Spiritual Power Must Be Revea

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Spiritual Power Must Be Revea

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Everyone knows about money but you have to have money. It’s like knowing about the gospel, but you have to have the gospel. If you have it, then you can use it when you need it. But if you know about money but don’t have it, you can’t use it when you need it.  People know the gospel but don’t have it. 

How do you use the gospel? I’ve died on the cross with Christ. If it is a problem and I’m alive, I will be exhausted trying to solve the problems.  That’s someone who knows the gospel but doesn’t have it.  You must have it, so you hold onto it, not with your brain, but realistically with your heart.  When we face a problem, we can test ourselves to see if we have the gospel or not. When I face a problem, I’m dead on the cross and Christ lives within me.  It’s finished, then we need to have it to be a witness. If you just know it, then you’ll be taken in by your problems. 

Today, Christians know this but they don’t have it.  When people face a problem, as evidence they don’t have it, they grumble when they face problems. John the Baptist didn’t have Christ. He kept criticizing. People keep arguing with others, this is someone who doesn’t know the gospel. They might know of the gospel but it’s incorrect. That’s not a solution.  Are you right or am I right? That’s not the solution; it’s at that time, you talk about Christ.

I’m dead, and Life lives within me, that’s Christ.  If these people don’t understand this, they are most used by the devil.  Jeremiah was a very upright person who gave to the poor and disliked the rich. People who think of Christ like Jeremiah will always see from that perspective, but that individual things they know Christ.  Jesus asked, “Who do people say I am?” They all saw this way.

Elijah, a mystical way. There are good places to pray, but some people are extreme, solving things mystically, then when they face a problem, it’s not the gospel.   They try to solve it by begging, that’s not the gospel. You say it’s the gospel but it’s not. You need to hold onto the gospel to use the gospel.

What’s the standard of all of this?  Me, I’m still alive, but the standard of the gospel is Christ.  A dead person doesn’t have standards.  Jesus Christ is alive and fulfilling God’s plan, and it’s infinitely better than money when you know and enjoy this.  Then, America evangelization is finished.  Satan blocks this, these words sound so correct but I’m like John the Baptist.  Whenever I saw something unjust, I couldn’t sit still, I would go crazy.  I was an unbeliever, so I thought this was the truth of life, but there are believers like this, thinking that’s Christ.

You’re alive, that’s not Christ.  We don’t need such words because Christ is alive.  If we face a problem, we just have to wait without criticizing, because Christ is alive inside of me, so I have to discover God’s plan and blessing. That’s what Joseph, David, and the Early Church was.  No problem on earth is a problem. If you face a problem, you don’t have to run away. You’re weak. “This is right, that’s wrong,” that’s being critical like John the Baptist, or like Jeremiah who divided people among the haves and have-nots, and stands on the side of the have-nots.  That’s not the gospel.  You are beaten up with you look at your superiors, right?  You think someone has to knock some sense into the superiors?

The gospel is that God is alive.  God is alive in this situation where you want to fight against your boss. At this time, confess, “Lord, You are the Christ, the son of the living God. I have died on the cross and Christ lives in me.” Once you have evidence of this, it’s not a method. I’m sorry to tell you this, but methods have nothing to do with your problems.  You have to win against the present problems of America, you have to win against your personal, financial, and environmental problems.  How do you do that? You have to die.

You have died on the cross. I am not living but Christ lives in me. It’s the faith that believes this. It’s faith in the gospel.  Then, every single time you’re in a problem, the Lord gives you the answer through God’s Word.  I am weak, and the Lord within me is strong.  Please, be upon me with the power that overcomes my situation.  The Lord overcomes the situation of America and the whole world. I cannot, then does that mean I should keep falling?  You need to pray in faith that the power of the gospel, the power of the Throne of Heaven is upon me.

Joseph did that, who can we find who is filled with the spirit of God like this man? You don’t have to interpret, you just have to enjoy this power.  When you go out into the field, you have to enjoy the gospel in your field.  Be like Joseph, because God’s power is actually upon you. I hope you will start blessing your fields. David did not kill Saul; he blessed him.  The Early Church blessed Rome, that’s how Rome evangelization took place.  Jacob went and blessed Pharaoh.  We are the source of blessings.  “Through you, all nations on earth will be blessed.”  Pray that God will bless everyone you meet in power. 

If you don’t know this, how can you love your enemy? You can endure people, but you don’t love them, but the reason we’ve been called is to bless, and there’s no one in the field who can bless other than me.  But there are many people who go to church and have spiritual influence.  “Oh, but there’s so many people in the company,” you don’t know if this person is enjoying the gospel or not.  Then among those who enjoy the gospel, bless them. No one can bless them other than you.

Do you really trust that?  You shouldn’t rely on others.  All nations will be blessed through me, I must believe this with faith, otherwise it’s nothing.  You must have and enjoy this, you must have money to use it.  Even if you say, “I know about this much money,” do you have it?  You say, “I know of Biden,” but if he doesn’t know you, you don’t know him.  I have to know Biden and Biden has to know me to have that power with just a single phone call, but if I don’t know him and I call him and he doesn’t recognize me, then that’s it.

I have to know Christ and Christ must know me for the power of Christ to be upon me. If any of you stop at knowledge, may you know and use it, I hope you will use Christ in all your problems, crises, and circumstances. Use the power of the throne and Christ in prayer.  That’s what the Bible tells us, it’s the same, the Spirit of the Lord came upon David in power.  When David prayed to slay Goliath, the evil spirit departed.

