Followed Jesus as the Savior (Mt. 4:19)

In Matthew 4:19, Jesus goes to His disciples and says, “Come follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men,” and the reason they followed Him was because they believed He was the Savior and Messiah.

    (2) Confess that Jesus is the Christ (Mt. 16:16)

In Matthew 16, when Jesus Christ asked, “Who do people say that I am?”, most people thought of Jesus Christ as just another human being; at most, they thought he was some kind of leader or prophet from the Old Testament. These were the thoughts of the people back in those days.  Then He asked His disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” At that time, they confessed Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God, but making this confession was not taught by man, “but revealed by My Father in heaven.”

    (3) Thought of a physical savior (Mk. 10:35-37)

However, the way the disciples continued to acknowledge or think of Jesus Christ was as some kind of political leader, they thought of Him as the Messiah who will save the Israelites from colonization from Rome.  Jesus’ disciples thought this, and there are a lot of people who go to church today thinking this. In other words, there are a lot of people who think Jesus will save them from their suffering.

During biblical times, the Israelites suffered from Roman colonization, and that was their biggest problem.  They were following Jesus Christ, thinking He was the Messiah to save them from this.  Then one day, Jesus died on the cross, and this was something that was impossible for the disciples to understand.  They were following Jesus Christ, thinking He was someone sent by God, and they were hoping, “If we follow him, we will be freed from Rome and we will get a position next to His side.”  Even now, there are many people like that, they think, “If I believe in Jesus Christ, He will liberate me from my suffering,” and a lot of people follow Jesus Christ, thinking this will give them a position of success one day, and even His disciples thought that.

  2) After death on the cross

    (1) Scattered (Lk. 24:13)

Then when Jesus Christ died, they lost all their hope.  In Luke 24:13, all of them scattered away. 

    (2) Fear (Jn. 20:19)

In John 20:19-20, it says they were so afraid of the Jews who crucified Jesus that they hid away behind locked doors.  If you do not believe in Jesus as Jesus Christ, you cannot escape from your fear.  It’s not because of a lack of Bible study or a lack in your personality, it’s because you have not been able to truly acknowledge and believe that Jesus is the Christ.  We will not be able to escape from the fears of our present circumstances, our diseases, and illnesses.

    (3) To their original states (Jn. 21:3)

The disciples go right back to their original state of fishing for fish.

  3) Resurrection

    (1) Did not believe even after they heard (Mk. 16:11)

Then in three days, Jesus resurrected. Even though He resurrected, He showed Himself to Mary Magdalene and the other apostles, but they didn’t believe even though they heard. 

    (2) Kept from recognizing Him (Lk. 24:16)

There were two disciples who were so discouraged as they were going back to their homes in Emmaus, and even though Jesus Christ was walking next to them, they didn’t recognize Him. Without a doubt, Jesus Christ continuously told them during their discipleship that He would die and resurrect in three days.  So even though they’d heard it before, they weren’t interested in Jesus’ death and resurrection; they only wanted Jesus to free them from their suffering.

Just because you study the Bible a lot doesn’t mean you can really hear, and just because you go to church for a long time doesn’t mean you can hear.  Matthew 5 says those who are pure in heart can see heaven.  If perhaps you are following Jesus Christ with a motive on your own, then you cannot hear the truly important things. You will have to look around, listening to what you want to hear.  

If I cannot hear what I want to hear here, then I’ll go somewhere else to hear it.  At that point, you will know who Jesus is.  I have become Jesus, Jesus Christ is my secretary, and I am Jesus.  This is the walk of faith irrelevant to Jesus’ death and resurrection.

    (3) Their eyes were opened through the Scriptures (Lk. 24:27,31)

They were walking to Emmaus, and even though Jesus Christ was right next to them, their eyes were closed so they could not see the resurrection, and the same thing happens today.  People cannot believe the resurrection. They know all the doctrines of the Christian religion, but they don’t actually believe in Jesus’ resurrection. Even the disciples were like this, then of course, it’s true for us.  Right now, cancer is not the problem; it’s that we don’t believe in the resurrection.  Right now, your mental problem is not the problem, but we don’t believe in the life of the resurrection.  Because we don’t believe in that, we’re seized by fear.

