It Is Finished by Only Proclaiming Jesus Christ (John 19:30)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

It Is Finished by Only Proclaiming Jesus Christ (John 19:30)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park Interpreter Tiffany Han

Today’s Good Friday, and we’ll share the grace of the Word today through John 19:30.  Logically speaking, Jesus Christ died on this Friday and resurrected early Sunday morning, and that’s why we give the Resurrection Sunday worship and communion on Sunday. He said to remember the Holy Communion until Jesus’ second coming.

I believe the reason and meaning of Jesus Christ dying on the cross has to be applicable to us and to come into our lives as well.  Without going through the meaning of the cross, we can never enjoy the blessings of the throne of heaven.  If we do not know the meaning of the cross, then we’re doomed to only know the physical blessings Jesus spoke about in Matthew 5.  We have the spiritual blessings as our possession, but we don’t see them as blessings.  Jesus said the kingdom of heaven is our background, but we don’t see that; we live with the background of earth.

In Matthew 6, Jesus told us to pray for God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  The Lord is teaching us how to pray.  If you don’t know how to pray, you can just look at Matthew 6.  He says, “Seek first God’s Kingdom and His righteousness.”  In Matthew 7, there’s something we must do first.  Do not look at the speck in the other person’s eye, but the plank in my own eye.  

This is the content of Jesus Christ training His disciples.  Even right now, the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ is within the church, giving us the Word and training us in this way. When you see other’s flaws, you see your own flaws even bigger.  That’s discipleship training.

When we get to Matthew 13, we get to heaven. How great of a value is life and disciples?  Jesus Christ gave the discipleship training to open their eyes, the eyes to see the value of the treasure hidden underground.  Because it’s hidden underground, it’s invisible, but the act of relaying life is that valuable.  The life movement, the discipleship movement, is like a seed planted in the ground and bears fruit 30, 60, and 100 fold.  

However, some seeds cannot root down because they fall into a field of thorns, and it’s the same if the seed falls on the path, trodden by people, and it cannot grow because it’s stepped on.  There’s a rocky field where it cannot grow, but there is also a fertile ground. I don’t know if a hardened, stone ground will turn into a fertile field later on, but there is a fertile field.  Some people are able to suck in the word of God as if it is life, and as that seed falls on fertile soil, it will one day become a great tree to bear much fruit. But if it falls onto stony ground, you cannot change it; you leave it there, “That’s a stony field.”  But you leave it there and pray, hoping they will turn into a fertile ground.

God said He hid 7000 disciples who had not bowed their knee to Baal. If we’re always focused on disciples, what must we do in the church? You can do everything else well, and yes, it’s true that you can consider all churchgoers as disciples, but those who concentrate on the Word are disciples.  There are some among the new believers.  You have to concentrate on them to raise them up because behind this new believer are all the doors of evangelism.  Imagine how well they receive God’s Word, not the ones dragged forcefully to church, but some people have been called by God’s time schedule to receive Jesus Christ.  Concentrate on them and raise them up.

If you’re not able to understand this, you cannot go beyond the content of Matthew 13.  They seem like just a simple salesperson, but inside their bags is a precious pearl.  This is how Jesus Christ opened the eyes of the disciples to see what was invisible and to see the value.  

Then in Matthew 16, it’s the central point of why Jesus Christ was training them–”Who do you say that I am?”  As we mentioned in the previous message, most people see Jesus Christ in four ways.  Even though they all see Jesus Christ and follow and acknowledge Him, they actually see Him as Jeremiah, Elijah, John the Baptist, or another prophet.  

So Jesus turns to His disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” When He sees the confession of Simon Peter, He responds, “Blessed are you, Simon, son of Jonah, for this was not revealed by flesh, but by My Father in heaven.”  God has given this grace to some people to confess that.  You are at this point because you’ve also made this confession, and some new believers make this confession as well.  

Then, they go through the process of Matthew 17 where they change Jesus Christ to become their only Master. They confess Jesus Christ by God’s grace, but Christ is not their Master in their everyday decisions.  So instead of building one house, they build three different tents and their brains are complicated as well.  Everything is contained within Jesus Christ, and they have to do this one thing, but not having received this answer, they have to do everything else as well.