Spiritual power must be revealed. You know this mystery and bless, then the darkness flees.  You have to know this, that’s the spiritual mystery.  In your family field and regional field, if you don’t know the spiritual things at all, it’s irrelevant, you just have some Bible.  I hope you will use it and enjoy it every day  during scheduled prayer.  If you see the works of Satan, bind it in the name of Jesus Christ.  I don’t know how much you guys are confirming this.

People in El Salvador send demons to give diseases. We may know this, but some who don’t.  Some people say, “how are you talking about such outlandish things lie evil spirits.” But that’s how people are transitioning.  Steve Jobs didn’t just do research, he wasn’t all of a sudden placed in that position. There’s an incredible strength.

Do you not believe?  There was an assistant pastor Kim Seo Oak who did evangelism camp in this neighborhood.  Ask them, “How did you end up fortune-telling?” I confirmed this in America and I confirmed it’s the same, “They’re Hispanic”? Even if you don’t know Satan, that’s too much.  Satan controls every region and individual.  Maybe it’s because a demon of intelligence has overtaken America, but they even have books.  I went to a Shaman’s house three times, and I couldn’t tell if they were a shaman or a scientist.  They looked so arrogant, and I asked what it was, and she explained Qi in a scientific way.

You look at it and think it’s difference. If you go to Korea, they really act demonic. Some of them may appear lower class.  Doctors and professors would routinely visit this fortune-teller in Korea. “Why do you keep telling me I have problems?  I told you guys there’s a girl who always wanted to light candles.  She doesn’t even know why but she turns off the lights and plays with candles.  When she was 19 years old, she wanted to do it again. She says she doesn’t know why but she lights the candles and prays. 

Later on, the dad said, I used to do that.  So I took Deaconess Oh there as training.  “I can curse your foot and make you into my husband.” That’s why you’re slaves to America, you don’t even enjoy the power of God but you cannot; spiritually you’re dead.  Satan is working. There are individuals in your region, with religious organizations. What are they doing?  Don’t you think they are sending demons? 

We don’t know I the spirit of God is working either. The only think we know is this; we just know Christ and one of these four things, what do I want to say? You need to have this daily.  You have to have the answer that transcends all. Right now I’ve come to America went around to every religion. One actually closed down, and the temple was owned by a relative to a church member. You received that grace.

The Jews gather together and pray. You must know why this must happen, are only Catholics there.  The Hindus gather together to worship in a park, then what will happen?  The work of evil spirits take place in our region, but the  Christians sit around, doing nothing, “Make my kids do better,” but that region is being destroyed.  When the spiritual works take place, the visible works follow. Research your region, what common characteristics do you face?

Santa Monica is filled with New Agers. There was a Buddhist temple with a monk, and I asked, “How many temples like this. I’m interested in their prayers because that’s how.  After that, they advertised healing prayers. The power of the Throne of Heaven is so important, but if you don’t know the field, you can’t carry this out. 

Should I tell you about the regions where you live? There’s a big church on Sixth street, and there are many Hispanic churches. If you go along Wilshire, there’s large buildings.  If you go where Senior Deaconess Jo lives, she’s surrounded by Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists.  Then another cannot come in, but the works of the visible things will take place. 

If Christians don’t know about the spiritual world, they look the Bible physically.  How dare the evil spirit come here? This is my territory so I prayed and the demon left.  So, I bring evil spirits.  But when we talk about the three organizations, there are strange, demon-possessed people all over. Use our religion to conquer them first.  That’s why you need to open up a regional church in your home but you don’t know the reason why because you don’t know what it is.

It’s not a problem, confirm that, and you’re a witness of evangelism.  Why does God give you problems?  Christ. A big problem.  You need to have the answer to overcome all spiritual things in your region.  Everywhere you go, pray with God’s power to bless them. They say there’s no god, even if they say they’re Christian, that’s just on paper.

You already don’t know who you are, and you can go to church like this, but Satan has to flee, because I have to die and Jesus wants to live within me. That’s how the devil will give up and flee.  God’s Temple Construction is impossible by our standards, but it’s appropriate for healing, summit, and 237, and God has given a great blessing.

If you don’t know this, the devil is toying with you. You immigrated here, and all you know is “Your hard work,” if you didn’t know the gospel you have, then because you’re trying to chase after this with your diligence, because God’s blessing and grace must you face. “Work upon me to do power of world evangelization.”  If you don’t want to do world evangelization, pray for the power to save one region. Save one region, like Jeremiah.  No one says, “God’s power, don’t come upon me,” so they are slaves to the devil and economy.   It’s frustrating because they have the greatest blessing but they don’t.

My daughter brought a friend. In elementary school, she brought many kids including Jordania. It’s not because they know anything.  If she doesn’t pray, I don’ t even give her any points. I make her pray seven times on the way there, and I told her how to pray, and the Holy Spirit. When she comes back home, she takes 5 deep breaths.  I said, “Close your eyes and concentrate until your eyes stretch into your professor.”

She brought a friend today and I hope she can continue on zoom. It doesn’t seem like anything, but these arise in the time schedule.  Is she not studying? She does. We think if she’s doing other things, she can’t study. All we’re doing her is plan. Enjoy this blessing for the gospel, really, actually. When? Right now.  Don’t talk about tomorrow; you might die tonight, so enjoy it right now.  Three things, that’s the Triune God.  Christ, Gospel, whenever I face a problem, I die.  The Lord is inside of me, May the power of the Holy Spirit fill me to the extent of the covenant to which I If it’s complicated, I reject it. Finish it with the Triune God. You have to know the field to do this correctly.  We’ll conclude with this.

Don’t do this tomorrow, but right now.

Father God, we thank You for the gospel and the message for evangelism, and in the power of the throne we believe.

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