Jesus Christ is the solution to all problems, and I hope you will hear this very important message today.  Only when Jesus Christ was sharing to them and explaining to them the entire scriptures were their hearts on fire and they began to see.  So, this isn’t something we can know by studying. We cannot see this just by going to church since we were young.  Only by the working of the Holy Spirit through the Word of God can our eyes be opened. 

“When Jesus Christ Himself was explaining the scriptures to us, were our hearts not on fire?” The way God works is through His Word, and any experience that you have that is not in God’s Word you shouldn’t speak about because every religion has their experiences.  However, the Word of God was written by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, so we can only see when the Holy Spirit reveals God’s Word to us. You can study the Bible and understand it by knowledge and theory, “He resurrected and is with me now.”  That finishes all problems.  

If we’re not fully satisfied with God Himself being with us, then there’s no way we can live on earth. Because we’re not satisfied with God Himself, we will be even less satisfied by any creation on Earth.  This is the gift we have been given, and one day, the disciples’ eyes began to open.  At that point, it is finished. Your walk of faith will be finished when these eyes open.

2. Reasons for death and resurrection of the cross 

Why do you think the disciples were not able to understand the fundamental reason for Jesus’ death and resurrection?  Ever since you’re young, you remember Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins and resurrected, but that’s not enough. And even for the disciples, they didn’t believe that way.  Why must He die? Why must He resurrect?  You need to discover the fundamental reason and the rightfulness of this to believe. 

  1) Solved fundamental problems

    (1) Sin (Mk. 10:45) 

The reason Jesus Christ died on the cross was to solve the problem of all our sin.  This sin includes the sins we’ve committed, but also the Original Sin that was committed by Adam and Eve.  Ever since we’re born, we’re born as sinners. Because we’re sinners, the consequences keep following us.  It’s not because you’re not doing nice things, and it doesn’t stop following you just because you go to church; you must be liberated by Christ.  

    (2) Death, Satan (Heb. 2:14, 1 Jn. 3:8) 

As soon as we’re in our mother’s womb, we are born as sinners, so the fear and darkness continue to follow us and the authority of death and Satan holds onto us and drags us into our fate and destiny.  Not only are we being dragged, but we’re also deceived, thinking we’re the master of our lives, thinking that our thoughts are the center, thinking that other people are wrong so I have to assert myself.  In other words, he makes it so we only know of ourselves; we’re under a misconception that we’re the best.  This is the misconception that Satan uses to drag us around. 

    (3) Separated from God (Jn. 14:6) 

Then what?  We continuously go into suffering.  I believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross and resurrected in three days to solve this fundamental spiritual problem, to free us from death and Satan. He didn’t die on the cross so He could solve our problems of finances or poverty.  But all of our thoughts are focused on, “How can I solve this problem?” We are knowing Jesus incorrectly. Once you believe in Jesus Christ, all problems are finished. It’s only because you’re shaking, and that’s a problem of your state, but Jesus Christ is within us, and He has finished it all. 

  2) United with me

What does Jesus Christ’s death have to do with me?

    (1) Died with Jesus Christ (Rom. 6:4)

Romans 6:4 says that Jesus Christ’s death is my death.  The “me” that was seized by original sin and Satan died 2000 years ago when Jesus Christ died on the cross.  

    (2) Lived a new life with Jesus Christ (Rom. 6:4)

When Jesus Christ resurrected, I was united in that resurrection as someone who lives a new life. 

    (3) One who is united with Jesus Christ (Rom 6:5)

This death and resurrection of Jesus Christ has to be related to me through this unity. Now, Jesus Christ and I can never be separated; we are eternally united. Our walk of faith is believing in this and going together. No matter what problem I face, it doesn’t matter because Jesus Christ and I are united, and He guides me.

  3) Throne

    (1) On the right hand of the throne (Heb. 1:3)

Jesus Christ resurrected and is seated at the right hand of the throne of heaven, what is He doing there? 

    (2) Sustain all things by His word (Heb. 1:3)

Heb. 1;3 says He is controlling all creation with His Word, He is sustaining all creation with His Word. In other words, it means God is moving all creation including us human beings by His Word.  If you look for and receive guidance of God’s Word, then you’re being led by God.  That’s why no problem is a problem for you, because the Lord has guided you there.  When you actually believe in this, then your life will no longer be dead, and you can enjoy true life.  