This is the training we must endure, and the final ultimate moment is the death on the cross.  The disciples couldn’t overcome the death.  Jesus Christ is dying, but they were so afraid that they would also die that they ran away. They moved with Jesus Christ, so they would be tied in as criminals, and it was a death sentence possibly.  Either way, they ran away for fear of death. Even though Jesus Christ trained us all this way, we have to overcome the incident of the cross.

The disciples didn’t know, even though they listened to the words so many times and Jesus Christ already told them He would die and resurrect, they didn’t understand.  Why is this the case? “I told you multiple times,” but the person doesn’t remember or know; they don’t hear any of it.  Moment by moment, Jesus Christ is telling His disciples He would have to die and come back to life, but people only want to hear what they want to hear. They cannot even fathom Jesus Christ would go away because they only get something if Jesus is there. If Jesus Christ goes away, they’ll realize their life was for nothing.

So, the meaning of the cross did not properly go into them.  Then in John 19:30, Jesus Christ says it is finished.  Even if the disciples heard these words, they wouldn’t understand what they mean, but they ran away anyway.  Even Simon Peter stays until the very end until Jesus Christ receives the death sentence, and then he runs away, too.  I’m not sure, maybe they gathered when Jesus Christ was dying on the cross at Golgotha, and they maybe heard, but what did He say?  “It is finished.”

Today, we must hear that voice. Today, Jesus’ death on the cross must come to me as my death.  Only once the resurrection becomes my resurrection will I no longer be afraid of the devil of the world.  Once Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection is connected to my death and resurrection, I won’t be afraid of the devil of the world, because this death and resurrection fulfilled everything.  All our sins, our Original Sin and our consequential sins, have been crucified on the cross, and the Lord received all the curses I should have received.

But I’m still alive?  What does it mean for me to be alive?  The inner “me” living as a slave to Satan, is crucified on the cross. The “me” that lived seized by demons, centered on myself, materialism, and success, has been crucified on the cross, and now that Jesus Christ is resurrected, I’ m united with Him in the resurrection.  That means that we’re changed into a resurrected life that lives a completely new life.  Yes, on the last day, we will have a physical resurrection as well; however, through Jesus Christ’s resurrection, we do not live as sinful as we did in the past, but my root itself has changed, my identity has changed.  

It is not the “me” who lived in the past. If a person is shaking, that’s just them on their own; Jesus Christ still lives within them and guides them. You must deliver this correctly to the new believers.  If this isn’t properly relayed to them, then people are bound to shake.  No matter how logically and thoroughly you’re able to explain Jesus Christ, the meaning of Jesus Christ must be deeply rooted in this new believer.  Of course, the new believer is bound to shake, because they’re looking at themselves that is dead, and they look at the field.

Tell them, “The Lord is still guiding you according to His plan.”  Some people have a disease and receive Jesus Christ to become a child of God.  Do not allow them to focus on their disease.  They must be focused on and interested in life; otherwise they cannot overcome their problem and they will be seized by Satan.  Because their Master and Lord is now Jesus Christ, it doesn’t matter if the cancer goes away or not. It is an opportunity for blessing that, through the cancer, I could experience the gospel.

From this point on, make them focus on and be interested in the spiritual gospel, but if the person around them keeps talking about cancer, that person will die.  It’s the same with mental problems.  Some people accept Christ because of their depression or bipolar disorder, so the gospel, “It is all finished,” must be relayed.  Not the words but the meaning. You can’t just go up to someone and say, “It is finished, do you get it?”

Your cancer, your depression, it doesn’t matter.  When that is relayed to them and goes into them, they’re bound to focus on the gospel.  But the people who help them have no assurance, and the cancer just gets worse, but it means the person going to them isn’t certain in the gospel; because you’re not certain in the gospel, you cannot save with the gospel. 

“It is finished,” you must know and relay the true meaning. It is all finished, you have a mental problem, but it’s finished. If you don’t know what that means, you’ll say, “I still have a problem, but it’s not finished,” then the gospel hasn’t come to you so you’re oppressed and cannot tell others.  

