How to Answer God’s Calling (Exodus 3:1-20)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

How to Answer God’s Calling (Exodus 3:1-20)

The Jesus you know and the Jesus the Bible speaks about has to be the same.  

Introduction – Matthew 16:13-20

Jesus Christ, John the Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah, Prophets

Judgment, Mysticism, Experience, Humanitarian, Religion (Law)

Rock, Church, Gates of Hades

Jesus Christ = Lord = Alive

Death – sin – curses

Resurrection – death (Satan)

Life = with

Sin, Death, Satan

Filling of the Holy Spirit, witness, power

1. Calling

2. Realize X (Fail)

1) James 1:3

2) Proverbs 27:1

3) Exodus 3:18-15 circumstances

4) Matthew 4:19

3. Reason

1) Exodus 3:2

2) Psalm 32:8, 48:14, Exodus 3:7

3) Content, Exodus 3:8

Missions and evangelism is testifying Christ.  All blessings are hidden within Christ being within me and Christ flowing out through me.  People who don’t know this just live at a basic level, but Jesus promised to be with you with all authority in heaven and on earth.  “I have to do this, I have to find 70 disciples to save 70 nations,” but it’s not me doing it at all. God is doing it through me, so God will guide me.  I hope these are the remnants and church officers who will arise.

If you don’t, then you’ll just live physically.  Everything they do is physical, the money, discipline, and even education are all physical.  How unfortunate is it if you live your life irrelevant to God’s greatest plan? If you just live the life of an unbeliever, how unfair is that?  It may seem that we’re living a physical life, but we’re actually living a spiritual life.

4) Assurance, Answer

In order for this to take place, we must have assurance, the answer God gives us.  You must have the assurance that God called you; you must have the answer God has given you, and that’s what you must take.  What does the Bible say?

(1) With

God says in Exodus 3:12, “I will be with you,” and that must finish everything. If God says He will be with you but you need something more, then it hasn’t gone into you yet. You don’t know the gospel of being with God. The fact that God is with you means you don’t need your own thoughts, your own plans; we only need God’s thoughts and God’s plans.  We don’t need our own abilities, we need God’s power.  That’s what it means to be “with.”

If we cannot enjoy being “with,” then we’re enslaved by the devil because I cannot overcome the devil with my own strength, I can’t overcome the strategies of Satan with my abilities, I cannot overcome the devil in America.  May you enjoy the freedom in Jesus Christ quickly.

(2) I AM

What does “I AM” mean?  It means He exists on his own, that’s why we call Him the Creator. We cannot exist on our own, the devil deceives you into thinking you can do whatever you want on your own, but that’s why he is the father of lies.  Only God exists on His own.  We are the Creation created to live by the help of the Creator.  People who think they’re perfect are lying.  Perfectionism is a mental illness. Only God is perfect.  But because we’re trying to be perfect, we’re actually challenging God, and if they think they’re perfect, they cannot endure when they  make a mistake. That’s someone who doesn’t need God, why? Because they’re trying to become perfect themselves.  Then we would become “I AM,” like God.  But it’s true, we cannot stop COVID, and if someone curses me, I can’t stand it, then why are you such a perfectionist?  Even if someone criticizes me a little bit, I can’t handle it. Do you want to try starving a week?  The one who exists on his own won’t be bothered.  However, the devil keeps lying and deceiving us, so our pride is too strong.  We are people who always need Jesus.  When we fall over, we just need to stand back up and hold onto Jesus Christ, but instead you lament, “Why am I like this? I’m not always like this,” and you’re seized.  Genesis 3:5, you can become like God.  Your pride is your own standard and when your pride is hurt, you can’t handle it. Do you know why it’s so unbearable?  It’s because you’re saying, “I’m God, how can you do this to God?” It’s a mental problem.  

How can you be perfect? I’m always liable to make a mistake or fall over, why? Because that’s how God made us. We’re made so that whenever God is not with us, we can make a mistake and fall over, but we think we can be perfect.  Do you know when you’re going to die? Do you know when you’re going to get sick? Do you even know what’s going to happen tomorrow?  We don’t know any of that but it’s a mental problem.  When your mind is seized by the devil, you think you’re perfect.  Only God exists on His own.

(3) Remembered from Generation to Generation

In Exodus 3:15, it says, “I am to be remembered from generation to generation.”  

4) Goal

What is the goal for which God has called us?  

(1) Promised Land

There is a goal, the land of Canaan God promised.  The goal is to conquer the land.  It’s not that you go there, flying in on a plane, but you have to conquer that land by fighting with the people there and winning. It looks very difficult, that’s why God says He will fight.  

(2) Blood Sacrifice (Gospel) – world evangelization 

The reason is for world evangelization because Jesus Christ would be born there, and once Jesus Christ is born, the promise will be proclaimed to the entire world.  The people there spent their entire lives conquering Canaan as their promise, holding onto the gospel of the blood sacrifice, then God gives them the strength to do this. Then first you must understand the gospel of Christ and the filling of the Holy Spirit to answer God’s calling. God will be with you in power for the promise of world evangelization.  

What did God promise the workers? Exodus 3:20, 

5) Promise Exodus 3:20

God says He will do it.  God hits us with the coronavirus but we follow him.  God says He will do the work of spiritually conquering the region where we live, God says He will do the work through me.  This is the promise God has given to the committed workers.  

4. Assurance

What’s the assurance a leader must have, that God is with me, God has called me, and that God does this?

1) With

2) Called

3) He Will Do

If you hold onto this assurance firmly, you will be walking with God, step-by-step.  If not, you’ll shake even though God finished everything.  “After I move houses,” then this person will never do it.  God is calling you right now and we answer right now, why? Because God says He will do it. This is the blessing you must first relay to new believers.  May you enjoy this blessing and testify of this to the new believers.


Let us pray together, let us pray for the region. God has called me to save this region.  God is currently calling me to save the 70 regions and 70 disciples.  Am I going to react by saying yes or saying no to this call?  For those who obey and answer yes, God says He will answer them, do the work, and guide them, and you need to make it so that the work you do is going into the work of God.  Let us pray together.

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