    (3) Work of purification of sins – Evangelism (Heb 1:3) 

What is He doing even now?  It says He is providing purification for sins, what does that mean? It means even now, He is carrying out the ministry of salvation. Even now, He is seated at the right hand of the throne of heaven and forgiving people of their sins. Although He is in heaven, He has promised to be with us through the Holy Spirit.

3. Holy Spirit

Jesus Christ is with us now as the Spirit of Truth and is guiding us even now, how? Through His Word. You must look for God’s Word, what is God saying?  If you have cancer, may you find God’s Word. If your business has failed, may you look for God’s Word. If you’re suffering mentally, may you look for God’s Word. Are you afraid your business will fail in the future? Find God’s Word.  Are you nervous about your children? Find God’s Word. 

The circumstances you’re facing is not the problem; your fear is the problem.  Cancer is not the problem, but your fear of death from the cancer is the problem.  All successful people have overcome that fear.  There’s the most renowned General Lee from the Korean War, and he said the greatest enemy is not the enemy itself, but it is the fear of death. Even right now, in all the naval academies in the world, they are learning about this general.

How did he know this, even though he was an unbeliever?  If you get cancer, you’re afraid, right?  You’re afraid you’re going to die. If you don’t have a fear of death, it won’t matter if you have cancer or not. Jesus Christ has overcome death, and when that life becomes mine, why would cancer be a problem? When God calls me, I go; the real problem is my fear. It’s the same for mental problems.  Why do I keep getting mental problems?  It’s because of my fear.  The devil uses that to drag my thoughts and emotions around.  

Because you have fear, you have to come up with a strategy.  There are some people who take offensive attacks, and they try to attack others with hostility first, so people are different.  Some people are oppressed and burdened, and others attack first because they cannot overcome their fear.  The people who have true strength will simply smile, even if they face a problem, they are smiling, why? Because Life is with me.

  1) What is promised (Lk. 24:49)

    (1) With me (Jn. 14:16)

    (2) Guides me (Jn. 14:26)

Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will not fear because God is with me.  Why do mental illnesses and mass shootings continue to arise in America?  It’s because the life and resurrection of Jesus Christ has only gone into the churches as doctrine, so they cannot overcome death. There are many people who talk about this in theory, but there are very few people who enjoy and testify about this Life.  Today, during the resurrection, yes worship is important, but God wants you to truly believe in and enjoy the life of the resurrection.

    (3) Power of the throne (Lk. 24:49)

In today’s main scripture, v. 49 says “I will send you what my Father has promised.”  We are the people who have received the gospel after the cross.  As soon as you believe in Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit is already with us, “but stay until you have been clothed with power from on high,” there is a difference between the Holy Spirit being within me and the Holy Spirit clothing me in power.  

If I have a father, then he is simply my father in title, but if he’s not supporting me with money or other support, he doesn’t work upon me.  Many Christians are like this, they just say, “I’m a child of God” as their title, but the power of God must be upon me.  That’s the filling of the Holy Spirit and the power of the throne of heaven, and this must be established within you.  “Within me,” means, the Holy Spirit must completely fill and control my heart, emotions, thoughts, and mind, then I, who have no choice but to be afraid, will change and have God’s thoughts.  I had no choice but to assert myself and to judge other people; however, my thoughts and emotions change. 

  2) Proclaim the Gospel

    (1) Begin at Jerusalem (Lk. 24:47)

It says in Luke 24:47, “This gospel, the repentance and forgiveness of sins in his name will be proclaimed to all nations,” this is what the Lord is doing even now, and may you go into this Word.  Your business must go into all nations. God is holding onto your business with His Word. God is holding onto your children and their academics with His Word, where? To all nations.  If you’re in America and you’re losing hold of all nations, then you’re living your life irrelevant to God’s power.  

    (2) Judea, Samaria (Ac. 1:8)

    (3) To all nations (Lk. 24:47)

How can we do this, then? You need to pray for the Holy Spirit of God to work upon that region. How is Russia and Ukraine fighting the war? They have to shoot the missiles there first, and after everything is destroyed, the foot soldiers go in.  If all the enemies are just going in with people and guns, then many  people will die.  You go into the world to work and study, but if you go in without any thought, that’s how you’re taken in.