In the beginning, you might be able to, but as the problem persists, then you cannot heal anybody.  Because you just leave them alone, you leave them as the state they are in. LEt’s say I myself was enjoying the gospel, then what would happen?  It’s all finished, it doesn’t matter, God has a plan.  Then, we need to hep this person concentrate spiritually.  Everything els in God’s hands.  If we don’t understand this, then instead of making them focus on the gospel, we make them focus on the problem, but we cannot overcome the problem. You must confirm and examine in yourself what kind of There are some people who have a legalistic gospel.  “This person may make mistakes.  We make mistakes because we’re lacking.  If we’re perfect like God, we could exist on our own, then we would never. What wdo I have to do… Do you think I should criticize them … a legalistic person will always try to rip up and change a person’s behaviors, but you don’t have the gospel so you can forgive someone once or twice fo the same mistake, but they run away.

One time, I did ministry with a kid who was a drug addict, to the point where he could see demons. The demon would get to his throat.  The student would leave their house in the evening, he doesn’t he only I guess that’s valid.  I would hope to be driven around later.  But he would be there in the morning.  

I couldn’t concentrate on the message,” so you restrain them enough, until they confess.  “Everyone was angry with each other.  But on top of that, they had to deliver with the Word to him.  Then without realizing it, they would oppress with legalism and he was so sure in recognizing that.  Afflicted people cannot bear a gospel mixed with legalism.

One day, the correct gospel was proclaimed, and they asked to repeat it again. The more affected their demons will be. If someone is being dragged by demons and you tell them why it’s so hard, it won’t get across to them, but because we don’t understand the person’s spiritual state, we should talk about the gospel, and any final thought.

In reality, I was attached to this student to do my ministry but instead I was blessed myself. How could I know my own self? I thought I was understanding and relaying the gospel, but a person enters in the flow.  It’s a mixed gospel.  But people say things you want to hear, and we do this in our everyday life, it’s not that we just have this in our everyday life.  However, if you’re mixing the gospel with legalism or something else, they will know and leave.

When they leave, the minister has to give an excuse for themselves, trying to understand what they do not understand. It is not the complete gospel of life, that’s not and you, It might be a new believer or someone.  It is all finished, so wherever you are, receive God’s guidance as the Holy Spirit. It’s already finished so follow God’s plan. If you race towards fixing things, that’s not saving, then you will exert legalism.  “You should be like that.”

“You do not see our spiritual state, and you only see their actions, so you have no choice but to give them the law.  So, it’s the blind leading the blind.  If you know the gospel, you’ll know the people’s spiritual state.  Otherwise you’re only looking at their actions. There’s no chance for you to give the gospel the Lord gave us the gospel of John 19:30, but because the gospel hasn’t come into me, it can’t be relayed to me.

Why is America suffering? Because they’re relaying something else other than the gospel.  There’s no reason for such a person to be healed but curses and disasters accelerate. That’s why God gave this.  Believers have the sin, but you have to know this and see thai to relay it.  You know the words but you cannot relay it.  You always see the world spiritually, not physically.  God doesn’t seek intellectuals.

In the last message, “Do not try to teach.”  The gospel must be imprinted into us and we can share this with others.  The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ on the cross just have this meeting inside of it.  That’s the only way to save people, the only way for life to come.  Through this, legalism has no power.  But because we don’t have the gospel, that doesn’t mean you should stop speaking, there are people who act very good without the gospel.  As evidence that they don’t have the gospel, this becomes their main state. This means that the gospel is disappearing from the churches.  Then, you don’t realize this is a gathering of confusion.

You must receive the filling of the Holy Spirit every day. You quickly fill your legalistic thoughts with the Holy Spirit to survive day by day.  That’s how the disciples experienced the death and resurrection on the cross, and God gives them a mission from this point on to deliver the gospel to all nations.  How? We don’t even have the knowledge of the world. God says, “I am with you,” this changes a lot.  If someone says, “What about this or that?” It means everything is contained within that.  What about cancer? God takes care of that on His own.  I’ll do this once my mental illness gets better,” that’s how tit bThen you’ll have the evidence of God being with you no matter where you go. Wherever you save people, God will work.  

However, even if you take the Word of God and go askew by a little nuance, it won’t be relayed.  God being with you, that finishes everything, it’s right.  We can say God with you.  But if that’s insufficient, then the gospel is not being proclaimed?  People think like Moses, “I’m not good at speaking. But if I go back to Egypt, everyone knows me, then what must I do? I have to premeditate their muder.”

Everything was finished with that.  If you keep asking it’s okay, but it means you don’t understand.  The Early Church has the evidence: after the resurrection, they didn’t ask any questions but they enjoyed the filling of the Holy Spirit every day.  Within this is everything including the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  What must I do?  I need God and power.  The Christian understands this.  But if you do not understand this, then you do not receive the answer of o”only,” and you’ll fight for space.  This is why you work, it’s not to make a living. We lose hold of all the blessings of heaven, and we will testify of the gospel to the ends of the earth.

You  must understand this to be liberated from your work. It’s rightful to work hard but God’s power must be upon you, why? For the gospel.  Through your job, people need to come to life, and that’s impossible by your strength.  From that point on, they didn’t ask God another question.  They waited for only the filling of the Holy Spirit.  They knew Rome would ultimately be destroyed, the world controlled by Satan would be destroyed, and the Kingdom of God would be established all around the world.

What is your future? Testifying throughout the earth. It’s God’s nations established.  Why do you ask so many questions? You’re imagining  another world, but if you go for the kingdom of God, there’s no questions. God is with you and will work in you. I’m not saying to not ask questions, but all your complicated thoughts are not your answer. The gospel and then your mental state will become similar, but your mind becomes so complicated. Even the way you work, you can’t concentrate on just one thing, you spread yourself everywhere.  

Because they think everything is important, they’re busy with everything, that’s impossible for but when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. Concentrate everything on the one thing of saving people. If you do that, can you not do anything else? That’s the mystery. Everything else follows you. This doesn’t come into you as faith so you’re so busy.  If you keep praying to save lives when you go to work, God’s power comes upon you, so everything becomes so complicated and busy, But if you don’t have that, of course you’ll say it’s hard, it’s difficult, it’s busy, and of course you are, and it will stay that way; you have to stay busy to come to this one thing.  

When do your eyes open? When you’re so busy that you can’t do it anymore, then you will be able to see that one thing.  Up until this point, you can’t hear, that’s a physical thing.  But if you just receive this one thing, God will move everything for that one thing.  God will make everything simple by the power and filling of the Holy Spirit so everything will be organized.   The remnants have to experience this in their studies. For workers, you have to experience this in your field.

If you’re so busy you’re bound to be tested because you have to do so many different things.  Such people won’t want to do it, “I just want to stay on the sidelines.” What are we saying?  Once the church turned into 200 or 250 people, it just changed into doctrine and logic. It is just one message or theology, but the message of the church through that one thing, we come to life, there’s no need to mix up anything else.  If you keep talking about this one thing, then the spirit comes to life.  But people who cannot see this, they keep looking.  Time passes and it will change.  

There’s no need for you to focus so much on cancer, but . I’m sure there are people who are struggling because of the COVID pandemic; I’m sure there are some who are suffering because of Satan; I’m sure some people are struggling being so busy at work. There’s a lot of different things but the answer is one: it is inside the Word of Christ, your spirit must come to life . Everything else, your business, it will get organized.  The cancer will be handled in God’s time schedule.  If He needs, he can cure it immediately or if He wants, he can cure it at a different time, or call them into heaven. That’s in God’s hands.  

For something in God’s hands, we cannot change it. The very fact that we can be with God spiritually through plastic should give us eternal happiness. Why be afraid? If life is in God’s hands, we have to entrust it entirely to Him, but people want the cancer to be healed. Whether I did it long-term or short-term, as long as I live, I will enjoy and testify of this gospel, you must reach this conclusion.  We have to remain within the gospel of Christ but instead, you ask why you’re not getting better, so you won’t have any strength.  

They are spiritually seized, from that point on. The cancer really isn’t the problem; they’re spiritually oppressed and seized.  Quickly change that into the gospel.  It is so important who is the one who delivers God’s message.  If you say, “Let’s just pray about it,” that’s what Buddhists pray.  You have to give them the gospel but instead, “Let’s just pray, that’s what I meant, God will give an answer.” What happens if it doesn get better?  Even if they get better, their spiritual state is we keep focusing on other things so we then it’s finished, now they received the guidance of that, leave the problems alone, the Lord changed. Look to God, if why are you afflicted a lot? Look to God a lot. Are you physically suffering? Look to God.  if you keep looking at why it’s not getting better, then you may leave God.  