  3) Transcend time and space

    (1) Holy Spirit – Evil spirits – Kingdom of God (Mt. 12:28)

You need to first destroy it spiritually with missiles, you need to first bind the strong man, only then can you go in. That’s what He is saying.  But if we believe in our thoughts and abilities and go into the world, the ruler of the kingdom of the air is the devil.  Jesus Christ told us in Matthew 12:29 that, in order to rob a strong man’s house, you must first bind the strong man, and then you can steal his possessions. 

You do this through prayer.  You need to attack your business and the 70 regions that you’ve determined through prayer.  When you pray in the name of Jesus Christ, God promised to work through the Holy Spirit. If you don’t believe in that, you’re not someone who believes in the throne of heaven or heaven at all. That person believes in Jesus Christ like the disciples before the resurrection; they don’t really believe incorrectly. 

    (2) Heavenly hosts, angels (Ps. 103:20-22)

Whenever the Holy Spirit works, thousands of angels work, transcending time and space.  That’s how it’s possible for us to proclaim the gospel to all nations.  Unbelievers are doing this already with evil spirits, but the believers don’t know about this power, so that’s why we’re seized by America. We succeed as much as we can, but later on, we’re spiritually destroyed, and one day when the devil crawls into our thoughts, we cannot budge, why? Because we believe in and follow something else.  

    (3) Light – assembly, nations, kings, children, riches (Is. 60:3-5)

Whenever we have this life and light of Jesus Christ and we testify of it, what happens?  Isaiah 60:3-5, nations will come to your light.  I’m not trying to persuade or drag others, but if they see the light of the resurrection in me, they are dragged or pulled towards me. Even kings and leaders will be drawn to your light. That was Joseph. Joseph didn’t do anything. He was just shining the light there, and these people had to follow him. We call that a platform. 

If this church testifies of the light, then people are bound to gather.  If you do not testify the light, and you’re just doing useless programs, there are people who will be pulled in by those programs as well, but when they go out into the world, they will fail; they have no strength.  Many crowds will come to you. This is how you must do your business.  You shouldn’t go there and try to persuade and lure them, you need them to come to you when they see the light of Christ.  Yes, of course your products and services must be good; why would they go to you otherwise?  

If you have the light, then your children are bound to return. They do not return because you speak well, they return because of the light.  We think we can move others with our words, but it’s foolishness.  

There’s one thing that you like.  Many possessions and wealth will be brought to you as well, the wealth on the seas will be brought to you. To you, the riches of the nations will come. All these things will be following the light. If this church is shining the light and we’re doing Temple Construction, God will bring all of the wealth. 

If this is truly a church that does missions to all nations, God will provide us with the economy of light, and when He gives it to us, He will not only give us material blessings, but people as well.  If you lose hold of this blessing, then you have to follow after material things; you have to follow after people, that’s what we call a slave.  It’s so full of suffering that they ask God to liberate them from this, but He’s already given us the light. 


1.Experience the death and resurrection of the cross – United

In conclusion, the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ must become mine in unity.  

2. Through the power of the Holy Spirit

Right now, at this time, may I be filled with the Holy Spirit and this life, right now.  The fact that He resurrected means He is alive right now.  Right now, at this time, fill me with the Spirit of God. .  

3. Reveal the light in the world

Right now, at this time, may the Holy Spirit work upon all the fields connected to me,” then the people are bound to be drawn to the light. There’s no reason to tell them to come at all. God will send people to His light.  May all of this be in your business.


Let us pray holding onto the Word God gave us. 

Offering Prayer and Newcomer Prayer

God, we thank You for giving us the grace of testifying and knowing the message of this resurrection. May the offering we have given be used to save lives.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.  

God, we thank You.  We pray that You will bless all the newcomers and the people related to them with the Life and the power of the resurrection so they can testify of this in their fields.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


Today we worship and welcome the Jesus Christ who is the firstfruits of the resurrection who died on the cross and resurrected to overcome the power of death, Satan, and the grave. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ who has allowed the power of His resurrection to be spread to all the fields, the extreme love and God, the filling and dwelling of the Holy Spirit be upon all of us from now until forevermore always, amen.

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