We talked about this for a few weeks, and I looked at the prayer topic and someone has cancer.  This is the time schedule for them to hear the gospel, so the people around them shouldn’t say foolish things. Through this problem, God is calling you.  If you just have religion, you’ll say, “Don’t worry about it ,” you don’t care about their business.  Give them the gospel.  Through this opportunity, God wants us to receive the gospel, to become a child of God, and testify of the gospel. 

You have to give them the answer to their problems right now all the way into the future so they will go completely into the spiritual place.  If God calls them, they go. If they don’t go, then they do the ration movement.  But the devil will continue to attack you with a physical disease and will afflict you spiritually. It’s the same for COVID, yes it may be hard, I couldn’t even pray. But I didn’t remain within that state, but God gave the strength to deeply look to God.  Because there’s ministries I had to do, I’ll experience that through prayer.  

God allowed me to experience doing ministry through prayer transcending time and space because I couldn’t meet people by myself. When the grace of God comes deeply into your spirit, you realize God will do all things through prayer, so your prayers go out.  COVID is not a problem, we keep asking whether COVID will get better or not instead of asking for God’s plan.

I’m not saying it doesn’t matter who’s right or wrong, who’s going to be at the top. If you say, “I got COVID because you said this or did that,” that’s useless.  Why did God in His absolute sovereignty give me this?  You would be cancer for your thanks so God just knows me so well and put me into a situation where I had no choice but to go into the gospel.  Only when you know, enjoy, and testify the gospel this way will the other person come to life.  Everything else may sound right, but it’s religion.  

Religion cannot save the spirit.  They may be words that sound correct to people but they cannot save.  Even if they do get momentarily and have no choice but to come because of my spiritual state.  I should have been more careful.  I went there and did ministry with my mask off even though I should have kept it on, and there was a confirmed patient there, and on top of that, I went to the beach instead of taking care of my health, so the necessary result came.  Then, through this, I had this problem, then within this, You have to find what’s absolute to find God’s plan.  It was the greatest blessing. I told this to the pastors.  There was a rumor that spread that I was sick for six weeks.  There were people who called me months later.

Physically it was hard but spiritually it was great. I changed before and after problem.  When you find God’s plan within the absolute sovereignty, it doesn’t matter if you have a problem or not. We have to enjoy this gospel as our very first and then testify about it. You must always have the gospel inside of you otherwise something else is bound to come out.


Let us pray holding onto the Word God gave us today. The gospel God gave us is a gospel of power, a gospel that saves all people.  We shouldn’t have something else mixed into the gospel so let’s pray for me , my church, and my field. Let us pray.  

Draw the 70 regions.  God says He will do it, but it’s not you. God says He will do it, so just draw it.  Think about it.  One region may be your region, or your neighborhood may be one region.  Let us pray for the complete gospel and life movement, may the disciple movement arise.  

Today and tomorrow there is the Children’s Spirituality Camp.  Through this incident, the children will come to life but what’s more important is that the teachers will come to life.  Depending on how many teachers we have to accept the students, God will send children.  Depending on how our system is to save and accept children, God will fill that vessel, so let us pray for the teachers to be raised first, that is where our prayer must be. Through prayer, the children come to life, that’s our mission.  That’s how the next generation comes to life. 

I received a field report about the Karen field.  There are a lot of kids there.  What’s important is that God has prepared people to do the gospel movement.  That has to be connected for the line of the gospel to keep flowing.  Now we have to pray for the children’s spirituality camp and Karen missions. Why? To do the life movement. Let’s pray together. 

This Sunday is Easter and we will have Communion so we have to pray for that.  Especially on Saturday, we have three evangelism schools. I personally train the kids how to have the summit prayer. We also have the business and industry missions message. Saturday is full of trainings.  This is the way God raises people up.  We recently started doing the Way of Salvation and the church officers stopped coming, but keep coming. If you’re at that level, you have to be boldly giving the Way of Salvation. How would you do it in the world if not here? I’m sure the reason they run away is because they can’t do it well, but this is about breaking down the forces of darkness, do it at your level.  Don’t run away because if you do, you’ll keep running away and the devil enjoys that.

Let us pray for the Sunday Easter message, as well as the training messages tomorrow.

Let us pray for Temple Construction and the young adults out of state.

Let’s pray for our missions fields.


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the heads of the people of God who desire to enjoy and testify of the covenant that everything is finished that Jesus promised on the cross, upon the spirituality camp, be with us from now until forevermore always, amen

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